CHAKLESTON DAILY NEWS....JANUAEY 1, Y866. 5 1 DAILY NEWS. MONDAY MORNING, SANITARY 1, 18CC. ?ARGEST CIRCULATION Di THE STATE. LARGEST CIRCULATION Di THE CITY. ^tS~ THE LIST OF LETTERS re? maining in the Postoffice at the end of each "veelc is published officially in XIl-E DAILY NEWS every Fri? day moraine. ^^^^^^ LOCAL MATTERS. J63* SEE SECOND AND THIRD PAGES. TEE POSTOFFIE wiR be open to-day from ll A. 3L to P. M. THIS BETSG New Year's Day, no paper wiR bo issued !rom the office of THE DAILY NEWS until Wednesday norning. THE OLD YEAH crept out so quietly last night, that we sere not appiised of ita departure, t?l our clock aroused is by toUlng the hour of one, with a sound so sonorous and fresh, that wo immediately felt a new year had set 'in: and while we were happy at being allowed to greet it again, some reflections came across our mind at part? ing with Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-Five. It met us suffering under great deprivations, induced by cruel war, and it has left peace and projects of that plenty "which always follows in her silent path. When it came, many kindred and friends wero separated from each other, but have been again united before its departure, making Uieir homes, by their presence, once more happy and pleasant. It met many enduring tho dreadful fatigues and wants incident to a soldier's life, but it leaves them enjoying some comforts, and looking for? rard to a return of the good times they once partici? pated in; above all, it has softened that poignant grief which assails at thc "taking off" of ono dear to them, and which nothing can assuage tho violcnco of, so well as time. It was reflections like these that caused us to feel regret at its departure-for wo felt that, like a friend' it had left our people a happier one than ii had met them. From the serious thoughts which had been incited in our mind by tho going away of QM old year, wc turned pleasurably to the coming in of tho new year, which had just entered upon tho earliest part of its life, and, with ardent desires and heightened hopes, wo looked forward to a greatness of our country, our State, and city, that they have never known-a unanimity aud good w?l among the citizens of this Republic, that wiR be an example to the rest of tko world, and a prosperity and plenty which wiR make us the happiest nation in exist? ence. The indications to-day are, regardless of tho mouthing of men devoid of patriotism, that alt these blessings wiR descend upon our glorious Union beforo this year bas made its revolution; and, with this impres? sion strongly fixed in our mind, how can wo do other? wise than wish to every one, in all sincerity, "A happy New Year!" WE HAVE HAD an unusually long wet spell of weather here, thc past few weeks. The sun has been very chary of his favors, and the watery element has como down on us in about every shape aud form. Tho sky overcast with black or smo;;c-colored clouds; the atmosphere thick with tho aqueous molecules; fog, mist, drizzle, or a good hard rain, has been thc order of tho day, and very oftsn of the night likewise. Everything damp and viscous in the house or store; thc Etroeta, in their pre? sent unpaved condition, one universal slush; with big puddles in tho drains, and enterprising amphibious juveniles webfooting it in great glee. These havo bren some of tho loading points in tho water escapo around ns. That umbrellas were at a premium-shabby old beavers looked glossy-and that ladies' dresses wero highly "looped up," displaying a liberal area of balmo? ral, &.C., kc. ', to the admiring gaze, arc mi.tters of course. Obi '65 seems reluctant to leave ns; ho is evidently in j" JWSry bsd temper, and pouring out" his vials of wrath, il possible, to frighten his young successor. But it won't do; tho cycle ls closed, and at midnight bia knell was tolled. " Ring out, w?d bells, to tho wild skv, The flying cloud, the frosty light; The year is dying in tho night; Ring out, wild bc?s, and let him dio." Ont CIVIL POLICY.-We congratulate tito peaceful citi? zens of our ancient Corporation on tho favorable auspices under which tho new year ia ushered into Charleston. Tho plough-share and the pruning-hook have superseded the Parrot and tho Enfield; and although thia ia not precisely the season when people ait nuder their vines and ng-treea, our cyca are regaled once more with the pleasing sight of a genuino civU poUce-perhaps a trifle too civU-moro so, even, than London Bobbies, French jens d'armes, or KENNEDY'S New York perleese. They aro very sociable, moreover; and it ia quite refreshing to sec them gathering, in interesting groups, at street cornera, and philoaophizo on-we cannot exactly say what. Wc regret exceed? ingly that our artist has not quito recovered yet from the injuries received in a spiritual contest on St. Nicholas day, as wo arc utterly unablo ;o do any thing like justice, in mero type, to the said gToup, Imagino several of these gentlemen, of rather wo-begone civil costume and countenance, standing with white or blue cotton umbrellas in ono hand, shielding themselves from tho hostile supernal clements, aud in tho other holding the baton of office, the redoubtable civil polico club. The Local is derirous of doing the civil thing by thc police, and presents the compliments of thc acaaou to these custodians of the corporate peace, and hopes that if he ever should find the pavement slippery, they wiU lend a Samaritan helping hand, aud pilot him safely to No. 1? Hayne-strcct. SHALL POX.-UNNECESSARY ALARM.