THE DAILY NEWS. BT ELIZABETH BABBET BBOWVWO. Unless you can muse ia a crowd all day Oa tho absent faco that fixed you ; Unless you an love as the angelB may. With toe breeJth of Heaven beW'xc vo? '? Unites y ou o m dream that Wa laith ls fast, TnrouKh beuooving and uubehooving ; Unless you eau die whan the dream is paat O, never call it loving I ^^^^^^^ OFFICIAI.. LIST OF LETTERS remaining In the Poatoffloe at Charleston, for the ire** ending JANUARY 30, 18G8 and printed officially In Tai DATLT NEWS, aa the newspaper having the largest circulation in the City of Charleston: av Parsons oalling for Letters Advertised, should stat? that they are "Advertised." S3- Office hours tro- 8 A M. to 6 P. M. On Sun? days, from i to 6 P. SI. STANLEY G. I ROTT. Postmaster. AIGIN Alston. Mrs R Gadson, Mrs Re- Nettles. Misa 8 A Andrews, Miss becca Nelson, Mrs Es Mary A Gadsden, Mrs becca B Fisher Neill, Mrs G Bastroick, Mrs 3rant, Miss A F -ic .ois, Mrs C 9 Jane Grant. Mrs Char- Nichole?, Mies Burts, Fanella lotte Sallie Bali, Mrs MO H Nottago, Miss A Buh, Mrs E O Haven, Miss E M Noli, Mrs Ea e J Barring!on. Lt- Harris, Mrs An- ?ola i. Mrs Capt ley na bowell, Nioy Ben.ord, Mrs M Harris, Misa Ma- (ool'd) J "ry O Bell, Mlaa Dellar H'nry, ? Eire- O'Marr, Mrs B BPO?UT, Isa SI i. Hoyt, Mrs R H P Bird, Mro P Hoftetter, Mr J Parker, Mies Sue Bimuus. Mrs H Mary Pattersrn, Mrs J : Blexley, Mxc Ma- Hu;!"a, Mrs L X? Margret Parker, Clara Black, Miss E V Holmes, Miss B Pirknes, Mrs DI X T nah Blakeley, Miss E Holmes, Mrs W Perry, Mrs Anna p I Pond, Mrs Elva Blaskman. Mrs L lalllerd, Mrs F Powell, Miss Jula Brails/ard.lLrs A J Posner, Sara X Johnson, Miss M Prier, Miss Char Brough'on, Mrs t> lotto VT Jones, Mra Ced- Perry, Charlotte Bremer; Miss M lia R Brotten, Mrs M Jones, Miss J'Ula Rantin, Mrs H , Burley, Mrs Jeffers, Mrs W H Reynolds, Miss S Martha - Jeffords, Miss F Brown, Mrs Ka- Fanny Redfern, Miss 8 ty Jervoy, Mrs TD R O JerTcy, Mlaa Ma- R chardson, Mrs Carr, Miss Anna ry J Caraoher, Mrs Jacobs, Mrs Rla?c, Mrs O Harr Jackson, Bar-h Riouwood, Mra E CsLi-rt. Mrs Jamed, Mrs Eady Roberts, Mrs E C ja.. IC Robinson, Miss Campbell, Mrs M Kinloch, Miss M Julia T H "Roberts, Mrs Em Chaplain, Miss E Kinloch, Miss 6 ma Close, Mrs Mary A Russ, Miss Mar corooran, Mr* Kelly. Mrs Liz- tba - Anne ale Rumley, Miss Cabalan, Mrs E Ke- nan, Mles JuUie Corcoran, M?AS T Eade . * -' Kerr, Miss Susan Bohnaars,Mr- AK Qronen, Miss1 li sheridan, Mles SL.x>< Labane, Urs G M Lissie - - . s> Ladson, lasa bel Smith, Miss M E 'BtiBMSSon, Mist A Smith, Mis? ADD Kate La?tarcard?, Mrs Mn ills, Ann Dad m > a, Mrs J Lennon, Mis* M Simmons, Miss A Daggett, Mrs Jo- J B ee^hine Leoane, w?tin>h T Davis, Miss Su- BK Thompson, Miss tan Y Magrath, Mrs J Douglas,Mrs Wm James Ticncken, Mrs M Dcome, Miss Maaoiny, Mrs M Taylor,Mit Hen Annoy B ry Deiesly, Mist . Marjenhoff, F W Taylor, Miss Ma L Marts, Mrs Met- ry Do vere, Mlaa to Taylor, Mri M A Maggie M'oultrle.Nanccy W DuPont, Mrs Moore, Mrs E E Weabb, Mrs Ma Mtry Muphy, Misa B ry J BI ' Marrar. Mrs C B Weulcke, Mrs 0 Edwards, Un Mackinfuce, Mn West, Mr.. M M Kate Mfller, Mrs Mox- Wharton, Mrs L Egan,Mrs Georgi' yat K W Myers, Mist M Y White, Mist A 0 Ervine, Mn M Macau ts, Mn Wlskennas, Miss F Marier H Fabwa, MTB Ma- Me Wood, Mlaa A tr ! ic Bride, Mra Wrede, Mn Be JitaPatrick, Miso Anne becka Annis McClure, Mn W?IIULUS, Mrs Fitssdmmons, Alica Georgiana Mn E M?lmes. Miss A Wilson. Miss Sa F 8 nh Tickling, Mn J J McKenzie, Mn A Washington, Mn Foley, Mrs ?arah MoMullen, Mis N Franklin, Mn h, MO T Fuller, Ml as Mag- MoNulty, Miss C Young, Mn Anna 9M . K TVTrTN^S X.IST. ? ; F i sic Ashlar ? Whit- Fleming, Thom McCall, A Jr titr Foster, H C McDoonelLEdwd Allston, Danial jrrushner, W W JcKenxle, Dan Alian. Major c Dj O isl Apelar, D |aafllsrd, Robt G M'Mannus, B Archer, Jts l?ernard. Heurig McLenhan, A P Aunan, Master Gorse, Herrn L M Arthur iGelsmurn. Aron Newman. W W B IGibaon, John M \ orman?, James I Ban I am sn, Rich- olbbona.Mission Noble, George aro Gibba, Rev JO U Baker, W Gnuaa, William Ogle--by, Sut BeavtLt, Mr H Oneil!, John Belford, Alezan- Green, Habon Ovings, Henry der Griffith, Geo H P Berry, B R Pendergraaa, Ed Bee, Thomas H Hamilton, Wm P ward Bia. k. John O Hardenburgh, Pendergast, E Blut. Andrew Fog ene Phil ipa, John Bisa hard, WD- Hal, William Perce, Ber F I Barn Hay ord,Gardner Potar, Peter ? Brodie, David Harr s, Isaac Pray, Wm H Bong, Rev E L Haynes, David K Boffeli, U B (col'd) Bhamea, F E Bog art, Capt Oat- Hannahan, Raysor. B S Per Abram Richards, George Bohde, Dedrioh Haynoe, William U Boona, 1 uni. 1 Hartman, H ttobertson, Thoa Biowidng, John H. ichei, L J b Hank n, OF Bobmaon,EH Brewer. Motet HUloro, George Row, John Brixton, John domes, Luis 8 (col'd) Hoyt, W U Salmons, Smith Binning. Joseph .ntson, Frank A Wilder Brown, Jun et Howell, Linton ?oUumacher, H I Brown, Heetxiab Hutchinson, Jas D Bmuian Oonanl Hull, Eawd Sehmalgemeyer BurMtobatl J Cor j BuUwtnktl, John Jaml-on, Capt Soott, John Hear John W Sohroder, Henry Burke, D & Son Jamas, Wm >eioro!t, Pe,er Ba dar, B A Jervey, William simmons, J Y I O Jillsoa. J K Shephard k Mc Oarr, ? 