University of South Carolina Libraries
SATURDAY MORNING^ APRIL 13, 1867. LOCAL MATTERS. To Correspondents. Wo arc continually receiving coinmuiucations on political and other matters from portons who do ii ot attach their proper namos to the articlos sont; ::ud wo take thia occasion of repeating that nothing can be publishod in TUE DAILY NEWS without l.oing indorsed by no lcaponsible individual. VOGLER'S, in Market street, '? t-c groat Central Nows Depot, wlicro tho latest papers, magazines, fashion hooks, otc., otc, can always be had. Ho lias our thanks this rooming for a late copy of the N. ?. titaalz Zeitung. ' DELACEY, of tho Mills House News Stand, has, as is his usual custom, laid upon our table all of the latest and most intoroaling New York papers. We aro glad to boar ?hat DET.ACB?'S stand is a tuccoss, and hope that his shadow may never grow less. IMMIGRATION.-A publio meeting of the adopted citizens and foreigners of Charleston, will be held at eight o'clock on Tuesday evening next, the 16th inst., at thc Hall of the German Bruderliche Bund in King strcot, near Horlbeck's Alley. Goneral .TORN A. WAGENEB, tho Commissioner, proposes to read his report to tho musting, on the inducements hold out hy thia State to immigrants. We hope tho meeting will be well attended, as tho subject to be considered is ono of vital interest to. the State, and her future industrialjprosperifcy. ANNUAL PARADE OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT.-As the 27lh of April uext wilt fall on Saturday, a par? ticularly busy day with that portion of thusu citi? zens who compose ou r excellent Fire Department, tho Board of Fire Masters liavo postponed the An? nual Parade, which was to have taken place as usual at that time, to tho following Tuesday, the BOth. As the different companies are making all necos8ary arrangomonts for on elegant display on the forthcoming occasion, wo must agree that it is but right that every facility should he afforded which will enable them to come out in full num? bers, and in the best style. CARGO SALK.-Messrs. J. A ENSLOW & Co., sold at | ruction yesterday, portions of carg?os of Cuba su j-ar and molasses of recent importations, at the fol? lowing pricos: Five hogsheads prime grocory sugar, ;.t 11| cents per pound ; six hogsheads primo groce? ry sugar, at 11{ cents per pound ; ten hogsheads primo grocory sogar, at 12 conts por pound ; seven hogsheads primo grocery BUgar, at 124 cents per pound ; thirty hogshoads new crop Cuba clayed molasses, at 47 A cents per gallon; five hogsheads new crop Cuba clayed molasses; at 48J conts per gallon ; forty tierces new crop Cuba clayed molass? es, at 51 cents per gallon ; twenty barrels new crop j Cuba clayed molasses, at 53 cents per gallon. MAYOR'S COURT-April 12.-Edward Lord, 'who ' was detected by the watchman at the South Caro? lina Railroad, stealing iron, was imprisond for five days. 1 A Frenchman who was found lying down in the | middle of the street, concealed behind a monstrous moustache, and evidently ander the influence of | something stronger than claret, was fined $5. Peter'Brown, a particularly' -small specimen of | the " colored citizen," was brought up for throw? ing bricks in the street, and was turned over to the attentions of his grandmother, who pledged herself that Peter should roceive a tickling that would prevent a repetition of tho offence. DISTRICT_COUBT-Judge L?SAUpresiding-The' following cases were tried. Wilson and Hayward-Larceny of quilts and | blankets from tho Mansion House. Not guilty. William Nelson and Weston Coleman-Larceny I of* cotton irom the Northeastern Railroad; de? fended by Messrs. RICHARDSON-& Ema. Not guilty. Ned. Richardson-Larceny of wood from JAMES DOUGHERTY. Guilty. John Webb-Larceny o( cotton from WTT.T.TS & CHISOLM; defended by HENRY SEABROOK, Esq. Guilty. Robert Artope, William Jenkins, and Henry Johnson-Larceny of copper pumps from Aiken'a Row. Not guilty. Samuel Kitchen alias July-Larceny of iron, copper, &c.; R. W. SEYMOUR, Esq. Guilty. Nat. Gadsden-Larceny of a steam gauge. Guilty. Dennis Bell-Larceny of money, jewelry, &c. Guilty. * i Joe Wilhams alias Henry Solomons-Larceny. Guilty. To-day hos been appointed Sentence Day, and j the cases that were continued from the last Term of Court will be sentenced. UNITED STATES CIRCUIT COURT-Hon. GEO. S. . BRYAN, Presiding.-A. D. WILLIAMS VS. A. W. LOCKHART. Case in ossamsit. PORTER & CONNER for the plaintiffs, and A. G. MAGRATH, Esq., for the defendant. Verdict for the plaintiff, $2,314.17. This was a suit on a foreign bill of exchange, raised as to the amount to bo paid. The Judge decided that the value of pounds .sterling should . be decided by reducing them to the rate of $4.84 I - for gold, and then ascertain its value in green backs, by adding the premium. The Petit Juries were adjourned over until Tues? day, os there would be no business for them until that day. There being no further business for the Circuit Court, the following cases were taken np in the Admiralty. CAMPBELL & HIGGINS VS. the schooner Minehaha. A libel for material furnished. It was ordered that a warrant of arrest be issued, returnable to Tuesday, April 16, 1867. D. STBUASS & BROS. HS tho steamer Lulu. Libel \ for damages to freight. A. Jj. COBEN, Esq., ap? peared for the libellants; CAMPBELL & SEABROOK for defendants. The argnmonts on the different sides were heard. APRIL SHOWERS.-If April showers do moke May sowers, as is currently stated, then the coming month will be peculiarly favored in this respe ;t, and there will be no lack of floral decorations for the May poles. The supposition that April is com? posed of sunshine and showers, rapidly chasing each other, is erroneous, foi the god of day has been hardly able to assert his supremacy, and no sooner enlivens the earth with his presence, than his visage is obscured by the envious clouds. There is but one class of tho community who do not grumble at the present watery visitation, and they willingly enduro the damp discomfort, know? ing that it is food for tho young plants, and look forward to a bountiful harvest for the future. In a city the business men oro seriously inconve? nienced by these showers, Olidas few persons have a fondness for umbrellas, they are tempted to take the risk, and receive a comfortable drenching as a reward for their temerity. The doll leaden skies we now enjoy are not what have been usually ascribed to April, and wo fear that the clerk of the weather is in a bad way, and needs reconstruction or a military bill before he will deign to smile upon District No. 2. Poets are fond of aUuding to tho thirsty earth drinking in these showers, but if old mother earth is not satiated, others are, and all who havo any respect for their outward adornings are exceedingly disgusted wlien subjected to an involuntary shower bath. THE BURNT DISTRICT in the southwestern part of the city bas been completely monopolized by the cattle, ana they nibble the grass that has sprung np on the ruins with as much delight os if they wore genuine country cows, and had never seen bricks and mortar. The presence of these animals ! at large in the city limits is