CHASLESTONliPAILY NEWS.. ..DECEMBEB 2, 1865 _ mfm i _ Sk....-i~,?r Trnnv mr . JISTATTA r"l (TBVflSr.lI'Y ' TTT A oTTYxrriTinV If?. A (TR HOURSE. / THE ? CBIRLEM DilL? NEWS, I* -gjwftt G- R CATHCART*E=ITOR. ?' ^ CATHCART, MclLTLLAN * MORTON, PROPRIETORS. Mo. 18 HAYNE-STREET. TKilMS-CASU. OA'.LY-ONE YEAR.$10.00 DA.L?-SLK MONTHS.....5.00 ?ALLY- -THRtE MONTHS?..'4.50 MmT Single Copies FIVE CENTS. Jff News Dealers supplied sta liberal dis count. ADVERTISING. One Sqaore, Tts lilacs, one Irt'jerUon, ONE DOD ?CAR. Each continuoSon, FIFTY CENTS. Less than a .square, TEN CENTS PEE . LINE foi ?rst Insertion ; HALF PRICE Tor VAch conttnuaticm. The following are tte Agents 1er this paper: JOSEPH H. SEARS, "NeTTferath," Hilton Head. H. L. DARB, Sumter, 8. C. flTHA'A C. ANTREWS, Orsngeburg, 8.'C. t i. T. BERSHMAN, " Journal office," Camden, 8, C. J. M. BROWN, " Southerner office," Dsrimgton, 8. C M. S.'QULrW k BBC, augusta, Qa. J. st ?8TmLL, Sovawrtfc , Ga-*** . ISAAC DA VEGA, Agent In New York. Mr. ADO. BRENTANO, NO. &8 Broadway, New Tori Tb&a always -tte latest dates of the DAILT NEWS, as h does of all the other principal Journals of the countr; 2S1 ews Summary. The Memphis Bii&Xin of 26tt. a. s : "Last night, fo tho firstttme in ten years, teleg-.phic comm ?nica ti O? was held between New York and New Orleans direct The first mesaage^transmitted T om New York to NOA Orleans was: 'Weather clear sod pleasant-a65;* TV he the answer returned woe: 'Weather clear and cool time, 7.50.' Another dispatch from New York was fol lowed by thirty-one messages from New Orleans to Nei York, occupying about forty minutos. Each messag averaged twenty words. This length of Uno has bee: worked only once before, and that was between Sa Francisco and New York, a few months, the only sue cess attending which was the transmission of a fe words. This leaves the credit to the stretch of linc b< tween Now Orleans and New York of being tho large, over which any businssn has ever been done in thi country."" The New York Post'* Washington 'correspondent sayt "ProraiBtttRepubucoaafi who have had interviewe wit tho President within a few dt.ys assert confidently thi he agrees with the averago sentiment of Congress upo tho subject of reconstruction. At a Cabrsjet mectin held on Friday last, the Prj.-ior-general, fonr thou? sand; brigadior-gcneral, three thousand; colonel, twonty-fivo hundred, down to second lieutenant, who will receive ona thousand dollars. Theee salaries are'looked upon as tbe fair thing by old officers, although considerably reduced from tho old schedule. An effort will bo made to create tho grade of general, and Lave GBAST promoted to it; SHEBKAN to be lieutenant-general, anrl givin?? THOMAS and 8HETIDAN brevets to that rank. The ?ar baa demonstrated that & man does not need a West Point education to bo a commissary or quartermaster, and it is proponed to officer the studing army by graduates who have been em? ployed as such, and to fill their placee by old vol? unteer officers who want them. This ia thc state of ?the matter among tho regulars, and a powerful effort will bo made to pass it through._ ?- THE REV. "E. J. ME V NARDIE WILL ?ffKich in thc Citadel Square Church, To-morrow Mornirgt Ts7l0>i o'clock, and in the afternoon at 3)4 o'clock. Seats ?LL December 2 . tar CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Buring thu repairs to this Church, tho Rev. W. C. DANA Viii preach in tho Wcntworth-streel Baptist Chnrch, on Sunday Morning, at half-post 10 O'clock. December 2 1* ?j ?" ON NEXT SUNDAY EVENING,"AT SEVEN ?Mock, the Rev. Dr. J. J. O'CONNELL, of Columbia, ?dill deliver a Lecture at St. Joseph's Church, Anson street. The proceeds are to be for the benefit of the Qb uren. Tickets of Admission, One Dollar. They can be pro onred at the Church doors, or at the residence of the Pastor. 2* December 1 ^?- NOTICE.