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FBIOAT MORNING, APRIL 19, 18G7.? . , ? /.; ?/ : . OFFICIAL'. ' ? r " ?>?T;G%;XETTEES ""' Romaming In tho Poetofi leo a't Charleston. fo>- tho"woo'i onding APKU^, ,18.18G7, -an'd' ordorod to bo printo in Tat DA?L? NEWS'" agreeably to tho following section, o tho now Postoffico Law, as tho newspaper having th' largest circulation iix the City- or.Charleston: ? BxonbsCC. And bo it further ouactcd. That lists of let? ters remaining uncalled for in any Postofflcc in any city town or village, where a. newspaper shall bo printed, shall hereafter bo published once only in tho nowspap*-i which, being published weekly or oftener, shall have th> largest circulation within rango or dellvory of the sa.d KS" Persons calling for Letters Advertised, shout! state that they are "Advertised." ggf Omeo ho'us from 8 A. M. to G JP. M. On Sundays, from 9 o'chx-ic to 10 o'clock A. M. STANLEY G. TROTT, Acting Postmaster. . WOMEN'S LIST. A Cr P Adkins, Mrs S Good cup, Laura Porcher, Miss C Addison, Miss E T Gollalie, Mary L ? Arena, Mrs N Goodrich, Miss C Plefler, Mrs M 4 Alexander, Celia S Parker, Catherine ALquie. Mrs M A Guerard, Mrs E Q, Astte. Miss H M Quimby. Abbin M 1 Armstrong, Mrs Green, Molly E ll E D , Il Role? ff. Julia ? Atkinson, Susan Hamilton, Miss M Ramsev, Rose B Halsey, Ellon Reed, Hose ' Baily, Mrs C Homes, Lizzie Rogan, Mary Bates, Mrs M Barrisor, Anna Keade, Mary i Barrie, Miss W . Hanos, Susan Rinken, Mrs M , Barnfield, Julia Harrison. Mrs W Beeves, Miss M D Bell, Mrs S. Headley, Mrs EA Riley, Mary Ann i Bernald, Mrs J H Hicks, Betsey Riven; Mrs L , Belford, Mrs Houston, Sarah Riley, Mrs C Bee, Julia Ann Richardson, Mis A ?[ Bird, Elezia Hopkins, Mary D ii Blain, Jane . Hollen, Mary S Ross, Mary Jane Black, Miss E O A J ' Robeson, Mrs R Blum, Mrs M Johnson, Maria Robinson, Mrs E , Black, Emma C A Johnston, Hally Ronan, Miss H - Baroken, Mrs R Johnson. Margret Rodolph. Mrs L Boino, Mrs A Joyce, Mrs J : Robinson, Elezi- 1 Boyle, Mary K beth Bray, Julia Y Knox, Mary A Roper, Miss'N Britt, Miss G Knee, Miss J Rogers, Rachel Bron, Mary King, Mrs JB.- Ruxsell, Mary Bryant, Miss S K?nerty. Ellen S Brosnan, Mrs Keith, Boso Salters, Mrs P Burden, Mrs F L ? -' Scott, Mary Bose,'Caroline " Larcombe, Susan Secret, Mariah " Brownfield, Lucy Laun, Rose Sloot. Louise : C Laurence, Hattie Scott; Mrs A' Cambridge, Ellen- Lagree, Sarah Ann Shoo, Mrs JU . ;--. Laurence, Mrs Sheridan, Mrs M Canty, Miss R ? Larg, Amelia' B Cammer, Miss M Lee, All co Sheehan, Miss M Carew, Ellon Lee, Sarah R Cambridge, Ellen Legare, Elezia C ' Subert, Karolina Campboll, Miss A Lcppott, Mrs EG Slaton, Miss A . L Lourimoro, Annie Spann, Mrs L Chaplin, Mrs K C , Steelo, Mrs C G Chambers, Ann Lockwood, Lidia Stewart, Jennie Clark, Lillie M L?urimore, Mrs II Sullivan, Mrs J Clausen, Charlott W Swaeny, Mary Olsapor, Mary - Logan, Mrs AL Swygert, Miss A . Cordes, Miss H S -'I Swift, Hannah E .-"Cole, Mrs A Marco, Mrs A Sullivan, Mrs E O - Ookely, Mary . Manigtt, Miss L Smith, Elizia Cross, Molly Maynard, Mrs W Smith, Clara Cross, Mrs A M T, ! ? Middleton, Mrs S Toes, Mrs A M Donley.-Mrs HO: . A ' Tera ssl ger,' Elezia Derna, Miss H Millington, Sarah Tierce, Dianna Doolan, Mrs E '"" . T ?' ' Thompson, Susan Durmicken, Miss Middleton, Kate G E Middleton. Mrs W Taylor, Mary - . !.. B D Tann, Sarah Easterling, Miss Mosour, Amelia Tasker, Miss M M MT?drow, Mrs Ni V Eblin, Mrs EL O O alena, Miss A . Edgeson, Sarah Moffitts, Elezia W Elliott, Ann H Montgomery, Mrs Wallace, Susan . Ellis, Miss M BP Walton, Mrs A H Ellis, Mrs R Mood, laura ' Warrin; Grace Eden, Mrs M Moten, Misa L Wetins, Sarah F.. . Murnea,'Jane - White, Miss B W Fink, Miss S - Matthews, S Sallie White, Mrs J T Fitzgerald, Mary Martin, Lucy ; Wright,-Mrs E A Flemming, Ann. Mack, Sarah- Wright, Resta Floyd, Mrs A Me Walker, Mrs H Foly, Mary j\ McKinney,, Ra- Walker, Mrs V Folker, Ann' cheR Wilson, Mrs M Frost, Emma A McIntyre, Mrs F Wilson, Sarah. ', Fiant ti n ..Mrs H McKenzie, Julia Washington, Mrs' Frost, Emma A O JB Frank, Ellen Osborn,-Mrs J M Washington, Lon G O'Neill, Miss J isa Gilyard. Mrs A O'Neil, Miss M Williams, Mrs L Gibbs, Fannie O'Brien, Sarah Y Glover,Mrs C JP ". Yates, Amelia ' Presant, Anny '. MEN'S LIST. Aberle, John Hamill, Patrick O'Brien,- Cap Da Adams, Benjamin Hustedt, Daniel vid. . ? . . . C- Hans, Loreng O'Gren, John: ste Alexander, Thos Harrison, M H O'Gren, J F . AlstorU'S W-'".' . Hanck,;A . . . O'Neal A McGee ' ARenXBtohard" '. Hammond, Cap W O'Sullivan, Tho- ? ? AllrtonTW?--1--- M mas '-' Alston, J Motte .'. Hammond, Will : O'Sullivan, J P Andrews,-J-R ' - - (c?l'd) r ? Oschatz, Gustav Asher, Henry D Harris, Henry Owens, S A , - Aubin,OT'?-'? Hammond-, Henry F" B Hess, Wilhelm Panzerbeite, Cap Baxst, David Heiserman, Geo tain Barrett; Charles S Hegerman. H . Patterson, J Barlow. WH H?nze, C Painter Perez, J M Baker, SB Hilton, James W Pelen, Alfred Ball, Ellas Hines, J M & Co Piercy, Maj Henry Bassett; O H Howard. Richard Phillips, Winiam Becker, AHA- : Homes A L?ng H Boanett, CE Hoffman, A H St Pinkney, Paul.i?; Bennett, O W . Hughes, George Pinkney, William Benton, Cap LD Coffin: . . (ctd'd) -. - Behrens, H Hedy, Milos . Piercy, Major Bischoff, F.G Wil- Hyney, Philip . ' F.nclmey,CM helm ? J ,.; Powers,.Peirce Blasland, Wm Jarobs, J S Pc pe. Thomas. Bliss A Co Jackson, TL ' Pritchard, Tom Blanken, Claus H Jenkins, James Preston, James Bostwick, Eugene Jenkins, Jam M Pujo, Signor Gior G . ;: \*i Jeffords, Thoms - gie Bohlmann, Fritz Jinnctt, Jas PntzeLE' :" Britton, EH Johnston, Jacob H, ' Brauer; Herrn, Johnson, Noah?- Quirk,E J - Wilhelm Johnson, FL R Brookman, W G Jones, Pasknll E Ramm, Charles " Bradhead, John Judown, Jacob Rantin, JH '-" A '' ? " " IE . Bendall. J F . Brown, F B ? Kennedy, Rev - Reynolds, Wm -Brown, J T . Crommond Ben wick, W C Brown, Edward King, B F - Riocke, Gerhard Brown, .MD Kiley, Wm Richardson, W A (col'd) King, Bartholoms A Son Brown, B- Kuhrken, John Rice, CH " Brown, F L L Robinson, John D Brown, RD Le?en, Georgo &.lir.jcs Butler. Benj Laren ce. BOT E Roberson,. John D Burger, Jno : ' Ladson,. James Robertson, Thoa Burns, Barnard F (col'd) J Burmeister, W. ' Law, Wm F . Rodgers;Pinckney Burns, John Escombe, Angus- :-3>i ; Burmester, wa-? : tas P ?umly.'Frnncis helm -, a. Lewis, Alpert Ryan, ? T i Bulger k Catr?X [Lomond, Rev EA S Byrne, John Lisles, Richard SanSers, Henery . C. - ..- Lee. WiRiamG Sandland,TW Canady, John (freedman) Schroeder,-Mr Carcber, Wm Leiaining, G Sonddy, Robert Cattley, Col lisles. T L - (freedman) ' Joseph " Utehart, William Schroder; Joh Calwell, George R Seabrook, John - Carraher, Thomas Lighthart, Truall Seabrook, Rev W ? Cliislm, William Logan, .Simon.. ?-? Clarke, J M ?; Lockwood. Dr S Simonas,-Henry " Clarke, Thomas L simmons. Robt Consel, Freebnan Lopez, Eugene Schoeffer,OT - Collina, G H Lockwood; Joshua Simmons; W W - Consel, John BI Singlotary, Jas D Cook, FW Mattheissen, Jn- Smalley, Band J Commerforae, J lins (col'd) Coonley, Jacob F Marx, Moses State, Henry Corker, Cap G W- Monago, T (col'd) Smith; Capt John Conner,OP . Merly,John W - Croeft,Samuel Myers, William Smith,RA - Crawford, Israel E Smith, Angelo . JO -i Millner, John.K Smalls. Rev C Derwost,WHH Minges.JA Small, JS Dowe, Y P - . , ? Middleton, C H Sprig, Ross - Douglass. Bobert (col'd) ' .Speisseiger, Dr - Doran. Wm Michell. Jane Thos W Drswdy, Tsbam MitoheH, Julius Speloseiger, T W Drayton, Samuel Mickle, Joseph Spodick, J S DubruUe, Leon Moses, Levi - Stevens, John Duckwilder, Sam Mortimore, John Stevens, JD (col'd) R Stnkney, Ohas L, Duffey, Frances Montgomery, E P Jr i t SS Motte, John ' ' StroppeLFG Edwards, J P Ile - Steward, John Elliott, Bobert P McBesth, Bast?n Suerney, W H Fills, Thomas J McBride, Bernara ?? ?- - .V Erickson. Charles McCante, Lock- .. . Utes, John F . . . ;wood . -"j- W Pager, Lewis ' ' MoCantB, i, A :>. Watter, Edward " Ferguson, Daniel McClure, RC . Walkor.'Nat Frederick, Mr .?.i McEwar?v"0-F.