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Bcc'-y Seward t VOLUME V.ITO. 625. CHARLESTON, S. C., WEDNESDAY MORNING-. AUGUST 21, 1867. PRICE FIVE CENTS ?lui- Cubic Dispiitcllcs. I .OSWIN. Align?t 20 - Nomi.-Thu Daily Nous, in a city article tu-.lay, Haya (raitu ia improving. Molloy market Urm. (.'nttou markut very illili, owing lo tho uuuaiml largo receipts from America. No rviliictioii in Dunk ratea ia expected. Consuls .J I.. Bouda?:!). LONDON. August 20-2 P. M.- COIISOIB Wi; Unit? ed Slates Honda heavy at 73). LIVERPOOL, Align?t 20-Noon_Cotton dull; salos 8090; pricos uncbangod; other urticloa un? altered. LIVERPOOL August 20-2 P. M.-Cotton tin chaiiRcil. UreuUstufls unchanged. Lind 51b. Provisions and Produce unchanged. Oils ndvuiic :<1 2e. lld. Tho Cily or Halt ?moro has urrivod. LIVERPOOL, AitKUBt 90- Livening_Cotlou closed willi downward tendency, though ?imitations aro unchanged; Middling Uplands 101; Orleans Ul: saloB 1U.0O0. LIVERPOOL, August 20-Thc steamships Uro-" mon ami Cimbria have arrived. l?uropcun Vi nn by Stvutucr. NEW YOUS, August 20.-Tho Scotia, willi advices to tho nth, lins arrived. Throe regiments In Ireland have been ordered to Canada. Tho Linke of Montrose expressed a liopo in the tlouau of Lords that there would bo on earlv daily nail communication with tho United Staten! Official reports HIIOW for tho ?ix mouth*, from. rnnuary I J July. 03.1)711 enees,and 32,072 ?lcatlm rom cholera in Italy and Sicily-tho lattur suf oriug tho nmm. lt ?-mo val of Hen. Shvrldmi. HEADQUARTERS ?IF THE Anstv, ) A WP TA rix OENEII.W.'H OFFICE, }? WASHINGTON, August 19,18C7. \ ytneral Orders Ab. 77. Tho following orders havo been rocoived from bo President : EXECUTIVE MAN8IOS, I WASIUSOTON, AuguHl to, 18G7. J Maj. (Jeu. Georgu ll. 'i'liomna is hereby assigned o thc coinmntid or Ibu Ctll Military District, crcul d bv tho Act nf Congress, passed on thu 2?1 dav f March, 18b7. Maj. lien. P. ll. Sheridan ialicrc ly asaigucd to the command of thu Department of ho Cu i n Ino lund. Tho Secretary of War nd interim rill givo tho necessary instructions to carry thia rdor into uffjcl. (.Signed) ANDltKW JOHNSON. . 2. In pm ma.of Ibo lorugoiug order ?il (lie , rosident of the Uniled Sin..?, ?W?- T*?"'?T! ?- i [ .pi,,,?._m,.... receipt of tho orilor, tum over in present commaml to the ofliccr next iu rank tu 1 imself, and procood to Now Orleans, Louisiana, ? relieve Major-t loner il P. il. Sheridan nf thu m u um mi of the Fifth Military District. !!. M n j or-1 liHirr il P. II. Slim id an, oil being ro lovod from tho command of tim 5th Military Dis rict by Major-tleneral G. H. Thomas, will proceed o Fort Leavenworth, Kami ia, aud will ruliove lajeo -General W. S. Hancock, in tho command ol' ho Department of tho Missouri. 4. Miijor-Goncral W. S. Hancock, on being ic? io vol from tue commaiid of the Department ol (ho lissoiiri bv Major-Gcneral Sheridan, will procco I ?i Louisville, Ky., and will assume command of tho top.n tumut ot tho Cumberland. 5. Major-General G. H. Thomas will continuo to ixccuto all onion ho may Dud in forco in the Kifth ililitary District at tho timo of bia assuming tho tommaud of it, unless authorized by tho General if tho Army to annul or modify thom. C. Major-General Sheridan, before rvliovlus Ma III l ?ol i ern 1 Hancock, will 1'CpOl l ill pol timi al UlCBO Headquarters. Bv order of Goneral GRANT. H. D. TOWNSEND, Ailjulant. AYnalilnglnii Newa. WASUINOTON, Aiigual 20.-The Ind imil llovouuc Receipts to-tlay amount to $2211,000. ?^e[irani Omni's Polte}*. NEW YonK, August 20.-Tho Commercial Hpecial lava Ibat Grant's adminiatratinn oftlio \Yar Depart ncnt ie creating iiBtonishmcnt by hm rigid ocono uy and dismissal of superfluous force. Registration In Soutli ? moilun. CoLUMniA, August 20.-102 registered to day, or | .Vilich 42 were white and GO colored. Registration In North Carolina. WiT.MisoroN, August 20.-Tho rcgistmtiou in bc 2d Ward continued to-day; result, 85 wbitos; 38 blacks. Total for tbreo dava, 143 whites; 2ni Hincks. Weather clear and warm. Tho planta? tions on tho Capo Fear Uiver aro again overflowed, greatly damaging tho crops. N II l I lie r ii News. Dm KU, N. H., August 20.-Klovcn persons ,i.irt nd for an island in Bow lake to pick norrios. Thu boat capsized and six l?malos were drowned. Georgia Ncvrs. AUGUSTA, August 20.-It is positively Blalod that ll. S. Fitch, United States District Attomov, will, it tho term nf tho United States Court fiir rjoorgia, prosecnto for porjury eight Southern oyalists, who, il ia allugod, havo takon Ibo tust inth contrary to law aud faith. Now Url, nu? Vi ll?. NEW ORLEANS, August 20.-Twelve doatbs fi-om -ellow fever Sunday and eleven on yesterday. Cholera has a couplo of caaos daily on au avoragc. vt New Iberia, La., thora havo" boon fortv-one IcatliB since tho commciu ...neut of tho disease, out if a population of 3000 to 4000. From Tcxus. GALVESTON, August 20.-A. W. Clcgg and Mrs. 'apt. W. 8. Albert, of Now York, worn among tho ntcrments yesterday. Tho death of Thoodoro dix was orr?ncoualy reported. There were 34 In? arm Onta on ill olola v. An ordor has been issued forbidding distinctions >y other iban chartered companies which act UH oin on m carriers, on account of color, raco or pre? cious condition. A. B. HALL, of Harria county, baa been appoint - rd BberiiT nice Broadfool, absconded. From California. L?AN FRANCISCO, August 20.-Tho steamship Sac amonto, from Panama, takes $287,1100, being Ibu mallcsl Bbipment for two years. Grain and wheat till continuo coming forward frocly. Tho Indian troubles in Idaho and Arizona cou inuo. , Marine News. NEW YOEK, August 20.-Arrived, tho Saragossa ind Champion from Charleston. Donn ?tte Markets. NOON DISPATCH. NEW YonK, August 20.-Stocks dull and heavy. Honey, 4a5 par cent. Gold, ID. Storling, tuno, IJaOJ; Sicht, 'Jiain. '(?2 Coupons, 1 13j. Flour krm lor old and heavy for now. Wheat quiet and lr n,. Corn Jo better. Oats ?loll and docliuitiK. Pork ?23 i'.. Lard qniot. Cotton quiot at 281. Turpontinn oaey. MJa.v.i. Rosin, etrained, 14 25. EVENINO inapATon. ( 'ot ti m dull and a abado lower; Halos IOHO talon, nt 28a28j. Plour firm; Southern $10 60al4; other ?lcscriptiona uunlterod. Whoat firm and quial; Wbito Southern 12 50. Com active and firmer; mixed Western $112al 134. Oats hcavv and lower: Southern slain. Pork brm; Mosa $23 30. Lard firm. Groceries innot and steady. Naval Sloroa unchanged. Freights heavy. Tho Post's finan? cial article saya tho loan markot ia over supplied. Stocks dull and drooping, Oovornmcnta hardly ouatai ned, with a light domand. BALTIMORE, AugiiBt 20_Kio Coffee dnll and un - changod. Flour dull and nominal- no largo aalcs. Wheat.-Receipts.small; prices unchanged. White com fl 10; yellow $1 ICal 18. Oats declined 2 a3c.; supply largo and domand good, most Halos at 70a72. Sugar finn but inactivo nnd unchanged. Provisions quiet; no largo sales. Whmkoy dull und nominally unchanged. CINCINNATI. August 20.