-DR. JAS. R. MOOD HAS RE? TURNED to the city. Office and residence, No. 38 WENTWORTH STREET, north Bide, one door west of Meeting. 6* December 2 NOTICE.-A L L P BU SONS HAVING i LcHjmtt against the Estato of tho bite Jklrs. MARY CT.YDE, ffwill hand them in duly attested; and all those indebted "I to the same will make immediate payment to JAS. SILCOX, December 2 s3 Administrator. - JO- NOTICE TO LOTHOLDER3.-IN CONSE? QUENCE of the depredations being committed on thc Grounds, no one wiU be allowed to attend to any lot ex. cept those employed by the Company. J. J. STROUD, December 1 Secretary. ?-OFFICE DEPOT COMMISSARY, NO. IC BROAD-STREET-CHARLESTON. 8, O., NOVEMBEB 21th, 1866.-SEALED PROPOSALS, in duplicate, for tht delivery of FRESH BEEF ON THEOLOGE, for issue to troops at this Post, commencing January 1st., 18GG, subject to the approval of tho Commissary -General, wit be received by (ho undersigned, nt bis Office, up tc 12 H. December loth, 18C5. The name of good and sufficient sureties for the raith roi performance of the contract wiU be required in eacl bid. All farther information in relation to terms of con . tract, ftc, can bo obtained on application to the under [ flpQd. H. E. LORD, - ^November 24 21 Captain ?nd'c. 8. Vols. MST OFFICE OF THE UNITED STATES DI RECT Tax Commissioners, second door northeast corne ivilionjlote?. Taxes received between tho boure of V ; A M., and 3 o'clock. P. M. November 14 DR. R. LEBDY, JR.-OFFICE AND RESI CE No. 69 Tradd-streof, between Ring and Moot leg-streets. 12 November 23 . ' SGT DR. H. BAER.-OFFICE AT THE DRU( STORE of Mi'. A. C. PHIN, Meeting street, near Mai ket November 22 JW MEDICAL CARD.-Du. J. LEJAU PAR KER-Office, No. 79 Broad-street Residence for th present, corner of Logan and Tradd-streeta. November 4 " Imo* ?a-STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA CHARLESTON DISTRICT.-By GEORGE BUIST, Esq. Ordinary. - Whereas, GUILLIAMA F. FURMAN. c Charleston District, Widow, made suit to me to grant be Letters of Administration of the Estate, and Effects c .dod: These aro, therefore, to singular tho kindred and creditors of tho said IXVTNK E FUBMAN, deceased, that they be end appear before mt m the Court of Ordinary, to bc held at Charleston, at No. Rutledge-stroot, on the 9th day of December, 18C5, a fte publication hereof, at ll o'clock in tho forenoon, to shoi cause, if any they have, why tho said A druin lat ratio; should notbo granted. "..-~ Given under my hand, this twenty-fourth day of Novom ber, A. D. 186.'?. GEORGE BUIST, November 26_s2_Jndgo of Probates. ?-STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA CHARLESTON DISTRICT.-By GEORGE BUB3T, Esq. Ordinary.-Whereas, PORTLY A. TBENHOLM, o Charleston, Widow, made suit to me to grant her Let tere of Administration of the Estate and Effects c CHARLES L. TBENHOLM, late of Charleston, Mer chant: These are, therefore, to cite and admonis] aU and singular the kindred and creditors of Uv said CHARLES L. TKENHOLM, deceased, that the; be and appear before mo, in the Court of Ord! nary, to be held at Charleston; at No. 3 Rutledge street, on the 9th day of December, 1866, after publica tlon hereof, at ll o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause if ?ny they have, why the said Administration shouli not be granted. Given under my hand, this 24th day of November j Anno Domini 1865. GEORGE BUIST, November 25_rf_Judge of Probates. ?-ATTEINT IO NI DaBOWS REVIEW. - Having been appointed AGENT for this sterling Period leal (the first number of which will be issued in J anua ry next), I will, during my stay in the City, call on oh Subscribers to renew their patronage, and upon th public, generally, to testify their appreciation of a wort preeminently deserving of SOUTHERN PATRONAGE 'November 22 J. WALLARD AINGER. ?- TO THE MERCHANTS, OWNERS OF PROPER T?. AND UNDERWRITERS, OF THE CITY Ol CHARLESTON.