0 Johns un, capt t oy Cadet, J Jones, Cap Lewis Sigtraid, T S Canara m, Chas Joass, F M * luiptics, Jessie Carpaater.Juhua Bro Sly, Capt Jolm ,. 1 . |_ K Sioiu, Gr. over ts Chapia. Btnja Kattens, Hlnrick Co Childs Jeorgi? fi Ken dries, T A Sml:h. Isaae B Chambers, J R. j?osh^aoeck, smith. AUu Chapman, Geo John aodio, John Clark, Edward M|Klng. John H stewart, H W Cleary, r.avla Klein, Valentine stevens, Fred 8 Colton. A it Koeater. ih stedmiB.bamuttl Com niara, CE li Sullivan. Thos Cohn, B Larlcy, 8 0 T Coweua. Geo A Lange, John H Taylor, F E Caffey, Thomas Caasrus, EAS Ter y. John K ??5*8 Lathrop, J W ? Thompson, Ste Ootirsl, Jefferson Co Vaen M Cohen, Marsh Lwfond. Frank fink H Carrie. Uavid Luers. daer iaouron. Nioho uutten, H LUton, i-oanett las J l> Lewis. Mr Tourk, H A Darrin .ton, WU- Lewis. Jas M Xtlptty, Capt C S h*m^ Lobsiger. Rudolf lacker, WW Da'vis, B AI Tucker. hdw?iii Dennis, Solomon Martin, Nlok v DeCost, hraauue Mathows, Rev W Yanderllff. J F Jr DeJamerW, DC) O W DeMeddla. Geo Meverhoff, Hen- Wsgner. J G DeLamaUr, ^ ^ WaSh, john tar Miles, B 0 Ware, Oharles Dingle, B 8 Mult, L S Webb. Charles I Donnelly,Patrick Mows, SI Weike?. t, J W Donaot, Mons jMorgan, Owen Wetherhorn, L Enga?e Morr?n, John F Wils n, Jno B Dyer, Rev H (D MoLls, Ah red Wittkowski, J D> M ?rrsy, Scipio Blntels - Bl M urra v, Master Wldis, Hear/ Enckson, C Chalmers Wictschen, Cart Bvana, Joaoph Muitapher, Thoa Un Evans, Themas Aiyen, Hov S M W gg, ??&rt Xvantt, Wm W Myers, ?corge WI hams. Chas _ F me WiLiams. F W I Ftward, Ela. - McCarthv.Daniel ? n v Mo01?y. Andad- Zanguura, Sebaa Fltldt, Sappho I phef ain BV> Persons depositing letton in the Postofflce will pltata place the a tamp near the upper right hand corner of the envelope, and they w?l also platte to remember that without the stamp a letter cannot be mailed, hut wfll ba tent to the Dead Le Har Office. January 31 PORT CAXiK2SrDA.R. VBAtXt OT TBS KOON. ?^i25?Jt?A.,".\.1 h?o., the rates improved to 18)f @18X<'-. and at this point Middling Upland, which opener, at 16@16.iid., ad? vanced to 17c, fl IS., and closod yesterday at 17Ji@ lTXu. f, lb. Tue ararais for the week exhitit a heavy falling off in long staple qualities, but the receipts of Uplands continue to a fair extent, our tables tho wing that the supplies of Ssa Islams and Floridas hare beou only 72 bale , and of Uplands 0?29 bales, against 608 bales of the former and 9451 of tao latter during tho wt ok be.ore, und S3T bales of th? larmer and 4736 of the tarter fiar the oom spending week last jaar. The lollowing is a statement ot tho business dene in the article in thia market luring the week J oat terminated:. On Friday, th? 34th inst, there waa a atrong da mand with improving prioee, which were generally quite irregular, salea near 1200 bales. Ordin?r]' to Good Ordinary being quoted at 14@lt>)ic. ; Loir Mid? dling at 16&lG>iV.; Middling nt i6\a.c>?o.; Strict Middling at 17? 17 ?ic and Oocd Middling at 17Kc. ft ?. On Saturday, ia the forontion, the market was quiet, buyers showing but lillie disposition to trans? act business; but in the latter part of the clay intelli? gence of an adranoe at Liverpool caused pri?es to harden about ;4c. ft lb., eales 800 bale*. Ordinary to Good Ord nary being quotnd at U)ff?lt}\o. ; Low Middling at UX@16?{c ; Mide liing at 1 6Xa'a::5^c. ; Low Middling at 163t?l6>?c.; Middling at 17o., and Strict Middling at 17* c. fl lb. On Wednesday tho staple vas still in good rcquo't and prices were roxy run, sa es about 13.0 bales, Or? dinary to Good Ordinary bel ag quoted at H^al5\o. ; Low Middling at 16^@16Xo.; Middling at 17c, and Strict Middling at 17>,c. * h. Yeaterday a strong dom md prevailed with Ugh: stcok, ?nd pricea advanced U cent fi lb. Salea near 1000 bales, viz: 14 itt 14; 30 at. U%; io at MX; lo at 11%; 13 at 15; 34 at Ujfj 12 at 15>,'; 1? ut 15\ ; 6 at 16; 3 at h;\ ; 1 ai 16*; 82 at 16?; 48 at IT; 80atl7#; 174atl7.'i; 63 at 17--?; 73atl7X oonts. Wa quote : xrrxBPOOL cr-j^mcinoM. Ordinary to Good Ordinary.14X@16 Low Middlings.10 >i@16vr Middlings.ttX?fllH Strict Aladdhuga.17X?l COTTON STiTEJ/TNT. S.hl'd. t7?/*a\ Rice. Stock on hand Sept 1,1867. 182 810 180 Receirod thia week. 72 9928 550 Received previously. 6621 135857 11000 687S 146696 11730 Exports- 5. It'd. Up'd. Riot. Thiaweok.. 421 9725 694 Previously. 4090 119398 8879 Ol ty and local con? sumption. 2000 4511 129123 11673 Total exports and consumption.. 