-Flour firm mid un? changed. Wheat limier; No. 1 Bcd $2 18; Wbito ? 30. Corn advancing, at 90c. all in bulk. Whiskey steady at 30 in bond. Mesa Pork held at 123 80. Bulk Meats timi und unchanged. ST. LOUIS, August 20.-Flour quiet; auporiiiie 7a 8. Wheat steady; roil $2 15a2 33; u hito $2 25a2 40. Corn.-While $1 05al 10. Provisions steady. Pork $23 50. Hacon shoulders 12)c; clear sides lMc. Whiskey $2 05, free. WILMINGTON, Auguat 20_Turpontiiic qniot, C2J u5S. lljsni quiet at $3a7. NEW ORLEANS, August 20.-Sales C50 halos; linn; Low Middlings 2tl*. Receipts in Ibieo dova, ?Vir? balea, against BIL Exporta fur tho ?arno timo, 3125. Hngnr-rn ?ales of importancu; fully fair Louisiana lfijaPi); Cuba No. 12, in boxes, 12J. Cuba Molasses variously ?ploted at 19a55. Flour -asking an advanco; no eales: Superfino $8 75; Corn dull, and light stock; White Mixed $1 10a 1 12). Oula firm at 70. Pork qniot and linn at 20. Lard quiet; Jobbing at 14J in barr?la; 14) in ticrcoa, and 14Jal5 in kogs. Gold 4JI. Hterling 63a55. Sigh? Exchange on Now York J per cont, premium. MoniLE, Alignai 20.-No sales ; market nominal? ly unchanged; rccoipis, 105bales. Weather clear and warm. Crop accuunlH from tho interior of tho state favorable. Annus TA, August 20.-Cotton moro aclivo, but prices easier; halos 88 bale?; Middlings 25$. Wcathor lint and cloudy. SAVANNAH, August 20.-Cotton quiot and small transactions; Middlings nominally 26)c.; receipts, G32 bales. Weather clear. RECEIPIB or NEW COTTON.-Uiitlor this hoad tin How Orleans rriccs Cut rent gives thu following statement: NEW COTTON.-On Weilnosdny, lilli instant, lin tho first balo of tho non crop, grown in Plaque minea Parish, but ginned and baled in tho city was placed in tho markot. It is classed Low Mid diing and at present writing romains unsold. Yes? terday morning tho Mobilo boat "Mary" brough an additional halo, tho product of a plantation ii Lowndes Connty, Ala. Tho consignors, Hiller & Co., sold it, at auction at 33)c. lb. Mr. Edmuiii Hcilbuth becoming the purchaser. Since 1819 tho ?latee of tho receipt of Ibo (Irai bale of now crop varied aa rollowa: 1849.August 7 I Ssa. jui. ni i860.August ll i860." julv 1 18?1.July 25 1801..Auguit ll 1857.Auguit a 1803. * 1863.Angus! a isca.september ' 1851.July as 18CI.August li 1855.July a? 1856.Auirnit 1 1858.Jnly 16 HMM.August ' 186T.August 15 1867.August ll 1868.July 25 . ? i . i i KU PIIOM NEW 1 (MIK . HTnicTUIlEB ON OlUNT-TUE CUUUENCY-TUE OVUM ?TONK BBOKEn.S - (JOLD BOOM- ASSOCIATED 1'ItESS TUADE-I|U W011KIKO CLASSES-A MAN WOO VS* KEEP A HOTEL. FRENCH'S HOTEL, J NEW YOEE, August ir>. j A number uf tho radical papero or tho inlorioi aro very sovero in thoir HI net urea on (Jon. Qn.txi for consenting to tliacbargo tlio duties of tho Wai Bureau, and construe it into an open alliauco with tho President. Tho moro Bouaiblo and influential organs prudently avoid any harsh reference to the subject, e.eng in its discussion nothing but a ten? dency to diaintograto tho organization. Thu currency question continues to disturb tho financier:-, and affords a prolific thomo for con? stant amplification iii tho inonoy columns of (lie loading journals. Borne favor tho issuo.of legal tenders in sums sufflciont to moot tho maturing interest, reserving tho gold as a basia for early ro? turo to ?pecio pay monta. Tho TrfbmM Baja, "if Mr. MCCULIAIUUU would regain tho confltloiico of tho solvent part ol the community, lot him (les? li ..y 11,000,000 nf legal tondora por mouth. Tho policy pursued lilla tho avenues of tho commercial contres with crowda of speculators so dc nen au to drivo pedestrians from tho sidowalks." Thia Ia an allusion to tho throngs of "curbs tomi brokera," who collect every afternoon in Broad st., and block up (ho walk for hours. Thc jargon of nt rungo phrases ia very amusing tu a novice. Ono cries out "I of? fer 1000 Erica," anothor sings out "sovonty,' another "quarter," another wants "old Southern." and another offers "Mariposa," and in the contusion of vari?lica offored, sometimos reaching ono or two dozen at tho nemo timo, the unlttatod oannot tell buyer from noller. Tho ourhatono oporatora present quito a youthful and democratic appear? ance. Tho acono was variod an evening or two ago by knocking off tho hat nf ono of tho opera? tives, who was evidently doop lu "old mononga? hela." This waa followed by a lively rally otp tilos, In which a number of hoads wore oxpoaod to tho wanilla; sun. Thia is porhaps not n IWM?1 . , ._. ........ ...... iiiHiurii tho hvuly .niirao of trado, which was kopt up until nearly ilark. Dut thia noisy throng is a Quaker mooting eunip.ired lo the babel of the gold board. No vi" it or to Gotham should fail to o troll down to Ibo Gold Room anti wi tuena tho whirl of incite? ment which prevails among tho monoy changera -cotnparod to which MILTON'S viow of ohaoa ia tamo and iuaipid. Yen havo doubtless hoard of tho threatened dia ruption of tho Aasuciatod Press. I am assured that Mr. DENNETT hus poaitivoly determined to sovcr his connoclion with that organization; and an evening papor to-day auuouucea that a new compauy has boon formed, which proposes to ou? ter tho Held floon with comploto facilities for aorv ing tho prenti of tho country on juat and equitable principios. Tho Jouma: of Commerce, a fow daya ago, ventured a defonco of tho Aaaoeiatod Proas against tho charge of apt 'dilating ill nows. To this defonco tho evening paper roforrod to ro ap.uuli ill a long article giving BU elaborate state? ment of tho coat or news, ami tho amount realized on ita salo by tho Associated Prosa. It is hardly necessary to produoo theso figures to convinco Southern journalists of tho onerous exact i ono nf thia pampered nowa monopoly. A chango ia ile mande J ; and it ia gratifying to bo assured that it is likely to bo mado speedily. Thoro ia moro in thia movement than I am at liberty to divulga at prcaent. Dut tho opinion prevails among tho knowing ones that tho Associated Fross is about lo find a rival that cannot ho distanced or forest ulled. Trado adowa somo signs of improvement this week, though ii is still remarkably dull for tho season, and appruhousions of broakora ahead aro sagely whiepercd by tho knowing onos. Tho re? ceipt., of dry goods at this pori have fallon off 1-10,000,000 for tho month of July, compared to laut year, but othor importa aro about aqua! to thone cf tho corresponding month iu 1BGG. Tho exporta for July woro $37,588,000, of which tt l, O8G.00O waa specie, against $19,0GG,OO0 iu July, last year, of which $5,820,000 waa specio. Thus it ap? pears that wo ai o buying vory largoly in OXCCBS of what wo havo to noll. Tho labor question ia ono of great intoroat hero. Tho exactions of landlords, and general increase in tho cost of living, have rendered a largo in? crease of wages necessary ; to accomplish which, almost every pursuit ha9 a protectivo union Bociotr. Having found tho