The Charleston daily news. (Charleston, S.C.) 1865-1873, November 15, 1865, Image 8

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_CHARLESTON DAILY NEWS....NOVEMBEE 15, 1865. DAILY NEWS. WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 15, 18C?. POSTOFFICE, CHAI LESTON, 8. C.,1 November 15, 18C5. J MAILS CLOSE Eon AiiOi'HTA, Ga.?Moudays, Wednesdays and Frl-1 ih.ys, at.9 P. M. Kon' AN? S. C. R. R. Routk?Daily (except Saturdays), ot.9 V. M. Fo? New York an? Points NonTit, via all Kail?Daily (oxcept Steamer Days), at.8 A. M. Von New Yohk anw Point* Noiirii m Stkamkh?One hour before advertised Balling time. Coast Route, via PonT Royal ano Savannau?Dally, it 5 I?. M., nml sent oh often as transportation cau be procured. Office Honra?Brota S A. M. to r> p. M. ; Sundays, from 9 A. SI. till 10 A. BL, and these ici? be strictly ob eroed. . STANLEY G. TROTT. . Acting Postmaster. CQMM-BR?IAL. NEW YORK PL?TlKETS." MOSEY MAUKET. Tho Herald, of Saturday, November 11th, reports that tho money market has doveloped increased activity to day, althougli no.difficulty was experienced In borrow ing upon first class collaterals at ?even per cent. The dlHtrunt of umhu>inflated stoi-ki-, llko Michigan South ent an?! Reading, is becoming more marked among len ders. Tho "Prairie Dog" corner lui* the samo timo Chocked operations, both-for a rise ?ud a fall, Ami a par? tial li.lhargy has crept over Um market iu cbntt?ciuunoo of tho apprehensions excited. The ?Uacount line 1h less active, owing to tho prcferouco *uowu by lenders to in vest their capital al MdL Tho banks discount for tbuir custouiors at 7 percent., but 8(?i*I0 is: the outsldo ralo for tho boat erado of commercial Uaner. Tho ROld market was stca?ly sml ?lull. Tho opening price -.V.-18 l in ?i, from which thero wm an advance of ;?-, and a relapse at tho close to HO1.,'. Tho Ocuau Queen, from AspinwaU, brought $1,247,121 lu gold. Foreign exchange was weak in the morning, but Armor in tho nfterncion. Daukors' bills at Bixty days were quoted at 108 >? and 100 ,'i at short sight. * Gold quotations by White, Morris & Co., No. 20 Wall street : 2:00 P. M.HG!, 2:30 P. M.HO?. J-.00 P. M.HG?; 3:30 P. M..*....H0!? (.V. I", Commercial Advertiser, Satuntay evening. produce market. RiinADriTUTTs.?Receipts, 27,131 bbls. Hour, Ml bags corn meal, 03,530 bushels wheat. fiO.COH do. corn, 32,(183 do. oats, 40,018 do. lye, and 38,820 do. barley. Tho de mand for St.?!?) and Wc-dcrn Hour continued fair, but at lower rates? nil grades being BcQlQe. In huyera' favor? tho market closing heavy for all brands. Tho sales wero 12,500 (Ails. .Southern Hour was also lower, with sales of 593 ubis. Canada flour declined 5c. (a 10c. per bbl.; tho sales wci? to a mir uxtont?comprising 350 bbls. Ryo Hour was quiet and unchanged. Corn meal was in activo, but prices wero weU supported. Cotton.? Receipts, 3784 bales. The market was rather more nctlve and prices were steadier, closing quite firm at our annexed quotations. Tho sulca were 4KM biles, mostly for shipment. Wo quote : Upland. Florida. Mobile. N. 0. ?? 7'. Ordinary.41 41 4*2 4*2 Middling.51 31 52 ?2 Good Middling....53 So 64 5* Tho market is rather more steady; Sales 2.0U0 bale? at St?;.fi*i2c. for Middling, closing at 52c. Rior?la steady, with .a fair businom-doing. Sales Sim:? our last, 500-bags at O.'ic. for Patna, and 0'?c.(?? V)',(0, for Rangoon. [New l'or.'e Com Advertiser, Saturday Eecnina, litt. I-'iicirsiirs were, decidedly firmer. The engagements wero: To Liverpool, 28,000 bushels corn and wheat, at G.,4'i'?y7a.: 1510 bales cotton, at *i@7-16d. ; per atcnnier, 900 batn cotton, at ???d. ; 350 boxes bacon, nt 25s. To London, 1200 bills. Hour, at 2s. ; 14,0l)n bushels grain, at 7d. Cltarbm?A bark from Philadelphia to Aspluwnl!, with coal, at $7i onco hence to New Orleans, one to Liverpool, nnd three brigs to the West Dulles, on privutc terms. Gunny Rack.?Tho market was rother moro active, nnd prices were firm. Tho sales were 400 bales, to arrivo iu Boston, nt 10',c. gol?l and 28'?c. currcuey, in lots of 200 hale? ?well. Gunny Cjjoth was decidedly moro active. Wo have to notice sales of 3000 bales, part here and part in Ros Ion, but mostly in Boston, at 24<? 