THE DAILY NEWS. "RIORDAN.. DAWSON 4 CO., .II. v ? ijL ? ? PROPRIETORS. i OFFICE No. 18 EA YNE-STREET. TEBilS-THJB DAILY NEWS, PRICE (payable in all cases IN ADVANCE;, Srx DOLLARS A YEAS ; - Fons DOLLARS ron Srx MONTHS ; Two DOLL ms ANT} A QUARTER FOB THREE MOKXHS. IHE TRIWEEKLY NEWS, PRICE (TN ADVANCE), THREE DOLLARS A YEAR ; Two DOLLARS ros Srx ...MONTHS. NO Subscription received for a less pe* riod. No Paper cont nnlesH the Cash accompanies the order. Ko Paper sent for a longer time than paid for. ADVERTISING RATES--Fifteen cents a hue for the 'first Insertion, and ten cents a Une for each subse ?-psnt insertion. Marriage and Funeral Notices one dollar each. LETTERS should be addressed to THE DAILY NEWS, .No. 18 Hayn e-6 tree t, Charleston, S. C. REJECTED MANUSCRIPTS wul not be returned. NEWS SUMMARY. ITT- ?.. - - - -j? . ; - -0-i -Gold dosed yesterday In New York at 89$. -Co ti on closed less ac ti ve in New York, with sales of 1000 bales at 30c. -In Liverpool cotton closed at 8Jd. for up? lands ; sales 8000 bales. - -To crown Disraeli's troubles, he has been made the subject of some verses by Tupper. --They have a beefsteak packery at Indian ola, Texas, where tender and juicy beefsteaks are canned for market. -A tract of land containing 330 acres, with a mill on it, was sold recently in Rocking ham county, North Carolina, under execution, for$380. -The first grain thal neut down the Alis?is sip pi consigned for sale on original shippers' account to a European market has been sold tin Liverpool. -The association for the prevention of gam? bling, in New York, has reported eighty-nine clerks to their employers as having visited gam? bling houses. -The Intelligencer crows over the result of the Washington City election which, at the worst, isa gain of'over two thousand votes J j since last year. " -France receives from Switzerland nearly 2.000,000 gallons of absynthe annually. In ad? dition to which an enormous quantity made in Paris ft? sold as the veritable Swiss pro? duction. -Prussian novelists are petitioning the au? thorities tb prohibit the emulation in Ger? many of American newspapers, printed in-Ger? man, which republish their stories without au thority. -It ie estimated that over $45,000 per day is spent in the "policy shops" of New York city. The amount of opportunities wasted, and of j 1 disappointment and misery resulting,.is beyond | c estimating. > .---The colored children who have been attend? ing white schools In -New Orleans have been withdrawn. Nine of tho suspected ones proved to be entirely white. All children of known mixed blood wilJ in futuro bo required to attend fi colored schools. fi -General Grant has written a letter to the r xu^^B^sTrenOTTs? af the increase of thirty- p three and one-third per cent, in the pay of ^ army officers. The law which gives this in- , crease now- expires by limitation on the 30th of . June. 8' -Some-strange disclosures have lately been a made in Paris in regard to the confinement of tc a number of persons, believed to be perfectly p sane, in ranatie asylums. The Emperor has y\ taken np the matter, has directed a searohing official inquiry io be made, and intends him- ' self, it ia sadd, to visit Oharenton and some m other mad houses. -The ringa of the planet Saturn aro ap- ^ ~ proaohirtg the period1 of their greatest visible r< s?paration, and will be observed with much m interest by astronomers. At the equator and ^ ; in the parallels of 40 degrees south, the planet j ? will appear to the beat advantage. But it may be observed in this latitude under peculiarly a favorablo circumstances. fi' -The Nashville Union, the organ of the m Tennessee Democracy, urges that the Tenues- tl see delegation to the National Democratic p? Convention be instructed to cast their votes for p, the Hon. George H. Pendleton as a candidate for the next Presidency. The feeling in Ten? nessee is almost unanimous in favor of Mr. ^' Pendleton and of tko payment of the 5.20 bonds a ? in greenbacks. o' -The new submarine cable, to belaid be- " tween Cuba and Key West, it is reported, has ? been ehippsd at London upon the steamer w Narva, and.i3 now on ita way to thia country, l( nndarthe charge of the well-known electri? cian, Sir Charles Bright. The Narva sailed on w Hay 31st, and in the course of a month the second cable will probably be laid across the a northern entrance to the Gulf of Mexico. S -The American newspapers of May 15th c had accounts of th3 attempt upon Prince ? Alfred's life transmitted from Sydney via Pana- a ma to New York. The. London Journals did . not receive their correspondence direct frem Australia until thro days later, so that 1 he im- 