a sad reminder that we live in a territory, and tho indifference mani? fested by the ladies, when tho ungainly brutes ap? proach them, is a proof that they aro prepared to accept the situation. Until the great fire, few per? sons were aware that there wore so large a num? ber of cows cloistered between brick walls, and j their presence in the burnt district suggests the idea that if the cotton crop should fail, the plant? ers can turn their attention to grazing, and derive some profit from their lind. Thora is no doubt that with the city improvements tho cowa will gradually disappear, and tho places .vhere they were wont to chew the cud of meditation bo again covered with rows of houses. The picturesque appearance that is now presented of cattle de? serting the "moss-grown wood-path," and wan? dering amid rained buildings, Booking a preca? rious living, will bo gone; the city ordinances will then be enforced, and the unlucky kine, if caught in the street, will be immediately impounded, and fined for trespassing. At present they are the only inhabitants of the burnt district, and as long as they are discreet cows, and keep from the side? walk, they are not molested; but this J ia sn enjoy? ment that will not be long granted them, there is a good time coming, when the territory will bo an? nulled,' and the free suffrage noir allowed cows will bo taken away. i?rti,::- - ? ' - ''j ":' " " "?.'?.''?.';:" :r" ':'?? '.? BALL.-A boil will be given on the 22d instant, by tho St. Patrick .Benevolent Socio ty, nt th? Hibernian Hall. Tickets to bo obtained from tho Committee mentioned in tho avdcrtioeuicnt. MERCANTILE AGENCY.-Wo had a visit yesterday from Mr. JAKES L. FONDA, of BRADSTREET'S Mor cantilo Aggncy, New York. ? We learn from Mr. FONDA that it is his intention to establish a branch of Messrs. BRADSTREET'S house in this city, and we have little doubt but that ho will bo very suc? cessful. The war has wonderfully dunged tbe condition of merchants as well as of those of other vocations, and many new ones 'have commenced business, so that it would seora to bo a matter of absolute necessity for wholesale dealers to have some arrangement whereby they might know posi? tively of thc condition of those to whom they sell. REFRESHMENT SALOON.-Parties who attend tho post?nico and waste time in waiting for tho mail delivery will be pleased to learn that a saloon has been opened at tho corner of Hasel and Meeting. streets, and ico cream, cakes and soda will bo dis? pensed to the public. The popularity of a similar establishment last season is a sufficient guaran tee to Messrs. OGREN & WITHTNOTON, tho proprietors of the corner stand, that they will not bo disap - pointed in their expectations of success. The business men of East Bay have enjoyed a monopo? ly of these saloons, but tho fraternity of Meeting and Hayno streets and the postoffice loungers will now have an opportunity of patronizing an estab? lishment nearer home, and from a glance at thu interior we can guarantee that their money will not be thrown away. MERCHANT TAILORING.-Broad street has always boen the great business centre of tho city, where merchants most did congregate; but ita popularity was mainly due to the varied nature of its stores. There is, perhaps, no street "tn tho city that, in the compass of three blocks, embraces so many different establishments. Prominent among those is the store of Mr. A. S. HULL, merchant tailor. Mr. HULL is well known to the Charleston commu? nity as a merchant of many years' standing, and bofors the war hud a large establishment in Meet? ing street. He is now located at No. 70^Broad street, and has, in addition to a large stock of cloths, cassimeres, &c., a fine assortment of mili-, tory and naval goods, and trimmings. These he is prepared to maka up in the most approved and orthodox styles. Mr. JOHN T. FLYNN, who has also had a long experience at tho business, is asso? ciated with Mr. HULL, and their combined skill is clearly visible in the near, and substantial appear? ance of their work. PALM SUNDAY.-The week bofore Easter has been called Holy or Passover Week, and Palm Sunday was commemorated as tho anniversary of our Saviour's triumphant entry into Jerusalem when the poople "took - branches of palm trees aud went forth to meet Him, crying Hosanna, ?sc." In the extreme desire manifested under .the an? cient religion to realizo all the particulars of CHRIST'S passion it was customary for the priests to bless branches of some tree approximating to the palm, and distribute them among the people, who carried them in a joyous procession in memo? ry of tho Saviour's triomphal entry into the Holy City. When this ceremony was performed the branches wore usually burnt, and the ashes laid aaido to be sprinkled upon the hoads of the con? gregation on the ensuing Ash Wednesday. After the Reformation of 15,%, HENRY TUT declared the carrying of palms on this day to be one of those ceremonies not to be contemned or dropped, and the custom was kept np by the clergy until tho reign of EDWARD VI, when it was left to the voluntary observance of the people. It has continued to be observed in Europe to the present day, though not with tho same pomp and ceremony that characterized it in the earlier his? tory of tho church. The ceremonies of Easter at Borne commence on Palm Sunday, and a large concourse of strangers annually visit the Eternal City to witness the rites of the church ; the shops are all kept' open, and concerts and other amusements are given with'the exception of theatrical performances. The only external difference is in the churches, which -ore all in mourning. About 9 o'clock on Palm Sunday morning, the Pope is borne in a solemn procession to St. Peter's church, where the ceremonies pecu? liar to the day are performed. Among the strangers present ladies alone are favored with scats, but they muat be rotad in. Anxls clxootK'O, and Tri ?li black veils,on their heads instead of bonnets. In this country the day is merely commemora? ted by religious exercises, and is observed only by the Catholic and Episcopalian churches. Being near the close of Lent, the religious feelings gen orated in that season are strengthened, and the different churches are well attended by the devout. To THE LADIES.