The Charleston daily news. (Charleston, S.C.) 1865-1873, April 17, 1866, Page 3, Image 4

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TUESDAY MORNING. APRIL 17, 1666. COMMERCIAL. Exports. NEW YORK?Per sehr D 0 Halse?79 bales Up'and Cot ton, 6 bales Cotton Pickings, 26 packages Furniture, 10 bales Moss, 207 bundles aud cases Paper, if. bbls Herrings, 17 bbls Ale, IS cases Aie, 53 chests Tea, 51 bbls Peanuts, 75 cases and casks Hardware, 23 kegs Kails, 22 bundles Stcol. 2 bbls Twine. Ac, 152 coi's Hope, 2 pack?gee Mar;in, 27 casks Cutlery, Files, 75 empty Ale Bbls. 1 chest Clothing, lot Cypress and Oak Staves, 41 hhds, tierces ano bbls Old iron, and 1 cask Lead. FAIRHAVEX, COS'S?Per fear Eclipse-160,000 fc.t Pitch Pint Timber. Trie Charleston Cotton Market. Lu consequence of tho very light stock of Cotton on the market, the heavy decline at Liverpool announced by the Saxonia had no porcep?ble action ou !he mar ket here. The small sales yesterday, say some sixty to I eighty bales, were made at prices indica'ing but little decline. Mobile Market. MOBILE, April 12 ?Cotton.?There was a general demand throughout the d?y, but the market was poorly supplied with desirable s?lections. Sales of 2500 bales were made, the market closing arm at fully one cent ad vance on yesterday's prices. Middling 31 to 35c Monetabyand Financial.?We have no marked tea- j ture to note in the general market to day. The tendency of matters at Washington, and the amounts of 5-20's thrown on the New York market from Europe, has caus ed an sxcited and uneasy feeling there, which is also felt here. The inclination is rather on the side of coin investment, but the more cautious are holding off to await further development i. Quotations close about IIih ss-ne as yesterday, but unsettled?say 120 to 127 for gold. The market is fully supplied with Commercial bur ling, in which considerable has been done at 130 to 131. A good business is reported also in Domestic Ex change, but limited to some extent by the "small supply offering. We quote for Siuht % to tf, and :tve ani teu da;s' Ootton Bills*", to 1 ? discount. N?w Orleans fight is without change, say mr to discount Memphis Marker. MEMPHIS, April 13.? Cotton.? The market was less favorable to the holder than on the day before, yet the New y? rk quotations were one cent higher, 38j. This advance commanded little con?d-ncs, it bsin^ difficult to flnu a basis for it; it appears, how -r, that it was founded on a change in the rate of e tnge. The ef fect of the advance was to distuab tho _i<trket, causiug a higher demand, which holders did rot feel authorized to meet, and the resu t was lesB favorable to prices on the whole than were paid the day before '1 he coon dispatches quoted cotton strong at 37 '..'ri33c. ; gold 27,J?. This news caused the market to close with more firm ness. The foUowiog is a summary of the sales reported to us in ausier to our enquiries: 17 bales at 18c, It at JO, 7 at 21, 6at 22.11 at 2 13 at 23, 10 at 23.?i, 4 at 21. 19 at 25, 17 at 27, repacked, mixed and inferior; 87 at 28, Low Middling; Gl at 29. and 113 at 30. Midding; 15 at 31. 17 at 31 *f, and 21 at 32. Strict Middling; 9 at 33, and 4 at 31, Cooi Middling. The prices show some irregu larity, but we again repeat quotations, with the remark that the inside agures were prevalent: indeed, sales of Middling were made at lower rates than on Wednesday: Ordinary.24 to 2*c Good Ordinary.2C to 27c Low Middling.28 to 29c Middling.30 to 3lc 8trict Middling.32to32l?'c Good Middling.33 to 3U Wilmington Market. WILMINGTON. April 14?6 P. M.?Tubpenttne.? Saler of 55 bbls at $5 25 for new virgin. $3 for yellow dip. and $1 50 for hard per 280 lbs. Spibits TunpssnsE ?Sales of 19 bbls at52i;c, and 27 do (virgin) at 53c per gallon for white. Bosm?20 bbls Pale sold at $9 50 to $10 per bbL No public transactions in Cotton. Trscnra.?Sales of six rufta at 50, $6 50, S7 25, $11, $12, $14 to $18 per M., a. cording toquaUty. 