1611 129123 11578 Stook on hand and on shipboard 136il 17472 KT SAXX TIKE LAST YEAH. S.rid. Upl'd. Rtct. Stook on hand Sept 1, 1836. 235 6300 _ Reoeired this week. 937 4736 446 Reoelred previously.63?8 82704 5887 7640 91739 ?332 Exports- & rd up'-:.. Rios. This week.. 944 6915. SM Previously. 6976 9285*-?26 - -- 6919 79270 65S? Total exports. 691U 79270 6533 Stock on hand and on shipboard 621134 69 T99 StA ISLAND corros.-Tho arrival? of long staple Cotton during the wock hare been extremely light and show s decided fal lng off from the receipts of the week before. The market has been active for the oom m cm and medium grados, and the latter improv? ed from 4?3o. ft lb. The Oner qual.ties were not so much luquirei for. Tao transactions nf tho week hare been near COO bale? of Sea Islands sud Floridas, arno, g which we note tho t-Uow?ng Bales, say of Sea Islands. 4 at 55; 1 at 60; 8 at ll; 8 at $1 30; 7 at $1 40; of Floridas, 2 at 18; 7 at 39; 44 at 40; 6 at 42; 48at 43; 29 at 45: 4? at 60; 19 at .55, 46 at 60; 17 at 70; 25 at 05. We quote atalned aud badly prepared Floridas at 16 @25c. fl lb.; common quali;i?8 at 30@87; Medium at 45@55; Fine at 6C@"0; and Extra Fine and Choice at 75@80c. ^ lb. b< a islands may be quoted at 60@ 65o. for Inferior; GO&GS for Fair to Goud; 76c@$l 00 for Fine, and $1 10ill 80 and upwards for Extra Fine ind Choice lots. RICE.-There h: a 'jesn but limited supplies of ] this grain received during the wock, and factors continue firm, tho der ian l being active, and all par cela placed on tho market sell readily at full ratee-. The transactions amount to about 700 tierces of | olean Carolina, among which wo note 136 tiercea at 9X0. ; 68 do. at 9%C.; 38 do. at 9 11-lflc; 185 do. at 9X0. ; 96 do. at Wc.; 101 do. at 10c. $ lb. We quote Inferior to Fair at 9@ }%c fl tb. ; Fair to Good 9,i?@ 9,\o. ; Good to Common Prime at 0%@10c. $ lb. NAVAL STORES.-The ariirals of all qualities continue very limited, and hare been about 400 bbls. tor the week. We not? sales of No. 1 Rosin at $2.60? $3flbbL; No. 2 at $2.26@2.60; and No. 3 at $2 fl bbl. Spirits of Turpentine was sold at 45a46c. ft gallon. Ail qualities of Naval Stores aro firm, with an improving tendeixy. HAY.-The arrivals hare boen very light and we hear of no wholes ile transactions. Dealers aro asking about $1.50 ? hundred for North River quali? ties. CORN.-The arrirals of this grain conaist entirely of aupplica received from iho interior by rall, part ' ' which was aent th ough to Northern ports. Tho transactions are alnioat entirely in a jobbing way at about $1.2,(^1-25 fi bushel, without bags, and 21.30 fl bushel, asoka ir eluded, for thc above qualities. There baa teen nc arrivals of Maryland or North Carolina description?. MOLASSE-.-A cargo nf the now crop of Cuba, re oeivod from Malani :s. was sold at 42c. fl calton for clayed Molasses in hhos.; 47c. ft Kallon f r do. in tierces; 45}j@4Gc. It gailou fur Mus ovado Alola sed la hhds.; aud 55>?c. 0V gallon, in bbls. Iho abor? ?ftre o was cons iiine 1 to Air. W. P. RIXL, and Bolt}, by Mr. J. E. B. SLOAM. I OATS-Continue in very light receipt?, and the transactions have been confined to retail transactions for the supply of tho local demand. FLOUR.-The stock of Northern and Western qualities continue; good, and with a moder?te in? quiry prices during the week have continued with? out important tl eration say: for Nor .bern and West? ern Super $11 fl bbl.; Extra at $11.75@12 fl bbL. j and Family al S13@14 fl bbL Southern descriptions ! are somewhat norn nal in consequence of the ab- j s noe of stock, and may be quoted at $12 fl bbl. for Super, $13 lor Eura, and $14 00 fi bbL for Family. CAMP?ES's City Mills Family is selling at $14 50 fl bbL There is a fair demand for Northern Middling, which is held at $8.TS0@9.60 fi bbl. BACON.-The market has'become more active, and prices are qui e firm, with a very light supply of many kinds, parlicn?rly of Sides. Prime Western Shoulders may be quoted at I2>i@l3 cents fl tb.; Prime Western Ribbed Sides at 14 cents fl lb.; and Prime Western Clear Ribbed Sidos at UK cents fi lb. Bright second quality Meat sells at 1Q?11 ch. fi tb. for shoulders; ll?13 tor bides, and li? 14 ct?, for Ham?. Prime Strips may be quoted it 16)4 cts. SALT.-There has been received about 3000 sacks during the week, which sold from on shipboard at $1.50 fl sack. Holders from store are asking $1.70 ?1.80 fl Back. INDIA BAGGING.-The demand continues quite moaerate. We r;':ote large lots at 21@23 cents cash, and bighc rates when sold on time. New York ..unny Cloth is held at 22@24c. Dundee Bag? ging, 44 inches, Iii lbs. to the yard, is held at 30 @35 cents. Sea Island Bagging, 45 inches wide, 2 tbs. to tho yard, is held at 00?65 cents. ROPE.