The Charleston daily news. (Charleston, S.C.) 1865-1873, December 24, 1867, Image 2

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THE DAILY NEWS. KIO RDA X, DAWSON & CO., PROPRIETORS. OFFICE Xo. IS IIA TUTES TREET. TERMS.-THE DAILY NEWS, PRICE (payable ir. all cises IN ADVANCE). Six DOLLARS A YEAR; FOCR DOLLARS FOB SIX MONTHS; TWJ DOLLARS AND A QUARTER FOB THREE MONTHS. THE TRI-WEEKLY NEY\S. PRICE (IN .AD? VANCE i, THRU DOLLABS A YEAR; TWO DOLLARS TOB SIX MONTHS. NO Subscription received for a less period. NoPapor seat unless the Cash accompanies the order. No Paper sent for a longer timo than paid for. ADVERTISING RATES.-Fi'teen cents a line for the hrst iusertion, and ten ceuts a Une for each Eubsequent insertion. Marriage and 1-uneral Notice's $1 each. LETTERS should be addressod to the DALLI NEWS No. 13 Hayne-street, Charleston, S. C. REJECTED MANUSCRIPIS will not bo re? turned. _ NEWS SUMMARY. -Gold in Now York yesterday 1334 -Cotton closed low at Now York yesterday-154 al5?c. -Cotton closed easy at Liverpool yesterday-ia port 7 3-16d; io arrive 6$d. _Mrs. E. A. Pollard has appeared on the Balti? more stage. - Dickens has been taking midnight notes ot New York Police Stetions. -Official dining and wincing has commenced in Washington. -Hoo is getting up a press to print both sides of a sheet at the same time. -A buck was ehot in Clark County, Wis., the other day, which weighed three hundred and thirty-eight pounds. -"Napoleon dying," by the Sculptor Vela, has been purchased for $5000 by th? nephew of the moribund Emperor. -The agent of an English formers' club wants to buy 10.000 acres m Illinois, and bring over throe hundred families to settlo there. - New Albany, Indiana, bas a musioal dog, which walk3 over the key- of a piano fcrte and howls to his orn discordant accompaniment. -Boston, St. Louis, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Cincinnati, are all named in connection with the Democratic National Convention. -General John S. Preston, of Columbia, was amongst the visitors of the President on Wednes? day last. -Franco bas already raised something more than threo million francs for the Pope, and Bel? gium 35-1,033 francs for the same object. -The Emperor of Austria, not having tho power to d c?rate tho flower girl, Isabel, with tho Order ot the Iron Crown, has given hor a diamond ring, which will do quito S3 well. -Father Hyacinth's First Advent lecture filled the Church of Notre-Dame to suffocation. He con? demned severely the principle ot compuls >ry edu? cation. -Somo of tho papers are urging the Govern? ment to cut down the postage stamp to a smaller sizo and make a saving of paper, iuk, mucilage, and weight to be transport* d through the mails. -Five young fellows iu Berlin, Prussia, tried to go seven days and nights without sleep. Three of them died in tho attempt, and the others, who survivo, got no sympathy in the illress with which they aro paying the penalty of their foolhardiness. -Miss Pugin, daughter of the well-known English architect, was lately married with mili? tary honors. Salutes of eighteen guns were fired when she entered the church r.nd when she came out. -M. Ronner, the French Minister of 8tate, re? cently declared that "France would never allow Borne to be taken; and that if Italy attempted anything against the Pontifical territory, she would always find France in her waj\ -On tue 15th day of February next, aU officers of the Freedmen's Bureau in Maryland, Xentuoky, West Virginia and Tennessee, except the Superin? tendents of Education, are to be discharged .from the service. -The Detroit Froo Press thinks Sheridan ought to b? impeached. His offono ios in kiss? ing some five bundled girls in a white school, but preserving a dignified reticence during his visit the noxt day to a similar colored institution. -The President has revoked the order, issued a few days ago, mustering out of the service C+en eral R. K. Scott, Assistant Commissioner of the Freedmen's Bureau in South Carolina. This was done on the recommendations of Major-General Howard, General Canby, and others. -The Nashville Banner asserts that at an early day President Johnson will issue an address an? nouncing that he is not a candidate for re-oloc tioD. The Banner also states that he will take up his residence at Nashville at tho close of hit prud? ent term of office. -The London Army and Navy Gaxet Vdkys that the short session of Parliament ha^sfjivon painful proof that, although England has not had any se? rious motion affecting herraihtary administration, j the defects of the mvehine have been made but too manifest. -The Salt Laie Vedette, speaking of Utah and its capabilities, has the following : "It has been ?omonsta^-'? by aotual experiment that no State or *A*S*?r3 m tho Union affords a botter field, or jiossesses greater advantages than Utah for the cu tivation ot the grape, tie mulberry tree, and the cotton plant." -The latest reports of tho Cotton Commission? ers of India represent 611,722 acres as under cot? tee central p/rovinoes, and 1,891,780 in Bom In thc formier .here is much the same as last year, or Six and a half per cent, of the culti? vated land. In Bombay it is less, the area in 1S66-67 having been 1,97S,181 acres. -It is stated that when Grant went to Washing? ton to rece.vo his appointment as Lieutenant General, he stated to Mr. Lincoln his plan, which was to occupy witL the army of the Potomac tte maia Confederate army in Virginia, while Sherman destroyed tho Confederacy. Mr. Lincoln replied, "I see; you will hold the legs while Sherman skins." -Marquez, the imperialist leader of Mexico, cannot bo found, but it is rel ited that a bricklayer was sometime since employe d by bim in building a secret chamber in a house, and suspicions aro entertained that tho wrokman was murdered to insure the sccresy of the apartment whero Mar? quez is now concealed. -Commenting on the feat of a German paper in Chicago in translating and publishing the President's message in a few hours, a Montreal paper remarks that La Minerve, a French paper published in that city, does as much every night, receiving long reports of parliamentary proceed? ings and giving them to its readers in tho French language within a very short time. -We soe that in London both Catholics and radicals arc stirring in the war of opinion. Under the Presidency of Archbishop Manning, tho tol? mer have vowed etern? I adherence to tho tempo? ral power, and thou* lesolve always to obey the Pope rather than English law. and to resort to any means they deem expedient to iorco tne ministry of England to prop him up. -The London Review 