-The PcUUon of the OFFICER8 ANI MEMBERS OF THE ?ETNA FIRE ENGINE COMPA NY, respectfully showeth : That their Engine Houso Furniture, ftc, waa totally dostroyod by tho great fin in 1861. Owing to thu difficulty of. procuring a suitable place, out of the range of shells, wherein to place theil nenr Engine, the y were obliged to remove it to Oolam, bia, 8. C., where it was burnt in February la?t, in Gen. SaxBJtfAM's march through that city. We now need s Building and su i ia nie. Apparatus, tho one now in*use be bag in service for twenty years, ind very much out ol ipair. Tho Treasury is without funds, and the Com panj now appeal to tho citizens of Charleston to con? tribute, what thry can towards accomplishing cither oi both objects. Thc merits of this Company, in common i th the entire Fire Dcpa-tmcnl, BM) too well known to roqnire any comments at thiB timo. AU donations will bo thar.?.ful?y received and duly acknowledged by E. P. SWKRGAN, President, No. -?0 8. G. COURTENAY, Ex-Prosfdcntand C. F. D., No. 9 Broad-6treet. J.'A THOUEON, No. 14 Vendue Range. Or. C. MOMYER, ) G. C. CHA PM/ N, J. J. MUN KO. I Committee. F. KRESS EL, F. C. HEPP, J 8e| te ruber 30 2amo HDCjps. MILITARY DISTRICT or OHA RI ESTON, 1 Dri'.uir.vnNT oe .So. O'.., ! ASSISTANT AnjtrraKr-GEHXRAi/s OrrnT, -'f CHARLESTON, 8. C., November29, lr?.5. ). [G?stau Outrais, No. !24.] ? * PAfc. L CAPTAIN T. D. HODGES, XTH U. S. C. T., Ai A. D. C., in addition to biri other duties, is hereby aono?nco.? as ACTING ASSISTANT ADJUTANT-GENE? RAL of tho District. Par, II First Lieutenant M. N. RICE, 35th U. 8. CT.,in b^byannounced ap. AIDE-DE-CAMP on the Staff ef the Er-jvet Alajor-Ger.eral Commanding. They will be obeyed and respected soeordingty. By Command of Brevet Maj, ort:. C?IAA. DETENS. (i?.Q. W. HOOKER, NoTrmbrrao 3 A. A Grcerat S from tho Orphan Houso lot, and others, som.} very i fine Jap?nicas and Rose trees. December 2 FFTY DOLLARS BEWARD., JRIFT?D or stolen from Bennett's Tide Mill at tho foot of Montygue-stro;ALK.-A. GENTLEMAN'S SADDL MARK.-A line SORREL MARE, fourteen ham high, and iu splendid conditiop. Price moderate. A' ply at OBABLGBTON HOTKL STAHLES, ' November 28 Pinckney-street SEA ISLAND ? ANIM FOR SALE.-TURK] PLANTATIONS situated oe R3int Helena Islan kifown as tho "Parsonage," "Lonesome Hill," and tl Henry MetTu-oous Paces, n-peotivcly. They are all ? good order, and very desirably located. For furthi particulars sddri"?M, for ono wcofc, HENRY A. ROBBINS, Caro of .8. C Millett, November 2?? (5 Beaufort, 8. C. HOUSE OT SUMTER FOR ?tALEj-. com/nrtabld HOUSE, with lour i?qu:ir8 room %'>uantry, two stticx, pisiza. tu tho south, doubl kitchen, with lino evoking range, servants' rooms, ?c on an ser- lot. is offered for salo low for costa. Appl to A. J. MOSES, Sumter, 3. C., Or to CHAS. II. MOISE A OO., No. 15 Hoyne-Street, Charleston, 8. C. November '28 (COTTON LAND FOR S?LT?.-TI?? SUB J SCRIBER offer-: for salo two first-quality PLA> TATTONS, for the cultivation of SEA ISLAND COTTOM contain j:;; about M? acres ce;h. They are situated o Pori Royal leland, tyree miles from the town of Beau fort, and adjoining ??SM oUisr. Tho land in of the mo* superior qu'ility, ?.rd Jv in thorough condition for sue c.-ssful cultivation, There are on tcp places Dweliln, Houses, and sixty NesfroMiou'ws, in good orJer. Th premisea must h..- row to close aa estate, for lurthe. I {.articulare, address, tor one week, HENRY \. RoE BINS, core of H. C. -MILLET V, Elinor:, g. C. -9 t largo and pop-ilous DUirict, and to merchante uni business men possesses sdvaninges saleem met with T'.mu for tdverttsmg, $1 p?- square of twelve line's, o lea*, tor each insrticc Subscription to pspor. S3 U2 annum. Addreps . E. A. BEONSOV, Novomb. r 2-.' _ Proprietor. (feQA A5 AGENTS WANTKDPM* \&?J\J titi ?rely nevi ari UUt just out Address O. T GAREY, City Bu?din;?, Fiddeford, Matu.', iievtombir lb Swot SATURDAY.IJECEMBKR ?. POTEE $200. TROTTING UNDER THE 8ADDLE? Biet two in three, Ka?