The Charleston daily news. (Charleston, S.C.) 1865-1873, May 29, 1868, Image 2

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THE DAILY NEWS. RIORDAN, DAWSON & CO., PROPEIETORS. ~OFFICE No. 18 HAYXE-STBEET. TE3MS-THJ DAILY NEWS, PRICE (payable In all ca ?as IN ADVANCE), Sn DOLLABS a TEAS ; Four. DOXXAM-VOB SIX MOSTHS ; TWO DOLtAES AKD A QtJASTKR TOB TSBEE MONTHS. THE TRI-TVEEKXY NEWS, PRICE (ES ADVANCE), THESE DOLLARS A TEAS ; Two DOLLARS ron Six Voaxm No Subscription received for a less pe ... r?i' No Paper scntunless tho Cash accompanies the order. No Paper sent far a longer time than paid for. ? ADVERTISING 'RATES-Fifteen cents a hue for the flat Insertion, uid ten cents a line for each subse q?3tit Insertion. Marriage and Funeral Notices one dollkr cAch. LETTERS sLcrald bc addressed to THS DAILT NEWS, No. 18 Hayrio-atreet, Charleston, S. C. BEXEOTED MANUSCRIPTS will not be returned, NJO WS SUMM -A. R Y . V - ?? . 0 '....*".: ; . "... ; . '-.- " -Gold closed in. New York yesterday at 39}. -Cotton, in New York ve?texdav, advanced - ose cont, wit?^aiss ol 2900 ?alee-at 31 eta. for -.upland* j -Lu Liverpool cotton closed'?rmer and higher, at Hid* for'uplands. . -Tho election, in Missisaippi is to begin. Jone Sad, ?nd continue until completed. -The Sch?tzenfest at Vienna ia expected to make a-ray with 190,000 bottles of wine. %. -Burlingame took his Chinese to see the Waite Fawn on Saturday evening. -General Stone, who waa confined 30 long daring the war, runs a colliery n?ar Richmond, Virginia? . . . -Trident Johnson ha* had occasion to ad? minister;BO many;; vetoes- to-this Radical Con? gre^ they may yveUc^ No-no. -The yacht Henrie tia, in winch young Ben- ' nett won the ocean race;' has been sold to a San FraiciBcanJor-^O^ * -Forney says that Claas 0 a'd vis cd some of his colored friends not to hold prayer meetings in favoi.. of im pe 10b me nt, and proceeds to abuse lum therefor. -Thc prac?oo lately adopted by-business va?ot1(?yrtca?joT carrymg satchels or wal? le? .?hing fo^^eff?iwtddBrs, is.grwiriiif'to j- TrQt<^^^^^^?an?ct otCongress to euahle-him to hold on to Ms commission in case b*-&j&xj&$Irreeident. '1 Talk of central- \ iza rion. ^ -The staircase of Niagara;Falls, descending to the path leading under Table-Rock, tum? bled down a few days ago. ' Anunrher of per? sona had passed up and down the day pre Y?0U3. : ??Bk*.. New York Tribune sensibly declares . that "persona] explanations" in Congross have .become an-unbearable musan oe, and says that hereafter it -will print no" more of them except j? advertisements, on the usaal terms. -Shooting VBtarB -axe continually passing through space. Prof. Loomis says 80,000,000 shoot through the earth's atmosphere ovary twejity-four hears. /Most pt them_are very -.anafl--^to.t^'ipjm?el . . ~ 4 -Wo learn f>ontFcrneyJ8 Gnroniclc thai the ' Heir York delegate's refused to vote for General . 8ickleef or President of the Chicago Conven? tion. The traiuir to Democratic principles is distrusted by his new associates. -The Ophelia bonnet graced the Long? champs noes. A pale, delicate green drap? ery, made of crystalized tulle, forms a scarf fanchon. Nothing but- sea-grean lejavea and whit? water lilies of lake flowerets are seen heh inri, .fa-ailing in long curls. -Tho"Nashville (Tenn.) Presa and Times , jays that it is now "tolerably certain that a i ' proclamation c/nnrvsrsal amnesty is in course of preparation at tha -White House, and wfll be [ issraedbeibre the meeting of the National Dem? ocratic Convention." 1 -Chicago 'has recently completed another immense" grain-elevator, and now boasts of ; sixteen, with a total oapaci ty of over nine mil*. . Bot! bushel*. Instcadof me^snrring the grain, j as ih foraer years, with the half bushel, i^,ii j weighed in bulk, which is not only a - convent- ' e^t?Ujgmt^ ! pense. ,The^^pfiwpkta ai pres- 1 ent in these elevators is forty-two,'from 100 to 1 making Kftlarge scales.1 Z ^-imr&'imeB, editor of the New.. York ' ?pirit of the Times, ^y s : "in. a CO?T ersation which toolf place oh Monday last betreen Gen. J Granit at. bia .JxeadqoArterj^and the editor j ofthis paper, the Gener^, of _ his own accord, i introdnced the subject ofthe single Presiden- 1 '? tia! term,' ind act only declared htmaelf in ? *' favor of it, but expressed the opinion that the j passage cf a?mstitatlonsi . amendment effect- j ing that . rel?roa i3. absoluto necessary for the pr?servation of our liberties.' ' -The Tribtuw saya: -'iA number of politi- < dsns of New York met on Saturday 0vening at 1 . tho, Fifth Avbnue Hotel, for the pur pose of 1 concerting mea*urea for presenting Chief Jus? tice Chase to thef coming Democratic Conven- . tion as their camdidate <fbr the Presidenoy. A. Otf^HaBpresic^^Itw.M to pre- j pare a circular, to bo distributed among leading j Democratic politicians and editors, setting 1 forth the claims of Hr. Chase upon the Demo- .