6tates the fact that tho Queen of England has caused a sand-glass of eighteen minutes' moas uro to be fixed m the pul? pit of the Chapel Royal, in ono of the districts of London, a text for a dissertation. It thinks that the giass might be put in churches generally, and that, aa a general rule, all that most clergymen have to say worth saying or hearing might be ex? pressed in Ave instead of eighteen minutes. -Very exquisite champagne is made iu New York out ofSauterne wine, with a judicious admixture of rock candy to furnish a "bead," brandy to tickle the brain, and various estences to give a "bouquet,'? and exceedingly gocd imitations of the foreign labels are attached. Tbis production escapes duty of course, and generally manages to elude the tax of six dollars a dozen. It is to impose this tax, and not from any motive of advantage to the drinkers of spurious wine that the descent has been made upon severa! manufactories. It is too good a business to bi broken up. -In his speech at the opening of the Mexican Oongrers, President Juarez thanked the United States for the friendly feeling shown and moral support given to Mexico during tho war for inde? pendence; justified the executions at Querttaro as necessiry acts of justico; returned into the hands of Congress the extraordinary powers which he had assumed, and beforo they had expired and promieed that foreigners should be protected whether treaties were made with their govern? ment or not. -The English papers contain letters from their special correspondents attached to the Abyssinian expedition, lha latest date is November 20. A good anchorage having been found in Annesley Bay, a stone pier was run some two hundred yards into the sea, an iron tram road was then placed npon it, a wooden pier waa formed, and tho stores disembarked. A road has been made from the ooaat to ioomoyle, eleven miles in length; and ad? vanced camps or observation and exploration have been established bey ond that place. Everything that the troops could accomplish appears to havo teen successful!/ done. -Tho London Doily Nows rofers to tho groat diversity of appliance which modem science has provi.od for the prosecution ol' a war among tho eavngo tribes of Abyssinia. 3rciul-maLmg ma? chines wUl bo set up wherever possible, tube wells and pocket liltors will be in usc, ice will te made by freezing machines in sufficient quantity to servo Burgieal and medicinal purposes, and onough com? pressed vegetables will bo camed for sanitary treatment. Even the proper purification of the air ir. tho hospitals has been scrupulously pro? vided for. An archaeologist, a mineralogist, a zo? ologist, a geographer, a topographical staff, and several photographers, aro also preparing to ac? company the expedition. Railroads will be im? provisad, there will bo b?l'jons for military sur? veys, together with signal apparatus, rockets. &c, all denoting an ace of progress. TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 24, 1867. To thc Readers of tho Daily .News-Our New Terms-The Cash System. The announcement that on and after the first of January the subscription price of TUE DAILY NEWS will bo reduced to Six Dollars a year has been received with many substantial marks of appreciation by the public, both in the city and State. But in order to publish a first-class paper at that low price, we shall be compelled, in future, to adhere rigorously to the cash sys? tem, and require, invariably, thc payment of subscriptions in advance. It should bo gener? ally understood that everything required for the publication of a newspaper-composition, paper, press-work, labor, and expenses of every description-must unavoidably be paid for in CASH at the end of ev?.ry week. If the credit system is tolerated, and subscribers neglect to pay promptly, the losses thus in? curred by publishers in a little while become intolerably onerous and oppressive. Theie are hundreds, however, in our city who, though anxious to take a live newspaper, and willing ~.o pay for it, can ill afford, at this time, even the small outlay of six dollars. To accommodate this class of readers, wc have made arrangements by which, on and after New Year's Day, THE DAILY NEWS will be delivered, every morning, before seven o'clock, in all parts of the city, by Attentive and experienced newsmen, at EIGHTEEN CENTS A WEEK, piyable weekly. The advantages of this plan are evident at a glance. Those who take their papers upon the weekly system only pay out their money, week by week, as their papers arc received : they run no risk; they can stop their paper at any time by giving one week's notice ; when they leave the city lor a few weeks they can suspend their papers, and be at no expense. Th? yearly cost at the weekly rate is more than when the subscription at our advertised rates is paid in advance at our office ; but there is every reason to believe that the new plan will, by its sim? plicity, security, and the smallness of the cash expense, enable r/.any persons to take a daily paper whe could not become subscribers for as long a period as six, or even three months. It is our desire to accommodate all classes of readers, and those who are not ablo to pay their subscriptions in advance can tako advan? tage of the weekly arrangement, which will go into operation on January 1, next. The Roman Question In the FreurT? Cham? ber. The French Chamber of Deputies is the great arena where *'ie champions periodically strip for worden combat. The French have made no uareau name "in the world's broad field oCnattle," but their most distinguished "he/roes in the strife" must be looked for on the floor of the Corps L?gislatif. The debates in the two Houses of the English Parliament, or in the American Congress of late years, rarely attract much attention, U may be because there are no giants in these days. But we opine the reason for the exceptionally brilliant displays of eloquence in Paris is to be sought as much in the fact of the restriction of public debate as in the genius and talent of the French statesmen. The censorship lends zest to the discussion. M. le President SCHNEIDER con? trols the Chamber, and NAPOLEON controls SCHNEIDER. Members are kept strictly to thc point under discussion, and that point must never be the government of His Majesty tho Emperor of tho French. "Interpellations" are permitted; a member may ask for information on this or that point of public policy; anti these skilful masters of wordy fence watch their opportunity to give a home thrust, when? ever there is the least opening in the ci'irass, or ministerial gaucherie in parrying tho spirited