oxtonl of their power, (hoy aro constantly making now demands of thoir omployors, who complain bitterly that they can? not carry on business in tho face of dull Irado and general stagnation, with those oxaotiona forced upon thom. Now hands cannot be omployod be causo most of tho laboring classe J aro mombo m ol these unions, and if thoy are not, tow doro to re? sist their th 'Ulandi". A vory bad feeling exists be? tween tho employers and laboring classes, which, it ia constantly feared, may end in serious, dis? turbance, Strikes aro of almost evory-day occur? rence, and co-opcrativo establishments of every kind aro hoing inaugurated. Tho journeymen priutors havo rec. nt ly started a job office, and are said to bc doing well. Such companies, if well managed, aavo to tho working mon, the profit which has been realized by their ?mployora, and will diatributo tho fortunes usually realized by compotent contractors, among those boat cn to thom. Salaries or wagoa aro not adequate tc tho support of those who havo families, be? ing for tho groat mass of mechanics and clerics from IIB to $25 a week. First cloaa mon in large houses of course got moro. Provisions and guie ral cxpeneea are abont na high as at the South. Tho poor sowing womon are most inadequately paid. Thoro aro thousands of widows or wives ol helpless or worthless mon, whoso support is derived from noodle work, for which not more than IS to $7 a week are realized, and often oven les?. With thia thoro ia rout, aay $1 50 broad, two loaves a day ll 40 per wook ; potatoes ll oo ; meat $1 00 ; ligbta 25 couta ; coal 50 cents not to mention clothing, doctors billa, or lout Hmo Hard indoed ia tho lot of the poor in thia great metropolis ; and yet thouaauda cling to the city, it tho hopo of doing hotter after awhile. At presen thoro aro thousands hero from tba South, aeekinc employ mont ; and I cannot bettor serve aU win contemplate coming herc, than io advino thom ti et ny where thoy arc, or at least, not to come to tbt largo Northern cities. The improssion prevail! hern that tho Smith munt apcodily become tht most prosperous portion of tho country. If th political prohloms which now threaten tho ,poac< of society, can bo amicably solved, there is ni .loutit of tho speedy attainmont of a condition o prosperity. A sojourn of a fow wooka hero affords many usc ful lessons in tho art of comfortable living, and cannot bettor servo your travelling readers than tt give thom tho result of my oxporienco. Men o business will And groat advantagoin taking a roon at porno hotel, kept on tho European plan, a which thoy can also gel thoir meals at any boor paying only for what they order, whoreaa at othe hotels, billa ran on from tho Hmo the naroo Ia re gietered. Froncb'a Hotel, from which I write, i on this plan, and ia a modo) of neatness, ordei clogancc and comfort. ADIS ITDEB. A Connu)PONDENT describo? tho procoaaof mal ing papor collara and cuffs at a factory in Dlddeforx Mo. Tho papor from which tboy aro formed come in largo shoots of tho required thickness. Bom forty of those shoots aro placed ono upon anothei and thou moved under tho die which cuta throng Ibo wholo, giving tho roquiislo shape to forty co lara. Tho papor ia thou moved under tho di again, and forty moro cut, and BO on to tho enc Tho button holes aro next made, Somo half-dozo collars aro placod under the ches, and the thr? j holes ont in,etch instantly. Next tho collars ar placod ono at a timo under a dio or mold wbic imprest-PS tho nt itching upon them and marks th lino hy which tho collar ia to bo turned ordoub'ot i Thc collars aro thon doubled or turned over ono I - A timo by hand, run through a machino whio presses thom, and thoy are finished. They ai , thon packod in boxe? of ton oaob, and ten of thea - boxea pnt in a largor ono, when they are ready fe . markot. Tho cuffs aro out with dloa after tho aam '. manner aa tho collara, the bottom holes eat b t nlmilar method; then thoy aro Btltchod and the ! packed for market. Throe stylos of collara ai I mndo-plain enamel and linen surface, the pap? being finished tn a particular marmor for each i I theso different stylos. Tba average size of noel , is Hi inches. Somo collara aro mads 101, incbi ? long; but moat aro sold of HJ, 14 and 15 (nobe ' Tito preacnt capacity of thia manufactory ia 25,01 i collara a day, bat with a new catting m ooh ii [ ii early ready, ito capacity will bo moro than dont j cd. Most of the work is dono by females. Twolt i banda aro now omployod, but in tho auturn donblo thia number wilt be required. IfiMIOUATlOK TU SOUTH l'AIIOLI.V?, LET 1 HILM FROM OUR Ad ENTH IM EUROPE. (J ono ral J?RN A. WAOENEB, Commissioner of Emigration for South Carolina, has kindly fur? nished us tin- following two tailors, which, wo fool assured, will bo road with much interest by our rcador?, nil of whom, Uko ouraalvoa, aro doHlrous to know what their agonts aro doing in tho effort to induco emigration irom Europo to our Btato. OLD ENB trna, July 24,1867. GENEBAL J. A. WAOENEB, Charleston i Dear fir : Having rocoivod at last tho monoy from * . * * * I rm ablo to proaood with tho work before roo. Tho pamphlot will bo print od in a fow days and ready for distribution. Moan wiiilo I bavo mado arrongomonta with Mosers. EVEBIIABD O. DKLIUB tt Co., iu Bromon, who aro ohio and willing to scud voaaola, with omlgrantu drroct to Charleston, as low as any olbor bouse in Bromon. Those gontlomen taku a groat interest in a direct trado to ChsTloston, as they deal largely in cotton, and aru willing to bavo tbolrsharo in a direct lino of stoamoru, na soon aa tho political dif itcullioi in tho Sourborn Btatos aro aottlod; until that timo tboro will bo hut a small prospect of ac? complishing this object. I havo travelled a little about, with o vio w of gaining tho confldonco of tho people for South Carolina. I havo euccooded, so far, admirably. I bavo boon introduced to tho Clergy of all denominations, aa woll as to tho other genii y of tho diflorout towns and villagoa. To those I havo explained tho object of my mission, and in an arerago they havo promisod a hearty co-operation in our schonio, They wonld adviao their poosanls and mechanics who denim to omi grato to go to South Carolina, and would explain tho advantagoa of our Stato to thom. Tho pam? phlot will do a groat doal of good. I think it ia much hotter than moro nowapapor articles, ss you will have scon from papers I havo sont. Qood aub atautlal farmera as wo dentro hardly will road Urara nrtioloa, or will not un^0ratenJ?,t?jpioj[p??jj)'? ?truflHsf ?r?m your pamphlot they will seo bettor into lt. But should any of thoso writcra in tho Auswanderer Zeitung attack our Bcbemo I shall uot fail to answer. I ara hopoful that wo will suc? ceed tho first year, nt loast to draw a nucleus of good substantial farmora and m?chame? to ck th Caroliua, who will then, no doubt, if thoy aro treated right, blow our trumpet and draw