< erario party, ' and the objecta to bo attained by j bia nomination. A. Oakey Hall and Messrs. j Symes and Austin were appointed a committee , to.preparo such a circular." -Edmund Yates .in finishing his new novel, "The Bock Ahead," has not shrunk from the 1 issue which most -who have read it in parts, ' bah* expected would be reached. He makes 1 the heavy tax upon people's taste, of marrying 1 his heroine to-her first husband's brother. , Such marriages aie illegal in England and would be very angrily condemned by those who are fully alive to. ?he absurdity, of prevent- 1 inga union between a man and the sister of Li? deceased wife. The two are utterly dis? tinct. Perhaps tho -European novelia ts intend to try this mode of attracting attention to their . works. To go through the forbidden degrees . may have some novelty in England. In France ( even that has been done. -Yokohama (Japan) dispatches to April 1 10th, via Hong Kong and Calcutta, received 1 in London on May 24th, viere telegraphed the I -line" day over the Atlantic Cable to this conn- 1 try. The identical news, with further intelli- 1 genoe from. Yokohama to April 28th, was j brought by the Pacific mail steamer New York to San Francisco on May 18, and having been transmitted hy the overland wires, was pub- ' Ushed in the Eastern papers on May 19th. Thus eighteen days' later news was published 1 In orr Atlantis ports six days before the Cal- 1 cutt > dispatches reached London. The new j Une to Japan will, in a short time, be the only , medium of transmitting intelligence to the ( -east coast of Asia. -'A New York letter of the 21st says: "A ' fashionable wedding, on a new plan, came off ' at Zion Church, in the Fifth Avenue, this 1 moi ning. Tho bride is the daughter of a wealthy 1 - and well known iron founder, who returns an j income of $200,000 per annum, and the bride- ( jgroom the Son Of an Exchange Place broker, j wealthy also. Tho cervices were entirely choral Bishop Southgate intoned the prayers, and 1 even the question, "Wilt thou take this wo? man," 4c, 4c, waa drawled out in the same < ni?hotoue. The effect was ludicrous rather thi solemn, and one of two of the arushing bri dei maids could not restrain from laughing rig! out at it. The choir got np a gorgeous 'pr cessional' and 'recessional' for the occasio and, for the delectation of the happy pair ai the lookers-on, threw in all the laney muai from Mendelssohn down to Offeubach." -We hare seen a copy of a newspaper periodical just atarr?cTT? Loudon, called "Tl Westminster Chess. Club Papers." It is beautiful specimen of printing, and the pape as well as the type, is luxurious. The e planatory notice of the conductors rf presen that there is among chess-players an insatiab desire to see their exploits in print. "Loi and deep," we read, "has been their anxiety possess an organ or vehicle wherein evei contemptible achievement, he it game i problem, in which they have taken part migl he carefully registered and handed down fi the benefit of posterity." The editors are hapj men. Like the writers in the aristocrat Owl, they intend it publish just when tl spirit moves, them. ' They would prefer, tb? say "that subscriptions should be annual, st paid in advance; but they will not gu?rante the size nor regular appearance of the mag: zine, nor indeed its appearance at all, in at other form or time titan shall suit their ease < convenience." This is Arcadia. There something in the same number quito refresl lug in its saucy independence. Usually- an o: 'gah vaunts its philosophers to the skies. N< so these philosophers, "The only influence chess upon the character," say they, "is l create an en thus ia m for itself that has rendel ed many players unfit for serious bccnpatioi and no man ever extracted from a chess-boar more of good or evil than he naturally posses, ed before ha saw one." And there axeman other s en ten oes of the same kind,-all t endin to inspire chess-players with humility. CHARLESTON. -0 FELD A Y MORNING, MAY 29, 1868. The Plea of General Can by. In his letter to "Colonel COG3'.VEL L, U. S A., Mayor of Charleston.'' announcing th removal of thirteen Aldermen and the ap pointmect of their successors, Genera GAVBT says: "The change:was d?termin?e upon by considerations of a public nature iavolvin g the interests of the city and State.' What are these "considerations of a pub? lic nature ?" Hais not Charleston been thc most quiet and law-abiding city in the five military districts of the South ? Although regarded by the entire Northern people ac the nest of rebellion, and the epitome of ali that is violent and vindictive; although BO disreputable ia the mind of the prejudiced Northerner, that many a tourist has passed her bj in fear, while others hare timidly walked her streets expecting a Ku-klux-klan to meet them at -every corner; what black mark can be set against her name during the three years that she has been under the mle of the army of the United States ? lhere has been exhibited a degree of for* be ar an ce which has left no room for com? plaint hy the most violently partisan North? ern journals. The - relations between the whites and the colored people, although changed in form, haye been in fact as kind as before the advent of emancipation, and, no twi tlist anding that the negroes hare met in convention to make laws for the government of their old masters, their political antics hare been regarded with more amusement than, irritation. Prejudice in