assaults of the opposition. In considering this subject it is proper also to say that in France alone is rhetoric and eloquence-oratory-made a special study, as was the oase by the old Greeks and Romans. Hence they have the best speakers and most polished writers of modern times. The graces of stylo and flowers of rhetoric, and the blade of satire, sharp and polished, are all laid under requisition by tho French debater, and are not deemed incompatible with the most prolound knowledge of history and diplomacy, or the highest statesmanship. On the 6econd of December M. J?LES FAVRE opened the debate on the Kornau question, for the opposition. Ke was replied to by Messrs. MOCSTIER and ROUUER for tbe government, and by M. THIERS for thc old, all three iu favor of the Pope. JVLES FAVRE spoke for the opposition, we said, which, in this instance, happens to represent the liberal party, both of France and of Europo. M. JULES FAVRE, however, did not speak on this sido because it is liberal, but simply because the government was on the other side. In the contest last Spring with Germany, FAVRE, GLAIS BIZOIN, 1'ICARD, and the rest of the "left" in the Chamber, and M. EMILE DE GIRAP.DIN in the Libert?, were indefatigable in their efforts to bring on a war to prevent the unity of Ger? many, notwithstanding it was a popular move, and therefore in the interests of liberalism. These gentlemen appear to take their cue on questions of public policy eolely from the side of the government. Their one object is oppo? sition, and all these several questions are by them viewed as so many engines to be used to hurl missiles at thc Emperor. JULES FAVRE assails tho Emperor's policy ol intervention, and demands the evacuation ol Rome. M. THIERS assails the government from the other extreme, and can only ?eo sal? vation for Franco and peace for Europe in going back twenty-five years, to the period when Louis PHILIPPE was King and M. TUIEKS his prime minister. He scouts thc Napoleonic principle of accopting accomplished facts. France ought to have kept intact the sove? reignties of Parma, of Modena, of Tuscany, ol Naples and Cicily; ought to have preserved Venice and Lombardy to Austria, and Ger? many divided as she had been fer half a cen? tury. M. ROUUER, speaking for his imperial mas? ter, said that France will not permit the Italian Government to interfere with the Pope. Thc Emperor's policy being thus explicitly put forth by his authorized spokesman, a Euro? pean conference on the Romun question was rendered impossible because useless. The de? bate, like all that have proceded it, during the past fifteen years, before that august assem? blage, has been men sound and fury, signify? ing nothing. CHARLESTON. _WANTS._ WANTED, Bl' X G EN TL EMA. IV AKD LADY. Board in a private family. One good sized room dosi ed. furnished or umuna shed, without Uro or lights. Board per month not to oxceed ?50. Ad drops .?790," nt this Office. 4 Decorabor 23 WANTER FEATHER BEDS, OR LIVE GEESE FEATHERS, for which a lair price will be pa' ?. Apply to 130.'. EEs A- SIL-OX, No. 131 Meet? ing-street 2 December 23 "ITTAXTED, V COLORED MAN TO COOK. IV Must come well recommended. Apply at No. fil WENTWORTH-^iREET, next wost ol Military Hall. December 21_ WANTED TO KENT, WITHIN FIVE OK eight miuutes walk of tbe Pcstoirlce, In a plcasint neighborhood, either a small ROUSE or four or tivo ROOM ? iu a large one, with a separate apartment for a Kitchen. Rent not to be more tuan $350 or $100. Address "F. G.," eire L. Chapin Ar Co.. Ha)no-sir.eL December 14 _ _ _ ?! O ? i\\ fl Xw 83000 PEU YEA?.-AN k5~0\J\J AGENT iswanUd in every town in tho Union to uiakoaud sell an aniclo of daily consumption in every family, lt ia entirely new. Sale as permanent as Flour Address Louis COBLENTZ, Middloton, Md. December 4 imo AGENTS WA M TED FOR THE "LIFE OF JEFFERSON DAVIS," by Frank H. Altriend, of lUclimond, formerly editor of the southern Literary Messenger, 'luis is a full mid uuthimic history cl the Lile and Public Services ol' the great Southern loader. Mr. A.lriend bas enjoyed unusual aovantages in tho pre? paration of this work, us will bo apparent to all on exam? ination, send for specimen pages and circulars, with terms. Address NAllOMAL PUBLISHING CO , Atlan? ta, Ga. Imo* November 29 WANTED-VN AGENT-ONE CHANCE IN each town, wonby tbe attention ol au active business man, to take tho agoncy tor tlio sale o? BRAD s'TREEl'S RUBBER MOULDLNO AND WEATHER STRIP?, applied to tbe sides bottom, toy, and centro of doors and windows. Send for agent's circular. J. R. BRADSTREET A CO., November 27 2mos Boston, Mass. WANTED_A YOUNG LADY WANTS A SITUATION the .-nsuing year as TEACHEK in a private family, bbc will givo thorough inutructien in tho l?nghsh branches or educit.on and teach joung bc N ovember 25_Imo "ITTANTED, AOENTS EVERYWHERE. TO VV sell tho MAGIC CLEANSING CREAM. Sample doz., terms, show cards, etc., sen: on receipt of $2. D. CUMM1NUS A-CO., No. 42 South Market street, Boston. November 25 ^mos TO RENT. TO KENT,ROOMS PARTLY FURNISHED. Apply ai No. C MEETING-STREET, between tho hours ot 10 and 2. tufa* Decembe. 24 mu RENT, AT 825 FER MONTH, A DWEL X. LING of fivo rooms, io Stall's AUey near Church street U. M. MARSHALL ft BRO., Real Estate Abouts, No. 33 Broad-streot. December 23_ TO KENT, FOLK OR FIVE LARGE _L ROOMS, desirably located, with fire places and dressing rooms attach- d, with usc ot kitchen and cellar, suitable lor a small family or for ee.itlemou; either fur i,i_jed or not, as desired. Apply at No. 95 BituAD Sl'REET. 3* December 23 rpo KENT, THE " WATERLOO " HL.VN JL TATTON, situated on Juhn's Island, immeiiiatcly on the Stono Riv*r. It contains 4U0 acres first quality cotton lund. 200 aerea primo provision laud, and ubout 300 acres woodland, 14 negro bouses, overseer's house. 2 cotton houses, barn, and gin house, all in good order. For terms, Ac, apply to R. C. MCFADDEN, sumter, S. C., I>AAC W. ultiMBALL, John's Island, or to JAMES M. CALL> WELL A SON, Charleston, S. C. December SI - FUR RENT, PART OF A DELIGHTFULLY SITUATED MANSION, in the southwestern por uon ol thc city, consisting of a suite of three or lour spacious rooms on ihe first floor, with kitchen and ser vauu' upariments. Terms moderate. Au dress "A,'' Daily News Office. ll o vom ber 19 COPARTNERSHIPS. DISSOLUTION. THE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE EXISTiNG under the firm of W. H. D?NNEMANN A CO. is Ulis day dissolved by mutual consent W. H. DUNNEMANN. H. B. SCHRODER. J. J. ANSEL. T HE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS DAV ASSOCIATED ^EMSELVES FOR the purpose of carrying on tho business of RE? TAIL. GROCERS ?t No. 442 King-street under tho firm ol L. A W. H. DUNNEMANN. LEWIS DUNNEMANN. W. H. DUNNEMANN. Those indebted to the firm of V?. H. DUNNEMANN A CO. will mako payment to L. A W. H. DON Nfc MANN. December 24 . 