1( portant points of the- news were anticipated by h means of the Cable dispatches. It will thus h be sera that the Uuited States is becoming the *< grand contre of intelligence from all parts of 0 the: world. ----Paradise Valley, Northeastern California, *j was on May 7th the scene of a severe action be? tween a party of Indians and fifty men of the Ninth United States Infantry and Eighth li United States Cavalry under Captain Muuson. a The Indians occupied a strong position in the mountains, but were driven from it after four t ' honra' fighting, with a loss of several killed. The troops lost one billed and two wounded. Nearly all of the Indians were armed with rifled. a -In taking command of the camp at Cha- ti lons, the other day, General De Fail ly, address- n ing the superior officers, used these emphatic ? words: "Gentlemen, we have serious work be- 0 fore us. You will not have to occupy your selves with the" ordinary exercises. Your du? ties will have relation to manoo a vres on a grand v scale-those of war, in fact. As war is possi- a ble, it is in reference to thi3 eventuality tba: ? youNrill have to apply your studies." The re- i: port of this speech arrived iu Paria next day, v ont none of the journals ventured to publish it. c -The California Farmer affirms that the ^ Golden State "can beat all the other States, and the worldxin silk culture, aud China and c Japan besides. The bugbear aboi.t cost of * labor is nothing, for our expense in feeding is 1 only one-quarter or one-fifth of any other place i in the world, and we need no material cost or - care for sheltering the worms from storms or s damps. Everything is in our favor, and in less j than five years we will export from this State , to our friends East such manufactured prc ducts as shall astonish them. We can and ne I will succeed in this great enterprise." t -Wonderful stories are toi J in Paris of the 1 corbeille or marriage present which Prince ? Achille Murat is to offer his bethrothed. On . this many distinguished jewellers are now at - work, making jewelry which will surpass in beauty anything of the kind ever seen before. 1 On the 26th of April a commissioner in jewelry 8 submitted to the prince a set for 60,000 franca, f which waa rejected as too common in style and not elegant enough. He was, however, de? lighted with a pair of ear-rings made by a sim? ple workman. These were of wonderful beau? ty, and orentirely new pattern. Their price was 25,000 francs. The corbeille in question will cost altogether a million. -A mild anecdf'te das just been told of the late Mr. Buckle, who by many was considered the finest of English chees players. On one occasion, when he was asked the ground for his refusal to play with an extremely slow play? er, whose tediousness had gained him the cog? nomen of "The Telegraph," Mr. Buckle in his own peculiar sententious manner gave utter? ance to the following reply: "Well, sir, the slowness of genius is?c?fi?cult to bear, but the slowness of mediocrity is intolerable." It said thac from t.o timo when thin speech was reported to : The Telegraph," he was notable forfitfil and hurried play. -A French physician, Dr. Labordette, claims to have discovered a process for restoring life to drowned persons after an immersion of half an hour or more. Indeed, it is said that has proved effe3tual where the patient has been under water as mnch as six hours. Hereto? fore fourteen minutes bas been considered the extreme limit of time during which the vital spark can bc preserved without air, and in most cases five minutes of suffocation is fatal. The process is not fully described in the ac? count given of it in the French papers, but it seems to involve the use of an instrument for opening the windpipe, coupled with kneading and rubbing the body. Further particulars will doubtless be published, should the die co very prove to be of any practical value. CHARLESTON". -0 FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 5, 1868. Tile Era af the Sensational' The artist who succeeds now must use plenty of gamboge and vermillion. He who has neither dazzled the eye, gorged the sen 3U0US appetites, nor intoxicated the imagina Lion, is esteemed now-a-days to have done nothing. Our preachings, our politics, our poems, our novels, our histories even, all iffect the grossness of the barbecue and the oaring charlatanry of the torchlight pro cession. To use a word which has now a peculiar meaning-we are all idolatrous of iie "sensational." The Presidential impeachment, which has tow happily ended, was a tawdry imitation >f that great tragi-comedy, got up by 3CBKE and SHERIDAN. But there was no ncturesquo India