N KAN'S SUMMARY. Coll?n closed in Nth? York drooping ol .-'Gc. for Middling Uplands, iii.ld dowd ai 491*4-1. Cotton closod in Liverpool TV it li a declino of td. Middling Uplanda Did. There oro 228,000 nioutbots ol' tho temperance organisations in Massachusetts. h?t?. JULIA DEAN HAVNK ia playing Julia, in tho Hunchback, al tho Continental Theatre, Huston. lu August about 128,0011 b?rrela itt dour carno to Boston by tho Western Railroad. An average of 522 loads of dirt |>or day arc being removed from Ibo streets of t'inrinnnti. Mr. STANTON hos cono to St. Albans, Vt., lo speud a tow days with Ex-Governor Sunn. Tho Brazilian Parliament proposes to extinguish tho national debt by means of lotteries. Cum sells in Oakaluuska, Iowa, at eight cents a bushel. A census of Duhuipiu gives 21,222 popnlsliuii aild 16,101.040 valuation. lt is statod thal JOUN li. (Jouuuhas buen obliged to declino four hundred invitations tu lecturo durne, tho comiiiK soason. General TOM Tn cnn has gonn m his yacht. Charles S. Strutton, on a fishing excursion oil' Lone; Island. Il is asserted hy thu Long linnell17V*i*f that theio have been nuavly 40.000 visitors ut that fa? mous watering placo this season. Count llntHf EsrKiniAZV, of Hungary, busjusl married the Cuuiiioas Row?, daughter of tho late Mininnie HoNTAU. Immense herds of Iniil iln have lately been seen un the Upper Missouri. The Indians aru not fur ull. Thu Winona mid Ht, Tutors railroad is open to Wes ec a, miu hundred and flvo miles west of the Mississippi river. Tho dug show in Tans has been very successful. Over ??00 dog?, rcpicsentiug every variety, have becu on exhibition. l'rof. j. Vi, MAL?.KT, I'mfossor nf Chumialry i" the medical ilcpartmeut of tho University of Nee (li len mi, liss been ri,-el ed to I lie chair of Chenues Technology in tho University of Virginia, Tho farmers in Western Mussaehusctts uro bust harvesting their tobacco. They report only ahuu u two-thirds crup mi au average, though somi Holds uro extra. The fall book Irado ?ale opened in New York tu Thursday. There waa a lurgu attendance and tin b i, ld n n, wu H brisk. The catalogue of this sal embraces over one million volumes, and thc sal will list nine days. In conscqttencu of Hie titinieroiiB suits brough by Northern creditors against insolvent merchant, in lin him nul, several of tho latter havo tnkeu ad vautago of tho bankrupt act. Corty application wore tiled on Friday with thu register. A body of pulicemon from New York wcro detail ad by tho Superintendent, who is n Methodist, t keep tho peace at a ramp meeting. Many e them woto converted, and forty of thom bold prayer meeting on their own account. Tho Young Mon's Christian Association of Low ell visited aotuo of tho liquor and hilliard aalunni on Saturday evening, ami worn kindly roceivud b all btu one, and allowed to sing Bud distribu? tracts. It is statod that tbcte waa a furious snow storr ou Mount Washington, Now Hampshire, on Thun day of last week. Parties ascending wcro drive back. Tho thermometer foll to bolow tho frccein point, and icc mada on the telegraph polca a inch thick. Thc French Minister of War officially states thc tho rc-cont Salzburg Conference was nothing mor than a mooting of condulonco over tho fsto c MAXIMILIAN. There waa nomo conversation o political affaira, but no alliances or combination were planned. Farms bordering on Lako Champlain aro bein greatly injured by the grasshoppers. Pastui lands in some caeca look as if a Aro had swut over thom, destroying ovcry green thing. Tin. are not as largo as in former years, hut their nun bera are countless. The city of Montreal ia undergoing a grot change in tho way of public improvements. Lil Paris, immonso numbera of buildings aro boil domoliBhcd, and tho Btroets widened tu make thc beautiful avonues. Among streets undergoir thia chango is Notro Darno and Qreat St. James. Late advices from the Dritish Wost Indios r port tho weather faVOrublo for tho cuijis. Tl health of Uto Islands mid Demorara WBB goo with tho exception of Jamaica, where yellow fov bad mado its appoaranco on tho north aido of tl island a raro occurrence. Then) had boon sov ral Aroa in Demorara. One in tho businosa atro destroyed ?50,000 worth of property. Tho London Telegraph lutoly remarked that "tl bedroom in which bo-NAPOLEON I-slept, frei from tho triumphs of Marongo, containa ll clock that marked tho hours of his captivity at E Helona, and tho bod on which ho died." F. Tl SAUD sonds to correct the mistake. Tho bedale in rmcBtion was bought from LcctEN UoNAPtni and is now in tho TUSSAUD collection. It is estimated that Ail SKA Sim torr, has ? ponded (200,000 In flt ling up Narragansett Psi in Providonco, it. I. Tho gateway cost $7000, a tho fridge of granite fur thu horse railroad to pa over cost 130,000. It comprises eighteen acres land, and in its dining norn, cotutnitteo roon dressing rooms, pool room and stables, ia one tho moat extensive parka in tho country. A Roman Catholic Chapel has just boen com crated in Headfort, County Oalwoy, Ireland, whi is designated by its builders the "Irish-Am er ie Church of St. Mary." Tho nu.y for its erect i waa supplied by Irishmen in tho United stat and its bell boara tho inscription, "Proaouted lo few Irish in America who love thoir misru! country." Tho London Times has roasoti tu behove tl tho report of tho ritual commission, which I Archbishop of Canterbury has announced, t shortly bo issued, and will bo decidedly adverse the practicca which havo boon lately brought ii vogue, by a section of tho Clergy of tho ('hurd England. The majority of tho commisaion condemn these innovations aa illegal or inox dient, and advise that they should bo prohibit Tho Qaribaldians, aud UaniDiiiUi himself, hi given up all attempts against the Popo-at le nut ii such timo au tboro shall bo some chauroi success. 1'he cordon ot troops which Uio Ital Qovorumont havo drawn around tho Papal dun ions is so strong that any attempt at evasion invasion will surely fail. Wo soo no chance G A p. i m i. n i getting into Romo, except in the ov of a European war involving Franco and Italy. Wt lidies wcro first made in London by a nc from Spain, in tbo reign of Queen MABV. He d without imparting tbo socret of bia art. Tho was rocovered in 1565. ELIAS OBOWEB firat tau the Engliah to make needles, but the art \ again loat for nearly a century, when it was ag rocovored by CiraisTorHEn OUKENINU, who sett at Long Crendon, in Buckinghamshire. Noci? are now chiefly made at Hedditch, in Woroeal shire, Hathersage, in Darbyshire, and in and n Birmingham. Tbo dam of the Weat Hartford reaorvoir, miles from tho city, which supplies tho city r water, was washed away recently,swooping c comfiolds and pasture lands, and bearing ovc thing with it. For two milos tho flolds v flooded. Tho damage to private property is < eidorablo, and thc loes to the city will bo al; $100,000. Tho upper reservoir, two miles al tbs city, with a partly finished dam sevon high, was also swept away. The city can bo foi ?pumps ft om tho Connecticut river, in tba old v so there will be uo interruption of tho supply. The New York Times sayBt "Rev. Dn. BELM and Rov. TnxoDOBe L. Cm nut, both clergyme Ibis city, have been visiting gambling 'bolls' fonner in Raden Raden, tho Utter in Baratt Both of them havo given accounts in the relig ptpera of the gorgeous and fearful aconoa wi they witnessed. 