-~; WStson.TAt (Italian) . ! McDonald," Mr Mc Washington, Jas Finch, James ggs McGume, Jamoa; walsh,--P C Pisher.Lt Thomas -E ' ~ Walker; James M - ':? . .:. - MacGmre. Hugh Webb", Phil G Fleming, ED . McGnire, O G Weeks, Jos W 'Fowler, AD McPherson, Nep- Whaley, Georgo Frazier, Mr tune' w (col'd) N Whit , William Ot Nelson, Charles Wilkinson, PP < Garves, John ' Neal, Marke Whiter, J L Gaylor k Wagner Neugent, Henry Whisker, Mr GecoUa, J A Nickerson, Cop Whitton, D E Gebhardt, Louis Thomas . Wigger, Hermann Gibbons, John Nickerson, Deon Williamson, Chas Gr???VTH D A Oraefer, John C O Whitlock, J R Gartjan, J T O'Brien, J W k Williams, Monday H. Bro Workman, J H Hammond, Paul O'Brien, Martin Z Hall, Mr Oakley, H W Zonoguera, H .;>.Ziegler, WO ?a-Persona depositing letters in tho Post?nico wm please place the stamp near the upper right hand cor* uer of the envelope, and they wfll also picoso to remem? ber that without the stamp a letter cannot be nrajlAri, but wfll be sent to tho Dead Lotter Office. . April li) COMMERCIAL. Kxport? for th? Weeli ending Thursday April M.! POBEION. LIVERPOOL-Per Br brig Albert-43 toes Coo', go tons Pig Iron, 900 sacks "Salt, 68 crates Crockery, 1 case Wearing Apparel, to Order; 1 Package, to G A Hop ley A Co..-. .Per bark Norton-26G bales Sea Island Cotton, 1607 bales Upland Cotton. DOMESTIC. BOSTON-Per bark R B Walker-S bales SI and IV. oaies up?and Cotton, 102 bbls Spirits Turpentine, 220 tons Old Iron and Metals, lot Hides, 9 bales Raga and Ropo Cuttings, and Sundries. " HEW STORK-Per steamship Granada-?80 bales 81 and 377bales Upland Cotton. M bales Domestics, lio bbls Rosin, 41packages Sundries, i? bbls Green Peas, . tierce Rice, 8 boxes Dried Fruit..... .Per steamship EB Souder-10 bags Bland HO bales Upland Cot? ton, 88 bbb Rosin, 12 bales Yarn, 36 bales Domes? tics, 97. Turtle, 31 bbls Oreen'Few, 33 cases Sun? dries. .Per sehr Mcnewa-170,008 foet Lumber. ' .Per sehr Lilly-63 bales Upland Cotton, 21 casks Bice, 192 bbls Rosin, ll bbls Spirits Turpen? tine, io empty Barrels, ? boxes Fmrrdnire, 17 casas Mdxa. 95.912 feet Flooring Board?. PHILADELPHIA-Per 'steamship J W. Brennan-40 balea Cotton, 50 casks Bice, 30 bale* Paper Stock, 1 balo Hag*, 1 bale Paper Cuttings, 15 bales Yarn. 50 casks Clay, 8.bbl* Rosin, 110 empty Barrels, 25,000 feet Lsmber. - -4 ? BALTIMORE-Per sehr Joseph Allen-29,000 ft. flooring board*. Par steamship Se* Grui-1:1? bales Upland Cotton, 25bales Yam, 391 bbls Rosin, 60 bbls Spirits Tt? pectins, 10 crates and 1 cask Dry Bones, a bales ^ecp-ikins, 16 bag* Peas, 3fi packages, ?8 Empty NEWPORT, R I-Per sehr S J Waring-163,956 ft Floor TUE ClIAttLKSTOS jUACSUlT. | 1 ros rax TflK SXDXXO THOTWCAT. AITOX IB. 1SGT. I ; Yid ay ?? ttl TneSdJy. Mffl^iyf ftq^og sj^Jiogat 20c. ? lb., whin orTTmproTod demand' took placo and prices 1 b'dened, tho ratea advancing; about a half-cent f) lb, i liddllng Cottonselling at28^26 ,M<". - Thia condition of < hv marirec continued until yesterday, when j newe of ' Iroopingpricoa ai Liverpool' caused a suspension of ; transactions. T,.-?. ' . : .. - . -. ; Tho receipts for the week amount to HG "bales of Sea stand Cotton and 131!) bales of Upland Cotton, against 02-brio* Sw? Island'and 2334 bales' of - XJptvud"Cotton tho veek^beforo. -(ii.. :'-:-?'>?' ? -.-.? ,' Thc following statement exhibits tho daily character ol his markot for tho post week :. ' .On Eriday1 thc 12th insL.'a fair inquiry prevailed, buy irs ope ra ting to tho extent of 323 bales, at about the ates of the day before-say for Ordinary 34c. ; Low Mia? lling 2Bc. ; Middling 20c fl ft. On Saturday tho sales wore about SOO boles, prices in lome transactions in the lower qualities of the staple King easier, but the ratos wore generally without change, diddling Cotton soiling at 2Cc. fl Ss. On Monday there ivas a fair inquiry, but sellers were iffering only a light ?tock; seles 134 boles, at unchanged motat'.o..*; aUddling Cotton being quoted at 26c fi ft. On Tuesday, with .a .good demand .and light stock, ir tees advanced in most transactions Kc. ^ lb ; sales ?7 bales'; Middling Cotton soiling at 20a2B)?c. fl Hi. On "Wednesday on active demand prevailed, buyers ?eneraily oporoting at the prices of the day before; soles 00halos;MiddlingPplands?:26s26J?c. ^ &. . .. j; j 'Yesterday tho depressed condition of tho Liverpool' narket brought business hero to a stand, and tho only isles were a lot of 12 bales at 25c. fl lb. Tho business lone not being sufficient to establish quotations, they ire omitted. ... SEA ISLAND COTTON.-There has been much dullness n this quality of Cotton, and business. could only be ransactcd at very low prices. The soles, which amount id to about 250 bales for .mo week, .have boen gen ?raUy at about *8a50c. fl lb for ordinary Sea. Island, ind ?BiiSOc fl16 for Floridos, according to quality. The iner grades are not in demand.. COLTON STATEMENT. , ? S.ItTd- Upl'd. Bice. 3tockon.handSeptL1866;-. 235 8,300 .... Bccclved.h-om April ll to 16, '07.... 1*0 1,919 181 Received previously.14,233 119,208 10,781 Total receipts.....14,614 126,427 10,962 EXPORTS. S.Td. Up'd. Bice. c From April 12 to 18, ' '67......:...... 409. 2.512 74 . Previously..13,481 114,907 9,103 13,890 117,419 . 9,237 _ , Total exports. .'.._13,890 117,419 9,237 Stock on hand and on shipboard.... 724 9,008 L725 BAME.XDIB LAST YEAH. > ' - : & ria. Vpl'di. Bice. Stock on hand Sept L 1865.. 362 1,610 100 Received from April 12to 18.'60.... 61 2,871 116 Received previously_.- 4,295 73,494 . 3,318 .Total receipts.'..:...... 4,718 77,975" 3,531 EXTORTS. " S. rd. 'Up'd. Bice. From April 13 to 19, '67. 27 " 1,889 10 Previously.....-.14,175 70.253 2,605 4,202 72,142 2 675 Total exports._.4,202 72,142 2,67! Stock on hand and on shipboard.... 516 5,833 . 851 RICE.-The receipts of this grain continuo nesrlj nominal, and the market has. a stiffer : tendency under i light stock. Buyers have been "prevented from opera ting in consequence of the limited supply offered for salt and the advanced views.of holders. We hear vi .sales o about 100 tierces. Clean Carolina, among which were ta tierces ot 9#cfl ft., ona 10 tdercos at 10c\V ft^-?Wi quote tho .market ot 9??c fl ft. for Fair Clean Carolina 10c fl lb for Good Cloon Carolina, holders, however, ar in most instances asking an improvement on these rates NAVAL STORES.-The seoeipts of tho week amount t about 67 bbls. Spirits Turpentine, 360 bois. Rosin, most ly pale, and 75 bbls. Crude Turpentine. The Spirits wa disposed of at 68a69c fi gallon. Pale Rosin at $0a$8 6 fl bbL, and No. 2 and Common at SSaSS 50 fl bbl. Vii gin Turpentine sold at $4 75a$5 fi bbL . - HAT.-The increasing arrivals, say about " 1400, bale for the-weck has had a depressing effect upon the ma; kot, and lower prices- had to be accepted-to make salei In the first part of the week some transactions too place at S2 60 fl hundred for North Rivez-, hut later abor 300 bales of this quality was sold from the wharf at. ?2. fl hundred. -i ..iii - ? CORN.-For some days post the market hos hoe steady; with moderate demand prevailing, thc; r&*ipt which amount to 50,000 bushels, having gen orally passe into second hands. We not? the. following eales :_.'I3< bushels of prime white at SI 51 f) bushel, -weight, ba< included; 3400 bushels of Pennsylvania white, to arriv at $1 51fl bushel, Weight; bags included; 10,000 bunhe primo white in bulk "at $132 fl bushel; measure; 101 bushels mixed at $148 fl bushel, weight, bags inoludei 1200 bushels yellow at ?51 50 fl bushel, weight, bogs i eluded. . Tho market closed yesterday rather duli. ..J OATS.-The arrivais of this grain amounted' to abo 4000 Iraahels for the week. ' Some 3000 bushels In ba, were sold at85?86c fl bushel, bags Included. Thoms set moy bo quoted at 8?@86c fl' bushel, bags tnclnpfci FLOUR.-With a fair'stock and limited demand, prie during the week have generally continued without mai rial alteration. Soliera,- however, show a disposition advance their rates. We continue previous quotation soy-$11.75@$12 fl bbL for Northam and Weste; Super; $12.75@$13.25 fl bbL for Northern and Weste Extra; Baltimore Super ?12-60@S13 fl bbL, and Extra d ot ?l??5)S15 fl bbL Choice Family brands sell at S17 SJ8"fibbL ..:'....'. "" *':-:- ' - , BACON.-The inquiry for this.article is mod?rai with a coed stock on band. Wo quote - prime Shouidc atll>?c@HJ?. fl lb.; primo Ribbed Sides at 13@13i< fl lb.; prime Clear Ribbed Sides at 13X?13S?c fi fi oed Clear Sides at 14)?c fl m. ; .'??" SUGAR AND MOLASSES.