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THE DAILY NEWS IS" LARGEST CIRCULATION.-THE DAILY NEWS BEING THE NEWSPAPER OFFICIALLY RECOGNIZED AS HAVING THE LARGEST CIR? CULATION IN THE CITY OF CHARLESTON, PUBLISHES THE LIST OF LETTERS REMAIN? ING IN THE PGSTOFFICE AT THE END OF EACH WEEK, ACCORDING TO THE PROVIS? IONS OF THE NEW POSTOFFICE LAW. LOCAL MATTERS. TSE DAILY NEWS AT EIGHTEEN CENTS A WEEK. Our City Agent, Mr. J. Silverstein, will de? liver THE DATLY NEWS in any part of the city at the rate of eighteen cents a week. Orders left at the periodical stores of Mr. C. C. Sighter, Nos.161 and 338 King-street, or at this office will receivo prompt attention. AUCTION SALES THIS DAY. JOHN G. MTLNOE & Co. will sell this day, at their auction salesroom, No. 135 Meeting-street, at 10 o'clock, dry goods, hate, clothing. T. A. WFTTNE? will sell this day, at the old customhouse, at ll o'clock, cotton and rice plantation on Ashepoo river. LS. K BENNETT will sell this day. at the old postoffice, at ll o'clook, lot land and residence in Smith-street; other valuable property, and a pew. . JAMES TUPPEB (Master in Equity) will sell this day, at the old customhouse, at ll o'clock, a lot of land in LamboU-street. Louis MCLALN, assignee, will sell at the old postoffice, at ll o'clock, a tract of land known aa White Oak plantation. Mrr.T-q T)BAK? will sell tills day, at his store, corner King and Liberty streets, at 10 o'clock, dry goods, clothing, &o. j T. M. CATBB will sell this day, on Brown's wharf, at 9| o'clock, butter and lard. G. W. STEFFENS & Co. will sell this day, in front of their store, at 9$ o'clock, strips, hams, pork, beef, Ac. LACBET k ALFI ANDES will sell this day, be? fore their store, No. 137 East Bay, at 10 o'clock, cheese, hams, stripe, Ac. JEFFORDS & Co. will sell this day, in front of their store, at 9? o'clock, shoulders, strips, Bides, hams, &c. . J. ii F. DAWSON will sell this, day, before their store, No. 96 East Bay, a; 10 o'clock, horse, dray, harness, license, ?tc NOTICE TO GUE ADVEBTISEBS.-The Down? town advertising box of THE DATLY NEWB will be found at the offioo of the City Railway Company, northwest comer of Broad-street and East Bay, The box will be emptied several times every afternoon and night, and adver? tisements dropped into it up to ll o'clock P. M., will appear in the morrow's NEWS as surely as if handed in at our counting-room. SINGLE COPIES of this morning's DATLY NEWS, put up in wrappers ready for mailing, may be had at our counting-room; price five cents. The DATLY NEWB wi'l be mailed regularly, du? ring the session of the State Convention, to parties who may desire to have a full record of the proceedings, for eighteen cents a week. SUBVTVOB'S ASSOCIATION.-The members of | this association ore especially requested to at? tend a meeting at Market Hall, this evening, at half-past seven o'clock, as matters of import? ance will be brought up for their considera? tion. Applications for membership can also be made at that time by those entitled to mem? bership and wishing to join. ABBEVILLE AND COTTON.-We were this week, says the Greenville Mountaineer, on a visit to one of the neighborhoods near New Market, and were pleased to learn that a very consid? erable portion of the cotton belonging to the planters remains unsold, as we hope is the case in the State generally, so that they may realize the benefit of the present improved prices. The planters are acting wisely in sending their crops generally to Charleston by railroad, where they may, with less expense than hauling to Augusta, obtain better prices. The roads to market are now becoming almost impassable, and railroad freights are moderate and reasonable. BEAL ESTATE SALES.-By reference to our advertising columns, it will bo seen that a large amount of valuable property will be offered for sale to-day by the real estate brokers. It con? sists principally of city lots and residences and plantations, many of the latter being located in the most fertile portions of the State. Real estate has been sadly depreciated since the war, but those capitalists who attend the sales to-day will find that it is one of the best invest? ments that can be made. Mr. L S. K. Bennett sen's to-day lino residences and lots in diff?r? ?rent parts of the city. Mr. T. A. Whitney will sell at the same time, two fine cotton and rico plantations, on the Ashepoo river. These aro, however, but a portion of these sales, each of j which should command attention. .'LADDZ?I' MUTUAL AID ASSOCIATION."-The Board of Managers of this Association, have thought it expedient, in order to interest the community more generally, in the proceedings of the Society, that a concise monthly report of the receipts and expend? tures,should bo laid before the public; which report for month January,. 1868, will be found below : DB. To balance from December, 1867.*. ?c.Cl To Salesroom account. 78.60 To Subscriptions. 16.75 To Donations. 110.Ou To Proceeds Bist op Lynch's Lecture. 249.00 Total.$459.86 Ca. By cash paid.$299.50 Balance in hand January 31st. 160.36 Total.$469.86 Amount of ordered work during the month. $56. THE COTTBT OF GEN EB AL SESSIONS AND COM? MON PLEAS-HON. F. J. MOSES PRESIDING.-The venire was returned and the following juries impanelled : Jury No. 1-1. Keith Brown, Foreman; Tim Mims, A. J. Burbage, Phil Baswell, E. Pender? gast, C. F. Hunken, John T. Dawson, John H. V?llers, D. Ottim, Chas. Enright, J. W. Boesch, Wade Bunch. Jury No. 2-W. B. Heriot, Foreman; Allen Gardner, Wm. Hockadiy, S. Zanog'a, F. Ni hans, J. F. Jordan, L. Crawford, Edw. Jordan, George Cordes, C. Goldstein, Louis Fora, Thoa. D. Jervey. Supernumeraries-John McKeegan. Nelson Berwick, indicted for burglary, waB arraigned, and plead guilty to grand larceny. The call of the dockets waB continued, and a number of verdicts "aken by consent, but no business of public importance was transacted. The court thon adjourned. THE BALTTMOBE AND CHAELESTON STEAM LDTE.