lying in the back ground >f the capitol, and no mighty, sombre HAS TNGS at the bar. STANTON took too much vhiskey for an imprisoned, spoliated Begum. SUTLER was too fat for BURKE, and SHERI >AN limped and doated in STEVENS. The dea of impeachment was good, but the ac? es sories and actors were execrable. The Presidential election, which we now repare for, is a new sensation. What dort f man shall we select, at a time when | Latesmanship is most needed; when the nances of (he country are in hopeless con ision; when its most fertile regions are sduced to the condition of Ireland aud ublic is prostrate and its commerce is re nquishing the seas ? Perhaps a man who nows nothing about public affairs. We hall give the chair of WASHINGTON to an utomaton with epaulettes on its shoulders ) a suction pipe jauntily fastened to a per etual oigar. In response to the question: 'hat policy have you to propose to the rantry ? there comes, from tt?is anomaly a luffled sound through wreaths of smoke : I demand an unconditional surrender." 'hat about the taxes ? we ask. And the jply is : "I propose to move on the ene? my's works." And to the earnest inquiry rill you restore order and constitutional berty to our distracted and oppressed nd? the politic Bunshy rejoins: "I will ght it out on this line, if it takes all sum er." This is very encouraging. Was ever ie Delphic oracle more ambiguous or more rofound ? We want peace; instead, a dove, linted with red, blue and white, is let ose over our heads. We want heart Dwer and brain power; instead, we have mocking picture with a bedizened figure [ Liberty pointing at it and saying, Match him"-a sententious way of inform lg the American people that they will do ell to light the General's cigar. We want > be saved from national ruin; and instead, e are treated to a new sensation. How feverish is our literature ! Take way from PHILLIPS, from STEVENS, from UMNER, from BUTLER-in a word, from ongress,-the sensational, and you with raw that element in which they live and tove and have their being. And even so ie sensational affords to EMERSON his phi )Sophy, to MOTLEY his history, to HOLMES is poetry, to HENRY WARD BEECHER and is thousand imitators their sermons. It niches us on every side, like the warmth f this intense June day on which we write lowing and enei vating. So the breath of launa Loa mingles with the sweet airs of [awaii, firing and relaxing the unhappy ?landers hemmed in between the crater nd the sea. Take for an illustration of the spirit of tie time? the last work of Miss EVANS erhapi '? .v,ost gifted female author this ountry has produced. What extravagances re we required to accept as a representa ton of Southern life ? lier heroine, an ig orant country girl, is introduced chaunt ag a verse from Habakkuk under thc sbad ws of Lookout Mountain. The authoress annot describe a fine Southern mansion rithout filling it with all the curiosities of British Museum and the splendors of larout: Al Raschid's palace. If her hero 3 jilted by a worthless woman, he declares rar on tho human race; if he travels, he ircumnavigate3 the world; if he sins, he laB a devil; if he reforms, he preaches; his lonfessions are a chapter from thc Newgate Calendar, and his tenderness is drivel. If 1er heroine is conscientious, she is insult ng; if she loves, she is a cold statue envel iped in flames; if she is talented, she writes ill night and every night, studies Greek, jatin, Hebrew, the Talmud and the Veda?, Zoroaster and Confucius, all the philoec >hers and all the poets;-converse with her, md unless you have an encyclopedia at land, you are lost. The very prodigality ?f genius in the work makes ono the more mpatient of the stilted phrase, the far etched figure, the pedantry, the strain, the ax upon credulity, the untruth to nature nd to life, that constitute the story of St limo. The creative power that made this guttering, dying meteor, might have s et an effulgent star in our Southern heavens, j' We are weary of all this. The " taste is oloyed- with ptrpetual spicery. There is just reason to complain that the condiments we now feed upon have no substance in them; they feed an appetite which multi? plies its demands and dissatisfactions con? tinually. A healthy character lives upon the real, not the sensational. Truth in art and science, in literature and politics, in ethics and theology, will make us a better and a wiser people. But from a thief in ermine, and a cigar sceptre, and the He? brew quotations of a lovely blue stocking, and the oaths or the sermons of a scarred and captivating rou?, and such like para? doxes, we earnestly beg to be delivered. Refreshing. Perhaps the most notable instance of Rad? ical indecency, yet exhibited in connection with the impeachment, is to be found in the "Law Register and Official Directory of the United States," lately issued by the Mer? chants' Union Law Company of New York. Among other commendatory notices, it coolly and conspicuously displays one from "His Excellency,-. J?t?JAMiN F. WADE, of Jefferson, Ohio, PRESIDENT or THE.