-There was a sale during f week by-Messrs. J. A Es BLOW 4: Co. of portions of sc oral cargoes of Cuba Sugar and Molasses The follow! were disposed of : 6 hhds.' Muscovado Sugar at llJic lb., 6 hhds. do. do. ot ll%c, fl ft., 10 hhds, do. at ?3c Ib., 7 do. do. at i2%e fi ft ; .30 hhds. Cuba Clayed ii las jes at47>ic fl gallon, 5 hhds. do. do. ofisjic ft g lon, 40 tierces do. do. at 51c fi gallon, 20 bbls. do. do. 53c. fi gallon. , . -. ..: SALT.-There have been received about 7000 ssc direct from Liverpool during the week.' A - shipmont J300 sacks was sold from the wharf on private, term IO0O sacks from the wharf at $165 per sack. We que the market from fl ,60@1 65 pcrrsack jforcomirionlivi pool," as to Size of lot and ?rm^<H?YW ^?pif>|>(~. . BAGGING AIiD ROPE-Gunny Cloth, is extrem* dull' and nominal, 'and we quote trom'25@26c fi yard ROPE.-There is but Utile inquiry for thte arUcle;.Prii Hemp may be quoted at 20c ft ft.,' ana Jute 12J?c" fl ', - TIMBER AND LUMBER.-There is affair-supt of Timber; with only a light demand. "We renew o rotes, say for Common -Timber' $4@*5 fl M; fora! Timber' $6@*S, -and Shipping- Timber-"?12 '19 : Raft Lumber is selling at ?12@$14 fi M; City Stet Sawed is held at $1S@?25 fi M. FREIGHTS.-To Liverpool-By sa?' J.d. fi ft. i Upland Cotton. We quote the rate on Upland ot Ji fl ft, and on Sea Island Cottonjid. fi ft. To Havre, li. fl ft. on Uplandand 2c ft ft. ou Sealsland. To tho Wi Indies nothing doing. Coastwise somewhat nominal New York, by steam, 75c fi bale on Sea Island a Upland Cotton; 75c. fi tierce on Rice; 40c fi b on Rosin; by soil, are quite nominal. To Boston, to 9-16 cent fi lb. by sail. To Philadelphia cent lb. on Upland Cotton: by steam, -.and .% ceut-fi s ft. soil To Baltimore-The steamers take Cotton for Liv pool, to bc re-shipped by steam through at New Ti steamer's rates; on Lumber, by sail, to New York, Phi lelphia and Baltimore S5@6 GO fi_M.. EXCHANGE-Sterling Bills-The rate yesterday y msettled, and wo quota nominally 640@C44 to the pou iterliug for GU days' billa. DOMESTIC EXCHASOE.-The banka are purchasing 81$ Jhecks on New York at X per cent off; five; to t lays, X per cent, discount off; ten to fifteen days, >er cent discount off; twenty to twenty-five days, : >er cent, off; twenty-five to thirty days, 1J? per cent. < rhey sell Sight Drafts on New York at ii fi cent, i nimn. GOLD.-The brokers were yesterday buying at 3 md selling at 35K. Angusto Market. ATJOUSTA, April 17.--Ccrroif.-'Ibo market, in genet vas dull to-day and prices a half cent off since yesterd Vedo not fee! Justified in giving quotations, and < inly refer to soles for them. The sales amounted to Miles, as follows : lot 16,3 at 23, 4 at 34, 47 ot 24K. ? !5,7 at 25>?. 35 at 25J?, 30 at 25?, and 14 bales at : rho receipts were 104 bales. FINANCIAL.-Tho money market was unchanged lay. GOLD.-The brokera are buying at 13ial35, and sell it 136: ...';.'-*, .v.':.-' ;,';. ; / Hn.VKB.-~Brokers are buying at 128, and selling at J SxctTBTtXEs.-Quiet. ' TPtlnrl-gtort Mari ct. WILMINGTON, April 17.-TTJOPENTISS-Only < rmall lot received, and sold at ti tor yellow atp. i ?76 for hard. . fiprarrs Trmres-rirz-Market firm. Sales of 64 1 it 70 cents, and 70 do at 71 cents per gallon, Rosin-Soles ol 600 bbls at $2 85 for Common, $3 drained Common, ?4 25a5 for Ho 1, and S6a8 60 for I is in quail tv. ' ' . . . No soles reported in Tar. CoTTOM-Sales of 31 bales at 34Ko for Middling. PSA NTJT3-A lot of 200 bushels sold to-day ot 82 1 ?r btisheL ?;',; " , .' '';. 'J';; :,i .. .' Beltimore Marltet. BALTIMORE, rApril 16.-COTTON-With light'race ind daily diminishing stock holders are firmer, and t nore inquiry from buyers the sales reported to? mi cunt to 100 bales on a basis of VI ?ie for Middling and. .;: ?? ? *' CorvEB-Was in lei? active demand to-day ; tho ? tale reported being 400 bags Bio, ox Swedish brig El erins not transpired.' Holders ore steady and ma rlUiout anv quotable change. . vi FLOUB-Rcmslns dull, though without quot mango. Tho Bolea are confined to small lots to the b vithln our former range of prices, aa follows : Inward-street Soper and Out Extra.. .sn so @512 . ?oward-etrcet Shipping Extra. ia 60 to 13 i ?oward-etreet High Grades........... 13 BO- (a 15 .Tnwwi^treet Family....... u 50. ? .lg-, )hio Hupor and Cot Extra..-. ll 00 ? ll < )uio Eitra Shipping. 00 00 2 00 >hio retsuing:-................ 00 oa-2-oo )liio Family... 14 60 @ 16 iorlhwostorn Super................. 11 00 ? n iorthwostern Extra. ...... la 60 @ 14 ?tyMfllsSnper..................... II 00 a-IX' ats Mille, Standard Batra..-13 35 S 13 Sty Mflls Shipping brands Extm..?. . 15 60' ? 17 Sol tim ore, Welch's k Greenfield Fam'y 18 00 @ 00 tal?moro Ugh grade Extra........... 17 60 1? qr> tyoFlour, new.:..?.-......?-.,..., 8 SO &. Si lorn Meal. City Mill*........... ..... 5 50 r?i'00 GBATK-Wheat-Only BOO bushels offered: no, m notations nominally unchaged. Com, 11,250 Irai rblt? and 10,000 bushel* yellow received; saaSat ii ve and pricos fartbor receded 2c on white: we Te iles of 4500 bushels white st? SOal 33i 7600 bus ellow at a 30al 21; and 300 bushels nrixed at ? tye i* 'nigher; with sale* of 200 bushels at Si 67. and 100 io at ii 70. Oats. 1700 bushels ottered, but ouly sales MMgtarwqWtf UUMlttg ?TT?c^ittcT^aO do At7Gcp?r rushoL .. ; ,j ... . . MOULES-No ; aSlcs; stock; ot Cuba fair and held Lrzu. .... v .. ....' -Wm, FEED-Is scarce and iu demand ; wo quote os >eiore, ror;I5rowiisraffa at 37ol0 ct? ; Ujht Middling 43a [6 ct?, good de.-?5a50 eta, and extra heavy 60n?5c??pcr raBhoL 'Pnovisi?KS.-There isa steady fair Jobbing demand 'or bacon. Hales foot up 100 casks, and lncludo should jrs'ot lO.MalOJi els., rib sidos 12al2.'.? cts., .-lear rib Vij?a 12l? c!?.. plain hams ISalG,',; cts., sugar cured xHaltii cts. rabudo for best brands canvased. Bulk moat? oro quirt; lold at 9 cte. for shoulders, an'd Hall Jj ct?, for sidos. Lard-sales of 25 tres Western nt 13J? per lb. Mess pork telling in small lots at S24 pur bbl. RICK-Is bclc"< steady, for Carolina 10J?oll cts., and Etangoon 9 ? ct* yer lb. Stock light ; no solos reported. SAXT-With liiht imports and fair lobbing demand tho stock is low, and prices steadily maintained ; we quote is before, viz : For Liverpool Ground Alum $2 20; do Fino S3 20 "P sack, and Turk's Island 60aC2 eta 3* bushel, imports to-day, 9964 sacks from Liverpool. Soo AB-Imports continue quito freo; thors oro four cargoes reported in tho bay from tho West Indios. Tho xtarket to-day won dull; no sales worthy of remark. We lUU quote fair to good relining 10.i.?al0>? ct?; grocery rradee also uncliangod. WHISKEY-Continues dull and nominal as before quot? ed, viz : for free S2o2 05, and In bond 30a32 cte V, gallon. New Torie SXsrltet. MONEY ST?RKET. . .;* The Now York Commercial Advertiser, ot Tuesday, thc 11th inst,, says : ' The money market continues to increase in ease. 1 he janka hovo ample oalanees, and aro offering freely to lrst class borrowers at 0 per cont oh stock, and 5 per | xnt on Governments. The discount market shows rather moro case. Primo paper ?3 in activo demand at 6,'?a7>? per cent. -' "PEOD?CE SIAKKET. NEW TOBE. April 12.-FLO un, ?c.-Tho Flour mar tot is dull, and commoh grados aro. GcaTOc lower. Tho Sales aro 4500 bois at $10 15all 25 for superfine ??ato; Sil 35al2 40 extra State; S12 50al3 40 for choice State; MO 15all 25 for suporfite Western; 311 OOal.l for I common to medium extra Westora; $13 10al4 70 for ohoico Western; $12 25ol3 35 for common to good ship? ping brands extra round hoop Ohio; and $13 40att 75'for trade brands, tho market closing quiet. ' Southern Flour is quiet. Sales 150 bbls at $12al3 40 for common, and $13 50al760 for fancy and extra. California Flour is quiet and firm. Sales 800 bbls and; I sacks at SIS nOalG 25. , Corn Meal is more active, with sales 850 bbls Brandy? wine at $615a6 20. ' . GEAIH.-Tho Wheat market is dull, and Spring ls nom? inally easier. Sales 20.000 busbB at ?2 65 for No. 2 Mil- I waukco: $3 35 for White Canada, and White California on private terms. ' .- . Bye is quiot and lower. Sales G000 bushels Western at | $148alG0. Tho Corn market is dull and without decided chango. Sales 16,000 bushels at 31 2J?l 30 for Mixed Western; in store, and $131 for now Yellow Southern afloat. Oats are quiet. Sales 28,000 bushels at 73a74o for ' old and new Western; and 79a80c for State: . ? . COTTON-Tho market is decidedly less active, but prices are without decided change. . Stoles 1500 bales, at 27?a2Sc for Middling Uplands, chiofl. at27^c; - BICE-I? quiet, with Bales since our IP- t of 490 bags Rangoon, in bond, at a prie sot made public. COFFEE-Is quiet, and s -rely so firm. Sales nineo onr last 510 bags St Doming m.private terms. : .SUOAB-Ia quiet and drooping.. Sales since our lost ! 