- A dispatch received here yesterday by the agents mentions . tho arrival at Balti? more of the steamship Falcon, Captain Reed, in fifty-two hours from this port, reaching that city seven hours ahead of the splendid steam? ship Liberty, which vessel left this port in company with the Falcon. The Falcon and her consort the Sea Gull, which compose the Baltimore line, are making quite a reputation for their fine voyages, and appear not to be ex? celled in speed by any Bteamers on tho coast. The Sea Gull is being extensively repaired, and js having a new and first-class boiler placed in her, and when she comes out it is thought that she will excel! even her previous performances. We are gratified to learn that these steamers are doing a Largo business, and the facilities they give are adding largely to the trade be? tween the two ports. Messrs. Courtenay & I Trenholm and Mordecai & Co., are the agents ot the line in this city. j THE THEATRE.-The programme last nitrht waa "Ingomar" and "The Secret." The house was well filled, and the actors were in their happiest vein, and the whole performance went off without a hitch. AT THE regalar monthly meeting of tho Pal? metto Pioneer Co-operation Association, held February 10, Mr. Stephen Thomas, Jr., was unanimously elected President, cice Thomas Miller resigned. THE TREASURES OF THE CHARLESTON CHAM? BER OF CoiiiiEBCE can be found at the Insu? rance Office of S. Y. Tupper, Esq., Planters' and Mechanics' Bank, East Bay, from the hours of 9 A. M. to 12A o'clock P. M., this day, and from 1 o'clock to 5 o'clock P. M., at Mills House. COURT os EQUITY-CHANCELLOR CARROLL PRESIDING.-The argument in the case of Gatewood vs. roomer was continued, and a motion presented regarding the partition of some landa in Abbeville District. The Chan? cellor reserved his decision. The case of Boper vs. Lord, B. C. Pressley, Esq., for complainant, McCrady&Son for de? fence, waa argued to the close of the morning hour. _ THE STRAP GAME.-An unsophisticated rus? tic colored yoflth of about sixty summers, re? joicing in the name of Sancho Squire, was met by three colored sharpers who soon learned tnat Sancho had thirty dollars, which wore in? tended for the purchase of a horse or male. They induced him to follow them, and explain? ed the myst*ri38 of the strap game. Sancho thought he saw the point, and put down his ! thirty dollars, which was not recovered until j the case was reported to the detectives. The three wei o arrested, and Sancho sent on his way rejoicing. UNITED STATES COUBT-HON. GEOBOE S. BRYAN PRESIDING.-EX parte C. H. Williams, of York-Petition for voluntary BanKruptcy. 1 T. J. Bell, Esq., attorney for petitioner. In re David Epstein, of Bichland-Petition 1 for voluBtary Bankruptcy. T. W. Mc Master, ? Esq., pro pet In re Isaac Hubbard, of Newberry-Petition j for voluntary Bankruptcy-Messrs. Jones & Jones pro pet.. The petitions were read anc'I the two first cases referred to W. J. Claus sen, and the last to Henry Sumner, Registrars. } PEBSONAL.-Charles W. Poulson, otherwise known as the "Colonel," general agent for j railroads and steamboats North and Soutt , > paid os a visit last last night and authorizes vs to state tht.t he is staying at the Pavilion Hotel, where he will be happy to see hs friends. Charlie is a tip-top business man, , quick, active, enterprising, wide awake, nevar lets grass grow under bia feet. Pity he is not . superintendent of the Postoffice Departmert. If he were, the Northern mails would not be behind time seven days in the week. Success and prosperity to the "Colonel," and "may his , shadow never grow less." CARELESSNESS.-We have frequently urged upon housekeepers the necessity of looking to their fastenings and not trusting to servants. During the past month a large number of coat and hat thefts have been reported to the de? tectives, and in nearly every instance those losses were caused through the carelessness of the owners. Open doors are a great tempta? tion to a thief, and overcoats and hats fall an easy prey to an experienced lifter, A nun: ber . of these stolen articles have been lately re? covered, but new robberies are constantly re? ported and it behooves overyone to be on ( their guard and see that no facilities are of- j I fered to the thieves. f r STREET IMPBOVEMENTS.-The street laborers are now busily engaged in laying the pavement on Boyce's north wharf, the work ou most of ( the others having been completed. Witt, few exceptions the wharves have more thar, one outlet, and the blocking up of the street does , not prevent travel The sidewalks leading to these wharves have always been inconvenient? ly narrow, allowing scarcely sufficient space " for two to walk abreast. These have been ] widened by a few inches and protected with stone curbing, but they are still quite contract? ed and not suited for crinoline. It is the in? tention of the contractor, Mr. O'Donnell, to ! have the wharves paved in a thorough man? ner, and from the rapid manner in whim the work is now progressing this desideratum will bo soon obtained. ? HOTEL ABBIVAXS.-Pavilion Hotel-?tos. G. Foster, South Carolina; C. H. Howard,H. Hen ery, J. Stubbs and T. A. Hail, Mississippi; Dr. Farley and wife, Miss Mary Farley, Miss Sallie Farley, Miss Georgie Farley, Miss Sue Failey, Miss Cornelia Farley, and Master Charles Far? ley, Montgomery, Ala.; Mrs. Phillip Davis, South Carolina; F. A. Hall, Otis, Mise.; C. W. Poulson, Angosta, Ga.; Geo. L. Choiiiy, U. 8. A.; H. Flaum, Walterboro'; W. K. Turner, Fair? field; A. Trick, F. Frendner, J. G. Winnama ker and sou, Orangeburg; Marion C. Sanders and lady, Miss M. M. Ramsay, and Miss A. P. Ramsay, Sumter, Miss.; Chas. Creach, John eon City, N. C.; H. M. Moorer, Crangfhurg; J. C. Holman and son, St. Mathew's, S. C. j Charteslon Hotel.-'S. C. Hadley, ?. S. A.; I H. H. Hickman, Augusta; James H. Giles, j Gran i te vi Ho ; Ephraim Tweedy, Augusta ; C. H. Poulson, Atlanta, Ga.; E. S. Downing, New 1 York ; Bobert Turner, Baltimore ; W. H. Boyeo \ and F. H. Eaton, Bennettsville ; J. W. Brown < and P. V. Coppinck, Mount Holly ; W. Wallen, j Columbia ; A. B. Davidson, city ; Thomas H. I Zimmerman, St. Matthew's ; G. H. JtlcMaater, ; Winn8boro'; W. W. Hannamaker and son, St. : Matthe .v's ; W. D. F. McDowall, Mrs. C. J. Mc- j Do wall, and Mr. and Mrs. John McBae, Cam- : den, 8. C. MOls House.-ii. French, city; M. Fry, j Leamington; L. A. Bigger, Ohio; Charles 1 Bentzalia, U. S. A.; H. P. Adams, Camden ; Balph Trembly, Jr., city ; H. W. Webb, George? town. BUSINESS NOTICES. 1 HTH. [f rou waut cheap Blank Book?; j If you want cheap Stationery, Envelope^ Paper, Ac; or, MILLEB'S Almanac: ll you want Printing executed neatly; If you waut Books bound in any attie, or Ac- < count Hooks made to order, with any desired pattern ol ruling, go to HinAM HABBIS, No. 59 Broad-etreet. WIBE FENCTNO.