-WO very much fear that some remarks in relation to che small pox which have appeared in a laic is3uo of our neighbor, tho "Hrolinian, may have created a great deal of unncccs ?y alarm among our good citizens, il it docs not tend ?rare away strangers who have como into our midst .Mercantile purposes, and whose exodus woull cer y militate against thc prospority of our city. The rft'ntcn announces the fact that a small pox patient s walking thc streets, aud that a "distinguished iiysiclan stated that this patient waa at the time suf ering usder that condition of the disease in which it ia Qost contagious." Now, wo dare not dispute the statc nent oven whilst wo hope that thc physician was mis akeu), but desire to allay the fears of our citizens by .how:ug that they need not dre id a recurrence of such a case, which ia a most extraordinary one, as it very rarely happens that in such a state cf thc disease thc patient eau go abroad. We base what tra say upon tho statement of perhaps an equally distinguished physi? cian ; and in order, as we have said above, to allay thc fears of oil, wo give it verbatim t? literatim, premising that wo know uothiug about medical matters, and that if the "doctors differ" we are not responsible therefor. "In this dreadful disease, the loathsome condition of the patient holds him in ls d. in the harness of uccessitv, as it were, during the development of undnratlou and decline of thu pulsation. II is scarcely able t j move from Li- room, much less prom, nade the streets. Such are the indelible impressions ami mark- upon the dermis or true ckim that these vestiges atv not lib !;.- .? j ?.ass off for some months, even for wore than a ycar;bv.t ti mn be remembered thu: the disease ls not then, necessarily, commntv .il.:.'. The period at which small pox is nmsl contagions is during the suppurativa stage, and whilst desnnamatiou ia progressing, amt the scabs are failing \>:i. In such a condition, v.v can sea rely imagine :?. pati?:!::'?> leaving his apartment or !r!s bcd, except under tue most singularmdiffercucc to comfort and professional neglect.'' Such are the remarks of one < ?f the mosf distinguished physicians, who also inf rms us that the disease is rapidly dnuluishiug th-.- number of eases growin ; beautifuliy B?xr.nxioTHEOiti'it.v-vs.-profess-n- SEAM, tho ven triloquiat, etc., yesterday evening pai l u visit to our office and informed us that ho was going to give a w r;.? ? ;lt \? o'clock to-day at Hib:ruiau Hall. Hw proceeds ol' il;; r.s also of the performance at thc usual hour in tho ev-, li? ing, aro to bo presented to tho Chariest m Orphan House. As this is tho Professor's last appearance ia thc itv, thoso in search of amusement will do well to avail cmselvea of this opportunity; the moro so, as they, at ; same time, he.vo the gratiticatiou of contributing to C ol* tho noblest charities in our city. THE Cns PHYSICIANS-Our readers hare been info: by the proceedings of the lost meeting of the City C eil, that six physicians wero elected to attend Uie of the city. The two physicians recently elected t Shirar's Dispensary will bear their share of this h thus giving the poor eight physicians instead of six. The City Registrar, Dr. GEORGE S. PELZER, aftei ture deliberation with the Board of Health, has arra the following plan of operations : Dr. F. PEYER PORCHER will have charge of the Hospital, in MazycK-strcet Dr. S. C. BROWN takes chargo of tho SmaU Pox pitah at the Schultzcnplatz, and of the .Alms Hous Hampstead. Dr. JosErH TATES is assigned to tho First Health trict, extending from South Bay to the south side of sel-street, King-street being the western boundai this district Dr. PETER PORCHER has charge of the Second Dist from South Bay, west of King-street, to the south of Beaufain-strcet. Dr. J. L. ANCRUM has tic Third District, from n side of Hasel, east of King, to the south sido of John Chapel-streets. Dr. J. S. BUIST is assigned to tho Fourth Dist from the north side of Bcaufain, west of King, to south sido of Cannon-street. Dr. H. BAEK takes charge of the Fifth District, exti ing from John and Chapel-streets, east of King, to City Boundary. Dr. S. L. LOCKWOOD wiU servo tho Sixth District, tending from the south side of Cannon street, wes King, to thc City Boundary. Four Dispensaries and Offices of Call have been es lished at the following places : For Itt and Gd Dlstri at Shirar's Dispensary, corner of Meeting and Soc streets; for 2d and 4th Districts, at Mazyck street I pital; at the Alms House, Hampstead, for the 5th; the Gth at Dr. LOCKWOOD'S oface, Xo. 47 Cannon str Thc office hour3 at these dispensaries will be i: 9 to 10 A. M., and from 5 to C P. M. TnE FIREMEN.-Great alterations have lately I made in thc New York Tiro Department, much tc improvement and tho benefit of thc city, as wc 1 been informed; and wc merely touch upon it for purpose of briuging it to thc notice of our most ex lent fire companies, who, no doubt, will make it a pi to avail themselves of every thing that will assist in creasing tho efficiency of tho department. Our in matiou is too limited to enable us to give many dct: but knowing tho energy of our firemen, we feel satisf if they have not obtained the information already, I they will immediately proceed to get froai the New Y Department aU that may bc necessary to benefit tl and our city. Thc Cremen, wc believe, under the I : regulations, are looked upon as a portion of thc pol and arc selected carefully from among thc single met the city, and others who havo been in the lato war, i arc compelled to sleep in the engine houses, and to always ready for an alarm, each man receiving a sal of seven hundred dollars per year. We have always 1 a strong belief in a paid fire department, and h thought that it tended much to make our engine com mes so respectable and so energetic. . Mn. SEAM, will give two exhibitions to-day, at thc bcrnian Hall, ono at half-past 12 o'clock P. M., and other at half-post 7 in tho evening. The i-eceipts fr tho day performance are to bc handed over to thc i phan House; and as thc children will bo present at I Hall at that time to witness the astonishing pcrfomiai of Mr. SEAIIL, it will bo worth thc price of admission the kind hearted of our community to sec their wi dering eyes and joyous looks. As it wiU bo a capital portunity for pareuts to carry their Uttlc "rcs, wc si expect to sec a crowd. ACCIDENTALLY SHOT.