University of South Carolina Libraries
THE DAILY NEWS. SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 1867. SOLITAIRE. Alone, alone. I alt in my room, And shuffle, anl cut, and deal. Sipping mr vriuc 'till its rich maroon A flame lu my cheeks I feel Only a lace .ike mine lu the glass. that Klares Rt wino througn the smoke, Tn*- ?miles at me. and DOwi as I pass. Ei joyiug the scent joke. The ashes fall from my spoi.t cigar, And half asleep in my chair, I shufflo and think what ?OOIH we are. Who learn to play solitaire I I tagt for a Up to touch tho glass. And sip its uectar with mine. The thrill o?a voico and the sound of a kiss. To minglo with my wine. I played a game m the olden time. When hearts wen trumps with rna; A niau and woman, he in lus prime. Bending to her his knee It metters not what ?the said to him. Nor the game she played him there, Nor why ho sits io tho miduight grim With his wine aud solitaire ! The steeple chime* ring the midnight nour. The Are in the grate burns low; The -viu so flat, and tasteless and nour, And I know what makes it so. It w:is not good in Eden alone Tor Adam'? bachelorhood; If they can rob my ribs ot u bone, 1 i.-i.*h to hea\enthoy would ! My anxious heart has grown desolate, Oh, ye unpltyiug fairl For your gracious smiles must I longer wait ? I'm weary ol solitaire 1 COMMERCIAL. Exporta. BOSTON-Per steamship George B Upton-397 bale9 Up.and Cotton, 16 boles iiags aud Paper, 131 tierces Ries, 4a bhds and bb.* Iron, 3 packages Matting, l<* boien Mdze, 4 bales Straw, -J boxes Beeswax. PROVIDENCE, R I-Per bark Kate sunnier-90C bales Upland Cotton. Tue Charleston Cotton Ulai her. OFFICE Or THE CHARLESTON DAILY NEWS, I CIABXESXOU. Friday Evening, Ncvember 8, 1SU7. I Pricer opened firmer, and with a light sto:k and better intelhgeuco fr m New York, the demand became active, and tho rates improved irregularly, but generally to the extent of a Xe, V lb, closing with an upward tendency .ales near 300 bales-say 40 at 15 J?: 4 at 16; 8 at 1GJ?; 9 at T6*?; 135atl6,'?; 78atl6*i; ?2 at MX; -ll at 17:51 at HX; 68 at 17)4;;? at 16; and 91 on terms which were private. We quote: LlVXBl'OOL CLASSIFICATION. Low Middling.10 Middling.17X"U7 Strict Middling.l?X<3T7jj Good Middling.18 tu, Constitu?e? per suuiD tamliua ttuiiroiui, .November 8. 1(82 bales Cotton, 216 bales Mdxe, '?25 bags Bran, 79 bbla and 14 bags i lour, 34 bbl? Naval Stores, 3 cars: Cat? tle, and -ui.drus, io J i J 1) Kirkpatrick, Railroad Agent, L D Desoussure, J D Aiken AT CO, E Bates iz Co, G W Williams & Co, Cohen, Hanckel Ai Co, Willis Az Chis olm, W C Courtney A Co, T J Uibsou, il W Taylor, J t?. Baggert & Co, C N Averill A: ?on, J B E Sloan, H L Jeff Sexs A Co, ii.ut uros, C u Martindale, J AnseL G A Trenholm, W M Hazzuxa, R Adgur, J H Joues, Courte? nay A Trenbuloj, cart. Kopff A Jervey, J M Caidwe.l s Bona, J N Robson, E tl Jackson & Co, Q ru ber A Martin, P Mu i kai, G A Visauaki, street Bro? iz Co, J Marshall, Jr, A Robinson & co, Adam-, Fr^st & Co, F M Pinckuey, Holmes?: v? actes, Kaaapanz & Laune au, J C t? sen. J e.a\ rds A Co, O Reeder, T H Dewees, Graeser. Leo, Smith ? co, Johnston, Crews A Co, A J ?almas Fraser A viii. Mowry & Co, Wardiaw sz Carew, W Roach, A Stoney, T L Cuthbert, ann Order. Consignees per Northeastern Railroad, November 8. 307 bales Cotton, 33 bbls Naval Stores, cars Stock, Mdze, Ac. To Adams, Frost A Co, G W Williams A Co, J t? Raggett & Co, J & J D Kirkpatrick, Mowry & Co, W K t?- aa, JU A & J F Earley, li A Wmeberg, G H Walter 4 Co, it t Pritchett, Z Davis, i. H Rodgers 4 Co, Kendall A Dxckery. W C Duke? iz Co, F A Sawyer, Mantoue & Co, Mazyck Bros, H R screven. G H Ingraham Az Sou, Kana paux' At La un eau, Graeser. Lee, smith iz Co, J C Brad? ley, J M Caldwell Az SOLS, B C O hers, Railroad Agent, and Order. Passenger?. Per steamship James Adger, from New York-Miss Mar;* Lee. S M Lee, Miss C L Mc Urey, M K McElroy, Miai carrie McElroy, Miss Mary Motlroy, Miss Annie McElroy, Mrs E O Mather, Mis* E B Eveleth, Miss Dem ire>t,A H Pouter, W M Redow?, F Merritt, S o Jones, R ^^Jmckney, w.fe and child, Master R Pinckney aud nur ie, Mrs Lockwood ano 2 children, and 6 m steerage. Pur steamer Pilot Boy, from Savannah, via Beaufort, Huton Head, izc-V Nagel, G B Kane, J E Conduch, ? G Sas ailis and wife, Capt C Campbell, Capt C Barkley, Mrs Edi itt, T smith, and 4 deck. P?KT CALENDAR. CORRECTED WEEKLY. r PHASES OF THE MOON. First Q. 4th, 10b. 7m. morn j Last Q. 16th,Uh. 40m.morn Full M. 11th. 7b. 60ui. even j Now M. 25th,llu. 41m, even NOVEMBER, j sra. XTSZS. I BETS. MOON SISES. 4 Monday.... 6 Tuesday.... 6 Wednesday. 7 Thuisday... 8 Friday. 9 Saturday... 10 sunday. 6..21 6..22 6..23 6..24 6..25 6..26 6. .27 5.. 1 ll..46 moen. 12..40 1. 5/ 2. .?4 3.. SI 4. ..5 MARINE NEWS. PORT OF CHARLESTON. Arrive?! Yesterday. Steamship James Adger. Lockwood, New York-left 5th inst. Mdze. To Street Bros Az Co, Southern Ezpress Co, B Arnold, J A W H Armstrong, Adams, Damon A Co, E Bate? A Co, Hastie, Calhoun & Co, C a Averill A Son, H H Badenhop A Co, BoUmann Bros, Brown A liver, Mrs M J Booth, Cameron, Barkley A Co, J A Cook A Co, It A A P Caldwell, Chisolm Bros, B Feldman, D F Fleming iz Co, Goodrich, Wineman & Co, Jeffords A Co, Jennings, Thomlineon ?: Co, Johnston. Crews Az Co, W Kinsman, minmai & Howell, H Klatte A Co, L Kenake, Laurey Ai Alexander. A Langer, L Lorentz, R H McDowell & son, J H Muller. J L Me} er, Mautoue A Co. J O Milner, J C Ojemann, North, Steele Az Wardell, J F O'Nei? Az Son, J A Quackenbusb, J Russell, Ra7enel iz Co, R Roth. R B Rhett, Jr, J R Read & Co, S S solomons, W Steele, Bona fout Az salas, F E Schroder, Shepherd Az Cohen, C Stack ley, shackcUord & Kelly, A O stone, T Tupper A Sons, O Iieoeman, N Tanniunson, Werner Az I >ucker, S C Rail* road Agent, Rev W B Yate?, Gruber St Martin, McLoy A Rice, M urake, C Bart. british bars, Liverpool, Greeno, Halifax, N S-13 days. Salt ana Coal. To the Master. Sehr J W Allen, Doane, New York- 5 days. Hay and Stone. To T J Kerr A Co, W Roach, P O'Donnell, and Order. Staamar Pilot Boy, McNelty, Savannah, vis Hilton Head and Beaufort. 4 baie? s I Cotton, and sun.inee. To J Ferguson, M Goldamith Az Son, Oourdin, Matthiea aen A Co, W a Hastie, Hopkin?, McPherson Az Co, south? ern Expresa Co, Ravcnel & Co, Commander A K Hughes, CoU P Low. Steamer Emilie, Davis. Georgetown, S C. 160 tierces Bice, 1 Dale cotton, and Mdze. io Sbackeiford A Keby, Mordecai nz Co, Thurston A Holmes, J F O'Neill At son. Oatt, Kopff A Jervey, J R Pringle, Risley Az Creighton, King & (iibbon, ard others. Sloop George, Lonarid h, Saut?e. 1C00 bushels Rough Bios. To J U Pringle. Sloop Dorothea, Prentice, Saetee. 600 bushels Bough Rice, lo W 0 Bee A Co. sloop R E Lee, Campbell, Cooper River. 