-Cameron, Barkley & Co., No. 150 Meeting-street, have for Bale a large quantity of three-ply telegraph wire, which i makes the cheapest and best fence known. 1 ME88B8. WELCH & BBANDES advertise a No. 1 lot of West India fruit, just received ex schooner Minerva. This supply "a direct from Havana, and consists of a select assortment of oranges, bananas and pineapples. Our readers who may have the funda to indulge in such luxuries, can procure them frenh and on rea? sonable rates by giving the above firm an im? mediate call at their establishment, Nos. 67 and G9 State-street. THE LOVERS of choice fruit and good things generally will be richly repaid by visiting the store of .Mr. M. N. Elein, No. S?59 King-street, where oan bo found a choice tupply of dried fruit, apples, lemons, Malaga c.rapes, raiains, cranberries, ginger, and other delicacies in this line. We ask attention to the advertisement, which will give some idea of the excellent as? sortment on sale, but a personal visit to the establishment will be necessary to {?ct a cor? rect notion of the good things that muy bo had there for very law prices. WE CALL ATTENTION to the advertisement of Mr. John Commins, No. 131 Meeting-street, nearly oppoeito Markct-stroet, where he offers United States Government McClellan saddles and harness, little used, at one-quarter their cost. It is certainly worthy the consideration of all who are engaged in agricultural pursuits to call and examine them. tu3 ^Ijrini??urul. PLASTERS AND GARDENERS WILL FIND ELLERRE'S PLANT TRANSPL.4NTEK, (Patented October 16, 1866), BY WHICH SURPLUS PLANTS OF COTTON. Corn, or of any plant may be transplanted tn the same time that tho soil can bs replanted, with? out disturbing the fibrous roots. At LITTLE & MARSHALL'S AGRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE & SEED STORE, No. 140 Meeting-street, opposite Pavilion Hotel. Charleston, S. C. January 17 flu Smos CROASDALE'S GENUINE SUPER-PHOSPHATE THE STANDARD FERTILIZER. RICHER IN AMMONIA AND PHOSPHORIC ACID THAN ANY OTHER FERTILIZER IN THE MARKET. Sold loi- Cash, or Approved City Accep? tance. BEAD THE FOLLOWING : CHARLESTON, S. C.. December 16,1867. Wm. Gurney : DEAS SIB : For the past year I have had tho superintendence of a largo Cotton planting interest aear the city. In the cultivation of tho land I have used CROASDALE'S PHOSPHATES, and although die season was most unfavorable to a fair experiment af this Fertilizer, I can with safety say that thc bene E.clsl effects on the crops in tho progress of its growth iras most manifest. My faith in itt utility ie so strong that I wiU recommend its uso for the ensuing season. Very respectfully, 1 G. W. S. LEGARE. | < HILTON HEAD. December 20, 1867. Wm. Gurney : DEAS SIR : I experimented with five diff?rent klndB of Phosphates and Manures the past season on xitton lands, and am forcibly convinced that "CROASDALE'S SUPER-PHOSPHATE" is far su? perior to any other of the fertilizers I have tried, and think so favorably of lt that I intend giving it the ireference the coming season. . Yours respectfully. F. E. WILDER, Superintendent V. S. Cotton Company. For sale by WM. GURNEY, No. ICU East Bay, Agent for State of South Carolina. Tan 28 30, Feb 1 4 6 8 ll 13 15 18 20 22 25 27 29, M'cb 8 6 710 12 14 17 19 2124 26 28 31, Apr'l 2 4 January 28 n i Ta rr?' The Wando Fertilizer Company HAVE ON HAND A SUPPLY OF THE ABOVE FERTILIZER, MADE AT THEIR WORKS IN THIS CITY. Farmers will find it to their interest to try it. PRICE 83U PER TON. W. C. DUKES & CO., Agents, No. L SOUTH ATLANTIC WHARF. January 31_ MAPES' NITROGENIZED SIM-PHOSPHATE OF LIME. TERMS i $63 PER TON, CASH-TIME SALES CAN BE ARRANGED FOR. H. >t. KINSMAN, SOLE AGENT FOR SOUTH CAROLINA, No. 153 EAST BAY. January 20 ttARBLE MANTELS, MONU MENTS, HEADSTONES, dec. A FINE SELECTION OF MARBLE MANTELS /X constondy on hand at 8. BEARER'S Wuro .oom, No. 64 First avenue, near Third-street, New fork. Call and examino before buying elsewhere. ' February S 6m o COLGATE & CO.'S GERMAN |t t Erasive Soap, II THE STANDARD OF | J fEXCELLENCE. For Sale by all Grocers. 3mo January 31 RICHMOND WEEKLY DISPATCH. ENLARGED AND IMPROVED FOR 1868. CHEAPEST AND BEST FAMILY AND BUSINESS NEWSPAPER IN THE SOUTH. ALTHOUGH THE WEEKLY DISPATCH FOR 18C8 has been greatly enlarged and improved, the price will remain the same. We are determined :o publish the cheapest and best family and business , newspaper ia the South, at a prieo placing lt within : tho ability of all to take iL Tho Weekly Dispatoh contains all tho important , jditorlals of tho daily; a careful and complete sum- ; mary of Foreign and Domestic News ; latest nows by i telegraph from all parts of tho world; full and reli- , ible Stock, Financial, Cattle and General Market Re? ports; latest Agricultural and Horticultural informa? tion; a synopsis of the proceedings ot Congress end? ?tate Legislatures when tn session -, proceedings of scientific, Agricultural, Religious and Literary So? cieties; all Important Legal Decisions of state and I f Federal Courts; reviews ot the most interesting and ; Important New Books; Popular Stories by the best 1 writers; and indeed everything 0f interest to tho . Family Circlo, the Merchint, Farmer, Prolessional | 1 man, Mechanic and Laborer. Our Washington correspondons will continue to keep our readers informed, both by telegraph and I f mail, of everything of importance occurring a. the i aaUonsl capital. TEEMS OF THE WEEKLY IU9PATCH. Moil subscriben?, ningle copy, one year.$2 00 Mail subscriber!), clubs of five, addressed to names of subscribers.9 00 Five copies to one address. 8 0? Ten copies to ono address.15 cu Terms cash in advance. Remittances may bo made by drafts, postal money orders, or in registered letters, at our risk. The Dally Dispatch is mailed at S6 for one year. The Somi-Weekly Dist at h is published every Tuesday and Friday, and malled at ti for one year. Specimen copies tl all our editions sent ou appli? cation. Address COWARDIN & ELLYSON, January 18 Richmond, Va. DIE CIIARLESTONER ZEITUNG, (A GERMAN WEEKLY) IS PUBLISHED EVER i WEDNESDAY, BY C. G. ERCKMANN A CO., No. 3 Broad-street. Being the only German paper in South und Not th karolina, Georgia, Florida and Alabama, it has now % large circulation in those States, and would, i hero lore be a desirable medium of communicating with the Germans in those States in their vermicular. Subscription-$3 per annum. Adver?Hcments inserted at thc usual rates. Address C. G. fc.tCKMANN & CO.. No. 3 Broad street, CharleHtou, S. C. February 1 . THE IRISH CITIZEN." NEW WEEKLY NEWSPAPER. Proprietor and Editor.JOHN MI iCflF.L. FIRST NUMBER TO APPEAR ON SATURDAY, the 12th of October, 1807. Terms by the year.