1200 bhds, at loallj?c for Cuba; 10J.ial2.Jic for Porto Rico, and 620 boxes Havana at 10al2Kc. MOLASSES-Is in moderate request. Sales since our j last 493 hhds; Muscovado at G3a58c. fi I Ho?ih-Aro quiet and slr-.1Salos 30 balee, at 30a65c for new crop. HAT-Ia quiet and firm. Sales at $1 6501 70 for ship? ping, and $190o2 10 for retail lots. TEA-Is quiet with salca.of 610 half chests Japans at full prices, j . i OnU-linseed la dull at SI 30al 32. -' PnoVISIONS-The Pork market ia dull and lower; sales 3500 bbls, at $22 56a22 81 for now Moss, closing at $22 CO cash'; $22a2212 for old Mess; S19al9 25 for prime, and $21 87a22 for prime Mees; also, 1250 bbls new Mess ct $22 87ax3 18, seller and buyer April and May. ; Boefls steady.'- Sales 300 bbls at S12a20 for now plain Mess, an'd-S18 50a2S 50 for now extra Mess, j Beef Hams aro firm at $40a43. Cut meats oro heavy and lower. Salos 285 packages, at 8?ia9J?c for shoulders, and lvaiss'c for horns. . Bacon 1B dull. Sales 170 boxes Cumberland Cut at 10>iol0 5-lCc j Lard is dull and heavy. Salos 750 bbls ot 12ol3c for new. and small lots at lanais>j'c. Butter is unchanged, at lOalGc for Ohio, and 17a31c for State. Cheese is heavy at ISolSJic 'HXBKET--ls'quiot. - A'AIXOW-IS lower. Sales 123,000 lbs at 113-lOc. . . PETROLEUM-In quiet, at 16c for crude, and 27o27??c for refined, in bond. ' "FEEIOirrs--To Bremen, 1500 bbls rosin at2s4&d; 400 bales cotton at %c\, and per steamer, 500 bolos cot? ton at l>id. - - [From the Commercial Advertiser.] ? NEW YOEE DBI Goona MA-BEET, April 13.-Tho con? tinued decline in cotton encourages buyers to demand concessions, and where stocks are ample, holders of goods are pressing them to some extent. The activity in light spring and Bummer goods hos not been equal to the expectations of manufacturera, and there is some concessions reported. Brown shootings and shirtings are rather quiet for the. season, and prices of all grades hove a downward tendency. ' Bleached sheetings have been reduced in price, and a few goods of medium grades have boen taken. Stripes and ticks have been in very light demand, and prices tending downward. Denims oro lower, and in moderate request. Prints are in rather botter request for desirable stylo than most othr^goods. although there is some talb ot lower prices.- LewnsarO not aa active aa cipoeUrd, and jobbers find it dffnmilt tn. obtain" even the low-rates- paid-'at 'tho recent auction sales. Woolen .Goods aro -without im? provement or feature of interest. Thc manufacturers are quite dissatified with, tho condition of the market, and ore curtailing production. Some new styles of fine cloth are wanted, but generally the market is nominal There is a slightly improved, bujslnese in FOTCign-Goods, especially for thc mo ? -desirable springend summer styles, French gooda, jaconets and other thru dress goods oro in request linen goods are of slow sale. Silks arc fairly active. Fine woolens ore wanted. The impor? tations are still loss than lost season, although above the active wants of tho market. Boston Dry Goods aiarlcet. BOSTON, April IS-For the week ending Friday, April 12-tFrom tho Shipping List].-Theie seems to be a bet? ter feeling among tho Dry Goods trade and both Jobbers and. retailors hovo boen quite busy during the week. Fine brown sheeting and shirtings continuo to be sold np and oro in excellent demand. -Wo quote Indian Or? chard Cs af' 16j?c DB at 15J?C, W at 14<?c, and L ot 13 ye Medium heavy sheetings ore in demand. Corset jeans are: quite active and sold by agents to arrive at im? proved prices. Medium bleached goods are dull and prices ore low and unremnn erative. Ticks have been in fair de? mand, but striped shirtings are dulL The market for prints haa Improved a little, and jobbers hove had a rush? ing trade for all kinda, with the prospect of a good de- j maud for florae weeks.; Wo ?quote Cochcco, Pacific ona ? SpragueWe. Ham?tbnl6>?al7>?c, and Manchester. Dan? nel!, Allon and American 16K& . Thc various styles of prints are quite attractive. Hie Hamilton Co have some ve-.y handsome, styles of tight ground, which are not only as well'printed but "oro better cloths than some prints that command a higher price. There"ls~?o chong* to notice in delaines; the stock in first hands aro well sold up ot the prices quoted last week. - There has been a fair business doing in Woolens the past week, but man? ufacturers continue to be disappointed with tho trade, and the improvement is not such- as was anticipated with tho fine spring weather. Choice new styles of cassmeres Bell readily. Fancy eloakings aro in active demand. 8Hk mixtures and double-twist cassmeres are selling moderately. [From thc Shipping List.]' BOSTON Boor AND SHOE MAUSET-For the week end? ing April 12.-There hos beeb o better feeling in the boot and shoe market, and more demand than. we. hovo no? ticed for several weeks. The trade is represented to be very good in the West, aud orders from that section ore coming ju more freely. Buyers having bought lightly so tar are now wanting more goods, and there is a pros? pect of a good trade for some weoks to come. The quan? tity cleared at tho Custom House hos boen os follows: ' . 1867. : 1806. For the 2,615 979 Since January 1.39.598 37.953 Total...;...-......Ly;..>'. ?42,203 38.932 ! Showing au increase, compared' with last year of 3271 Exporta or Cotton ?EOBt THE TOBT Or CHABLESTOK, 8. C., COMMENCING 1ST ; . SEPT., 1866, To AHin. 18, 1867, mciAJsrVE. , '? WHENCE EXFOBTED. Liverpool. HuR. London... Glasgow... Cork. 1,973 . iXL778 Total to Great Britain. 1,973 Havre. Marseilles.. Bordeaux and Rochelle.. Nantes. ;l?953 1,953 "?? Total to France.. Busala-Northern Ports. Russia-Ports of Block Sea. Sweden and Norway. Denmark..... . Spain-Ports on the Atlantic Spain-Ports on Modtterran'n. Hamburg........... ......... Bremen...... ........ Cuba.. ..'?Ti..,. Total other Foreign Ports. ?ow York.... Boston.-. Philadelphia. Baltimore.... Savannah.... Wilmington., lockson ville.. 91 91 1,632 1191 3?! 133 45,809 5,929 . 2.694 .6,624 ?47,44! 6,078 2,633 6,757 Total to Coastwise Ports..-. Grand Total............ . 1.953 60,956 62,009 3.926 124,7981 128,724 Charleston Wholesale Prices. ABTTCLBS. 26 BAGGING, ? yard ?.".'. Dundee......... . ? Gunny Cloth*...'. '... l;?........ BALE BOPS, fl lb-Manilla.. Western...;. New York. Jute.,". OREAD, f&. ' Navy....,.....?..,,...., Pilot. -. ?S,..'. .*......: r i Crackers........'........'.. BRICKS.?,-A.......". BRAN, T! 100Dst..:.;. OOTTON, ?I Ib- '- . Ordinary to Good Ordinary..... '?" \ TxswMiddling:....:..;:.... Middling to Strict Middling.... GoodM&dllng........ ........ . Sea Island .............-.. 7ANDLES, Ih-Sperm. ' AdfiiiiHiUUUw,.:...... ..: Tallow.... 70FFEE, 3* &-Rio. Eaguiyra,. Java.......................... 10RDAOE, 9 lb-Manilla........... <>..?'> Tarred American. TORN MEAL, ? bbl.._ 10AL, 9 ton-Anthraclto..... ...... Cumberlond..........;....... 10PPER, .? nWatee*.......'........ FERTILIZERS Peruvian Guano. ^ ton. . Pacific Guana, V2000 lbs. ' Bough's Phosphate, 9 9000lbs Rhodes' Phosphate, 2000 lbs... Mopos'SuperPhosphate,? 2000 ft . Zfll's Raw Bono Phosphate..... ' ZOU**Super Phowphotoof Lime, TOH-Cod, 100 lbs................ ' Herring, ? box.. Mackerel, No. 1. half bbl..... Mackerel, No. 2, ? hilf bbl... .. ' Maace-reLNo.3, V bbL......... '- Mackerel. No. 1, by kita. --'.- , ' Rsi.8....'.i,... *.;',. So.?..,.,..,.-....;..-'... - . Sardines,. V100-ouortcr boxes, ?.'"' ?? Half boxes....) 48 (d> fLOVR, "ilbbS-Sup*!.JH.7S ?12.00 ,.. Northern -^Western:Extra,;v?113.7s ?13.00 > '??: -.IMttmore anB]^^-;....;;^;^.^;!^^.'^!?^^ 40 ? 25 @ 24 @ 20 @ 23 - ? - 12K@ - .10 @ - ? 12 O ;15 9.00 ?20.00 S3 ?_ _ - 64 25 @ 19 (A ? 45 '- @ - 26 & 28 6.00 ? - (au.oo nominal." 58 ? ' 60 loo.ooja -?. 76.00 I-;; _: 60.00 S - 65.00 ? - 65.00 ? - 65.00 & - 00.00 (?i - 7.00 ? 0.00 .70 -& 80 9.00 ielO.OO ?.00 @ - 2.13 % 3.00 3.00 (fr - Southern Extra,.15.00 ?18.00 FRUITS- -Prunos^.fl lb.,. 22 ? -, HRS. 40 os - i Dried Apples.