Charleston has been as strong, and tempers hare been as high, as in any community in the world. We have suffered mortifications of the flesh and vexations of spirit, which, at the North, would -have; inflamed the multitude and found their expression in bloody turbulence and riot.' Tea ! efforts to produce such have been made, but without avail. We have borne ourselves, through a series et insults, which hare made life to the proud man an earthly purgatory, with a calmness and self-control which have extorted from our worst enemies an unwilling praise. The City Council, elected by the people, has co-operated with the military authori? ties in the execution of military orders, and their administration of city affairs has been governed by ?considerations of a publio nature" equal at' least in their purity to those rnexplained considerations which our jpbynx-lik'e military commander assigns as the cause of his recent order. General CABBY'S., own representative - "Colonel COGSWELL, U. 8. A., Mayor of Charleston" acknowledges "a thousand obligations for the consistent' support" which the City Council has extended to him, and says that "he has never been thrown into contact with ? bordy of gentlemen whom he esteemed nore highly." According to this avowal of his own representative, "the considerations of a public nature" which moved General OAK BY to. make so extraordinary a change in the city' government, must, therefore, have been of 8 political character, and not :he result of any default on the part of the uity Council. Io further these political ;nds,this military governor, who theoretical? ly stands above the level of political cliques ind parties, appoints in the place of the gen? tlemen he has removed a number of per? sons, a large proportion of whom are not identified with the material interests of the city, are utterly inexperienced in the man? agement of public affairs, and unfamiliar with the wants and condition of Charleston. For a cause which he hides from public view, he has insulted the community by foisting upon it at this eleventh hour,-just ?n the eve of the restoration of civil gov? ernment,-seven colored men, not more than one of whom would ever have sought the office for himself. The honor was thrust upon them, and the responsibility rests with Seneral CANEY alone. He has done this foul thing,-as we must believe from the circumstances of the case,-fr. u no other motive than to punish and humiliate a proud, brave, manly, wrong-hating peop'e, because, forsooth, they may have felt un? willing to pay bim that social respect and private praise which he thought his name ?nd position deserved. We-,say unequivo :ally that it is an act which, in the North* ;rn States, would have been as fire to a ? irain of powder, and which will, we believe, >e denounced by every honest white man, io matter what may be his political com? plexion or the State of his nativity,-as an exercise of power unwarranted, uncalled br, and unexampled in the history of america. It is a dangerous thing to impugn the notives of any individual, and particularly of one so thoroughly the ''roaster of the situation." But when we remember, the peculiar circumstances that exist,-the rage cif Congress, whom General CANST repre? sents^-the fact that his tenure of power is about rp expire,-that during his adminis? tration his light has been modestly hid be? neath the public bushel, and that he may j have felt that he needs must do something new-fangled and extreme in character, in order to secure a high place on the Radical record, and prominence on the platform occupied by BUTLER, WADE and THADDEUS STEVENS,-it is no wonder that he should have gone far beyond his fellows, have struggled to reach a height to which SICKLES and SHERIDAN never aspired, and inflicted upon Carolina a wrong, whose memory will endure when his military history is forgot? ten;-a wrong that GRANT or SHERMAN, PHILLIPS or HORACE G RE ELEV, might well hesitate to justify. General CANBT should have added two words in his letter to Colonel COGSWELL, "that the change was determined upon by considerations of a public nature involving the interests of the city and State"-IN RUTHS. '.They Don't lake school*.' The New York Tribune, in a brief and bitter paragraph upon the protest made by the Democratic committee against the new constitution, says: "They hold that the school tax is unjust in requiring both whites and blacks to pay for schools which the children of the white nobility will not at? tend. They don't like schools in South Carolina." Passing by the words which refer to the infamous law which forces every mau to ohoose between educational miscegenation and an onerous tax for the support of ex? clusively negro schools, it is sufficient to point to the past of Carolina as her vindi? cation from the charge - that she has ever opposed popular education. This State, if | not the first, was one of the first States in the United States, to inaugurate a system of public schools, and at the timo that the war broke out, those in her metropolis had attained to a degree of excellence which no institutions of a kindred character could surpass. Charleston had public schools which were