900 bushels Rough Rice. To Ravenel 4c Co, R Austin. Cleared Yesterday. Steamship George B Upton, Rich, Boston-W Roach. Bark Kate Stamler, crawford, Providence, R I-street Bros A co. Sehr Jonn L Merrill, Wicks, for Georgetown-W Roach. tVant to Sea Ycstorduy. Steamship George B Upton, Bich. Boston. Behr James L Merrill, Wieks, Geor"otowa, S C. Steamer Oneota, Dennis, New Y rk. Steamer City Point, Adkins. Pola tia, via Jacksonville, Fernandina and Savannah, Up for this Port. St*arithip Falcon, Reed, at Baltimore, to luve Nov 7. U1*T OF VESSELS UP, CLEARED AND SAILED FOB THIS POUT. VOBFION. LIVERPOOL. Nor bark Kjellestadt, Wcrge, cleared.Oct lu British bark Y um un, Thompson. < 1 eared.Sept 23 British, bark ieeumseh, -ponagle, sailed.Oct 1 The Hakon Adelstem, Racker, up.sept 14 Ths Pawnee, Asker, Bailed. Oct 5 Larra. Iba Bertha, Andersailed.Oct 23 ?AVA.1SA. Brig Georgia, HoJ?, up ... .Oct 15 ANTWEBP. Tb? Tri tor., Kaoger, sailed.Sept 4 CCXHAVZN. The Conrpetitor, Turner, up.Oct 4 BBBMENHAVEIS. Bramen bark Gauss. WiotJ jg, tailed.Oct 6 DOMESTIC BOSTON. Brig John Fyfe, Luce, up.Nov 4 Brig Josie A Devereaux, Clark, np.Oct 21 Sehr ida ?ella, Weeks, up.Oct 12 nw TOSS. Brig Tangent, Bich, cleared. :.Oct 14 Scar Carri?- S Webb. Wort'iington. np.Oct 14 8okr L A E awards, Marshall, up.Oct 21 SchrN W smith, looker, up.Oct2S Sehr Curtis Tilton, somers, cleared.Nov 1 Sehr Americas, Mosa, up.Nov 5 PDIILADKLPHIA. Behr A H Edwards, Bartlett, cleared.Oct 26 Sehr F B Colton, Robinson, cleared.Nov 2 BALTIMORE. Steamship Falcon, Reed, to leave.Nor 7 Ship Oolcoud?, Lovett, cleared. .Nov 1 Scar David F Keeling,-, up.Oct 31 *--- I il --- I P-^?-P'ORTEg-ORAXD, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT-Which ure now acknowledged to be, by tho Leading Artist? in ..his country. KUPER It >R TO ANY OTHERS IN AMERICA. These iustrumeotfli pos. .ess every- modern improvement, are of the largest size, finished in CARVED and PLAIN ROSEWOOD CASES mbraong every variety of style. Each has the tuli METALLIC FRAME. OVERSTRUNG BASS (with or with out the 6grafie nrrancenisut'. Each has tho FRENCH GBA >D ACTION, acknowledged to bc superior to any other in rapid execution, These Instrument? ure all SEVEN, SEVEN AND A QUARTER and SEVEN AND A THIRD OCTAVES; constructed of THOROUGHLY SEASONED WOOD and of the finest and best material. Por OREAT POWER' SXROXKO QUALITIES, SWEETNESS and PURITY OF I05K throughout the entire RECHTER : ELEGANCE OF FINlsii .nd GRcAT DURABILITY, the Piano-Fortes of Keasts. JENNYS Az SON ar? tirisurpaesed by any other makers in the WORLD, and have'.?ken the HIGHEST PREMIUM WHEREVER EXHIBI i ED. Ti e same faculties whi.:h ?nable this firm to produce a SUPEBIOtc INSTRUMENT also enable them to offer their PlANO-FORTEa to th? public at TWENTY PER CENT, lower than anv other FIRST CLASS manunwturer in the country. The special ati*utiou of Dealers, Teachers and others ls invited to theexauiuatiou ol these Pian-s before mak? ing men- selection elsewhire. Every Instrument is fully WARRAN 1 ED FOR FIVE- YEARS. Descriptive circu lars sent to ail parts of the countrv upon application. Ad dre". , _JENNYS ic SONS. ? OA 0i' 230 8011 -35 E?** Mst st vork. Between 2d and 3d ..-ernies. Ncwreet September 27 iJT The Ucla: Ives, Fri?-mix und Acquaint? ances ol Mr-. JAMES STKEIN, ond of her Br?then, JAMES CAREY. JAMES CARNEY, ami 1>. Cowra* aro iuvitcd to attend the Funeral Services of JOHN" JAMES, youngest son of the former, from No. 113 Anson street, This After? noon, at Threo o" clock, without further invitation. November 0 ?jr i he Relatives Friends and Acquain? tance* of Mr. and Mrs. ED. SMITH, and Mr. and Mrs. Q. A. DAMON*, arc iuvited to attend tho Funeral Services of Mts? REBECCA BOMBELL, daughter of tho former at the residence of thc latter, at the corner of Church and \> ator streets, at 10 O'clock, This Morning. November 9 1 lin Friends and Acquaintances of] Mrs. and Mrs. THOMAS R. MCGAHAN are invited to at? tend thc Funeral of their daughter ELLA, at St Mary's Church, Hasel street, at Ten o'clock, This (Saturday) Horning, November!) SW The Relutives, FrioiuU and Acquain? tances of Mr sud Mr?. D. DEULIVEB. of Mr. and Mts. H. > EYER, arc respectfully invited to attend the Funeral ot Mrs. DEHLIYER. from her lute residence, Poiusett street, neat Rumley street. This Morning, at Nine o'clock, without further invitation. Nov . ?cr 9 * ?PEPI AL NOTICES. jftarSHIPPERS PER STEAMSHIP CHAMPION, for New York, are requested to sond in their i ILLS OF _ADIVG for signature, at the office of COURTENAY A IREN'HOLM, Agenta, Adger'a Building (up stairs), cor? ner East Bay and Adger's Wharf, by 13 o'clock M., This Day._1_Novomber 9 sw NEW YORK AN I) CHARLESTON STEAM? SHIP LI>"E - Consignees per steamship JAMES AD GER, from Now York, are not fled of her cargo being This Day discharged at Adger's South Wharf. AU goods remaining on the dock at sunset will be stored at Con? signees' ri9k and expense. STREET BROTHERS i CO., November 8 Agent?. ?3-NOTICE T > MAI?NELS.-C A P .MN * AND PILOTS wishing to anchor their vessels in As-iley River, arc requested not to do so uuywhere within direct runge of the heads ol tba SAVANNAH RAILROAD WHARVES, on the Charleston and St. Andrew's side c-' the Ashley River; by which precaution, contact with thc ?iubmariue Telegraph Cable will be avoided. S. 0. TURNER, H. M. Harbor Master's Office, Charlceton. February C, 1SC3. February 7 ?3-MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP FOR Chilren i eething, greatly facilitates the process of teeth? ing, by sottening the ?rums, roduciug all inflammation will allay ALL PAIN and spasmodic action, and is SURE TO REGULATE TUE BOWELS. Depend upon it, moth? er?, it will give rest to yourselves, and RELIEF AND UL ALT H TO ?OUR INFANTS. We have put up and sold this orticle for years, and can say lu confidence and truth of it what we have never been obie to say of any other medicine-Never has it fail? ed in a single instance to effect a cure, when timely used. Never did wc know an instanco of dissatiafae?on by any one who used it. On tho contrary, all are delighted with its operation, and speak in terms of commendation of Its magical effects and medical virtues. We speak in this matter "WHAT WE DO KNOW," after years of experience, and pledgo our reputation for tho mlflllrrent of what we here declare. In almost every in? stance w herc tho infant ls suffering from pain and ex? haustion, relief w-.U be found in flfteeu or tweuty minuter alter tho syrup ls a .ministemi. Full directions for using will accompany each bottle. Be sure and call for "MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP." Having tho fae (Mt of "CUBTIS ft PEBKIXB" on the outsido wrapper. AU others are base imitations. Sold by Druggists throughout Uie world. Price, only 30 cents per bottle. Offices-No. 215 Fulton street, New York; No. 205 High Holborn, London, England; No. 141 St faul street, Mon? treal, Cauada. DOWIE k MOISE, Agents, Au?uat27 tuths6mo Charleston. S. C. ttsTA YOUNG LADY RETURNING TO Hi... country home, after a sojourn of a fnw months int: city, was hardly recognized by her friends. In place of a coarse, rustic, flushed face, sho had a soft ruby ron . ploxion of almost marble smoothness, and instead tw.nty-three sho really appeared but eighteen. Upon in qulry as to tho cause of so great a chango, abc plaina., told them that she used tho CIRCA .