-If you wish to get a bargain, go to STOLL, WEBB & Co., No. 287 King street, and buy tho best quality calicoes at 12k cents per yard. They are offering 3000 yards best quality calicoes (a little damaged) at 12| cents, to be sold "only at retail. thatu Apiti ll EL.TSITJS. A new and important remedy for married ladies. Circulars can be obtained and the article supplied upon application to the wholesale agents. DOWT? & MOISE, Southern P 1 House, No. 151 Meeting street. April ll i thstuSmos MESSRS. KILROY & Co., No. 339 King street, take pleasure in inviting the attention of the milliners of Charleston to their superb assortment of | French flowers, which they are prepared to offer at fifty per cent, less than cost of importation. April ll 3 WE WOULD call the. attention of purchasers to the advertisement of Mr. J. N. ROBSON, Agent for DUPONT'S Powder. He hos a large and complete stock, which .will always be kept up, and "which ho will, daily do* vet to any part bf the city. The Messrs. DUPONT commenced the manufacture of powder in 1801, and have kept their powder, up to the standard, and an experience of thirty years with their former Agents here have always given complete satisfaction. Their establishment 13 one of the largest in the United States, capable ot turn? ing out one thousand kegs daily, with a capital of over two million dollars invested, thus giving ai j guarantee that purchasers can depend on what they get. Mr. ROBSON is prepared to sell at lowest market rates, and, indeed, as low as it can be or-: dered from the factory in small lots. March 16 stuthlmo 1 H. U. - * If yon want cheap Blank' Books; ;. .! j; \ ' If you want cheap Stationery, Envelopes, Pa? per, ?c., or, MTTJITCRH' Almanac; If you Vant Printing executed neatly; - If you want Books bound in any style, or Account Books made to order, with any desired pattern of ruling, go to HIRAM HARRIS, NO. 59 Broad street. BUSINESS NOTICES. IIAXTAEY tc ALEXANDER will sen this day, at the store? house. No. 33 Queen street, at ll o'clock, damaged corn on account of underwriters and all concerned. ; Try Them. Many persons have within this summer experienced tbs benefits to bc derived from the use of PANZMTN'S HEPATIC Brrrzns. We would recommend them to all who stand in need of atonic. For sala by aU Druggists. a October 6 THE TIMK TO ADVERTISE I Si THE COTJWTHX. THE PHOENIX has a large circulation throughout the j middle and upper Districts of the State. Advertising 1 rates as reasonable as the stringency c.' the money mar- | tot will warrant Merchants and others wishing to use the columns of the paper will address JULIAN A. SELBY, Proprietor, February 26 ' Columbia, 8. C. Mr. W. Miller says: PirronuOOH, September 4, I860.; Meurt. Bottttter h Smith, - Pitltburgh, Po, ? GENTS: I think I om only doing the part of a good citizsn when I testify to the great benefits: reeelvea by ! mc from the use of your Stomach Ritters during the j : lost five years. Sojourning for a time in the-oil regions, j in 1861,1 had a severe billons attack, which, in connec- j rion with dyspepsia, left me in avery weak condition, j I was advised to try your Bitters, and, having procured j a bottle, found that they worked Uko a charm upon mo, eight poundB having been added to my weight in the I I space of one week, and now lifo seemed tohave.beenin? j fused into my system, so much so, that I have been in doced to cse them every ru ramer since that time. As a j tonic, I think they are invaluable. This summer, having had a similar attack, (and aa be? fore, muon reduced,) although, under the treatment of an A No. ? physician, I was agata obliged to nave re? course to the old Bitters, and with the same good re? sult, having gained six poonda within a tow days, purchased a half dozen bottles a few weeks since, and -purpose to use thom regularly- as a tonic*. v - Wishing you every success, I remain Tour?. gratefduy, - - April 8 6 WILLIAM MTfdYgR. Free to Everybody. A Largo 0 pp. Circular, giving information of tho greatest Importance to tho young of both sexes. It teaches how the homely may become beau ?lui. tho despised respected, and thc forsaken loved. Ko young lady or gentleman should fail to send their address, and receive a copy post-paid, by return mail. Address P. O. Drawer, 21, March 30 lyr Tro/, N. Y. Know thy Destiny. MADAME E. F. THORNTON, tho great English Astrolo? gist, Clairvoyant and Psychomotrician, who has aston? ished the scientific classes of tho Old World, has now lo? cated herself at Hudson, N. Y. Madame THORNTON pos? sesses such wonderful powers of second sight as to ena? ble her to impart knowledge of the greatest importance to thc singlo or married of cither sex. While in a state of trance, she delineates tho very features of the person you are to marry, and by thc aid or an instrument of in? tense power, known ns tho Fsychomotrope*, guarantees to produce a llfe-liko picture of the future husband or wife of tho applicant, together with date of marriage, position tn life, leading traits of character, ?cc. This is no hum? bug, as thousand of testimonials can assert. She will send, when desired, a certified certificate, or written guarantee, that the picture is what it purports to be- By enclosing a small lock of hair, and stating place of birth, age, disposition and complexion, and enclosing fifty cents and stamped envelope addressed to yourself, you will re? ceive the picture and desired information by return mail. All communications sacredly confidential. Address, in confidence, Madame E. F. THORNTON, P. Q. Box 223, Hudson, N. Y. ly " March 30 MISCELLANEOUS. OFFICE OP CAPTAIN OE POLICE, i CHARLESTON, S. C., April 12, 1807. J THE FOLLOWING ORDINANCE IS PUBLISHED for the benefit of all whom lt may concern. C. B. SIOWALD, Captain of Police. Be il Ordained, That from and after the first day of January next, every person keeping a shop or store, or engaged in mercantile business in the City of Charles? ton, shall post up, and keep posted up, in some conspi? cuous place, at hu or her business stand or stand?, a conspicuous Sign Board or Plate, containing bin or her given name and surname, and. in case of a partnership, thc given name and HCTHW of each member of tho firm ; and ever? person so offending, or making default herein, shall forfeit and pay to tho City a penalty of fifty dollars for each and every offence or default, and in addition thereto a further sum of fifty dollars for each and every month during which the provisions of this Ordinance shall remain not complied with: Provided, however. That nothing herein contained shall apply to the special partners of a limited partnership. Ratified December 2. 1851. Extract from Ordinance Basified November 20th, 1800. SEC.- 6. No cloth awning shall bo put up in sucb a man? ner as to obstruct foot passengers; and no sign-boord shall be erected otherwise than thirteen feet from the Bur- | face of tho ground or foot pavement * - * ; under a penalty of Twenty Dollars for each and every day, while any such awning or sign-board, fixed or form? ed otherwise than as herein directed, shall so remain. + * * *,* st m m SEC, 6. No person or persons whosoever shall, for the purpose of exposing any goods, commodities, or other articles for sale, place, or caused to bo placed, any such goods, commodities, or other articles whatsoever, or any table, bench, stall-board, box, or other appendage, In any street, lane, alley, or public thoroughfare, or any foot-pavement within tbe City, under a penalty of Twenty Dollars for each and every such offence, and for each and every night or day, as thc case may bo, on which any such offence is committed: Provided, how? ever. That Vendue Masters shall be permitted to oxpose ! before their stores such goods and commodities as they sell at public auction, but not to take np more room than tbe front of their respectivo vendue stores, and to tho distauce of six feet beyond tbe same. SEC. 6. No person or persons whosoever, shall suffer any fire wood, coals, goods, wares, merchandise, car? riages of any description, or