-In consequence of the use of Iron Ties, the demand for Bops is very light and prices irregu? lar, and somewhat nominal at quotations. We quote Hemp at 8@12 cents fi tb.; Greenleaf at 12? 13 cents, and Jute at 8*?9 cents fi tb. IRON RANDS AND TIES for Cotton are coming into use, and DILLON'S Universal Tie, Wit ROACH, Agent, the Arrow Tte, R Mean 4-Co., Agents, the I "Bonn's Tie", GEOBGK y/fWaCOSa ?"Cb\*Agenta, affd?'fn?'1wirLEv Buckle T^,S??ttT?^JiQ?^HBaii Co., Agents, and Groco> A- yoIsrmii'i^Tlo^y^rn?w A Sexmty&i a?nte^d^thTF*?^^ MJBOT LER, Agent, are oSorfdlu this market^J??tO&Wk, ,?en#1 ' ? K 8 ^-<^ "_^_, \ "TQ?BEB AND 'iUSD^^T^^ Timber' is somewhat tec?Saih^vilffl^^flnnA ntW Plobf'.'n'fjEoar'dB s> $13 >. M. ;" ne?r?rag^fnd Pla?ftk ?K)(?)U:f);c)l.; Timberlee ehipp^n?'?nd^?o^5aU qualities-tboro is a timi.ed supply; tn--tbsi market AmTmay.' fkf quoted a* ^ljsQTf. M. Common is soiling af'$5ffifi fl M.; andClty wtTSu' Lumber st $20@i5 fl M. j FREIGHTS.-The amount of shipping In port ls so limited that the rates to all points are firm, and J the commercial demands of the port require a ' considerable addition to the present tonnage In ibis harbor. To Liverpool, by steam, nominal; by Bali, 1 l-y, d. on Upland and 1%d. on Sea Islands. To Havre, l*e. on Upland, and 1\c. on Sea Islands. To the Wost Indies but little offering at ?7 @$8 gold fl M on Lumber, for north side of Cuba, and $9?$10 fl M, gold, for south side, with the privi? lege of changing ports. Coast wise-To New York, by steam, %c. fi tb. on Uplands, and l*c. en Sea Islands; $2 fl tierce on Rice. By ?ail, *?*c. fi Bs. on Cotton, and $l@l 50 fl tierce on Rice. To Boston by steam, lc. fi tb. m Cotton and - fi tierce on Bice; by sail %a. fl tb. on Cotton. To . hUadelphia, fcc. fl tb. on Upland Cotton, by steam, and -c. fi tb. by sail To Baltimore, by steam, y,a. fl tb. on Cotton, and$176 fi tierce on Rice. The Baltimore and Charleston Steam? ship Company take Cotton through to Cincinnati, st $1.50 fi 100 lbs.; Bice 66o. fi 100 tbs. To Louis* I ville, Cotton, $1.70 fl 100 lbs. ; Elco 76c. fl 100 lbs. 1 To St Louis, Cotton, $2.10 fl 100 lbs.; Bice 85c fi 100 lbs. These steamers take freight through to J Philadelphia. On Lumber, by sail, to New York, j Philadelphia and Baltimore, at $?@7 %i M., and on j Timber $9@10 fl M. nominaL EXCHANGE-Sterling Bins-The rate yesterday waa 151 % for sixty days' bills. DoMxszic EXOHAMOK.-The banks are purchasing Sight Checks on New York at % off. They are not purchasing at present beyond sight billa. They arc soiling Sight Checks at par. GOLD.-The brokers were yesterday buying at 40 and selling at 41. Tho Liverpool Cotton Market. LIVERPOOL, January 10-Friday Evening.-COT TOS. -(Prom tira Drokoi o' Circular.}-TU* cotton market opened after the New Year's holidays with animation, owing to the confidence Inspired by the stock proving not to be in excess of the estimate, and also the influence of higher quotations from New Yoik. A large burines* was transacted on Friday and Saturday by the trade, as well as by exporters and speculators, s^d prices advanced about ,s'd pur lb In the cur. eut descriptions; but since Monday tho demand has been less extensive, and the week closes only slightly above tho quotations of the close of last year. For sea Island a fair demand has prevailed, but the lower qualities, being more freely offered, are quoted ld per lb lower during the past lortnght. American, after a ivancing per lb, oloses rather higher than .the last quotations, but with sn abun? dant supnly offert .ig. New York advices" to the 9th instant quote middling 16 cents, cost? ing to S.II in Liverpool 7 l-10d per sailing vessel, 7 3-16d por steamer. Of Brazil, the recent, impona continue to be ireely offered, but without mate, ia! change in value. Egyptian has beeu in good request daily, and, being less pressed for sale, h.'s commanded steadier prices. Smyrna is in very limited dt maud, and quotations ate reduced about >?d fl tb. Too demand (or East Inala having con? siderably increased, prices advanced >?d fi lb, but in symp thy with tae duli fooling generali .quota? tions are now nearly the same a-i ou the 31st m.imo. in Cotton "to arrive" a large business was done In the early part ot the week, and .Nuvauuah, ship named, basis of Middling, waa quoted at 7 l-16d, Mo? bile 7J?d, Orleans 7 VI ; but tho latest quotations aro -sbip named, Savannah, oJid; Mobile, 6#d; Jan nary shipment, Orleans, Td fl tb. The actual export thia week is not deducted from the stock, as it was not included in the stock declared on the 31st ult The sales of the week (seven dayt.) amount to 114,130 bales, includiug 6780 on speculation and 17,22u de? clared tor export, leaving 90.1J0 bales to the trade. Friday, January 19-The sales to-day amounted to 12,000 bales, including 3000 on speculation and for export, wltu Americau slightly dearer. BALES or conon ros wxxx monta JANUABT 9. D. D. 570 Sea Island.16 ?48 ? 