-IAN BALM, at: . considered it an invaluable acquisition to any lady's toilet. By its uso any Lady or GenUemen can improve their per .onal appearance an hundred told. It is simple in it' combination, os Nature hersch is simple, yet unsurpas? ed in its efficacy in drawing impurities from, also beal? ing, cleansing and beautifying the akin and complexion. By its direct -i ct ion on the cuticle lt draws from it ail ita impurities, kindly healing tho same, aud leaving the snr. face as Nature intended lt should bc-clear, soft, smooth and beautiful. Price $1, saut by Mail or Express, on rt> celpt or an order, by W. L. CLARK k CO., Chemists. No. 3 West Fayette Stroot, Syracuse, N. V. The only American Agents for the sale of the same. March 30 _ _ _ lyr HW BEAUTIFUL HAIR.-MANY YEARS IN chemical experiments has resulted m the perfection of CHEVALIER'S LIFE FOR THE HAIR, an unrivalled hair dressing, imparting new Ufo and increased nutri? ment to the hair, proven tic g baldness and arresting its progress when commenced; regulating and sustaining the principle ipon which the color of hair depends tb.-?by posit.*?sly restoring grey hair to its original color and youthful beauty, and stopping, lu falling out at once. Sold by aU Druggists. S. A. CHEVALIER. M.D.. New York. For sale by DOWIE A MOISE. Wholesale Agents for South Carolina. October 15 t-.r hs 2mo No. 151 Meeting street. HW MARRIAGE AND CELIBACY, AND THE HAPPINESS OF TCUE MANH.OD.-An Essay lor Young Men on tho Crime ol Sobrade, and the Physio? logical Errors, Abuses and Disoases which create im? pediments to MARRIAGE, with sure means of Relief. Sent in sealed letter envelope*", tree of charge Address DB. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON. Howard Association, Philadelphia, Pa. September 20 amos OFFICIAL. Headquarters Second Military District, ( CHABLESTON, S. C., October 23, 1S0T. J [Crae ULAH. J I. Commanding Officers of Posts, upon the nomina? tions o! the Boards of Registration, wUl appoint for oaoh election precinct or Wing plxc.e within their commands, turee discreet and duly qualified persons, who wiU be uosignated '-Manages of Elections"-in aU appoint, ments for the fetato of South CaroUno-and "Inspectors of Election*" when appointed for North Carolina. H. When suitable persons cannot otherwise lie ob? tained, members of the Boards of Registration wll. be eligible for that purpose. III. When lt ia impracticable to fill such offices for any election precinct or polling place, such election precinct or poUiug place wiU, by order ol the Post Commander, oe consoUdated with an adjoining election precinct or poUiug place for which such appointments aro complote. Such coasoMaUon "ill only bo made among the respec? tive elcctio precincts belonging to ono registration pre? cinct. IV. The order appointing officers of oloctions wiU specify the election precinct or polling place by number, and also by the local name or designation thereof, if any, and also wUl specify tue registration precinct to which the same belongs, and the County orDiotrict for which the same is made; and such order will be forwarded with? out delay to these Headquarters. V. Thc officers appointed as above provided will, im? mediately upon being appointed by the orders of the Commanding Officers of Posts, qualify by taking the oath prescribed in General Orders No. 65, current series, iron? -.hes j Headquarters, Form No. L VI. Command mg Officers of Posts will AU aU vacan? cies in the office of Registrar that may occur, stating in the order therefor tho persons to whose places such ap? pointment is made, and the cause of suoh vacancy; and such appointeo wdl *orthwith qualify. VU. When a Registrar is a canuidate for election at the election ordered to take place on the 19th and 20th days of November next, he shall give notice hereof to tho Post Commander, and such office ot Registrar shah be deemed vacant. Vin. Ihe powers ind duties of Registrars as superin? tendents of elections, and of officers of elections whoso appointments are herein provided for, will oe fixed by General Orders. IX. Managers and Inspectors of Elections wiU r>/Celve no pay or mUea^e, but wiU bo entitled for clerical labor, not to exceed the sum of ten dollars for each Board for all duties performed in regard to elections. X. Tho pa anil LuUoagc of Registrars as superlnleud eats of elections wUl bo fixed by General Orders. By command of Bvt Major-General ED. R. S. CANB?. LOUIS V. CAZIABC. Aide-dQ-Camp, Act'g. Ass't. AdJ't. Gcu'l. Official: L. V. CAZIARC. Aide-de-camp. Act'?. Ass't. Adj't. Gen'J. October 24 CRISPER ? 031A. Oh I she was beautiful and fair. With starry eyes, and radiant bair.j Whose curung tendrils, eon entwined, Enchained tbe very heart and mind, CRISPER CDMA, For Curling tho Hair of either Sex into Wavy ond Glops--* Ringlets or Heavy Massive Curls. BY USING TH H ARTICLE LAD1E i AND GENTLE? MEN can beautify themselves a thousand-told. It is the onlv ar'jclo iii tho world that wiU curl s xaight hair, and ai the ta.-i.o time Vive it a beautiful, glossy ap penrance. Hie Crisper Coma not only curls tho hair, but rnvigoratee, beautifies and cleanses it; is higbiy and de. llgbtfUUy pertumed, and is the most complete article ol tba kiud ever ollered to tho American public. The Crisper Coma will bc sent to any address, scaled urn? postpaid for id. Address all orders io W. L. CLARK ft CO., Chemists, No. 3 Weit Fayette street, Syracuse, N. Y. March 30_l>,f THE BEX XKTTS VILLE JOURNAL IS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING AT Bennettrville, S. C.. iu tho eastern portion of the State, by STUBBS & LITTLE, Proprietors, and offer superior inducements to .Merchants and all others who wish to extend their business n this section of the x*"-* ! Dee country. We respectfuUy soUcit the patronage ot I our Charleston friends. Terms-s:t pei ai,num, invariably in advance. Adver- J tisem?c i inserted at \ ?ry reasonable -ates. Julys I SPECIAL NOTICES ?- YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASS HON-UNION PKA?EK MEETING.-The pub especially young men, are respectfully and carne ?rited to attend a Uni ni Prayer Meeting, comp Cbristmu. of all denominations in tho city, un auspices of tito Young Men's Christian Associate Morrow, Sunday evening, in the Socoud Prest Church, i.ev. Ur. SMYTHE. Service to commenci o'clock. The Meeting will be conducted by tho Ro< GADSDEN. All Evanfielical Ministers in the city aro Invito teud and participate in the exercises. W. W. PEMBERTC November 9 1 Recording Sem ?- N O TI C E.-REV. J. B. MACK PREACH in Zion Presbyterian Church (Glebe To-Morrow (Sabb?:h), at half-past ri o'clock, in th noon. _1 Novena ?-REV. BENJ. F. JACKSON, PA8TO the Plymouth Congregational Church, will To-Morrow Morning and Afternoon at Military! the usual hours, administering the Communion atternoon. 1* Novem' ?-ORPHAN HOUSE CHAPEL.