any other matter or thing, to him, her, or them belonging or consigned, to lay or stand for a longer space than four hours, in any street, lane, alley, or public thoroughfare within tho City, un? der a penalty or Two Dollors, with costs, for every hour that any such article or thing sholl so lay or stand be? yond the above mentioned time : excepting materials for building, in regard to which tho following regulations shall be observed, namely : When any person or persons sholl erect or repair any bonso or other building, upon any street, lane, alley, or open court, within thc city, he, she, or they; shall make | application for the use of so much of the street ; or public way as shall not exceed tbe front of the lot on which sucb building is to be erected, nor extend more than six feet into the street; which space such per- I son or persons shall forthwith enclose with a sufficient ' fence, at least six feet high, in order to deposit within the same the requisite materials for building and repairing; and such fence, together with the remaining material, be, she or they shall remove os soon os the work bo finished, or whenever the Mayor shall require it, on pain of for? feiting Two Dollars for every hour that such fence or such [ materials shall afterward romain unremoved; and.on pain, also, of having the same removed at his, her) or. | their expense, by the,City authorities. * * April 13 _1 ENGINE. ONE .OF LOCKWOOD A- JOHNSON'S OTTY MAKE 8inch cylinder and 20 Inch stroke, in complete or? der, for salo ljw, at State, corner Cumberland street, by April 6 sw F. W. CLAUSSEN. HIGH SCHOOL OE CHARLESTON. rIE EXERCISES OF THIS SCHOOL WELL BE resumed Cn Monday, 15th. Instruction given in Greek, Latin, French, German. Mathematics, and tbe higher branches of English. The School is well sup? plied with Maps, Globes, and Philosophical Apparatus. Terms of tuition ?10 per quarter, in advance. No ex? tra chorgo for Stationery. French or German. W. R. KTNGMAN, April ll 3_Principal. COMMISSIONERS OF MARKETS. ESTIMATES WILL BE RECEIVED FOR BUILDING a CISTERN at the Upper Wards Market. ? Proposals to be-handed in on or before the 20th inst. WILLIAM KIRKWOOD, , April 6 _Chief derk. PATTERNS. TUST RECEIVED FROM MADAMF. DEMOREST THE tl latest styles DRESS MAKING IN ALL TTS. BRANCHES, Cloaks, Basques, kc, mode to order. Country i rdcrs filled promptly. MISS E. J. BONNER, Broad street, next cost of Mansion House. April 2 Imo CEDAR CAMPHOR BIST AGAINST MOTHS. CHEAP! FRAGRANT I RELIABLE 1 Sold by druggists everywhere. HAR RL3 & CHAPMAN, Boston. 2 April 12 INTELLIGENCE OFFICE. W j P.B0NF0RT, BPDSON, near KINO STREET, rear of CITADEL. FARM HANDS, COOKS, WASHERS, HOUSE SER VA LS TS, kc, wanted immediately. March 26 tnths2m ACCOUNT BOOK MANUFACTORY. BOOK BINDING, PRMN6 ,- . AND ... Y STATIONER^. ACCOUNT BOOKS OF ANY SIZE, STYLE OB KIND RULED IO ORDER, AND MADE TO ANY PATTERN. LETTER, NOTE AID CAP PAPERS. BAKERS' BREAD BOOKS. ^LJ^ISTK: BOOKS OF ALL QUALITIES IND STYLES, CONSTANTLY ON HAND, AND AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES, A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF STATIONER'S MERCHANDISE. LEGAL, CAP AND LAW IBI^AJSTKB. CARDS - BILL HEADS AND EVERY DESCRIPTION OF JOB PRINTING BXKOUTK0 AT SHORT NOTICE. HI&AM HABRIS, ISFo. ,59.. Broad Street, C1URLKSTOSI, 8. C. October 22 ? ? ? .? ?_nrwfftmo MEDICATED PAPER, A. j SURE' CURE FOR THE PUJES,; P??T.;TJP : ?? J%. PACKAGES bf 1000pieces. . .i ; Price SO cents. For salo bv ? HIRAM HARRIS, * Maren 18 "imo * No. 69 BROAD STREET. THE CAROLINA TIMES, v PUBLISHED AT QRAVGEB?RO C. H. rpSB PAPER CIRCULATES THRODGH?rjT^*tHB X middlo portion of tho State, and offors tho beat facflittea for advertisers. February 28 MISCELLANEOUS._ THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN APPOINTED BY THE METHODIST PUBLISHING HOUSE at Nashville. Tcnnessoo. Agents for tho salo of their Publications in South Carolins, respectfully ' inform tho Clergy and Members of thc Methodist Churches that they have, and will continuo to koop on hand, such Books os may be required. THE STOCK CONSISTS OF HYMN BOOKS, SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS, TEXT AND ai ISCELLAN EOUS BOOKS. E. J. DAWSON & CO., . BOOK SELLERS AND STATIONERS, No. 13G Meeting street, April 13 stntliG Opposite Charleston HotcL K~HXVK THE PIifBASURE OB", AN? NOUNCING to tio Ladles and Gontlemen of Cliarloston, that we, tho undersigned, nave fitted up a I FIRST CLASS EST ABUSAIENT, at tho corner of Moot? ing and Hasel streets, where we will guarantee that you . will find a superior quality uf ICE CHEAM, SODA WA? TER, CONFECTIONERY and CAKES. Hoping to re? ceive a share of tho patronage of tho community, we are Respectfully, JOHN OGREN. W. A. WTTHINGTON. April 13_imo rrlHE UNDERSIGNED WILL CONTINUE TO DIS JL PENSE this agreeable and healthful beverage, at their well-known stands. No. 80 HASEL STREET, be? tween King and Meeting streets. No. 128)5 KING STREET (Old Piqnot G. ord House), and at tho head of CENTER MARKET, northwest comer. Druggists and others wishing to be supplied with Fountains or Syrups, and dealers desiring Fountains charged, will bo accommodated upon reasonable terms. Steamers, Hotels, Restaurants and private families, furnished with a superior article of bottled Soda, in quan I tines to suit purchasers. ! We are agents for the sole of A. J. Morse fe Son's justly celebrated Soda Water Apparatus, consisting of Genera? tors, Fountains, Marble Draught Stands, Silver Plated I Refrigerating Draught Stands, Tumbler Holders, and all apparatus necessary for the manufacture of Soda Water, at thc manufacturers' prices, with freight added. Dealers in Soda water throughout the State, desiring an apparatus, will do welt to oxamlne the merits of Morse's Apparatus, before purchasing elesowhere. Description catalogue and price list sent to an v address upon application to JOHN BUCK & CO., Charleston. While appreciating the very liberal patronage extended to us during the past season, wo t hall strive to merit its continuance. JOHN BUCK. E. H. GARDNER. April ll _2mo FURNITURE AUCTIONS AT PRIVATE RESIDENCES Attended to with promptness and dispatch, and at MODERATE CHARGES, BY SMITH & MCGILLIVRAY, April ll Auctioneers, No. 27 Brood street DRY GOODS, ETC. SPRING GOODS. SPRING GOODS. AT THE K STOLL, WEBB & CO., NO. 287 KING STREET. mHE SUBSCRIBERS RESPECTFULLY INFORM JL th*-fr friends and customers that they oro now re? ceiving their STOCK OF SPRING GOODS, all or which have been selected with core and at the lowest prices, and which wc now offer at a very small advance above cost. Oar motto being. Quick Sales and Small Profits, wo would respectfully solicit our-friends and customers . to call and examine our Stock before purchasing. Par? ticular poins taken in showing Goods. Our Stock con I sis ts in part of 3-4 LONG CLOTH, 12>i cents 7- 8 Long Cloth, IS, 17, 18 cents by the piece ' 4-4 Long Cloth. 20, 25, 30, 35 cents 9,10 and U-4 Sheetings 9; 10 and 11-4 Linen Sheetings-cheap Pillow Linens-oil prices Bird Eye Diapers-ail priors Russia Diapers-all prices Scotch Diapers-all prices Huck Diapers-all prices Crash. 