3* NOTICE OF COPARTNERSHIP. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS DAY FORMED A Copar.uership neder the firm namo of RiOKDAN, DAWSON A- CO , for tho purpose of conducting thc News? paper known as THE CHARLESTON DAILYNEWS, in the City of Charleston, State of South Carolina. By i ho deed of Copartnership, FRANCIS W. DAWSON alono is authorized to sign tho firm Lamo of RIORDAN, DAWSON A CO., to any moneyed obligation or written contract of said firm. B. B PTORDAN. BRAN i ls W. DAWSON. HENRY EVANS, fiarloston, S. C., October 28, 1867. December 23 6 LOST AND FOUND. PICKED UP A BOAT-PICKED CF, A DUG-OUT CANOE BOAT, up Ashley River, adrift which the owner can have by paying expenses and prov? ing properly. tu3 December 17 LOST, ON THE CARS BETWEEN KINGS? VILLE and this city, a RED RUSSIA LEATHER PUKTMONNAIE, containing $25 in money and a free ticket on thc road m tho name ol Miss Hoffman. Any ono flndl-g the sam* will bo suitably rewarded by leav? ing it at THIS OFFICE. December 18 FOR SALE. FOR MALE, TWO FINE DRAYS, IN PER* FECX order, nearly new. For particulars, Ac, apply at the GAS WELL, m Cannon-street. Decembor 24 2 AT PRIVATE SALE-PFW IN ST. PHIL. Lr'd CHURCH.-That desirable PEW, No. 80, North Aisle. Apply at IHJS OFFICE. December 10 tuth&6 ITMJR SALE, A LOT OF FINE TURKEYS, . Country Butter, Eggs, Ac. Just irom tho country, by WU. HUN*. No. 42 Market-street, north side, be? tween Meeting and Church. 2 December 23 FOR SALE, AN INVOICE OF STOVES, which ?LU be sold low. R. M. MARSHALL 4 BRO., Commission Agents, No. 33 Broad-street. December 23 2 1TM>R SALE. A VALUABLE FARM OF 131 . acres, on the South Carolina Railroad, twelve miles irom Charleston. It is suitable for a cattle or dalry tarin. It ia in the vicinity of the bed of phosphate lim: recently d seo vc red on thu Ashley River, and would bo valuable to that bus:ne- s as a Summer r. sort for those who super Luted lt And being immediately on the railroad, would prove convenient going to and irom Charleston. Apply to PERRYCLEAB A HALSEY, West end Montague-street December 21 Imo Charleston, B, C. rpo PUBLISHERS AND JOURNALISTS. JL A large amount of TYPK and JOB MATEBIAL for sale, In lots to suit purchasers. Terms reasonable, and ca.b. Also, a lino HAND PRESS, price $250; an Adams' Power Fresa, price $1500; and a card Press, price $100. Apply to F. G. DEFONTALNE, Columbi?, s. c. December 7 SEA ISLAND AND UPLAND COTTON AND RICE PLANTATIONS. FARMS and CITY PROPER? TY of all kinds for SALE and LEASE by CLIFFORD A MATHEWE3, Real Estate Agents, No. 50 Broad street. November 9 3moa BOARDING. BOARDING.-50 CHURCH-STREET.-AT most reasons le rates. Decembor 20 ftuthti PRIVATK BOARD_TO LET A FURNISH? ED ROOM, with the use of a parlor, with or with? out board, in a pnvaio famUy, whero there are no other boarders. Apply at THIS OFFICE. December 12 EE M O V A L-B UARDING .-MRS. A. TRACY baring removed her Boarding Establish? ment from No. SO Church-street to No. 79 BROAD S I REET, is naw prcpaud to lurnLsh Board to a limited number of Ladies and Gentlemen. Temi mod?rale. December H BOARD WANTED.-A PRIVATE FAMILY willlug to board another family, consisting ct hus? band, wiic, young lady, two childrcu and uurac, on rea? sonable terms, will please address or call on LEONARD CHAPIN, No. 20 Huyne-siroot, and state texas and lo? cality. Three or lour rooms required. Dec. ruber 14 BOAR OIN G . - E.VC ELLEM' BOARD CAN be obtained, at reasonable rates, by applying at No. l-l KING STREET, ono door above Hudson street, neal thc Citadel. Thc Street Cars pass tho door every ten minutes. ' 3mo October 7 EDUCATIONAL._ FEMALE COLLEOE. THE FALL TERM OF THE FEMALE COLLEGE, Spartanburg, S. C., will opea October 3d, 1807. Ibo President Rev. A. W. CUMMINGS, D. D., will be aided by competent, experienced teachers in every de? partment Board for half year.$70.00 Tuition. 20.00 Contingent Fee. 2.00 Music and all tho Ornamental Branches v. ry low. Those wishing to patronize the School will please ad? dress thc President. Itu August 9 RESUME JANUARY '?li. ST. JOSEPH'S ACADEMY, SUMTER. P. C., UNDER the charge of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy, wid receive additional pupils on and after the 2d of January. The new buildings are spacious and elegantly finished, and lurnish accommodaUons for one bundi va boarders. Tho extensive grounds and piazzas aro ample for tpeu air exercises, and young ladies arc thoroughly instructed in English, French, Italian. Latin. Music, Drawing, Ac. L- cation unsurpassed for health, and terms reasonable. For particulars, apply to MOIHEU THERESA, thurles lou,'or to SISTER MARY JObEPH, at tlie Academy, in Sumter. 17 December 12 NIGHT SCHOOL I NIGHT SCHOOL! ANSON-STREEX. NEARLY OPPOSITE LAURENS-ST m HE HOURS FOR THE EXERCISES IN ARITHME? TIC, WRITING, READING, GERMAN and ENGLISH GRAMMAR are irom 7 to 9 o'clock P. M. Terms-?? per month in advance. Book-keepii g charged extra. C. H. BERGMANN. December 2 FUN FOR ALL! FULL INSTRUCTION-. BV WHICH ANY PERSON, malo or ?eiualc, eau masf.r tho great art ot Ven trilcqulEin by a tew boura* practice, making a world ol fun, ana alter becoming experts their selves, cnn tenet others, thereby making lt a source of income. Full lu Btructions sent by mail ?CT OU cents. Satisfaction guar autttd. Address P. O. Drawer M, Trov, N. Y. Way 13 iji M EE Tl NJ3S._ HIGH SCHOOL. OF CHARLESTON. A Mfr'ETINO OF THL' BOABD OF SUPERATSORS J\. will bo held in tho Mayor fl Offlco it the City Ball, on Friday i ext, tho 27th inst., ot 19 o'elock M., on busi? ness of importance. Ucneralund punctual attendance is requested. RICHARD YEADON, Chaira an. JAMES LOWNDES, Secretary. December 24 REMOVALS. REMOVAL, f IAHE UNDERSIGNED BEOS TO ANNOUNCE TO HIS X patrons and tho trade generally that ho h.inreniov o I his stock of Boots, Shoes and Trunks from No. 141 UEETING-STREET to that spacious AVarehouse Na 29 H A1NE-STREET (sign of the Big Boot), where ho will be happy to greet his customers at usual. Dcconibor23 EDAVABD DALY, Agent MISCELLANEOUS. DON'T FAIL TO TRY THE CELEBRA? TED SOUTHERN TONIO, PANE MN'S HEPATIC ni i l Lits, an uniaihng remedy lor aU Diseases o? the Digestivo Organs and tho Liver. For sale by sB Drug? gists. _ DON'T FAIL TO TRY THE CELEBRA? TED SOUTHERN TONIC. PANKNIN'S HEPATIC BITTERS, au uniaihng ?cmedy for all Diseases of the Digestivo Organs and the Liver. For salo by all Drug gima._ DON'T