0 Baltimore Market. BALTIMORE, April 13.?Coffer.? Wo report sales to-day of 160 bags Klo at 19,Hi to 10.U cents; also, ?00 Liga do, ex brig Wavelet, on term* att transpired. The bark May Qaeen, from Rio, is in the t ay with 3200 bags. r loub.?Baltimore Family and high grades Extra were advanced to-day 50 cents per bbl We bow quote Family at (15 60, Pataps:o Extra $13 50, aud Chesapeake do $12 50 per bbl. We revise quotations genorally. 8alo3 to day em-race 200 bob Western Extra at- $9 50; If 0 bbls Royal York Super at $9 W> to $10. closing at the latter. The range ot tho market is aa foliows : Howard .. street Super and cut Extra $8 50 to $8 75, do Extra $9 50 \to $10, do Family S12 60 to $13 5i'. Ohio Super and cut Extra $8 36 to $8 75. do Extra $9 00 to $9 75, do 7am dy $112 50 to $13 50; Northwestern 8uper $8 25 to $8 50; City M&ls> good to fancy brands Super, 18 50 to $8 75, do shipping brands Extra $12 to $li 50, do standard Ex'ra $9 Oip to $10, Baltimore, Welsh's and Greenfield Family $15 5? do high grade Estra $13 f0 per bbl. Bye Flour, new, $? 25 to $8 60. Corn Meal-City MiUsaad Brandy wine ?i 60 to $3 60 per bbl. The feMlowing are the Inspections of Flour and Meal in the cifwof Baltimore for the week ending April 12th, 1866. viz: Howard-street 2196 barrels; City Mills 3561 burro's and> 100 half barrels; Ohio 4554 barrels, and Family 1732vibarrels and 60 hah* barrels?total Wheat Flour 13,843 barrels and 60 half barrels. Together with -90 barrels Bye F2our and 285 barrels Oorn Meal. Gbais.? Receipts of Wheat from Maryland and Penn sylvania are very trifling, giving an indication of an al most exhausted crop. Tho denand is good, and ex treme nrices are realized for prime and choice samplet. We report sales to-day of500 bunhels red at $ 2 55 to S2 60 per bushel?nothing reported In White. Corn?18 000 bushels White aud li,0t>0 bushels Yellow comprised the offerings to day; prices again receded, with sales of 9?00 bushels White at 82 to 83 cents; 10CQ bushels mixed do. at 78 cents; 4500 bushels Yellow, part to arrive, at 79 cents; 7000 bushels do at80 cents; 520 bushels inferior at 77 cents?market closed at 79 cents per bushol for prime. Osts?2100 bushels offered and sold at 51 to 55 cedts weight No receipts or tales of Rye. Molasses.?No sales to-day; quotations are un changed. Provisions.?There is a good demand for Bacon, but at slightly easier prices. We report sales of 50 casks, including Shoulders at 12,'i to 12 V cents, and Sides at 15>, to I5>i cents; Bams range from 20 to 23 ecuts, as to quality and fancy, latter for best canvassed. Bulk Meats are quoted at 11 cents for Shoulders. 11?^ to 14 cents for Sides, and If.1-' cents for Hams, in pickle Mess Pork $2S to $26 60. Lard?A sale to-day reportoi of Si, tierces Western at 16 '? cents; we quote at 18y to lb}, cents; City 18 cents; Western in kegs nominal at 20cents: Baltimore re lined 21 lj cents per lb. Salt.?Market qciet, with limited sales from jobbers at $1 85 for Liverpool Ground Alum, $3 25 for Worth ington's Fine, $3 10 to $3 20 for brands less known per sack. Turk's Island scarce and Qrm at 60 cents per bushel in lots. Seeds ? The season for Clover is nearly over; some little inquiry (or shipment We report sales of 100 bushels at $5 25 to $5 50. some prime samples held higher. Timothy is dull, but little offering; quote nomi nal at $3 75 to $4 for small lots. Flax t teady at $2 50 to $2 55 per bushel. , Suqar.?Market was quiet to-day; no transactions re ported; prices steady aa last quoted. Whiskey?Continues inactive; we report sales yester day of 20 bbls Country, in paokages, at $2 21; City aud Western jobbing at $2 26 per galion New York Marker? MONEY MABKET. The Njw York World, of Saturday, lUh iuat.. says Oao money market is quiet aud easy on call, at 5 to G per cent , and first-class acceptances are discounted at 