-THE Vt. W. LORD, D. D., of St. Paul's (Episcopal) C will perform Divine Service in this Chapel To-1 Afternoon, 10th mst., at 3?? o'clock. November 9 ?-NO TI CE.-ALL PERSONS H A V CLAIMS against the Estate of JAMES PHLNNI ceased. Jato of this city, Printor, are requestod to : them io, legally attested; and those indebted to tl Estate will make payment to thc subscriber. RUFUS C. BAR RLE Adminlsirator of James Phinney, decea November 2 tST CONSULAR NOTICE. - INFORMA is wanted of the last residence and will of Mr. HA! a native of the Duchy of Luxembourg, Germany liosed to be dead for several years. Any person i furnish the desired information, is requested to a. the French Consulate in this city. G. DESIBOURG, French Vice Cor Charleston, November 6, 1807. November 7 ?-SPECIAL NOTICE.-DR. N. A. Pi having closed his Wholesale Drug Business, mi found at his office at HOLMES' BOOK HOUSE, ( of King and Wentworth streets, where all Indebted to him or the late firm of PBATT Ar WILSON BB EBB will please call and settle their accounts. November 7 thstt ?- ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY.-PR' CASHED AND INFORMATION FURNISHED. The highest rates paid for DOUBLOONS aud all of GOLD AND SILVER. TAYLOR A- CO., Bankers, No. 10 Wall stree October 19 lyr New Y< AWLS EQUITY.--WTIJLIAMSBURG DISTI JOHN WATSON AND J. L. LANE rx. S. P MATTH SHERIFF, AND OTHERS_BILL FOR ACCOUNT, LIEF, DISCOVERY AND INJUNCTION.-In pursi of an order made in the above stated case, the cree of HARPER k LANE, LANE * HARPER. HUT LANE k CO. BRADLEY k LANE, and W. K. LAI CO., aro hereby notified that they arc required to j and establish demands, before tho Commissioner ol Court, against the said firms, on or bolero the first d February next, on failing so to do they bo debarre benefit of any decree in this cause H. C. LOGAN, C. E. W. July 9 lamo7mo ?- THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROL! DARLINGTON DISTRICT.-IN EQUITY-B. W. WARDS, Administrator T. E. HOWLE, vs. E. S. HOV JAMES P. WILSON AND OTHERS.-BILL FOR JUNCTION, ACCOUNT AND RELIEF.-It is ord that tho CREDITORS of THOMAS E. HOWLE, docei be enjoined from proceeding to recover their chun law against tho complainant, and that they do prove establish their demands against the said HOWLE bi the Commissoner of this Court, on or before the first of December next, and in dofault thereof that the barred the benefit of auy decree to be pronom herein. Tho above is a true copy from tho original order n in the above stated case. 12th February, 1867. A F. EDWABDS, C. E D. D. Commissioner's Office, Darlington C. H., Feb. 22,18f February 23 _s ?-THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLIN DARLINGTON DISTRICT-IN EQUITY-HANN AB HABT, Administratrix, ti. ELLEN E. HART, JC WITHERSPOON, et al.-BILL FOR 1NJUNCTI ACCOUNT AND RELIEF.-It ia ordered that the cn ore of JOHN L. HART be enjoined from procoedin recover then* claims at law against tho complainant, that they do prove and establish their demands aga the said John L. Hart, before the Commissioner this Court, on or before the first day of November n and in default thereof that they be barred from the t cfit of any decree to be made herein. It is also ordered that a copy of this order bc publia: at least onco a week until the first day of Novcmb*- r in thc Darlington Southerner and tho Charles.on Di News. The above is a true copy from the original order m in the above case, 12th February, 1867. A. F. EDWARDS, C. E. D. D. CUMMISSIONEB'S OFFICE, Darlington C. H.. Februi 22,18C7. _s36fl February 2 ?-THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLIN DARLINGTON DISTRICT.-TN EQUITY'.-P. B. BAC AND T. L. BACOT. Administrators, PETER BACOT, vs. THE HEIRS AND CBEDITOBS OF PET. S. BACOT.-Upon hearing tho pleadings in this case is, on motion of W. W. HARLLEE, Complainant*' Soil tor, ordered that all and singular the creditors of tho I Peter S. Bacot, Complainant's Intestate, bo requit to file and prove their respective demands and debts judgments and otherwise against the said Intestate, I foro tho Commissioner of this Court, by or before t first day of November next, and In default thereof ? they be debarred from tho benefit of any decree to made therein, and that the Commissioner of this Cot do advertise this order once a month In the Darli og t Southerner and the Charleston Daily News, until t said first day of Novei. ber next The above is a true copy from tho original order ma in the above case, 13th ot February, 1867. A. F. EDWARDS, C. E. D. D. Commissioner's Office, Darlington C. H., February ? 1867. s36 fl_February 23 ?- NOTICE.-NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE that application will bo made before Chief Justice Di KB*, at Chambers, on the 15th of November next, for ti Incorporation of "THE AMERICAN MISSIONARY A SOCIATION IN SOUTH CAROLINA," the object which is to establish a Normal School for colored pe sous, with a capital stor k of one hundred dollars, wii tho privilege of increasing tho some, by donations < otherwise, to the sum of fifty thousand dollars, tho pu pose being to educate teachers for schools in South Car lian._?9_ September lt ?- BATCHELORS HAIR DYE.-TH I SPLENDID HALE DYE is the best tn the world. Tl only (ne and perfect Dye-harmless, reliable, insta taueous. No disappointment No ridiculous tint Natural Black or Brown. Remedies tbe ill effects of Bc Dyet. Invigorates the hair, leaving lt soft and beaut?r The genuine ii signed William A. Batchelor. All othe: are mere imitations, and should ba avoided. Sold by s Druggists and Perfumers. Factory, No. 81 Barde street. New Y'ork. ?- BEWABE OF A COUNTERFEIT. Decemoer io lyr ?.NERVOUS DEBILITY, WITH ITS GLOOM attendants, low spirits, depression, involuntary cnn sions, lor. ; of semen, spermatorrhosa, loss of power, dizz head, loss of memory, and threatened Impotence and in becuity, find a sovereign cure in HUMPHREYS HC MEOPATHIC SPECIFIC No. TWENTY-EIGHT. Con posed of the moBt valuable mild and potent curative they strike at onco the root of tho matter, tone up th svstem, arrest the discharges, and impart vigor and er ergy, lifo and vitality, to the entire man. They hav cured thousands of cases. Price f5 per package of si: boxes and vial, or $1 per single box. Sold by druggist? and sent by mail on receiptoi pneo. Address HOM , PHREYS' SPECIFIC HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINJ COMPANY, No. 662 BBOADWAY, NEW XOBK. September 19_ "COSTARS" PREPARATIONS. ESTABLISHED EIGHTEEN YEARS. Laboratory, No- IO Crosby street, New York 3000 Boxes, Bottles and Flasks manufactured daily. SOLD ? Y ALL DB UG G ISIS EVER YWI1ERL " COSTAR'S " SALES DEPOT, ?o 484 BROADWAY, SEW YORK, v?hero SI, S3 to S5 sizes are put up for Families, Storoi Ships, Boats, Public Institutions, Ac, kc. It is truly wonderful the confidence that is now had in every form" of Preparations that comos from "Coatar's " Establishment. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS-For Rats, Mice, Roaches, Ants, kc, kc. "Only infallible remedy known." "Not dangerous to tho buinau family." "Rats como out of their holes to die," kc. "COTTAR'S" BED-BUG EXTERMINATOR-A liquid, put up in bottles, and never known to tail. "COSTAR'S" ELECTRIC POWDER-For Moths in Furs and Woollens, is invaluable. Nothing can oxceed it for power and efficacy. Destroys instantly all Insects on Plants, Fowls, Animals, Ac. " COSTAR'S" BUCKTHORN SALVE-For Cuts, Burns, Wounds, Bl Uses, Broken Brcasta, Sore Nipples, Piles in all fonns, O.d Sores, Ulcers, and all kinds of cutaneous affections. No family should be without it. It exceedH in efficacy all other Salves IU use. "COSTAR'S " CORN SOLVENT-For Corns, Bunions, Warts, kc. ."COSTAR'S" BITTER SWEET AND ORANGE BLOS gOMS-Beautifies the Complexion, by giving to the skin a soft and bcuutiiul freshness, and is incomparably be? yond anythiui: now in use. Ladies of taste aud position regard it as an essential to the toilet An unprecedented tale is its best recommendation. One bottle is always followed bv more. Try it to km.w. "COSTAR'S" BISHOP PILLS-A universal Dinner Pill (sugar-coated), and ot extraordinary efflca qr for Cos? tiveness, all forms ol' Indigestion, Nervous and Slcl: Headache. A Pill that is now rabidly superseding all others. "COSTAR'S" COUGH REMEDY-For Coughs, Colds Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup, Whooping Cough, Asth? ma, and all forms of Bronchial, and Diseases of thu Throat and Luugs. A..dress HENRY R. COSTAR, No. 482 BROADWAY', N Y BOWIE & MOISE, WHOLESALE AGENTS No. 151 Meeting street, opposite Charleston HoteL June 17 SHIPPING. FOR LIVERPOOL.-THE BRITISH VSHIP "3EDBER3H," Kneale Master, is now >ready to load for the abovo port. For Freight .engagements, applj to October 29 tuthsaC ROBERT MERE ? Co. FOR NEW YORK. REGULAR UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. THE STEAMSHIP MATANZAS, CAPTAIN C. RYDER. WILL LEAVE VANDERHORS1 'S WHARF ON Saturday, November 9, at 3>i o'clock P. M., pre ci'elv. For freight or passage, apply to November 7 RAVENEL & CO. NEW YORK AND CHARLESTON STEAMSHIP LINE. THE STEAMERS OF THIS LINE WILL SAIL AS FOLLOWS : CHAMPION. Saturday, November 9, at 4 o'clock P. M. JAMES ADGER, Tuesday, November 12, at 4 o'clock P. M. MANHATTAN, Saturday, November IC. at 10 o'clock A. M. CHAR I ESTON, Tuesday, November 19, at 12 o'clock M. CHAMPION, Saturday, November 23, at 4 o'clock P. M. JAMES ADGER. Tuesdey, November 2G, at 4 o'clock P. M. MANHATTAN. Saturday, November 30, at 9o'clock A. M. Outward Freight engagements made with COURTE? NAY & TRENHOLM, corner Adgcr'a Wharf and East Bay, np stairs. For matters pertaining to inward Freight, aud for out? ward Passage, apply to STREET, BROIHERS i: CO., No. 74 East Bav. STREET, BROTHERS A- CO., 1 COURTENAY * TRENHOLM. J November 4 FOB" PALATKA, FERNANDINA, JACKSONVILLE, WD ALL THE I..AM) fNGM ON THE ST. JOHN'S RIVER. VIA SAVANNAH. Agents. THE NEW AND SPLENDID STEAMER O T A T O (1000 Tans Burthen) CAPTAIN L. M. COXETTER. WILL LEAVE MIDDLE ATLANTIC WHARF, every TUESDAY NIOU1. at 9 o'clock, for the abovo places, connecting with the Georgia Central Rail? road at Savannah, tor Macon, Mobile and New Orleans. AU Freight must be paid hero by shippers. For Freight or Passage, apply on board or at the office of J. D. AIKEN A- CO.. September 12_Agent;. FOR PALATKA, FERNANDINA, JACKSONVILLE, AND ALL THE LAND? INGS ON THE ST. JOHN'S RIVER. VIA SAVANNAH. THE NEW AND SPLENDID STEAMER (1110 Tone Burthen.. CAPTAIN S. ADKINS. WILL LEAVE MIDDLE ATLANTIC WHARF every Friday Night, at 9 o'clock, for the above places, connecting with the Georgia Central Railroad at Savannah, for Macon, Mobile and New Orleans. All Freight must bc paid here by the shippers. For Freight or Passage, apply on board, or at the of? fice of RAVENEL ic CO., Agents, Corner of Vanderhorst's Wharf and East Bay. October 29 THROUGH TICKETS TO FLORIDA, BY CHARLESTON AND SAVANNAH STEAM PACKET LINE. TRI-WEKKL1, VIA BEAUFORT AND HILTON HEAD. WEEKLY, VTA BLUFFTON. LEAVE F*iday tonttay, Touch uii, and STEAMER PILOT BOY.OAPT. W. T. MoNELTS STEAMER FA IV NIE.CAPT. f. PECK ONE OF THE ABOVE STEAMERS WILL Charleston overy Monday, Wednesday tn Mornmr, , at 7 o'clock; and Savannah every Wendesday&n? Frida i Mornings, at 7 o'cloik. lng at Blanton on, trip from Charles Wednesday, trip from Savannah. All Way Freight, also Bluflton Wbarft>??, mus LO ore paid. For freight or passage, apply to JOBN FERGUSON, Accommodation Whs n. October 1 " FOR GEORGE^VVi^rsTc., TOUCHING AT SOUTH ISLAND, KEITH. FIELD, AND WAVERLY MILLS. THE FINE PASSENGER STEAMER , EMILIE, CAPT. ISAAC DAVIS. HAVING BEEN THOROUGHLY OVERHAULED and repaired, has resumed her place on the CHARLESTON AND GEORGETOWN LINE, and will run regularly through the ensuing season, making ono and a halt trips each week, leaving South Commercial Wharf. SCHEDULE FOR NOVEMBER. LEAVE OEABLZITON. LEAVE OEDROETOWM. Friday, Nov. 1. at..7 A. M. Monday, Nov. 4,at..6 A. M. Wedn'y, Nov. 0, at..7 A. M. Friday, Nov. 8, at..6 A. M. -Monday.Nov. ll, at..7A.M. Wedn'y,Nov. 13, at..6 A.M. Friday, Nov. 15, at. .7 A. M. Monday, Nov.18. at..S A. M. Wedn'y, Nov. 20,at..7 A.M. Friday. Nov. 22, at. .8 A. M. Monday.Nov. 26, at. .7 A. M. Wedn'y, Nov. 27,st. .6 A. M. Friday, Nov. '.?, at. .7 A. M. Fare to Georgetown and south Island, U. Fare to Kelthfleld and Waverly Mills, t5. Meals extra. Steamer not responsible for goods shipped for way points, alter landing it samo. All freight und wharfage must bo prepaid. Freight received only on dave before sailing ot steamer, and none received after sunset. For Freight or Passage apply to the Captain on board, orto 8HACKELFORD Ar KELLY, Agents, No. 1 Boyce's Wharf, Charleston, S. 0. FRASER A- MAURICE. Agents, Georzetown. S. C. ?ctober 31 oct.31,nov.6,9,14,19,23,28 EXCELSIOR ! EXCELSIOR ! CHA STELL AR'S HAIR EXTERMINATOR, For Removing Supcrnuotns Hair. TO THE LADIES ESPECIALLY, THIS INVALUABLI depilatory recommends itself as being an almost in? dispensable article to female beauty, is easily applied, does not burn or injure thc skin, but acts directly on the roots. -It is warranted to remove superfluous Jiair from low foreheads, or from any part of the body, completely totally and radically extirpating thc same, leaving thc skin sott, smooth and natural. This is thc only article used by tho French, and is the only real e?ectual depila tory in existence. Price 75 cents per package,' ' po? pata to any address, on receipt of an order, by BERGER, SHUTTS a CO., Chemists, Marett 30 Iv? No. 285 River st^Troy. N. f There cometh glad tidings ol joy to ail. To young and to old, to gi eat aiid to small; The beauty which once was so precious and rare, Is tree for all, and all may be lair. By the use or CHA STE LL AR'S WHITE LIQUID ENAMEL, For Improving and Beautifying tho Complexion, The most valuable and perfect prepaiatlon in use, for giving the skin a beautiful pearl-like tint, that is only found in youth. It quickly removes Tau, Freckles, Pim? ples, Blotches, Moth Pitches, SaLowness. Eruption?, and all impurities of the skin, kindly healing the samo leaving the skin white and clear as alabaster. Tm use cannot be detected by tho closest scrutiny, and being a vegotable preparation is perfectly harmlcsp. It is the only a. licle of the kind used by the French, and is con? sider?' hythe Parisian as indispensable to a perfect toilet. Upwards of 30,000 bottles were sold during tho past year, a sufficient guarantee of Its efficacy. Price only 75 cents, Seul hy mail, pos'-paid. on receipt ot en order, by BERU ER, SHUTTS k CO., Chemin, 285 River St., Troy, N. Yi March 311. lyr , NOWJS fit TIME! Stoves so Cheap THAT IT WILL, "GOOD SAMARITAN." November 6 MAI& YOU LAUGH ! The Cheapest Stove Store Between the Potomac and the Rio Grande ! A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF HALL, PAR? LOR AND COOKING STOVES. SHEET IRON, LEAD. ZINC AND COPPER, LEAD AND IRON PIPE, GRATES AND GRATE TRIMMINGS. TIN ROOFINGtAND PLUMBING WORK ATTENDED TO AT SHOBT NOTICE, AT ADAMS, DAMON & CO., No. 16 Broad Street. THE IMPROVED ORIENTAL. 