-It pains us exceedingly to cord thc fact that our young fellow-townsman, J I FREDERICK T. Dcrrus, was wounded last night, by t .ii-?.ide.i?_l discharge of a pistol. Mr. DCFFCS heidi pistol in Lis right hand, and was in thc act of trying t cock, when it went off, and lodged OJO bullet lu his 1 hand. Wo happened to bo in Dr. DA VEGA'S office at t time Mr. Dcrrus came lu. and witnessed the amput?t; of the little Unger at the ls wer joint. Tho operation w pcrfimnfta-wi&'a nifl that i fleets much credit on our esteemed friend as an cxpe enced furgeon. The astonishing fortitude with whi Mr. DOTFCS bore the operation (without the aid of ch roform), not a groan or exclamation escaping him, si prised us most profoundly. Wo sympothizo with hi sincerely in tho loss ho has so unexpectedly and Budde ly sustained. __________________ BUSINESS NOTICES. OCR FRIEND STEELE, of "Hat Hall" colobrity, issue lu our paper to-day, to his numerous friends and cu tomors, his New Year's Circular, which they will dout less read with much pleasure. Wc havo always look? upon him SB one of thc most active sud energetic of ol merchants, and Ms store, not only os tho "emporium i fashion," but as a peculiarly pleasant establishment deal at, as one can always feel confident, on entering i that ho will meet with politeness and accommodate As a business advertiser, and as a strong advocate . liberal advertising, ho has always stood eminently big] and attributes to lt a large share of his success and pro pcrity. During the war ho took a position which 1 should never regret, and rece: > ed high complimon that w ill bc a matter of pride to him through Ufe, an should bc a reason for having bestowed upon him large patronage from our people, May he, and all othei who advertise generously, meet with the best encourage ment. I WE DEG to refer our roadors to tho business card < Messrs. Chapeau k Hcffrons, which appears lu our co umns to-day. It wUl bo seon that these gentlemen ha\ located at tho old stand of A. McKenzie, corner c Church aud Chalmers streets, where they proposo COE ducting a first class saddlery, harness making and fit cap manufacturing establishment in style; and, alse dealing in bits, whips, spur3, buggy nigs and trapping generally. It is almost superfluous to say a word lu reference t the courtesy and business qualities of Messrs. Chapea ? Hcffrons. They oro thoroughly acquainted with th utmost minutia of their lino, und we feel warranted i saying that the public can expect at their cstablishmeu unexceptionable work, and immediate attention to al orders entrusted to thoir care. Wc paid them a visit few days since, and found them in working order, bus! ly engaged unpacking and exhibiting their recent i ni poi tations. We wero shown some specimens of their worl in saddles buggy, carriuge aud cart harness, aud we uu ' hesitatingly pronounce them unsurpassable. They dc j serve the patronage of thc community, inasmuch as the; I are natives of Charleston, contributing their i roportioi I to the enterprise and recuscitation of our city's fallei ?? fortunes. Wc bespeak for them abundant success. i WE CNDERSTAND, from thc agent of nerring & Co.': I safes, that the well-known bankers, Brown Bros. & Co. who oro erecting a splendid banking-house iu Wall , street, New York, have ordered their complete outfit o I safes, costing over thirty thousand dollars, of Messrs ' Herring .'c Co. ; and that of thirteeu National Dauks startee i in New York during the past year, two used old vaults ; eleven bought safes, nine of which were purchased o: Herring & Co. Tho vault of tho "Exchange Dank" ol ! New York was undermined by burglars tunnelling some i seventy feet, aud getting under it, and breaking throng! ?thc solid masonry; but the assets of thc bank, ove; ! $."iU?,oO,J. was most fortunately in one of Herring .\: e.'o.'t safes, which resisted HUcccsssfully all attempts lo breal through it from Saturday night till Monday morning, The witter case of wrought irwin waa penetrated in ovei ', thirty placea by their drill*, but the inner casing, oj ! "Herring & Floyd's Patent Crystallized Iron," turned ! the point of eve ry drill, without affecting the iron in th? least; and the strength of its general construction in? sisted most successfully every attempt to break the safe j open with sledge luuuiucrs, Jack-scrows, fcc., and thus I saved the assets of the bank. " Mr. Jo.-cph Walker, rorncr of Meeting and Market ; streets, is the agent for the safes. i C. H. JOHNSON, who has his new hat store at No. 2C9 . Ki..T, opposite Hasel-strect, informs the public, through ' the medium ol Tm: DAILY NEWS, to-day, that he is open ! lng :i splendid variety of bats aud caps for gentlemen's and boys' wear, ali bein:; of tho most elegant make and of the latest styles. It would bc advisable for all, who ! at this season aro desirous of improving their appear? ance by a new bead-covering, to give Mr. Johnson a call '? and bo suited. 8. X. Brown, formerly of Williams ft Brown, will be phased to see Ins old friends at this establishment THE GLORY ofwoiuau is a fine head of hair. Mar rlagc is tim goal of avery girl's ambition, and nothing aids j; tho iiiatl- r of beauty, su much coveted, like a j splendid head of hair, which thu use nf Mrs. Sj. A. Al? len's \\ orld'.i Hair Restorer and /Cylobalaaiiiuui, or Hair I Drcssiug, wUl produce. They act directly on the roots ' of the iiair, giving them tho natural nourishment ro .piircd. Every druggist sells th..m. f j A SVS? it ot 1>.\>:<:::::.