6 to 6,s per cent, and business notes at 6},' to 7},' per cent The foreign exchange market is dull, and primo bank ers'sixty-day sterling bills are quoted 107,',' to lu7;?, and sales are made ot 107?, to 107& The <-r,id market is weak, opening at 127, and closing at 12G.l4. PBODUCE MABKET. NEW YORK, April 13.?Cotton.?The market was^( more active after the Government sales, .but at lower prices. Sales 3500 bales at 37c to 38c for Middlings The Government sa'c by auctiou of 3200 bales Mobile Cotton resulted as follows: 1 bale Middling Fair, 37c; 31 bales Strictly MbldBng, 37c; 232 bales Strictly Low Mid dling, 35>Xc; *J0 bales Good Ordinary, 33"4'c; 298 bales Ordinary, 32}?c to 32;i'c; 76 bales Low Ordinary, 29 v,'-: to 29?4c; 249 bales Pickings; 12>ic; 1896 bales Bebale i averaged toout 39c The foUowing is from the circular of Speyers. Chap man & Co : Tho receipts of Cot'on at the ; orts of the United Statos have been as follo ws ; Sales. Week ending April 11. 3i.0C0 Previously reported since September I, 1865.. .1,570,000 Total since September 1.1,608,000 Frjm close of war to September 1, 1865 . 416,000 Total supp'y to April 11.2,03t,000 The receipts, exports, and stocks at tho principal ports of the United States, at latest dates, were as fol lows : Receipts Exports. Stocks. ?? since Sept L since Sept 1. New York, April 11... .703.700 340,100 228,000 New Orleans, April 10.657,000 568,000 173.t'00 Gal veston, March 31... 145,500 146.500 13,500 Mobile. April 6 . 869,400 319,700 74,200 Savannah, April 6.187,200 150,900 14 900 Charleston, April 0.... 74,900 73.500 5.400 ?Apalachicola, M'ch 19.. 101.800 103,300 12,300 Total stocks.519,200 (The receipts and exports include coastwise ship ments.) 1 he foreign exports the past week embrace the follow ing: From New Orleans, four days ending April 4th. to Liverpool, 8G67 bales; to Havre., 6655; to Bremen, CO; to Barcelona, 222C. Total, 17,498 bales. From New York, for week ending April 11th, to Liver pool, 14,108 bales; to Havre, 2416; to Bremen, 703; to Queenstown, 2916. Total, 20,142. From Charleston, week ending April Cth, to Liver pool, 911 bales; to Havre, 1259. Total, 2170. ? During the early part of the present week cur market succumbed to lower quotations from causes similar to that which depressod the staple iu our last review. For eign exchanges dragced heavily at reduced rates, there by confining tho pare has es of Cotton to a few first-clasB houses. The news, however, brought by the s earners England, Belgian, and Asia, tbut our bonds were return ing here for sale, in view of the prices abr oad being sufficiently low to admit of a profit of four per cent, upou their importation at present rates here and iu Eu rope, aB well us the fear of a moneyed stringency on the Continent in the event of Austvia and Pruss a crosslug swords, influenced a suiden reaction In the exchange market ond gave an immediate opportunity to commis sion bouses to re-enter as candidates for the fleecy sta ple, which they were not slow to accept. A much greater improvement than is noted in our daily report would have been discernible, bad not several leading operators declined to execute discretionary orders, on the ground that should the above named powers become involved in a war, cotton may yield to lower quotations in Europe. H'lders. on the other hatd, are willing tu take the risk, and prefer to await further developments h-rm? offering choice liets, at the going rates, ticularly as they be lieve with a reduction of our stocks and receipts prices must materially advance. ?old, 126^ to 126J?; receipts at Mobile f)r four days ending 10th inst, 1900 bales; receipts at New Orleai.8. April 12, IOCS bales; exchange on London (Commercial), 106>i to 107; exchange on Paris, 5 22,li to 5 23; freight per steamer, ,^d. Wo predict a reduction of recoipts to 20,000 oalcs per week on or beforo the 20th of May. Bbeaiostcffs ?The market sas without 03sential change, and less active. Tbc common and medium crades of State and West rn Flours were iu some cases Sc better, but in only moderate demand. Sales 80L0 C-bl.; at $G 73 to 7 2? fjr supers; $7 25 to 7 60 for Extra State; ?7 70 to 8 10 for Ch. ice State; $8 25 to 8 60 for Shipping Round lioop Ohio; $7 40 to $10 for Extra Western ; S10 25 to 14 73for Djub e Extra Western aud ; t. LouLj. ~ Southern Flour was firm and in stcauy rlornand- Sales 1400 bbls at $8 65 to 9 75 for Supers: $9 85 to $15 for Faucy aud Extra. Canada Flour was firm. Sales 400 bbls at $7 40 to 7 HU-for Oommon; $7 85 to 11 for Good to Choice Extras. Bjo Flour was dull at $4 26 to 5. Corn Meal was firm, but quiet. Sales 300 bjsls at $3 75 f jr Jersey'; {4 23 for Brandywlne. The Wheat market was very Irregular, and closed un settled, the transactions embracing only small parcels. S*>s 17.0C0 bushils, at $163 10 $1 ?5 for >ew No. 1 Chicago 8pring; $161 to $167 for Milwaukee Club; SI GS for Amber do: $1 93 to $2 for Rod Weitem ; $2 40 for Old Ameer Mlchigau; New Red State held at $2 50 aud upward; $2 65 for White'Canada. Corn was held higher, but buyers refused to :>ay the advance, and the market closed dull and unsettled, dales 20,000 ui-uels Wt s tern Mixed at 80 to a*o. Oats were Arm, but quiet. We quote: Western un smiudat40 to 47:; Sound do, 56 to 58c: State at GO to 62c; Jersey aud Southern at 63 to 54c. Bye was a thade firmer, tending upward. Sales 15.000 bushels, including Western at 67 to 08a. an! Statu at 81 to 85.'. Canada Bye :s nom nal at 93c to $1, Barley wus quiet a . $1 to $1 2j lor Sta'e ond Canada We-t Birley Malt was dull at $1 20 to $1 90. Provisions.?Pork was dull and scarcely to firm. Sale* tO.O boh>., at ?21 75 for Old Mess; $25 62 to $23 75 for New do, closing at $25 69; and $21 73 tor Old Prime. Lard was firm, but quiet. Sales 600 bbls and tierces, atl6'4<&P7c for No. 1: 17>?($18.l?c for fair to prime Steam, "and 18'4<?18}*c for Kettle Rendered Cut meats were firm at 10^@11 "4c for Dry Salted and Pickled Shoulders; iri'.@17',c for Dry Silted and Pick led Hams. Bacou was held higher, but was quiet. Sales 351 boxes at 14\'c for Cumberland; and MAC* for Short Blbbi d. Beef pros dull. Faks 4"0 bols, at $14$ 18 for Repacked Western Mess, and $18@23 for Extra do. Tierce Beef was in good ex ort demand, at $3.V_s33 for Prime Msss: $36@37 t ? India Mess. Beef Hams wire firmer, selling at $37.5C@39. Butter was dull and irregufar, choice old dairies firm er, t ut now butter lower. We quote 20(3)40o for West ern and Ohio; 40@60c for State, old; SOfcSGc for do new. CbeerO was more active, aud ?rufat I'ft Wz tor Ohio; 18@21 for Stato; 21@2J for Factory mode. Tho market was du 1 and heavy at 24@24,'ic tor Crude; 38^39c for R?fiued, in bond; Refined, free, is nominal. Beeswax?I? dull at 33c to 40c. Candles?Are soiling at 22c to 23c for short aud full weights. Coffee.?The market is quiot, and we have only to notice the sale of a very choice lot of 103 bags Rio, per Ida, at 15l<c, gold, in bou?. We quote Rio, duty paid, l*ic to 20'ic; Maracaibo and Laguayri, 19c to 22,'je; Java, 27c to 28c, all gold. East India Uoons.? All kinds are quiet, and prices nearly nominal. Hat?Is firm, but less activo at GOc to 75c per 100 lbs. Hops ? Ths market is dull, and some of tho recent importations are going baor, there being no successful sale for them. Prices are unsettled. Lime.?Since last no'iced, about 4000 bb*s common Rockland bave sold at $1 60 psr barrel, being 25c de cline. The strikes among bricklayers chick the de mom1. Molasses ?There is a good jobbing demand, and pri ces are steady. Sales 200 hhds. Cuba Muscovado, in lots, at 40c lo 6?c; 30 hhds Porto Rico at 66c to 75j. Metals ?Tho ma-ket Is very dull, and p ices protty uniformly tending downward. Copper 27Jf to 29c for Bdtimore, and 28.'^c for Lake. Irou, No. 1 Scotch Pig, offering at ? 