'Oh V saya Mr. COVLSB, 'it on accuraed placo, and I was glad to caoape i and unobserved.' Ho usea rory warm langt in denouncing theso palaces of ruin, and warnt readers againet thoir terrible thraldom. Dr. ] LOWS di?courues very philosophically on tho jeot, as indeed ho doos on moat snbjocls, trust that tho visit of theso two divines will r lt unnecessary for any others to follow thoii ample. At noon on the 8th instant tho Hwodish lr: Ncrrkopmg arrived in Now York from Qi and anchored in the North river, opposite pioi 8, Tim Norrkoping is a .niling- frigate of th school, of'about 1,300 bins burden, and can battery of eighteen thirty-poundors and four and-a-balf inch gunn, all smooth boro. She is uaod aa a sort of ecboolahip for training set foT the Swedish navy, and included in hor cn thioo hundred men aro ono hundred parsons havo novor been at sea before. The Swodisl compt ' i all landowners who possoss land ol sea shoro to sond a certain number of subs ti into tho royal navy, and tho ?eamon now 1 trained on board this vessel bolong to this t After a stay hero ot about a fortnight thc J kopinq will karo on hor return voyage-to On burg. OU l?tlSNT TOPXO?. COTTON WOIIM, OH CATEIII'II.I.UI, li IH causud I creal destruction un tho Hen Islands lille ?eison. T'hie WM inj of tho ?"u staple ii seems uns (?r?l noticed in isou, ?ince nlion ii hus elinor rttiuimeil willi ii? ur returned t<> :i grenier or loss extent nirry year. The lollnwini:. fruin Hu? Sew Orl?ans Ilinea, on thu subject, will ho read with Interest i i "Souiu persons bettovu il injure? more seriously.al interiula of threu yo n? in tho Minti district? ; but* whether generally known or uni, il is a marked fuel that tho mosl Ircmcuclous ravages of thu caterpillar occur ul inlorvabi nf twenty-one yean e. Thus in IBM, IIMS, ISlii, omi nun in 1*17. Nu mullein discovery bill? fair to lid us ol' this scourge, ir we except tho procos? nf industrious mid persistent extermination, llrsl ol thu moths, by lights which ul I met ltu-m lo n H|?r?.ly ilcatli. timi next by Imriimi; m nllu-i wiso ilcatroyiiiK ibu destroyers aller they hmo robbed up lur generative puipn.-ci. lu thu se r 11-1111 m al report ut I he t'uiumiasinlier of l'atout? fur 18.15, mun exccllcill article hy TOWN? i suso tii.uvtii nu tin- insects fouiiil un Um cotton I plaid. Il will rup.tv tin- lt..utile of pctiisul lol tiloso ulm caro lu 1 dil?? timi examine Ililli Ibu lia* turn nf Um oiil. i n li plaiitnm, nilli tim u.li.iii lagc? nf a po.nl si an ni, will enable tho plantet lu Hmo ibo Rrcatei |k>rtkni of Iii? mop belora Hie unity worm can do it any material injury, liven in Ibu comparativo iiiln tu agricultural baler est? at tbo South Hitit Ibis ie it lins bionght, WO need nut l.iul. lur lo set- ti benetlt thut will spring iii redly from our ugiiciiltur.il distresses. WV nm liobiud thu world in t lioso mechanical enterprises und uvociiliuii? thal ?no lllO mosl fruitful som ces of wealth ?uni power. Dur exclusive occupation waa agriculture, MU) cutiihicliil tm il was nt Ibo Soutb by slave lal-or, a vast il ul nf enemy und capital wu? employed ni iueii usine; al? ready overgrow.lutes mu? purchasing muru laborers lu cult il uto IhvlU. lhere nus iioither room nor lime fur uni Ihmiglit uncon? nected with ono peculiar brunell ol' industry. Now Unit il hue primal an uncurtain one. wo hare leis? ure tn look around ami see I bul there ure safer und beilul- invcsluieitls tither lu .il?citos ol' [udna* trv i li.it great civil revolutions would ecatyuly ailed, and which eat! bid ilcli.ilu c lu climate, sea nun?, ami OVe?l caterpillars. WV have luToru ll? thu choice nf indus'lie?, mid may grow moro woaltby and | un : fm Hutu a hundred yearn ot n'md ciops ivoulil ninko.us-certainly more Inde? pendent of the pr idueUvo power of other nation? and bettor able lu keep up iii Ibu ri c< which Uni agricultural yoko bu? kepi UH from joining, save at lus i UK dist ance?." THU WASUISUTON corrae]MMulenl ut thc Uoatou Poafunder date of ."ith naya: "Sume ?tartling revelation? are baking uni herc lunching the revo? lutionary Scheines of thu llaiilcal leaders. It line bcun discovered that Ibu plan for Itadjeal govern incut and negro aupruntacy in ibu Southern Slates waa concocted and matured at thu Convention ol Southern "LuyaliatH" Oil tho Ililli of .September hist, in Philadolpbiu, whore wore present thc Hadi cal Uoveriior? of Hie scvoral Korthetll States, ll was then amt ibero detorminod lo organize ?i rovo? lad lonary army, which should hold the South under Ibu c.md ul of Hie Radical? regardless nf what might bo tho pupular volo. It was ulsiMldeiniinoil that E. M. PEASE should hy some means be pince.I at Ibo bead ol tho Stute organisation in Texas, am! in ubodienco to ibis plot ol ibo revolutionists den? ara] SHERIDAN deposed Governor TUROCKMOUTO and installed PEASE in tho Executive chair, lt iurtber continuance of the tamo plot. Ocurra) li J. DAVIS w.ia given a rovimr oomtnhwlon by i.. i. oral S ii EUI DAN, ostensibly for Hie pu rpo.? r. o? super intending thc rogtatraUon, but really tu organize Ibo Toias quota of tho Cirnnd Anny of thu Rcpnb lie, thc mombors of which nru sworn tn bold lin power ol'the Soul li regardless of constitutional ol legal barriers. That work is now in rupid prog maa and funds aro being supplied through the Loya Leagues by tho Radical Congressional L'ommittci of Uli? city, of which Mr. ScnENCK, ol' (Hun. u chairman. My information is to Um effect tba1 this military organization is now being mphil; pushed forward in all tho Southern States, and i is 11, p.u 11 d that Um supromu command uf tim revolutionary force has been Itoetowcd nu tba lat? commander of tito Filth Military District, in vicv of HUB pm-, erf ul organization, winch ?tami? read; to tin nilli- tho government, thu lato priiclamiitini of tho President may not bo ill-timed. Of Un truth Of Hus statement there is univ ?il.mulan proof, and slops will be tal.mi by ibo gOYcnimun to moot tho impending cluugur. TOE LONDON HEUAIJI intimates that Hiern an to bc lui i lier trial? with Ibo Amorican navy (?in ou trial at Sboeburyncss. Wo should hope so. I tba trial should ond with Hie Uto uxporimunts, th {tower of tho trun would bo as unknown lo lb Iii lindi artillcriBte au it was tin eu year? io;... Th report H of Ibo groat er part of Ibo English pres un this gun bavo been premature. Aol bing bu initial and very incomplete experiment- bars bun made with it. Here, in America, wu hsv tiled it with 100 p..nmls nf manumit powtlcr, ami ovor l?UO Tuet velocity, whil in Kngluiid I boy have ti over used over tl pounds in tho gun, obtaining less than ivXi feel against tho I ai gel. If the trial ?lioiild nu now, it will bu the coolest piece of jugglery on ri cord. Tim Woolwich ti-inch lille gun was lob compared willi Hie American l.i-iui li smooth bur mit, indeed, against tho ?ame plate, but by a coi Irani nf ie.nils achieved, lulu Hie lol ince wits pt its maximum charge; into the tailor but lin et fifths of thu charge often maud in il, ami indy tut thirds ot tho service charge for battle prescribe for Hirco years in our navy. Du Ibis showing, appears, tho English gunners pronounce (be Amer ran gun a "failure." inslo.nl ut nm;no: Hi changes on that word, lui them trust the l.i smooth bum to n respectable charge of |Hiivtlu and Iben auu what it will do. TOE ?IBHAIJI'H CITY of Mexico ciirrespoodiuiei dalud July 2Utb, auys that President Jump?, lu completed tho formation of bis now Cabinet. Tl wbolo ommtry bait been laid ntl' into Military Di tri?is, to which HKOULES, DIAZ, lCsconr.no, Coin NA and ALVAHEZ, have boou assigned in commun. On tbo 15th of July thu President was accorded t informal reception, which was rather an nubile unt affair, tho people hoing conspicuously want ii in tho usual Mcxicau oulliusiuHin for brilliant p goantrica. A youth named .MAUMU,t is road pooni dedicated to JUAIIKZ, un i a little girl nanu i'A m oi A presonted him willi a golden crown. Uti Iud bud almost a rupture