thou? sands aftor thom. The greatest difficulty will bo tho first ye ar, after that it is easy Billing. I bavo appointed an agent at Bromorhavor, who will dia tributo at onco on board of ovary vessel that loaves with omtgrants a cort oin numbor of your pam? phlets, which may indnco a groat many to soak South Carolina as their homo. I also shall eond ono copy to ovory Emigrant Agent throughout (lenoany, and will travel myself through Germany os far as my means will permit. Boupectfully, A. MELOHER?, Agont of South Carolina. COPENHAOKN, July 17, 1807. (len. JOHN A. WAOENEB, Charleston : Tb-.MI Sm: J bavo roturned to Copenhagen after a short trip in tho countty, and havo dono aa much good for tho cause aa could bo reasonably expert? ed, bnt I find that if my misaion ahaU have a good roault, I must devot o j uot aa many months as now weeks to traverse tho country, beca uso tho peoplo liko to talk j nu h jiuilly to a man who has been iu America and ia acquainted with the condition of tho country to which they want to emigrate; aud I can in one hour givo moro information, and answer more of tho questions, which tho reading of the pamphlot naturally gives occasion for, than if I rocoivod and anawerod twenty letter?. Ea pocially thoso who have money sufficient to buy a farm aro very particular in thoir inquirios. Thoy wish to know what thoy can expect in return for what they leave. Of 50,000 immigrante wbo in the first mon tb? of the year arrived in Now York, only 9000 had no certain placo of destination, and romainod Ibero; all tho o thora wero Bont for by friends and rela? tions, who bad written to them and told thom of their good luck aud satisfaction with their now homo. This is a good evidonce how important it is that tho first immigrants who arrive in our Stato Bhonld bo satisfied with their now borne. Because, if that is tho oaao, tho immigration to Bouth Carolina will increase y o ir for year, if right? ly managed. Tho emigration from Scandinavia is largely on tho increaso, and the Government trio? to put a atop to it by warning tho people, both through tho pteaa and from tho pulpit, but all to uo uso. The State of Minnesota has appropriated $10,000 for the same purpoao aa South Carolina, and has got ngooba in several northorn towns of Scandina? via, wboro tho o migrants pass through, bnt 1 do not beliovo thoy derivo nmch benefit from it, for tho manon, as I havo stated before, that tho emi? grant baa determined in what section of America, he wants to locate himself bofofe he leaves bia old homo, moro especially suoh omigrants as have got moana to buy a picco of land. If anything can be dono for tho cause, it must bo ia the home of tho emigrant. Thora ia tho proper placo to spank to him, bofore ho ia influencod by others, or has do torminod where to go. Tho summer bera is unusually cold and rainy, and boa retarded tbo hay harvest. Mnoh of tho hay is spoiled, and if it continues in this way an? other small orop will bo lim result, and that will givo a now impulse to tho emigration. Vory roapoctfully, yours, W. J. 8ERLOV, 8tate Agent. TOE FOLI-OWINO is a list of tho sovereigns, princes, and princesses who havo visited the court of tho Tu illorios sinoa tito beginning of this year tho total iiumbor .being fifty-eight : 'Tba King and Qncon of tho Bolgians, tho Emperor of Rus? sia, tho King and Qnoon or Prussia, King Lorna I. of i!n.v?.ri?. King Lotas LL of Bavaria, the King of Wurtemberg, tho King and Queen of Portugal, tho Sultan, tho King of Greoco, tho King of Swe? den, the Count and Countess of Flanders, tbo Grand Hereditary Duko of Russia, tho Princesa EL'OENTE of Leaohtenberg, the Unke of Leuchten? borg, tho Duko of Saxe-Weimar, the Dnko of Mee W lenburg-Strelitz, the Grand Bnke of Saxe-Weimar, tho Crown Prince and Princess Royal of Prussia, the Prince and Princess Royal of Saxony, tho PrLnco of Saxo-Cobmg-Gotha, tho Dnko and Duchess or Saxony, Prince ALBKBT of Prussia, tho Princo and Pr incoas CHAS bxs of Prussia, Prince BuxtBEB, tho Dnko and Dnohess D'AOSTA, the three Princos of Oldenburg, tho Grand Boko and Grand Duchess of Badon, the Dnko DE Conni RB, tho Hereditary Princo of Turkoy, bia brother, and tho son of tho fin] tan, tho Prince of Hohenzollern, and bis son Princo LEOPOLD, tho Prince of Wales, tho Luke of Edinburgh, Princo ABTHUB, Prince ?90AB of Sweden, tho Viceroy of Egypt, tbo Grand Duko of Mechlonburg-Sebwerin, tho Prince and Princess ADALBEBT of Bavoria, tho Prince ol Orango, Duko WILI.HU of Wurtemberg, Count ck Wurtemberg, tho Grand Duko CONSTANTINE, the Princo of ReusB, tho brother cf His Tycoon ol Japan." Of this ohoioo collection of princes and orineci?te, forty-flvo aro sovoroigna and princes, throo quoona and ton princesses; ton aro kingo, six roigning princes, niuo heirs presumptive, ant one viceroy. _ Tax BOSTON POST says : "Tho Indian Com missionora, who woro ompowerod by Congress tc go out on tho plaina and hold a conforonco will obiofsof tho hostilo tribes, with avio* lo a per man cut poacobctwoon them and tho whites, han sent ont thoir rnnnora to invito tho chlofs toi mooting at Fort Lapamio in Boplember, and al Fort Lamed, in October. Thoy ara thomaotvos al Fort' Loa von worth, at which plane a whole tribe ol Indian ogonts, traders, interpreters, and go-bo tweens of various kinds aro expected to meei them, for tho purpoao of setting forth their vie wi to tho Commission, with tho idea, no doubt, of en. lightening that body in respect to ita wlaeat poll cy. Tho tatter will of course, regard all such re presentation willi oxtromo caution. It la notori? ous that tho interests of those Tory men are whs1 havo so largely influencod hoatllltioa hitherto, I a wiso body of Commissioners, desiring j ul ti? and peace together, shall present tlmir views di? rectly tn tho chic's of tho hostilo tribes, and tuc ccod in assuring thom that tba white man ls theil friend and brother inatoad of thoir enomy, then cannot bo any doubt of the happy result of theil interview. The hostilities already on foot, ant for which tho country and tho treasury aro In dob tod to selfish and unprincipled white mon, ll may not bo posai bia to arrest on the Instant; yel tua very tiding of tho approach of Co mm kai on era anointed by Con gre sa expressly and eclair to ea SHSiT?S 'rilli not ba wi th ont ita IsAasDoe S???