11 60 from the wharf. Lead 6>ic, gold. Spelter, 16^0, gold. Tin?Banca, 24c; Straits 23c. Eng lish, nXC, a'l gol1. Tin Plates nominally uuehanged. I. C. Ch?! coal, 10x14, $11, gold. Zinc litfc to 13c. currency. Naval. Stores.?Tho market was dull, and was with out the improved toue noted yesterday. Spirits Tur pentine 83 to 90 cents. Common Roain $2 50 to $2 76. Tar $2 2.'- to $2 62>i for Washington and Wilmington barrels. City Pitch $1 25 to $4 50. Ciudo Turpentine $3 25 Nails?Cut are selling at $6 23 to $6 50, which arc lower figures. i iL Cake.? Bag Cako firm at $43 to $44 per ton. Oils?Are generally doll. Linseed Oil. in casts and barrels, $1 22 to $1 25; Crude Whale $1 21 to $1 25; Crudo Sperm $2 40; Lard Oil $1 70; Olive Oil $1 09 to $1 65. Bice.?The market rules quiet The demand, at boat, is rather limited, and the trade is not disposed to pur chase beyond Immediate wants. Rangoon i \ to 9 cents, Carolina 11>,' to 12>.: cents. Suoab ?The dc-ma d continues good, and prices fifui, notwithstanding tho decline in gold. Fair to Good Refining. lU^AlOjfe. Sales 800 hhds. at lO'i^ll^c. for Cuba, and 12@13>a'c. Porto Rico; also, 1030 boxes at 10?U2. Rofining Sugars steady at Mlf?lGJ. for standard Ground and Crush 3d, and 14 v-suo. for Soft White. Tallow.?The market was dull, and prices somewhat irregula-. Sales 74,000 lbs. at llVi@ll\'c, the higher price for choice. Tobacco?Continues without animation ; the inquiry is only for new Substantial Kentucky, bales, 210 ?bds Eoutucky, 21c to 22c; 120 cases Scodleaf, tic to 9c; 30 bales Havana, privato terms. Whi-ssy?la noarly nominal at (227 for primo West ern bbls. Fkeiohts? Were dull, and rat? s unsettled. To Liver pool, 8UO0 Corn in bulk at Did; 400 boxes Bacon, 15s; 300 bales Cotton. 5-lGd; 600 tierce* Beef, 2s 6d; and per steamer, 200 bales C ittou at Xd. To London, 15.003 bushel. Corn on private terms. A ship with Deals from St. Stephens to Glasgow, on private terms. ' onslgnces per South Carolina Railroad, a April 15. 412 bales Upland and 29 bales S I Cotton, 41 bbls Ro sin, 10 bales Turn, 8 cars Old Iron, 1 car Stock, 1 car Lumber, Furniture, Ac. To R F Simmons. D D Utsey, Miss E D Swusoy, Adams. Frost ft Co, Bollmann Hro3, J Copes. 3 King & Co, E Wagner, S G Burker. R T Clus olm, G W Wilhams 4 Co, W W Smith, R Mure & Co, E C Carr, G H Walter & Co, O P Poppenheim. M Goldsmith ft Son, A McLeish. Willis ft Chisoltu, H W Kinsman, H L Jeners ft Co. J Walker. King ft Yenning, J W Wilson, J R Pringle, E J Wit>s ft Co, A L J Perry, W B Willi mis. Beuceker & Glover, Hunt Bros, Cumpbell ft Milling, F C Mey. Passengers. Per steamer Emilio. from Savannah vii Beaufort? R Jackson, C Parvos, J Parker, F DeMeute, 31 Silier. C 0 Gage, W 8 Cunliffe, L Dunance, F D Denni30o, Miss K Rjtwoud. R Cuthbert, P W Brown. U Jonueman, H H Tuayer, Master Joseph Harrison, D Smith, C Matthews, M Haye?, and 6 in steerage. PORT CALENDAR. corrected weekly. phases of the moon. Cast Q. 8th, 3h. 21m.morn IFIrstQ. 21st, 5h. 11m. eveu New M. 15th, lu.43m. mornj c'uii M. 29th, in. 3m. oven sen. bises. i sets. moon rises. 161 Mon day_ 17-Tuesday.... 18 Wednesday. 19 Thursday.. 20 Friday. 21 Saturday... 22 Sunday. 6..30 6.. 29 5..28 6..27 6..26 5..24 6..23 6..3U 6..31 6..31 6. 32 6..33 6..34 6. .34 H.. 9 9..17 10..20 11..19 Morn. 12..13 !.. 2 TUB EASTERN SO. CA. JOURNAL IS PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING IN the town of Bennettsville, 3. 0., by W. F. E. HEN DERSON. Proprietor. Terms. ?Three dollars per annumln advance; twenty dol lars for ten copies. Mai oh i MARINE NEWS. POKT OF CHAR LB8TON . Arrived Yesterday. lAr-aii. 16 Sehr AgneB,-, 8t Marks, Fla, 12 days. Storos. To the ? S Quartermaster. Steamer Emilie. Beaufort, Savannah via Beaufort. I Mdze. To H l PMcCormlck.E M Barnwell, and otters. AT QUARANTINE. Br sehr Alert, from Matanzas, 8 days. Molasses. To Order. ^a Cleared Yesterday. 