-UNITED STATES." And Jest-this stroke ofrprephetic enterprise should fail to be generally!ttmier-: stood, a certificate is likewise appended from plain "ANDREW JOHNSON, of Greenville,; Tennessee, LATE President of tttgJ?OTgS Stales." Truly, we live in a fast age:.r " V; FORNEY does not deny that he deliberately altered the dispatch from the Savannah Re? publican to the 'Washington Chronicle, so as to convey an idea exactly opposite to that which its language expressed. He makes a personal attack upon the Republican, and says he shall take no further notice of the affair. YALLANDIGHAM says that the strength of the Democracy in the Presidential canvass lies in the fact that the country wants a statesman, rather than a soldier, for Presi? dent. Assaults upon GRANT are weak and foolish, and the Democracy have no chance if they run a soldier against him. Wants. TO PRINTERS.-WANTED, TWO OR three COMPOSITORS. Auply to No. 3 Broad itreet JOSEPH WALKER. S9~Steady situation for a goad competent hind. Juue 5 1 WANTED, FIFTY i50) H A ADS, WETHE or Colored. Apply ia GROCERY, southwest :omer of Line and St. Philip streets, Charleston, 8. 3. 1* June 5 WANTED. A WET KURSK, A WHITE WOMAN. One without a child preferred. To me who can give good recommendations, a pleasant md permanent home secured. Apply at No. 140 VEN I WOKTH-STREE I'. 2* June 6 VfURSE WANTED.-W ANTED AW Ll experienced nurse to mind au infant. Apply ,t No. 301 EAST BAY, opposite Vernon-street. June 1 3 ITTANTED, A WET NURSE-ONE WITH TT OUT a child preferred. Inquire CORNER )F SMITH AND CALHOUN STREETS. June 4 2 ll .lill, JL VSmUAI^Tir ATfTEVn VT Ute house and do the ironing of a family, me who has no children, and whose capacity and haractor ie recommenced, can obtain a comfortable nd permanent situation. None other need apply, .nply at THIS OFFICE. June 4 4 RESPECTABLE WHITE FEMALE (\_ wishes a situation as CHILD'S NURSE, with family going .North. Tbe be-t re'erence given if equlrcd. AJdress "M. X ," office of THE DAILY IEWS. June 3 [YWTfcTJ. A FLACK AS GARDENER. VT An ex-member of Hagood's Brigade, C. S. A., rho lost an arm in the war, and who is sow rn re? nted circumstances, ls anxious to get employment s G AB DE.NEB, and to take charge ol lots at Mag? ollo. He is willing to work and can sive the best istlmonlals as to experience, efficiency and fldclity. ddress J. H. THOMAS, DATLrNrws Office. Moy 13 [XrANTED BY A YOUNG LADY, A SITD YV ATTON AS TEACHER in a private family. Tould prefer to go into the country. Best of refer nces irivep if required. Address "J. E. B.,"Charle; an Postoffice. April 27 ITT ANTED, EMPLOYMENT AS A TT WATCHMAN, or in any other capacity in ,-hich he can earn a livelihood, by a one-armed oldier, who is in di?tress tor want or work. Ad ress -J. S.," Office ol the DAILY NEWS. April 21 ?.TTANTED, SUBSCRIBERS FOR ALL VV THE LEADING MAGAZINES AND NEW; .APERS. at publishers rates. CHARLES C. RIGHI ER, April 21 No. 161 King-street. [TTANTED. AGENTS EVERYWHERE. TT to sell cur PATENT EVERLASTING METAL ,IC CLOTH t's LINE-J. Write for circulars to the MER1CAN W1RL COMPANY, No. 1?2 Broadway, few York. Gmo; April 20 WTARTED. - A LADY UP REFINE? MENT and education d' sires a situation os rUVERNESS. Eelereuces uuexceptinnaL Forlurther lformation, address Box 237, Postoffice, Ricbmoud, irginia. April 10 [Tr ANTED, EVERYBODY TO SUB T T SCRIBE to the CIR'FLATING LIBRARY_ HARLES C. RIGHTER'* Select Library of New ooks coutaius all of the latest publications. April 21 No. IUI KING-STREET. ?0 tat. RO REXT. FIVE ROOMS. WITH G?S and use of Cistern aud ?ara? yard, for twenty olia rs per month, in a Hou*e lately rep.ured. situa fd in a healthy and pleasant neighborhood, occu led only by a geutleniau znd wife. AdJre-is "M. K. .," P. ()., Charleston. .Tune 1 rO RENT, PA RT OF THE RESIDENCE No. 1> itutledge-street, with kitchen room- also, desired. Juno 3 Iyo REM, PART OF A HOUSE IV A . central part of the city, with usc 0! Kitchen and Uteru. The Lit i> large, aud open to the s nth nud es:. Apply at THIS OFFICE. 3 June 3 rO It EXT.?-PART OF A HOUSE, KITCBEN. Ac, uear the Battery, partly fur islied if needed. Apply at No. il MEEiTXii ?ltEET. between icu and two o'clock. February IO tilth rU BE\T, STORE No. i3 IIAYXE STEEET. wiihFixtures. The Store runs through a .Market-street, lieut low. Apply at .So. lo HAYXE T li LEI. Muy 2 Sot c?ale. FOR SALE, A WAGON AXD LICENSE AND HARNEY. Apply a: Xo. 1 FIXIX TREEi". 