with JUAIIEZ un tho sui jed of tho expected execution ol fourteen mo prisoners of war, and it was through his eflbr that thc;, wero respited. Ho is reported to ba' tbioatoned JUAIIKZ with ibo forcible iulorvoutic of the arm; which ho commanda unices Ibo so toncos worn amrpendod, ('una. MU?AMOS hi 2U00 men In the mountains, and recently sh ninety liberal? in revenge for Ins brother's dent TUE YEAH OF DUNCES ia Ibu uiiphoniuus a polution given by WENDELL PniLi.ies to tho ye 18G7, becauso of tho stupidity which ho imagiu ia universal, except within thc limits of bis ov cranium. Ho admits that treason nourishes Washington (of course,), "lint incompetency Ibo dominant cbaractonaHc.n Thia is ralbi r har for peoplo generally have beliovd that of Into SI run.t.ies' friends at tho capital had tbiuga pral much their own way. Referring to tho pre,,. Munition, ho Hays: "Congross, tongue-tied ai hand-cnfJed till November, obliged to stand aile by and seo JOHNSON trample on its laws. Loyal hunted ami trembling all over Ibo Routh. A li so clumsily devised that it cannot bo oxecut without bringing tho great power? nf pm ci niue in collision. A Genera! self eted ami left in Wa? ington to roprcsont and protect tho nation, a found, when tho omorgeucy occurs, not to km enough lo bo flt to bo left alono I" Mr. PUILI.I ia always unhappy. TUE LONDON REVIEW, in discussing the origin political party nomos, remarks : " llouitdtie became a nickname nmong US (Kochab) just Longhead was ono among Hie Scythian? ccntur beforo, and as Copperhead bes inne tine nmong I Amorican centuries afterward." Tho point of i foronco between thcao cases is, that while tho r thous " Roundhead " and *' Longhead " munni, I Engbah and Rcythiana wero derived from curb roal or Biipposed characteristics nf tito ailheroi of the patties to whom they woro applied, I term " Copperhead " had nothing to do with a craniological appearanco of tho political ?oct ?bj it described. The (.pdbet " Copperhead " was i plied (it bad its origin in Indiana) because of I oimllanty Pet we rn tho naturoof tho parly and I nature nf this particularly execrable snake. HENBV H. IlAiunr, just elected Governor California, ir ? nativo of Rochester, Now Vo and ia about forty-five years of age. He is a i of FLETCHED M. UAIOBT, formerly a dlalingulnl lawyer in Rochester and in BL Louis, and sub qoontly omlnont at tho bar of San Francisco, was, during tho last years of his lifo, Disli Jndgo of California, appointed by Mr. LINCO Tho younger Mr. HAJOIIT graduated at Yalo C logo in 1814 or '45, studied law lu Roclrcstor, i haa proctlcod most successfully at tho bar bott St. Lonia and Ran Francisco. Ho is said to I man of very clodded t?lenla, most pleasing dress and irreproachable character. L?RMEST CIRCULATION.- The ??iLt NR\V8 publhhcs thc O?cial List of Let? ters remaining in the I'ustojficc tit the rmi of each week, agreeably to thc following section of thc iVew J'ostajUce Law, as thc newspaper haring thr largest circttlatit'h in the City of Charleston : HECTIlMt A. Amt bo lt further enacted, '['hat hals ot tat tern nu..oui nK uumlir.1 for in any Po? I o ilk-c tu any citv, Iowa or vlllujj?. where a uvwepapM- ?hall be printer!, -I.ail hereafter IMI published our?! only lu lae n.-v.-i^ii. r M linli. intuit published wivkly ur oftener, ?hull bare tu? iu.!, .-i . ii. iiljtii.ii within rniiit? of delivery ot itu- ?aid mil.-.' KW At' communications inttstM tor putt!watton in Iltis journal must b< tuldrrssril to lin- Millar of Ihr rtom Xftrs, .Vu. |H /fin/nr-s/r??/, (,HmrtnuUni,S. i : UnsliH'ss LyjmMHHtetttiitii* to 1'iihUshee of Daiiu ?Yerra. MVCWNMM1 uiuhrlaku lo return i iicctfl eOHUHUH?C4t' nous. ArttrrtttcMt?l? ovtstihutflhecitu must be atvuwiiiti nil ii with the cash. CHARLESTON. WKDNGRDAY MOItNINO, RBVTKalBKH ll. I8?7. Jou WORK.-Wc hove now rontplotcit our ellice so aa lo execute, in tito shortest possible time, ALL KINDS OK JOH WORK, nml we moat respectfully ask the patronage of our friends. lt VU1CAI.1S.11 AND AUttARIAMMM. INAI'OI.F.ON I ll., Hie profoundest statesman find most successful politician of our day and ccu. prut iou, says, ip btu Life ol' Ci:s.\lt, timi "tho success of superior men depends much more on theil- nullity to profit by circumstances than on timi presumption sulticivnlly Mimi lu make them believe themselves ciipablo of causing events to bu born which ure in thu hands ol' linn alone." We ure ull the erratum of cir? cumstances, mid thu only ditl'ereuco between the grunt tuan mid thc small, is that the great man Seizes the eircitmsto~"e ns it arises, while thc lunn uf Inferior capacity lets tho opportunity alida nwiiy und HIIUWS himself IO bc left behind. The foul nlouc thinks thal he cnn create events or thal he CUD proven! certain etTeels from fol? lowing cert nhl catibos. Thc world moves by tixed lnws. There is logic in events, lt is easy to arouse passions, but it is impossible lo prevent thc consequences ol' those passions. A.Mt os Iii nu un one occasion expressed this iden strongly and forcibly. At the limo of nulli? fication in this Stine he .laid to a gentleman from thia city, "lhere are men enough in South Carolina who can raiac a storm, hut thoro is not one in tho Slate who cnn quell that storm when rnised." Thc contest between the North and thc South lina terminated t giving ii marked develop ment to tho theory of blind majorities. Under thal theory minorities are entitled lo no protec? tion. They aro defeated. They must bc crushed. Carried out fully it means nothing more nor less than Vat Viclis, woe to the con? quered. You are defeated, Iel thc car pass over you. We are the majority, lt is our will and pleasure. Von should not complain. You made the light and you are conquered. This may be right. This may be proper. This may bc just, ll certainly is not wise. To-day thc victor tramples under fool his victim. To? morrow, thc victim having gained strength and learned thc lesson from his conqueror, in turn plays tyrant and tramples on his former op? pressor. There are other and more dangerous results growing out of the theory that thc blind will of thu majority is tho law of tho land. Tho first iiu.l necessary resull is thc total loss of liberty. This loss, it is Inte, takes Ibe shape iu thu first plnee af despot ism of the masses, but wherc ever thal despotism exists the distance ia not greul lr 11 in anarchy on the one hand, nt- one mun power on the other. Our fathers foresaw this. They were not only wise men, but they were nnimntcd by pure and noble instincts. Well versed in the policy of the past they were determined lo frnuiu a governniont which would avoid tlie shoals and quicksands on which oilier governments had been destroyed. They knetr (hut a race of boru kings may become effete, mid they determined that their chief exccnlivo officer should be elected. They kuuw that loug possession of power made men forget their re? sponsibility to their fellow men, und they elect? ed their president for ii short term. They had seen oligarchies oppress thc people, und they itvoiilcd any I bing approaching to aristocracy. They hud Seen turbulcut democracies banish nml ostracise their noblest ind best tuen, and they guarded jealously lue rights und privileges of the humblest citizen. They had seen the hud elle -is of thc union of Church and Slate, ami they provided against the possible union of religion timi politics. They knew that small Slates would certainly be oppressed hy their stronger lind more powerful neighbors, and they established a perfect equality in one brunch uf tho legislature of the nation. Theirs was n government nf perfect checks and balances in which thc smallest minority waa protected hy