10 Sehr D C Su'se, Tyler, New York?Win. Roach. Sehr Eclipse. Stout, Fairhaveu, Cunn? Master. Went to Sea Sunday. [Arne 15 Steamship Cumberland, Reed, Baltimore. Sehr A P Howe, Barges, New York. From this Port. Ship Southorn Rights, Ross,, March 31. Sehr Montana, Bearer, Boston, April 12. Up for this Port. Sehr Arlingioa, Halxey, at New York, April 12. Cleared for this Port. Steamer Gen Ouster, Harris, at Baltimore, April 13. Sehr Alfred C Sniyrk, Jones, at Baltimore, April 13. Memoranda. The $20,000 salvage earned by the Alhuubra. of New York, in saving tho brig C W Ring, of Galveston, has been awarJcl by tho referee, at Charleston, thr.e-flfths to the owners, and twe-?fths to the master, officers and crew. MRS. WINSLOW, idiexperiencgd.yarse and Female Physician. Pr?senta to the attention of Mothers her Soothing Syrup, FOR CHILDREN TEETHING, Which greatly facilitates the process of Teething, bj softening the gums, reluclng all Inflammations, wil allay ALL PAIN and spasmodic action, and is SURE TO REGULATETHE BOWELS, Depend upon It, mothers, It will give rest to yourselves ? and Relief and Health to Tour Infants We have put up and Bold this article for over thlrtj years, and can say In confidence and erath of It what wt have never been able to say of ?"5 other medicine? NEVER HAS IT FAILED IN A SI.fGLE IN8TANCE 70 EFFECT A CUBE, when timely used, ^oxor did ?eJ know of an Instance of dissatisfaction by any one who | used it. On the contrary, aU are deUghted with its ope> rations, and speak in terms of commendation of lti magical effects and medical virtues. We speak In thl? matter "what we do know," after thirty years' expe rience, and PLEDGE OURSELVES FOB THE FULFIL. MENT OF WHAT WE HERE DECLARE. In almost every Instance where the infant is suffering from paix and exhaustion, relief wUl be found in fifteen or twenty minutes after the syrup is administered. Full directions for using wUl accompany each bottle, None genuine unless the foe timiU of CURTIS & PEB EINS, Now York, is on the outside wrapper. Sold by all druggists throughout the world. Price only 35 Cents per Bottle. For sale by KING & CASSIDEY, Fehruarv21 flmo * Obarlefttoo. B?cK?Y & CAMPBELL^ Nos. 80 and 82 Hasel-street, NEXT TO POST OFFICE, RETURN THANES TO THEIR FRIENDS AND THE citizens generally for the kind support tendered them since opening business, and hopo by strict atten tion to merit a continuance of tbn same. Having made various improvements in onr establishment, wn will be prepared at all times to receive consignments of aU kinds of merchandise. We purpose having CATALOGUE SALES OF DRY GOODS,BOOTS AND SHOES, CLOTHING AND NOTIONS, ON First ani TM TUESDAYS of Eacb oub regular sales > - EVERT WEDNESDAY, OF DRY OOOD8, Sic., &c. and BVEBY FRIDAY, of Groceries, Liquors, Furniture, Horses, Carriages, well be continued as heretofore CoQSipMts Solicite! - January 18 tuthSmo JOHN 0. MILNOR & CO, AUCTION" an COMMISSION MERCHANTS, N"o. 135 Meeting-street. Charleston, S. C, TTflLL resume their old business, AHL (vould soliolt consignments of MERCHANDISE of all a tcriptlons, either for Public or Private Sale, Kg- Particular attention paid to all oat-door sales, lan nary 80 8m m notice:. L^ISTD A-GrElSTT, AUCTIONEER, Greneral Commission Merchant. THE SUBSCRIBER HAVING RETURNED TO THE I City, will resume business as above referred to, und respectfully solicits*the former patronage of his frionds and the public in general. Particular attention will be directed to orders extended by CAPITALISTS FOR PURCHASE OR-SALE OF FIRST CL ' 88 LANDS ON THE SEABOARD OR INTERIOR OF THE STATE THOS. FARR CAPERS, November! rn Office No. 51 Broad-street. CABINET MAKING. rpHE SUBSCRIBER DESIRES TO RETURN HIS X thanks to his old friends and patrons for past fa vors, and inform them that he has commenced again the above business, with UPHOLSTHRING and JOB CAR PENTERING. Furniture repaired with neatness and | dispatch, and Old Furni'ure