well planned, well managed, and well filled, and from their class-rooms came men-true children of the State-who had pulled down the fruit from tbe tree of ] fortune, and lifted themselves out of obscu? rity solely by the means which their mother State had given them. As South Carolina was in the van of prog? ress in thc development of internal trade by railroads, so was she well in front in opening to her. citizens educational institu? tions, in which they might train up their children to become intelligent and well informed members of society. The war drove scholars to their homes and teachers into the ranks of the army. Education was nothing; men were all in ail. But when the war was over, impoverished and ruined, but consistent and sincere, Carolina drained her scantily supplied exchequer, to reopen her schools and re-establish her ancient system of teaching. South Carolina has been the steady friend of popular educa? tion and will be so still; but she will not adopt any plan which looks to debasing the white man for the sake of elevating-the negro. This,, indeed, "they don't like in South Carolina." Punts. AA'TED, SIX~ MULES. MUST BK sound and cheap. ' Apply, to E. A. DICK.QT SON, Waverly Hoa?e._1*_May 29 WASTED TO PURCHASE, A LUT OF 3 MOCKING- BIP.DS. Nonpareils and large Alli? gators. Apply at the GL0 BE HOTEL, No. 60 Queen s treat. 0? Hay 28 WANTED. A PLACE AS GARDENER. An ex-member of Hagood's Brigade, C. 8. A., who lor. an arm in the war, and who ls now in re? duced circamstances, is anxious to get employment at OABDENEB, and to take charge ot lots at Mag? nolia. He is vailing to work and can sive the best testimonials as to experience, efficiency and fidelity. Address J. B. THOMAS, PAIL* NEWS Office. May 12_ WANTED BY A YOUNG LADY, A SITU? ATION AO TEACHER in a private family. Would preter to go into the country. Best of refer? ences (dven if required. Address "J. E. K.," chirles ton Postofflce. April 27 WANTED, EMPLOYMENT AS A WATCHMAN, or In any other capacity In which he can earn a livelihood, by a one-armed soldier, who is in distress for want of work. Ad? dress "J. S.," Office of the DAILY NEWS. April M_ WANTED, SUBSCRIBERS FOR ALL THE .LEADING- M AG AZ I .-ES AND NEWi PAPEBS. at publisher's rates. CH ARLES C. RIGHT EB, April 21 No. 161 King-street. WANTED, AGENTS EVERYWHERE, to sell cur PATENT EVERLASTING METAL? LIC CLOTHES LINE;?. Write for circulars to the AMERICAN WIRts COMPANY, No. iC'i Broadway, New York. 6moi April 20" 1ITANTBD. -A LADY OF REFINO VV MENT ind education desires a situation as GOVEBNESS. References uncxcepticnsL For further information, address Box 257. Postofflce. Riebmond, Virginia. April 10 i GENTS WANTED-FOR A BOOK ?. entitled A PIC IURE UP THE DESOLATED aTAlES, and the Work of Restoration. Every voter needs it before November, 18CC Freight, largest commissions and a premium of 8500 paid. For par? ticulars address, L. STEBBINS, March 31 2mo'? Hartford, Ct WANTED. .SALESMEN TO TRAVEL tor a Manufacturing Corr pony and sell by sam? ple. Good wages are guaranteed. Address, with 6tamp, HAMILTON Si HOWE, No. 418 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Ta, 2mo* M.rch 3J WANTED, EVERYBODY TO SUB SCBIBE to the CIRCULATING LiBBARY. CHARLES C. RIOHTER'S Select Library of New Books contains all of th3 latest publication?. April 21 No. 161 KING-STREET. Cost anil Jon-nii. STRAYED FROM THE CATHOLIC Male Crphan Asylum, Cannon-street, near Rut ledae aveuup, TEN GEESE. Any parson who will return the same to the Asylum will be liberally re? warded. G Ma' 23 BUNCH OF KEYS-FOUND, IV ST. Phllip-3treet on Thursday, a BUNCH OF KEY.S. i he owner can obtain thom at this office ou par mcnt of expense?. May lo LOST, BETWEEN THE BATTERY and the Mall, either in the lower par: ot King street, Tradd, Meeting or Columbus streets, FOUTY DOLLARS, tied In a handkerchief. The bills were two Tena and one Twenty. The finder will reoelve a suitable reward by leaving the earn? at THIS OFFICE. April 30 Dissolution of (Coprtnrrsljirj. S?DN?Y^.^OPKLNS THIS^D?ITR?? TIRES from the firm of HOPSlNS, MCPHER? SON A CO. (signed) EDWIN A HOPKINS, (??lgned) DAVLD MCPHEKSOV (Signed) SIDNEY W. HOPKINS. Charleston, S. C . May 26,1808. Imo May 27 pourtia!}. BOAUDHWTBV'.VRDIt?IG?BOABTO?1i ! Mrs. A. TRACEY is now prepared to IU com- I j inodsro a few more Board'rs. Terms moderate. I i Apply at No 79 BROAD-STREET. April 13 ?Herttngs. CONSKRVATlVE tl.VB, WAKD No. 8. AMEETING OF IHIS <'LUB WILL BE HELD T/iii Evning, in the Hali o'' Marion Fire En cine Company, < anaoa-s'reet, t Fight o'clock. Citl z-n9 are requested io come forward and enroll their names. WILLIAM S. HENESSY, . May 29 F Chairman. MASS MEETING. AMASS MEETING OF THE UNION REPUBLI? CAN Forty, in support of the regu'ar nomi nees fer County Officers, will be held TM? Ectnin/fpat E'ght Relock, at Tivo i Garden Mar 29 * :. . 