u, written constitution, from tho most powerful end passionate mnjority. Under that government three millions of people rapid? ly increasol ten-fold ; commorce, arts and tho sciences nourished. livery man with health and industry found bread, and with ordinary prudence could lay up n surplus. Their gov? ernment was loved at home and respected abroad. Human vanity, however, and human passion eau and often does destroy the noblest work. Thc war came and with the passions of the ivar tho Radical party acquired power. Set? ting itself up for a teacher, arrogating to itself superior wisdom, rejecting thc lessons of the past and the light of experience, it declared that change was progress; the Constitution of the United States an instrument which should only endure so long as the majority would per? mit, and that the will of a majority of the American people is the supreme law of the laud. This is the policy now actuating the dominant party,-in nothing exaggerated. This is the platform laid down by the most prominent and certainly the most honest among their leaders. Let us sec lo what results this policy will lead unless tho sober sense of tbo American people should In time drive back tho ourrent. Tboro is a debt of near $3,000,000,000 lo be paid. Thc population of the United States is .10,000,000. Of that 36,000,000 about a half million are owners of the debt. Suppose that each owner has a family of four persons in addition io himself, and we would have two million and a half of people enjoying the labor and the toil, and bene filting by the sweat of thirty-four million five hundred thousand. Majorities should rule, say tho radieals. Their will is the law. Will it be the will of fourteen men, taught to believe that no social compact is bind? ing any longer than the majority desires that il should bind, to labor for life for the support nf one? If the radical theory is correct there can ho no faith in politics ; their own party must, as ii necessary consequence of their principles, adv?cale repudiation. One proof of this ia to be found in Mr. THAI>. STEVENS.' "mild confiscation scheme"-extra constitutional ns he admita il to bc. Mild con? fiscation ! Clod save the mark ! One might as weil speak nf mild highway robbery, mild arson, mild murder. It is true thal this scheme is to-day intended to operate on the South, hut if it succeeds il must eventually be carried into thc North. If it is tho will of the majority lo take awayjaud from the landowner in the South, and give it to the landless, will not the question be asked who are in thc ma? jority in the North, the landowners or Ibo land? less? Is not the will of tho majority law? Does not common sonso say that it is not the will of the majority to he poor while the minor? ity are wealthy, that it la not the will nf th? majority lg be Unanla while Uso r..in.? ity Are landlord* * Wo ?lt* mil s.ty timi vvi> approve ni iht'se theories, il), tba ,011 hil ry. ai' believe lin" common ?lilly, IMUIUIOU right ?ml cominou .tus llee |>r?uiminci? iheui false: bm wv ti? May ?bm they ari? Hm logical rc-ulis ?f radical iea?lel?|t. Thu American people arv Hiumugiily pmvi?'ul They aro educated both io ikatiik aird lo ?ol rom ibo cradle lo ibu girara. IMueuied .<> be? lieve a theory, they ? ill follow it out lo its logi oal ramil!. The trulh ut'this hus bee ii recently illustrated. At ibe t'liieugo Labor i'nnvoniiou Hmong oilier pr position* was one lo ?Inri n laboring men's polo ?eui party If this moana j utiytliing ut nil it utvi.Um array of labor against capital ; Hie poor the majority, against | Ilia Hell Hie minority. If Ilia leaahingH of the Helical pmiy tire I rm?, (hose men were right. Agrarianism is just. Properly is in the musses. Will Hie .Ainriicsu people ever rome to Ibis'; Will limy nol relied long belora they itilopt I Ikeoriea which milli loud lo these results. Labor ami cupitnl hare climbed before to- ''ty. nm] the emil esl hus been hitler ami bloody. Will not our people, when awakened to palm reason ?ml sober sense reieel it parly whose teaching* must inevitably produce sneh eilpeisV Will they call anarchy improvement, despotism un udvnure, iigruruitiisiii progress'.' Will they follow those who wilfully reject the teachings of thc pant! Will they follow I botte who openly reject the plighted nail ll of ii written coiislilu lion, banded down to ns by WASHINGTON, 11AM I1.TUS, MAIMMIX, .liirrr.aaoM und AHAMS, or will Ihey liol rather adopt a conservai ive course timi fullow Iboae grund obi patri?la ami teachers ' We believe thal they will choose tho Uti cr course. The masses, when uni excited hy thc passion or the prejudice of the hour, think correctly ami act honestly. They know, lo borrow Ike words of him whom we quoted nt thc beginning of thia article, "ihni wheo Prov? idence raised up such men" ns Hie fathers of Ibis republic "il is th.il they mny trace out lo nsl ions ihr pul li ihm Ihey should follow: (hut they should slump with Hie seul of their genius a new ern : Hml they should accomplish inn few years Hie work ol' centurion. Happy Hie nation Hutt understands nuil follona them. Woe to those who do not know or cornhill them." Mil ll i. Ttl t. Ml.tuts till UH MI Ult A VI'S HOTEL 0? IIOAltniNO-IIOUSt'. KEEPERS. OFFICE CLF.RK OV COUNCIL. I March 13, lHrVJ. I IN ACCORDANCE Wim TUE FOI.I.OWINO ACT OF tho is gisistm.-. passed tiir '.mil du)- of Deoeuber, lB?l?. all pomona reULurucd aro hereby notified to call nt this i Mlli c and lake nut thu required Uremic immediately. H ACT l'on THE HF.VTKU I'WVTXCTION OK M illi s AS? I MUIOllANTS IN THF. ISinV ANO HAIIBOR Ol' CHAlll.rs TON. L He it enacted, bil Ihr .Senate and Uouse of Ketimenla tivet, now mel and tilting in Cemrat Attembly, and tty the authority of the ?ame. That lt shall uot lie lawlul lor any |s>rsuu, except a pilot or public olllccr, tn board or at? tempt tn h.mill a vessel arrlviiio In the port or harbor of Cluirlcstou, before such Vessel shall havu baan made fast to thc whorl, without tint obtaining I oavo Ito m Ihn mus tur or pcraou having chanto of such vessel, or it om lier j owner or attenta. IL It shall not bc 1?? lui for any owner, ogout, master, I or other pcraou having charge of any vessel arriving or i being lu tho port ol Charleston, io permit or autlionzo any nailora, bolel or boarding house (coper, not tlc cu sod aa hereinafter provided, ur any agent, runtier or cm ployco ot any sailor's or iuimigriitt'n hotel ur ltoarding houao, to board, or attempt to board, any vessel Arriving lu, or lying, or i>ciug In tho h.us.' s or port ul Charleston, hciorc ?neu vc?sci ?bull have been made finn lo the wharf, uncle s cd. with intent to invite, ask ar aohcit thu boardiug of uuy of thc crew employed ou such vessel. TL lt shall um bc lawful for soy sailor's or lauul c tani's lintel ur iHiardltig house keeper, or thc eiupluyeu of uuy sailor's or inning mil's hotel or boardinu house eper, having tiuunlctl any tnt Mal made fast to uuy wburl ? tu the port ol Charlearon, to neglect or rcfuso lo leave ?aid Teasel, alter having bean ordered so to do by tho I master or person having charge ol such vessel. IV. lt ahall not bo lawlul tor any person to keep, con? duct or carry un, either aa owner, proprietor, aguut or othorwiae, any sailor's or ItnniUrraui's Hoarding nouas, or aallor'aor Immigrant's hotel, In the ruy ol Charil stun, without having a hepnae from the t'ily I'liim u thereat. V. It ?hall not be lawlul Inr any is-rsou. not haring tho license tu this Art provided, or not ticing the regular agent, runner oe employee ol a penon having- such ll cenac, to Invite, ask ur solicit in the city or hirtior of Charleston, the boarding or lodging ot any nf the