bought and sold. I would respoctfully refer to the following gentlemen for capacity and reliability: D. H. 8ILCOX and E R. COWPERTHWAIT. Orders left at the store of McKAY 4 CAMPBELL, Auction House, Hasel street, next to the Poseoffice, will meet with prompt attention. J. L. LUNSFORD. April 11 lmo A.S-AJ?.CHirir> ?Se CO., DEAL EOS in PLANTATION SUPPLIES, consisting of GROCERIES, BOOTS, SHOES AND CLOTHING, ALSO, SAILORS' OUTFITTING, HATS, CAPS, &0. Agents lor Allen's and Wheelock's Pistols, No. 103 East B iv, near foot of Broad-stroef. A. CHILDS.N. G. PARKER. March 30 lino CHARLES EELLOIS & GO. General Commission Merchant* AND DEALERS IH PROVISIONS. So. 120 EAST BAY, offer for sale at low figube8 : HAM3, SIDES. SHOULDERS, STRIPS. Floor, Butter, CUeoso, Lard, Soap. Starch, Canltes, kc, ko. January 23 3m o P. B. Trout.OllverAmabury TROUT <te AMSBURY, General Commission Merchants. AND DEALERS IN LIME, CEMENT, PLASTEB PARIS, LATHS, HAD and Shingles, Lumber and Timber, Hay and Grais Northwest corner of Novemberi- ?mo East Bay and Market-ftreset. WILLIAM GURNET, WHOLESALE GR0CEB and COMMISSION MERCHANT, 1STO 1 OS EAST BA7 CHARLESTON*, S. C. Butter, Cheese and Provisions. W Liberal advances made on consignments. ? . March 9 WILLIS k CHISOLH. P?CT0KS, COMMISSION MKKI'UASTn AND ? SHIPPING AGENTS.. 1ITILL ATTEND TO THE PURCHASE, SALE LZL W SHIPMENT (to Foreign and Domcstto Ports) ex COTTON, BICE, LUMBEB and NAVAL STORES. ATLANTIC WHARF, Charleston, S, C. E. WILLIS.A. R. OH I.SO Li October2i_ STYLES & CARTER, SHIPPING & COMMISSION MERCHANT* AND DEALERS IN NAVAL STORES, So. 10 VANDERHORST'B WHARF CHARLESTON, S. C. L. 0 STYLES.L F. CAPTEE. February 2 _ ARCHIBALD GETTY & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS, supping and Commission Merchants, Sos. 126 and 138 MEETING-STREE7 wabxho?8e8 : ' Mos. S3 and 55 iiASEL-STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. A. Getty.E. A. Souder.S. T. Soudai December 22 i AAC E. HERTZ, | EUGENE H?CHET. Lite co-partner of Mordecal h Co. ISAAC E. HERTZ & CO., 201 Bast Bay, CORNER CUMBERLAND STREET, AUCTIONEERS, GENERAL COMMISSION AND SHIPPING MERCHANTS, WILL GIVE PARTICULAR ATTENTION TO THE purchase or salo of COTTON, RICE. LUMBER, NAVAL STORE*, and MERCHANDISE GENERALLY, aud to VESSELS C jiislgned to our care. AUo. to sales of al descriptions of Merchandise a* AUCTION. BEFXBBRCTS: M0RDE0AI k CO., E. LAFITTE k CO MARSHALL, BEACH k CO.. E. B. STODRARD k CO , S. S. FARRAR, BR0THHU8 k CO. Charleston, April 2. 18tt?._April 2 L. BOWIE & CO., COMMISSION AND GROCERY MERCHANTS, no. 17 broadway, new york. February 20_8mo A. S. HULL, Agent, MERCHANT TAILOR, HAS RESUMED BUSINESS AT THE WELL KNOWS Shirt Emporium and Furnishing Establishment ar B. M. Welch, corner of Meeting and Market-streeta where a foil Une of all articles can be had for GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. R. ?. WELCH ffRl give speciM attention to the FURNISHING DEPARTMENT, and JOHN T. FLYNN, Many years connected with the weU known house V Charles D. Oarr k Co., will superintend the TAILORING DEPARTMENT, Where be will be happy to see his old friends %nd cm ' lotners. lyr November I THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE MADE AH. RANGEMENTS with Mr. J. S. PHILLIPS, to con tinue the DBAPER and TAILORING business at theli old stand, No. 32 BROAD-STREET, in an its branche? as formerly conducted by them, and eallcit for him front their former patronB and friends, the same liberal pa* ronage so generously extended to themseir.j, January 30 EDGERTON k RICHARDS J. S. PHILLIPS, DRAPER AND TAILOR, SUCCESSOR TO EDGERTON k RICHARDS, NO. SU BROAD-STREET, KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A FULL ASSORT MENT of best grades of French, English, and American Cloths, Cassimeres, and Veatings, which wUJ be sold by the yard or made to order in the latest bub Ion. Slop January 3r SCOTT Sc HERIOT, Brokers and Commission Merchants, Wash in g ton-ut., Columbia, S. C. w. tu a bxbiox, WU1 give prompt attention to Purchasing, Belling and forwarding of all Merchandize, November 99 LOUIS D. D'SAUSSURE, BROKER & COMMISSION MERCHANT, FOB THE 8AXE AND PURCHASE OF REAL ESTATE, STOCKS, &c, AND 9 ALE OF Cotton, Naval Stores and Produce, OFFICE: NO. ?3 BROAD-STREET, charleston, 8. 