^. 10 ? 28 J Almonds, wort, shell. 35 @ 40 Raisins, M. H.. fl box. 4.00 ? 5.00 Raisins,Layer;.....-.. 4.60 @ 6.50 Oranges.............:.._ ?a - Lemons...".......1.......... 4.00 ? 8.00 GLASS, fl box of 60 feet American, 8x10. 5.50 @ 6.00 American. 10x12. 0.0O ?> 6.50 , French. 12x14. 7.00 @ 8.00 ; GRAIN-Maryland Oats, fl bushel,_ 85 ? 86 "Western Oats, fl bushol. _ fri? - ! Com, fl bushel. 1.32 @ 1.51 Beans, fi bushel. 2.00 td) 8.00 /L1.T, f) cwt--North Iii ver.2.35 ? - Eastern. _ (?j - HIDES-Dry, fi lb. 10 @ 12 INDIGO-fi lb.. 1.00 ? 1.75 IKOIY-Refined, fi IB. 07 ? 07 J? Swcdo. 09 ? 10 I LATHS, fl M. 4.00 @ 4.50 1 LIME- ShaU. fi bbl..;.;., .-.:;? s '-: South Carolina.... 1.50 ?i -. -A ... Rockport....'.2.(Kl (di 2.25 , ST.- Ceni?nt;...:... 2.75 ? "3.50 - PlasterParis.. 4.00 ? 4.r>0 LUMBER, fl M. fcot Clear Wldto Pine. 1st quality. 50.00 (?156.00 White Pine, good run. 38.00 ?40.00 Yellow Pine. 20.00 ?25.00 Boards,, fi M. feet-Bough.12.00 -, frais .00 . Grooved and Tongued.... 28.00 (3132.00 LEATHER, country tanned, fi lb. - fra - MOLASSES, fi gallon-(Juba. 47&@ 03 Muscovado.^..... ' 65 tal '65 Sugar House.. 60 ? 1.00 : Now Orleans...:.'.. .75 A5?82 . NAVAL STORES, fl bbl-Tar.!.. i- ? ? :- > Pitch. - ? - Rosin, Polo.:. 6.00 ? 8.00 Rosin, No. 1.- 0a - Rosin, No. 2. 3.60 ? - Rosin. No. 3. 3.00 ? - Spirits Tari -entine, fl ?allon. 68 (ip 69 iJ.tiuiu. "M lo...."........ lo tea - NAILS-American, 4@20d, fl log. 7.00 ? 7.75 J: . American Wrought... - @ - Lathing.:. 7.50 @10.00 Copper, fl lb. 1.00 ? - Galvanized. 30 ? - Spikes. 12 ? 15 OILS-taxi, fi gallon. 1.80 fe? 1.90 Linseed fi gallon. 1.60 ?1.65 Sperm, Winter, fl gallon. 3.10 (di 3.15 Cotton Seed, fl gallon. - fra - Castor (E. L), ^ gallon. 3.00 ? - ; Olive, fi dozen.1 8.00 ?10.00 Kerosene fl gallon.I 70 @ - Renzino, fl gallon.-. ,| 60 ? - PROVISIONS-Beef, mess, fl bbl.16.00 ?30.00 Beef, primo.;.14.00 @15.00 Pork, mess. - ? - , Rump...... - @ - Bacon, Hams, fl lb. 16 @ 20 > Bacon, Sides. 13 fe 14;; Bacon, Shoulders. 11}?? 11% : Bacon. Strips. 15 ? 17 , " Lard,.in keg:.:. 15 @ 17 ; Butter. 30 @ 40 ! Cheese. 15 ? 54 Potatoes, fl bbl. 3.25 ? - Onions.:....:. 3.00 @ 3.25 Apples. 4.00 ?6.00 PAINTS-White Lead, fl lb.I 12 @ 20 Black Lead_..:.-.... 12 ? 14 !; Zinc. White. 12 @ 18 PLOW STEEL, fl lb .12 ? - I RICE-Coxoovji, fl lb. Oft? 10 East India. - @; : - ., \-SLATES-American, fl square.12.50 (3 - SHINGLES, fi M.' 7.00 ? 8.00 White Pine, first quality.12.00 @ ' - SALT-Liverpool, coarse, fi sock. 1.65 (?> - Liverpool, fine. .- @ - SOAP-Bar,-fi lb...... ll ? 15 STARCH, # lb.........- 10 ? 12 SPICES, fl lb-Cassia. 1:00 ? - Mace.:'.... 1.75.? Cloves. 75 ? - Nutmegs. 2.00 ? 2.50 Pepper. 40 ? - Pimento.'.'-' ' 40 @ 50 Race Ginger. 30 @ - SPIRITS, fl gallon-Alcohol. 5.00 ?6.00 Brandy, Cognac. 4.00 @12.00 Brandy, Domestic. 3.00 ? 3.75 Gin, Holland.:... -4.75 ? 5.00 Gin, American.3.50 ? 3.75 Rum. Jamaica...... 6.00 ? 6.00 Rum, N. E. 2.60 @ 3.00 Whiskey, Bourbon. -3.00 ? 5.00 Whiskey, Rectified. 2.30 @ 2.40 SUGAR, fi lb-Raw. 9 @ 13 Crushed. 18 ? Clarified A. 17 ? - Clarified B.;. - ? - Clarified C. T6&? 17 Loaf.. 18 @ 19 Porto Rico. I3K? ? 1-* Muscovor". . 12 ? 14 SEO ARS- Dom estie manufacture, fi M. 19.00 ?45.00 TEAS, fl ft-Imperial. 2.00 @ 2.60 - Gurrpowder_. 2.00 @ 2.50 Hyson. 1.60 ? 1.60? Young Hyson....- 1.50 ?1.60 Block... 1.00 @ 1.75 TOBACCO, fl ft, os per quality_40 ? 1.50 TIMBER-Hewn Timber-Yellow Pine. 4.00 ?15.00 Ash. - ? - Poplar. - ? - Hickory. ? - , TIN-I O Roofing Plate.15.00. ? I XRoofing Plate......17.00 @; - .: IC Tin Plato-, 10x14.15.50 ?' -" "" IX Tin Plate 10x14.17.00 ? .--' I C Tin Plate, 14x20. 16.50 @ - ' Block Tin, fl Hs. 40 @ - TWINE-Cotton, fi ft. 75 ? - . - Baling. 45 ? - Hemp..._. 45 ? - -? Jute.;..'. 50 ? - ' VARNISH-Bright, .fi gallon. 25.? - -? Psraflne.. -' ? -. VINEGAR-Vftdte Wine, ? gallon_ 50 ? . CSder......"...'...:.30 ? - : .French:....:'.:...";..;-.:;...."... 1.00 "@ 1.35 ITLYE; fl gallon-Port................ 3.60 ?0.00 Madeira.:...._:".;._ 2.25 @ 5.00 - Sherry.".".'.'..'.:' 2.25 g. 5.00 ' :- Claret, fl case_............... G.00 ?13.50 Champagne, fi basket..;.-!.....; 25.00 ?30.00 " ZINC-Sheol, fl lb..| 26 .? 27 Exports of lt ice, N a-rail Stores and Lumber, . Cram the Port of Charleston, Crom Septe'r | 1st to April 18,1867. nias. lit. STosss.! ' Lcinncn. Tierces. Barrels. Feet. ! Boston........_ New York..:. Newport, R. I. Providence, R. I. Philadelphia..._ Baltimore...... ..... Northern Port...... New Orleans........ Wihmngton...._ Jeirsey CKy... Matanzas... Barbad oes. Havana....... ._ Cuba and a Market. Liverpool. Rio de Janeiro. I Halifax, NS........ Cardenas. Bordeaux.......... ' West Indies. Baracoa... I Bristol, Eng. Bahamas. Barcelona. j Bnatan, Hon. j Palma, Majorca..... Cai harlen, Cuba...: j Valencia, Spoin. Porto Rico. 495; 6,266 L749 13,804 6,039 52, 206 . 567,578 718,282 \ 490.384 I 643,216 1,685,789 2,594,253 1.178,800 I 110,000 356,420 121,257 633,690 261.970 506,152 198,250 234.664 196.345 279,943 204,000 49,500 30,'ooa 69,671 12,000 72,000 41.000 147,000 77.498 Consignees per Sont h Carolina Railroad, AprU 18. 229 bales Cotton, 9 boles Maze, 40 bbls-, 2 cars Old Iron, 51 bbls Rosin. 12 bbls Spirits Turpentine, ftc ' I To S T Robinson ft Son, G W Williams & Co. R R Agent, | Mowry & Co, H.'L Jeffers <t Co, W W Smith, E H Rod? gers ft Co, M Goldsmith & Son, F H Triholm, Goodrich, Winemon k Co, F W Clonasen, E Bates k Co, W C Court- ? ney k Co, J S Robson, J H Baggert b Co. A Robinson , Co. Courtenay k Trenhohn, Wardlaw & Carew. Street J Bros & Co. W H Ch afee. Thurston & Holmes, G E Pratch? ett, H Fabian. Passengers. .' Per steamer Fannie, from Savannah, via BInffton and I Hilton Head-T R Hazzard and 3 daughters, E S Young, A Munger, J L Lott, C Kellogg and wife, E Wonzer, wile and daughter. Col E M Seabrook,' J B Seabrook, F Lan? nigan, M M Kingiman, J R O'Connor, J E Dodge, D Mc? Pherson, W Harrison, - Bowen, Mrs Carter, J Chandler, J Cliaplin, D C Wilson, ana 14 deck. ' ' PORT CALENDAR. CORRECT itu WZEXX.T. - PHASES OF THE MOON. New M. 4th, 4h. 44m. even I Full M. 18th, 'Sh. 46m. even First Q. 11th, 2h. 49m. morn Last Q. 26th, 8h. 41m. even SETS. Monday.... Tuesday.... Wednesday. Thursday?. Friday. ;... Saturday... Sunday..... 6. .32 6. .30 5. .29 6. .28 5. .27 5. .26 .5..2S 6. .39 6. .29 6. .80 6..31 6. .32 0..32 6. .33 3. .36 4. .18 Rises. 6.. 34 7;.20. 8..17 9..13 4..55 5. .46 6..S8 1: .51 8. .36 9. MARI3SrE..;NEWS. FORT. OF CHAHLESTOS. Arri veil Yeatcrday. Steamship Alliance, Kelly, Philadelphia-left Sunday, A M. Mdze. -loHi Baker k Co, R R Agent, H Bis- I choff & Co, G W Aimar, Lnhrs * Stelling, P M Cohen, Bonn ell b Drummond, J F O'Neffl & ? Son, Miss Ann Ross, T A Whitney, J F Taylor b Co, Dewie & MOIBO, ~ Lander, Southern Exoress, E Sommors, Hart k Co, . Getty, Burnham & Co? W Lebby, P>Walsh, W Roach, T E j Hertz b Co, A Tobias' 8ons, C N Averill b Son, Como. Barkley * Go, T M Bristo?L C Ring, WH-Shaifer, OIiw cock, W Brookbanks, Courtenay b Trenhohn; J M Greer, H Gerdts & Cc; McGority & Deigns-, W Gurney, J P Jungbluth, V. c jupsen, Clardns 4 Witto, Ostendorff i Cc, Bolbnaun li/os, B S Rhett k Son, Bruna AEeo, Jef? fords b Co, V J 'Neill, W Kinsman, Cohen, waw\?i & Co W G Whilden b Co, Macbeth b Ravenel, Little * Mar- I shall, H Brunner, Gruber b Martin, LF Koestsr, A W Ecksl b Co, J A Qnackenbush, O Graveley;- vi .'- Spantsh bark Ciscar, BaUaguer, Havana, 7 days. Mdze. To W P Hall, Has come, io this port to complots her I cargo. ' ' '- ' ' . " Sehr Francia Hatch, Gregory, Richmond, Va. Corn. To J N Robson. , Steamer Fannie,'Vincent Savannah, via. BlmTton and Beaufort, 18 boles8 IjCotton-'SOS bags Guano, and Mdse. To Ferguson k Hohnes, J D Aiken & Co, J ft J D Kirkpatrick, Boper & Stoney, SOBS, Waga ncr, Heath 4 Monaeea, P Meitzlor, Cohen, Hanckel-ft Co, J ft F Dawson, Southern Express Co, C Lttschgl, D Mc? Pherson, C Harrison, J N Robson. : : .'Steamer Gen" Hooker, Boyle, Edlsto and Rockville. 1 bolo S I Cotton, 1 Boat. To "O I. OuUloaume, Roper ft Stoney, J P Low, lr S Quriennsster.. - LH'CHE-ORBING. ?-&?