FAIL TO TRY THE CELEBRA? TED SOUTHERN TONIC, PANKNIN'S HEPATIC BITTERS, an unfailing remedy for all Disoases of the Digestive Orgaus and the Livor. For sale by all Drug? gists._^_ DO.VT FAIL TO TRY THE CELEBRA? TED SOUTHERN TONIC, PANKNIN'S HEPATIC BITTERS, au unfailing romedy 1'oraU Diseases of tho Digestive Organs and tho Liver. For sale Dy all Drug gist_____ DON'T FAIL TO TRY THE CELEBRA? TED SOUTHERN TONIC, PANKNIN'S HEPATIC BITTERS, an uuiaihug remedy for all Diseases ot the Digestive Oigaus nnd the Liver. For sale by ali Drug? gists^_ DON'T FAIL TO TRY THE CELEBRA? TED SOUTHERN IONIC, PANKNIN'S HEPATIC BITTERS, au unfailing remedy for all Diseases of thc Digestive Organs and tho Liver. For sale by all Drug? gists._ DON'T FAIL TO TRY THE CELEBRA? TED SOUTHERN TONIC, PANKNIN'S HEPATIC BITTERS, on uniaihng remedy for all Diseases of the Digestivo Organs and tho Liver. For sale by all Drug gists. _ j DON'T FAIL TO TRY THE CELEBKA TED SOUTHERN TONIC, PANKNIN'S HEPATIC BITTERS, an unfailing remedy for all Diseases of the Digestivo Organs end tho Liver. For sale by all Drug gl=ts__ DON'T FAIL TO TRY THE CELEBRA? TED SOUTHERN TO * IC, PANKNIN'S HEPATIC BITTERS, an unlaiimg remedy for all Diseases of the Digestivo Organs and thc Liver. For sale by all Drug gia.s._ DON'T FAIL TO TRY THE CELEBRA? TED SOU1 BERN TONIC, PANKNIN'S HEPATIC BITTERS, an unfailing ti mcdy for all Dis.ases of the Digestive Oriana and the Liver. I1 or sale by all Drug? gist.-._ DON'T EA IL TO TRY THE CELEBRA? TE"1 SOUTHERN TONIC, PANKNIN'S HEPATIC B TTE Rs, an uniaihng remedy for all Diseases of the Digestivo Organs and the Liver. For sale by all Drug? gists, lyr November 27 CITY ADVERTISEMENTS. ST. SH. ll A EL'S CLOCK. OFFICE CLERK OF COUNCIL, DtC. 1?, 1867. ESTIMATES FOR REPAIRING. CLEANING AND PU 1 TING IN ORDER, ST. MICHAEL'S CLOCK, will be received al Ulis office until Monday, 30th inst., at 12 o clock. Also, thc Clock can be examined by applying at the Main Uuaid House for the key ot tho church. separate estimates for ARRANGING THE) STU KING APPARATUS wiU bo received at tho samo time. By order. W. H HMT1H. December 19 Clerk of Council. TO JUNK-SHOP KEEPERS. OFFICE CLERK OF COUNCIL, 1 pPCKMPKR 2 1867 I rE JUNK-SHOP LICENSES OF THE FOLLOWING persons have expired. They are herc by notified to apply at this Ofll.e i min v and renew tho same : PHILIP lULEY, Warren and St, Philip-streets. M. REYNOLDS, No. ? Uedon's ABey. MARV BURKE, No. 72 Calhoun-street. EDMUND WALLACE. No. 24 W.ishingto-i-streot JAME? WALLACE, No. 95 spring-stroct JOHN LE illV, No. 214 Coming-street. MARV H AF FE RT Y, Columbus and Hanover-streets. MARY CAMPHELL. President and Cannon-streets. P. MANION, No. C7 state-sireot. JOHN HENNY, No. 48 Quoen-street, JAMES BARRY, No. 10 Whari-streot. D. CONROY, No. 32 St. Philip-street P. DORAN, No. 10 Exchange-street. P. PINKUSSOHN, No. 63 East Bay. W. H. SMITH, December 3 Clerk of Council. NOTICE TO AUCTIONEERS. OFFICE CLERK OF COUNCIL, 1 CHARLESTON, November 26, 1867. j A LL AUCTION LICENSES EXPIRED FIRST OCTO __ BER 1 jst. Those who failed to renew at that time aro not considered as having a Liconso, and consequently arc no Auctioneers. W. H. SMITH, Novembor 27 Clerk of Council. PUBLIC NOTICE. OFFICL Ci-UK OF COUNCIL, I May 1867. J The foBowL.-^etion of " An Ordinance to abolish the office of Sperinteilent of Streets ; to provide for Keep iug thc Streets' Lanes, Alleys, and opon Courts in the City of Charlegston Clean, and for other purposes," is hereby published for the information of all concerned : Forth" due protection of the said coutrtctoror con? tractera, ii is further ordained, 1 hakevery owner, lessee, occupant and tenant ol any pee-Tien iroutmg in any sliect, lane, alloy, or open court, shaU on every day (Sundays excepted) have thc dirt, tilth, garbage, or other offal, placed in trout of his or her lot, in a barrel, box or heap, and in readiness for tho contractor, by the hour ol seven o'clock, A. M., irooa the hist day ot May to the first day of November in every year ; and by the hour ot mue o'clock, A. M., frcm thc tirst day of November to the first day of May following. And any person offend? ing herein, or placing any dirt, tilth, garbage, or other otlal, in auy street, laue, or alloy, or opcu court, alter the hours above named, shall bc subject to a fine not less than two nor more than live dollars, for each and every otlcnoe, to be imposed by the Mayor. By order AV. H. SMITH, May IS Clerk of Council. AN ORDINANCE TO REGULATE TUE DREDOING OF DOCKS. Whereas, The best interests oi the city, as well as the convenience of the shipping visiting the port, demand that the channel of Cooper River bo kept open with suffi? cient depth ol' water for ah commercial purposes, and free from obstruction: Bt il ordained, That in future all mud removed lrom any ot tho city docks by dredge machines, or otherwise, shall bo romoved one hundred and -tty fathoms from tho end of the dock. The Harbor Master shall bc furnished with a cony of this Ordinance, which he ia requirod strictly lo enforce; and to report lor prosecution all violations of thc same; which shall subject tho pr.rtv so offending to a fine not oxecodiug ono hundred dol?ais tor oacli and every offence. .lauded in City Council thiselgb' lay cf Octobor, in the year of our Lord ons thous* . 1 eight hundred and slilj is nw [L.S.] P. C. GAILLARD, Mayor. W. H. SMITH, Clerk of Council. Octobor 18 AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE ron TUE LIQUIDATION OF THE INTEREST ON THE DUT OF THE cm, WHICH ACCRUED ON THE THIRTIETH DAY or KKEKBEB LAST. BE IT ORDAINED B? iHE MAXOR AND ALDER KEN in '.Tty Council assembled, T'iat for the pur? pose of liquidating the interest cn the public deot ot the city, which accrued on the tnir.ieth J-.y ol September last, six per cent, stock, oin gatory ot tho corporation ot the City of Charleston, shall bc issued under Ute direc? tion of thc Mayor, tu the persons holding stocks or six per cent bonds ot the city, and em.tied to receive the interest accrued thereon at the time above stated, tho saiii stock to bear Interest after the late of six per cenL per annum, payable quarterly, reiocmaole m thirty years from dato: Provided, That ti o part of said stock shall bc issued for any sum loss than twenty dollars, or for any fractional part of a dollar: I Vended, also, that all sums for less than twenty dollars, and for fractional parts of a dollar, shah bo paid in city bills. SEC. 2. That the Rm of certificat*, and modo of transfer of said stock shall bo subject to thc samo regu latious as now exist in : elation to other city nix per cent, stocks ol