2* Juue5 i T PRIVATE SALE. HlUSti AND SIX A. ACHES OF LAND on auUivau'? Island. A tv-o-s;orv Wooden H>>use. containingrom*square loom* and Garrets, stable and L'o-ich House, Hog nd Poultry House, Ac, with about s:x ni) acres ol and, ?uor-.- or le*?, with growing crop* o? Sweet and rish hitao.-s, Farming Utensil', two carts, ihre loatf, three Heilem, ouc Mare, one Foal au I young "illy, one blood sow and eight young Hoes. Anp;v 0 Mr. BESOT DONOHOE, sullivan'.- Inland. June 3 v.*:ni3* ?ODA WATER APPARATLS FOR J SALE.-Marble Slab, two Fountiin?. Cooler. Ac, omplete, tor sale. Ai'ply a: No. bi EasT BAY. April 13 Ul wt* rO PUBLISHER*. AND JUURNALI-SXS. A large nmouut ot' TYPr. and JOB MATERIAL or sale, iu lots to suit purchasers. Term.- rea*"u bfc-;. and cash. Also, a hue HAXD PHEf the Court, made this day in this matter, j ou, and ?ch of you, are hereby required, on or before the ?5th instant, to show case, ii any of you can, before 8. B. CARPENTER, RegUtrar, why the the prayer >f iald petition he xmr granted!*-;. By order of the District ' Court of the United states for South Carolina, this'llh June, 1803. DANIEL HORLBE K, June 5_ftuf3_Clerk District Oourt. [N THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DI>TRICT OF IOUTH CABOLTNA.-IN THE MATTER OF HOM i BROTHER, BANKRUPTS-IN BANKBUPI CY. To all whom it may concern : The undersigned hereby [ives notice of his appointment os Assignee of HUNT fe BROTHER, io the District of Charleston and ?tate of South Carolina, within said District, who ?ave been adjudged Bankrupts, upon their own pe ltlon. by the District Court of said District. Dated tho 22d day ot May, A. D. 1868. WM. H. MAULBTN, May 22 f3 Assignee. Cajmrtnersljij) flatter. D~n7 DCSAUSS?R? HAVING TAKEN his son, rr. H. W. DESAUSSURE, Jr., into ilirrlnnBi. -i.i. blum, ?lie bu?lnMa will be CQHflwt*J a the name of Dr. DESAUSSURE A SON. Office nd residence, No, 191 Meeting-street. Juno 1 mf2 Dissolution of (Eoparincrsijip. ?j5 T IC E^THE ~FIH1?~ IIKRETO Li FORE exiting nuder the nome of J. fe D. rOETJEN, was dissolved on the 1st instant, by mu? ral consent. Mr. D. GOETJEN" ls alone authorized ) wind up the old business. AU persons indebted > the concern will please moke payment to, and all ersons having claims against the said concern wll 1 resent them to D. GOE1 JEN. J. GOETJEN. June 2,1803. D. GOETJEN. ITR. D. GOETJEN WILL CONTINUE JJ. the Grocery Bu-iuess at the old stand, south -st comer King-street aud Horlbeck'a Alley. June 3 wfm3 DISSOLUTION -THE COPARTNER? SHIP hitherto existing between the under? line;, under thc namo of SHEPHERD A COHEN, ras dissolved on the 30th May ult, by common con ent. Mr. COHEN assumes all the liabilities of the firm, nd he alone will use thc name 'a the settlement of :s affairs. WM. SHEPHERD. McDUFF. OOHEN. RHF. UNDERSIGNED HAVING THIS day purchased tho interest of Mr. Wm. Shep erd, will continue the business at the old stand No. 97 King-street, where he mil be pleased to see his -lends and those of the much esteemed Wm. Shep erd McDUFF. COHEN. June I mwta MONEY W. HOPKINS THIS DAY RE J TIRES from the firm of HOPKINS, McPHER ON A CO. (Signed) EDWIN A. HOPKINS. (Signed) DAVID McPHEltSOV iSignedi SIDNEY W. HOPKINS. Charleston, S. C.. May 26, IS?8. Into Mav 27 Et licmoD?ls. E 31 6 VA L . J. ALFRED CAY. IXS UT. AXCE A 9 EXT. HAS REMOVED TO G. FOLLIN'S TOBACCO .leoey, No. 151 EAST B\Y. Office hours lo A. M. to 12.M. daily. Juue 1 IUW?3 gants, ?1)0(5, Otr. ?00CASES BOOTS AND SHOES. FUST RECEIVED FROM THE MANUFACTORIES 509 ca-:cs BOOTS and .-HOI'S, whlVb will he Did at the lowest marlie; prices. D. F. ITEMING A CO. June 3 wttt3 ? O O T AND Sj HOE HOUSE, Ko. 133 KLXG-bTEEET, THIRD DOOR FROM CALHOUN-3TREET, (WM. GIVEN'S OLD STAND). TUE UNDERSIGNED TAKE IUI- METHOD OF aformiog their pattons and the public Bjeuerally, tat they have just opened at lileah ve place a large nd well selected stock 0: BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, TRUNKS, Ste., rh?fh will be ?old at very low prices :or cash, our rell kuowu mo:to being QUICK SALT7* AND SMALL PROFITS. t\7rX- B.