25c. here, and 2<i@-24c. ?n BoetJii. Hay was rather inactive, but prices wore without im portant change. Tho sales were at 75c. OP 85c. for city hale, aud 60c. ??b 68c, for shipping parcels. M-ii.assks.?Tho market was somewhat more active and prices were firm, without noticeable change The salen were about 30 hlnls. Porto Rico at $1 and 100 hh.l English Island, private. Naval Srone^.?Kosins wero quiet, though price were firm, th- off?ring* continuing moderate. We noto further sales.?10 bbhi., per 280 lbs,, ot $7.25 @ $7.50; 700 btils. strained at $8 <- $0; 400 bills, No. 2, at $10 @ $12; 600 bbls. No. 1, at $H Cm $18, and 220 bbli. primo palo at $20 @ $25?the latter pricu for virgin. Spirits turpentine was steady at $1.12>j @ $1.15 for large and small lots. Crude do. was moderately active, with sales 240 bbls. at $8 @' $8.50. Tar was heavy, being depressed by a large stock?estimated at 2000 bbls. ; abo it 140 bbls. Southern sold at $6 @ $8.50, as to quality. Pitch was in stoady request at $7 @ $8. Suoab was duR and unchanged. Tho sales were 210 hhds. Cuba muscovado at 14>?c. @ 15c. Refined was -qtiiot at previous quotations. Halt.?The sales were mostly, if not all, in a jobbing way, to tho trade. Many cargoes have arrived, but prices were unaffected, as tbey wero lor tho most part previously sold. We quote (storo prices) Ashtod's, $4 75; MarshaR's, $4 25; Liverpool ground, $2 30 @ $2 35, and Turks Island, GOc., cash. Wool,.?The market was stoady, with sales of 100,000 lbs. fleeces at 62c. to 72c. @ 75a, 500 bales Cape at 37c. @ 46o.; 10,000 lbs. California at 42c. ; 200 bales Mestiza, 30 do. East India and 00 do. white Durham, on private terms. Whisky.?Receipts, 368 bbls. Prices again advanced lo. per gallon, the stock being held in few hands. The demand was only moderato, and the sales wero limited to 160 bbls. Western, at $2 42, at which the market closed with mil'-*h firmness. Arrivals at Merchants Hotel. Jas T Briatow, TlmmonaviRo; Alex Lee, Cheraw, Mr Mareo, Mr W Marco, City; D J Bunting, D McGrichen, Columbia; WUliam Soyall, N Y; Stephen Trucsdolo; H Tnppcr, South Santeo; David Wright, Suininorville; S B White, Beaufort.'...." . - . 1 ??J , : Passengers. Por steamship Alhombra, from Now York?Capt ?I B ,lonn?, Capt McLean, of bark O W Ring, Mrs Dayton aud child, E W McBuUi, F H Whitnoy. wifo and 5 children, L Cohen, S Rembert, wifo and 5 children, Geo Budd, I? A Ferris, Geo Cassldey, T Z Pitcher, wife and 4 children, Jno SUk, Rev W Lyall. L J Patv, Mrs Aun Paty, L Carr. W R Dowltt and wife, Louis Kennedy, J Simons, G 1 : Patterson, Mrs Murray, Mrs Tiolroont^ Mrs J Stoolo, W McLean, W Brookbauks, Jno Burbridge, Mrs E Parsons, Miss Cornelia Scott, T Britton. L Morris. E Morris, CT MocClenaghan, E H Shaw, J T Davies, and 21 In steer age. MARINE NEWS7 "~ POUT OF CHARLESTON. Arrived Yesterday. [Nov. 14 8tcamahlp ARiambra, Benson, New York?left Satur day, ? P. M. Mdze. To Itavcnol k Co, G W Williame k Oo, T Street, Chester Mercantile Co, 8 O RaUroad, D Lopez, Austin k Albee, L Welskopf, O Ring, Douglas & Miller, Graham. Fowler k MercblBon, W Brookbanks, Capt M E Davis, M Marcus, Lowls, Brown k Strlngor, Van Driver A Co, A O H to no, P B Glass, J R Blgelow, I Russell, L Rich, H Bi8choff k Co, W Gregg k Co, Fisher k Lawrence, J Heins, J W Hardy, J Kyle, Mulle r k Bonn, B L Gracy, Courier Office, M Drucher, E B Stoddnrd k Co, 