$3.00 Terms for half year. 1.50 Terms foi four mom hs. LOO ClubB of 10 in the U6ualpropv..Jon. Advertisements to be forwarded Immediately, sc. is to be duly classified. Address, JOHN MITCHEL, Office of the Irish Citizen, No. 31 Barclay street, Now York. SejtemberSO judi?n Sales. Butter and Lard. BY T. M. CATER. Will be sold on Brown's wharf, at \ past nine 160 tubs BDd firkins' BUTTER 60 tubs LaTd. Conditions cash. February ll Cheese, Hains, Strips, cfc, cfc. BY LAUREY & ALEXANDER. THIS DAY, tho lltb inst. will' be sold before our Store, No. 137 East Bay, at 10 o'clock, 26 boxes Prime ENGLISH DAIRY CHEESE 6 boxes Prime Pineapple Cheese 200 Hams 600 choice Sugar-Cured Strips Mess Pork, Potatoes, Wrapping Paper, 4c, 4c Conditions cash. February ll Strips, Hams, Bork, Beef, ?c. G. W. STEFFENS & CO. Will sell THIS DAY, in front of their store, at 9& o'clock, 20 bbl3. S. C. PIG STRIPS AND HAMS 16 bbls. Pork and Beef 20 bbls. Mackerel 25 boxes Cheese 2G sacks primo Rio Coffee 20 boxes Codfish. February ll Shoulders, Strips, Sides, Hams, cfc. JEFFORDS & CO. Will sell THT? DAY, in front of their Store, at 9K o'clock, 25 BAGS RIO COFFEE 26 tierces Porto Rico Molasses 20 barrels Refined Sugar 400 Shoulders 2000 pounds Choice Strips 200 Sugar-Cured Hams 60 boxes Cheese 100 barrels Choice Eating Potatoes 26 barrels Apples. February ll Horse, Dray, Harness and License, Auction Sale by J. & F. DAWSON. We will sell THIS DAY, before our Store, No. 9G East Bay, at 10 o'clock, 1 YOUNG HORSE, DRAY, HARNESS, with new License for 1868, all in good running order. ALSO, 18 casks AITKIN'S IMPORTED ALK Terms cash. February D Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Cutlery, $c, BY MILKfTDRAKE. THI8 MORNING, at 10 o'clock, I will cell at my Store, corner of King and Liberty streets, A general assortment of CLOTHING, HOSIERY, loop Skirts, 4c, Panis, Vest?, Sack and Frock ?oats, Pocket and Table Cutlery, 4c ALSO, VALISES AND TRUNKS, saved-from late fire. February ll Sale continued of thc Damaged Dry Goods and Clothing saved from the late fire in King street; also the balance of the Bankrupt Mil? linery stock of store No. 422 King street; to gelher with an assortment of general Mer? chandise. McKAY & CAMPBELL Viii continue above sale TO-MORROW, (WEDNES? DAY!, 12th inst., at No. 13C Meeting-street, at 10 o'clock. Terms cash. February ll Positive, sale of Three Houses and Lot on the south side of Nunan-street, sixth west of Rut? ledge Avenue, known as No. 13, at Auction. BY SMITH & MCGILLIVRAY, leal Estate Agents and Brokera, No. 97 Broad-street. VEDNE<DAY, tho 19th instant, at ll o'clock, IN FRONT OF THEIR OFFICE, will be sold, without reservo, The above PROPER!Y, consisting of three Dwel ing Houses, each with double piazzas, four rooms, nd rentiug for $12 per month apiece. Lot 30 feet rant by loo fret deep, back linc 5u feet more or less. Terms-One-half cash ; the balance tn one year, ec ure J as usual; purchaser to pay S. 4 McG. for lipers and stamps. February 11 it!) iluDcr1isnnctit5. AN ORDINANCE TO REGULATE IHK DBKDQINO OT DOCKS. Whereas, The best interests ot the city, as well as be convenience of the shipping visiting the port, emand that the channel of Cooper Elver be kept pen with sufficient depth of water for ail com? ic reial purposes, and freo from obstruction: Be it ordained, That in rature all mud removed rom any of tho city docks by drodge machines, or ther wise, shall be removed one hundred and Hi ty ithoms from the ond of the dook. Tho Harbor Master shall be furnished with a copy i this Ordinance, which he is required strictly to en jrce; and to report for prosecution all violations of | lie same; which shall subject tho parry so offend ig toa fine not exceeding one hundred dol?ais tor ach aud every offence, Uti tied in City council this eighth day of October, In tbe year or our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven. [L.S.l- P. 0. GAILLARD, Mayor. . October 18 W. H. SMITH, Clerk of Council. *| AN ORDINANCE O PROVIDE FOB THE LIQUIDATION OP THU INTER? ES! ON TUE DEBT OF THE CITY, WHICH ACOBOED OM THE THIBTIBTH DAT OF SEPTEMBER LAST. BE IT ORDAINED BY AHE MAYOR AND ALDERMEN in City Council assembled, That ar tho purpose of liquidating the interest on the nobe debt ot the city, which accrued on the tnirti th day ol September last, six per cent, stock, obli atory on the corporation ol the City of Charleston, hall be issued under the direction of the Mayor, to ho persons holding stocks or six per cont, bonds ol he city, and eut.tied to receive the interest ac rued thereon at tho timo abovo stated, the said tock to bear interest alter thc rate of six per cent ?er annum, payable quarterly, redeemable in thirty 'ears rrom date: Provided, That no part of said !. ck snail be issued for any sum leas than twenty lodara, or for any tractions! part ol' a dollar: Pro ruled, also, that all sums for less than twenty dol? ara, and for fractional parts of a dollar, shall be >ald in city bills. SEC. 2. That tho fenn of certificate, and mode if transfer of Bald stock shall be subject to the same egulations as now exist m i elation to other city six ier cent, stocks of the city, ?itiflcd in City Council this twenty-socond day of ] October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven. IL.S.] P. C. GAILLARD, Mayor. W. H. SMITH, Clerk of Council October 26 AN ORDINANCE 'O PBOVrOE FOB THE LIQUIDATION OF THE INTEREST ON THE DEBT OF THE CITY WHICH ACCRUED ON 31BT DAT OF BK CK M li KR LAST. Be ii ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen tn City 7ouncil assembled.That for tho purpose of liquidating he interest on tho public debt ol the city, which ?crued on tho 31st day of December last, Six Per taut. Stock, obligatory on tho Corporation of the ;ity of Charleston, shall be issued under thc direo ion of the Mayor to the persons holding Stocks or tonds ot the City, and entitled to receive the int?r? ?t accrued thereon at tho time above stated, the aid