-Mr. JAMES MURTLAND is our priuci ial salesman, and will be pleased w ?ce ni* monda Irdersfrom the country ?111 meet willi prompt at cn lion. FUECHCOII & ERO., No. 153 KING-STREET, THIRD DOOR FROM CALHOUN. May 23 stuthlmo $?Ws aiiu gantas. Q.OVERN.11EXT HARNESS. ,'NTTED STATES GOVERNMEN T HARN ESS AND SADDLES, little used, at one-quarter their cost wo MCCLELLAN .SADDLES 1000 sets HARNESS. For sale bv JOHN COMMIES. }o. 131 Meeting-street, May 3 ii Nearly opposite Market-street. nj. H . SASS, ATTORXEY AT LAW, AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY. SS* Office No. 15 BROAD-STREET, over the Peo le's National Bank. May 8 CELEBRATION OF THE BAPTIST SAB? BATH 8CH00LS. THE CELEBRATION OF THE BAPTIST SAB? BATH SCHOOLS will fake place Tau Afternoon, at half-past Four o'clock, at the Second Presbyterian Church rDr.Smyth's). Parents, Teachers and Chil dren will please be pnnctuaL 1_June 5 T HANDED CIRCUS, LOOK OUT FOB MARTINHO LUANDE, The Champion South American BARE-BACK RIDER. ALEXANDER LUANDE.Director SATURDAY NIGHT, JUNE 6, 1868. POSITIVELY THE LAST. BENEFIT OF MARTINHO LUANDE, The Champion South American Bare-back Bider. GRAND GALA NIGHT. SS" Greatest Bill of the Season. Entire Change of Programme. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Commence at 8 o'clock. Price of Admission-Dress Circle, 75 cents; Pit 50 cents; Colored Folks, 50 cents; Children under eight years, 25 cents. 2 June 5 S ?HtsceUaueoua. O UT H ?TA^ 0~LTF?A~ ADVERTISING ALMANAC, FOB 1869, WILL BE PUBLISHED THIS YEAR BY THE FIRST SEPTEMBER NEXT, by JOSEPH WALKER, No. 3 Broad-street. Tho Almanac will also be calculated for the States of Georgia, Florida and Alabama. Prospectus will be issued shortly, and Advertisements solicited. Fifteen thousand to twenty thousand copies to be issued. 1 June 5 N OTICE TO FARMERS. WILLIAM HUNT HAS RESUMED HIS OLD BU? SINESS at No. 4i? Mar.tet-street, north side, where be is prepared to recei re and forward all kinds of VEGETABLES and FRUITS on consignment. Lib? eral advances will be made if desired. Consignments lor (he New York, Philadelphia, Bal'lmoreand Wash? ington Markets will moot with prompt attention. From his long experience lu this business ho feels confident of affording satisfaction to his customers. For those preferring to s?U their* products here tho ttighest market prices will bo obtained. Vegetables ind all kinds of country produce will be retailed it wholesale prices. Imo May 14 C HARLESTON STEAM SAW MILL, WEST END OF BEA UFAIN-STREET. THE SUBSCRIBER Saving rebuilt his STEAM SAW MILL, is now pre? pared to execute all orders for SHIPPING and CI1Y rRADE with dispatch. JOHN H. STEIN ME Y ER, May C West end of Beaufain-strect. HE UER' S FASHIONABLE BARBER'S SALOON, IS AT No. 93 MARKET-STREET, South Bide, between King and Meeting streets. Mr. HEUER is s German Barber, bas been thor mghly trained to his business, aud is prepared to lervc his friends ana the public generally lu the sevc ol branches of his art, viz: SHAVING HAIR-DRESSING SHAMPOOING HAIR DYING Ac, Ar January 11 DON'T FAIL-TO TRY" THE CELEBRA? TED SOUTHERN TONIC, PANEMN'S HE? PATIC BITTERS, an uniaibng remedy for all Dis? tes ol the Digestive Orgaus and the Liver. For ale by all Druggists. DON'T FAIL TO TRY* THE CELEBRA? TED SOUTHERN TONIC, PANKSIN'S HE? PATIC BITTERS, au unfailing remedy for all Dis ?ases of the Digestive Orgaus and the Liver. For ?le by all Druggists. DON'T FAIL TO TRY* THE CELEBRA? TED SOUTHERN TONIC, PAN KN IN'S HE? PATIC BITTERS, au unfailing remedy for all Dis? uses of thp Digestive Orgaus aud the Liver. For ale by all Druggist.-?. DON'T FAIL TO TRY" THE CELEBRA? TED SOUTHERN TONIC, PANKNIN'S HE? PATIC BITTERS, au uufailiug remedy for all Dis .ase* of the Digestive Organs and the Liver. For ale by all Druggist!). DON'T FAIL TO TRY* THE CELEBRA? TED SOUTHERN TONIC, PANKNIN'S HE? PATIC BITTERS, on unfailing remedy for all Di; lases ol foe Digestive Oiguus and the Liver. For ale by nil Druggists. DON'T FA IL TO TRY* THE CE LEBRA? TE D SOUTHERN IONIC, PANKNIN'S HE "ATIC BITTERS, nu nnttaiUng remedy for all Dis* ?ases ot the Digestive Organs aud the Liver. For ale by all Druggists. DON'T FAIL TO TR Y THE CELEBRA? TE SOUTHERN TONIC, PANKNIN'S IIE "ATIC BITTERS, au unfailing remedy for all Dla .ases of thc Digestive Orgaus and the Liver. For ?ale by all Druggist*. PO.VT FAIL TO TRY THE CELEBRA? TED SOUTHERN TONIC, PANKNIN'S HE? PATIC BITTERS, au uniailiug remedy for all Di .asc? of the Digestive Organ.? aud the Liver. For sal? by all Dntggi-ts DON'T FAIL TO TRY THE CELEBRA? TED SOUTHERN TOMC, PANKNIN'S HE? PATIC BITTERS, au unlailing remedy for oil Dis .a-is ol tho Digestive Organs and the Liver. Tor ale by all Druggists. DON'T FA UL TO TRY THE CELEBRA? TED SOUTHERN TONIC, PANKNIN'S HE? PATIC BITTERS, au unfailing remedy for all Dis? use* ot the Digestive Organs and the Liver. For :;tlc by all Drnegists. DOJN'T FAIL TO TRY' THE CELEBRA TED SOUTHERN TONIC, PANKNIN'S HE? PATIC BITTERS, an uuiuiliug remedy for all Dis? r;i?e? of tho Digestive Orgaus aud the Liver. For ?ale by all Drusuistp. Ivr November 27 lUatcr?nfj