1* Z KR IB BABEL CHAPTER, No. ll, P.. A. M. AN EXTRA CONVOCATION OF THI? CHAPTER will bo held at Masonic Hall, This (Fridaj) Eve nxug, at Eight o'clock. t?t~ Candidates for P. and M. E. Degree will be punctual. By order of the M E. H. P. L. A. ALLEN. May 23 1 Secretary. fa ?fut. TO RENT, THE HOUSE No. 320 KING - STREET, opposite Liberty, a desirable bust - ness aband. Possession 1st ot July. Also, to rent, the two and a half story H0U>E in Calhonu-street, opposite Orphan Hons?, with cis? tern, eas-all in good repair. Inquire at No. ) 9 MON" TAGUE-STREET._fm2? May 29 rRENT, TERMS MODERATE, .. TWO-S TOBY HOUSE, Meeting-street south of Woolfe-street Apply to Dr. RODRIGUES, corner Meeting and Society streets. May 19 _. _Imo TO RENT, A NEAT COTTAGE, FIVE (5) rooms and pantry, two kitchens, storehouse, Ac., with two (2) acres of Land, situated within 100 yards of the railroad, at Summerville. Terms, i 200 p?r annum. The pr petty is also for sale; price, $1000. Apply to A. D. E3TTLL, with Eendah A Dockery, Accommodation Wharf. May 25 - mf2*? TO RENT, APART OF A HOUSE THAT has lately undergone thorough repair, con? sisting o' mar or Ave rooms, with two kitchen rooms, with use cf cistern and separat? yard; house pleasantly situated m a healthy au i res ectable neiRhborhood. Address "ELLERSLIE," Dan.7 NEWS OFFICE__^_May 19 TO RENT, STORE No. 33 HAYNE STREET, with Fixtures. The Store runs through io Market-street Rent low. Apply at No. 13 HAYNE STBKET._May 2 TO RENT. THE UPPER PART OF House southwest corner of Calhoun and King streets. Rent moderate. Apply at No. 438 KING STRELT. two doors below Calhoun-strest. April 27 /or Sale. SODA WATER APPARAT ii S FOR SALE-Marble Slab, two Fountains, Cooler, 4c, complete, for sale. Apply at No. 82 EAST BAY. April 13_'_mwf TO PUBLISHERS AND JOURNALISTS. A largo amount of TYPS and JOB MATEBIAL for sale, In lots to suit purchasers. Terms reason? able, and cash. Also, a flue HAND PRE-J8, price S2;H- ; an Adams' Power Press, price 81500; and a Card Pres?, price 8100. Apply to F. G. DEFONTALNE, Box AP. 92. Charleston Postoffice._April 8 FOR SALE, OLD NEWSPAPER*, IN any quantity, price 75 oems per hundred. Aoply at the Office of tho DAlLYNEWS. February 20 (Ehf?tional. No. 35 WENTWORrH-STREET, LECTURE ROOM OF ENGLISH LUTHERAN CHURCH. THE HOURS FOR THE EXERCISES IN ARITH? METIC, WRITING, READING, GERMAN and ENGELS ti GRAMMAR are from 7 to 9 o'clock P. M. Terms-$2 per month in advance. Book-keeping charged extra. December2 C. H. BERGMANN. Mitts in Patikruptci). I^^T^s^^DwrRicT COIJRT^OITTHK UNITED ?TATES FOB THE DISTRICT OF SOUTH CAROLINA-TN THE MAHER CF ADOL? PHUS J. RU WES. BANKRUPT-PETITION FOB FINAL DISCS ABGK.-Ordered, that a heating be had upon the petition on tho fourth day of June, 1888, at ll o'clock A. M., before tue Court at Charleston, and that,notice thereof be published In THE CH.VULESTOKTJAJLT NEWS and Charleston Courier, and that all Creditors who have prove? their debts, and other persons In interest may appear at said time and place and show cause, if any they can, why tho prayer < f the petition be not gran ed. It is fur th er ordered, that the second and third meetings of Creditors be held at 10 o'clock A. M. oa tbe third day of June, 1863, at the office of R. B. CARPENTER, Esquire, Registrar. By order of the Court, this twentieth dav of May, 1S88. DANIFL HORLBECK, Clerk. May 25 mwf3 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OK THE UNITED STATES, FOR THE DISTRICT OF SOUTH CAROLINA-IN THE MATTER OF JOHN H. JUNGBLUTB, BANKRUPT-PETITION FOR FINAL DISCHARGE.-Ordered, that a hearlnj be had upon the petition on the fourth day of June, 1868, at ll o'clock A. M., beiore the C<?rt at Charles? ton, and that notice thereof .be published in TBS CHABLXSTOX Daaxx Nrws and Charleston Courier, and that all Creditors who hsve proved their debts, and ether persons In interest, may appear at a iii tims and place and show cause, if any they can, why the prayer of the petition be not granted. It is fur? ther ordered, that the second and third meetings of Creditors be beld at 10 o'clock A. M. on the third doy of June, 1868, at the office of R. B. CARPENTER, Esquire. Registrar. By order of the Court, this twentieth day of Msy, 1868. DANIEL HORLBECK, Clerk. May 25 mwf3 IM THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, FOB THE DISTRICT OF SOUTH CAROLINA-IN 1HE MATTER OF WIL? LIAM B. CU IT KR, BANKRUP i -PETITION FOR FINAL DISC BARGE-Ordered, that a hearing be had upon tbe petition on the fourth day of June, 1868, at ll o'clock A. M. before the Court at Charlo.-tin, and that notice thereof be published in TUE CH HILES TON DAILY NEWS and Charleston Courier, and that all Creditors who have proved their debt?, and other persons in interest, may appear at said time and place and show canse, if any they can, why the prayer of the petition be not granted. It is for the* ordered, that the second and thura meetings of Cred'tors be held at 10 o'clock A. M. oa tho third day of June, 1868, at the office of B. B. CARPENTER, Esquire, Registrar. By order of (he Court, this twentieth day of May, 1853. DANIEL HORLBECK, Clerk, May 25 mwf3 IV THE DISTRICT COURT OF I HE UNFED 8TATE?!, FOR SOUTH CAROLINA EX PARTE JAME-. S. OWENS-IN THE MATTER OF HUDGINS, OWENS A CO., OF C3AP.LE.STON, BANKRUPTS-PETITION FOR FULL AND FINAL DISCHARGE IN BANKRUPTCY.