crnw employed on any vessel, or ot auy luiuiigraui armin*; in the said city of Charleston. VI. 1 he City Council ahall Uko tim application nf any person applyiug tor a he. use lo keep a suitors' or imuti pram's lu .anliin: Inutile, or sailor's ur Immigrant'? hotel, lu thu elly ol Charleston, amt upon satinlacmry evidence i th em of thu respect j I a ht; and r?mpeteme of such np pheaut, ami of thc suitableness nf lils uccoiummlHtiotis, shall if sue to bim altri-usc, which shall he good lor on? year, unless sooner revoked hy ?aid Illly Council, tu keep s sailor H ur Immigrant's hoarding ll nc MI In thc city ol Charleston, and U) invite and solicit hoarders for thc aime. VII. Tho City t.'oiinrtl may. upon satisfactory ev ulm U M I of tho disorderly cnurarter ut any ?Allom' or Immigrants' hotel or bounllng house, llCFiisetl as herclnlx-tani pro. vtdi-il, or of the keeper or proprietor nf any such house, or of auy torce, fraud, deceit ur misrepresentation, in in? viting or noliciiiiig boarder* ur lodgers for ?mil limine, I au the {url ol such leeper or proprietor, or any ol lils i agents, runners, or employees, or ol any attempi tn por i,omle or entine any of the crew to ilc.a-rt mon any s'en lu the harbor of I'harlrslou, by ?mil keeper or proprie? tor, or auy or bia agents, runners or employees, nivnlio the Incuse lor keeping such house. VIII. Every person receiviug the llrenso hereinbefore l rm i.U il lor aball pnj lo the city Council aforesaid the sum of t s cut y dol?ais. X. The ?aid City Council ?hali furnish to each sailor's or tuimigrulit's boni or buunliug liousu kecpur, Uciuised ' them as aforesaid, ouu or mine bulges ur shields, ou which shill ls* pruned ur ougraved Ibu name of snell hun I or boarding house keeper, ami the number uml riler of his butti ur hon.hug house; autl willett said bulges ur shields shall be surrendered lo said City Coun? cil upen thu ruvucatiuu hy lhasa, or expiration ot auy license graulod by ILcut, us her. m provided. X. Every sailor's or iiniutgruut's lintel or hoardiug buuse keeper, autl every agmi, runner or ornpluyco ol such lintel or ls Hird i nj limine Leeper, when tstardlltg any ve-.- si lu the harbor of Charleston, ur when inviting or soliciting the boarding or lothjiut/ ol any scamau. sailor or per*, ni employed tut any vetut*!. ur of any immigrant, ahall wear, conspicuously lUaplayi-d, Ibu H lucid or badge referred to lu thu foregoing ?atlion. XI lt ahull uni hs lawlul fur any p. r sm. except those named in the preceding sec inn:, lo nave, wear, exhibitor display any sueb shield ur haihjo tn any or thc crew em? ployed ou uuy vessel, or to nny luunigraut so arriving, m thc city of Charlcstuu, with thu intent to Invite, ask nr solicit Uta boarding ur todclng of such immigrant ur ol any ot tho crew cc ,.lu\ . d na auy vcasel hoing bi Ute harbor of Charleston. XII. Whouv.T shall orTonrt against any or either nf Ute provisions contained In section I, 2,3,4, 6, le iud ll, lu thia Act, ahall be ce.me.I guilty ni a misdemeanor, autl shall, upon conviction thereof, bu punished by imprison? ment ii ir a term nut exceeding eue year, and not less . thau thirty dayl, or by a Uno not exceeding two hundred and fifty dollars, and not leas than ono hundred uni Urs, or by both Buch Ono and tmpriaonruenL XIII. Tho word "vessel," m used lu thia Act, ahall tn alude v?aselo, propelled by steam. In thu Semite House, the twentieth day of De-omb. r. lu tho year of our Lord une thousand eight hundred and sixly-alx. W. D.. PORTER, I'resl.h m ot thu Senate. CUAS. U. SIMONTON. Speaker llouso of Representatives. Approved December 120, VXA : jAUEe L. Oun, riot i mor. March M _ NOTICE. OFFICE OF CniEF OF POLICE, ) MAIM UUAHU Hurst, J CuiOLzaTON, 8. C., August ai, 1H67.) TUE FOLLOWING HECTIOXS OF ORDINANCE are published for tho Information of all whom lt may coscara. O. ll. tUOWALD. Captain of Police. *....*. Bro. VI. All smoking of any pipe or acgar iu White Point Dur Jen. and East or South battery, be and the sam?la hereby prohibited; and any porsou who ahall violai* thia ela nae of thia Ordinance shall, for each and every such o flan ce, forfeit and pay the aura of five dol? ?an, to be recovered tn thu etty Court, one-balf tba amount to bo given to the ioiormer. . ? . a a . * BEC. VIII. All Indecent and disorderly conduct, curv? ing and swearing, clamorous noises, drunkenness, quar? relling, fighting, or profanity, committed lu White Point J Uar Jon, or on either of tho Batteries aloreaald, shall bo punished m tho same manner aa the same offences are now directed by law to bo punished whsu committed In | any other portions of the city. . . ? . . ? ? SEC. X. No person or persons ah ail ride, lead or dr iso any horse or hors es.tm nie or mules, within the enclosure of tho Oardcn, under a penalty of fire dollars for every such offence, to bo recovered tn the City Court, one-ball tho amount rf the flue to be given to the Informer. . ai ; a ? . . . BEC. XI. It shall not be lawful for any person or per? sone to ?coure or moor with their tasia any Teasel, boat or raft lo any part of tho wharf, or Ibo rallinga thereof, at White Point, constructed by the etty Connell, leading rnzn that part ot Eaat Ray CAllod Ibo Rattory to South Una- street, or to land from any boat, vessel or raft j any boards, lamber, or oder material, on any part ot tho ?aid wharf; and if any person or persons ?ball violate or transgress any of tho provisions contained tn thia clause, ?uch person or persons aball forfait and pay fifty dollars, to bo rvcoverrd lo the City Court, one-half of whlrh ]ieu alty shall go to thc informer. Whereas, many loaded drays aud carts pass unnecesaa- I rlly through King street, in tho eily ul Charleston, lo the great nhl true ll on of thal thoroughfare. andto|the serious inconvenience and danger of those who havo ' business therein: B* it ordainetl. That from and stier tho passing of thia | Ordinance lt ahall not bo lawful fur any licensed cart, dray, wagoo, or other carriage, laden with cotton, hon ber, or oUier merchandise or ronimodlty, to bo driven through tho said King street sooth of Calhoun street, or any part thereof, save and except for tho purpose of re? ceiving or depoKlUng a load In ?neb part of aald atroot; ?od any driver or conductor of any such carl, dray, wagon, or other carriage, efren Jins herein, shall lorfeil and pay a nun of not leas than ton dollars, nor more tbsn twenty dollars._90_August aa AN Oil ULVA Si CK TO nEOOLATT. THE STnuiflE CST PETnoLEUU, ITS FPO DD0TS, AND OTREB INrUUaktADLX niue f Ric. I. Beil ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen, in tv? Owned oitnaBM. That from sad aRer the lath dey of June next, lt shall not bo lawful to keep Petroleum, Kerosene, Hock Oil, Bentlee, Benzole, Or any oilier In flammable nil or oils on storage or for sale In any cellar, store or hull.ling eonth of Lin? tareel, in a larger .pian lily than fifty gallons cm my one lot or premises, and any auch quantity so kept or stereo ?hall be contained Itt vessels of Un or other metal. hrc 3. Thal Petroleum, Ita produc?a, or any other In Bainmabisoil or oils, Min n brought min tho etty by Und or water, may ba kept on any tot or in any building in which cotton Ls not flor od. for a period not exceeding twenty-four boura, upon the explraUon of which timn II ?hall be removed and kept In the manner aa required by the foregoing seetfon. SEO. 3. Any person or person? violating any part ni this Ordinance aball ba subject toa fin? of two hundred dollars, for each offenes, recoverable m any Court of cont, petent jurisdiction. Itali(W In eily coan.