12>i, 20 and 25 cents Bleached Damask Clotho 8- 1 Bleached Table Damask 6-4 and 8-4 Brown Table Damask Colored Tablo Damask Worsted Table and Piano Covers. DRESS GOODS. * GRENADINES AND LENCH Crape MarotjT English Bareges-plain and figured Melanges and Poplins, for Travelling Dresse*, Colored French. Printed Organdies , Colored Printed Jaconet and Lawns . Per?ois and Chambrays Solid Colored French Cambrics and Lawns Black Berege and Crape Maretz 8-4 Black Borage, for Shawls 8-4 Black Grenadine Black Bombazines, all qualities . Black Alpacas Black Tarilla* Cloth ', Black and Colored hilka. With a variety of other Goods, which will bo offered at I low prices, at STOLL, WEBB & CO., No. 287 King Street, BANCROFT'S OLD STAND. March 26 WHITE GOODS AND. .:. EMBROIDERIES. JACONETS, COTTON CAMBRICS Nainsook and Mull.Muelins Bishop sud Victoria Lawns Plaid and Stripe Swiss Plaid and Stripe Cambrics Plaid and Stripe Nainsooks Swiss Muslins . . . French Muslins Dotted Muslins . - Tucked Muslins Muslin Edgings and Inser?ngs Cambric Edgings and Inserttngs Thread Edgings and Inserting? Valen cine Edgings and Inserttngs Linen Edgings and Insertings Brussels Edgings : ? 1 , Maltese Lace Collars, in variety Swiss and Cam rrio Collars, in variety ? Linen Collars and Cuffs Infanta'Bodies and Robes. . Wit i a complete assortment of all other Goods ^in the I above line. . * ILL, WEBB & CO., No. 287 King Street. HOSIERY ! HOSIERY ! WE WOULD CALL PARTICULAR ATTENTION TO our stock of HOSIERY, which we would otter at much lower prices than formerly: LADIES' WHITE COTTON HOSE Ladies' Open Work Hose - Ladies' Black and Slate Hose Gents' Half Hose in Brown and White, Misses' White Cotton Hose In variety Boy's Half-Hose in variety. - GLOVES ? LADEE?" BLACK. WHITE AND COLORED KID GLOVES . \ Ladies' Lisle and Silk Gloves Genta" Lisle and Silk. Gloves - Lace Mitts-in variety Ladies" Buck Gauntlets Genta* Buck'Gloves'" " Miases* Lisle and S?i Gloves , .:' Misses' Lace Mitta "... t. With a foll assortment of all Goods'in our Une at low prices. "."".' - vp-., ?L, WEBB & CO., No. 287 King Street. PURE BRANDY. THE INFAMOUS PRACTICE OF ADULTERATING BRANDIES having become so common, that, a genuine I article ?B tho exception, it ig of vital importance to these requiring it for Family Uso and Invalids, that lt should j tie of undoubted purity and efficacy. We are pleased to notice that the old and popular Wine 1 importers, BINTNGER tc CO., No. 15 Beaver street New I Y erk, taro very opportune in calling the attention of fami? lies to their ' "GOLD MED AL COGNAC," of which they say, that, "With a view to m..jttng the .popular demand for a reliable Brandy In ita natural state, free from alcoholic flavor and Impurities, and fully appro dating the fact'that it ls orien recommended by th? M?di? ca! Faculty as a sustaining stimulant, when all other re? med?T fall, we are'now bottling and selling at reeaona ?ble rates a Brandy of dur own importation from'one of 1 the most responsible Houses in France, 7and:ariown aa '.BINTNGEB'8 GOLD MEDAL COGNAC ' ' This Standard Article is sold by aU 'of the prominent | Druggists. sfimO " Feoruary2 '.JW- WE ARE AUTHORIZED TO ANNOUNCE I WM. BLUM DINGLE os a Candidato for tho Sherlffalty j ot ?ho ensuing election. , ? September ll_' '? ' '' ' ... . ;.6a. NOTICE~l~jvrrai- snop KEEPERS, AIS? ! PEDDLERS. " ',; ... k LL PERSONS ENGAGED, AND WHOSE LICENSE ] have fexptoccl, are hereby notified to caR at my office j and renew the asm? im~*???^-, ."?^.?ZSJ.Zm?nxMt, April* 10 Clerk or CflBwO. AGRICULTURAL. ?IVE,!! 1X1 ?J.K. 1 i~\f\f\ BUSHELS OF SUPERIOR SEED RICE LUUU For salo by STREET BROTHERS ?! Co.. April ia 1 _No. 74 Ettat Bay. SEED RICE. frr\r\ BUSHELS OF SUPERIOR QUALITY. 4 UU For solo by W. W. SHACKELFORD. April ll thBtu_Mo. 1 Boyoe'B Wharf. SEA ISLAND COTTON SEED, trr\ BUSHELS EXCELSIOR COTTON SEED. FOR OU salo by WM. GURNEY. April ll _ _j_3_ No. 102 Rant Bay. ALLEN & NEEDLES' FERTILIZER [ TO ARRIVE. (TAA BBLS. OF THE ABOVE WELL KNOWN FER yUU TIL IZE It expected per steamer from Phila? delphia. All unfilled orders will hcanrmlicd direct from .teamer. MACBETH ic RAVEN EL, Sole Agent?. ?\: arch 28 O. CHITTENDEN, (General Commission Merchant, AND lVIaoruffacturer o?" Par) er, OF VARIOUS KINDS, ' KO. 1?7 READI? S T lt E K T, Corner Hudson Street, Now York. DEALER IN PAPER AND LN MATERIALS OF cvervdescription tor itu manufacture. Ue.-rnji.ct 13 _ Ono KIRK LOAN. MAYORALTY OF CHARLESTON, 1 Crrr HAI.I,, November 9. 1860. J ALL PERSONS DESIROUS OF REBUILDING IN THE Burnt Districts and Waste Places of the City, un? der "An Act of the General Assembly, giving authority to the City Council of Charleston to proceed in the mat? ter ot a Fire Loan, with a view to aid in building up the City anew," aro hereby notified that tho form of appli? cation for loans con be obtained at the office of the Clerk of Council, between the hours of 0 A. M. and 2 P. M. All applications must be filed lu the above mentioned office, as the Committee will meet every Monday to con? sider the Borne. By order of the Mayor W. H. SMITH, November 10 Clerk of Council. Havana Flan Kentucky State Lottery MURRAY, EDDY & CO., MANAGER?. rpo BE DRAWN AT COVINGTON, KY., 15TH AND I Suth of each month. Scheme, 32,000 tickets-527 prizes. Whole tickets, $12; halves, SO; quarters, $3; eighths, SI SO. 1 Prize of.550,000 2 Prizes of.$5,000 1 Prize of.$20,000 29 Jfrizes ol.$1.000 1 Prize ol'.$8,000 63 Prizes of.$400 1 Prize of.$7,000 155 Prizes of.. $200 220 Prizes of $125. 54 Approximation Prizes amounting to $0,900. Combination Lottery draws every day. Tickets from $1 to $10. OircaL-rs sent irec. Drawings mailed as soon as the Lottery is drawn. Andres? t?. 't. Hr:. I RS. Cuite.1 St?;es Liceniel \iient. NJ. ?. JJ.isei 3iTeei. oh-ne3toa.S. C., ?-.-IS?. iSoxM 1 .!?'. Fobruary 20 3m o AMERICAN" LEAD PENCIL COMPANY, NEW YORK. Factory, Hndsou City, N. 3. WHDLESAL??SALES ROOM NO. 34 JOHN STREET, SIEW YORK. tALL STYLES AND GRADES OF LEAD PENCIL of superior quality aro manufactured and offered at fair terms to the Trade. " Tho public aro invited to give the AMERICAN LEAD PENCIL thc pre? ference. THE PENCILS ARE TO BE HAD AT ALL THE PRINCIPAL STATIONERS AND NiiilON DEALERS. ASK FOR THE "AMERICAN LEAD PENCIL. " TKSTTM ONIAX? ' SHEFFIELD SCIENTIFIC SCHOOL, ) ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, ! YALE COLLCOE, November 16, 1806. ) I have always recommended tho Faber Polygrade Lead Pencils as the only pencils fitted for both ornamen? tal and mathematical drawing; but, ofter a thorough trial of the American Polygrade Lead Pencils, man? ufactured by tlio American Lead Pencil Company, New York, I find them superior to any pencil in use, even to the Faber or the old English Cumberland Lead Pencil, being a superior pencil for sketching, ornamental and mechanical drawing, and all the ordinary uses of a lead pencil. These pencils ore very finely graded and hove a very smooth lead ; even the softest pencils hold the point weU ; they are all that can be desired in a pencil. It gives me great pleasure to be able to assure Americans that they will no longer be compelled to depend upon Germany or any other foreign market for pencils. LOUIS BAIL, Professor of Drawing, ire ALL PENCILS AOS STAMPED: ' t(3~ "AMERICAN LEAD PENCIL CO. N. Y." None genuine without t io exact name of the firm : look to it. Gmo _December 13 -JJ?MTJ? ~p EAT! TY.