30 Ditto Stained... 8 ?ll U$o speculation. 20230 Ui land.?X? 8 '. 6540 Mobil*. 6>4? 7? 4310 export. 11560 Orleans. 6 ? 8?; 10480 Pornam ? Par'b 6J?? 8? ? 5450 Santos. HJ?@ 7J? 1 200 speculation. 2020 Maraiiham. 6?;? 8 [ DUO expoit 3050 Bahia A Macelo. 6 ? 7? J 7450 Egyptian. 4J??24 ? 610 speculation. 60 ?smyrna, Ac... 6 ? 6>? J 240 export 1 700 West India, ito. 6>i@20 ) , " -LaGuayra._ ?- ~ g*"**? 2660 Peruvian.* @ 8 J 830 ?P?>?. 43660 East Indian.... 3 @ 6%) 4848 speculation. - China A Japan.- ?- J 11310 export 124130 Prices declared for fair quality. D. Upland.8 Mobile.8 Orleans.9% Import this week. Amoricau. 23009 Brazil. 6206 Egyptian. 8889 West Indies, Ac_ 2801 | East Indian.18901 Total.61806 Liverpool Bxchange. EKIDAT EvBMTJfQ, January 10.-The increased I business noticed yesterday ut the cotton market has been further imp. oved upon to-day. and with a bet? ter demand from spinners and others the sales have run up to 13,000 bales. The downward tendency of pricos has been checked, and American descriptions ha\e bein a trifle highton tho spot as weUai "to I arrive." The transactions for the latter have com-' prised-New Orleans, steamer sailed 7#d, ship sail ed 7>id; American, basis of middling, irom Havan- ' nah, sulp mined, Oj^d; Mobile, January shipment 7d. The M nelie.ter market for goods and yarns to? day baa been duli and weaker. The stock ol Cotton is 419,200 bales against 620,010 last year, thus showing a decrease of 100,810. There aro 93,940 bates Am lican in stock against 167,270, 63,370 Brazil against 50,160, 37,410 Egyptian against exactly the t-auie quantity, and 215,020 East India against 247,220 le.-t year. The quantity of Cotton at sea for Great Uri lain is computed at 211,000 bates (or 115.000 from American and 06,000 from East India) against ls6,0P0 last year (or 70,000 from America, 115,000 from East Inala, and about 1000 from China), j thus exhibiting an Increase of 26,000 bales in the quantity of Cotton at sea compared with 1867. Com? pared with tao same date last year, the import shows ! a decrease of 26,020 bales, the quantity taken tor con? sumption an increase of 15,980 bales ; and in a similar manner actual import shows a decline of 7740 bales, and speculation of 7920. Middling Upland Cotton ls quoted at Tyi? against 14%d, fair Pernam at 7?d ?dainst 163?d, fair Egyptian at 7??d against 16&d, MrDhollerahatSXd against 12Xd. Wilmington Market. WILMINGTON, January 29.-TtntPKNTTHE-Only 94 bbls received, aud sold at ti for soft and $180 for hard $ 280 lbs. SPIBITS TUBPXNTINB-Is in brisk demand, and has lurther advanced. Sales of 2S8 obis at 52>?c, und 'JO do at 63c per gallon. Roary.-For tho lower grades ther-> has been an active demand to-day, and tho price has improved lui,y 25c. Tho ?ules reach some 2800 bbls at *2 10, $2 12 --3, $2 20a2 25 fur strained andNo 2. TAX.-Only one small lot (10 bbls) resolved and sold at $2 06 per bbl. COTTON.-The marget la quiet and a shade lower. Sales of 91 bales at 16.16?alO?o for Middling. PEA NUTS.-A lot of 500 bushels sold at $2a2 20 per bushol for inferior and ordinary. TIMBES.-Six rafts sold at $4 75i5 for inferior. New Orleans Market. NEW ORLEANS, Jauuary 26 -COTTON-The eales to-day amounted to 4800 bales at Irregular and hi .her pri ea, showing a further advance of fully ?c. We now quote Ordinary at 14?al5?c; Good Ordina? ry at 16al6?c; Low Middling at T7al7.???c; Mid? dling 17?al7?c; Strict Middling at 18alS,^c; and Good Middling ut 18?a-c. 1 he market oponed with a fair inquiry, and although " the demand was checked by the high pretensions of J tactore, yet a considerable business had been done, at about yesterday's rates, bet?re tho receipt ot' the Liverpool telegrams, after which tho advantage was more on the side ot thc seller, and the prices poiJ in? dicated an irregular advance of ?a?c. In accord? ance with this improvement, we have raised our quo? tations He, but some parties quoted ?c, and others ?e still higher, respectively putting Low Middling at 17?al7}?c and 17?al7Xc and Middling at 17?a 18c and 18ul8?c. In the irregularity or tu - market, there were undoubtedly some lew salon which would justify those extreme figures, but we regard them as exceptional transactions, and not a fair basis or quo? tations. It may be ad .ied, however, that towards the cioie the tendoncv waa to outside rates, if not to further rise. The supply was a oderate. STATEMENT OF COTTON. stock on hand September 1st, 1867.bales-16,266 Arrived to-day.1.112 Arri ed previously.".366,016-366,428 381,684 Cleared to-day. 8,221 Clo ired previously.282,127-1:86,348 Stock on hud and on shipboard. 