-Ordered. That a heiring be had >*-n the ttc<-nty-ru7i'A day of ?toy next, at ll A. M., at Federal Courthouse, in Charleston, Sooth Carolina, and that all credi tors, ta-., of said Bankrupt appear at said utr-i and p'ace. and show cause, it - ny they can, why this prayer ol the petitioner should, not be granted; and that the second and third meeting of creditors of said Pank uot will be held at tb" ofllce of R. B, CARPENTER. Registrar of Second Congressional District S. C.. or. th: twenty-eighth day of Juay, 1868, at 12 M. DANIEL HORLBECK, Cl'rk of the District Court o: the United States,.for South Carolina. May 15 f3 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATE . FOR THE DI-TRICT OF SOUTH CAROLINA.-IN THE MATTER OF HO: T Sr BROTHER, BANKRUPTS-IN BANKKDP i CF. To all whom it may concern : The undersigned hareby -rives notice of his appointment as Assigne? of HUNT k BROTHER,- in the District of Charleston and Stats of South CaroUni, within sud District, who bav-i boen a-ljudtrod Bankrupt i, upon their own pe tiliOD, by the District Court of sa;d District. Dated the ?ld day o; May, A. D. 1868. WM. H. MAULDIN, May 22 f3 Assignee. tonsorial. .y HEU ER'S 'T FASHIONABLE BARBER'S SALOON, IS AT No. 93 MARKET-STREET, South sid?, bet veen Kins and Meeting streets. Mr. HEUER is a German Barber, bas been thor, oughly trained to his business, aaa is prepared to serve his friends and the public geaerii.. ia tie seve? ral branches of his arr, viz: SHAVING HAIR-DRESSING SHAMPOOING HAIR DYING ?C., iit' January ll TO FARMERS A??D SHIPPERS OF VEG El ABLES AND FRUIT. H . W . KINS M* A N, SCCCES3?B TO KINSMAN & HOWELL, WILL ATTEND TO THE SALE AND SHIPMENT to New York, Baltimore. Boston and Paila lelphia of early VE iETABLES AND Fit ULT. Farmers Wishing to have Ibo products of thair farms sold hare, or shipped to Northern markets, can lo PO by cal'ing at bi3 ofllce, r^o. 153 EAST BAY. May 26 tuthslmo Amusements. Tc a~?CcT~ i OUR YOUNG CATHOLIC FRIENDS OF TEI* City will be rejoiced to learn that a PICNIC will take flaco on WHIT MONDAY, June ls:, at OAKL?'S ARM, King-atree: Road. From what we 'earn in regard to toe preparations on foot for the occasion, the affair promises to be a pleasint one Tickets only 50 cents; to be had on the ground. Mav 23_3_ PAIR, IN AID OF THE YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION, OF CHARLESTON, WILL COMMENCE AT HIBERNIAN HALL, ON MONDAY EVENING, MAY 23, AT 1 O'CLOCK, AND CONTINUE OPEN EVERY DAY AND .EVENING FOR UNE WEEK., FROM 12 M. IO 2 P. M., AND FROM 5 UNTIL ll P. M. . PBIOE or ADMISSION: Single Tickets.25 cents. Children.10 cents. Servants in charge of children.10 cents. 4S~No Raffling will, under any circumstances, be allowed. jtJSyThe ? tree t Cars will be in attendance at the close of the Fair._May 22 J^OOK. OUT FOR MABTENO LOWANDE3, . The Champion South Amonan BARE BACK BIDER. LOWAN DES' GREAT BRAZILIAN CIRCUS, ZS COMING-. ALEXANDER LOWANDES.Director. May 28 gotcLs. iy? A DA DI ? GIDIERE, CALDER HOUSE. CORNER OF CHURCH AND QUEEN STREETS. CHADLESTON, S. 0. Transient Board $c 50 per Day. April?_ QILMOR UOUSR, MONUMENT SQUARE, BALTIMORE, MARYLAND, KIRKLAKP.Jfe CO., Proprietors. April 27_lyr ?yy I Ii I? I A M IRWIN, PROPRIETOR OF THE PALMETTO HOUSE, SPABTANBDBG, S.O. Dec?mber gPOTTSIVOOD HOTEL, MILLWARD BROTHERS, PROPRIETORS, RICHMOND, VA. April 6 ?y K U' YORK HOTEL, No. 721 BROAD WA Y, NEW YORK CITY. O. M. H1LDRETH Hi CO., Proprietors. THIS LONG ESTABLISHED FIRST-CLASS HOTEL, as popularly known in former times ander the manag^ent 01 J. B. MONMOT, Esq., and more recently under that of HTRAM CRANSTON 4 C J., ts now undei the proprietorabtp of lie?sra. D. M. HILDRETH Sc T. B. ROCKWAY, oner the firm ot D. M. HILDRETH A* CO. The senior partner from bis long experience as a pioprietor of tho Veranda, St. Louts ana St Charles Hotels of New Orleans, natters himself that he can assure his friends and the public generally, that its former world-wide reputation as a popular first-class Hots!, shall be fully sustained under its present management. lyr* February 13 ?Hisicll?nenns. THE UNDERSIGNED INFORMS HIS FORMER customers and the public In general, that he has re? sumed his Business for the season at the old stand, No. 80 OALUOUN-9TREtT, where he will be happy to see all his former patrons. N B.-Carts will run aa utoal ti all parts of the city, and no cream sold ss mine will be genuine un* less obtslnel from carts bearing the came of Henry Larcomb. ICE also for sale at all hours at No. 85 Calhoun-street. HENRY LARCOMB, May 5 Imo OTICK TO FARMERS WILLIAM HUNT HAS RESUMED HTS OLD BU? SINESS at No. 42 Marker tree t, north side, where he is prepared to receive and forward all kinds of VEGETABLES and FRUITS ou consignment. Lib? eral n di an ce* will be made if desired. Consignment? for the New York, Philadelphia, Bal'1 more and Wash Ington Markets will meet with prompt attention. From bis long experience in this business he feels confident of affording satisfaction to his customers. For mose preferring to a ll their products here the nighest market prices w'll be obtained. Vegetables and all kinds of country produce will be retailed it wholesale prices. Imo May 14' C MARLESTON STEAM SAW M LLL, WEST E.