Stock to Lear interest alter the rate of six per ent. per annum, payable quarterly, redeemable in hirty years from date: Provided, That no part of aid Stock shall bo issued for any sum less than wenty dollars, or lor any fractional part of a dollar. Provided, also. That all sums for less than twenty lollara and for fractional parts of a dollar shall bo laid in City Bills. SEO. 2. J bat tko form of certificates and mode ol ronsfer ol said Stock shill be subject to the same cgulations as now exist in relation to other Six Per tant. Slocks of tho City. latined in City Council this twenty-eighth day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred aud sixty-eight. [L. s ] P. C. GAILLARD, Mayor. W. H. SMITH. Clerk of Council. January 31 _ Imo NOTICE. OFFICE OF THE CITY ASSESSOR, I Crrt HALL, February 1, 1868. j VfOTICE IS BEliEBY GIVEN THAT THIS OF Li FICE is now open and will remain open overy lay from the hours of 9 A. M. to 2 P. M. (Sundays xcepted), until the first day of March next, for the cceipt of Tax Returns on .' state, ic. All males, whito and colored, over the age ol wenty-onc years are required to return themselves or Capitation Tax. All defaulters will be dealt with as the ordinance litect". W. N. HUGHES, February 1 Imo City Assessor. >FFICE CHIEF OF CITY DETECTIVES CHABLESTON, February 1, 1868. RECOVERED AND BROUGHT TO THIS OFF ?CE one SINGLE CASE GOLD WATCH, Gold Faro nd Hands, No. 3463, maker Wm. Adams, Liverpool, nd has a small Gold Chain attached. Sold Watch md Chain is supposed to have been stolen either rom sumter or Union, S. C. 'ihe owner can have he same by calling, proving property and paying .xponses. H. W. HENDRICKS, First Lieutenant and Chief of City Detectives. February 3 nRKAT DISCOVERY I EVE HY MAN HIS OWN ARTIST ! A SCIENTIFIC WONDER ! An instrument by which any person can take cor .ect Likenesses or Photographs. This instrument, ivith mil instructions, sent by mail for-one dollar. Address C. B. AMES 4 CO., No. 181 Broadway, New York. January 3 2mo THE URBEN VILLE MOUNTAINEER ISPUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY; AT SI 6C per year, in advance. Advertisements inserted lt usuM rates. G. E. ELFORD, May lu Editor sud PioorWor. Onction S?Uk^_ ASSIGNEE'S S ME. Under Foreclosure of Mortgage, Charles T. Lowndes, Executor, vs. Estate of A. M. Manigault. 4 vir ture of au order of sale, toms directed in the ?hove case. I will offer for sale at Public Auction, the old Postofflce, foot of Broid-atreet, Charles t So. Ca., on THIS DAT, the 11th day of Feb n. r, at ll o'clock A.M., Tba. ""RACT OF LAND, known as White Oas Plantation, situated upon the Norlh.Santee Uiver, in the Parish of St. James, Georgetown District, con? taining six hundred and thirty acree, more or less, together with dwelling and outhouses Situated there? on and appertaining thereto. Terms-One-fourth cash ; balance in three, equal success ive annual in taimen ts, secured by bond of purchaser, and a morgage upon the Plantation. Purchaser to pay for papers and stamps. LOTUS MoLALN, Assignee of A. M. Manlgault February ll m we tul UNDER DECREE IN EQUITY. Frost vs. Baker. Will be sold under the direction of the undersigned, at the old Custom house, on THIS DAY, the 11th day of February, 1868, at ll A. M., AU that LOT OF LAND, with the buUdings there? on, situate ou the north side o!.' LamboU-etreet, in this city, measuring in iront on Lam boll-street forty one feet, more or less; on the back line forty-two feet, more or les-; and in depth from south to north one hundred and eighty-five feet. Bounding to the north on land ot Wm. B. Pringle; to the east on land lately of Joalah Taylor; to the south on LamboU street; and to tho west on land of Miss Hester T. Drayton. Terms-One-fourth cash; balance in one, two, three and four years, secured by bonus of the pur? chaser and mortgage of the premises, with interest from day of sale, payable semi-annually. Tho buUd? ings to be insured and policy assigned. Purchaser to pay for papers and stamps. JAMES TUPPER, February ll_tu3_Master in Equity. UNDER DECREE IN JEQJJITY. Eulson vs. Williams et al. Will be sold, under the direction of tbs undersigned, at the old Customhouse, on TUESDAY, the Sd day of March, 1868, at ll o'clock, AU that PLANTATION OR TRACT OF LAND situate on the east aide of Wad boo Swamp, in the Parishes of St. John's Berkeley and St Stephens, Charleston District, containing 843 acres; boundod north by lands ot D. G. Weathers, east by lauris of Williams, KO utli by lands of Selby and Pon toux, and west by lands of Meroe and Hustson, and having such shape, form sud maras as is represented by a plat drawn by G. C. Smith, dated 7th February, 1859. Terms-Half ca;>h; balance lu one year, secured by bond ot purchaser and mortgage of premises. Pur. obaser to pay for pipers and stamps. JAMES TUPPER, February ll tu4_Master In Equity. BY I?. M. MARSHALL & BRO. On TUESDAY, 24th February, at ll o'clock, w?l be sold, the following, at the old Customhouse : BRICK STOREHOUSE on Atlantic Wharf BRICK STOREHOUSE in Glllon-street LOT in Cumberland street, opposite site of church LOT in Berresford-street BUILDINGS AND LOTS 7, 9 and ll Mazyck street. Conditions-One-f.fth cash; balance, by bond, in one, two, three, four and five years, with interest semi-annually; buildings to be insured and policy assigned. Purchasers to jay R. M. M. A Bro. for papers and stamps. Further particulars w?l be given in subsequent advertisement tutlasS February ll BY B. M. MARSHALL & BRO. On TUESDAY, 34th February, at ll o'clock, wiU be sold, at the Exchar.go, Broad-street THAT DELIGHTFUL BRICK RESIDENCE of eight upright rooms, known os No. 21 King-street, near the Battery. It has ample servants' accommo? dations, carriagehousi), alible, woodhouse and cis? tern. Tho Lot measures JO fort on King-street and 69 feet on back line by 20l> feet 6 inches in depth, bc the same a little more or loss. Conditions-One-fifth cash; balance by bond paya? ble in one, two, thrre. four and five years, with in? terest/ semi-annually, secured by mortgage of the property; buildings to be insured and policy as? signed. Purchaser to ray R. M. M. Sc Bro. for pa? pers and stamps. tutlisSstuS February ll Babbles amb ganter. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT HARNESS ID SADDLES. LITTLE USED, At Om--quarter their Cost. Z.