06,336 Ssw Torie Market. MONET MARKET. The Kew York Evening Post of Tuesday, Janu? ar.. 26, says: ?old ls firm. The carrying rate rangas from 5a8 per cent, the chief i.usineia being at 6i7. The loan market ia a little more irregular. A n um t er of five per cent loans have beon paid off; but in certain quattara there has been considerable changing of loans, and the activity in stocks baa in? creased the demand for money. The rates are st?l'cjttoted, however, at 6a6 on call, and tho prominent houses hold heavy balance? at 4 per i ent. The accumulation here of idle capital is Just now so rapid, and of such vast dimensions, that the changes te which we have referred impress only temporary and ch cum scribed effects upon Its gene? ral movements. In discounts there is little change. Good billa are extremely scarce and pass freely at low rates. The quoted terms are Sag for acceptable names, at abort dates. PRODUCE MARKET. NEW YORK, January 38.-FLOUR, A-c.-The market for Westarn and Sta e Flour is more active. Ina demand ia largely speculative and confined to the low grades. These ase better; in fact all gradea are firmer. The sales are 12,890 bbl? at $890a9 30 for super? fine Mate; 110 60alU 80 for extra State; $10 90al1 45 for fancy do; (9 70al0 40 for tue low grades of Spring Wheat Western Extra; ?10 60aU -60 lor good to cholea Spring Wheat extra, and miall lots do $11 75al2; $11511 85al3 85 for amber Winter Wheat extra Indiana and Michigan; $13 35ii5 for Wnlte Wheat do do, and fi* 85aie for St Louis Extras. Buckwheat flour ia firmer at $3 76a4 lu per 100 lbs. California flout ia more active and firmar. Sales bf 2250 baga at $12 50a 13 75. Southern flour ia firmer and in b*.tter demand. Sales of 1700 bbls, at $10 05all 60 for ordinary to good extra Baltimore and country; $11 76ai5 26 for extra family Georgia and Virginia, and $1160al6 60 for extra and family Maryland and Delaware. Oats opened easier but' firm. The sales are 40,000 bush WM tem at 88 ^c, in atore; 87 Kc dell v ?rod for do; southern at 82?e. Bye is firm. The aalea are 12,000 bush western at $177 for export Corn ta easter, and at tho cloao the mark et ia qui't. The aalea are 45,000 bush straw colored and white Tennessee at $126; nsw western mixed at $1 2Cal 28, the latter rate tor dry; Jersey yellow at$123al24; southern white at$l 27, and do yellow $124 on pier. ' PROVISIONS.-Tb e pora market has again Improved and the demand is fair. The sales, cash and regular, are 1000 bbls at $21 I Sat i ld mess, in amah lota; $22 for new do, and $18 65 alfi 26 for western primo mess. For future delivery wo note 600 bbls new mee a, check Eebruary 10, at $22; 260 bbls do, seller March, at $2206?, and 600 do, seller, April, at $22 60. Beef is still active and the market very firm. Sated of 2240 bbls ati9al3 for common brands; $14al9 for plain mess; $19a22 tor extra mess. Tierce beef is firm and selling welL Sales of 800 tea at $32*34 60'for primo mete; $37a38 for India mesa, and $50 for India beef. Beer hams are steady without activity. Salea of | small lota at $30a81 50. Out meats are dull. Salas of 60 packages should? ers at 9.-. 10,000 Iba. rough sides at 10c and 12?c for green hams. Ba: ou ls firm and fairly activo. Sale J of 600 box? es at 10?al0?c for Cumberland cut; ll?all?c for short rib; ll?o,for long rib; and 12?al3c for short olear. Dressed hogs are finner. We quote at 8?a9?c for western, and 9)?a9?c for city. lard na, been in good demand and prices a; e high? er, closing firm. Hawwor i.M?bhlaand tes at 13al3?c for No. 1; 13?al3,4?c for city; 18?al3?c for ran- to prime steam, and kettle tendera!.' COFFEE-Has been In moderate demand, and has ruled steady. COTTON-The market ls firm at a slight advance, but not quite ai active. We quote : Kew Orleans Uplands. Florida. Mobile, and Texas. Ordinary.16 16? 16? 16? Low Middling.. 17? 17? 17? 18 Middling.......18? 16? 18? 19 Good diddling.]a? 19? 30 31 HAY-The demand haa been fair, and the market steady at $115al 30 tor shipping, and $1 30a 1 40 for retail lota. HOPS-ire firm and in fair demand for home use. We quote at from 20a46u00c as to grotvth and qual? ity. MOLASSES-Is steady with a moderate busineii. NAVAL STORES-Spirits ot Turpentine hu ad? vanced, and closea firm. Rosina are atong. Tar la firm. We quote: fcplrita Turpentine, free, per gal, 67a68 cw; Spirits Turpentine in bond, per gal, 49c; Grade Turpentine, per 280 lbs, $4*4 25; Eoilna, common, per bbl, $2 87?; Rosins, strained, per bbl, $3; Rosins, No 2, per bbl, $S 12?a 8 35; Rosins. No 1, per bbl, $3 5Qa4; Rosins, pale, per bbL $4 25u6; Resins, extra pale, per bbl, ?6 26atJ; Rosins, window glass, per bbl, $6a7 60; Tar, North count), per bbl, $2 60a3 76; Tar, WI mirgton, per bbl. $312?a3 50; Pitch, dry, per bi>), ?8 25o3 60; Pitch, southern, per bbl, $3 60. Brea-ls in moderate demand and steady, boles of Carolina at Ile. SPQAB-Baw Sugars are dull but firm. Salas