3mo CITY ADVERTISEMENTS. CITY TAXES-MONTHLY lt KT UK \ S. OFiTCE OF THE CITY ASSESSOR, ) Crry HALL, November 1, 1867. j "Vf OTICE IS HEREBY G-IVEN TO ALL CONCERN? IA ED that the MONTHLY RETURNS FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER PAST, In compliance with tho Tax Ordinance, rati?cd on the 28th day of December, I860, munt bo made on or bet?re the 16th instaut. CHARLES P. FRAZER, November 1 Assistant City Assessor. AV ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR THE LIQUIDATION OF THE INTEREST ON THE DEBT OF THE CITY, WHICH ACCRUED ON THE TH Iii TTE TTI DAT OF SEPTEMBER LAST. BE IT ORDAINED BY 1HE MAYOR AND ALDER? MEN in City Council assembled, That for the pur? pose of liquidating the interest on the pubhc debt ot thc city, which accrued on the tniriieth day of September last, six per cent stock, obligatory on the corporation ol the City of Charleston, shall be issued under the direc? tion of the Mayor, to the persons holding stocks or six {>er cent, bonds ol the city, and ont.tied to receive the merest accrued thereon at the Hmo above stated, the said stock to bear interest alter the rate of six per cent, per annum, payable quarterly, redeemable in thirty years from date: Provided, That no part of said Block shall be issued for any sum lesa than twenty dollars, or for any fractional part of a dollar: Provided, also, that all sums for lesa than twenty dollars, and for fractional parts of a dollar, shall bc paid in city bills. SEC. 2. That the fe rm of certificate, aud mode of transfer of said stock shall be subject to the name regu? lations as now exibt in i elation to other city six per cent, stocka of the city. Ratified in City Council this twenty-second day of Octo? ber, in the year of our Lord ono thousaud eight bun dred and sixty-seven. [L. 8.1 P. C. GAILLARD. Mayor. W. H. SMITH, Clerk of Council. October 26 AN ORDINANCE TO REOULATE THE DRE DO INO OF DOCKS. Whereas, The best interests ot tho city, as well as the convenience of the shipping visiting the port, demand that the channel of Cooper River be kept open with suffi? cient depth of water for all commercial purposes, and free from obstruction: Be it ordained, That in future all mud removed from any of the city docks by dredge machines, or otherwise, shall be removed one hundred and Atty fathoms from the end of the dock. The Harbor Master shall be furnished with a copy of I this Ordinance, which he ls required strictly to enforce; | and to report for prosecution au violations of the same; which shall subject the party so offending to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars for each and every offence. Ratified in City council this eight day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and silty aevan. [L.S.] P. C. GAILLARD, Mayor. W. H. SMITH, Clerk of Council. October 18 ESTIMATES WANTED. OFFICE CITY CIVIL ENGINEER, I CITY HALL, CHARLESTON, September ll, 1867. ) Cl EA LEO PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED UNTIL ? thc 13th at 12 o'clock M., for BUILDING SEVERAL TRUNKS of the lengths and sizes given below. The es? timates will include thc cost of excavating about 200 cubic yards of earth, the necessary filling, reforming of pavements, and grading atter the laying or trunks. TRUNKS. FEET. Length of Trunk In Line stieet. 270 ? Length of Trunk In and from lots in Coming street to the tidal drain. 300 | Length cl Trunk from lots on Gadsden street to the main drain in Wentworth street. 120 Length of Trunk from McIntosh's Court to Rad? cliffe street drain. 187 ? Total length.877 Ti unas to oe twelve by twenty inches lu the clear, built of two by twelve Inches prime yeUow pine plunks, to rest upon sleepers ot three by nine Inches, three feet long, placed five feet from centres. Braces to bo two by six inches, dovetailed into the sides of Trunks, at dis? tances of fivo feet from centres. The Trunks to be laid to grado peg" furnished by the Engineer. AU the work must bo carried on with the greatest dispatch. Plans can be seen at this office, A copy of these sp?cifications must be attached to each oiler. LOUTS J. BAR BOT, Soptember 12 City Engineer. PUBLIC NOTICE. OFFICE OF O TTY TREASURY, ) January 3, 1867. J PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER the iollowmg Ordinance licenses bavo been pr?par?e lor delivery from this Office. 8. THOMAS, City Treasurer. SEC. 1. B? il Ordain:J by the Mayor and Aldermentr. City Council assembled. That from and after the first dav of Januar}-, licenses shall be token out for all carts, dr JJ , and wagous, used for private and domestic purposes, in the samo manner, and according to the same provisions now of force in relation to carts, drays and wagons, letoi driven tor biro, except giving bonds. And each sucu cart, dray or wagon, shaU bo provided with a badge con? taining the number thereof, and marked Private, to u< placed ou the outside of the abaft. SEC. 2. No person shall be taken by the Treasurer a? surely to auy bond under tho Ordinauce concerning li censes for carts, drays, wagons and other carnages, un? less he or she be a freeholder. SEC. 3. The following shall horcafter be tho rates foi licenses for public and private tarts, drays, wagons, Mt., including the horses or mules used tbereoi, which sha;' be i rec from other taxation : PUBLIC CARTS. DRAYS, ETC., OB THOSE EMPLOYED TN AN) BUSINESS WHATEVER, FOB HEBE DIBECT OB INDIRECT. For evory cart, dray or wagon, drawn by one horse Ol mule, ?20. For evory cart, dray or wagon, drawn by two horsssot mules, $30. For every back and carriage with two wheels, $20. For evory hack and carriage with four wheels, $40. For every stage or omnibus (except Rue omnibus with two horses, $50. For every stage or omnibus (eicept line omnibus, drawn by tour horses, $60. For every truck drawn Dy two or more horses or muirs NA For every express wagon drawn by two or more uorsci or mules, ?CO. DUI AI) CARTS AND PBIVATF. CARTS, DRAYS, ETC. For every bread cart or wagon, $6, For evory cart, dray or wagon, used for private or do. mestic