(\f\i\ MCCLELLAN SADDLES. ?UUU 5000 SETS HARNESS. For sale by JOHN COMMINS, No. 181 MEETING-STREET, Nearly opposite Market-street. January 28 tuS WOOD, LUMBER, &c. BEST QUALITY OAK, PINE AND LIGHTWOOD, by boat load or at retail, as weU cs ASSORT? MENT OF LUMBER, TIM BEB, SHINGLES, vc. For sale low, at foot Rjaufain-street STETNMEYER & SON, December 17 tut s LIME, AT REDUCED PRICES. THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE EREOTED A LIME KILN on the rite of the old Cannonsboro' Mill, nf.xt Savannah Railroad Wharf, and would be happy to supply their friends and customers with LIME burnt from tho best rock imported from Rockland and Rockport (Maine), at the following low prices: Lime per barrel (exclusivo of barrel) from the kiln.$1.26 per bbl. Lime per barrel (with barre ) from the kiln.$1.60 per bbl. Lime per barrel, from Store on Ven? due Range.S1.75 per bbL The Limo is warrin toi to bo equal to any import? ed from Maine. Terms cash. OLNEY & CO., Nos. 9, ll and 13 Vendue Range, February 1 _And Foot Mill-street LIME ! LIME ! LIME ! Ol AA BBL9. OF FRESH BOOKPORT LIME uX.\j\J just riceived and for ealo at prices as low as tho lowest, at Nc. 217 EAST BAY. A. He COBB. Jr. February 4 tutbBlmo C. J. SCH LUPE GRELL, No. ?7 LINE-STREET, BETWEEN KING AND ST. PHILLP. LUMBER OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AND BUILDING MATERIAL, LIME and PLASTER? ING LATHS, PAINTS, OLDS, GLASSES, SHLsGLES, kc, ron s taut! y on hand at thc lo weBt market prices. SoptemberT2 thmly TO JUNK-SHOP KEEfEHS. OFFICE CLERK OF COUNCIL,) DECEMBER 3,18C7. f THE JUNK-SHOP LICENSES OF THE FOLLOW? ING persons havp expired. They arc hereby notified to apply at this Ollke immediately and re? new tho same : PHILIP RILEY, Warren and St. Phllip-strccts. M. REYNOLDS, No. 5 Bedon's Alley. MARY BURKE, No. 72 Calhoun-streot EDMUND WALLACE. No. 24 Washington-street JAMES WALLACE, No. 95 Spring-struet. JOHN LEAHY, No. 214 Comiu&i-street. MARY HAFFERTY, Columbus and Hanover-sts. MARY CA MP HELL, Prosident and Cimnou-sts. P. MANION, No. 67 State-sirect. JOHN HENNY, No. 40 Qucen-strcct. JAMBS BARRY, No. 10 Whart-street D. CONItOY. No. 32 St Philip-street. P. DORAN, No. 10 Excbange-stroet P PLNKUSSOHN, No. 63 East Hay. W. H. SMITH, December 3 Clerk of Council. CITY TAXES-MONTHLY RETURNS. OFFICE OF THE CITY ASSESSOR, ) CITY HALL, February 1,1888. J NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL CON? CERNED that the MONTHLY RETURNS FOR THE MONTH PF JANUARY 1'AST, in compli? ance with the Tax Ordinance, ratified on the 28th day of January, 1868, must be made on or before the 15th instant AU defaulters will be dealt with as the oidinance directs. W. N. HUGHES, February 1 14 City Assessor. AN ORDINANCE TO ABOLISH THE OFFICE OF KEEPER OF ST. MI? CHAEL'S CLOCK. Be it ordained, That the offlco of Kcopcrof St Michael's Clock be, and the samo is hereby abolished. Ratified in City CouncU this twenty-eighth day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight. [h. a.] P. C. GAILLARD, Mayor. W. H. SMITH, Clerk of Council. January 31_20 OFFICE CHIEF OF CIT Y DETECT? IVES. OHASLESTON, S. C.. February 8, 18G8. EECOVERED AND BROUGHT TO THIS OFFICE. ONE CLOAK, two pair Pauts, two Sacks, one Vest on* Night Gown, and one pair Drawers. Parties losing tho some will please coll, prove property and pay expenses.^ & First Lieut, and Chief of City Detectives. February 8 Jtartio? Mts. A Handsome Residenci in the Western part of j the City ut Auction. BY I. S. h. BENNETT. THIS DAT, the 11th instant, st ll o'clock, st the old poetofflce, corner of East Bay sod Broad arreets, I will offer tor tale. All that valuable LOI OF LAND, with the large, comm od ions and hand.-o nely finished RESIDENCE and Outbuildings thereon, located on Smith-street, west side, between Montagne and Bu ll-arr?ete, and known as No. 86. The Residence contains seven (7) large and finely Anlabee", upri. ht rooms, basement rooms, two large attic rooms, and a wide piazza, all facing ?he south ; water-works in house and kitchen, gas, and a very large cia)ern. lhe outbuildings are of brick and very exten rive, all covered with slate and tin. The Lot mease res ninety-five ?95) feet front by one hundred and nnmry-seven (197) feet deep, be the same more or less. Conditions-One-half cash; balance by bond and mortgage of the property, with interest semi-annual? ly, payable In one and two years. Buildings to be insuredjmd policy auig a ed ; purchaser to pay me for ah necessary papers anc. stamp?. February ll fmtu8 [POSTPONED OM ACCOUNT OT THE WEATHER.] Estate Sale-By Order of the Executor. BT I. S. K. BENNETT. THIS DAY, the Uti instant, I will sell, at ll o'clock, at the Old Poetofflce, corner of East Bay and Broad streets. The following PIECJJ3 OF VALUABLE PROPER? TY, belonging to an eata:e, and sold by order of the Executor: , 1st. That high and dry LOT OF LAND, located at the northwest come.- of East Bay and Minority streets, measuring for.y (40) ieet front by one hun? dred and twenty (120) ieet in depth, be the same more or leas. 2d. That LOT OF LIND, with Tenement Building thereon, located at th e northeast corner of Middle and Minority streets, .'mown as Nos, 6 and 8. The Houses contain four rooms each, with brick kit "hens and commanding gool rents. The entire Lot meas? ures forty (40) feet ft ont by eighty (80) feet deep, more or less. 3d. That LOT OF LAND, with buildings thereon, located on t .o east side of King-street, between Broad and Trodd stre ets, and known as Na 68. j Tho House contains six uoright rooms, with attics, small room, piazza, pantry ina private stairway. The ont b uti dings are ample, including a large brick oven. The front store ls no rr being used as a bakery. The Lot measures thirty 30) feet front by two hundred and forty-one (241) ft et deep, be the Borne more or less. ALSO, I will sell at ' be same time and place, PEW No. 80, north Aisle of St PhUip'a Church. Conditions-One-1 alf cash; balance by bond and mortgage of the property, with interest semi-annual? ly, payable in one md two years; buildings to be kept insured and policy assigned. Purchasers to pay me for all necessary papers and stumps. The Pew will be sold for cash. February ll fmtuS Suffer and Molasses. BY J. A. ENSL0W & CO on THURSDAY nerd, 13th instant, st ll o'clock, will be sold on Brown's Wharf, alongside sehr. Miner? va, from Havana, 74 boxes gool GROCERY SUGAR 46 hbos. superior new crop Molasses. Conditions at Bala February ll Cloting an) /untiling ?nobs. TO THE CITIZENS OF CHARLESTON. B1RGIIS IN COTING! ?.BABGAD?8 IN DRESS FROCKS "SN J3-BARGA1NS IN SACKS"? ?"BARGAINS IN PANTS-? JWBARGAINS IN VESTS-CIA ?ir BARGAINS IN UNDER-"?a ?3-BARGAINH Di SHIRTS"?