of j Cube at 10all?o tor common, 12?al8c for Havana, and 9?c tor new crop Melado. Refined are un? changed. WHMXET-The market la dull, and prices nom? inal. irRXTOHTS- Are steady. To liverpool, 200 hhda Tobacco at 45s; 360 boxes Bacon at 35s; 1076 tioces Lard at 37s Gds88s; 260 boxes Clock at 22s ed ; and by steamer, 300 bales Cotton ac ll-10d. To London, 2U0 boxes Bacon at 85s, an fl 200 pkgs Beef and Pork at 7s ?d. To Bremen, 200 bales citton at ?c; and 600 bbls Rosin at 3s Cd. Market Keport and (tuotatlon Skeet tor Bouda, Stocks and Bank Bills, (or Week ending January 30, 1808. PREFABED BT ANDREW M. MORELAND, Broker, No. 8 Broad St., Charleston, S. C. BOCTHEEN SAXE BILLS. Buying Rates. Bank of Camden.10@12 Baak of Charleston.17? oo Bank of Chester.05(g)00 Bank of Georgetown."?ftouo Bank of Hamburg.?7 (?j) 00 Bank of Newberry.20^00 Bank of South Carolina.08@0Q Bartk of State of S. Carolina, prior to 1861.1U($00 Bank of SUU of a Carolina, after 1st Jan., '61..01@0U Commercial Bank. Columbia.01@00 Exahange Bank, Columbia.06(g;u0 Merchant's Bani, Choraw.05@U0 People's Bank, Charleston.20@0u Planter's Bank of Fairfield.05(^00 Planter's and Mechanic's Bank, Charleston_17@00 Sonthweitern Railroad Bank, Charleston.2u@u0 State Bank, Charleston.01(s)00 Union Bank, Charleston.70($00 City of Charleston Change Bills.8 feO? State South Carolina Treasury Notes.0?@00 BONDS. STOCK AND COUPON'S. Georgia State Coupons.8CQ0O Georgia State Bond Seven Fer Cent (old).76(a80 Georgia State Bond Seven Per Cent, (new).60@82 Memphis Coupons, City.9oSS5 Memphis Bonds, City.%5(&Vo City of Columbia Bonds.25($0J City of Columbia Coupons.20@00 South Carolina Railroad and Bank Stock.. . .34@|24)i@ 09 7 @ 8 8 ? ll 12 @ 15 9.00 ?20.00 33 S - 14>?@ 16 uxi i6? ? - ? 1.30 & - - ? _ 20 ? 28 6.00 ? - 9.60 (910.00 nominal. 68 ? 60 100.00 @ - 75.00 ? - 66.00 ? - 00.00 ? - 65.00 ? - 65.00 @ - 65.00 ? - 66.00 ? - 65.00 ? 00 7.00 ? 9.60 40 ? 00 10.60 ?ll_ 9.00 ? - 2.75 23 48 11.00 12.00 13.00 Southern-Super.112.00 ? .. Extra.13.00 ? - Family..14.00 ? - TO trfT5-Prunes, V lb. 22 ? - Figs. 40 ? - Dried Apples. - @ 40 Almonds, soft shell. 38 ? 00 Raisins, M. E., fl box. 4.00 ? 6.60 Raisins, Layer. 6.00 ? 5. Oranges. - ? 00 Lemont, ft box.16.00 ?17. GLASS, fl box of 60 feet- 00 American, 8x10. 6.60 ? 0.60 American, 10x12..... 6.00 ?8.00 French, 12x14. 7.00 ? 8. GRAIN- Maryland Oats, fl bushel. | - ? - Western Oats, fl bushel. - ? - Corn, ft bushel.I 1.23 ?1.30 Beans ft bushel.......I 2.00 ia 8.00 ?LAY, ft cwt-North River.I 1.40 ? 1.60 Eastern.I 1.66 lg 1*80 RIDES-Dry, * Bi. ttf'M U INDIGO-? Tb. 1.00 ? 1.76 IBON- Refined, fl tts. 06\? 06 Swede. 08 ? 09 LATHS, fl M.;. ?.C0 ? 4.60 LIME-Sa??, fl bbl. ho?aixm SOttt South Carolina. 1.60 ? - Bookport......| 2.00 ? 2.26 Cement......'.I 2.76 ? 8.60 Plaster Paris. I 4.00 ? .60 CUMBER, fl M. leet Clear White Pine, 1st quailtj.[50.00 ?65.00 White Pine, good run. 38.00 ?40.00 Yellow Pine. 20.00 ?26.00 Boards, fi M. feet-Bough..12.00 ?16.00 Grooved end Tongued.... 28.00 ?32.00 LEATHER, country tanned, fl ft. - ? - MOLASSES, fl galion-Cuba. 46. ? 60 Muscovado.66 ? 66 Sugar House. 60 ? 1.00 New Orleans. 76 H 82 NA VAL STORES, fl bbl-Tar.... - @ - Pitch.?.. - & - Rosin, Pale. - ? - Rosin, No. 1. 2.60 ? 3.00 Bosln, No. 2. 2.26 ? 9.60 Rosin, No. 3. 9.00 ' - Spirits Turpentine, ft gallon.... 46 ? 46 Osean. * re. 16 ta - NAILS- American, 4@20d, fl keg.. 6.60 ? 7.00 American Wrought. - ? - lathing. 7.60 ?10.00 Copper, ft lb. 1.00 @ - Galvanized. SO ? - Spikes. 19 ? 16 OILS-Lard, fl gallon. 1.35 ? 1.40 Linseed, fl gallon. 1.20 ? 1.80 Sperm, Winter, fl gallon. 9.76 ? 3.00 Cotton Seed, fi gallon. - ? - Castor (E. LL fl gallon. 3.00 ? - Olive, fl dozen.I 8.00 ?10.00 Kerosene, ft gallon. 69 ? 54 Benzine, 9 gallon.I 60 fid - ROriSIONS-Beef, mesa, fl bhl.j24.00 ?26.00 Bcof, prime.114.00 ?15.00 Pork, mess. 23.00 ?26.00 Bump. - ? - Bacon, Hams. ft lb. 18 CHEDULE OF IKE CHARLESTON CITY RAILWAY OOMJ'ANT. r.1 KING-JTBEET UNE Leave Dftper Terni nm Leave Louer Terminai tV.30A.U-, ana at inter- ai 8 AJH.; and at inter. als of ten (10) minutes vaia of ten (10) minutas unng the day till the durint the day till 9 P. ?t trip at 8.30 P. H. M. -. . . c ? ;~???Ye 0x0 EcMery on ea? AW*f from 8 A. fflce! Every other trip from the old Poet BDTLED3E-8TBEET LINE. ?TA M"V^rJVfnta I Leave Lowtr Terminus ???ift H* ? ? atar- at 8.07 A.M.. and at inter ?ala of nitaen (16) mimtee vaia of fifteentSm?mSa luring the day till 8.15 V?n^SS^tewC N-k-Leave the Bo???/ tXirly^nen (37) suMiftf >?f ?KA ?our. Every other trip from the old Poet ifflce. SUNDAY SCHEDULE. ETNG-STBEET LINE. . : Leave Upper Tammtt Leave the .Imer?Bemi it 9 A.M., and at inter- mu at 9.30 AM., ?ad at TUS of twenty (20^ min-1 interval? of twenty rael it ss till Three (3) o'clock (mi LD tee till 8.80 P fi. ?. M., when the Interval j whenihe inf ervalin every B every ton (10) minutes f ten (10)' minutes tm 7.88 ill 7.00P.M. |P.M. - ffi . - , N.B.