*-' JEIS NETT entere.;.' ???fv2?'? HALET entere. M^y,??T? ROBINSON enters. ?appy HATCH-$100.-SAME DAY, QUARTER BAOE. JEN NETT enters I HAWTHORN enters Ger.Uomen are requested to enter at the Gate, wMrea small amount will be collected for the support of tno TFoot Passengers 10 cts.; Wagon 25 cts.; Coach 60 eta, December 1_ MISS MUKDEN'S DAY SCHOOL. FOR YOUNG LADIES, No. ?0 Lez?ri**tre*t. - rpHE EXERCI8E8 OP THIS SEMINARY WLLLfD. o J. V.I be resumed on Monday, January 1st, at. tue. .- above location, where it will be permanently established, ^ The French Class wtQ be under tho charge cl Madame? jr POSE_sta_December 2 ^ *. PRESCH AND ENGLISH BOARDING AND" DAY 8CHOOL FOR YOUNG LADLES. . NO. 79 BROAD-STREET. ^ ? Hr AD AME VICTOR PETIT WILL REOPEN HEB x iVL SCHOOL on the 1st of December next ShewiR have charge, herself of the French Department, and witt. - be ass?T?d by the following efficient teachers: ' Vnollah .??TB. WUT AVI?.. * LXaldAb^bra..Mr. W.M. LAWTON, Ja. Piano and Vocal Music, Drawing, A-c^....--^f r, Drawim? and Painting..,.^J^IggB s, Dancing.I-.Mons. BERGER. ). ' For terms sad particulars, apply as above. November 29 _mwalmo , 5 MUS. E. B. WHITE'S SCHOOL FOR YOUNGA of LADIES. " Tif RS. EDWARD B. WHITE WILL, ON THE FIRST IVL of JANUARY, open in the City of Charleston, aa D English and French Boarding and Day S< aoo' 'orymmg ' f- ladies, at her residence, No. 6 Legaro-streb*, opposite to r- Lamboll-street Music, vocal and instrumental, aaa. d italian and Drawing, w?l be taught if desired. For: ?e terms, apply as above, after the 15th of December; ana until that Urns for information to Mr. EMERY, S. C. B. p_ omeo, John-streei. . wat? m November 20 ? MOUNT ZION INSTITUTE, WINNSBOBOV < 7 - SOUTH CAROLINA. rpHE EXERCISES OF THIS SflHOOL WILL, BE: resumed the first Monday in February next - Terms for board and tuition will be made known,wntar M prices become more settled. *" Appbcationa should bo addressed to ?a, ** . G. A. WOODWARD, ld Novemberll B3 Principal DANCING SCHOOL-A GOOD CHANCE. MONS. BERGER INFORMS THOSE PUP1L8 WHO lntond to Join hi? 8CH00L FOR THE JANUARY SESSION, that they will be tangbt during December - without any extra charges. Apply at ' Na 202 MEETING-STREET, November 29 ws8* Opposite Citadel Green. "DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. THE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE EXISTING^ , bettveen the undersigned under the firm of WIL? LIAM B. HERIOT ft CO., is dltsolved by mutual con? sent Tho BANKING AND INSURANCE BU8INE88, wiU be conducted by WILLIAM B. HERIOT, who ia authorized to settle, the outstanding business cf the- . . late firm. WILLIAM B. HERIOT. December 1 WM. McCARREL. THE' SUBSCRIBER TX m. L CONTINUE THE BANKING AND INSUB \ V ANCE BU8INE88 on his own account, under th? firm of WILLIAM B. HERIOT ii CO. Will receive De? ?osita and allow interest thereon, deal--in Now? and oreign and Domestic Exchange, collect Drafts and make prompt remittances, effect Insurance against Firer and Marine Losses. Also, effect Life Insurance an* Insurance against Accidents. WILLIAM B. HERIOT, December 1 3 No. 249 King-street. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. Wren THE VLEW TO ENLARGE MY BUSINESS, so os to meet the great demand of both city and' country trade, I have thia day associated with met? business Mr. CHARLES WEBB and Mr. HENRY C. WALKER. The firm will be known hereafter as STOLL, WEBB k CO. Returning my sincere thanks to the pub? lic for the libera^ patronage bestowed upon me, I res? pectfully solicit a continuance of tho same for the new' nm H. G. STOLL. November 1,1865. ^UR^OBJEOT IS,fo/f^^ffiY INCBEASE^OUB " olde arable '?oo??