* 49-BARGATNS IN DRAWERS"*?* 49-BARGATNS IN HOSIERY"?* JWBARGATN3 IN GLOVES*?? ??BARGAINS IN TIES, Ac., Ac.-?* "A t'AKD. NOW IS THE TIME, WITH A LITTLE MONEY, to secure the Ba BGAIN8 TN CLOTHING AND FUR? NISHING GOu?3. Do not purchise before you examine the STOCK ' IMCilLMR, WILLIAMS & PARKER, ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, No. ?970 KINO-STREET, CHARLESTON, 8. C. January 13 Iciness Cards. TH1C OLD ESTABLISHED RETAH HARDWARE STORE, No. 844 KINO-STREET, Between Society-street and George-street. GOODS SOLD AT LOW PRICES. JOHN VAN WINKLE, January 21 tuthssinos No. 344 King-street. j? FOLEY'S CLOTHING, SHOE AND HAT STORE, No. 86 MARKET-STREFT, .CHARLESTON, 8. 0. Where mny be found every variety of GREAT COATS, FROCK AND DRESS COATS, Shirts, Un? dershirts, Vista and Pantaloons, Drawers and .'jocks, Boots, shoes, Hats and Caps, Trunks, Carpet Bags, Valises, Ac. February 6 E. H. KELLERS dc CO. DRUGGISTS AND APOTHECARIES, " No. 181 MEETTNG-bTBEET, NEAR MARKET. FRESH ADDITIONS OF DRUGS, MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS RECEIVED WEEKLY. j?-PBES<niIPTIONS POT UP WITH CARE.-?* January 3 ._ ^7 ILL I AM H. O ELLI LAND dc SON, REAL ESTATE AGENTS, AUCTIONEERS ASS COMMISSION MERCHANTS. OFFICE No. 83 HAYNE-STREET, senieraber 3 jg L. BARRE. REAL ESTATE, STOCK AND EXCHANGE BRO? KER, No. 141 East Bay, Januaty 1 31110 Sriiflflj Cbemir?ls, (Etc. ITS CONSTITUENTS. THE BICHEST PART OF the berry of Wheat and Barley Malt, being scientifically prepared ready for use,thia food by an? al v sis 1B the same in its chemical olements as HEALTHY BREAST MILK, and ls the easiest of di? gestion and assimilation of all nourishments for children, Invalids and Dyspeptics. It has been tried hy the physicians of Charleston, nni is recom? mended and prescribed by the most eminent physi? cians of New York. GEO. WELLS COMBI OCK, No. 67 CorUand-etreet, New York. DO WIK Si MOISE, January 16 thstu6mo9 Chsrlecton, S. C. NOTICE. OFFICE OF CITY TREASURER, ) CHARLESTON, 8. C., 3d January, 1868. J HOLDERS OF COUPONS OF THE FIRE LOAN BONDS of the City of Charleston, are noti? fied that those due on tho 1st instant will be paid cn presentation at tho Firet National Bankin this city. S. THOMAS, City Treasurer. January 3_ NOTICE TO PEDLARS. OFFICE CLERK OE COUNCIL, ) JANIJABY 18. 1868. 1 ALL ANNUAL LICENSES FOR PEDDLING TN tho streets and thoroughfares of Charlton ex pired on Jlrtday of December hist Applications lor renewals must be made imme^f .SMITHi January ao Clerk of Conned, judi?n Salts. Dry Goods, Hats and Clothing. BY JOHN G. KILN OB &'DO. THIS DAT, lltb lost., at 10 o'clock, we will ae.ll at our atore, A DESIRABLE INVOICE, CONfllSTPfO, Di PAST OF: Fine Wool TWEEDS, Cadet Jeans, Mixed Kerleys, Blue Denims, Shirting Stripes, Shepherd'? Plaida, Domestic Ginghams, Printed Satinets, Wool Miltons, Plaid Homspuns, Bleached Jeans, Bcd licking, Sill das, French, Madras and Verona Hand? kerchiefs, Cambric and Muslin Handkerchiefs, Sewing Silk, Whit.- and Black Spool Cotton, Flax rhread, Balmoral Skirts, Marseilles Bed Spreads, White Hose. Brown and Mixed'Half Hose, Table Damask, Colored Wool Table Cloths, Children's Bal? li oral Hose, Casslmere Vests, Satinet Pants, Wool Eats, Ac. Conditions cash._ February ll Thomas Pineknty, executor Elizabeth P. PineJ? ney vs. Sarah P. Bellinger et al: A bill to Account, to Marshal Assets and for Relief. BY T, A. WfllTKEY, Auctioneer. ?Viii be sold under the direction of the undersigned, at the old Customhouse, THIS DAT, the 11th day of February, 1868, at ll o'clock, A M., All those two adjoining fine COTTON and BICE PLANTATIONS, known as "Timothy" and "Towns aid," tracte belonging to the estate of Mi s.'Eliaaoevh .*. Piockney. deceased, situated on* the As?epoo liver, about two miles (rom the ferry, on the Saltka latchie road, Colleton District. These Plantations 'ffer rare inducements to capitalists who may wish 0 engage in the culture of Cotton or Bice, aa they omain 63u acres of Cotton land ai.d 136 sensor tice land, both excellent quality. The Elco lands, 1 wing to the finn facilities for drainage, are admira ?ly adapted to the cultivation of this staple. On hese placea are a DweUinghouao.Kitnhen, very lacee Jam, Cornhouso, flue r tattle, and seven or eight? etv.inta' houses. . tl A Plat ot the same can be seen at the office of X. L Whitney, No. 7 Franklin-street Terms-One-third cash; balance on a credit of one nd two years, secured by bond and mortgage of the he premises. Purchaser to pay for papen. ti. STOKES, February ll ? _C. tap. ASSIGNEE'S SALE. . P. J. Knauffvs. The Charleston. Rubber Com puny-Case in AttaclmenU W. Y. LEITCH & B. S. BB??fS, Auctioneers. n obedience to the order of the Honorable the Court ot Common Pleas, I will offer for salo, at U o'clock on THURSDAY next, 13th inst, at Public Auction, at the Works, King-street Road, to tbs highest bid? der, r\' THE FOLLOWING VALUABLE PBOPEBTT z Ino (1) ENGINE, sixty horse power ' ' "Wo (3) New Bol?n me (1) fifty-two (52) feet Heater and Ciirriege; and 39 Monlds Tor Vulcanizing rive (8) Mixers s ad Grinden fwo (2) Sets of Cullenders me (1) Large Key Vice ."wo (2) Sledges rwenty (20) Composition Boxes fwo (2) Tables, sixty feet .. -->.. rae (I) Table, forty-five feet ' ma (l) Chain, one hundred an<r.four (104) feet jot Steam Piping art ched to Machine - ingtne Lathe, 10 feet bed, 20 inch, Wir? Screw, Cutting Guard complete, with Counter Shaft Terms-One-half rash; remainder in lour and six aonths, on note or notes of the purchaser, with two r mon approved sureties. Purchaser to pay for tamps. D. B. GIT ULAND, Assignee. February 7 Uoiuts tn ^onhraptri). rt! THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE L UNITED STATES FOR 1 HE DISTRICT OF OUTH CAROLINA-IN THE MATTER OF WIL? LAM M. WTLLLAMS, BANKRUPT-BT WHOM A 'ETiTION FOR AD JUDIO Al ION OF BANERUPT T WAS FILED ON THE 1ST DAT OF JANUARY, A. ?. 