^s?.OP7.?.8,;?r?Mtlonhaa tho essential eic ?8,ntoi??nrnUlty lnit, at any rata; ho things ll ?ra^ndriI6,fh.? ??? toT weat7X? HI-IS L H Vi ION. l'on UK EDISTO, 8. C., Alignai 17. Editor Oai'u AVtr* Tho Board of Rcutralion, composed of Hean ra. M. I/. BALDWIN, CUrman, A. J. OHT'.NDKII, ami James Maya (color!), commenced UH duties at the third product ubis Oialrlct on tho 15th ?nhl., and will continuo ta Bitting for tho proacut throughout to-day. ?orruot quiet and undislurb otl order havo chiratorizod ita procoodingB thun far. Tho only foituts ol intorost conncetod with ita i rog res H up lc tita time, ate tho oxbibitiotin of tho desper?lo cOtrta on the part of tho uowly on franchised to grap tho Bontimonl expressed in tho oath, who, iitliair apparent cagoruoss to do ao, ne sum ci thc a ? tudu of ono about lo behold nun of tho Boron wanera of tho world. Ono fellow, na being asked hia mao, preparatory to tho reading of tho oath, roptd that it waa ..Jumen Elps." "Elps Jamos," iniiirrd tho roglstrar oarnually, an if to tost tho knoiedge nf bia own linnie. "Yea, 6ir," replied CutT.uoro emphatic, ned uomowhal coufusod. "You ay your nanid ia ?James Elps/' interrogated tlio rgiatrar again. '*YOH, Hlr," on aworcd tho bowilored darkey again, seeming to think that hia nam. waa a dttplox of Jamea Kips, and elco rena. Of conreo this dialogue, and tho emphatic manner ot tho questions propounded, and tho equally ompbdie answers obtained, excit? ed tho redbill lion nf lu> upcctators, who indulged in a broad Bmilo, whiloJamoa Elps, or Elps James, as the caso moy bo, fmllowed, to.hini, tho incom? prehensible terms of lie erith. As tho list below wil show, tho disparity of tho v.-hi I? and colored whohavo rogixturod, proaonts a marked dogroo of diflircnco. To-day boina; Hatur day, a sort nf holiday with'tho farmers, thoy will no doubt turn out moro numerously. ,?,. .... Wlutes. Blacks. Third l'reoiuct-Firet^ltiay.22 DI *otal.,.42 ??? Majority of blicks.ti!) James Mays (colored), was deposed on yestor ? day for deficiency, aud his placo has boen supplied I by Mr. J. T. BUTLER._ BAYS AN. THE CRUP?. LlLKSvTLLZ, ANBON COUNTY, N. C., } August 17, 1667. j Editor A'eics.- Hinco I laut wroto you tho seasons havo boon very favorabla, and my oatimato of tho crop of thia county miy now bo safely doublet. Bust ia the ouly thing to bu fuared now, aud I boar of ila appearance ia somo localities. Corn waa gonorally toe fur advanced to bu much I beno?ttcd by tho Ono tains following tho Ihrco wooka' drought of Juno and July; though that planted Into- af 1er harrest, Atc.-is quilo pron: I laing. Nearly all uf our planters will BOW largely of small grain thia fiaasou, and om ploy only about I half Uieir prosont force fur nert yo ar. Registration is progressing quietly, tho black "clemant' predominetmg. Very respectfully, E. It. L. Tue Crop, Woran, ?Vc., In Loulsinua. Tho Now Orleans Time* of tho 17th says : Below will bo found interesting extracta from i tho correspondence of plantera, which havo boeu kindly furnished us by their lactors tu UI?B city for I general information. HAZELUURHT, Miss., August 13. I arrived safely yesterday, and all along tho route from Now Orleans lo thia point I inado spo cial inquirios about tho cotton worm, and all tho information I could gather was that somo worms had been soon in a great many fields. In a few casos the worm baa eaton tho leaf of tho cotton in spots, but in no case could I lenin or a field that baa boon destroyed. My opinion ia that under any cireumataucoa ono-lhird to one-half crop will be mads in thia section, and possibly a throe-quar? ter crop. COLUMBIA, LA., August 10, 18??7. It is useless to calculate any longer ou a cotton crop-it ie gono. The worms havo takon ontiro possession uf it in thia pariah. My last hupe that tho hot weather would retard their prugrosu -in gono. It appoara an If tho sun gavo thom life. I havo thirty-five acres that aro ontiroly eaten up by them. I don't think moro thati one eighth of a crop will bo mado tn tho Pariah. I havo discharged half my banda, so as tn roduco oxpensea as much aa possible, lt ia bard to .sou ?uch a crop aa mino loat, but I have done as well, or bettor than my neighbors, and on this baso my estimate of tba crop hore. BABTBOP, Muntum ai: I'AttlsR, I.S., ) August 6,18C7. I Tho cotton worimi aro in nearly every plantation in tho pariah; they are not eating tho cotton as fast aa 1 havo aeon thom, but they aro increasing very rapidly, and no planter ox pee ta to mako nioru than sead to plant for tho noxt your. KA n INK Pt ti IBU, LA., Angus! 7, 18C7. I wroto you eomotimo since predicting great din asters to tho cotlou crop. Tue internal worms aro now eating it up, and as tho crop is much later than usual, thoro will not be a tenth of a crop raised in una parish, unlusa a rogrowth takes placa attar tho worm disappears. Very little is to bo expected thia season. The above 1B from ono of the most extensivo and experienced planters iu the parish. A vrell known planter, and a member of Ibo State Legislature, writes as follows: ('LINTON, LA., August 10, 18G7. Ula noir a fixod fact that tho worms aro eating up the cotton, but aa yet have dono but little dam? age. An experienced planter, a member of ono of our leading cotton factorage firms, alsb wnles: SHBIVZPOBT, Lt., August 6,18C7. I have lust returned from a little trip to Caddo Parish. Found tho vori labio cotton worm on many 8tantalums,-not enough to do much immediate amsge-but on their third brooding, say in front tbreo to four or fivo wooka tho worst may bo ex? pected. Planters aro exceedingly gloomy over tho prospect. With another rain or two, and no worms, a very good crop would bo grown in tho hill country of this region. The corn crop is mado and ii very good. Tho worm is known lo havo appeared aa far as fifty miles weat of this placo, ll EI .i.K vu K, Bossut a PARISH, LA., August 10. The corn crop in tho hills is only an average ono. The cotton, though late, will likely provo tho samo from tho sama p?aos. Hill crop of cotton growing and forming rapid? ly, but iu & critical condition from fear of drouth. ALEXANDBU, LA., Augusl 10.1807. The recent appearance of tho caterpillar bas cast quito a gloom over the planton. Much of tho finest cotton has already been ser urns)y damaged, and many anticipate tho almost total destruction of tho crop. Boroo uf ray moat forward cotton, which la waist high to a man on horseback, baa boon almost stripped of ils leaves. Tho young cot? ton is yet uninjured. Mv belief is that thoro will be very little monoy mario on cotton thia year, at least in this parish. Corn ia generally good. HosBOE, LA., August 10. There is great excitement hore about tho cotton worm. They are on almost every placo, but as yet have dono no dr mage. Tm COTTON WORM IN UIBSISSIPPL-Tho Now Orleans Picayune baa the fellowing hiter : OSTIA, rdu?.. August 15. EDS. PIC: Trade appoarsrather gloomy, but not BO mnob eu aa tho articlo ol your 'incsday'a iasuo would try lo provo. I myadf, with several gentle? men, togothar wont throiigl diflorcnt cotton fields in this section, and I can nost emphatically dony that tho cotton worm ia sobad as represented in tho abovo articlo; moreover, I dare to assert that if the worm should do its moral now, tho farmers would make half a crop aa fir aa tho knowing onos positively declaro. Aa far aa the atatomonl S concerned of having f1 killed 2000 in one row, tho latter must havo bcon a considerably long ono, and tho countcr'u patience pretty near tho samo. It took ui tn throe different Heida to gather of the so-callad colton worm, about of tho figuro of Iwonty each, in ten mimtoa good searching. Moreover, tho cotton waa nat at all toucbod, only tho loaves. Do mo tho favor, therefore if inquiries should ba mado in regud to tho statement aforesaid, to contradict it on strongth of tho abovo. THE CBOPI.