\ J OF BEA?FAIN-STREET. THE SUBSCRIBER Having rebuilt hi? STEAM SAW MILL, is now pre? pared to execute ali ord?ri for ?HIPPING and CI?Y TRADE with dispatch. JOHN H. STEIMMEYER, Maj 5 Weit end of Beioiain-street? DO.VT FAIL.TO TR Y THE CELEBRA? TED SOUTHERN TONIC, PANE MN'S BE PAT IC BITTERS, an nnfaihng remedy for all Dis? eases of tbs Digestive Organs and the Liver. For sale by all Druggists. DON'T FAIL TO THY THE CELEBRA? TED SOUTHERN TONIC, PANKNIN'S HE? PATIC BITTERS, an unfailing leniedy for all Dis eases o: the Digestiva Organ? and the Liver. For sile by all Druggists. DON'T FAIL TOTRY THE CELEBRA? TED SOUTHERN TONIC, PANENTN'S HE? PATIC lim EES, an unfiting remedy for all Dis? eases of the Digestive Organs and the Liver. For sale by all Druggists. DON'T FAIL TOTRY THE CELEBRA? TED SOUTHERN TONIC, PANKNIN'S HE? PATIC BITTERS, an unfailing remedy for ail Dis? eases of the Digestive Organs and the Liver. For sale ny all Druggist ;. DON'T FAIL TO TRY THE CELEBRA? TED SOUTHERN IONIC, PANKNIN'S HE? PATIC BITTERS, an unfaihug remedy fit all Dis? eases ot toe Digestive Otgans and the Liver. For =ale by all Druggist*. DON'T FAIL TO TRY THE CELEBRA? TED SOUTHERN IONIC, PANKNIN'S HE? PATIC BITTERS, an unfailing remedy tor all Dis? eases ot the Digestive Organs aad the Liver. For sale by all Druggists. DON'T FA1LTOTK V THE CELEBRA? TED SOUTHERN TONIC, PANKNIN'S HE? PATIC BITTERS, an unfailing remedy for all Dis? eases of the DLjeitive Organs and th? Liver. For sale by ail Druggists. DON'T FAIL TO TRY THE CELEBHA TED SOUTHERN TONIC, PANKNIN'S HE? PATIC BITTERS, an unfailing remedy tor ali Dis? eases of the Digestive Organs and the Liver. For sale by all Druggists DON'T FAIL TO TRY THE CELEBRA? TED SOUTHERN TOVIC, PANKNIN'S HE? PATIC BITTERS, an unfailing remedy for all Dis cases of the Digestive Organs and the Liver. For salo by all Druggists. DON'T FAIL. TO TR Y THE CELEBRA? TED SOUTHERN IONIC, PANKNIN'S HE? PATIC BITTERS, an unfailing rtmedv for all Dls -..ases of the Digestive Organj and the Liver. For .?ile by all Druggists. DON'T FAIL TO TRY THE CELEBRA? TE^ SOUTHERN TONTO, PANKNIN'S HE? PATIC BITTERS, an unfailing remedy for all Dis? eases of the Digestiv? Organs and the Liver. For jaie by all ?ruggkta. lyr Novemb?r 27 fJIHB EX ELI B 1 T I O N Off "SIXTY-EIGHT." The Days of Roman Chivalry Eclipsed ! LIONS CONQUERED BY A WOMAN I ROYAL BENGAL TIGERS SUBDUED!' THE MONSTERS LOOSE Ii*. THE STREETS OP CHARLESTON! MONDAT, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY JUNES, 9 AND 10. COL. C. T. AMES' NEW ORLEANS MENAGERIE, CIRCUS AND TROPICAL AVIARY! A Triple Confederation almost illimitable in its resources, and more gorgeous and elegantly equip? ped than any kindred exhibition extant The corps actio? numbers THIRTY-SEVEN AC? COMPLISHED ABTTSTS, male and female repre? sentatives of the more elegant, graceful and pleasing Olympian Sports, including Equestrianism, Gym? nastic?, Pantom?mica, Acrobatics, Acoristatlcs and Athletics. Among the most distinguished ol the Troupe are : MLLE ESTELLE ZO YORK A, VICTORIA DE LEE, MADAME ELIZABETH, Mr. THOMAS WATSON, Mr. W. NAT LEB, Mr. LEWIS CARS, Mr. HORACE SMITH, Signor TI3BS, Mr. E. WINNE, The CA STILT AN BROTHERS, Mr. F. GOODING, Mr. E. BANKER, Master FRANK, Master GE03GE, and the TWO INTENSELY HUMOROUS CLOWNS, BOB SMITH and JOHNNY LAWTON. THE ZOOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT Is of Immense Magnitude, and embraces Hundreds of Wild Beasts! OF ALMOST EVERY SPECIES AND GEOGRAPHI? CAL BANGE, from the Elephant of the buming Desert of Africa to the White Bear of tin Arctic Seas, or the Bl?on of our Own Western Wilds. To tala Is added AN UNUSUALLY LARGE AVTAHYI Of most Beautiful and Brilliant BIRDS and FOWLS. MONKEYS, APES AND BABOONS, In coaatl-.-s? numbers and of every tribe. A BAND OF MUS? CIAN 5 That acknowledge no superiors in the reniit'&a of true harmony. Performing Horses, Trick Ponies. Educated Mule?, Acting Monkeys, Sagacious Dogs, etc. The only Lija Eachia?reis in the World, the Beau tiiui and Fairy-like Signorita ELLA EUGENIE, And the DhtmguUhed Naturalist and Accom? plished TIGER SLAYER, Herr ELIJAH LENGEL, Accompany tais Colossal Combination, ard it eich exhibition display their miraculous power and in? domitable courage by entering the dens of the TIGERS, LIONS, PANTHER? ana LEOPARDS. I For List of Animals, and general particulars, see Pictorial P sters, D?acn?:tve Bills Bulletins, Ac] THE GRAND PROCESSION On the morninr o? the day of exhibition 'UH be un? usually gorg ous an-l grand. Tn it will be bjree two Triumphal Car?; on the tup of one will be EUGENIE SURROUNDED BY LIONS! oa tbs other, seated side by 9ide, LENGEL AND A ROYAL TIGER I the only one of his spe.