1868, IN SAID. COURT-TN BANKRUPTCY. his is to give notice that on the Thirtieth day of anuary, A D. 1868, a Warrant in Bankruptcy was saned against the Estate of WILLIAM M. WIL? LIAMS, cf UL John's Berkeley, in the District of ?harleaton, and State of South Carolina, who haa ?en adjudged a Bankrupt on his own petition; that be payments of any debts and dali very of any prop rty belonging to said Bankrupt, to him or for his tao, and the transfer of any property by him, an crbidden by ?aw; that a meeting alf the Creditors of sid ranxrupt, to provo their debts to choose ne or mon Assignees of his Estate, will be'beld at Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at No. 69 Broad treet, Charleston, S. C., before H. B. CARPENTER, iegistrar, on the Twenty-sixth day of February, A. >. 1868, at 12 o'clock M. J. P. M.-EPPING, United States Miraba! as Messenger. February ll tu2 TN Tilt, DISTRICT COURT OF THE L UNITED STATES, FOR THE DISTRICT OF OUTH CAROLINA-IN THE MATTER OF JOHN I. JUNGBLUTH, BANKRUPT, BY WHOM A 'ETlTIO.<i FOR ADJUDICATION OF B*NK .UPTCY WA3 FILED ON THE 28ns JANUARY, i. D., 1868, TN SAID COURT-IN BANKRUPTCY. his ia to give notice that on the thirtieth day of ranua>-y, A D , 1868, a Warrant in Bankruptcy waa isued against the Estate of JOHN H. JUNGBLUTH, f Charleston, ha the District ol Charleston, and tate of South Carolina, who has been adjudged a lankrnpt; th . t the payment of any debt* and de iveryof any property belonging to said Bankrupt, o him or for his uso, and tho transfer of any proper y by him, an forbidden by law;. that a meeting of be creditors of the said Bankrupt, to prove their .ebts, and to choose one or mon Assljguoee ot his ?state, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be lolden at No. 69 Broad-street, Charleston, 3:0., br are B. B. CARPENTER, Registrar, on the tuenty ixth day oj February, A.D., 1868, at ll o'clock, k.M. J. P. M. EPPING, United States Marshal a? Messenger. February ll - : ? ? .?_ t;,_... ,tu2 [N THE DISTRICT COURT i OF' THE UNITED STA1ES-FOR THE DISTRICT OF .OUTH CAE ULINA-TN THE MATTER OF W. J. )ANIELS, BANKRUPT.-BY WHOM A PETTI ION fOR .ADJUDICATION OF BANKRUPTCY .WaS riLED ON 1HE 24TH DAT OF JANUARY, A D. 868. TN SAID CoURT.-IN BANKRUPIOY.-Thia s to give notice that on the thirtieth day <f January, L D. 1868, a Warrant in Bankruutcy was issued against the Estate of WILLIAM J. DANIELS, of ierjie tts ville, in the Dis.rict cf Marlborough, and the Stare of South Carolina, who has bi.on adjudged a Bankrupt on bis own petition ; that the payment of my debts and delivery ot any properly belonging to laid Bankrupt to him or for his use, and the transfer 3f any property by him are forbidden bylaw ? that a meeting cf the creditors o? tho said Bankrupt to wove their debts and to choooe one or mote Assignees >r his Estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, :o be holden at No. 69 Broad-street, Charleston, ?. 0., selon R, B. CARPENTER, Registrar, on the ftesnry rw tA day of February, A. D. 18?8, at 10 o'clock, A M. J. P. M. EPPlHG, United States Marshal aa Messenger. February ll_ tn3 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF JTHE UNITED STATES-FOR THE DISTRICT OF SOOTH CAROLINA-IN THE MATTER OF CHRIS? TOPHER GAILLARD. BANKRUPT-BY WHOM A PETITION FOE ADJUDICATION" OF BANKRUPT? CY WAS FILED ON THE 28D DAY OF- JANUARY, A. D. 1868, IN f-ATD COURT-IN BANKRUPTCY. Thia is to give nodce that on the thirtirth day of Jan? uary, A. D. 1868. a Warrant in Bankruptcy was is? sued against the Estate of CHRISTOPHER GAIL? LARD, af ht John's Berkeley, District ol* Berneley, md State of South Carolina, who has been adjudged ? Bankrupt on his own pu?don; that the payment of iny debts aud tho doiveryof aoy property belong? ing to said Bankrubt, to him, or for his use, and the :ronsfer of any property b him an forbidden by aw; that a mcefng ot t e creditors of the said Bank -npt, to prove tb' ir debts, and to choose ono br mon Assign?es of his Estate, vnil be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to bo holden at No. 69 Broad-street, :harlfston, S. C., Defore B. B. CARPENTER. Regis xar, on the twetoty-fourth day oj FebrisarjfrlLTD. 1888, kt 3 o'clock P. M. J. P. M. EPPING, United States Marshal at Messenger. February 8_ .>' --atufa IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF Ti K UNITED STATES-FOR TBE DISTRICT OF 30UTH CAROLINA-I: THE MAI TER CF E.W. ?YTLLIAMS, BANKRUPT-BY WHOM A PETITION FOR ADJUDICATION OF BANKRUPIOY WAS FILED ON THE 29TH DAY OP JANUARY, A D. 1868, IN SADD COURT-IN B AN KB OPT CY^-This ls ogive notice that on the thirteenth dt\ cf January, \.. D. 1868, a Warn nt iu Bankruptcy wa? issued igaiust the Estate ofL. W. WILLIAMS; ot. Aiken, In. he District of barn well and state of South carolina, vho has been adjudged a Bankrupt o? his own ped? il?n, that tho payment of any deb s. and delivory of my property belonging to said Bankrirpty-to him or br his use, and the tiansfer of any property by him ire forbidden by law; that a meeting jt tho-crcdiicrs 3i tho said Bankrupt, to prove th'jir debt? and to ihooeo one or more Assignees of hi .. Estate, will be ?eld at a court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at No. 59 Broad-street, Charleston, 8. C., before R. B. CAR? PENTER, Registrar, on the tuenly-j\flh~dayofFebru irv, A. D. 1868, at 10 o'clock A. M. J. P. M. EPPING, United States Mor-hal as Messenger. February 8_ ' : gtttt3 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITE J STATES-FOR THE DISTRICT OF SOUTH CAROL1NA-IN THE ALUTEB OF EDMUND SCOTT 4 CO.. BANKRUPTS-BY WHOM A PETT TION FOR \BJUDIC AXION OF BANKRUPTCY WAS FILED ON 1HE 18rn DAY OF JANUARY, A.D.. 1868 IN SAID COURT-IN BANKRUPTCY.-This ls to'gi ve notice, that on the thirtieth doy of January, \ D 1868, a Warrant in Bankruptoy waa Issued ncain'st the Estate of EDMUND-8C01? and SOLO? MON BENJAMIN, of Charleston, in the District of Charleston, and State of South Carolina, who have been adjudged Bankrupts, on their own Petition ; that thc payment of any debts and delivery of any property belonging to said Bankrupt?, to them or for their use, and the transfer of any property by them tte forbidden by law; that a meeting of the crediton of the : aid Bankrupts, to prove thilr debts, and to jboose one or mon Assum?es of their Estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at No. 59 Broad-street, Charleston, S. C., before R. B. CAR? PENTER, Registrar, on the tioenty-fourth diy of Feb - ruary, A. D., 1868, at 2 o'clock, P. M. J. P. M. EPPING, United States Marshal as Messenger. Febrrary 8 8tnf3