-It affords ne much pleasure in being ablo to statu, npon the authority or a gontlo man who baa. within tho list ton da vu, travotod through Dnplin, Wayno, Wilson, ?dgecoinbo, Sampson, Nash and Cumberland counties, that tho corn crops look remarkably promising, and tho amount of landa planted ls ox tensive. From present appoarancos, an abondant crop of corn will be mado. Tho cotton crop is not as promis? ing ls could bo desired. With tho prospect* boforo tts, with favorable seasons for a row wooka longer, our section bids fair to reap an abundant harvest- Wilmington Journal. A CURIOUS OAIXUIHTIOM.. An oxohango Boya : "What a noisy creature would a man hu wem bin volco, in proportion to his weight, as loud aa that of a locust 1 A looost can bo hoard at tho distance of ono-slitoontb of a milo. Tho golden wren ia aald to weigh bnt half an onnce ; so tba t a middling sized man would weigh down not, ihort of four thousand of them; and lt must bo otrange if a poldon wren would not outweigh four of onr locusta. Supposing, therefore, that a common man weigh* aa muon ls sixteen thousand of our locusts, and tbit the note of a locust can bo board ono-aixieenth of i mile, a man of common dimen? sions, pretty sound in wind and limb, ought to be able to make himself hoard at tho distance of ono thousand six hundrod miles; and when bo snoczoa 'his boase ought to fall about bis ctn I' Suppos? ing a floe to weigh one grain, which la moro than ill actual weight, and to jump ono ind a half yards, a common rom of ono hundrod ind fifty (sounds, with jumping powers in proportion, could jump twelvo thousand eight hnndrcxl miles, or about the distan co bom Now York to Cochin Cliina." At I church collection for missions, tho preach? er laid : "My Christi an brethren, lot mo elution thoa? of yon who put in butte LB not tobruk off tho oyes. It spoils thom for nae, and they will not pua among tuo heathens for coln." ONE PRICE T O CLO S E. TO rum: OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF RUMMICIl ?JI.OT1IINU (ra liavn marked, tho nrlcci at Kiicb low figures thal purchaser-! will Hud lt decidedly for tho In tereil of tl . lr pucket* IO eiauiltio our stork, lu windi thc; will Hi:.I good ami well made irarmenu of DUH OWN MANUFACTURE, al oili-cmoly low prico?. Antioicd will be found a MKT OF OUR FORMER AM) PRESENT PRICES: Pnrm'r Price. 8C0TC1I CASSIMKRE SUITS-SACK, PANTS AND VERT. IM ?MO I DARK MIX. CASSIM KHK SU I TS-SACK, PANTS AND VEST. 21.00 HAIR LINK CASSIM ERE SIHTH SACK. PANTS AND VEST.. 21.Ml MIDDI.K-EX CAKHIMKHK SUITS SACK, PANTS AND VEST. lt.OII BLACK AND WHITE MIXOAtWIMKKK SUflli-SACK, PANTS AND VEST. 18.0(1 13.00 LIGHT FRENCH FLANNEL SUITS SACK, PANTS AND VEST. IH.H0 12.00 FANill'C ISSI MERE PANIS AND VtrT 12.00 B.00 WHITE FRENCH DUCK SACKS- ?.00 COO WHITE LINEN SACKS. 6.1X1 4.00 COLORED DUCK SACKS. ti.00 ?.00 BROWN LINEN SACKS. a.50 2.50 I1ROWN LINEN SACKS. IMO 1.60 tsTKIPK ALPACA SACKS. 1.00 6.11(1 - ROU tum lieut lemon's FlllTlislliui? UoCUs. WHITE SUUt l-S at IMO, 19.00and ad.GO. BACULLAii, WILLIAMS & PARKER 270 lECIZLSTGr, CORNER OF HASEL STREET, c i-i A R i, ir. SION July 27 G?IEAT REDUCTION No. 219 KING STREET, Ono ?loor south Market street. !20 PER CENT. DISCOUNT. NOW IS THE TIME TO RUY THE BEST QUALITY OF IVIE IN 'S AND YOUTHS' SEASONABLE CLOTHING EVER OFFERED IN THIS CITY, WITH A LAROE LOT OF THE CELEBRATED STAR BRAND SHIRTS, COLLARS, AND AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Having perfected arrangements with my Manu? facturera, I am ablo to ?oil tho entire 8TO?K at tho above discount. Price of each ARTICLE marked in plain figures. Agent. B. M. McTUREOUS, Sup't July 26 "Prevention Is Better than Cure. " DR. Celebrated RICORD'S Preventive Lotion. APPROVED AND HIGHLY RECOMMENDED BY the'French Medical Facutly, aa tho only aafe and I uni Iihlri antidoto agetuat in footle u from Sp?cial Diseases. This invaluable preparation ls suited for either sex, and bas proved, from ampio oxperionco. Ibo moat eiucieut sud reliable Preventivo over discovered, thus effbcUcg s desideratum long sought for in the Medical World. If used according to directions ovcry posalblllly of danger may be avoided ; a single application will radically neu? tralise the venereal virus, cx|iel all ImpuriUos from am absorbent v?asela, sud render contamination lmposatble. Bo wise in time, and at a very small outlay, save boura nf untold bodily and mental torm?n tn. This moat rellsbla sp?cifie, so universally adopted lu UiB Old World, ls new offered for salo for the first time In America by F. A. DUPOIIT Ai CO., only authorised Agents for tho United Mistos. Prico S3 per bottle. Largo bottle, double site, (5. The usual discount to the trade, sent, securely parked, on receipt of price, to any address, with direc? tion? and pamphlet, by addressing to F. A. DUPORT & CO., Role Agents for Dr. Rlcord's P. U, Usy 22 lyr No. 12 Gold Slnmt, New York. T> E A ti T V .- Auburn, .a, Ji^TA _D Golden, Ila icu, sud MW9k MW-, A silk eu CURLS produced by BS - J fia Jar the uso of Professor Dc- B~jTK ?_LKSS-L DREUX'fi F It I fl K R LE laW M) /?P*^3aW<;HKVt;nx- 0(10 >PPUcs- AL KT m iBRUon warranted to curl tho ~* T-SP' moat straight and atubborn -"nRfav ba*-0f either sex Into wavy ringlets, or heavy masslro ec Ilia been used by the fashionables of Pula and Loudon, with tho most gratltylug results. Does no in. Jury to the hab". Price by mall, sealed and postpaid, (1. Descriptive circulars mailed free. Address Ii ERO Kit, nm;TTS II CO., Chamisla. No. 283 River ?irret, Troy, N. Y., Sole Agento for tho Doited 8taloa. March SU ly The Honnctt8ville "Journal" TS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING AT J. BonoetlsvUle, 8. C., in tho eastern portion of the State, by STUBBS li LITTLE, Proprietors, sud offers superior Inducements to Mercbaoto and sil others who wish to extend their business in thia section of the Pee Dee country We respectfully solicit the patronage of our Charleston ti lends. , Tarma-13 per aonum, Invariably in advance. Adver [ tue raen ta Inserted at very reasonable raUa. July 8 SPECIAL NOTICES. .?r OFFICE OF MASTER IN EQUITY, l&Tu AUGUST, 1M7.