-Auburn, fg&*gt. iSB^Ta Jj Golden, Flaxen, and (Sr^TSIfc Silken CURLS produced by &B>?B JK ?JW the use of Professor DE- B, ? ?MkjWfc, BREUX'S FRISER LE TRS Jjf ?JP*jgH6CHEVK?X. One opplica- jfelXt JBBJIW?^ tion warranted to curl the 4SB9assS^ ? T most straight and stubborn * VJfir hair of either BOX into wavy ringlets, or heavy massive curls. Has been used by the fashionables of Pails and London, with tho most gratifying results. Does no in? jury to the hair. Price by mail, sealed and postpaid, Si. Descriptive circulars mailed free. Address BERGER, SHU TTS & CO., Chemists. No. 285 River street. Troy, N. Y., Sole Agents for the United States. March 30_ly NOTICE TO SAILORS OR IMMIGRANTS, HOTEL OB BOARDINGHOUSE KEEPERS. OFFICE CLERK OF COUNCIL, 1 March 13,1867. i IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOItLOWLNG ACT OF the Legislature; passed the 20th day of December, 1866, all persons concerned oro hereby notified to call at this Office and take out tho required llcermo immediately. W.H. SMITH, Clerk of Council. AS ACT FOU THE BETTER PROTECTION OF SEAMEN AND IMMIGRANTS IN' THE PORT AND HARBOR OF CHARLES? TON. J. Beti enacted, by the Senate and Souse of Representa? tives, now met and sitting in General Assembly, and by ttl* authority of the same. That it shall not be lawful for any person, except a pilot or public officer, to boord or at? tempt to boardJ. vessel arriving in the port or harbor of Charleston, before such vessel shall have been made fast to the wharf, without first obtaining! eave from the mas? ter or person having charge of such vessel, or from her owner or agents. IL It shall not be lawful for any owner, agent, master, or other person having charge of any vessel arriving or being in the part of Charleston, io permit or authorize any sailors, hotel or boarding house keeper, not licensed as hereinafter provided, or any agent, runner or em? ployee of any sailor's or immigrant's hotel or boarding house, to board, or attempt to board, any vessel arriving in, or lying, or r eing in the harbor or port ot Charleston, before such vessel shall have been made fast to the wharf, or anchored, with, intent to Invite, ask or solicit the boarding of any of the crew employed on such vessel. IXL It shall not be lawful for any Bailor's or immi? grant's hotel or boarding house keeper, or the employee of any sailor's or imm igrant's hotel or boarding house keeper, having boarded any vessel made fast to any wharf in the port of Charleston, to neglect or refuse to leave said vessel, after having been ordered so to do by the master or person having charge of ouch VesseL IV. It shall not bo lawful lor any person to: keep, con? duct or carry on, either as owner, proprietor, agent or otherwise, any sailor's or immigrant's boarding house, or sailor's or immigrant's hotel, In the city ol Charleston, without having a license from the City Council thereof, V. It shall not be lawful for any person, not bavins the . license m. thia Act provided, or not being the regular agent, runner or employee of a person having such li? cense, to invite, ask or solicit in the dry or harbor of Charleston, the boarding or lodging of any of the crew, employed on any vessel, or of any immigrant arriving in the said city of Charleston. VL The City Council shall take the. application of any person applying fw a license to keep a Bailors' or immi? grant's boarding house, or sailor's or Immigrant's hotel, in the city of Charleston, and upon satisfactory evidence to them of the respectability and competency of such ap? plicant, and of the suitableness of his accommodations, shall Issue to him at?cense, which shall be good.for one -year, unices sooner revoked by said City Council, to keep a sailor's or immigrant's boarding house in the city of charleston, and to invite and solicit boarders for the same. VTL The City Council may, upon satisfactory evidence of the disorderly character cf any sailors' or immigrants' hotel or boarding house, licensed as hereinbefore pro? vided, or of the keeper, or proprietor of any- such' house, or of any force, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation, in in? viting or soliciting boarders or lodgers for auch house, on the part of such keeper or proprietor, or any. of his agents, runners, or employees, or of any attempt to per? suade or entice any of the crew to desert from any vessel lu the harbor of Charleston, by such keeper or proprie? tor, or any of bis agents, runners or employees, revoke ?the" M?ense for keeping such house. : VHL Every person receiving the license hereinbefore provided for shan pay to- the city Sound! ' aforesaid the sum of twenty dollars. TX. Tho said City Council shall furnish to each Bailor's or immigrant's hotel or boarding house keeper, licensed by them aa aforesaid, one or more badges or shields, on which shall bo printed or engraved the name of such hotel or boarding house Iteepor, and the number and street of his ho'el or boarding house; and which said badges or shields shall be surrendered to said City Coun? cil upon the revocation by them, or expiration of any license granted by them, as herein provided. X. Every sailor's or immigrant's hotel or boarding? house keeper, and every agent, runner or employee of such hotel or boarding-house keeper, when boarding any vessel in th? harbor of Charleston, or Toben Inviting or soliciting the boarding or lodging of any seaman, sailor or person employed on any vessel, or of any immigrant, shall wear, conspicuously displayed, the shield or badge referred to In tho foregoing section. XL It shall not be lawful for any person, except those named in the preceding section, to Lave, wear, exhibitor display any such shield or badge to any of the crew em? ployed on any vessel, or to any immigrant so arriving in the dty of Charleston, with the intent tb invite, ask or soHdt the boarding or lodging of such Immigrant or ot any of tho crew employed oa any vessel' being In' the harbor of Charleston. ? . XXL Whoever shall offend againstany or either of the provisions contained in section 1, 2,3,4, 5,10 and ll, in this Act, shall bo deemed guilty ol a misdemeanor, and shall, upon conviction thereof; be punished by imprison? ment for a term not exceeding one year, and not less than thirty days, or by a fine not exceeding two hundred and fifty dollar?, and not lesa than one hundred dollars; orby both such fl no and imprisonment, XHL The word "vessel," as used in thia Act, shall in dudo vessels propelled by sf iam. Tn tho Senate House, tho twentieth clay of Djcomtxr. In the year of our Lord Ona thousand eight hundred and: . aixty-alx. . " W. D. PpBTERy. ' -' 1 " Presidcm of tho Senate, CHAS. H. amos TON. >: Speaker H craso of Representatives. Approved December 20,1S8? : ".. - ' . JAMES L. Osa, Ovwoat. ; :>.. '. ?. '*-' . Varch 1? . ? ?.?.:-- : ? .:y.V : ' '?? - ? ATO??CE TO DISCHAEUED SOLDI ICRS i_> AR soldiers who have left their caaes. i ri my hands ara requested to pend their address to this office, aa I am now paying them. I have some two hundred cassa. on hand awaiting claimants. ' Catt of send: your, address to First Regular U. 8. Claim"Office, No. ISO ggsHng street. T. HURLEY, Cha: leaton, S. Ci, Agent?.". . N. B.