0. March 27 _tntha9 tus3mo GEO, E. PRITCHETT, COMMISSION MERCHANT NORTH ATLANTIC WHARF, CHARLESTON S. O. March 9 Cmoa* T. SAVAGE HEYWARD & SONS, AUCTIONEERS AND 6ENERAL5C0MMISSI0N MERCHANTS. No. 241 Broad-street, Augusta, WILL SELL AT PUBLI0 AUCTION ON MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS, AND FRIDAYS. PABTrOULAB ATTENTION PAID TO CONSIGN. ME NTS. We hold ourselves strictly responsible or all goods for which we ha?* acknowledged the re* celpts, and wlU render up sales r>a speedily as possible. Goods not Insured unless Instructed to do so. Msrcb 9_ 8mos ' WHOLESALE AND BETAIL GBOO BRIE S. GE(T. W. STEFFBAS & CO. WOULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM THEIR CUS TOMERS and the public that, in addlUou to their WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERY at the corner of Eing and George streets, thty have now opened a WH0LE8ALE AND COMMISSION HOUSE at No. 38 Vendue Range, where they wUl be able to afford their customers extra faculties. Thblr firm wUl comprise as formerly: qeo. w. STEFFENS_f. 0. dobkeb....u bbzoekbxbo. March g_;_lyr HOWE, DOUCIN & CO., 3hip Chandlers & Grocers, oo^ci^issioisr am /ORWARDING MERCHANTS. m.. ) PI 0. HOWE. Jb.. P. M. DOUCIN, J No. 151 Bast Bay E. C. HOWE, G. & E. HOWE, Commission Merchan i 0?H?WE,) *?' 71 B?**w?jr, New Tori Consignments solicited. Prompt attention given ta tales of merchandise. Produce purchased on commit? don, and LIBERAL ADVANCES MADE. January 80 8mos EDWABD N. THUESTON, formerly ROBERTSON, blaoklook 4 00. FACTOR .. AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, CORNER V AND ERHOBST WHARF AMD EAST BAT CHARLESTON, S. i?. January 13_ - _, WILLIAM B, HER10T k CO BANKERS AND GENERAL AGENTS,, No. $49 King-street, CHARLESTON, S. C. -e beoetve deposits and allow interest :hebeon. deal in foreign and domestic ex change. MARK OOLLEOnONS and pbompt BB> rUBNS. Referencca la New York! Messrs. DUNCAN, SHERMAN & CO. Messrs. HENBY CLEWS & CO. RICHARD LATHERS, Esq., President Great Western trrranee Company. B. J. HOWLAND, Esq., No. 80 Wall-street GEORGE T. HOPE, Esq., President Continental Inn? Mice Company. October 20 E. B, STODDABPi ??, WHOLESALE DEALERS Of ' BOOTS, SHOES AND TRUNKF, AT THEIR OLD STAND, No. 165 Meeting-Street charleston, 8. 0. <tuke PLEA8URE IN ANNOUNCING THE IB BaV JL SUMPTION of business, and invite the attention of purchasers to their Stock, which is uow complete. Sentemh^r IS B. AEABLY, I j J. F. EARLY, Darlington 0. H., S. 0. J (Charleston, 8. 8. B. A. & J. F. EARLY, Forwardius and Commission Merchants, NORTHWEST CORNER fjF EAST BAY AND M ABl EET STREETS. Charlestons. C, and oppoela? Court House, Darlington, S. C, WUl attend to the pur chase, sale and shipment of COTTON, NATAL STORES? and MEBCHANDISE generally. Orden and consign ments soUcited. 6mo* January li b1lti1i?re RIYET AJiD SPIKE WORKS* R. W. TYSON & CO., P. 0. Fox 1004, Baltimore, Maryland, manufacturers of HOOR^-HEAD RAILROAD SPIKES, BOILER RTF. ETS, BOAT SPIKES, io. For further information, apply to BRUNS 4 BEE, Agents, No. 81 East Bay. Charleston, S. a March 5 8m os C. E. CHICHESTEE, REAL ESTATE BROKER, No. 18 BROAD-STREET, charleston, 8. c. A GENT FOR THE PURCHASE AND SALE 0? A. REaL Es T?TE is any of the Southern States. ALSO AGENT FOB THE SALE, RENTING, BJ? PAIRING. Ac. OF CITF PBOPEHTY A.i*ua 29 PUTTY UP MPUTTY UP ! N. M. GILBEETH, No. 101 Market-street, HOUSE, SIGN, AND SHIP UtTIST, RESPECTFULLY SOLICITS ORDERS FROM BUI old and new customers. GLAZING prompUy attended to, pvtzt lot sale. November 13