piares. Q.RKENBRIER WHITE SULPHUR SPRING?, GREENERIES COUNTY, IF. VA. The undersigned, lessees of this old and well known WATERING PLACE, announce that lencouraged by tho liberal natrouatrc received last season) the have largely added to their accommodations iu comfort aud in appearance, and are prepared to entertain FIFTEEN HUNDRED GUESTS. The Bathing accommodations are in flue order; Bot aud "rt'.iriu Sulphur Baths, so emiueuily effica? cious in many cases, are at the command of visitors lt all hours. lu addition to other amusements, they have pro rid' tl a new nnd elegant BOWLING ALLEY and BILLIARD ROOM, conveniently located. Professor ROSENBERG ER'S celebrated FULL UR AbS BAND bas been engaged for the season. A good Livery Stable will t'u kept on the premises. The completion of the Virginia Central Railroad to irvington leaves only twenty iuilns of staging, through a beautiful mountain country, over a well rraded turnpike. Tenus: Three dollars per day, and eighty dollars per month. Chi'dreu under ten year? ol' age and .olored servants hah price. White servants nccord .ug to accommodations. PEYTON & CO. May 9 Imo ^tnnsemcnts. -... . OF . "SIXTY-EIGHT." Thc Day? of Roman Chivalry Eclipsed ! LIONS CONQUERED BY A. WOMAN I BOYAL BENGAL HGEBS SUBDUED I THE MONSTERS LOOSE IN THE STREETS OF CHARLESTON! MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY JUNE 8, 9 AND 10. COL. C. T. AMES' NEW ORLEANS MENAGERIE, CIRCUS AND TROPICAL AVIARY ! A Triple Confederation almost illimitable in Its resources, and more gorgeous and elegantly equip ped than any kindred exhibition extant. The corp! active numbers THIBTY-SEVEN AC COMPLISHED ARTISTS, malo and female repre sentatlves of the more elegant, graceful and pleasing Olympian Sports, including Equestrianism, Gym? nastics, Fantomimics, Acrobatics, Acoristatlcs and Athletics. Among the most distinguished ol thc Troupe are : M'LLE ESTELLE ZOYORRA, VICTORIA DE LE?, MADAME ELIZABETH, Mr. THOMAS WATSON, Mr. W. NAILER, Mr. LEWIS CARR, Mr. HORACE SMITH, Signor TIBBS, Mr. E. WINNE, The CASTILIAN BROTHERS, Mr. F. GOODING, Mr. E. BANKER, Master FRANK, Master GEORGE, and tbe TWO INTENSELY HUMOROUS CLOWNS, BOB SMITH and JOHNNY LAWTON. THE ZOOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT Is of Immens; Magnitude, ind embraces Hundreds of Wild Beasts! OF ALMOST EVERY SPECIES AND GEOGRAPHI? CAL RANGE, from tlio Elephant of the buming Desert of Africa to the White Bear of the Arctic Seas, or the Bifon ot' our own Western Wilds. To this is added AN UNUSUALLY LARGE AVIARY! Of most Beautiful aud Brilliant BIRDS and FOWLS. MONKEY'S. APES AM) BABOONS, lu countless numbers aud 07 every tribe. A BAND OF MUSICIANS That acknowledge UD superiors iu thc rendition of true harmony. Performing Horses, Trick Ponier, Educated Mules, Acting Monkeys, Sngnclous Dogs, ?>?c. The only Lion Luchautre-a iu the World, thc Beau thu] and Fairy-like Signorita ELLA EUGENIE, And the Distinguished Naturalist and Accom? plished TIGER SLAYER, Herr ELIJAH LEN GEL, Accjmpauy tais Colossal Combination, aud at each exhibition dl-play their miraculous power end in? domitable courage by entering the deus ot thc TIGERS, LIONS, PANTHER.-) and LEOPARDS. ; For List of Animals, and general particulars, see Pictorial P sters, Dcseriptive Bill?, Bulletin?, fcc] THE GRAND PROCESSION On the morning of the dav of exhibition ? ill be un? usually gorg ous ami grand. Tn it will bc b-iruc two Triumphal Cars; on the top of oue will bc EUGENIE SURROUNDED BY LIONS! ou the other, seated side by side, LENGEL AND A ROYAL TIGER! the oulyone oi Iiis species :hat ever permitted himself to yield to the will of mau. BEAR IT IN* MIND that this is strictly a Southern Enterprise, aud tb Proprioio.- sud Managers pledge themselves that the disrei-utablo, or at least ques? tionable style ol advertising attractions they do not present, shall in no instance be resorted to by them, but that every promise made to the public shall be kept to the letter. tO* A Free Exhibition of the Zoological De part i out will be ','iveu to the Orphan Asylum and indigent childien ou the morning of WEDNESDAY, 10th, at hali-pa-st Ten o'clock, to which they a?e cor dially invited. DOC. CHAMBERS, May 2G ll Business Manager. ?raffries atib ?Hisrcll antons. CIOTJS PISH. A T LOPEZ. 4: LESLIE'S WILL BE FOUND A iL DELICIOUS FI9rI, being the second best raughWn'onr waters. COBBEO STEAKS can" be had by applying, early thia morning, at STALLS Noa. H and 20, FISH MAR? KET._ 1? _Jone 5 J SHINGLES. 