-The minutest Mack spot on tho ' enamel of a tooth, is an evidence tba; decay's effacing j finger has touched it. tjuickly interpose the X ex ? r ! asa sato guard, or Ute tooth i.; gone-and not ouiy tba ? one, but perhaps ludf-a-dozeu. Dc as st ired thr.t nothing I but 7.0ZO1KJST, w?l cither cffccluaUy prevent or arrest dental disease. ;'. PccTOllAL DALM is purely vegetable in its ingredients and perfectly harmless lu its ipialitics, removing all sen? sation of pains from thu chest and lungs-being n pleas -ant, safe and efficacious remedy in all eases ol' Coughs, i Asthma ?iud Diseases ot thc Throat aud Lhest. COPARTNERSHIPS. NOTICE. THE COPARTNERSHIP^ ANDREW MCDOWALL A- CO. was dissolved by Its own limitation, on the 1st July, 1864. ANDREW MCDOWALL. January 1 3?_C. P. AI MAR._ NOTICE. WITH THE CONSENT OF MY COPARTNERS, I have this day withdrawn from the firm of Gibbes and Co. HENRY SOLLEE. January 1 1* NOTICE. THE COPARTNERSHIP OF ROBERTSON, BLACK? LOCK A- CO. is this day dis. lived by mutual con? sent. ALEXANDER ROBERTSON, JOHN F. BLACKLOCK. EDWARD N. TH?RSTON. THE SUBSCRIBER WELL CONTINUE THE FACTORAGE AND COM? MISSION BUSINESS at the corner of Vander horst's Wharf and East Bay, and will be grateful to bis friends for their patronage and support. January 1 6 EDWARD N. THURSTON. DISSOLUTION. THE FIRM OF G. H. k J. G. MOFFETT IS THIS DAY dissolved by mutual consent. G. H. k J. G. MOFFETT. Charleston, January 1,18CC. THE UNDERSIGNED TTriLL CONTINUE THE FACTORAGE, FORWARD VV ENG, SHIPPING AND COMMISSION BUSI? NESS, at No. 24 East Bav, JAMES G. MOFFETT. REFERENCES.-Messrs. James Adger k Co., Messrs. Green, Trapmann k Co. Imo January 1 DISSOLUTION AND COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE FIRM OF J. k T. S. HEFFRON IS THIS DAY dissolved by mutual consent. Either of the part? ners are authorized to sign in liquidation of its affairs. J. HEFFRON. Charleston, January 1,18CC. T. S. HEFFRON. THE SUBSCRIBERS HAYE THIS DAY FORMED A Copartnership, under tho stylo of CHAPEAU & HEFFRON, for thc manufacture of SADDLES, HAR? NESS. FIRE CAPS, and every description of work In that line, and solicit a share of patronage. They may be found at the corner of Church and Chalmers street, tho 6toro formerly occupied by A. MoKcnsie. F. F. CHAPEAU. .1. HEFFRON. Charleston, January 1, 180 '. T. S. HEFFRON. January 1 10 COPARTNER- HIP NOTICE. THE FIRM OF MILLIGAN AND SON IS HEREBY dissolved. The undersigned have this day formed a COPARTNERSHIP under tho firm of MILLIGAN. MELCHER S k CO., for tho purpose of transmiting a General Auction and Commission business at No. 20 Ycnduo Range. By strict attention to business, wo hopo to re?oive a share of the patronage which han been so liberally ex? tended to tho Old firm. JOHN T. 7 GILLIGAN. F. MELCHERS. WM. E. MILLIGAN. Charleston, Jan. 1st, 186C. mwf3 January 1 COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE SUBSCRIBERS HAYE THIS DAY ASSOCIATED with them Mr. ROBERT S. BRUNS, and will con? tinuo thc Brokerage, Auction and Commission Business, at No. 84 East Bay, under thc name of BRUNS fc BEE. January 1 mwf6 BRUNS k BEE. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. MR. LEONARD WESSON AND MR. JOHN H. LAW? TON are admitted partners in our house from this date. MACULLAR, WILLIAMS k PARKER. Charleston, S. C., January 1st, 1860. January 1 6 COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. EBLOCK HAS TAKEN THIS DAY AS COPARTNERS , S. FRIBOURG. CAHM k CO., for the purpose of carrying on thc DRY GOODS BUSINESS at thu old stand formerly occupied by Fogartics k Stillman, No. 291 King street. The firm will be conducted under the name and style of S. FRIBOURG, CAHM .v. CO. E. BLOCK. January 1 3* FRIBOURG, CAHM k CO. COPARTNERSHIP. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS DAY ASSOCIAT? ED with them Mr. FRANCIS S. RODGERS, and will continuo the General Commission business. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberally bo stowed, they solicit a continuance of the same. Office, Nos. 10 and 20 ADGER'S NORTH WHARF. E. H. RODGERS k CO. Charleston, Jan. 1, LSGG 2 January 1 COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE THIS DAY ASSOCIATED with them in tho General Auction and Commission Business, Mr. GEORGE F. VON KOLNITZ. Tho busi? ness will bc conducted in tho namo of JAMES W. BROWN k CO., and solicit a share of tho business so generously cxrended to the old ana. Ch.tflerton.di^ay^Sea.-. , ; . JAS. ^BBQJ January I ? ' B. JOfflT^ COPARTNERSHIP. WE HAVE THIS DAY FORMED A COPARTNER. SHIP for the transaction of business as GENERAL SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, under the name and style of WHITE k PAINE. JOSIAH J. WHITE, GEORGE S. PAINE. South Atlantic Wharf, Charleston, January 1, 18GC. January 1 COPARTNERSHIP. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE FORMED ^COPART? NERSHIP under tho name of GONZALES, WOOD? WARD .v. CO., for tho transaction of a GENERAL COM? MISSION AND FACTORAGE BUSINESS in this city. A. J. GONZALES. W. T. J. O. WOODWARD. J. J. ESNARD. Charleston, January 1,18C0._(i January 1 n? COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE SUBSCRIBER HAS THIS DAY ASSOCIATE! with him bis Brother, LAWRENCE CANTWELL, and will continue tho WHOLESALE GROCERY, GENE RAL SHIPPING AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, at No. 114 East Bayj (corner Fraser's Wharl), under tho nanit of JAMES CANTWELL k CO. JAMES CANTWELL. Ordors for the Purchaso and Shipment of COTTON, I RICE AND NAVAL STORES promptly attended to; ant' I all orders from the Country for Goods Ailed with dis patch. JAMES CANTWELL k CO. January 1_mwf 2mo THE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE EXISTING UNDER THE NAMI of NEWMAN k FOWLER, Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. A. F. NEWMAN. November 23_EDWARD FOWLER. COPARTNERSHIP. THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE ASSOCIATED WITS them Mr. JAMES M. WILSON, and will continue tho Wholesale Boot, Shoe, and Commission business, ai No. 2 HAYNE STREET, under tho namo of D. E FLEMING k CO. D. F. FLEMING. SAMUEL. A. NELSON. Charleston, Dec. 1, 1SC3. December 15 COPARTNERSHIP. WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVE FORMED A CO. PARTNERSHIP for tho transaction of a GENE RAL COMMISSION BUSINESS in the City of Ne* York, under thc firm of J. H. BROWF.R k CO., and an prepared to afford fair facilities on consignments. JOHN H. BROWER. WILLIAM H. SELLERS. BENJAMIN B. BLYDENBURGn. New York, October 2, 1805. 