1. chap?n, S N Hart, James Roscndalc, M Hart, Miss E Levy, J H Taylor, Weir Ar Cunningham, G W Aimar, W Brackbanko, G Davis k Co, Elliott A Co, J R Culph, J A Lea k Co, T Witty & Co, P Weary k Co, Charleston Hotel, I Hyman, G 8icl, Hopson k Sutphen, W T B?rge A Co, Bull k Scovlll, A Canale. W O Langdon, B 8 Pelot, i H Whitney, J Wallack. J K Devins, W Ranbenstnln, 3 O Dial, O Stcbbons, J W Hardy, O Lltzghl, W E How land. J Sulybacker. P Epstein. T Kelly, J M Williams, King ?V Cassidoy. J M Graver, J D Konnedy, S Drown, Dawson ?V Blackman, P Meltzlor, J M Orcer, CahUl k Co, K N Isaacs, Hahn k Schrodor, H v Eakor k Co, D A Ammo, Bollmann Bros, G HolTiuan, I L Falk W Gumey 3 A Bass, Ravenel k BornweR, L Cohen, W H Klnsinao! G A Hopley, Sharp k Fant, A W Eckel A Co, C W Wick ing k Co, Bissen Rros, W II H:*att, Vonce, Strauss k Co, W Matthlessen, G Little tfc Co, Ufforhardt k Campeen 1 Johnson, Stoll, Webb k <*o, Hostie, Calhoun k Co,. J R Read k Co, Grauttevlllo Manufacturing Company, I O'Neill, H U Hickman. O Madson, A Myors, Cameron Barkluy <* Co, T Claffey, E L Doming k Co, T M Bris toll, E Rates k Co, Allan k Siddous, H W Lue.kon, T J Gibson, A Knight, J B Duval & Son, t? F Pauknln, Mor .gan Dr. h, G Sinclair, K R Callahan, J H Schalter, Tho Swconey, Ilogort, Demiug k Co, W Crcasor, O H MIot Wright, Coppuck k Co, A tiling, II Hambcrgcr, Johnsoni k Whiting, V Slattevby, King k Goodrich, B Fcldman O Churchill, North, Stealo k Wardel, Hilton ?k Co J D Lambert, Corbitt k Caney. S O Courtenay, G Kohrs O O Covgcshall, J Marion, E C Carr, E L WoUs, Adami Express Company, J B Tognl, and othors. Sehr Clinton, Holmes, Philadelphia, 6 days. Coal, MU Stones, and Mdze. To II F linker k Co, A Getty <k Co L F Robortson,J) O'Neill, Gas Light Co, 8 C Rallroai ?Co. G W Willisms k Co, O'licar '& Fnnwlck, Ilolitnanr Bros, H Oerdts k Oo, A Kroeg, Jos Walker, Agent, O r - Avorill k Son, D J Sturgei, J N Robson, W F Paddon, 1 B Thurston, J Cantwell, H Blsohoff, 3 k D Goetzer, V, H ' HHterby, J L Moses, O U Molso k Co, J U (iraver. i H Prlngle, Stephen Howard, Job Dawson, J Thompsot A- Co, B McGinn is. J M Eason, E It Stoddard k Co. H F Strohecker. Adams k Damon, O W Steffens k Co. Steamer Sylph, Marines, Georgetown, 8. U, 15'J bales Cotton, 25 tierces Rice, 1HI bbU Rosin, Ac. To Adams A FroBt, K W Waltor, Robertson, Blacklock A: Co, W K Ryan, J Clark, Shackelfurd k Fraser, Von Holten, Tarn son k Co, J J Rtchwood, H II Bacot. Steamer DoKalb, Hlawson, Peo Dee River. 250 bales Cotton. To T C Calllcott, Willis k Cbisolm, and Order. Steamer Samson, Dcnctte, Hilton Head, f le in?'(l for i lilx Port. Brig Dlrigo, Rumball, at Now York, Novembor 10. Ilrig Hall Columbia, Urcuton, at New York, Nov. 10. Memoranda. The Entcrpriso. Phillips, for Charleston, onU-rcd out ward at Liverpool, October 25. Tho Jura, Wheeler, for Charleston, Hamo day, and Western Belle, Moi'lutchle, for Charleston, November 1st. The sehr. Ilattic, M. Mayo, from Savannah for Balti more, has put Into Georgetown, S. l\, short of provis ions. ELECTION FOR PIBMUERS OP CON GRESS AND CLERK OF COURT OF GENERAL SES SIONS AND COMMON PLEAS. BE IT RESOLVED. BY THE SENATE AND HOUSE of Representatives, now met aud sitting in General Assembly, That mi election of four Members of tho I House >>'( Representatives, In the Congress of the I'nltod States, for this State, h hull be held, and the same is here by ordered to bo held, on WEDNESDAY, the twenty second day of November next; to bo conducted by the samo Managers and tu Ute same manner as the last elec tion for members of the General Assembly; ami the per son having the greatest number of votes in any Con gressional District, shall bo tho lioprcscntatlvo of that District in tho Congress of the United States. 