purposes, and not to bo employed in thc brand. porting of goods, wares, merchandise, lumber, or au j other commodity, for compensation, either directly ot indirectly for thc same, shall pay for a license tbs sum ol fi, exclusive ot the horse or mule. Ratified in City Council, this 16th day of January ir. H.] In the year of our Lord one thousand eight him. dred and sixty-six. By the Mayor. P. C. GAILLARD, Mayor Jauuarv 3 W. O. sMll'ii. Clerk ol Council. AN ORDINANCE IO REOULATE THE BTORAOE OF PETROLEUM, ITH PBO. DL'CrS, AND O TU P. ll INFLAMMABLE OILS. SEC. L Be. it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen, in City Council assembled. That from and after the ISth day of Juno next, it shall not be lawful to keep Petroleum. Kerosene, Rock Oil, Benzine, Benzole, or any oiber in? flammable oil or oils on storage or for sale in any cellar, store or building south of Line street, in a larger quan? tity than tiffy gallons on any one lot or premises, and any such quantity so kept or stored shall be contained lu vessels ot tiu or other metal. SEC. 2. That Petroleum, its products, or any other In? flammable oil or oils, when brought into the city by land or water, may bc kept on any lot or in any building In which cotton is not stored, for a period not exceeding twenty-four hours, upon the expiration of which time ii shall be removed and kept in tho manner as required by the foregoing section. SEC. 3. Any person or persons violating any part nt thia Ordinance shall be subject to a fine of two hundred dollars, for each offence, recoverable in any Court of com? petent Jurisdiction. Ratified in City Council this twenty-first day of May, iii the year oi our Lord one thousand eight huudred and sixty-seven. [L.S.J P. C. GAILLARD, Mayor. W. H. SMITH. Clerk of Council. June 0 If OTIC E-TO~ A U CUOMEJUU* CITY TREASURY Ot FICE, I OCTOBER 2, 1867. j ALL AUCTION LICENSES EXPIRED BY ORD I-1 NANCE on 30th September. Renewals will te I granted on application at this office, if made during Thu I Month. S. THOMAS, City Treasurer. October 6 PUBLIC NOTICE. OFFICE CLEBK OF COUNCIL, 1 May 1867. j The following .Section of" An Ordinance to abolish tho offico ?if Sperintendent of Streets ; to provide for Keep iug tho Streets' Lanes, Alloys, and open Courts in tho City of Charlesston Clean, and for other purposes," is hereby published for thc information ot Ml concerned : For thc due protection of thc said contractor or con? tractors, if is jurther ordained, That every owner, lessee, occupant and tenant of any premises iron ting in any street, lane, alley, or open court, shall on every day (Sundays excepted) have the dirt, filth, garbage, or other offal, placed in front of his or her lot, iu a barrel, box or heap, and in readiness for the contractor, by tho hour ot seven o'clock, A. M., from the fiist day ot May to the Host day of November in overy year ; and by the hour ot nine o'clock. A. M., frcm the first day ol' November to the first day of May following. And any person offend? ing herein, or placing any dirt, filth, garbage, or other oOal, in any street, laue, or alley, or open court, after the hours above named, shall be subject to a fine not less than two nor more than fivo dollars, for each and every offence, to be imposed by the Mavor. By order W. H. SMITH, May 16 Clerk of Council. NUT1CE. OFFICE CLERK OF COUNCIL.-THE FOLLOWING clause of Section 1 of an "Ordinance to Raise Sup? plies for theyeir 1867," ls published for the information of persons selling Good.? by sample or otherwise, who are not residents oi this city. All such persons are hereby notified to report at this office. "Three dollars ou every hundred dollars of all goods sold in this citv by persons not residents, by sample ot otherwise." W. H SMITH, March H _ Clerk ol CounclH NOTICE. OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF POLICE, ) CHARLESTON, S. C., May 4,1867. I THE REOULAR INSPECTION OF THE LOTS AND lnclosures. vaults, kc, will commence on Mondai, nut, 8t inst. Owners and r-Mvpants aro hereby requirec. lo sec that their premises ai m good condition and thal all filth and garbage is removed as required by Ordi? nance. Other inspections will follow, liv order of Mayor GAILLARD. C. B. SIG WALD. _Olr'ofef Police. KIKE LOAS. MAYORALTY OF CHARLESTON, 1 CITY HALL, November 9, I860. J ALL PERSONS DESIROUS OF REBUILDING IN TSE Burnt Districts and Waste Places of the City, un? der "An Act ol the General Assembly, giving authority to the City Council of Charleston to proceed in the ma., ter ol a Fire Loan, with a view to aid in building up thc Citv anew," are hereby notified that the form of appli? cation for loans can be obtained at the office of the Ocr), of Council, betwoeu the hours of 9 A. M. and 2 P. M. All applications must beti' d in the above mentioned office, as the Committee will meet every Monday to cor sider thc some, By order of the Mayor W. H. SMITH, November in OlerS ot Council THE GREENVILLE MOUNTAINRER 18 PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. AT $1 60 PEU year, iu a lvance. Advertisements inserted at usual rates. G. E. ELFORD. May IQ Editor and Proprietor] DILLON'S PATENT IIFERS?L COTTON TIE MO IRON HOOPS. THIS TIE IS KOW GENERALLY ADOPTED. THIS TIE, WITH THE HOOP COMPLETE, WEIGHS NO MOUE [THAN THE USUAL. ROPE, and renders an allowance for tare unnecessary ; the ONLY TIE 3EQUIBING NO SLACK WHILE PUTTING ON, and U so perfect that the necessity for heavy Hoops is entirely obviated. Can be sold by the POUND OR TON as cheaply as the heavy Hoops and less perfect Ties. Each Tie ls warranted perfect. The bon Tie ts en? tirely superseding the use of Rope, on account of its combination of advantages, its simplicity and economy, while ita preservation of the Cotton when baled, from destruction by Fire, both in warehouse and on shipboard, renders its security to Insurance Companies a matter for consideration. FOR SALE, Iii LARGE OR SMALL QUANTITIES, BY WILLIAM ROACH, Agent for South Carolina. November 2 Imo CAMERON, BARKLEY & CO., No. 160 MEETING STREET, DEALERS IN EVERY DESCRIPTION OF :o: STEAM ENGINES r CIRCULAR SAW AND GRIST MILLS BOLTS, NUTS AND WASHERS BAR AND SHEET IRON AND CAST STEEL OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS GUM AND LEATHER BELTINGS LACING LEATHER AND BLAKE'S PATENT BELT STUDS GUM and HEMP PACKING PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES RAW AND BOILED LINSEED OILS SPERM, LARD AND PETROLEUM OILS BRASS AND IRON, SINGLE AND DOUBLE-ACTING FORCE AND LIFT PUMPS No. 150 MEETING STREET. N ors m ber 2 ituthflmo ALL HAIL TO TII? COJVOU??tOR ! HOPE FOR THE MMGIKVAUK, DEFER NOT THE USE OF RODRIGUES PULMON!!! ELIXIR SPEW. MANY WHOSE DECLINING HEALTH, WHIOfl was precarious, aud their recovery despaired of, do now with grateful emanations to tho All-Wise Dis fiot-er, offer heartfelt thanks for this timely remedy. Dur ng the short time since lu public introduction into use, the Originator has mest happily realized her most san? guine expectations 1 a manifestations issuing from