-Ouardlaus .ml other TruetSHia, whose I Honda .ro la Ult. ofllco, .ru In.ireby called upon tu instr (hi lr Annu.l lb him* tu lb li nlrb e. a. required by law, aa or belora tho '?otb of October, 1807. JAMBS TUPPEII, August 31 wt Sissier In F, tully. ??rTHE ATTENTION OK THE FIRE DE PAIITMEN I' ls caites! to the lullowiug regulation* : Any Volunteer Engine running on any payment lu cither tho Upper cr Low.r Wards, wboro tho slroct M paved, shall pay a Uno of Fifi j Dollar., and any Ward Engins committing tho samo ofTsnco their psy shall bo stopped. Tho narnu rule shall be applicable to Ibo Market*. Kv err Volunteer Engine Company shall have either bella or a gong attached lo their Englno or Iloel, and thu ?am. .hall not h. taufllod. either going er returning ftom an alano cf Oro. Tho same nils ahab be applica? ble lu Ward Englue., bul uo Engine .ball return fruin a Aro faster than . walk. Nu two Steamers shall work at Um sa urn Eire Well Ono Volunteer Hand Engluo may draw waler from same ?Veil whore a Htoamor la drawing; ami If two Hand En? gines ar. at a Fi" Well uo ytoamer sh.ll bo allowed lo use the ssiue. Two or more Sicamor? may draw water from a Drain Ht. B. M. BT1I0BEL. Auguat ?0 _Clerk and Runt tar CHIRP QU.UtTliRMABTEH'8 OFFICE, HECONU MILITARY ?IHTniCT. NORTH AND SOUTH CAROLINA, CHARLESTON, S. C.. AUGUST 17. UH". 1 HEALED PROPOSALS will bu roeolveil st this otDcu until 13 o'< lo. X M. on Afonifny, the I?tb day of HSptoni [ ber, 1H07. at which limo they will be opeued, for tba pur baae of tho followlug prnport.v, Tts: Wreck of ateaurer HUSTON, in A.bepoo Itlvor. Wrack of strainer ORO. WASUINOTON. lu Cooaaw Rlvor. Wreok ur steamer CHAHSK?lt, In Scull Cruuk. Wreck ol .teamer RANDOLPH, lu Charleston Harbor. Wreck nf atsaui.r ETIWAN, In Cbarlestuu Harbor. Bidders will stale the amount uffereil for each wm k. The wrscka ?lu i"> MM .o|mraiciy amt tu tho hlgbost bidder, unless such bid bs deemed Uurrssooabie. Proposal, muat be addressed to the undersigned, and marked "Proposalsfor purchin of wrocka." II. O. TYLEK, llrevet Major-Geuoral, t'bier Quartermaster, Deputy Quarterniaator-Oeuaral, U. S. A. _ Auguat 19 15 sW-nBOiaTHATION.--T H I Ii I) PRECINCT, COLILETOM DISTRICT.-The Hoard or RegiatraUou fer Third Precinct. KL. llsrlbolomsw's Pariah, Coltctou DIs trlet. 8. C., will hold ita .eastons as follows, viz: AT IILUE HOUSE POLL-August IVUi, '.'0th, list sud I 33d. September fiUi. Cth and 71b. Forllcvlalou, September lotti and '.'"lu. AT WALTHRDORO' POLL-COO RT UOUSE.-Auguat ?Jlth, '.'.llb, tilth and Ulh. September Mit, 10th, llth. For Revlalon, September 33d and Sith. AT ROUND O loi.I. August 30th. aim. September 3d, 3d, 13th, 14th sud 10th. For R.vlalun, K.ptembsr id th sud 37th. As tba who), duty must bo performed by tho 1st Octo? ber, th. illulia wUl bo closed on the 19th Soplembor, lu order lo coas ply with Paragraph XIX, tl eoe ral Order No. 06, Headquai tera Second Military District, giving ample timo for pnhlls inspection and revlalon of the Hats. All persons qualified te rote under tho provisions nf tbs Act of Congress, passed 3d Marah, 1BS7, enUtled "An Act to provide for the more sfflcl.nt Oovernmrnt of tho Rebel H tates," and the asroral Acts supplementary thereto, sro tn vitad to ispear before th. Hoard for Hrgtatralton. Hours of alttlag will bs from S A. H. to 3 P. M. R. ii. wiLLouonnv. Chairman Hilled of Reg. For Third Precinct, I 'ellet, ai District. August IS 0 sTsT BATOHELOR'S li Alli DYE.-THIS SPLENDID HAIR DYE ls tho beat m tho world. Tia only Irut and perfect Dye-harmless, reliable, instau Unions. No disappointment. No ridiculous Hula. Natural Black or Hrovrn. Remedios tho ill effect, nf in.: Dy i. Invigorates the hair, leaving il aolt and hcautlhd. Tho genuino ls signed William A. BatcJiclor. All otbem are mero Imitation*, and should bo avoided. Hold by all Druggie!, ?nd Perfumer*. Factory, No. Bl Bartley ?brest. Nsw York. tO- BEWARE OF A COUNTERFEIT. December IO \jr AW ARTIFICIAL) EYES_ARTIFICIAL HU MAN EVES mado to order and inserted by Dra. F. HAUCH and P. GOUOLEMANN (formerly employed by RoissomozAD, of Parla), No. 699 Broadway, Now York. April 14 lye "COST AR'S" PREPARATIONS. ESTABLISHED EIGHTEEN YEARS. Laboratory, No. IO Crosby street, New York. 3000 Huies. Bottles and Flasks manufactured dally. SOLD BY ALL DRUG G ISIS EYER y IV ?TERE " COSTA R'S " HALES DEPOT, No. 414 RHO A D \V AV, NEW YORK, Where fl, ?3 lo ts sixes sra put up for Families, Blores Ships, Boats, Public InsUtutions, Ac., ste. It ls truly wonderful the confidence Uist ts now had In every form of Preparation, that coma* from " Costar'* " EsUbllabment. .?COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS-Fer Rats, Mice, Roaches, Ants, Ac, ?ic. "Only 1 nfallible remedy known." "Not dangeroua to tho human family." "Rata come uni of their holes te die," Atc. ? COTTAR'S " RED-HUG EXTERMINATOR-A liquid, put up in bottles, snd never known to fill. "CUSTAR'S" ELECT'RIC POWDER-Fer Maths In Furs and Woollens, I* Invaluable. Nolhlngcan exceed lt for power and efficacy. Destroy* Instantly all Insects on Plants, Fowls, Animals, ste. "COST AR'S" BUCKTHORN HALVE-For Cuts, Burn*, Wounds, Bruises, Broken Breasts, Hore Nipples, Piles lu aU forma, Old Sores, Ulcers, and all kind* of cutaneous atTerUnna. No family should bs without IL lt oxoeedn tn efficacy all other Halves lu use. "COSTAR'H"COHN SOLVENT-For Corns, Bunions, Warta, Ac. .. COST AR'S " BITTER SWEET AND ORANGE BLOH SIMS-Beautifies the Complexion, br giving to tho skin a soft and beautiful frostiness, and is incomparably be? yond anything now In use. Ladles of bule and poatUon regard lt aa an essential to thu toilet. Au unprecedented safe la Its beat reoummendatlun. One bottle ts alway* followed by more. Try lt to know. "COSTAR'S" BISHOP PILLS-A universal Dinner Pill (aligar-co*ted), and of extraordinary efficacy for Cos? tiveness, all forms of Indigestion, Nervous .nd Sick Headache. A PU I that is now rapidly superseding all otb ors. "COSTAB'S" COUGH REMEDY-For Coughs, Colds, Hoarsouetu, Bore Throat, Croup, Whoop nug Cough, Asth? ma, and all forma of Bronchial, and Disses ea or Uni Throat snd Laug.. Aadress HENRY R. COSTAR, No. 483 BB0ADWAY. N. Y. D0WIE & MOISE. WHOLESALE AOENTs), No. lal ll astin 3 street, op post to Charleston notch Jone 17_ OLD ESTABLBD fiRlGMW E. H. KELLERS & CO., ILATB Pilli* St DORN) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, No. 131 MEETING STREET, Third door above Market HAVE LATELY RECEIVED LABOE ADDITIONS 10 their usual stock of pur* and frc ib DOOM MEDICINES DYE STUFFS EUROPEAN ALO AMERICAN FANCY OO0P? FINE SO/ PH TOILET POWDER3 POMADES' COSMETICS COMBS BRUSHES EXTRACTS, Ac. Comprising hivolosa from the meal reputable manu? facturara. Os hand, all the principal PROPRIETARY MEDICINES, Including Pre pira Uons Of AUB, JAYNE, HALL, CHEV? ALIER, DAVIS, WRIGHT, HOLLOWAY, ate. liso, t larg, assortm.nt of SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS TRUSSES SADDLE BAGS MEDICINE CHESTS GLASS METAL AND GUTTA PERCHA OOODS OLAB8WARB OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Great alttnUoa la paid to tho Importation and aeleo ttonof PURE AND FRESH DRUGS, and non* other are allowed to go out of the Establish? ment PRESCRIPTIONS compounded wi (li accuracy, and the public can depend on the utmost reliability In the execution of orders. E. II. KELLERS, M.D.Il BAER.M.I) March? SPECIAL NOTjCES.. ?