tho city. Ratified tu city Council this twenty-second day of Octo? ber, hi thc year of our Lord one thousand eight bun died and sixty -seven. |L. S.l P. C. GAILLARD, Mayor. W. H. SMrrn. Clerk of Council. October 25 AN ORDINANCE IO REGULATE THE STU TU OE OF PETROLEUM, ITS ITO DUCTS, AND OTHER INFLAMMABLE OILS. SEC. L Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen, tn City Council assembled, That from and after thc lath day of June next, it shall not bo lawiul to keep Petroleum, Kerosene, hock Oil, Benzine, Benzole, or any oiher in* tlaiiiiuublc oil or oils on storage or tor salo Lu any cellar, store or building south of Line, in a larger quiuj. my than tilly gallons on any one lot o>- premises, s_il any such quantity so kept ot ??torea shah be contained in VCWels o' un or other metal. SEC. 2. That Petroleum, ?ts products, or my other tn flauitnable oil or oil*, when brough) into th-s city by laud or water, may bo kept on any lot crin any onildillg in which eottou is not stored, for a period tnt exceeding twenty-four hours, upon the expiration ol which time il shaU bo removed aud kept in the manner as required by the foregoing section. SEC. i. Any person or persous violating any part ot thia Ordinance shall bo subject to a Uno of two bundled dollars, for each oil'oncc, recoverable in auy Court of com? petent J uris Jictiou. UatiUed in City Council this tweuiy-first tiay of May, iii tho year ot our Lcrd one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven. [h.s.] p. c. GATLL.'.HD, Mayor. W. H. SMITH. Clerk of Council. June ? PUBLIC NOTICE. OFFICE OF CITS TREASURY, 1 Jami! rv 3, 1867.1 PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER : he following Ordinance Internes havobcen rreparto ford.'livery troni this Office. S. THOMAS, . - City Treasurer. SEC. 1. Be it Ordained by the Mayor und Alder menin City Council assembled. That from and after the first dej of January, licenses shall be taken out tor all caris, draj, and wagons, u?ed for private and domestic purposes, ,n the same manner, and according to the ssuie pro Vlsi CL ? now uf torco in relatiou to curte, drays und wagon- lot? i driven for lure, except giving boudj, Aud each amii cart, dray or wagon, bhall be provided with a bn.l-o coi ? taming tho number thereof, and marted Private to . i placed on the outside ot the shaft ? SEC. 2. No person shall be taken by the Treasurer oe surety to any bond under thc Ordinance concerning I ' ceus-es for carts, drays, wagous aud other carnages "un. less he or she be a freeholder. SEC. 3. Tho following shal' hereafter bc the rates loi licenses for public and privat o carts, diavn, wagons, AT. including thc horses or mulet used ther?oi. which sin ?' be ircc trom other taxation: PUBLIC CARTS, DRAYS, ETC., OB THOSE LMTLOrED TN Uti Bus-ras WHAiEvaa, FOB niau DIRECT OB INDIRECT. For every ehrt, dray or wa^on, drawn by one horse ct mule, ?20. For every cart, dray or wagon, drav.-n by two horses or mules, *30. For every hack and carriage with two wheels, $20. For every hack and carriage with lour wheels, ?MO. For every '.tage or omuibus (except line omnibus, with two horses. ?50. For every stage or omnibus (except line omulbcsi drawn by lour horses, S60. For every truck drawn oy two or more horses or rouler For every exprtis wagon drawn by two or more horsci or mu'es, SCO. BREAD CABTS AND rm VATE CAIUS, DRAYS, ETC. For every bread cart or wagon, ? J. For every cart, dray or wagon, used for private or do. mcstic purposes, and not to bc employed in thc tran* porting ot goods, wares, merchandise, ?umber, or anj other commodity, for compensation, either directly oi indirectly lor the same, shah pay for a license the t>uiu o ib, exclusive oi the horse or mule. Raufled in City Council, this 16th day o? Jnnunrv lt. g.] in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hui* dred aud sixty-six. By the Mayor. p. c. GAI LL A RD, Mayor January 3 W. H. SM1TB, Clerk ol Council A MERRY CHRISTMAS! Til HEAT POPULAR PIPER ! Greets its Subscribers and Headers with a Christmas Extra! CONTAINING IN FULL "NO THOROUGHFARE !" A Christmas Story; TEE JOINT PRODUCTION OF CHARLES DICKENS, THE "IMMORTAL PICKWICK," ANO WILKIE COLLINS AUTHOR OF "THE WOMAN IN WHITE." REID THE GREAT POPULAR PAPER. BOOKS, STATIONERY, ITC. THE CB ARLESTON DAILY NEWS TT7TLL BE ISSUED BY SIX O'CLOCK EVEBY V V MORNING to subscribers in any portion of the city, at EIGHTEEN CEN IS A WEEK, payable weekly. Orders left at the Periodical Stores of Mr. C. C. RICiHTEE, Nos. 161 and 338 KLNG-STBEET, or at the Office of the DAILY NEWS, No. 18 HAYNE-BTREET, will receive prompt attention. J. SILVEBS'rELN, December 2*_Agent for City Delivery. MILLE RS PUNTERS'll MERCHANTS' ALMANAC FOR 1868, CONTAININO ITS USUAL VALUABLE INFORMATION NOW READY. ayThe Trade supplied at the following rates: $10 per Hundred; $1.6C per Dozen. HIRAM HARRIS, PUBLISHES, No. 59 BBOAD-STREET December 19 thstul3 B O O IE- S~ For the Holidays. rE SUBSCBIBEB HAS COMPLETED HIS USUAL COLLECTION OF HOLIDAY BOOKS, made with great care, and comprising the choicest Pub? lications of the London and Continental Pres j. His specialty, however, for this season will be CHILDREN'S ROOKS, SUITABLE FOB ALL AGES, and selected from the very best publications ot LONDON AND THE CONTINENT. He also offers choice editions of BIBLES AND PRAYEB BOOKS, PHOTOGRAPBIC ALBUMS, PAPETERIE, Ac, all of which, having been recently purchased for cash, on unusually favorable terms, will be sold at correspond? ingly LOW BATES. JOHN RUSSELL, IMPORTER OF FOBEIGN BOOKS, December 16 No. 286 King-street, Jp. Q,TJI_T_T, (LATE M. M. QUINN.) MIN BOOK : NEWS DEPOT. No. 337 KING STREET, OPPOSITE AW, WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND ALL THE LATEST PUBLICATIONS, such as BCCK?, MAGAZINES, NEWSPAPERS, Ac; parries living uo town will find lt oonvsiiient to give me a call, and can rely on getting their papers regular. City papers sold and subscriptions taken for sh Papers aid Magazines. Foreign Papers and Reviews ordered for regular sub? scribers. Particular attention pail to orders from the cjuntry. A good supply of SCBOOL BOOKS slways kept "on Lai il. Smo November 21 HATS AND CAPS, "THE TEMPLE OF FASHION!" "UST RECEIVED, THE LABGEST AND MOST COM PLETE STOCK OF HATS, CAPS AND FURS, OP EVERY DESCRIPTION, And at prices that will compote with any other house in the city. C. H. JOHNSON, December 9 Imo No. 269 K1NG-STBEET. INSURANCE, WALTER PANK ILL, GENERAL AGENT For North and Sooth Carolina. OFFICE.No. 59 BRO .AD-STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. December 23 _ J. L. HONOirRT AUCTIONEER AND INSURANCE AGENT, NO. 8 BROAD-STREET. INSURANCE ON HOUSES. STOCKS. FURNITUBE, Ac, Ac, taken in first-class SOUT3EBN Insurance Companies. Although the Companies represented in this Agency do not put out FABULOUS O A PIT ALS ON PAPEB, they will be found STRONGER in comparison TO MARKET VALUE OF THEIR CAPITAL AND THE AMOUNT AT RISK, than the largest c ipltal represented in the City of Charleston. J. L. HONOUR, INSURANCE AGENT, Nc. 8 Broad-street. December 17 Imo THE ft OF LIVERPOOL_AND LONDON. CAPITAL. 