-AH the trios are to the Battery, until 8.20P. If. The last trip cf each car to the old PoetofUce. \ B?TLEDGB-8TBEET .IiIN.'t ? ?Wi ri .^7hVl7Ptr Ttrmiaut Leave Lo ctr Terminus lt 9 AM, and al inter- at 9.37 A. M., and at inter 2ft ?ff e^flftesn <10' y?B <* .''?Y afee* ..,;..?7.40PM. Leave Charleston...7.30 P. M. Arrive at Augusta. .also AM. FBOM AUGUSTA. ~ Leave AiurnBU;..........;.^....."..'...8jtQ;g/^[ Arrive at Charleaton.12.30 p, M. leave August*.-.....v.v.?i?..n?.tSV&j&&3Km Arrive at iihart?^.. ."?00 a? H. The 7.30 P. li. liain from Charlen ton, and tba 4.10 P. M. Train from Augusta, will not mn ott Sundays, FOR COLOMBIA. .T? Leave Charlesion. >..?80 A. M. Arrive at Cold ?not?..k,....LIO P. M. LoaveCharleanon...'.J40P.M. Arrive at Columbia':.'.. .v.'.5.00X' M. FBOM COLUMBIA. . , ,c" Leave Columbia. .. . fii. .10 Ot A it ArrlTe at Charleston J. ?Ci.....,';7,0?Tfc M, Leave Golumlua_ _. .3.00 P.M. Arrive at Cha;leaton.i... a. ,li0 AJ TS. The 6.40 P. M. Train from Charleaton, and the 8.00 P. M. Train from Columbia, will not run on.Sun . C. .MDEN BRANCH. " .;_i'';?d Leave EtegviOe......... .... .. lioffr, M Arri*? at'Camden.-.^.. .X40 P.-M. Leave Camden. ...8.80 AM. Arriv? at Ringville..11.10A. M. Theae Tra?as will only run on Mondays, Wedaea. i?yi and 8atardaya.-?__ CHAI iL LSTON AND 8UMMEBYILLK. For Summa ville..?.-i.SO A M. For Charleilon. :..L2S A'M. For ?ummefv?le.10.46 A, UL For Charles-won.2.0ft A? at For Summerville...3.10 t. IL For Charleston.;.. ... 6.35 A. M. For aummerviUe.6.40 P?M. Por Charlei ton...7.10 A. M For Summorville. ..7.S0 P. M. For Charleston.'...10.89 A. M. *fi. T. PEAK!, ? Jannary 1_? General Snpenntendiat, 'GKEKNVTLLE AND COLUMBIA RAEL .... , , ROAD. r v_ . jj ggf ON AND AFTER FRIDAY, DECEMBEE Ora Pass anger Trains will rna daily, Sundayi ex- - oepted, ss fofiowB : " Leave Columbia at:. ...... T.08 AM, Leave Ala on at.". 8,66 A. H. Leave He 1 berry at.1046 A. M. Arrive at Abbcv?lo at.... 3.30 P. M. Arrive at Anderson at....... A16 P.M. Arrive at 3 roon ville at.. fl. 00 P. K Leave Greenville at. 8.00 A. M Leave Anderson at.6.46 AM. Leave Ab seville st..8.45 A M. Leave Nr.wt.erry at.....L25P.M Arrive at Alston it..'... 100P.M. Arrive at Columbia at. 8.00 P. M. Trains on the Blue Bldg? HeUroad will aieo run dally, Sunday? excepted, connecting with the up and down Truss on the Greenville and Columbia Rail? road, aa oil OW8 : M ... Lo J ve Anderson at.?.-5.30 P. M Leave Pi-ndlnton at. .'... C. 20 P. M Arrive al. Walhalla at......"..8,00P. M Leave Walhalla at.... .....4.00 A M. Leave P CHABIXSTOS, 1867J OS AND APTER JANUARY 1 THE TRAINS ou the Savannah and Charleston Railroad win run as follows : '? ' Iraiiia leave Charleston on Monda'ji, Wedneiaa,yt and F-idayt, at 9 A. M., arriving at Coonwhatchu at 3.30 P. M. ' ? Returning, leave Coosswhatchio on Tuetdayt, Thurtdayt and Saturdays, at 7 A. M., arrivug at Charleston at L80 P. M. There is steam communication between the Com - pany's wharf, at the foot of MUl-itreet, and the Ball, road Depot on the weat side Of the Ashley Bivar. JOHN S. BYAN... Jamiaryl General Superintendent. NORTHEAST 3RW RAILROAD; GENERAL SUPEBINTENDENT'S OFFICE, I CHAKLEOTOIT, S. C. January L 1868. J THE PASSEN GEB TRAINS ON TM NORTH? EASTERN RAILROAD wul run daily ai fol? lows, vii: " " , " Leave Charleston.9-5?S*?T /jrive at Florence.2.30 P. R Leave Florence.J?*1 JJ^ Arrive at Charleston./m These Traino connect with the Train? of tte #u mintton and Manchester Railroad CdBflOMriH coming South, and with the Trains cf the-cneraw and Darlington Railroad. ?. S. SOLOKONB, Jaauaryl Engineer and SnperiutenaenT. CHARLOTTE AND SOUTH vCASOL?8lA RAILROAD. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE^ 1 COLUMBIA, S. C., October 6, lWT.f ON AND AFTER OC10BER6TH THE TBAINS over this Road w?l run as follows: - Lecve Columbia at..?. fi Anlve at charlotte at.*g 5; S* Leiive Charlotte at..... .?" ** S Arrive at Co.umbiaat.?SnT?? Llaking clo c connection for all points Norm an? South, as follows: 1 in p if Leave Columbia.??S? Zr. Lwve Charlotte.'."f? Lei ve Greensboro'.*' ? Arrive Richmond.?~ p ?* Leave Richmond."AIS i' M. Arrive Washington.oin a V Arrivo Baltimore.*"?t?p M Arrive Philadelphia.? in p M ^rive Ncw y?rk???? BOUE??GH?" January 6 ?toperintenclmt. 1S68-THE BAPTIST BAXNER, AU? GUSTA, GEORGIA._ riTHE FIRST NUMBEB OF THE SEVENTH YOL J UME of thi* Religious and Family Journal wni ai near onthe first Saturday lu January, 18C8. Ihe Banner will be issued regularly every Sstur afcy, printed with new type and on fine pap?- ~ resident Editor, Mr. ^t^-J^i^i b<:aided by the pens 01'some?''"V?nd dbe ?jnished wriU-rs of the denorrliwMon