all quarters of its unparalelled curative properties, tor in no case where it has been administeren with regard to di? rections, and persevered in, has it failed in its beneficia) results. In resorting to this remedy, the invalid can depend upon the safety of every article in its preparation, and while it accelerates the healthful rt actions ot eich organ and vessel, the mind can be perfectly free from appre? hension of any subtle ingredient being insinuated into its composition. The appetite, which improves under its administration, is at liberty to indulge prudently in whatever nutriment is palatable, digestive and wholesome, and while it Ls no more than proper to avoid exposure to fresh cold, no lear need be entertained of any liability nnder this course ot treatment to lndnce it. It is a pleasant AROMATIC CORDIAL, quite agreeable to the taste, and as a lung re? vivify er and balsam of health, lt is distinguishing itself as without precedent, and we trust will, ere long, claim for itself general acclamation fortis unrivalled efficacy. For sale by the Proprietress, Mm. CECILIA RODRI? QUE'S, northwest corner of MEEI INO AND SOCIETY STREETS, and principal Druggists. PRICE SINGLE BOTTLE ?1.25. April j_lyr "Prevention is Retter than Cure." DR. RlEcORD'S Celebrated Preventive Lotion. A PPBOYED AND HIGHLY RECOMMENDED BY JX. <he ? rench Medical Faculty, aa tho only safe and intalli ble antidote against infoctlon from Special Diseases. This lnvaluaule preparation is suited for either sex, and haa proved, from ample experience, i he most efficient and reliable Preventive ever discovered, thus effecting a desideratum long sought for in the Medical World. It used according to directions every possibility of danger may be avoided; a single application will radically neu? tralize the venereal virus, expel ail impurities from?the absorbent vessels, and render contamination impossible. Be wise m time, and at a very small outlay, save hours ol untold bodily and mental torments. This most reliable specific, HO universally adopted In the Old World, ls now offered for sale for the first time In America by F. A. DUPORT ft CO.. only authorized Agents for the United SUtes. Trice $3 per bottle. Earge bottle, double size, $5. The usual discount to the trade. Sent, securely packed, on receipt of price, to any address, with direc? tions and pamphlet, by addressing & CQ Sole Agents tor Dr. Ricord's P. L.,' May 22 lyr Ko. 12 Gold Street, New York. ~- -ITT-HISKERS and MUS- j?wu^ ?fS&9k TV TACHES forced to JP?=? S |B grow upon the smoothest B J 1*1 tace iii from three to five feaSf weeks by using Dr. SEYIG- WAm ffiSBl HE'S RESTAURATEUR BB JHWB^ CAPILLAIRE, the most .^BH^ 4WB^^F^ wonderful discovery in mo- ^^^B^^ ^^Wi dom science, acting upon ^^BT the Board and Hair In an almost miraculous manner. : has been used by the elite ot Paris and London with the most flattering success. Names of all purchasers ?11 he registered, and if entire satisfaction is not given in every instance, the monoy will be cheerfully refunded. Price by mail, sealed and postpaid, ll. Descriptive cir culara and testimonials malled free. Address BERGER, SHCTTS ?i CO., Chemists, No. '.ss River etreet Troy. N, Y., Sole Agents for the United State;' Karen M ASTROLOGY. D AT THE WONDEBFCX REVELATIONS MADE B? THE GREAT ASTROLOGIST, Madame H^A.PERRiaO. SHE B EV ALS 8 EC BETS NO MOBTAL EVES KNEW. Sae restores to hsppiness tbose who, from doleful events, catastrophes, crosses in love, loss of relations and friends, loss of money, Ac, nave become despondent. She brings together those long separated, gives informa? tion concerning absent friends or lovers, restores lott or stolen property, tells yon the business you are best qualified to pursue and in what you will be most success lui, causes speedy marriages, and tells you the very day you will marry, gives you the names, likeness and char? acteristics of the person. She reads your very thoughts, and by her almost supernatural powers, un vs Us the dark and hidden mysteries of the future. From the stars we see m the "Armament-the malefic stars that overcome or predominate in the configuration-from the aspects and positions of the planets and the fixed stars In the heavens at the tim? of birth, she deduces the future destiny ot man. Fail not to consult the greatest Astrologist on earth. It costs you but a trifle, and you may ne ver agai n have so favorable an opportunity, Consultation fee, with likeness and all desired information, SI. Parties living st a disunce can consult the Madame by mail with equal safety and satisfaction to themselves, as if in person. A full and explicit chart, written out, with all Inquiries ar - s we red and likeness enclosed, sent by mall on receipt o. price above mentioned. The strictest secrecy wm be maintained, and all correspondence returned or destroy? ed. References of the highest order furnished those de? siring them. Write plainly the day of the month act year in which you were born, enclosing a small loe.- o Address, March Kl) MADAMS H. A. PERBIOO, P. 0. DBA WEB 298, Burr ALO, N. Y. lr UALLlCHAN'sPit? pX) ?.,--</?( FOR , X- i&gg* (CHILLS & FEVER) WE HAVE USED GALLIGHAN'S PILLS, AND FIND that they will do all that ls claimed for them, and cheerfully reeommend them to public favor. T. H. WATTS, Ex-Governor of Alabama. J. W. A. SANDFORD, Atf y Gen'l of Alabama. BOBT. DOUGHEBTY, Judge Supreme Court Ala. From THOMAS J. JUMB, Judge Supreme Court. I have used QALLIOHAN'S PILLS on my plantation for Fever and Ague, and find them all that is claimed ftr them. THOS. J. JUDGE. Montgomery, Ala., September 29,1858. LOWNDES COUNTY, Alabama. GALLIGHAN'S FEVER AND AGUE PILLS will do. They arc decidedly the best medicine for Chills and 1 e. ver 1 ever gave. I would not be without them for five, ti mu? the price. J. A. GRAHAM. ASIEBICCS, April 17, 1887. One box ol' GALLIGHAN'S PILLS cured me perfectly of Chills and Fever. They are the best medicine lor Chills and Fever I ever saw. A. G. BONALDSON, Clerk Supenor Court, Sumter County, Ga. MONTOOMXBT, ALA., July 9,1866. Messrs. BLUNT tc HALE-GENTS: I have used your OALLIGHAN'S PILLS on two occasions for Chills and Fever, and find that they effect all that they are intend? ed to do. They are the best remedy for the disease that J have ever tried. I consider them perfectly reliable. Bespectfully, DAN'L SATBE, Grand Sec. Grand Lodge ot F. and A. M. of Alabama. ALBANY, GA., March ll, 1867. I have used GALLIGBAN'S FILLS in forty cases ol Chills and Fever, with penect success. They are tb? best Fever and Ague Pill put up. A. B. FAN!. WHOLESALE IN CHABLESTON, BY GOODRICH. WIM .HW Ai CO., No. 153 Meeting street. And by all Druggists. BLOC XT Ai H ALU, PROPRIETORS, May ll 6mo Montgomery, Als. THE FLORENCE GAZETTE, PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY, sj FLORENCE, S. C., offers an excellant medium to Merchants sad others who wish to extend their business in the Fee Dee section of the State. Bates of advertising vary rea sonable. September