810,000,000 IN GULD. THIS RELIABLE ENGLISH COMPANY INSUBES against loss or damage by fire on BUILDINGS, MEROBANDIZE, HOUSER OLD FURNITURE, RENTS, Ac, at established tates. Losses promptly paid, without reference to England. GIBBES A CO., Agents, October 28 nitu?mo NO. 10 Adger's South Wbarf. FURNITURE, ETC. READ FOR YOUR INTEREST. PRICES REDUCED. ^lAVE YOUR MONEY UNTIL YOU REACH THE IO Southwest corner of Meeting and Wentworth streets, where R. WHITE will sell you just such FURNITURE as you want, from a CRADLE to a CHAMBER or PAR? LOR SET, at prices that have pleased many others, are pleading every day, and so they will you. Everything warranted as represented. Hair, CToUi, and cheap to the trade. Don't be kept away, and don't leave if others are be? fore you; you will get your turn. R. WHITE'S FURNITURE WAREROOMS, Southwest Corner of Meeting and Wentworth streets. December 4 Imo FROST, BLACK & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALKRS IN AND MANUFACTURERS OK FUBNITUEE OF EVERY VARIETY. No. 73 Bowery, ^ear Canal Street, NEW fORK. STEAMBOATS, HOTELS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS FURNISHED AT THE SHORTEST NOTICE. All Goods purchased of our Hons? guaranteed as re? presented. W. FBOST. JAMES BLACK*. GEO. 8KYDEB, October 91 3mos AMUSEMENTS. LADIES' BAZAAR. TEE BAZAAR IS AID OF THE WIDOW8' HOME rill reopen at the Home, in Broad-street, on Thursday Evening, 2Gth inst., at 7 o'clock, with additional attrac ions ; will open on Frida!/ at 4 P. M., and ot Saturday kt 12 M., closing each day at 10 P. M. Donations of Refreshments, Fruit? and Fancy Articles, viii be thankfully received, there being still a demand "or them. Admission as before. On Saturday Evening the Draw ngs will take place, when holders of Prize Tickets will be idmitted upon exhibiting the same at the doer. December 21 5 ITBERIiAN HILL. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24TH. MAGNIFICENT AND GORGEOUS PANOKAMA OF THAT ONCE BEAUTIFUL, BUI" NOW BUINED CITY OF COLUMBIA, S. C. WHOLE TICKETS.FIFTY CENTS. Children.Twenty-five Cents. One Gentleman and Two Ladles.One Dollar. One Gentleman and Three Children.One Dollar. No extra charge for reserved seats. Secure them lu? ring ihe day. Doors open at half-past 6 P. M. ; Curtain rises at half paet 7 precisely._ 2_December 23 ElO?ALL~~ DER DEUTSCHEN FEDER (MAGIE WIRD STATTFINDEN AM SYLVESTER ABEND DEN SlsTEN DECEMBER, m SPBUTZEN HOUSE. CHALMEBS-STBEET, Anfang 7 Uhr. Eintritt.$1.00 N. C. LUDEN. I JOHN ENGEL, F. J. Lil IENTHAL, | J. M. MARI! NH OFF, J. F. JOHANNS, Chairman. December 13 13 24 31* COMMISSION MERCHANTS^ R. M. MARSHALL & BROTHER, AUCTIONEERS, Real Estate Agents, Brokers, No. 33 BROAD-STREET. EEAL ESTATE, STOCKS. Ac.. BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION; LOANS NEGOTIATED ; PRO? PERTY LEASED. _ ??Auction of HORSES, FURNITURE, 4c, every Wednesday. October 19 WILLIAM 0. SIMLA! 4 SON, Real Estate Agents, Auctioneers AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, OFFICE NO. 3J HAYNE STREET. ieDtfmber .< WILLIS & 011ISOL.M, FACTORS, COMMISSION MEfiCHAKTS, AND SHIPPING AGENTS, WILL ATTEND TO THE PURCHASE, 8ALE AND SHIPMENT (to Foreign and Domestic Ports) of COTTON. RICE, LUMBER AND NAVAL STORES. ATLANTIC WHARF, Charleston, t .C. E. WILLIS.A. B. GHISOr.M Oetnber 25 HOTELS. CHARLESTON HOTEL, CHARLESTON, S. C. C. A. MILLER.Cashier. J. P. HORBACH.Superintendent October 17 S. SWANDALE, PROPRIETOR OP THE Mansion House, ORREN V ILLE, S. C. June 8_ ST, JAMES HOTEL, NEW ORLEANS. FBOPBD2TOBS : WM. A. HURD.Of New Orleans. W. F. GORRERY.Of Spottswood Hotel, Richmond. Telegraph and Railroad Offices in Rotunda of Hotel. June 17 Gmo WATCHES, JEWELRY, ETcT A SUPERB STOCK OF FINE GOLD AND SOLID SILVER WATCHES. ALL WARRANTED TO RUN AND THOROUGH? LY REGULATED, AT THE LOW PRICE OF $10 EACH. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. 100 Solid Gold Hunting Watches.$250 to $1000 100 Magic Cased Gold Watches. 200 to 600 100 Ladles' Watches, Enamelled. 100 to 300 200 Gold Hunting Chronometer Watches... 260 to 3C0 2U0 Gold Hunting English Levers. 200 to 250 300 Gold Hunting Duplex Watches. 160 to 200 600 Gold Huuting American Watchos:. 100 to 250 600 Silver Hunting Levers. 5? to 160 600 Silver Huuting Duplexes. 76 to 260 600 Ladies' Gold Watches. 60 to 260 1000 GO'.d Hunting Lepines. 50 to 76 1000 Miscellaneous Watches, all kinds. 60 to 100 2600 Silver Hunting Watches. 25 to 60 GO!? Assorted Sliver Watches. 10 to 76 The above stock will be disposed of on the popular ene prico plan, giving every patron a fine Gold or Solid Sil? ver Watch tor Jiu. without regard to value. Wo wish to immediately dispose of the above magnifi? cent Stock. Certificates, naming the articles, are placed In Healed envelopes, and well mixed. Holders are enti? tled to the article named on theil' certificate, upon pay? ment of Ten Dollars, whether it bu a Watch worth $100C or ono worth lesa. The return of any of our certificates entitles you to the article named thereon, upon payment, irrespective of its worth; and as no article valued lest than $10 is named on an; certificate, it will at once be seen that this is no Lottery, bnt a straightforward legitimate transaction, which may be participated ir even by the most fastidious I A single Certificate will be sent 'o~ mall, postpaid, upon receipt ef 26 cents, five for $1, eleven for $2, thirty-three and elegant premium for $6, sixty-six and more valuable premium for ?10, one hundred and most superb Watct tor $15. To Agents, or those wishing employment, tub ls a rare opportunity. It is a legitimately conductor, business, duly suthorized by the Government, and opel to the most careful scrutiny. Try us. Address WRIGHT. BRO. & CO., Importers, No. 101 Broadway, N. Y. October 22 DRUGS, CH EM I ALS, ETC. 0LD?HI?DR(l?ST0R{ E. H. KELLERS & CO., (LATE PHI.V Ot DORN) iVnOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS No. 131 MEETING STREET, Third door above Market HAVE LAT^ Y sikcEIVED LARGE ADDITIONS T( their us. . stock of pure and fresh DRUGS MEDICINES DYE STUFFS EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN FANC? GOODS FINE SOAPS TOILET POWDER 3 POMADES