-All dalmo against the U. S. Government col tected. tttthJdjtno " . April & E. M. WmTINGv CORONER AN??lilOKTRATE, R?S REMOVED HIS OFFICE FROH CHALMERS street to No. 83 CHURCH STREET, one door uortnot Broaaitree!. AtunutAi AUCTION SALES. BY MILLIGAN dc SON. Ou SATURDAY. 20th inst., in rear cf new Custom House, at Jl o'clock, we wUl sell, 1 LOT ANCHORS AND CHAINS. April ll thsmws5_ Auteions for Horses. Vehicles and Furniture, EVERY WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, at a quarter past | 10 o'clock, as originally established by the subscribers. Furniture sales at Private Residences promptly attend? ed to at low charges. SMITH & MCGILLIVRAY. Auctioneers, No. 27 Broad street, _ April ll_limo South Sido near State. BANNKTT SC11UK, Auctioneer and Commlmian Merchant, III No. 89 Kins; street, below Broad street. Offers hts services for the sale of MERCHANDISE *r day and night at his store, also tor the salo of Stock. Bonds, Real Estate. Vessels, Horses and Produce. > ?si city references will be given. Consignments solio . <. Tenus moderato and guarantees satisfaction. March 20 Imo PRIVATE SALES. BY MILLIGAN ?Si SON. At Private Sale 1 Twenty-Hor.e Power STEAM ENGINE, in thc bost of order 1 Cylinder Boiler, but little used 1 first-class Saw Mill; may bo completed at a ?mall cost. Pnco of whole ?170O. Apply as above at No. 22 VENDUE RANGE. April 4 _ thstustusO Lot of Land on Iieaufain Street, at Private Sale. BY LOWNDES & G It 1MB A LL, Law Range, Broad Street. At Private Salo ALI? THAT LOT OF LAND lying on tho North sido of Beauf. in street, opposite > rchdale stree*, measuring ?fty-nino (59) feet front by ono hundred and twenty (120) feet deep, fifty-two (52) feet on the bacaT linc. Bounded by lands of st. Michael's Church. Terms cash. Purchaser to pay L. & G. for papers. April 9 tuthsC MACHINE SHOPS. December 15_stnth lyr BRIDGES & LAIN E, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN . RAILROAD AND CAR FINDINGS, AND Machinery of Every Description . ALSO, TAITS PATENT BOLLING LEVEE SHEARS . AND PUNCHES. No. SO Conrtland-st., corner of Greenwich, NEW YORK. RAILROAD AXLES, WHEELS, CHAIRS, SPIKES, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, Car, Ship and Bridge Bolts, Iron Forgings of various kinds, kc, kc ? STEEL AND RUBBER SPRINGS, LOCOMOTIVE AND HAND LANTERNS, Portable Forgos and Jack Screws, Cotton Duck for Car Covers, Brass and Silver Trimmings, Belting of all kinds. Baggage Checks, Ac, A-c Also, Agents for the manufacturers of CAR HEAD LININGS. ALBERT BRIDGES.,..ICELC. I.VNE. Noccmbetf_tr>tr.s.';r.c NOTICE. TO CARPENTERS, BUILDERS, &C. YOUR ATTENTION IS CALLED TO A FURTHER REDUCTION IN THE PRICES OF PREPARED ? LUMBER for your uses. TONGUELNG AND GROOVING.$5 per M SURFACING ONE SIDE.4 per M SURFACING BOTH SIDES.1.7 per M ON HAND ron SALT: : 20,000 feet Iii Worked Seasoned Flooring 10,000 feet ?i Worked Lining 10,000 feet % Weather Boards, 9 and 10 inches.wide 15.000 feet Iii, lHt and 2 inch Yellow Pine, 14 to 20 inches wide 10,000 feet Iii Stepping 10,000 feet Wide 1 inch Boards. Your patronage ls solicited TO COSSTJMXHS. We have lately attached a FIRST-CLASS CORN MILL to our establishment, and aro prepared to furnish GRIST AND MEAL, in large or small quantities, to cus? tomers. Orders from City or Country solicited. Terms cash. WHARTON & PETSCH, Car Works, Steam Planing and Grooving MiLs, Corner Line street and Railroad Avenue. March 29 tuthslmo NEW YORK STEAM EMME CO., MANUFACTURERS OF ENGINE LATHES, PLANERS, TMPEOVED CAB. WHEEL LOXES. . ? BOLT CUTTERS, UPRIGHT DRILLS, .AND MACHINISTS' TOOLS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS Works at Worcester, Mass. OFFICE AND .WAREBOOM, No. 222 PEARL ST., . NEW YORK. December 18. fts? WILLIAM B. GILLILAND & SON, Real Estate Agents, Auctioneers COMMISSIONMERCHANTS, OFFICE NO. 33 HAYN E STREET. September 3; . ' ' CRISPER COMA. Oh I she was beautiful and fair, With starry eyes, and radiant nair. Whose curling tendrils, soit entwined. Enchained tho very heart and mind, CRISPER COMA, For Curling the Hair of either Sex into Wavy ' ?Iets or ; Carls. BY USING THIS ARTICLE LADIES AND GENTLE? MEN can beautify themselves a thousand-fold. It is the only article in the world that wiR curl straight hair, and at the same time give it a beautiful, glossy ap? pearance. The Crisper Coma not only curls the bair, but invigorates, beautifies and cleanses it; ia highly and de llghfrully perfumed, and ls the most complete article of the Und ever offered to the American public The Crisper Coma will bo sent to any address, sealed and postpaid for SI. Address all orders to W. L. CLARK & CO., Chemists, No. 3 West Fayette street, Syracuse N. Y. March 30_:_lyr ASTROLOGY. TOE WORLD 1ST0N?SHED AT THE WONDERFUL REVELATIONS MADE BT THE GREAT ASTROLOGIST, Madame H._^- PEREIGO. SHE REV ALS SECRETS NO MORTAL EVER KNEW. She restores to happiness those who. from doleful events, catastrophes, crosses in love, loss of relations and friends, loss of money, tc, have became despondent. She brings together those long separated, gives informa? tion concerning absent friends or levers, restores lost or stolen property, tells - you the business you are best qualified to pursue and In what you will be most success fill, causes speedy marriages, and tehs you the very day you will marry, gives you the names, likeness and char? acteristics of the person. She reads your very thoughts, and by her almost supernatural powers, un vails the dark and hidden mysteries of the futuna. From the stars we see in the firmament-the malefic stars thatjsveroome or predominate la the configuration-from the aspects and positions of the planets and the fixed stars in the heavens at the time of birth, she deduce* the future destiny of man. Fail not to consult the greatest . Astrologist on earth. It costs you but a trefle, and you may never again have BO favorable an opportunity, Consultation fee, with likeness and all desired information, tl. Parties Hving sta distance can consult the Madame by mall with equal safety and satisfaction to themselves, aa If in person. A fhn and explicit chart, written out, with oH inquiries an? swered and llkeaesa enclosed, sent by maU on receipt of price above mentioned. The strictest sccresy will bo nadntained, and all correspondence- returned or destroy? ed. References of the highest order furnished those de suing them. Write plainly the day of the month and yearin which you were born, enclosing a small lock of Address, MADAME H. A. PERSIGO, P. O. DEA WEB 293, BUFFALO, N. Y. March 30 ' .-' '" ' " ' ? , ? ' ?' _ GIVE IT A FAIR TRIAL. rr?HTS SOAP REQUIRES ONLY TO BE USED TO JL prove its. superior ; quality. Uso lt as yon would any common Soap. Try lt and yon wiH bo convinced that lt ?? e=ysrior to any ether , article in market. For gale by Grocers genetally. Manufactured by TAYLOR A YOUNG, No. 188 Frost street, New York. For Bale by GRUBKR k MARTIN. ' . '- Ho. 93? Kingstrect ?."'IV.' ?'