*?t Ship Galena, Dunton, New York. Hay. To W B Smith & Co, King k Gibbon. Went So Sea Yesterday. Sehr' 8 J Waring, Smith, Nowport, BL: , Krom thia Port, Steamship Lodona, Hovey, New'Yorlc,' April 15. ' Br bark Yumnri, Thompson, Liverpool, March 31. Brig Gen Mara?an. KUfSC Cardenas. April 6.. : Brig Melrose, Crabtree, Boston, April 16. Bohr Mary E Amsdan, Smith, Boston, April 13. Rohr Mon?ntloo. Claypoolo. at Philadelphia, April 15. Sehr P M Wheaton, Ireland, Boston, April 13. Sein- E C Howar-.l, Nicicraon, Matanzas, April 5. , Vp ibr tnt*^Posrt.-..-':> <?T";;-'1? Steamship Champion, . . , at New York, to leavs Sat. j ... urday, Aprfl 30^;':':--?..'.'. _ '. .. ?. r. ?. Sehr Fsnnts A Bailoy. Chapman, at Baltimore, April IC. Sehr N W Smith, Tooker; ot New York,'April TS. " r ..r;-; jp_Clt?Mr^.ste;'tl?te Port. v?; . Siesmuhlp Pstspsco, Ncff. at Baltimore, April 15, sad I - eailou April -. -. ?' wi-Vi . Sehr Wm James, Outhcn, ai Baltimore, April 15. ??cLr Ida Richardson. Pedon. at BalUmoro. April 15. Sehr J.X Farland. Avery, at Baltimore. April 15. Sehr L S Davis, Bishop, at Now York, April 18. '.;":'.,-.Knter^'.-Oistwsurd. Br bark Fdlede l'Air, Evans,'tt Llvorpool, March 30. Meiuoru min. LIVERPOOL, 'April li-Five hundred holes ot cotton hod ; XML"u landed up to this morning from the Coufldoncc, rom OUarlostou for this port, stranded in Fotbard Bay. LIST OF VESSKliS Tjr, CLEARED AND ?AXUSU Ft)lt THIS POUT. FOREIGN. LivrjirooL. ?liip Amelin. Conner, Bailed.March 28 Br bark Tho Quoou. Stuart, soiled.March 1 Br bark Flllo do l'Air, Evans, doored.March 30 Brig Depesche, Lubke, sailed.Fob 15 SOUTHAMPTON. rho Allon, Martell, soiled.Feb 5 DOMESTIC. BOSTON. Sehr F M "Wheaton, Ireland, up.April 2 3cbx Jos Doug. Perry, cleared.March 30 Trig "Wm Masou, Small, cleared.April 6 NEW TOIUT. Ship dalona. Bunton. cleared.April 8 Sehr "WF Cashing, Cook, up.April 0 Sehr N W Smith, Tooker, up.April 15 lichr L S Davis, Bishop, cleared.*pril 15 BALTIMORE. Steamship Champion,-. to leave.April 20 Steamship Falcon, Recd, up.April 12 Steamship Patopsco, Ne ff, sailed.April - Sehr "Wm James. Outhen, cleared.April 15 Sehr J W Rumsey, Cranmer, cleared.April 10 Scbr Daniel Chase. Mitchell, cleared.April 12 Sehr Fila Fish, Willey, cleared.April 10 Sehr J F Farland, Avery, doored.April 15 Sehr Tua Richardson, Bodell, cleared.April 15 Sehr Faunie A Bailey, Chapman, np..April 16 LIST OP SHIPP^G lil tue Portor Cliovrleston, April 18, 1SG7. VESSELS UNDEn 100 TONS, AND KTEAMEB.M C0A8TINO WITHIN THE STATE EXCEPTED. STEAMSHIPS. Saragossa, TTS tons, CrowelL ot Auger's wharf, for New York, loading."Rovonel ic Co Manhattan. 1337 tons, Woodhull, ot Brown k Co's wharf, for New York, loading., ' re et Bros & Co Alliance, 420 tons. Kelly, at Atlantic wharf, fruin Philadel? phia, discharging..-..II F Baker & Co SHIPS. Mary Ogden, - tons, Coldroy, at "Onion wharf, for Liver? pool; loading.....WU Hmitli.* Co Sedbergh (Br), - tons, Kneale, at Vanderhorsts wharf, for Livorpool, loading.CT Lomados k Co Missouri, 824 tons. Edwards, at Boyeo A Co's wharf, from "Liverpool, discharging.J Fraser k Co BARKS. Anb'e Guardiene (Fr), 486 tons, Willis, at Marsh's wharf, i from Havana, waiting.J A Enslow & Co James Wilson (Br), 364 tons, ot Bennett's wharf, from Swan Island, repairing.P J Esnord Norton (Br), 536 tons, Enslow, in tho Stream, for Liver? pool, ready.....:.Raroncl k Co R B Walker, 301 tons. Latham, in the Roads, for Boston, ready.;.Bisley i Creighton Seaman (Br), 620 tons. Doyle, ot Onion. wharf, for Liv? erpool, loading_......._.J Fraser fc Co Everhard Delius (Bremen), 020 tons; Hohnlwltz, at At? lantic wharf, for Liverpool, loading.-. .:_t> A Hopley k Co Blanche (Br), 365 tons, Campboll, at Oas wharf, from . Liverpool, discharging.? i bbc? & Co .Effort (Br), - tOLS, Hussey, in the Stream, from Liver? pool, just arrived...Order Ciscar (Spanish), - tons. Ballooner, in tho Stream. from Havana, just arrived.WP Hall . ,.. . BRIGS. Jennie Achorn, Tetons. Achorn, at Bcnnott'n wharf, for i o Port in Gabo, load inj/.-. .Bonaira! it Solas Albert (Br). 308 tons. Erikson, at Union wharf, fro-.,. Liv? erpool, discharging.Courtenay ".Tn iiholm AUoton, 141 tons, Sawyer, at Brown k Co's whorl, for Georgetown, S C, ready_.'. .T Tupper & Sons SCHOONERS. Aid (Br), -. tons, -, ot Union wharf, from Ma? tanzas, walting. .Master Robert Caldwell, Mccormack, at Adger's wharf, for Havre, loading._....Vf Roach Mary R Somers. (3-mnsted), 372 tons, Somers, at Brown & Co's wharf, for Philadelphia, loading_. .:.:.M Goldsmith k Son Lilly, 412 .tons. Francis, tn tho Stream, for New York, . ready......W Roach Transit, 295 tons. Stetson, at Kerr's wharf, inna Boston, walang.P 1' Locke Edwin R Kirk. 264 tons. Burnett, in Ashley River, for a ? Northern Port, loading_'.'..:H F Baker & Co B H Jones, 215 tons. Davis, in Ashley River, for a North? ern Pert, loading.H F Baker & Co Willie Mowe, 165 tons, Hilton, at Kerr's wharf, from Bos? ton, discharging...'_._........P P Locke Mary Ella, 155 tons, Thomas, at Union wharf, from Bos? ton, discharging..Risley & Creigh ton Sarah Bruen, 183 tons. Crawford, at Southern wharf, from Philadelphia, discharging.H F Bater A Co Clara W Elwell, 290 tons. Long, at Kerr's -wharf, from Baltimore, discliorging..._HF Baker & Co L H Hopkins, 205 tons. Soper, at.Central wharf, for. Jacksonville," ready.. .."..H F Baker k Co E J Palmer, 197 tons, Palmer, at Marshall's wharf, for Baltimore, loading..._....PP Locke Harry Laud ell. 239 tons, Whilden, in Ashley Uiver, for o -NorthernPort, loading.'...'..'._......W Roach Mollie, 188 tons, Plummer, at Atlantic wharf, from Nor? folk, Ya.......v......BM Butler Vraie, 234 tons. Mason, in Ashley River, for Philadelphia, . loading.?..........._H F Baker k Co MISCELLANEOUS. OFFICE OF CAPTAllf OP POLICE, I . CHARLESTON, S. C. April 12, 1867. J ri VUE FOLLOWING ORDINANCE IS PUBLISHED ' I for the benefit of aR whom it may ooncero. ? ., . . .. C. B. SIGWALP, Captain of Police. Be it Ordained, That from and after the first day of january next, every pereon keeping a shop or Blore, or engaged in m orean tilo business in tho. City of Charles? ton, shall post np, and koop posted np, in socio, conspi? cuous place, ot bis or her business stand or stand?,'-? conspicuous Sign Board or Plate, containing Iii* or her given name and surname, and. in case of a partnership, ! the given home and' surname of each member of the firm ; and every person so offending, or making default herein, shall forfeit and poy to tbuOity a penalty of filly dollars for each and'every offence'br default, and io addition thereto a further sum of fifty dollars for each and every month daring which the provisions of this Ordinance shall rou;alt not complied with: Provided, however. That nothing heroin contained shall apply to tho special partners of a limited partnership. RatmedDecemberi2?1851.- .? Extract from Ordinance Ratified November Wth, 1806. SEO. 5. No doth awning shall bo put up lu such a man? ner os to obstruct; foot passengers;-and no sign-board shall be erected otherwise than thirteenJeet from the sur? fit'of me ground or foot pavement ? * ? under a penalty of Twenty Dollars for each sad every day. .while any. such awninR or sign-board, fixed or Tann? ed otherwise thoa .aa. herein directed, shall so remain. ?--^ ? ? * . ?* * at * SEC. 6. No person or persons whosoever snail, for the purpose of exposing any goods, commodities, or other articles for sale, place, or caused to be placed, any such goods, commodities, or other articles whatsoever, or any table, bench, stall-board, box, or other appen doge, in any street, hine, alley, or public thoroughfare, or any foot-pavement within the City, -under a penalty ot Twenty Dollars for each and every such offence, and for each and every night or day, os the case may bo, on which any auch offence is committed: Provided, how? ever. That Vendue Masters shall be permitted tn expose before their stores such goods and commodities as they sell at public auction, but not to take up more room than the front of their respective vendue stores, tai to the distance of six feet beyond the same. SEO. G. NO person or persons whosoever, shall suffer any fire wood, cools, goods, wares, merchandise, car? riages of any description, or any other matter or thing, to bim, her, or them, belonging or consigned, to lay or stand for a longer space than four hours, in any street, lane, alley, or public thoroughfare within the City, un? der a penalty of Two Dollars, with costs, for every hour that any such artide. or thing shall so lay or stand be? yond the above mentioned time : excepting materials for building, in regard to which tho following regulations sholl be observed, namely : When any person or persons shan erect Or repair any house, or other building, upon any street,. -lane, alley, or open court, within the city," he, she, or they ' shall moke application for the use of - so- much of the street or public woy as shall not exceed the front of the lot on which such building is to' be erected, nor extend more than six feet into thc street; which space such per? son or persons sholl forthwith endose with o sufficient fence, at least six-feet high. In order to deposit within the some the requisite materials for building and repairing; and such fence, together with the remaining material, he, she or they shall remove aa soon as the work be ?niabed, or. whenever the Mayor shall require it, on pola of for ieltmgTwo Dollars for every hour that such fence or such materials-shall afterward remain nnromoved; and on pain, also, of having the some removed at hit, ber, or their expense, by the Ci tv authorities. * *? April 13 ....