3mos October 0 COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVE ASSOCIATE! ourselves in partnership, under tho firm o; CHAI3, TUOMEY k CO., for tho transaction of tin Ship Chandlery and Shipping and Commission Business at >'o. 4s East Day-street, between Boyeo .v. Co.'s Nortl and South Wharves, to commence from 1st December. CHAS. T. CRAIG, JNO. TUOMEY, December C ROBT. W. LOCKWOOD. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVE THIS DAY AS SOCTATED ourselves in partnership, in this city under the linn ol DF.COTTES k SALAS, for the purpost of transacting a Factorage and General Commissioi business, and have appointed M.*. H.4 MON SALAS t< sign for usas Attorney. - OlUce at No. 118 EAST BAY. A. C. DBCOTTES, Late Cashier of Bunk of Hamburg. F. li. SALAS. Charleston, Dec. 13, 1863. 13 Dec. inlier 19 THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE THIS DAY FORMED A COPABTNERSHIl for thc transaction vf n COTTON FACTOEAttl AND GENERAL COMMISSION BUSINESS under tb Firm of CONNER ii SEI XAS. ]f (,n>:NK1{. J. M. SELVAS. Ni:w ORLEANS, December I, isc?. THE BANKIN Ci AND EXCHANGE IJUSL NESS will be coutiuncd by tho Subscribers, at timi old office, No. WCarbudel?t-street Mr. I. iL SEIXAS holds our full Power of Attorney. December 20 wfmf. il. W. CONNER & CO_ COPA RT? ERSHIP NOT!C E. TUE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE THIS DAY AS.soCIATEI with them ill business Capt. FENN PECK. Here I after tho name and stylo ol thc Firm wiU be CAAUJ.ON I BARKLEY, k CO. CAMERON fc BARELtY. charleston, November I, 1805. THE SUBSCRIBERS HOPE THAT WITH STRICT ATTENTION TO BUSI NESS to merit a share of that patronage hereto tere ,o liberally bestowed on ^J^gg^^ R. C. BARKLEY. November 1 FENN PECK. PRIVATE SALES. Store on East Bay to lc Rented. BY CLIFFORD ?Si MATHEAVES, No. 311-2 Broad-street. To Rent, STORE No. 73 East Bay, having large exten? sivo back Stores, with an opening on Bedon's Alley. Dray entrances on both East Bay and Bedon's Alley. This Storo Is now in complete order. For terms, &c, apply as above._stnth6_ December 30 BY CLIFFORD & MATHE WES, No. 311-2 Broad-street. At Private Sale That RICE AND COTTON PLANTATION caUed WOODSTOCK, fifteen miles from Charleston, on thc South Carolina Railroad-a fine DWELLING, containing thirteen Rooms, framed Negro Houses, Corn MIR and Gin House, and Barns, kc. Tho tract contains 1000 acres, and is weU timbered, and adapted to planting and stock raising. ALSO, A THREE-STORY WOODEN HOUSE AND LOT, No. 125 COMING STREET. December 30 stuth6 Valuable Rice and Provision Plantation on Pon Pon. BY CLIFFORD AND MATHEAVES, No. 311-2 Broad-street. At Private Sale For sale or to rent, aU that valuable RICE AND PRO? VISION PLANTATION, on Pon Pon River, St Bartholo? mew's Parish, 34 miles from the City, four milos from tho Charleston and Savannah Railroad, and known as "New-ton." containing about 1200 acres, GOO acres first quality Rice Land, cleared and under bank, capable of producing 50 bushels Rico per acre. This Plantation was planted last year. Accommodation for 250 laborers. December 30 stuthG Superior! Carpels. BY J. A. THOURON. At Private Sale 1 Superior New . WIRE BRUSSELS] CARTET, 30 vards. 1 Superior Ingrain Carpet, little worn. ( 'an bc seen at Store, No. ll VENDUE RANGE. December 30 2 BY R. M. MARSHALL. At Private Sale The lease and good will of a WOODYARD, iu thc lower portion of tho city, doing an extensive business, to? gether with the entire stock < f Wood on hand. This is i considered one of thc best stands in thc city for this j purpose. Dor further particulars apply as above, at my Sales I Rooms, No. 33 BROAD STREET, I December 30 3 Valuable Plantation in St. Paul's Parish. BY COHEN, HAKCKEL ?Si CO. At Private Sale or to Lcaec A VALUABLE PLANTATION, iu St Paul's Parish, Collcton District, S. C., lying on thc Edisto River, Penny Crook and Charleston and Savannah Railroad, and known as tho BEE HIVE AND n0PE TRACTS, contain- \ lng twelve hundred and fifty (1250) acres, of which four hundred and fifty (450) acres aro cleared Rico Laud, and tho remainder uncleared Rice Laud and Wooded High- 1 land. This Plantation is bounded by thc Edisto or Pon Pon ? River on tho west and south, by Penny Creek (a navi-1 gable stream) and lands of Chcrles Baring on tho south, and by tho CharlsstoE and Savannah Railroad Track on thc north. OQ tho place ls a nice Dwelling Houso, with aU neces? sary outbuildmgs-'Ovcrseer's House, Bams, Corn House, &c" and neat quarters, with Brick Chimneys, for laborers. These lands arc at a good pitch of tide, and capable of producing fifty (50) bushels of Rico to tho acre. For further particulars, apply as above, COR. EAST BAY AND NORTH ATLANTIC WHARF. December 29 fm8 Valuable Plantation in Sf. Bartholomew's Parish. BY COHEN, HANCKEL & CO. At Private Sale or to Lease. A VALUABLE PLANTATION in St. Bartholomew's Parish, four (4) milos from thc Jacksonboro" Depot, Charleston and Savannah Railroad, and four (1) miles from Parker's Ferry, containing nine hundred (OOO] acres ; two hundred (200) acres aro cleared, and tho remainder heavily timbered with Oak and Hickory. On thc placo is a DWELLING HOUSE, and with oil necessary out? buildings; also BARN, GIN and COTTON HOUSE, and Quarters for fifty (.'0) Laborers. Thc Plantation is situated in one of thc best stock and game ranges iu the low country. For further particulars apply os above, COR. EAST BAY AND NORTH ATLANTIC WHARF. December 3U sw8 Varions Opportunities for Investment. COTTON AND RICE PLANTATIONS, in various parts of tho State, for Sale, Lease or Rent City Lots, Houses, MiU Sites, Mining Lands, kc, also on hand. Money wanted on good security, or as an advance to experienced j planters, to bc repaid by a share of their crops. Apply to THURBER, SOULE k Co., No. 4 State-street "(Up Stairs). Imo December 27 "?Si -on sold, at Private Sale,- a number of FAI'JfilS tT?ANTATlONS, HOUSES AND LOTS : J. ?