100 OOO PFIM5 bTP*E8S SHINGI'r? ' 8Hi SELFOED k KELLY, Jane 5 1 No. 1 Boyce's Wharf. PEAS I PEAS ! PEAS ! COW IVAS! O fi A BAGS COW PEAS FOR SALE LOW AT ? V\J No. 68 East Bay. Jane 4_3_ C. N. AVERILL. DEMIJOHNS, SAAA DEMIJOHNS, OF ALL SIZES U\J\J\J 100 hampers Claret Wise Bottles. For sale low by CLACIUS A WITTE. April 21_ 3mos CHLORIDE O? LISE. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. THE BEST DISINFECTANT. FOB SALE BE E. H. KELLERS A CO., Druggists, March 23_No. 131 Meeting-street. MARBLE MANTELS, MONU MENTS, HEADSTONES. ?Sc. -y 1 FINE SELECTION OF MARBLE MANTELS S J\_ constantly on hand at S. KLABER'S Ware room, No. 54 First avenue, near Third-street, New ?ork. Call and examine before buying elsewhere. February 3_ Omo TO FARMERS AND SHIPPERS OP VEGETABLES AND FS??IT. H. W. KINSMAN, ? 8TJC0ESS0B TO KINSMAN A HOWELL, WILL AI TEND TO THE SALE AND SHIPMENT to New y ork, Baltimore, Boston and Phlla ?elphia of early VEGETABLES AND FRUIT. Tn.'mers wishing to have the products ef their [arms sold here, or shipped to Northern markets, can io to by calling at his office, No. 153 EAST BAT. May 26 tuthslmo COUNTRY MERCHANTS, i?im F?RBERS AKD AIRERS CONSIGN TOUR aSHES, BEESWAX, BEANS, BUTTER, CHEBSE, EGGS, FLOUR AND MEAL, FLAX, COTTON, FURS AND SKINS, DRIED AND GREEN FRUITS, GRAIN, WOOL, GAME, POULTRY, ?AVAL STORES, HOPS, A. GINSENG, FEATHERS, HEMP, PR5YISI0NS,4 OILS, LARD, TALLOW, TOBACCO, SEEDS, SORGHUM, MOLASSES, &c, k * 10 JOSIAH CARPENTER, SEN E RAL COMMISSION MERCHANT s'o. 4-12, 414 and 446 WASHINGTON-STREET, New York City, Ind receive bis weekly PRICE CURRENT of Pro? luce aud Groceries, the most complete Price Cur? ent published iu the United States. SEND FOR A PRICE CURRENT. Marking Plates and Cards Furnished Free. LIBERAL ADVANCES MADE ON CONSIGNMENTS. Established May 1st, 1860. TEST CLASS REFERENCES GIVEN WHEN REQUIRED. March 4 c lyr Jee Cream. CE CREAM. THE UNDERSIGNED INFORMS HIS FORMER ustomers and the public iu general, that he has re unied his Business for thc season at the old stand, \o. 85 CALHOUN-STREfcT, where he will be happy 3 sec all his former patrons. N B.-Carts will run as usual to all parts of the Itv, and no cream sold as mine will be genuine un :ss obtained from carts bearing the name of Henry .arconib. ICE al-o for sale at all hours at No. 85 alhouu-street. HE S RV LARCOMB, May 5 IMO pels. pill MAIS SION HOUSE, WASHINGTON,"^). C. THE UNDERSIGNED HAS OPENED THE ABOVE ouse, where day, monthly ani transient boarders ill receive the greatest attention. Thc tabb: will be tumished with the best the mar? et affords. situa'ion central, rooms large and well furnished, ad terms moderate. Southerners are invited to give thc Mausiou House tria:. MADAME T. M. RUT J ES, (Formerly of Charleston; S. C.) Mausiou House, No. 23 Four aud a hall-street, May 30 luio Washington, D. C. >^EW YORK HOTEL, No. 721 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY. >. M. II1LDRET1I & CO., Proprietors. THIS LONG ESTABLI>HED FIRST-CLASS [OTEL, as popularly known iu former times uder the uiaua??'-flit o: J. B. MO.VNOT, Esq., aud recently uuJcr that of HIRAM CRANSTON A j., now nuder the proprietorship of iiessrs. D. T. HILDRETH A T. B. ROCKWAY, uner the timi of >. M. UILDRLTH A CO. The senior )>artuer from Lis long experience as a lopricto? of the Veranda, St. Louts and St. Charles [...?tels of New Orleans, flatters himself that lie can =sure his friends and 'he public generally, that its winer world-wide reputation as a popular urst-class lotel, shall be fully sustained under i!s present lauai'ci-iuut. lyr* February iv 1 M ERIC A K HOUSE, BOSTON, MASS. T'.IE VERY EMPORTANT AND EXTENSIVE uprovements which have recently been made iu lis popular Hotel, the largest in New Euglaud, en ble i he Proprietors to offer to Tourists, Families ud thc Travelling Public a tommed itious aud cou onieuces superior to any other Hotel in the eily, taring thc past summer additions have been made t mimerons suites of apartments, with bathing jouis, water closets, A-C, attached; oue of Tufts' tagnidceut passenger elevators, the best ever con tructed, conveys guests to the upper story of the ou-e iu one u.iuute; thc cutties have beeu newly lid richly ci rpeted, and ihc eutire house thoroughly ;;>leuisbed and rcfumi.-bed, making it, iu ah its anointments, equal to any Hotel iu the country. Telegraph Olll/e, Billiard Halls and Cate on the r-t floor. LEWIS RICE i SON, May i_ unvMiuos_Propiietots. IT ADAMS 6IOIERE) CALDER HOUSE. CORNER OF CHURCH AND QUEEN STREETS. CHiBLESION, 8. C. Transient Hoard $3 50 per Day. April O'J_ ?N IL.MOR HOUSE, MONUMENT SQUARE, BALTIMORE, MARYLAND, KIRKLAND & CO., Proprietors. April 27_ lyr SPOTTSWOOD HOTEL., MILLWARD BROTHERS, PHOPBEETOBS, RICHMOND, YA. Aprils_ VI L L I A 11 IRWIN, PBOPBEETOB OF THE PALMETTO HOUSE, SPARTANBURG, 5. C. December