? : ^;H.^RMCHOFF?e?:?00t,,^ ?-??'s;>-'.'v''NcvOTBaetRi[r. -',: , ..... - ; . . .. GEO. W. WILLIAMS * OCV - - ' ' 7, OornerCa?ttPh and Heyne afreets: : ' ' ?. DOWIE it MOISE, Druggists, No. 16T, Meeting street, OpposUK Charleston Hotel. AUCTION SALES Damaged Corn, on account of the Underwriters and ott concerned. nv LAUREY & ALEXANDER. THIS DAY. 13tli instant, will 1 ; sold, in the storehouse No. 33 Queen street, south t .do. and east of Meeting street, at ll a'clock, on a< .omit of the underwriters and all concerned. 72 bags CORN (144 bus'tels), slightly damaged. Conditions cash. _ April 13 _ Estate Sate, by order of Executors-Houses and Lots. BY WARDLnW &CARKW. Will be sold at ll o'clock A. M.. on TUESDAY, tho 14th May next, in front of Exchange, A HOUSE AND EOT at the comer of Spring and Coming streets. The House contains four rooms with uro places, and double piazzas lu the rear. Tho front room below, directly ou tho corner, is well adapted for a Store with all thc necessary fixtures, and is an cxcollont stand for business. There is attached to this lot a good kitchen, with sorvant's room above, ic, kc. The Lot ls a'^out 40 fcetfrootby aboi.t - feet in depth. ALSO, A DOUBLE FRAMED TENEMENT HOUSE, adjoining the above on Coining street, with four rooms in each tenement. Tito; lot is of similar dimensions with tho foregoing, and lias on it a well of water. Tho buildings on both these lots aro nearly new and of excellent mate? rials. This property was in possession of tho Testator before tho war, and has never since changed hands. Purchasers to pay us tor papers. April 12 si tu2 may 7. mtn2 \ UNITED STATES MARSHAL'S SALK. [FORECLOSCTItK OF MOUTO '.cc UT CONSENT OF PARTIES.] Robert J. Getty vs. Robert JT. Harney. BY W. Y. LEITCH & R. S. BRUNS, Auctioneers. By virtue of an order ol sale to me directed, in the abovo case, I will expose for sale at Public Auction, in front of tho old Custom Heuso, in Charleston, at 12 o'clock M.. on THURSDAY. April 18.1807, THE SIDE-WHEEL STEAMER PLATO, burthen about 83 H3-100 tons, length 04 7-10 feet, breadth 21 2-10 feet, depth 0 4-10 feet, together with her boat, tackle, fur? niture, apparel and appurtenances, as per inventory. Conditions-O uo-third cash ; balance in notes at 00 and 90 days, securedby two approved endorsers. m . J. P. M. EPPING, April ll ths2 tuwth3 U. S. Marshal. S. A. LAMBERT, PRODUCE COMMISSI 0N_MERCH ANT. SOUTHERN AND NORTHERN ORDERS FILLED ON COMMISSION. Office of John P. Newldrk, No 127 READE-STREET, CORNER HUDSON, 1ST K "W YORK. BS- Agency tor EXTON'S PREMIUM TRENTON CRACKERS. All orders sent w?l bo promptly attended to. Kroo* TVi-Pmlvr Ti* G. F. NO. 108 MARKET ST., Books, Peria ii icals and Stationery. JUST RECMVED A lar c supply of STATIONERY 1HOTOGRAPHS. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS POCKET BOOKS, DIARIES for 1867, Etc. ALSO, fine and largo selection of NOVELS, by the moet roi iratcd authors. SONG BOOKS, BOOKS for Home Am sements, kc. Ai the MONTHLY MAGAZINES, WEEKLY PAPERS. DAILIES constantly on hand, and subscriptions re? ceived for the same. Orders from the country are respectfully solicited. T P. K V -? T r, KKK A November 8 - THE SOUTHERN EXPRESS C?PM, Oflice No. 1-17 Meeting street. CONNECTIONS WITH ATT, Railroads Throughout THE UNITED STATES. Every attention given to the safe Transmission of Freight, Money, and Valuables. WILL CALL FOR AND DELIVER FREIGHT TO ANY POINT IN THE CITY FREE OF CHARGE. H. B. PLANT, President, April 10_Augusta, Ga. There cometh glad tidings of joy to all. To young and to old, to gi eat and to small; The beauty which once was so precious and rare, Is free for all, and all may be fair. By thc ase of CHASTELLAR'S WHITE LIQUID ENAMEL, For Improving and Beautifying tho Complexion, The most valuable and perfect preparation in use, for giving the skin a beautiful pearl-like tint, that is only found in youth. It quickly removes Tan, Freckles, Pim? ples, Blotches, Moth Pitches, Sallowness. Eruptions, and all impurities of tho stan, kindly healing the same leaving the skin white and clear as alabaster. Tts uso cannot be detected by the closest scrutiny, and being a vegetable preparation is perfectly harmless. It is the only article of the kind used by the Frencbj-and ls con? sidered by tho Parisian as indispensable to a perfect toilet. Upwards of 30,000 bottles were sold during the past year, a. sufficient guarantee of its efficacy. Price only 76 conta. Sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of an order, by BERGER, SHU'l'iS k CO., Chemists, 285 River St, Troy, N. Y. March 30._lyr MOTHERS ! MOTHERS ! MOTHERS! YOUR ATTENTION IS CALLED TO MRS. WINSLOW'S S?OTHM SYRUP, FOR ' .. /:" CHILDREN TEETHING THIS VALUABLE PREPARATION IS THE PRE SCRIPTION of one. of the beet female physicians and nurses in the United. States, and has been used for thirty years with never-failing safety and success by mil? lions of mothers for their children. It not only relieves the child from, pain, but invigorates the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, and gives tone and energy to the whole .system.. It will also Instantly relieve GRIPING IN THE B3WELS AND WIND COLIC. We believe it is the best and surest remedy in tho world, in all cases of DYSENTERY AND DIARRHOEA in children, whether lt arises from Teething, or from any other cause. : Bo sure and ask for SIRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP, Having the fae simile of CURTIS tc PERKINS on the .wrapper... .? ALL OTHERS ARE BASE IMITATIONS. For sale by tho Wholesale Agents, . HOWIE & MOISE, No. 19X MEETING STREET, OPPOSITE CHARLESTON HOTEL. April ll _.., ' thstn2moa STRASBURGER & NUHN, mPOBTEBS OF TOYS, CHINA, SLATES AND SLATE PENCILS. STRASBURGER k NUHN, FORCED BY THE RAPED increase of their business and their present inade? quate accommodations, have made arrangements to re? move from No. 65 Maiden Lane to tho extensive lofts of No. 394 BROADWAY, near Canal street, New York, on the 16th of March; offering there to buyers better in? ducements than ever before. thstuSmoa February 28 NOTICE. OFFICE CLERK OF COUNCIL.-THE FOLLOWING clause of Section 1 of an "Ordinance to Baise Sup? plies for the ye ir 1807," is published for the information of persons selling Goods by sample or otherwise, who ara not residents of this city. All such persons ors. hereby notified to report at this office. "Three dollars oa every huadrsd dollars of all gooda sold in this city by persons not residents, by sample or otherwise." t9- W. H. SMITH, - March 8 _Clerk of Conncfl. WILLIAM BROOK BANKS, STEAM GAS FITTER ' ?A81D PLUMBER, "DEATH AND ORNAMENTAL GAS FIXTURES. GAS X FITTING AND PLUMBING PROMPTLY AT I EN DEI; TO. NO. 116 KING SfUElCI. angu.tSl ._Between' broao ?nd jne*-i" ?repte. - FIRE IMRAIE COMPANY, LIVERPOOL- AND LONDON. CAPITAL.............810,000,000 IN GOLD. ' APPLY TO : GIBBES & CO., Agents, NO. 10 ABGER'8 SOUTH WHAB?:1.;" December7 ". . yt * inwfly*.: F AM ! DY. M ED IC IM E S T?OR CHOLERA AND DIAKRHOA. USE D7L CO. JO GARRISON'S CHOLERA AND DLUtRBXEA PRE.. PRICK BWCT CT3?TtfSflOJBOOT34R,,- .--v t . ? ? DOWDS ?fc MOISE, ?. ?a. *" ^fiTiHhr arrririT -mr- " r*~J-A-..?.-?