^UR SMALL FARMS, within twelve mUcs cf the | *^HBEE LARGE TRACTS, twenty-six, twenty-eight, and thirty-six miles from the City. . FIVE HOUSES AND LOTS in tho Upper Wards. SIXTY THOUSAND ACRES OF LAND ta South Georgio SIX THOUSAND ACRES, in ono body, near Augusta, With fino RESIDENCE on it ' ONE HUNDRED LOTS, for small forms of Forty Acres each, in thc gold region of Georgia. SEVERAL BUILDING LOTS in tho Upper Wards. Apply os obovo, ut No. 127 MEETING-STREET. December 2 Imo To Capitalists-Brick-Making, Coll?n-Planting and Wood-CuUmg. FOR SALE OR TO RENT, A PLANTATION, SIX miles from thc city of Charleston by water, containing twenty-four hundred and eighty-five (2485) acres. A portion of the tract has boen used for Brick-Making, wood being abundant, and the clay well adapted, while the Brick-Yard would bc nearer tho city than any other. Threo hundred acres are cleared, and under fence, and as good Long Cotton Lands as any in tho vicinity of Charleston-tho facilities for mudding being as good, or botter, than tho Island plantations. This Tract of Land being a peninsula formed by two navigablo streams, all tho wood on it is accessible to a good landing, and its proximity to tho city, tho wood always commands a ready salo. Thc buildings on the pla-n consist of a neat Cottage of five Rooms, o Born, Stable, Gin House, various other outbuildings, and accommodations for about one hun? dred laborers. To tho many advantages offered in this placo is to bo added tho fact that there are Springs and WeUs of fine Water, and it can bc cultivated by white labor, as it is perfectly healthy in summer. This place will be sold on terms that will enabio tho purchaser to pay for it in ono or two years. For fur? ther particulars, inquiro at this office. December 27 10 TE0S. P. 0'NEALE, TEACHER OF THE PIANO, ORGAN AND VOCAL Music, tenders his professional services to the public. Inquire at Music Stores, and at his residenco, No. 44 Rodcliffc-street. mwsw4*_January 1 MUSICAL NOTICE. MRP. F. M. HARPER (DAUGHTER AND PUPIL OF tile late Prof. M. S. REEVES), offers her services to tho citizens of Charleston as Teacher of VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC. Residence No. 2" Society-street, opposite tho High School. Refers to Gen. JAMES SW ISS, Dr. WM. T. Wiuao, T. GRANGE Sows* and Dr. W. M. FITCH. November 14_ " FINE ENGLISH GUNS. JH. HAFPOLDT, GUN MAKER, HA8 ON HAND " a few line GUNS, of English manufacture, for saki : at hts shop, corner of (?ticen und Church-streets. January 1_ _ C. NEUGASS, IMPORTER AND MANUFACTURER OF SMOKERS' German, English. French and Turkish ARTICLES, Real atid Imitation Sweet Meerschaum Pipes. Briar Pipes, Meerschaum and Horn Tobacco and Buuif Doses, Seoir Holders, Sogsr Cases, Rubber Pipes, Tobacco Pouches. Cherry Kioma, China Pipes, Match Safes, Liva and Clav Pipes, Virginia, Turkish, and German smoking Tobacco. ' -(M) lbs. Chewing Tobacco, in 1 lb. packages, Lot Jewelry, and numerous other articles. ALSO Lots BACON, consisting of : Hains, Shoulders and Sides. January 1 Dry Goods-on Account of Underwriters and all Co II cerned. MCKAY AND CAMPBELL Will Fell, on WEDNESDAY. 3d inst., at their sales-rooms, Nos. 80 and 82 Hasel-strcot, salo commencing at 10 o'clock, Thc following goods, damaged on thc voyage'of importa? tion: PARIS STRIPE MOHAIR, FRENCH MERINO, POP? LINS, Colored and Black Paper Cambrics, kc, kc ALSO, HEAVY WOOL BLANKETS, WOOL SHAWLS, BEL NAP SHIRTS, Linen Bosom Shirts, Paper Collars, La? dies' Belts, Cassim ere and Satinets, Ladies' Hats, Arti? ficial French Flowers, Underahirts and Drawers, Cloth? ing, Boote and Shoes. ALSO, AN INVOICE OF NOTIONS AND CUTLERY, POCKET BOOKS, Memorandum Books, Perfumes, Cologne, Toi? let Soaps, Scissors, Pocket Knives, Table Cutlery, Plated Forks, Spoons, kc, kc Conditions cash. January 1 Lease nf City Lands. BY SIMONS & FORD. Will bo leased, for tho term of two years from tho 1st Aa-' of January, 18CC, at thc north cf tho Exchange, on' THURSDAY. 4th inst., at ll o'clock A. M., under direction of the Committee of (.'itv Lands, Tho LUMBER POND in tho wcBtcrn part of tho city, benag west of Lynch street, and north of Broad street. ALSO, Tho LOT known aa BICKLEY'S WOOD YARD, on tho west aide of Lynch street, near Beaufain atrcet. ALSO, Tho LANDING at tho cast end of Vendue Range. Conditions-Rent pavablo quarterly; leaser to givo approved personal security, and to pay for all papers. December 30 Household Furniture, Carpels, tte. BY SIMONS Si FORD. Will bo sold on FRIDAY, tho 5th of January, 1SCC, at No. 38, west end Montague-street, at ll o'clock A. M., sundry articles of Household Furniture, consisting in part of DAMASK CURTAINS, GILT CORNICES, Carpets, Wardrobes, Sideboards, Book Casca, Chairs, Cut Glassware, Dish Covers, Carpcntora' Toola, A-c, kc Unlimited artistes will bo received until 4th January inclusive. December 30 BY WILLIAM M. PE LOT, Auctioneer. Will bo sold in front of m Office, No. 40 Broad-atrcet, on WEDNESDAY, 3u January, at 10 o'clock, 200 Parlor aud Office STOVES. 4 balea containing 1C0O Empty Bags, new and in good order. 