<??'? 16 OLD BIP VAN WINKTE GET, GOLD MEDAL SHERRY, . PORT AKD MADED3A, HARVEST BOURBON, WHEAT NUTRIENT, V OLD HOMESTEAD EYE. FADDITION TO OUR BUSINESS OF SELLING WiNES, etc, in original naoSsffes. and in order to insure to consumers Pare Liquors In a compact ?nd con? venient form, wa commenced the enterprise of bottling and pocking in eases our well known Wince, Brandies, Whiskies, kc. and hove seat' them ont in a style that would preclude the possibility of their being tampered wimbeforer^Wng-th?pnr?h???r. The' general appre? ciation and gratifying -tracees? that hos rewarded our efforts Las encouraged no to mrjatain tho standard os re? gards quality, aleo to make lncroarod. efforts to retain the confidence and patronage which has been so liberally be stowed upon us.. sv '-. .15XNLNGER A CO., '. [Established 1778.1 -'"' ' Importers ol Wines. Ac. , ' No. 15 Beaver street. New York. The above popular goods ore prt np in cases contain- I lng ono dozen bottles each, ?nd ore sold by all prominent I Druggists, Grocers, kc. ?.<<,. v Opinion* ot* tbe Pvc ss. The nonie of Eininger tx Co., No. 15 Beaver street, ia a j guarantee of the exact and literal truth of whatever they vepresont,-N. T. Com. Advertiser. Tho importing house of Billin ger Sc Co., No. 15 Beaver street, la conducted upon prindplea of integrity, fuirnesa ind tho highest honor.-iv. Y. Evening Express. GOODRICH* WINEMAN cfc CO.. No. 1153 MEETING STREET, ! ' v - ; .. Opposite Charleston Hot '* BOWIE & MOISE, i SUCCESSORS TO KIM I* dc CASSID1W, No. ICI MEETING STREET, . Wholesale Agents,' Charleston, 8, C. January 30 . ,. '.. . ; wfmOmoa. ;TBEB S?K#ER W?LTCIDIA^ Iqi- -armr.Tg--rp-r? ? KVERg ; WEUNiaaDAY^ AT SCH TEB, S. C., by GILBERT Jc FLOWERS, Proprietor.?, vt FOUR DOLLARS per enuum, invariably in advance. ? Advertisements maorted ot usualTStss. - ; " ?/J -. " Every atyle ot Job jMuHny. executed m the n*>?irt itrieanA areal cat ?liRP.ton. ; -?1. ?"?:":>. s-Memnei'A ;'. ?k? AUB COIaLEC?IOH OFFICE, N0S??9 ?ld 40 PMk RttW. . . ISAAC HAVBG?, ' ? - .' - " ? 3ED TO TEXT VOKSJ?N OGIiW, S3 of ' Moira*. BIHH5?? ?S??.. _?BWi,?j??< win attend .? th? ecSsoOea ot ?atdso and jno?grl?|i ?touaa. taratap! OM Pftitf 1867. 8PWN? DRY GOODS. 1807. "WK IIA VE KOW IN STOKE TUB FOLLOWING. NEW AND CHEAP GOODS, PRINTS, BLEACHED AND BROWN GOODS, 12*0., 15c., 2Uc. PRINTED MUSLIN, CAMBRIC B KILLIAN i S. ORGANDIES, LAWN AND GRENADINES. ALSO, THE FINEST SELECTION OF WHITE GOODS AND HOSIERY, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, YE! OFFERED. AND AT PRICES THAT CANNOT FAIL TO PLEASE C I T Y TRADE. WE OFFER. FOR A FEW DAYS, A SPECIAL AND BEAUTIFUL LOT OF DRESS GOODS, AT 20c. PER YARD. A frosh supply of Goods received by every steamer. Parties who wish cheap Goods will please examine our Si ?ck before purchasing elsewhere. E. SCOTT ?Sc CO., No. 229 King Street, Next to Adger's Building, opposite Graber & Martin's) Grocery. March 25 mwf2mo DRUGS, CHEMICALS, ETC. DR. N, A. PRATT, (SUCCESSOR TO PRATT & WILSON BROTHERS.) WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, ANAL?TICAL AND CONSULTtNG CHEMIST, IMO. 23 HAINE STREET, CHARLESTON, S. G., DEALER IN DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, GLASS, AND DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES. Analysis of Oros, Soils, Fertilizers, kc, made with greatest care and a curacy. Chemical advice given in all branches of thc science, on moderate terms'. Dr. F. OLIN DANNELLY is connected with tho above house, and wiU be plcasod to eco his numoroun friends and acquaintances. stuth3mo March 10 ?-THE SALE OF THE PLANTATION BIT? TERS ls without precedent In lire history of the world. There Is no secret in the matter. They are at once the most speedy, etrongthenlrg health-restorer ever dis. covered. It reqnlrea but a singlo trial to understand this. Their purity can always be relied upon. They are corcposod or the ce'obrated Calleaya Bark, CaHcariUs I Bark, Dandelion. Chamomile- Flowers, Lavender I Flowers, Wlatercroori, A?ino, Cloverbuds, Orange-peel. Snnko-roo:, Caraway, Coriander. Burdock, S.-T.-1860--X. &o. "hey aro especially recommended to clergymen, pun ! Hr speakers, and persons of literary habits and seden? tary life, who require tree digestion, a relish -for food, and clear mental faculties. Delicate females and weak persons are certain to find In those Bitters what they have so long looked for. They purify, strengthen and invigorate. They create a healthy appetite. . They are an antidoto to change of water and diet. They overcome effects of dissipation and late hours. They strengthen tho system and enliven tho mind. They prevent miasmatic and intermittent fevers. They purify the breath and acidity of tho stomach. They cure Dyspepsia and Constipation. They cure Diarrhea, Cholera and Cholera Morbus. They cure Liver Complaint and Nervous Headache They are the best Bitters In the world. They make the weak man strong, and aro exhausted nature's groat | restorer. The following startling and emphatic statements can be seen at oar office. Lotter of Rev. E. F. OBISK, Chaplain of the 107th New York Regiment: NE?B AOQUIA Cn KEE, March 4th, 1863. Owlngjto tho great exposure and terrible decomposi? tion ofter the battle of Antietam. I was utterly'prostrat. .d~and~very sick. My stomach would not retain medi? cine. An 'article called Plantation linters, prepared by Dr. BOASE, of New York, was prescribed to give me strength and sn appetite. To my great surprise thev gove mo immediate relief.- Two bottles almost allowed me to Join my regiment. * . * . . I have since-seen them used in many cases, and om froo to say, for hos? pital or private .purposes I know of nothing like them. Rev. E. F. CRANK, Chaplain. Letter from the Rev. N. K. Gins3, St Clalrsvrlle, pa. - GENTLEMEN:-You were kind enough, on a former oc? casion, to send me a half dozzon bottles of Plantation Bitters for $3 SO. My wife having derived so mucu benefit from the nae of these Bittars, I deair J . er to continue them, and you will please send JJ? MT bottles more for the money enclosed. I om, very truly, jro, H. E. GIL"-*. Pastor Gor. Ref. Church, Bou>i?u"' HOME, SvTzxcnrnaa>iarz'a Omca, 1 CINCINNATI, OHIO, Jan. ISth, 1883. ) I have given your Plantation Bitters to hundreds ol eur noble soldiers who slop here, more or lesa disabled from varieras canses, and the effect ls marvellous and gratifying. . B?ch a preparation'as thia le I heartily wish tn every family, in every hospital, and at hand on every battle field. G. W. D. ANDREWS, Superintendent. Dr. W. A CHTXJW, Surgeon of the Tenth Vermont Re? giment, writes:-"I wish every soldier hod a bottle of Plantation Ritters. They are tho most effective, per feet, and harmless tonic I ever used." WnxAnD's HOTEL, I WASHINGTON, D. 0., May 23d, 1863. J GENTLEMEN:-We require another sapply of your Plantation Bitters, the popularity o which daily in? creases with the guests of our house. Respectfully, SYKES. CHADWICK & CO. sta. ac, , . Ao. ., kc ito. Be sure that every bottle bears the fac-simil? ot om signature on a steel plate label, with our private stamp over the cork. P. H. DRAKE <& CO, No. 202 BROADWAY, H. Y. Bold by an respectable Druggists, Physicians, Grocer Saloons, and countrv Hotelsdealera. aarti I? '.. "? '' ttwtntvr A Treacherous and Deadly Foe! CATARRH! PAIN AND NOISES IN THE HEAD. Bvs Norton's New Remedy FOR CATARRH, AND MODE OP TREATMENT IS THE ACME OF PERFECTION. IT BREAKS KV THIS TERRIBLE DISEASE Al' ITS Fountain Head, and removes at once all the wretched symptoms of this loathsome malady, such as Pain in tbs Temples, Onensivo Discharges, Obstruction of the Breath? ing Tubes, Repulsive Breath, Snapping Sounds in the Ears, Absent-Mindedncss, Mental Depression, Dimness ol Vision, Sore Throat, Hocking Cough; restores the sense of Taste and Smell, and permanently cures the disease in all its types, forms and stages, with absolute certainty. Thia remedy and mode of. treatment; like the disease, is peculiar. In. consists of the inhalation of. harmless li? quids from tho palm of tho hand. The immediate reliai lt affords ia alone worth ten tunes tho cost cf the reme? dies. Norton's New Pamphlet on Catarrh is out. Informa? tion never before published. Coll at our nearest Agency, or send a stamp for it. , - Prepared by GERRIT NORTON, No. ll Ann-street, New York..:.