*.-CONSIGNEES PICK STEAMSHIP 51AS UATTAK. ?rc uotiucd Ibat ?bo I? discharging rargo id tdgor'a South Wharf. good? (remaining on tho Wharf .'t MOMl will ?ajilirrly bo stored tl ownnra'risk ami m r?nse. STREET I1KOTIIEK3 A CO. Augnat Ml I AgonU. IN KyUITY.-imARLEBTON.-EXECU? TOR'S WM. 8. ELLIOTT, ir?. ELIAS HOHLBEOK. el ai. In purauanco of an order niado by Chancellor JOHNSON In thia cane, dated tba Otb dar ol Auguat 18C7, tho credi? ton ot tba i'ii tia of the lalo WILLIAM H. ELLIOTT. Enquire, ara notified to como lu and provo their claim i beforo nie, on or beforo tko ICIb day of September ucxt. Dr ba dobarred from all benefit ol any docrao hereafter t<? be mada in thia eue. J AM EH I Ubi'KU. Auguat lt) mw!) Mi tier tn Equity. " ?iT*NOTIO?-C(>N8iaNEES PER SCHOON E .1 HUHANNAU, from Haltlniura. ara notified of barest g I beiug Tliit Day disoharged at Hrowti A Co."a Sot'u Wharf. All Oooda unoallad for at auniet will be Mored at cipcuee. and riak of Confiante?. Auguat lil STREET BROTHERS k CO. n- NOTICE T > MARINERS.-C A P T AI NM AND PILOTS winking to anchor their veiaels In Ashley River, aro requested not to do no anywhore within direct, rango of tho hcada ol tho HAVANNAH RAILHOAO WHARVES, on Ibo churl n.t. m and HI. Andrew'* dide ot tho Ashley River; by which vrecautiou, contact with Ibo Hubiuarluo Telegraph baili? will bo avoided. H. C. TURNER, H. M. Harbor Manier'? Ofllce, charl....! in. February 0, WflO. February 7 AY???O LADY RETURNING TO Ht .t country burne, aller a sojourn ol a few uionlba la li J eily, wss hardly recognized by ber friend?. In place ? a coarse, matte, flushed face, abo had a soft ruby ceu - plexlon of almost marido ?luoolhucw, and Instead > tw uty-ib ree shu really appeared but eighteen. Upou i n - qulry as to tho causo of to great a dianne, abo plaint/ told Iben, that she lilied tho CIRCASSIAN HALM, and routldorcd it au Invaluable aeipibii (Inn to any lady'stollri. Hy Hs ?HOany I july or llentlemen eau Irnprove tbolr pei . sonal oppcaranec au huudtcd fold. It ls ?Implo lu il < conibiuatlon, as Natorxi herself 1? almpto, yet uruurpaioi. ed In lt? efficacy lu drawing impurltloa from, also heal? ing, cleansingaud beautifyingthogkln and comploxtou. By its direct action on tho cuticle lt draws from lt all lu Impurities, kindly heating the same, and leaving tho sur? face ss Nature intended lt should bo-clear, soft, smooth sud beautiful. Prico fl, sent by Mall or Express, on re? ceipt of sn or,lor. by w. L. CLARK A CO., Chomtata. No. ti West Fayette Htreet, Syracuse, N. Y. Tho only Aroertcau Agunta for tho sale of the same. Marrb 30 ly tttT THE GRAVEST MALADIES OF YOUTH AND EARLY MANHOOD.-ROW ARD ASSOCIATION ESSAYS, nu the Physiology of tho Passions, and lb? Errors, AbuHss aud Dltoaaos pacullar to the first aga ol man, with Reports on new mothods of treatment om phil ?il lu thia Institution. Bent in sealed lotter en? velopes, freo of ch arge. Address Dr. J. MCI.LIN HOUOHTON, Howard Association, Philadelphia, Pa. May 70 3mo SHIPPING, FOR GEORGETOWN, S. C., HU ( MIMI AT MOUTH ISLAND, K Kl 1 li? ll Kl CI), ANO WAVERLY MULCH. ST. HELB3STA, CAPT. D. BOYLE. WILL LEAVE BOYCE'S WHARF AS ABOVE TO NIOHT, tba 21et lust., at 6 o'clock; returning will leavo Ooorgotown at G o'click on Thursday JJternoon, the 23d luttant. Freight received TA ii Day until sunset, to be prepaid. For trclgbt engagements or paasaao, apply to SHAOKELFOBD A KELLY Agents, No. 1 Boyce's Wharf. August 21_1 FOR EDISTO. HOtTiV II.I.K AND WAY LANDINGS. THE STEAMER MORGAN, CAPT. JOS. F. TORRENT. WILL LEA VU BOYCE'S WHARF, FOR ADOVB points, Friday, Auguat 23d, at g A. H. For might engagsmeuts, apply on board. HOPER A STONEY, Auguat 30_8 Vandarbor?t Wharf. NEW YORK AND CHARLESTON People's Mail Stenmshlp Company. SAI LIN (I DAYS.IUI I ll H HA y H. THE STEAMSHIP 1VT O HST E JES. A s CAPTAIN MA RS HM AN, WILL LEAVE 8CUTH AT I. A M IO ' Wharf TAurrday. Auguit 22, at 12 J o'clock, SI > Lino composed of Steamers "MO NEK A" and "EMILY B. SOUDBR." JOHN a TH HO. GETTY, August 10 No. 48 East Bay. NEW YORK AND CHARLEST0?, STEAMSHIP LINE. PO It NJEW YORK. THE NEW AND ELEGANT 3TDEWHHEL STEAMSHIP MANHATTAN, WOODHULL, COMMANDER, WILL LEAVE FROM ADOER'B SOUTH WHARF on .SYifunfav Auguat 24. at 1 o'elook P. M. sra- AU outward Kralibt ?ng?|tmtnta must be matte at tb? oilier of COURTENAY S TRBNHOLM, No tt East Bay. a rf" For Passas; . and all mattera connected with tb? inward huilnees of tba Hhlpt, apply lo STREBT BROTH. SOIS k CO., No. 74 East Bay. STREET BROTHERS k CO., ? . COURTENAY k TRBNHOLM. J A*,UU> August 10_ fliROUOlI TI(IKBTST0FIJR1D?, . B Y I CHARLESTON AND SAVANNAH STEAM PACKET LINE eKIH-WEHKM, ? VIA BEAUFORT AND SE AB SOO KB' LANDING. WEEKLY, VIA BLUFFTON. STEAMER PILOT HOY., ..CAPT. W. T. MoNKLTY STEAMER FANNIE.OAPT. Y. PEC&. ONE OF THE ABOVE STEAMERS W ILL LEAVE Charle.ton every Afctvlay and Thursday iiormnps. at 1 o'clock; and Savannah every Wednesday and ynaay Mornings, at 7 o'elook. Touching at BluAon on Una day, trip from Charleston, and Wednesday, trip from Sa van uah. Frelobi received dally Irom 9 A. M. to ? I*. M., ju l stored free of charge All Way Freight, also Wurrion Wharfage, must be pre. paid. For fnight or paasaao, apply to JOHN FERGUSON, Accommoda tl on Wharf, Charl tab u. CLAGHORN k CONNINGHAMS, Agunta, ria Talinah, Os. FULLER k CE, ?nt?. Beaufort, 8. c. N. B.-THROUGH TICKETS told al thuoffloeui tba Agency In Charleston lo polo ta OB the Atlantic and Quit Railroad, and to Fernandina and pointa on the Ht John"? River. Angus! 1 ?teV YT/HIbKERS and MUS ?P*A VV TA0HEU forced to ff^Vk \ \\mvmm BT?w upou the smoothest BLcelW fi~^jr face In from three to Ava T?jrW I jgSjg? wwV? by ming Hr. bF.VIO- MsttSS ' BgGfL N E ' H HLbTAUHATSUR JSRaV ^Httk CAPILLAIRE, the most AHStt3B?> ^HHrT^ wond.rful dltonrory In mo- ^9?&^^ ?JJp1 dem acl.nce, toting upon asp tho Beard and Hair lo an almost miraculous manner. It has been used by th? elite of Parla and London with th? mott natterin? success. Narara of ?ll purchase, a wilt bereolsurod, and If entire aatiifactlon I* not giron in, every Inttance, the money will be cheerfully refund. 0. Price by mall, taxied and postpaid, fl. Datcrlptve cir. culara and testimonial? malled free. Ad drees HERO Ell, SHOTTS k CO., Cbcmtito, No. iii Iiiror street Troy, N. Y., Solo Agunta for tho United Stale? March 80 _sr THE HERALD. ?B PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT NEWBERRY O. H., AT $3 par annum, and, having a larg? circulation through all tho upper and lower Dhmicta of th) Stats, afford* great ad van tag re to tdverUaeTa. Rata? for adTSTtlaing Terr rceaonable-for which tppl* lo our Ag?st. Mr T. P. SLID ski, at th? Mills House flic*. F a ft, H. OftKNEKER KoT?mo*r_ ?KO rrouneiot*. THE SUMTER NEWS, DARR A 0.STEEN, Proprlotora. P?DLIHHED EVERY THURSDAY, AT SUMTER. S. O Subtcriptlr.n ft. 00 per annum. To Club? of four ta oo per annum. A. I vr ru tem? un Inter io 1 on h berti Una?, Deoemci.r a