1 set elegant Cameo, richly sot in Gold, consisting of ono Brooch, ono Bracelet,.and one pair Ear Rings. ALSO, 1 set DOUBLE HARNESS. Unlimited Goods received until 10 o'clock on tho day I of sale. December 20 I -Handsome ~??ai?s??n on UrocuL street at Auction. . BY JOHN S. RIGGS dc C6>. \ On THURSDAY, the 11th January, l?00, at the corner ol Broad and East Bay, wUl be sold, at ll o'clock, at auction, ^JOL. THAT HANDSOME AND VERY DESIRABLE T"3ffiffl BIUCK MANSION on tho north side of Broad 'ni Ba 8treet> Ho. 114, being tho third door weat ol King street, having a fino and massive colon? nade front, presenting an imposing entronco from tho street. Tho interior is beautifully arranged, having twelve fine Rooms, with uncommonly high ceilings and aliding-doora on second floor, throwing two spacious Parlors into ono. Thc Chambers aro ail conveniently arranged for comfort and style, and thc entiro structure built of thc very beat materials, and in undoubted work I manlike manner. Tho Lot baa a front on Broad streot of eighty-six feet, and a depth of one hundred and fifty feet, more or less; with ampio accommodations for servants, Coach Houso and spacious Stables, and every requisito outbuilding on tho premises. Tho location of this uncommonly fine residence la considered ono of the very best, being con? tiguous to ah thc most prominent portions of thc city, : and within a convenient distance to all thc business poluta. Conditions-One-third cash ; balance in one and two years, secured by bond and mortgage. Insurance to be cllccted, policy assigned, and the purchaser to pay for papers. D 27,30-J 1,4,0,8,10,11_December 27 WiU bo sold at auction, JANUARY 20th, on the premises, ALL THAT PLANTATION known as " Hickory HUI," thc residence of tho late Col. James S. Shingler, situate in St. James GooseCreek Parish,near the Stato Road, 40 miles from Charleston. Tho tract contains about thirty-five hundred (35U0) acres, four hundred (400) of which arc cleared and have been cultivated, and aro admirably adapted to the growth of short cotton and provisions. Theao lands lie immediately on Four Hole Swamp, which furnishes a good winter range for stock. The . plantation is well settled, having on it a fine two-story I dwelling house, and all necessary outbuildings. ^.Conditions-One-fifth cash; bataneo In one, two and three years, with interest secured by bond and mortgage and personal security. W. P. SHINGLER, January 1 3 Executor. J'nillir Auction. On SATURDAY, the (?th of January. 1SC0, at Bcnnett'i Mill Wharf, will bc sold, tho following articles : ANCHORS and CHAINS, OLD SCRAP IRON, kc 2 TORPEDO BOATS, ono with Boiler aud part of En gino, at Northeastern Railroad Wharf 1 old PICKET BOAT, decked, at Caa Houso Wharf. Terms cash. ORAY k MCDANIEL. December 27_10 GOVERNMENT SALE OF CAPTURED STEA MERS. BY WILLIAM Ol ItNEY, AUCTIONEER. Will be sold, at Public Auction, oh WEDNESDAY, Jan 3d, 1S6G, at 10 o'clock A. M., at 102 East Bay, the lo lowing captured steamers, viz : "DE KALB."-side-wheel steamer, of 154!.- ton wooden hull; length on dee!;, Hi; feet; beam, 20 feel lover all, 43 feet; depth of hold, 0 feet: drait, "'feet I inches; has two independent high pressure engines ? diameter of cylinder, 12?i inches: stroke of piston, feet ? inches; bas three line boilers; with the equipment on board. "COL. BENNETT."-Side-wlieel steamer ol notons wooden hnll! lemah on deck. 121 feet, benin, 21 feet overall. 31 feet: depth of hold, o feet : draft, 3 feet; ha two independent high pressure engines; diameter o rrUndcrs. ll Inches: stroke of piston, J feet; bas on . flue boiler, willi lb? equipments on I? ard. I " BOSTON."_Side-wheel steamer, of 213 tons; woodei Ililli; length on di ck, 1*1 feet; beam. Si leet; overall, 5 i. e'.: depth of feet: draft. G feet: cylinders,3 inches; stroke. 7,'j feet; walking beam, with Ute equip '? men Ut Oil board. j "BEAUREGARD."-Side-wheel steamer, nt 171 tous wooden hull; length, 17o>.. feet; beam 17.': feet; overall ?iii iect; depth of hold, 7 feets inches;, 5.1.. feet cylinders, 33 luches; stroke, 7,'j feet; square engine I with the equipments on board. ' "MARY FRANCIS."-Side-wheel steamer, of 167 tons '? wooden hull; length, 16G feet; beam, lt'.', feet; overall I 33 feet; depth 7 feet; draft, fl feet; cylinders, 32 inches stroke, 7,'; feet; square engine, with thc equipments o? board. "HIBBEN."-Sido-whecl steamer, of 8.5 tens: woodei hull: length. 103feet; beam, ll o ct: over ah*, 28 feet depth, fl', feet: cy limiers, 10 imites; stroke, O,'.'feel draft, 1 feet; walking beam. "HENRY H?GENS."-Side-wheel steamer: woodei hull: length, IT feet:beam, 22 reel overall: di pth, t feet horizontal eugine; draft, 2 feet 0 inches, with the equip incuts on board. By order of T. C. CALLICOT, Supervising Special Agent, December 21 V. S. Treasury Department \TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT jLi three mouths alter date, 1 wUl apply lu tho severa Under-named Corporations, Bank ', and Railroads lorjth following Bonds and Corliiieates of Stock belonging ti the Estate of S. f. Coben, taken tuiU burned in Clicrav by General Sherman's army OU thc 4th vi last March ' City of Savannah Bom! No. 8. for S-iOO, redeemable 1875 City of Charleston Bond 41, for $1900, rvdccttiabl April. IHM. Stato of South Carolina Bonds-33, for iv?UO; and ?3 for .-limo-redeemable IS70. South car-lina Railroad Bonds ls, IP, 20, for ?30 each, due RH?. DINAH S. COHEN, October 27 lanie 3 ? Esccutrfe Estate S. I Cohen. AUCTION SALES. [POSTPONED ON ACCOUNT OF INCLEMENCY OF THE WEATHER.] Crockery Ware. BY J. A. EITSLOW A VD CO. TO-MORROW, 2d January, will be sold, before our Store,. No. 125 East Bay, at ll o'clock, 80 dozen BOWLS, assorted sizes. January 1_ [POSTPONED ON ACCOUNT OF INCLEMENCY OF THE WEATHEB.] Sugar-Cured Earns and Shoidders. BY J. A. E.\SLOW ANO CO. TO-MORROW, 2d Jannary, w?l be sold, before our Store;. Ho. 125 East Bay, at ll o'clock, 10 tierces 8?GAR-C?RED HAMS 5 barrels Sugar-Cured Pig Hams 10 barrels Sugar-Cured Pig Shoulders. January 1 _ [POSTPONED ON ACCOUNT OF INCLEMENCY OF THE WEATHER.] CTtot'ce Ko. Mackerel and Codfish, jusi arrived* BY J. A. ENS LO AV AND CO. TO-MOBBOW, 2d January, at ll o'clock, w?l be sold, be? fore our Store, No. 125 East Boy, 20 barrels No. 1 MACKEREL 25 half-barrels No. 1 Mackerel 100 quintals Codfish 11 barrels Pickled Porgies. January J [POSTPONED ON ACCOUNT OF INCLEMENCY OF TEE WEATHER.] Brooms! Brooms .'