-ll thia twenty first day of May, In the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and silty-seven. *~ (UH.) P- C. fl AILLA RD, Mayor. W. H. Sirria, Clsrk of Council. /taut S WANTS. \ir.\vrKO AT nil>l\ WlltTi: WOMilN, tor earp!, tubae 11 ~WA!ITMIII UV A duts. a situation In any r.spectable IIIIKIUI-XS. Will htnaarlt useful la al i.i....I BO) .u|>a. ll>. At'ilr.?. ?.?! l\.V ut Hil? ellice. Aucn-i HI All KX'i'M IVA.NTKI) P'l.llt mn uri: ix? i i ur l ift XS OF GENEHAL It O lt CUT E. LEE, UV J AM KS ll. Mi ? AHL. lu.. .1 Vii.?n.i. Atilliur ut "Ml.-in lien, .stiiuewull' Uc:.-t..u." . Ufa "I lieu. Albeit Sydaev Joliuaon." " I li - Aid-.ic ramp." kc. s. nil lui l neniar, ami -en nur lei n.?, altai a lull ile- I -. iieie.i. ... Hu-wini.. AtklreM N'ATTuNll. l-l Ul.Hil ISil COMPANY. Atlanta.Ita. limo soplchib.r TO RENT. rpo It KAT. HKSll?KN?'F. Ko. 711 CIVMIV I Slivi-I,.t mun" emili munn, nMrro, Vc. lt. M. il A un vi.I, A' lilli).. It.-al Enlato Alte?la, Ku. Xl limad airest, se pi ct niter 11 a rill? HKNT, A Hf KAT I'UTT.IOK OK Kill'll J. HUDMH, willi clHteru. dower garden lu fruul; wit gas. Nu. 'il* ruining s I reel, above Hilliard. \pplv I? SMIT H A .MKMI.I.IVHIY. September 11 l_No. -J7 Itr.iaJ btrcet. rptl lt li XT, THE <-OM.annum s AM JL iilea-antlv situated two ami u naif atury ll HICK DWELLING No. .r.2 Haftet un el. not lb Bille, near faint r. I'..,-.'i-e.o niven on lat Scpteuibci. Applv I TIIIH OFFICE. AuguM 21 FOR SALE. I.MIIt SALK, TWO KIN K. W i Mt Iv Mt I.KS, 1 at PAVILION Ilnill. STAHLES. KcplelillH'r ll VT PlttVATF. SALK.-SLOOP MARIAN, TUlltTV SINt: Tuna Itcglstcr. will corry 'hlrty-uvo cords .?1. or thirty-five lliuusaml feet ot lunii.-r. ?rilli uew -ml-. tijiKiuit, auclinnt, chain, blocks. A .v. cumplido. Apply lu M. KAY Ai CAMP1IKLL, Bl Na. KM Me. tum street, or No. tl East Hay. Sahl Sloop la li un: at South Aligera VVharf. SepleiulH'r 7 I.-i itt SALK OH HUNT, AT KLOHaC.M'K, 1 S. I.'., TWO l.Alii i i: S KW STORES, with comfort ahle dwelling!, above. For particulars, apply to F. M. r.OOEHS. Ul September ll B??RDI N IJIIAHUl.VU-I ll lil l . l l.I vs A N I UOUnOJ i with Ruod llOARD can lin hail on Immediate appll r-atiou In No. 59 CHURCH STREET, weat ride, near I 'I nilli street. Tenn* reasonable. Julie P.! ITlVl Kl.l.KXT CIIAltl), AT Vt: ll V LOW j la rale?, In HIP must central bumara*. |iart uf lin .uv. witle.iu Paliiim:, tn a pr?valo house, eau now be had. for particular? address "X. I.," Vustufllrn. May 15 COPARTNERSHIPS. NOTICE: . riAIIK POPAItTNKIlHHlP HERETOFORE EXISTING 1 between Hie undersigned. In the PLA1N1NU MILL I mel I,I'M liri: hnaiucaa. under the firm of EI)Al>GU k .il A I.Ll IN KK, has been Tl.m Day cllaaolvrd, by minimi ...... eui. JOHN C. MALLONEE alone ls authoriled lo -ettie tho adair* ur thc said copartnership. ?. ?. EHAURU. JOHN C. MALLONEE, fllAIll.LHTOS. Sop te n.her Cl, 16G7. Scplonibor J) Imo MITIC'E. rpm: UNDERSIGNED HAVTNO PURCHASED ALL JL Mr. EDAUGH's interest in tho abu vu Coparluorabip, will COM ti mu- on hla own account ttic business, hereto? fore conduele I by tho Rite Qnn, of KU \ uti ll i MAI. LONEE, at thc sarao place. HORLUECKS WHARP, near tho Northeast-rn Railroad. JOHN C. M Al.ls >N IP. Cn A ni. Kilos, September Ci, Im'... September'J lino COPAItTNKHSHIP MUTA li. mm: PRIM OF UOIIBUIN, MATTHIESSEN A.- CO.. IN JL Charleston nud savannah, bavins expired hy limita? tion upon tho death oftbo bato F. C. MATTHIESSEN, tho uudotalgntsl will couliuue tho bu.lucan lo Charle?, ti it under thc former name ol' GODRDLN. MATTHIF.H SEN A; CO., aud In Sav annan ol H. ts lt. N, GOURDIN 4: CO. H. QOUHDIN, H. N. QOUHDIN. L. U. YOUNO. I'harleatou, September lat, ls-.,7. september 2 REMOVALS._ REMOVAL. rpHE StlllKCHirtEHS HAVE REMOVED THEIR _1_ Wbolcaila Crockery ami Glaasware Establishment front No. ll Hayna atroat to No. lal Meeting street, nearly opposite Hayns ntl vet, chere they offer tor aalc I at and below New York prices, an oztcnaivo aaaorlmcut uf Goods, of direct Importation per "Fuie d'Air" and "Robert C. Winthrop." Also, tn arrive, from Liverpool, SO erales anortad I Crockery por -Queen" aud "VuuaurrL" At wholesale and retail, at No. 197 Meeting street and No. SSS Km| street. WILLIAM O. WHILDEN i CO. September I) DENTISTRY. DENTIST. ROOMS AT His RESIDENCE, NORTHWEST COR N l ii of Meeting aud Soi-iety Street?. Juan lu wefluio HOTELS. s. SWANDALE", PROPRIETOR CF TOE Mansion House, ST. JAMES HOTEL, NFaW ORLEANS. W. P. rOHKERY.Ol Spottswood: Rutel, Richmond. Telegraph ami Railroad unices in Rotunda nf liol el. June 17 limo STEVENS liol si', Noa. Ml. BS.SO ANO -it Droadwav, N. V.. opposite Bowling Oreen-Cn tba European Plan.-TUE STEVENS 11O0SE la well and widely known to the travelling public. Tba location ia es? pecially suitable to merchants and bnalneaa men; lt la in eloae proximity tn Ilia business part of the dry - ia on the highway of Southern anti Western travel-and adja? cent to nil thc principal Railroad and Steamboat dapota. Thc ST KV i. Ns HOUSE baa liberal accommodadoy. for over yon KUI si*-it Ia well furnished, and possesses avery modern Improvement for the comfort and rotertalnment of Ha inmates. Tba rooms aro spacious and waU ventt latetl-provided with gas and water-the attendance 1* prompt and respectful-and the tabla in generously pro? vided w ith every delicacy of tho season at moderate ralea. The roo rbi having boon re. fu minion! and remodeled, wc am anal4 ld to offer ultra, tadUtlcs for tho comfort and plrasun,. f our guests. GEO. K. CHASE ti CO., May 28 Odo Proprietors. RAILROADS. DOUBLE DAILY ALL RAIL PASSENGER ROUTE HKTYaiEEN ATLANTA AM) NEW ORLEANS ru Chatuiiooga and Grand Junction, THROUGH IN FORTY-NINE I Mil'HS TRAINS LEAVE ATLAKTA DAILY At 8:15 A.M. AND 7:00 P.M., making close connection, at aU poluta Arriving al New Orlean. at S P.M. and 11:10 A.kl. ItsVPaaaeogera by trains of tbaGoorala Railroad make cluse connie tton s with thia rente at Atlanta. NO BTEAMDOATH OU OITNIBUSE9 ON THIS ROUTE, ELEGANT SLEEPING COACHES ON ALL NIGHT TRAINS. U AGG AGE CHECKED THROUGH. FARE AS LOW A S HY AMY OTHER ROUTE. THROUGH TICKETS GOOD UNTIL U8BD Can be obtained at General Tlaaet Office, Atlanta, Ga. o ronda Railroad, Augusta, Ga.; South Carolina Railroad, Charleston, S. C. ; South Carolina Railroad, Columbia, H. C. TORN R. PECK, MasterTranaportatlon, Joly la Soco Weslarn and Atlantic Railroad. ASTROLOGY. TUE WORLD ASTONISHED AT THE Vi ON UL Uki,'I. REVELATIONS MADE BY TOE OREAT ABTROLOQIBT, Madame IT. A. PERRIGO. SHE REVALS HLt'Itl.TS NO MORTAL EYER ENEW. She resto rca to bapploeas thoa? who, from dolsfol evania, catastrophes, ero saes In love, loss of relations and friends. Ina. of money, kc, bara bacomo despondent. Sh? bringa together those long separated, giro.Informa? tion concerning shae ul Manda or terr ors. restores lost or .telen property, tell, you the bualnaa. you ara beat qaaUDed to pursue and In what you wilt ba moat success fui, causas speedy marriage*, and tells yon tb? very day yon will marry, gives yon the names, llkeneaa and char arterielles of tbe person. Kita reads your very thooghu, and by ber almost supernatural powers, nova Ila the dark a od bidden mysteries of the futuro. From the atara we see In the firmament-the malefic y un that or.reem. or jin demi nate In the conDgurstton-trora the aspects and positions of the planet, and tbe fixed atara tn the heaven, at the time of birth, .ho deduce* the future destiny t.f man. Pall not to consul i tba greatest Astrologist on eai th. It corta you but a trifle, and you may never again have an favorable an o poor-Hint ly. ConsulUllon fee, with harnea* ?cd all desired Inlormatlon, ?1. Partios living st a dlstanco can consult tba M adare, hy mall with equal aafcty and ullalactlon to themselves, na H In person. A foll and sipUcit chart, written out, with all loqnlriea an? swered ?nd likeness suclosed, Mot by mall on receipt ot prlco above mentioned. Tba .UioUut aecraay will Pe maintained, .nd all correspondence returned ordoatr.y ed. References of tba rilghe*t order furalahad tho?