-. Drs. RAOUL &.LYNAH, <rSTY- Apfy?'*? K-f?Anneg.- . November 1 thstn?mo - A?ent for Charleston. SARATOGA - 'iXiBESIOrMG WATER. rjTHE WATER OF THIS SPRING 18 BELIEVED TO 1 be unequalled by that of any other in tho far-famod Talley of Saratoga Ita virtues are such,as have secured it the high encomiums of all who have used lt,possess? ing, as it does, in an eminent degree, cathartic, diuretic, ilterattve and tonic qualities. From SAMUEL HENRY DICKSON, M. D., Professor Practise, of Physic, Jefferson Medical Collego, Phila lelphla, formerly of Charleston, S. C.: . '"-J" PmLACEnrHiA, November 15,18155. I have hera for ? year or-more past in the habit ol laking the water of the "Excelsior". Spring of Saratoga, accustomed during the great portion of my invalid Jue to use the different waters bf the several fountains which', boil rm along that remarkable vo^cy, dependent. Indeed, upon them tor much of the comfort I enjoy, I om saiia Sod that the Excelsior Water isas wen adapted assay >thor among them, if not moro so, to the purposes for ?hieb they are gonenslly employed- lt ls very agreeable, strongly impregnated; with the carbonic add, lively and sparkling. * * * I con heartily and eonsr*lentiou>uy recommend it to on who-need a gentle cathartic ?vi iluretio. : ..-:'.. SAMUEL HENRY DICKSON, M. D. .' The .Water is put up in Pint and Quart bottles, ? lacked in good order frc. shipping. Pinta in bore, ol our dozen each, and Quarts in coxes bf two dozen each. . . SOLD AT WHOLESALE BY GO0BR?CH,'.mm & co., importers and Wholesale Druf^icfts, " Ifo. 153 MEETIKG STREET, -.. ? -:? '. . OPPOSITE CHA?t?STGN HOTEL. JM)WIE? No. 151 SttBEtT?" ?? Ogpealto Charleston Botri. And for sole by first class,Druggists and Hotel*. '. :'-: ?-' January ia -: 'i"J.?? ? >- '----ean _..'... V^i'';''i'?'>'?i-/--:.-:<;;''-\;il"-r/.. . '? '": ''->'J--,.:/'>,; DRUGS.CHEM, ALS, ETC. . FOUTZ'S ' CELEBRATED WE AND CATTLE POWDERS. Tili? preparation, long and favorably known, will thoroughly reinvigo? rate broken down and low-spirited horses, by strengthening and cloansing the stomach and intestines. lt is a ?ure provenu vu of all diseases incident to this animal, such as LUNG FEVEK. GLAND? ERS, YELLOW WATER, HEAVES, COUGHS, DIS? TEMPER, FEVERS, FOUNDER, LOSS OF APPETITE AND VI? TAL ENERGY, Ac. TTS USE IMPROVES THE WIND, IN? CREASES THE AP? PETITE-G IVES A SMOOTH and GLOS? SY SKIN-and trans? forms the MISERA? BLE SKELETONS INTO A FINE LOOK? ING AND SPIRITED HORSE TO KEEPERS OF COWS THIS PREPARATION IS INVALUABLE It in? creases tho quantity and improves thc quali? ty of tho MILK. It has been proven by ac? tual experiment to in? crease tho Quantity of SULK and "CREAM twenty per cent., and make tho BUTTER linn and sweet. In fat i_ toning cattle, it gives -- them an appetite, loos? ens their bide, and mikes them thrive much faster. LUNGS, LIVER, 4c, this article acts as a specific. By putting from one-half a paper to a paper in* a barrel cf swill thc above dis? eases will be eradica? ted or entirely pre? vented. If given in time, a certain preventive and cure for the H?S Cholera. PREPARED BY S. A. FOUTZ & BRO., No. 116 FRANKLIN STREET, BALTIMORE, Md. FOR SALE BY DOWIE & MOISE, SOUTHERN ME HOUSE. NO. 151 MEETING STREET, OPPOSITE CHARLESTON HOTEL. March 33_ '_etuthGmo MOTHERS! MOTHERS ! MOTHERS ! YOUR ATTENTION IS CALLED TO MRS. WINSLOW'S SO?TBM SYRUP, FOR CHILDREN TEETHING THIS VALUABLE PREPARATION IS THE PRE? SCRIPTION of one of the best female physicians and nurses in the United States, and hos been used for thirty years with never-failing safety and success by mil? lions of mothers for their children. It not only relieves the child from pain, but invigorates the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. It will also instantly relieve GRIPING TN THE BOWELS AND WIND COLIC. We believe it is the best and surest remedy in tho world, in aR cases of DYSENTERY AND DIARRHOEA in children, whether it arises from Teething, or from any other enrase. ' Be sure and ask for ... Ams. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP, Having; the fae simile of CURTIS A PERKINS on the wrapper. ALL OTHERS ARE BASE IMITATIONS. For sale by the Wholesale Agents, BOWIE & MOISE, No. 151 MEETING STREET, OPPOSITE CHARLESTON HOTEL. April ll thara 2-nos FT1HIS DELICIOUS TONIC; ESPECIALLY DESIGNED A for the rae of the . .. Medical Profession and the Family, ls now endorsed by all the prominent Physicians, Chem? ists and Connoisseurs, as possessing all those intrinsic medicinal qualities (tome and diuretic) which belong to m OLB AUB PURE GIN. We trust that our established reputation-founded lpon eighty-eight years of experience-abundantly vin Reates our claims to public confidence, and guar -ai? rees the excellence bf this Standard Article. Put np in cases containing one dozen bottles each, and iola -hy ?n pron-dnent Druggists, Grocers, Ac A M. BIN INGER A CO, (Established 1778.] Sole Importers. No. IS Beaver street, New York. Opinions ol* the Press. Tho Biningera, No. 15 Beaver street, have a very high reputation to sustain, aa the oldest and best bonse in Sew York.-Home Journal. The- house' of A. M. "Bimnger A Co., No. 15 Beaver street, haa suatained, for a period of eighty y ; ara, arepn otion that may weU be envied.-?V. F. Evening Pott. GOODRICH, ' WINEMAN & CO., I'-.":..?-' NO. 163 MEETING STREET, .j. - Opposite Charleston Hotel. ! . ? ... i and . .. XB0 WEE & MOISE, SUCCESSORS TO KX3?G &CASSIDEY. NO. 151 MEETING STREET, Wholesale Agents,' Charleston, 8. C. January 39. tcths emo AFmCTED! SlMEliNQ MORE! When by the nae of DR. JOrNVTLLE'S CT.rgm you an be cured riermanently, and at a trifling cost. The astonishing success- which has attended this in oluable medicine for Physical and Nervoua Weakness, (eneral Debility and Prostration, J^oea of Muscular Ba? rgy, Impotency, ar any of the consequences of youthful ?riiaore:ion, renders lt the most valuable preparation ver discovered. .-;.',. It will remove all nervoua affections, depressiOTa, ex itement, incapacity to study or business, loss of memo i~r\t?x?.jv,:^...,. -,? !??*..;.-;>. ..'.'?-.):>..-:''.-? Yo-ahg Men, bo bumb-oggod no more by "Quack Doc- . MS" and ignorant p. actiUoner?, but send without delay; ir the Elixir, and bo at oooe restored lo health and hap- ' incas. A perfect Core u Guaranteed in every instance Tice ?1, or? oar Hottlea to ono address 43. Ose bottle issu-fficient to effect a euro In all ordinary sties. .. ,.-->... ALSO, DB. JOnrVTLLE'S SPECIFIC PILLS, for tho peedy and permanent cure of Gonorrhoea, Gleot, Uro- - aral Discharges, Gravel, Strictore, and all afTe-cUoca cr ae Kidneys and Bladder.-' Cure? ei?v^ m naan-iao nv; ve days. Toe-yare prepared from vegetahie extract? lat are harmless on the system, and never nanaeale th? (omach "or impregnate the breath. No t-hanfte o?dtet i neceasary ?hilo usintf them, nor does their Scthm in ay manner interfere with buainoss purraita. Prit c : $1 or box. .' v'1-?...".. Either-of tho above-men?one? articles will bo sent to ay addrera, closely coaled, and pcatpoid, by mali ox rprew on n^ejhr^ of price. Addrecs all orderi to vc BERGER. SHTTTTS & CO, Chmniats. March80 :.-l|r^'fc'a?T^?>i-l3SiH,t. .anmm -araw-^a, otu?*?? *a>a^ se^ csa^ : .