^ sn SPa/wnVr oirer great inducement* to our country and city buyer? and tho Merchant?' trade generally; also, to give our Plantera' trade theodvactafssr of Wholesale Prices on all Goods bought by tho pteeev We will also offer our City trade the samo liberal deduc? tion on all Goods bought by the pieoe With strict attention to our business, and Honesty and Industry as our motto, we do earnestly solicit, safe bono to merit, a liberal portion of the trade given to then old house of W. G. BABGSOTC ft Co. ,_ Respectfully, 8TOLL, WEBB k 00., ' (At tho Old 8tand of W. G. Bancroft ft Co.) H. C. STOLL, Charleston. CHARLES WEBB, Charleston, HENRY C. WALKER, Charleston. November 3 . thstnlmo COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. mHE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS DAY FORMET/ X ? Copartnership under the name and firm o* THOMPSON ft BROTHER, for the transaction of a WHOLESALE GROCERY AND GENERAL COMMIS' . SION BUSINESS at Charleston, 8. C. HENRY T. THOMPSON, Jr., and JNO. M. THOMP- . SON are the general partnei?, and JAB. CARLIN, of Charleston, is the special partner, and has contributed, to the common stock of said firm the sum of ten thou? sand dollars in gold. The Copartnership is to continue for two years from this date. JAMES CARLIN. HENRY T. TH0M780N, Jr. JNO. M. THOMPSON. Charleston, November 5, 1865. November 29 _wal mo / NOTICE. THE UNDER'IGNKD HAVE THIS DAY DISSSLVIF' . Copartnership by mutual consent. AU claims andi debts to be settled by 0. E. JEVBN8._ C. 3. JEVENS ft CO., November 30 . S No. 216 East Bay. THE COPARTNERSHIP. HERETOFORE EXISTING UNDER THE NAME* of NEWMAN ft FOWLER, ia this day dissolved^ by mutual consent A. F. NEWMAN. November 23 EDWARD FOWLER. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE SUBSCRIBER HAS THIS DAY ASSOCIASfcLV Mr. JAMES SALVO with him, and will conto oo? tha Auction, Shipping and Commission Bs ern sss, st No.. 126 East Bav, next door North of Union Bank, under th? ? same of J. A. ENSLOW ft 00. 3. A ENSLOWv November 20 18 NOTICE. THE SUBSCRIBERS -HAVE THIS DAY FORMED A Partnership for transacting a .-HIPPING AND. COMMISSION BUSINESS, under the style of MORDE? CAI A CO. M. O. MORDECAI J. L. TOBIAS. Charleston, November L 166&, Imo November 4 COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. rrUIE SUESCRIBEBS EAVE THIS DAY ASSOCIATED ' X with them in butin em Capt. FENN PECK. Here? after the came end'style of the Firm will bs CAMERON,.. BARKLEY A CO. CAMERON k BARKLEY. Charleston, November 1,1868. THE SUBSCRIBERS HOPE THAT WITH STRICT ATTENTION TO BUST- - NESS to merit a share of that patronage hereto? fore so liberally bestowed on the old concern. AKCH'D CAMERON. R. C. BARKLEY. November 1 FENN PECK. COPARTNERSHIP. WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVE FORMED A CO? PARTNERSHIP for the transaction cf ?GENE? RAL COMMISSION BURINE88 in the City of "New "York, rmder tho firm of J. H. BRO WER A CO., and aro-, prepared to afford fair facilities on constrrnments. JOHN H. BROWER. WILLIAM H. SELLERS. BENJAMIN B. BLYDENBURGH. New York, October 2, 1865. Smos October 9 THE UNDERSIGNED, COLORED PERSONS, TAKE THIS METHOD OE" informing their fri freds, and others, that they have formed a Copartnership, for tho purpose of transacting a GENERAL PURCHASING, COMMISSION AND SHIP? PING BUSINESS in this city. ,C. J. HOUSTON.THOS. H. BOEING. T. E. CHION. Agent, No. iii King-street, opposite Radcliffe. November 28_12* THE UNDERSIGNED IS PREPARED TO F?RN18H DESIGNS. SPECIFl CATIONS AND DETAIL "RAWINGS for Buildings of every de?criptic-u, and in every style of architecture that mty be desired. Orders from any part of the Uni. ted Sutes will receive prompt attention, with moderate charr-ea. WALTER a WEST, Architect ' Cerner 4th and Broad-etroets, Richmond, Va, ?Septernhe?15 _ Brana OLD NEWSPAPERS, LARGE AND SMALL .Shoots, Northern and Sentkern, ?t'30 and 00 cent? per hundred, at trna Office. . October 1?