COSMETICS COMBS BRUSHES EXTRACTS, A omprisiug invoices (rom tho most reputable mani facturen. On hand, all thc principal PROPRIETARY MEDICINES, Including Pr?parai lons of AYER. JAYNE, IULL, CHE'v ALLER, DAVIS, WRIGHT, HOLLOWAY, vc. \lso, l large assortment ot SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS TRUSSES SADDLE FAGS MEDICINE CHESTS GLASS METAL AND GUTTA PERCHA GOODS GLASSWARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Great attention ls paid to the Importation and sel<" hon of PURE AND FRESH DRUGS and none other are allowed to go out of the Establish ment. PRESCRIPTIONS compounder^ with aci ..icy, and the public cai depend on thc utmost reliability ii the execution Oi t rders. E.R.KELLERS,M.D.J BAER.MJ March 9 GROCERY AND MISCELLANEOUS FLORIDA ORANGES I JUST RECEIVED PER STEAMER DICTATORi 9fl {tdd CHOICE ELGREDA ORANGES "ViUUU 100 bbls. Apples, to arrive per steamar Manhattan. For sale by WELCH & BRANDES, Nos. C7 AND 69 STATE-STREET. December 24 FRUIT ! FRUIT ! WELCH & BRANDES, 67 and 69 State-street, OFFER FOR SALE AT THE LOWEST CASH PRICES, a choice selection of APPLES. ORANGES LE? MONS, Bananas. Malaga Grapes, Raisins, Dried Figs assorted Currant Fruits, aU kinds of Nuts, Cranberries' Beana, Potatoes, Onions, Icc, &c. December 21 ' IWSTlS GROCERIEST CHOICE HAMS. TONGUES SARDINE*, SAUCES, SALAD OIL, PICKLES, GELATINE. MACCARONI, Vermicelli, French Peas, Champignons, Truffles, Capers, Ac, Ac. Cheese, Butter, Lard. Spices, Sugar, Leaf, Crushed, Clarified and Brown; Molasses, Syrup, Honey, Ac, Ac. Almonds, Raisins, Figs, Currants, Prunes, Citron, Tama? rinds, Ac, Ac. Preserved Peaches, Cherries, Apples, Pineapples, Plums, Strawberries, Raspberries, Quinces, ?c., Ac. Brandies, Whiskeys, Wines, Ac. All the above, and many other CHRISTMAS GROCE HIES, too numerous to mention, of the best quality, and for sale by D. A. AMME, S. R CORNER OF MEETING AND MARKET STS. December 23 2 FRUIT! FRUIT ! FRUIT ! rE FIRST CARGO OF BARACOA FRUIT FOR THIS SEASON has just arrived by the Azelds and Laura, consisting of : 60,000 COCOANUTS 30.000 Sweet Baracoa Oranges 12,000 choice Plantains 1,570 bunches of choice Red and Tallow Bananas 2,000 Grape Fruit 46 dozens of choice Pineapples 6 barrels of Limes. Parties wtabing to purchase would do well to call and ses our collection of FRUITS, as the above wore CARE FULLY SELECTED FOR THE H O LID ATS. For sale at Noa. 67 and 69 MARKET-STREET, by December 18 8 BART A WERTH. FRUIT ! FRUIT! FRUIT! rn AAii CHOICE HAVANA ORANGES 0\J*\J\J\J 100 bunches Bananas ?0 dozen Sugar Love Pineapples 60 whole-boxes of Layer Raisins 60 halt-boxes of London Layer Raisins 60 quarter-boxes of Layer Raisins 600 pounds of Drum Figs 100 pounds ol Box Figs 40 boxes cf Choice Lemons 160 barrels of Choice Northern Apples 40 barrels or Assorted Nuts 60 kegs of Choice Malaga Grapes 40 boxes cf Fire Crackers 20 barr?la of Dried Apples 6 barrels of Dried Peaches 20 barrels of Marrow Beans 1 half-barrel cf Red Beaus 2 barrels of Oreen Peas 600 barrels of Choice Western R d Potatoes, ex? pressly put up for Seed 60 barrels ot Choice Eating Potatoes 30 barrels of S. S. Onions, The above Goods will be sold in lots to suit purchasers, at the lowest market prices, by BART A W1RTH, December 16 8 Nos. 67 and 69 Market-atrtet. WOOD, LUMBER, &c. BEST QUALITY OAK, PINE AND LIGHTWOOD, by boat load or at retail, as well as ASSORTMENT OF LUMBER, TIMBER, SHINGLES, Ac For sale low, at foot Beaufaln-street. STEINMEYEB A SON. December 17 tuths BAXE ROPE, BAGGING AND TWINE, FR SALE IN LOTS TO SUIT PURCHASE HS, BI the Manufacturer H. CLUCUS, No. 67 Pine street, New York. September 24 imo JOHN B. TOGNI, No. 125 Meeting-street, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN HAVANA AND DOMESTIC SEGABS. Fine Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Genuine Meerschaum and Briarwood Pipes, Wp?t-India and Domestic Fruit, French Coafec uuuerv, and Jellies, Preserves-in Jars and Cana; Nuts, French Fancy Boxes, Malaga Grapes. A full supply of WILLOW BASKETS, Ac , Ac. Country orders promptly att nded to. December 3 Imo HARDWARE, ETC. O31A.-& DWABE SAffl'L H. MARSHALL RESPECTFULLY BEGS TO INFORM HIS ??TENDS that he has now on hand, and is receiving constant? ly, the following Which be Offen at Wholesale and Retstil. AXES, HOES, SPADES, SHOVELS, COTTON AND WOOL CARD8. SIEVES, CHAINS, NAILS. SPEERS, CANAL BARROWS, BLACKSMITHS' TOOLS, CARPENTERS' TOOLS, TURPENTINE TOOLS, BUILDERS' HARDWARE. ALSO, MILL AND GRIND STONES, PLOUGHS, CORN SHELLER3, STRAW CUTTI-RS, HOUSEKEEPING ARTICLES, 1 ABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY, PLATED SPOONS, FORKS AND CASTORS, SAFE WEBE, SAUSAGE STUFFERS, MEAT CUrTERS, POWDER, SHOT, CAPS, MUSKET?, GUNS, SPORTING EQUIPMENTS, WOOD TIN AND HOLLOW WARE. RECEIVED PER RECENT ARRIVALS FROM ENG? LAND, of my own importation, au assortment of GUNS, CUTLERY, Stael Corn Mills, carron Ware, Sporting Ar? ticles, AC. Will be sold low for cash or city acceptance. No. 310 KING-STREET, THREE DOORS BELOW SOCIETY, SIGN OF THE GOLDEN GUN. December 3 26 . ! MES! SMS! AT TU VERY LOWEST MARKET PRICES. THE JUSTLY CELEBRATED COOKING AND HEATING STOVES: OLIVE BRANCH MUTUAL FRIEND NOBLE COOK BARLEY SHEAF RIVAL RANGE GUIDE RANGE CAROLINA COOK. HEATING STOVES FOR CHURCHES. HOTELS. SCHOOLS AND SALOONS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. CHEAPEST AND BEST IN THE SOUTHEBN MARKET C.UIEitO\. RIRKLEY & CO., No. 150 MEETING STREET, November 2 2mos Charleston, S. C. TONSORIAL. W. E. M ABSHALL, SHIM Al MIR Mil SALOOIT, No. 31 BROAD-STREET, Up Stairs, CHARLESTON, S. C. Decmber6 lm0* 1868 -THE BAPTIST BANNER, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. _ THE FIRST NUMBER OF THE SEVENTH VOLUME if thu Religious and Family Journal will appear on tho first .Saturday in January, 1868. . _".._M._ 1 e Banner will be issued regularly every Saturdsy. ^?WEX!4?*WS: ELLS, will be ai id ?TS penTof someof the most distmguished Wrttanof the denommation in this and the adjoining St?te"limited number of advertisements (of suitable character) Will be received at the usual rates. price thbee DS? l^m?3 _Augusta, Ga. CHERAW ADVERTISER. DFVOTED TO LITERATURE. SCIENCE, ABT. AGRICULTURE, aud MISCELLANEOUS NEWS Cheraw, S. C. Published weekly, by POWELL A WOK LEY. TEEMS ot' a culcairn ON : One copy one CS BATES Or ADVERTISING : One Square, ten lines or less, oue 00 For each subsequent insertion. 7a All Advertisements to be distinctly marked, or they will bc published until ordered out, and charged accord? lnglv Merchants ami other? aavernsing hy the year, silbo* al ( eduction oo the abor? ratea will be mad?, november 16