-ies that ever permitted himself to yield to the will of mia. BEAR IT IN MIND that thia Ls strictly a Southern Enterprise, and tbe Proprie:o; and Managers pledge themselves that the disreputable, or at least ques? tionable style of advertising attractions they do not present, shall in no ins anco be resorted to by them, bat that every promise made to tas public shall be kept to the letter. gSf A Free Exhibition of the Zoological De part tent wiii be gi vea to the Orphan Asylum and indigent childien on the morning of WEDNESDAY, 10th. at half-past Ten o'clock, to which they aie cor? dially invited. DOC. CHAMBERS, May CG V. Business Manager. (fttt) feries fl n ? ? i 5 re li a 11 e a n 3. ^?DE^^^ STRIPS, MOLASSES, SUGAR, SALT, die. ?I ff HHD5. PBT?f? C. E. STDhS XtJ 10 bbds. Prime Shoulders 10 tierces New York Sugar-Cured Hims 10 boxes New York Sugar-Cured Narrow Strips 25 barrels Molasses ' 20 barrels Sugar 100 sacks Salt 20 boxes Plantation Soap 20 boxea Tobacco 1,000 reams straw Paper (assorted). Landtag and in store, and f.r sale by ,, J, L AUK EY i ALEXANDER, May 23_1_No. 13T East Bay. CLAUMSEN MILLS, CHARLESTON, S. C. WHEAT ! WHEAT ! I WHEAT : IJ HAVING JUS! FINISHED TN THIS CITY A ?gular Merchant Flour Mill, I am now pre? pared .'c purchase WHEAT, for which I will pay the highest market value. F. W. CLAU89KN. May T>_ mwf3 FLOUR ! FLOUE ! FLOUR ! QAA SAf'KS CHOICE FAMILY FLOUS ?UU 760 sacks Choice Extra Flour 260 sac J: 3 Ch ole? Super Flour. All fresh ground at Clauseen'a Mills. For sale low to snit consumers and the trade, by May 25 - mwf8 F. W. CLAU5SEN. TURK'S ISLAND SALT. OA A A BUSHELS TUSK'S ISLAND SALT,'0 ?UI/U landing from British, sehr. Etta Ho wv, ell. For sale in lots to suit purchasers by May 29_3 T. J. KERB A CO. > SALT. I Q AA SACKS LIVERPOOL 8ALT, LABOE LuvU sacks and fine order, Unding from bark "Eastham." For sale by T. J. SEER St CO. May 27 ?_6 ? FRUITS. JUST RECEIVED FEB SCSR. ELLA HOWELL, ff HA DOZEN PINEAPPLES. yUv ALSO, rs STOPE, 20 bbl?. SWEET POTATOES. For sale low by MES. C. D. KENRICK, - No. 83 Market-street, May 26_4 ' Opposite Market Hag. SHINGLES! SHINGLES! FOB ?ALE, BY FAIRCHILD- A HAMLIN, 24,000 CYPRESS SHINGLES._May 23 DEMIJOHNS, Zr\f\r\ DEMIJOHNS, OF ALL SIZES tJUUU 100 hampers Claret Wine Bottles. For sale low by CLACTU5 A WITTE. . April 21 3mos CHLORIDE Og LIME. THE BEST DISINFECTANT. FOR SALE BY E. H. KELLERS & CO., fi -Druggists, March 28_No. 131 Meeting-street. , COAL! COAL! NOW LANSING FROM SCHOONER JESSE W. KNIGHT, superior BSD ASH EGG COAL, also s'ove-size iot cooking ranges, which I will tell low lor cash by applying to E.P. SEIGNIO?3, Coal Yard corner East Bay and Hasel streets. May 25_. _ mwf3 MARBLE MANTELS, MOtfU PIE NTS, HEADSTONES, dec AFINE SELECTION OF ..MARBLE MANTELS constantly on hand at S, SLAB ER'S Ware room, No. 54 First avenue, near Third-street, Nev York. Call and examine before buying elsewhere. February 3_/ _gmo PAINTS FOR FARMERS AND OTHERS. rE GRAFTON MINERAL PAINT COMPANY are now manufacturing the best, cheapest and most durable Paint in use; two coats, well put on, mixed with pure Linseed OH, will last 10 or 15 yean; it Is of a light brown or beautiful chocolate color, and can be changed to. green, lead, stone, drab, olive or cream, to suit the taste of the consumer. It is valuable for Houses, Barns, Fences, Carriage and Car-makers, Palls and Woodenware, Agricultural Implements, Canal Boats, Vessels and Ship's Bot? toms, Canvas, Meal ind SI ! .?lc Roofs (it being fire and water proof), Floor Oil f io tbs (one manufacturer having used ECOO bbls. f'e past year), and, as at paint tor any purpose, is unsurpassed for body, du? rability, elasticity ead adhesiveness. Price $6 per bbl. of 300 res., which will supply a farmer for years :o come, ? arranted in all cases as above. Send for a circular which (rf vee full particulars. None genuine unless Branded In a trade mark Grafton Minerai Paint. HOLMES ti CALDER, Agents. December 13 fmw6mo* Meeting-street. COUNTRY MERCHANTS, DAIRYMEN, FARMERS AND BIKERS CONSIGN YOUS ASHES, BEESWAX, BEANS, BUTTER, CHEESE, EGOS, FLOUR AND ME MY, FLAX, COTTON, FURS AND SKINS, DRIED AND GREEN FRUITS, * GRAIN, WOOL, GAME, POULTRY, NAVAL STORES, HOPS, GINSENG, FEATHERS, . HEMP, PROVISIONS, OILS, LARD, TALLOW, TOBACCO, SEEDS, 80RGHUM, MOLASSES, Ac., Aa IO JOSIAH CARPENTER, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT No. 442, 444 and 446 WASHINGTON-STREET, New York City, And receive his weekly PRICE CURRENT o;' Pro? duce and Groceries, the most complete Pnce Cur? rent published in the United States. SEND FOR A PRICE CURRENT. Marking Plates and Cards Furnished Free LIBERAL ASVASCES MADE OS COVSXOSafESXB, Eitablished May 1st, 1S60. FIRST CLASS REFERENCES GIVEN WHEN REQUIRED. March 4 c lyr Business Corto. H . SASS, ATTORNEY AT LA W, AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY. ?5- Office No. 15 BROAD-STREET, over the Peo? ple's National Bank. May 8 G. T7T5ITING, WEDDING AND CHURCH CARD?, V of the latest style, and engraved m a manner unsurpassed by the best Northern work. SEALS AND MONOGRAMS of every description. ENGRAVING AND LITHOGRAPHING in all ita branches. Also, STENCIL PLATES CUT. INK AND BRUSHES. Call and examine specimens at WM. FISHER. No. 92 Hasel-street, Charleston. S. C. March 4 3mo yiAMUEL R. MARSHALL, IMPOSTES A>U DEALEE I>" ENGLISH AND AMERICAN HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS AND AGRICULTURAL IM PLEMENT8, 5b. 310 KIXG-ST., Si DOOR BELOW SQC1E2T, Sign of thc Golden Gun, CHARLESTON, S. C. March 21_3ao JpROST, BLACK ?i CO., , Wholesale and Retail Dealers la, and Manufactu? rers of FURNITURE OF EVERY VARIETY. No. 73 '.lowery, near CanaLstrAt, New York. Steamboat.', HoteU and Public Buildtnga inraisj ed at the 9horte3t notice. AU Goods parch ised of our House guaranteed ?? r presented. Hay i fmw3aos