* ca string them. Writ* plainly tba day of tba moblband year Tn which you w*r? boen, ancloaing a small loci ol bair. Address. M ADIATE H. A. PKIUtUlO, P. O. I) a a wa n 293. Burrito, N. Y. March 3d ly MEEI INliSc Slll.lMiOV-? I.IHMil-., \o. i; A... I--.-. M.-. VN KN i tn i iMunsi.? i lu.s WM.i. Rt; HOLDEN III M Wk HI k- lilli. n<< h..-UH./, i'm Ulli m,! 11,1 kl H?hl ..VI... V. IlMthsirs ami . in Matea brr Itt .(tee. ?ttl al l.-M.] willi pilli.instill Hy order ol lite VC.'. M lt. II. W I! MX F ll. Seren??. septeno, i ll i* UII.II.K >UI i'll I AIIOI.IW l.ttlH4K,.\u I filil?: Illili Lilt WEEKLY aiKKTINd W i III". 1 Lonni: mil tm li?|.| Au litosia*, at 8 o'clock. A laroo nu. minn., u lt Ic4lnr1l1.il, an thc .'uliiuuttccH oil tin: Usu, linaine, mil Uss uew Kefalla, will make tk.,11 r> ports. Hy oi.ler. I . IV I.OVAL, Kc pie iiihri 11 I ?ariel al). AMUSEMENTS. PUBLIC LECTURl^S 111:1 inn: i III: VIKING un twmm iwi.\tiin.i HY SPECIAL INVITATION IIP Till-. ASSOCIATION Professor HOI.MUS will rep. si Ute Ivo |.l'CiUKk> l in ly delivered mi Mle <* MOHAN) KKUUHIJ Ol' lill.A TION." As Hie apparatus nseil lu illiihlraliou r u.in.I lie ruuvn nlonlly moved. Hie linn Lecture will lie given in Ilia ColKgo I Imp. !, TAit (Wednesday) Eren ?wp, tim lilli luslsul, ?IS o'eloi'k. Subject-TIIK I'll VSH'AI. CON? DITION OK ?.I'll EA UT ll BEFORE IT WAS I SIIAItl 1 r.lJ UV 1.1 VI Sii HEINos- THE Cltl'ATIoN-. ol' lill Pl HUT TUIIRK DAY?. Of the Sivniiil Lecture- thal ..I Hi.- IN lill HU 1 ' I KIN Ol' ANIMATED IIEINUS AND TIIK I'llEATIHN Ol' MAN-due nuilee will lie given ullin e ami place. Seals ois-ill free, iiie pulille. especially Ike youth ol nur elly, are iuviled to attend, A 1'.minuit, e "lill. I .ri .--ni lo provide seuls sinl uicmiiiu.Hlatlnu. September ll EDUCATIONAL. PENSION 1)L! It KV. DR. JIVKIi.S. C'EST AV KC RK??COUP IH? I'L.MSIIi ijUi: lo Principal ile celle insl il ut inn aniioiiei ?1 sus Hmis et an publie en trotterai ijiie I ne froissement en ni i nu el du nombra de ses eleves n n?cessit? le choix d'un ?lnljliahiueill plus convenable. Ils'cst done procure lu spacieuse I demeure situ?e un coin nord-ouest demies Coming el liull. Le bul do I In-lilulion . t un de prcpoier parfaitemetit les eleves pour le Collage oil pour les affaires, nu syst?me emu pict il'instruelioli '?l?mentaire n ute adopt. pour calli ipii eu ii uro ul besoin, et de- IV cilil?s purlieiili?res sont ollerlos pour l'?lude des clnssi(|iiCH, des umlb?lliallquea et de la tenue des livres Du consequence dc rece??s changements nu il a t'ullu laira dans l'atlmliitti I ration ile In pension, el miss! dans le but d'avancer les ?oler?is des eleves, le principal sern assiste par M. JOHN fl AX.VOX dont les talents sont connus, cl i|tti ti tlejn beaucoup d'exp?rience dans renseignement. M HANNON lit ses ?tudes avec distinction dans un .tes meilleurs coll?ges de In France, el enseigna eusuite lc l'rani;aia el les classique* avec ?clat I au coll?ge de M?nurs pr?s ltlois (France) Des ovanlagei rares el excellents noni done offerts pour l'?tude du fran?ais sous sa titree lion. Une classe ?l?mentaire faisant partie .le l'institution est sous In charge .le Mademoiselle Hi iHA LHUlILi:, ot lot?tes les ililli renies branches sont soumises ft la surveillance pei - sur. nelle du pi me ipi I I,'int?r?t des eleves cst consulte cn tout. Cours d'instruction: l'An? glais, lc Fran?ais, le Lut in, lc Ore?, I"H?breu, l'Espagnol, Cl l'Allemand September 4 Hf KDl'CATIONAI. KKTABlilHIlMENT Otc REV. DR. MYERS. TIE EXERCISES OF TnE ABOVE NAMED INr.I I TUTE will be resumed (I). V.I nu WEDNESDAY. Octobor 2d, at tho Academy, corner ol Coming ana Hull str.-.-ts Terms moderato, and course ol' Instruction auch ns a ill impart a aouud aud complete education. September 'i uni YIMIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. " l KYIM.ION, VA. ARRANGEMENTS ARE IN rROt.RESS To ACCOM? MODATE One Hundred additional Cadets in this Insulation. Its weU establishril character fer Us Bys tom of discipline, aud course of Instruction, commends ?t to the supped I of those who deidre a practical educa? tion. Di I omit non will ito supplied bv application tu the undersigned. FRANCIS M. SMITH, May -si nitc.iwfl Supariulciuti-iii. DR. LORD'S nUAIlDINO AMI OA V SCHOOL FOR YOUNO LADIES. STUDIES WILL BE RESUMED ON THE FIRST OF OCTOBER. All the branches of a polite cducaUuu are taug LL No extra charge for the languages. September! wt tiRSt LINK AO A DKM V. VALLE ORDCIH. rivui.H iNtnTrirriON WILL RESUME ITS ACADEMIC .L EXEIICLSES SEPTEMBER 1st. Fur Prospectuses please address MU lil LU SUPE. HIOR," Ursuline Convent sud Acailuiny, t'olumlitu. Sn. Ca. linn SepUlllllel I _ _OPTICAL. L L. SIDDONS, NO. 304 KING STREET. SPECTACLES ! A FINE AND COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF THE CELF.BltATF.il "PER18COPIC LENS" IN GOLD, SILVfcR, STEEL, SHELL, AND RUBBER FRAMES. MR. SIDDONS HA VIM i 18 YEARS' EXPERIENCE iu adapting OLASSES TO DEFECTIVE VISION, would he pleased to seo all who may sutler lu this re? spect at hts NEW JEWELRY STORE, No. 304 KINO STREE, east side. N. B.-THE CELEBRATED "PERISCOPIO LENS" flited to old frames at cbort notice and reasonable pricer September0 mws3 LOTTERIES. KENTUCKY STATE LOTTERY FOR THF. BEN I F I T OF THE SHELBY COLLEGE, MURRAY, EDDY & CO., Managers, Great Scheme. CAPITAL PRIZE, $50,000 ! 7KB I'll 1/.KS AMOUNTING! TO .'430,0501 To hedrawn at Covington, Kentucky, SEPTEMBER 10th, 1807. WHOLE TICKETS, $1> j HALVES. SC ; QUARTERS, ttl; EIOIITUH, ?I.Mi Tho chances are Ur more favotablu tn draw prlresiii thia than ID any other lottery lu Um world. Purchasers nf Lottery Tickets should always mamine the icbmnea. Prizes paid lu full without discount. Official drawings sent each purchaser. Corresponden ta may rely on prompt atteution to orders by enclosing money with mu address. 49" AU O'dara for tickets, ?cheme?, and Infuimstlou lo be addressed to H. T. PETERS, United States Licensed Ageut, Key Box M. Chsrlrstou. S. C. Office No. 90 Usssl street. September tl Imo COMMISSION MERCHANTS. WILLIAM fl. ?1LL1LAND & SON, Real Estate Agents, Auctioneers AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, OFFICE HO. S3 RAINE bTREET. Remember s _ _ WILLIS & CHIS0LM, FACTORS, mmm mam, AND SHIPPING AGENTS. \K/TLDATTKND TO THE PURCHASE, SALE AMI) W BHU'MENT Ito Forohm and Doracf Ile Pnrts)ot MTTON. ll ICE, LUMBER AND NAVAL STORES. ATI.A NTH' WHARF, Cit a ri c stn n, H . C. ?.. WILLIS.A. H. UlIISOt.il OB! ober 23 _FURNITURE, ETC. FURNITURE I FURNITURE! MANUFACTURED BY F. KRUTINA, Mos . 96 and 08 East Umist on street, Now "York City. A 1,1, Til ls FURNITURE, CONSIfsTINO OF PARLOR. ?Y CHAMBER, BININU ROOM AND LIBRARY lUlTfl, ta oftbeUteat styles, and manufacture.] of the ? erv beat material, under the personal super vi timi of the 'ropnclor, anti guaranteed. Parties lu tho south desiring fino Houaohold Furniture AD be supplied diiecl from the manufactory; or those bout vial ting New Verk wiU id lt to their advantage to lamine this Stock before pun-hating elsewhere, AU toodt warranted, wfm Smut Joly M The Greenville Mountaineer [S PUBLISHED EVERT THURSDAY, AT ?1 SO PER year. In a Ivauce, Advertisement* inserted at usual ates. O. E. ELFORD, May lt) Editor and l*rot>rlstar OfiOC?K? ANU ?Y)ir??r.lt/,NLiJU?i. > T. i M \ IMM'MI >' I ?ll I.I.II si wu I ss -.?CK? ,e M M F I IS EtlIDOI sM I .'?.. Ulli 1 IL ..M ..I.IH.I.II.I I -, WM ?ll?*' .m.I lull i .il- Itu ti ii.l. ?ii , m ... ..