-On account of Undencriterrr and whom it ma>/ concern. BY J. A. ENSLOW AND CO. TO-MORROW, 2d Jannary, at 10 o'clock, w?l be SOloV before our Store, No. 123 East Boy, 2G dozen BROOMS._January 1 [POSTPONED ON ACCOUNT OF INCLEMENCY OF THE WEATHER.] Fine Felt Hats, Slippern and Sandals. BY J. A. ENSLOW AND CO. TO-MORROW, 2d January, Immediately after tho salem before our Store, wc wiU sell at the store of Messrs. De Cottes k Salas, No. 118 East Bay, 10 dozen FINE FINISHED BLACK FELT HATS 6 dozen Spanish Slippers 4 dozen Spanish Saudals. January 1 [POSTPONED ON ACCOUNT OF INCLEMENCY OF THE WEATHER.] Catalonia and Old Sherry Wine, and Spanish leaf and Cut Tobacco. BY J. A. ENSLOW AND CO. TO-MORBOAV, 2d January, will be sold, at the Storo Ol Messrs. DeCottes & Salas, No. 113 East Bay, imme? diately after the sales before our Store, 4 quarter casks CATALONIA WINE 50 cases, one dozen each, superior Old Sherry Wine 0 bales new crop Havana Leaf Tobacco C bales old crop Havana Leaf Tobacco 1 hag Spanish Cut Tobacco. January 1 [POSTPONED ON ACCOCNT OF INCLEMENCY OF THE WEATHER.] Clioice Milite Havana and Muscovado Sugar anti Choice Havana Segars. BY J. A. ENSLOW AND CO. TO-MORROW, 2d January, immediately after the sale? before our Store, wo will sell, at tuc Store of Messrs. DeCottes & Salas, No. 118 East Bav, 21 boxes Whito Havana SUGAR 17 hhds. Muscovado Sugar 7500 choice Havana Sogars-Londres Agricola Flor 6500 choice Havana Segars-Londres Segundo Suene 4500 choice Havana Segars-M. C. J. P. Valentino 2250 choice Havana Segars-M. C. Rio Hondo 400 bundles Havana White Paper Segars 800 bundles Havana Brown Paper Segars 5000 Ladles' Havana Cigarettes. January 1 [POSTPONED . ON ACCOUNT OF INCLEMENCY OF THE WEATHER. ] For Clirislmas Holidays-Choice Canned Fruits. .MUes, Meals and Vegetables, Vermicelli ana Sweet Oil. BY J. A. ENSLOW AND CO. TO-MORROW, 2d January, immediately siter the sales before our Store, we will sell at the Stoni of Messrs. DeCottes & Salas, No. 118 East Bay, C dozen tin cans. 2 lbs. each, of PEACH, APPiiE, STRAWBERRY, RASPBERRY, and CURRANT JELLIES. . G dozen tin cans, 2 lbs. each, of Seasoned Veal 3 dozen tin cons, 2 lbs. each, of Veal and Green l e? s 3 dozen tin cans, 2 lbs. each, of Roast Veal 6 dozen tin cans, 2 lbs. each, of Stewed Steaks 3 dozen tin cans, 2 lbs. each, of Stewed Kidneys 2 dozen tin cans, 3 lbs. each, of English Red Her? ring G canisters superior Scotch Oatmeal 8 boxes Italian Vermicelli 8 boxes superior OUve Oil 18 jars Spanish Olivo Oil 4 boxes Castile Soap 7 kegs Red Wino Vinegar. January I Gold Watches and Count inn-House Desk. BY J. A. ENSLOW AND CO. ; TOMORROW, the 2d instant, will be aold at our S torc? No. 125 East Boy, nt ll o'clock, . V 2 superior Patent Lever GOLD WATCHES 1 Walnut Conn ting-House Desk. January 1 '_ - Croclteryicare, &c. BY J. A. ENSLOW AND CO. On THURSDAY next, the 4th im tant, w?l bo aold at ocr Store, No. 125 East Bay, at ll o'clock, - crates ASSORTED CROCKERYWARE - pieces English Duck. Jannary 1 Extensive and Unreserved Sale of upwards of 50O jiackages of Teas, Carbonate Soda, Spices, (Jorks* Indigo, Champagne, Madeira and Port Wines* ?fcc., ?tc, imported expressly for this market. BY J. A. ENSLOW AND CO. On THURSDAY next, 4th January, 18C6, at our Storey No. 125 East Bay, w?l be sold, at ll o'clock, GO caddies BLACK TEA 48 caddies Young Hyson Tea 10 caddies Imperial Tea 04 boxes Bi Carb Soda 63 boxes (5 lbs. each) Indigo 50 boxes Ginger and Pepper 2 boxes Condensed Milk 14 boxes Pickles, assorted 48 boxes Soap - cans Cloves - cans Cinnamon - cans Cream Tailor 48 cons Mustard 27 bales Mineral Corks 10 cases Champagne 2 cases Claret Wine 2 octaves Port Wine 3 octaves Madeira Wine. January 1 BY O. D. PRENTISS, Broker and Auctioneer, No. 3 State-streetr On the first WEDNESDAY o? January, 18C6, w?l bo sold, 1 largo BAY HORSE, about eight years old 1 Gray Maro, six years old 1 large Bay Draft Horse 1 Cream Horse, five years old 1 Iron-gray Horse, five years old Carriage and set of Double Harness 1 L'^gc Wagou, with body. December 28 C ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE,) Charleston, S. C., January 1st, 18CG. j Will be sold, at public auction, eu loth January, 1866, at 10 o'clock, A. M., at Storehouse, No. 80 East Bay, ?. quantity of Condemned Quartermaster's Stores, CONslsTlX" 1 F FARRIER'S KNIVES, PICES Tew Irons, Curry Combs Wagou Wrenches. Rivet:::.; Hammers Ra-ns, Monkey Wrench- S Broad Axes, Augers S-juirt Cans, Flies . . Draw K?lves, Hand Axes Cold Chisels, Spring Erac.-, Adzes, Assorted Chisels Shovels, Soldering Irons I Ia toilets and Handies, Horse Brushes Planes, Sledges Squares, spadei Axes, Rejectors Bellows, Pincers Spoke-Shaves, Nail Hammers Tin Cans. Tenus cash, in Government fund*. WM. HOLDEN, Capt and A. Q. M. January 1 _ _ ASSISTANT QU.' WEBMASTER'S OFFICE, ) CHARLESTON, S. C., Dec? muer 30,1863. J Will bc sold, at Public Auction, on otis January? 1866, ar 10 o'clock A. M., at the Storehouse, No. 80 East Bay street, a quantity < f condemned CLoiniXO, CAMP and GARRISON EQUIPAGE, COSSISZINU or: KNAPSACKS HAVERSACKS Canteens Camp Kettles Bless Pans Shovels gpadi s -J-Xc Bud Handles Pi?i Axes and Handles Hatchet.? Blankets Blouses sashes Overcoats Musquito Ears Files Cro.-s Cannon Bedsacks Bugles Drams Cau Letters L-l? Numhc Terms cash, in Government funds. WM. HOLDEN.. Capt and A. Q. M December 30 _ _?__ ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, 1 CiLuiLEsTOS, s. c., December 27,1865. J Will bc sold, at Public Auction, on FRIDAY, Januar 5th, ls:-.::, at lo o'clock A. M.. a; Palmetto Wharf, 20 SMALL UOATS and PONTOONS, I. C. Terms cash, in Government muds. WM. HOLDEN. December 27 S Capt. and A. Q. M. THE BARNWELL SENTINEL. mill; PUBLICATION Ol' THIS PAPER, WHICH OF JL FICE waa destroyed in Febr.; irv hit by the Federa army, lias becu resumed. It is the ouly naper published in tliat large and populous District, audt'/.-erchantsand business men possesses advantages seldom met with. Terms for advertising, ?1 per square of twelve Unes, or less, for cadi insertion. Subscription to paper, $3 per annum. Address E. A. BRONSON, November 22 Proprietor,