|.. H alni Ml-- "li ? ll. MI). KIM I Cottee, So.'?. .M?U4W;* . .n tl'.- v At t Olt SAI.K IOU li> Ci KO. W. WILLIAMS ? CO.. ,1 ir M ?i > 11,1. i IIH.VIIP SlriM't, rimrlivsliiH, S. c. september ll H hin; E LOU IC ! 11,01 H ! V??iVK ! I-{i Hill s. I VI H.\ IT.nl H, DIJi WHEAI ?MF lim hill. SttiimrntHVimw '.'ici 4?'k i I'm.nlv itn.l r.>ir.i.? .:. Mils. low-priced l l...,, .Vi Mili.. I....i i |"HI. I-indine ati I in ?inti- Pur j- il.- li. s,pl. i.il,., II ^ STKNHoUaK v Ul] roils;t c?i.xi '> ililli ?" ~m i - "I l l l.lf.ll WHIll. .Mli.l.INrj *- O ! ,' ?,;N '""''i- 1*1 S'Iwoiirt Rensban I "' ?I* ',?> I A. KNXLOV. A CO . s. t.iuinii'i ii i j?? in nui ita} vu I il I'! will TI: IJ?KN. &>0? ?.'S N!,M' *. l'or tate h> ixo, . IMI'SI s \ r.i, N.i. ll Mail..'! street .-ppi-ite ?Hali. street |il.*llll?rl lil I CORN ! roiiN ! HAGGING. 4( )( )( ) '?'OHN'^ ' IIIX"' w,:s|,:"v M'XKii IIHHI i.ii-lu I- pm.,.- ?.--L in ulm., i .in j"i bales i.unnv rl'.il. I ol -ul.. I.v ? Ntl riMI'-l S A Vii, X". ll Malkai atreel .ppont.-Mal" ,heel sV|iluiiili*r lu 4 Gl NNV CliOTII ! (il'NNV CLOT ?fi 7- BU.1.1 lll'WY GUNNY CLOTH I tj Gu rolls heavy Gunny Ciflti .villa Hal? Hot??. ALS 1. kl bbl*. mun" Itt M,HUN Hl? I. rat -ali- in lott to suit imrclia-ci >i bi ISAAC I . Iir.lt?/. .\ C? . Nu. Jul i asi Hay, connu ui 1 anbarlautl stre.n Keptemliei in :i MAGGING, HOPI:, TOHArCO ANO IIAfOX. I I ll \I.Ls .-E\ |s|.AM? HAGGING A -|- 7 rolla Sea Uland Hiairiu? Ul rulla lln|n> ...un ti. \.-s Tobacco laxaurleiH HS hilda Har..11 Shonklar?. l'or-ai? low al liriiNAiili O'NEILL'-, septeinhoi ll) I N... lis last Bay. WHIT.. LEAOS, ZINCS ANO l ill.OKS IN STOItl. AM? TO ARHIVK. ?> TUNS w. M. n. A I D.-.-i WHIM LEAD ?J tl lons stonewall Winn I.ra.l . Luis Wanilla Wime land tl tuns ( lo. ul 1 White Lead I ton r.tiwBll Wlnto I aa, I I ton lus-.i --,-!!.)'. Whit- Zinc i lons Wm. M. H. Ar Cea,'* Wime /m. 1 lou Queen Lit) While /im We are SOLI' I'P.OPRIPTOIts ul Uje abreve branda wini h are copyrighted, au.l Ix-si our traile mark, ami all infringements will lu; il. ult with sA-cnNuM to lau 1 COLCHIS-Dry. In On. ahd Dis'niipci-. I'nr ?ale low. at 1 .mill adraure. lur caall or . Hy I acceptance. WM. M. milli A- co.. No. Mi yMx ||ayi Sepicinhi i ' lino sign Marvin'* Sat? "OILS ! OILS ! ! IV STORK. A XII STOCK I OXsTA.VTI.Y ste .M.IKO 11V RVEItV STE All KR. J1NSEED. HAW and Bul LED j SPLHM, LAUD TALLOW, ivnu.i: PARRA FINE. HOSIN NATURAL LLHP.lCATINi, NEATS TOOT TAKXXERS', FROM THE Oil LAI'1.ST GKADC TO TBA' KINES! OIL I. SI.D HY t I HI: 11: Its A USO. HEFINF.D PETROLEUM ur whai is commonly called KEROSENE. Constantly nu hand as larne a stuel. a* nil! he lound m the .Southern M u lou, rall and eiaimne ?ample*, W. M. HUID fe CU No. ito t East Bay, Su-n Marvin's Sale, septembre? Imo VARNISHES f VARNISHES! FCItNIlUnE. WHITE DAMAR. COPAL. IIHOWN JAPAN CA lt ttl MsK. i.li.l. JAPAN. IOACII. SHELLAC. l'A LL FINISHING. PARRA PINK. The attumiuli ol ci limmen ia especially called lo thu Aue quality nt Hie Varnishes, which are warranted in every inalaneu or no tale. nitc'siiEsi HUI'HU RB i A HILL LINE, ul PAINT, ll sir ,,11:1:111. - VARNISH, it?.. . pi .1.ti.-- I arni WHITE WASH, (tourqualifie*.I Special null!. .uo. lite lo Ihelrade, WIXUIIIY li LASS t PktENCII AND AMERICAN, RIStlLE AND DOUBLE THICK. WM. af. BIRD A CO. Nu. BM Kati Ha>. Sign Marvin's Sale. September'J lim. GUNNY CLOTH. i*i*r s -. ARIilTr W1CTV\alilis K?tii?, L I \J For eale at MEI'.TINii KTREKT ICE HOUSE. Scpteinher 1: ll LEA & PERRINS' CELEBRATED iVOuiinsuiKi': si?:. IMtiiMil \( i'll "r, EXTRACT BY WV o( a letter Irom a I I MEDICAL GENTLEMAN CON-NOIriSEOuS II aAMsaliasata bli t.iiiEiui'uui J|\ Brother at Hfij..? WORCESTER, Alay, Good Sauce USKS! l?51 ^WrZ "Tell LEA & PER as? arruciii.it ^5?.- HINS that their SAOOR . r.'J?f?i.'i in Iiii'lily esteemed in lo? ro ; ? dla, and is, in my opiulon, >',iA~ the uiOsl palatable, aa RVBRY VARfKTY \%i?'rX well as Ihr moat whole effipiSrpoiu? SAUCE that I* OF DISH. BaaP??l^n^je.'' Th? euccee* or this meat dtllnoiu sud unrivallel con dino nt having caused many unprincpled dericra to. apply thc name to .?puri.u/; roninoundi, the P*JBtlO I* rttpfcifully and eurnrji/y requested tn see tluillne nama of LEA A Pinntss aro upon the WRAPPER. LAUNEL, STOPPER ami BOTTLE. MMUUtaclunsI hy LEA JU PHHIIIWI, Werciittr J0??N DUNCAN'S SONS. IsTjaW YORK, AGENTS FOR THE UNITED STATES. October 10 fmwlyr JOHN MAC GREGOR & CO., NOS. 178 AND 180 PEARL-ST., A'i'in York, TMPORTERS. MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN INDIA. SCOTCH AND KEBTDOKY BAGO INO, LlllNNY HAGS AND BURLAP SUITABLE FOR WHEA T UND CORN SACKING; als), a large ami completa atora! af RALF. ROPE, embracing Wraleni luacbluc-mado 1 h inp. Manilla, Elua and Jute. Baling Twines, etc., all nf which they ofter al lair price*. Jilly '?\_ Jmo THOMAS ll. AGNEW, nm.in 1:1: AN'I) n .nn IM Fine Oawccrlra, Cliolcc Tena, Ktc. Ktc, NOS. ?611 ?nd2Cl GREENWICU-ST., COR. OP UUB RAkT NEW YORK. November SUFFER NO MORE! When hy thc use ot DR .lOINVII.LE'S ELIXIR you can he cured permanently, and at a trlttlug coat. The astonishing succeas willoh has attended thia lu Hinside medicine for physical and Nervous Wcakuass. ,i encrai Debility and Prostratlnn, Loa* ot Muscular Et. nrgy, Impotoncy, or any of the consequence* cf youthfU. odlacrellon, renders lt tho most valuable preparation iver dlacorerod. Il will remove all nervous affecUons, depression, ti Hement, incapacity tu ai u-.lv or busmen*, loe* of memo .y, conlualon, thought* ni sell destruction, fearu of In isnity. Atc. It will rcat.arc tho appetite, renew ihn health if tai ceo wbu have deatroyed.il hy ei usual curas or evil i radices. Young Men, bei bnmbnge^d na moro hy "lauacL D. oie" and Ignorant piactllloncra, hut aoml without del?-, 'or tho Elixir, and bo at onco reaturcd lo health and hap. aines*. A purled euro is Guaranteed In every Instance. Price fl, or four bottles to one addrca all, Ono Pottle I* aiiltlcli-ut to edect a ruro In all nrdtnary .sse". ALSO, DR. IOINVILLK M SPECIFIC PILLS, for Itu. ipecdy and permanent cure r.f Uouorrhoa. Glecl. Crr hral Dlecbargea. Gravel. Slrlct.irr, and all affections cr hr Kidney* and HI?.hier. I:IL M effected tn from one to ivo day?. They aro prciare.l from vegetable calract* hat aro harmless on thc aretera, and uevrr nauseate tho. ibinvvch or imprrgnatai the l.realli. Nncbaugeof diet, a necessary while using Usent, nor doe* their action lu my manner interirre with biiWIf M pursuits. Prit a iL ii r bol. Either nf the s hov e un ut 11.11. -1 articles will bu aenl toa ny addro**, closely *ralist, sud |H>st-p*ld, by mall oe ipres* on receipt nf price. Address ill ordure to H F HO K lt. SIIIHTS Ai CO., Chomlst*. March th) Iv No. 'JUA River ?Irret. Troy, N. Y. ^PHOTOGRAPHS FOR THFa MILLION I ! [WTT.L SFoND, POST-PAID. SO PHOTOGRAPHS OP Ibo most rclohrated Adora for 60 conta; AO Adrea*,* ar nocente: colinton Gommla lor SOcenta; CO Rebel lenrrala for 00 renta; SO Statesmen for IO renta; CO beau Ifni young Indies lor Ml cents; 60 fine-looking young Uutkemeu for t>0 centa; 6 largo Photographs of Freon* lanruig Girls, m costume, beautifully colored, exactly as (wry appear, for 60 cents; or tor 60 ctnta, S ot the moat .cautiiul Ladies of thu Parisian Pallet Troop* ss the ? jipoar In tho play of the Black Crook, at Ntblo'e Garden. Isw York. Send all ordern to P. O. Box 177. Tr'V N. Y. May 1?_iyr_ THE SUMTER WATCHMAN [S PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY. AT 8UM> TER.'?. C , by GILBERT At PLOW ERR, Prop ri a tors, t FOUR DOLLARS per anuuni, invariably In advance Advert!semenU inserted at usual ratea. Eveiy stylo of Job Printing i scented In the neaten lyla ami greatest dispatch, SepMTOber ?,