2. That tho said Managers of Elections throughout the State shall give publie iiotieo of such elections, and on i the day indicated ' shall ojien separate {Kills, at their respectivo precincts, for each of said elections, und shall conduct the same in all respect- in acconlance with the laws and usages of this State. 3. That Immediately after closing the polls, the Mali ngers shall count the votes polled, and after making re turns thereof, showiug the number of votes polled for each porsou, sliull certify tho samo under their haudf, and appoint olio of their number to carry stich returus, with a list of the voters, and tho ballots by tbem taken, and report the samo to the general meeting of the Man agern of tho District-, which ?(encrai meeting shall be held at tho Court House of the District 'on the day fol lowing the election, exc?*pt that the Managers for the Election District? of Berkley and Beaufort shall hold j their general meeting at the City of Charlogtounud the j Village of GtltoBolivllk* respectively, on the second day i following the election. i 4. That the Malingers, whim so assembled In general I meeting, shall keep uu account, In writing, of tho num j her of votes which ciwli person so voted for shall have, | ami shall also transmit to his Excellency the Provisional Governor, with the ballots, u duplicate of the said ac count. 6. That the said Managers shall, liumodiately after said meeting, transmit the ballots by them respectively to him, to Columbia, Eafely mid securely enclosed in paper, sealed ami appropriately endorsed, by a messon gor, to be by them appointed for that purpose who ahull e by them sworn to dullvor, and who shall deliver tho same, with the seals unbroken, to the Secretary of State at Columbia, who shall deliver them to his Excellency the Provisional Governor. 0. That His Excellency tho Provisional Governor is requested to cause the sohl returns to be publicly open ed, examined and counted in his presence at Columbia, by three or more Commissioners, to lie by him, and un der his hand and seal, uppniutcd for that purpose, aud to ascertain tlio uuinber of votes given at the Hill elec tion for any person, and what four persons shall have respectively the greatest number of voles ii^thc aevoral Congressional District?, and to deposit tho original poll of each of said Diet! lets in tho otllcoof the Secretary oi State: otul ufter having ascertained that four poraous are elected, as before directed, he is requested to give notice, by proclamation, that Umso persona have boen duly elected Mcmbors of tho House of Representative* 111 tho Congres* of the United States. 7. That the messengers herein provided phnll be en titleil to receive out of the Treasury of th?*.- Blato u com ]i iiH.ition fipial to "fltc dol?an? per diem, and tverify' cents per milo going to and returning from Columbia; and the number of days and miles to be ascertained by the Secretary of State, who shall certify pay-bills tnen; for. In accordance with the above, the Managers of Elec tlohs for Charleston District will proceed to open the Poilu, at their different precincts, for a Member of Con gress; and, by resolutions of the General Assembly, aim?, at the same time and places, for the rlrvlion of u Clerk of the Common Picon and O ene nil Sessions for Charles ton District Ward No. 1?At tho City Hall. Ward No. 2?At the Court House. Ward No. II?First Poll?At the Market. ' Ward No. 3?Second Poll ? Palmetto Engine - bouse. Anson-srrcet. ... Ward No. 4?Firht ToU ? Hope Fire Engine-house, Arcbdalo-strect. Ward No. 4?Second Poll ? Englno-house corner ol George and College streets. , . Ward No. 5?Eagle Euginc-h'onse, Meeting-street Ward No. 6?Washington Englne-houBe, Vandcrhorst strvct. Ward No. 7?Engine-house in Columbus-street Ward No. 8?Wiley's Wagon-yard, King-street MANA GERS. WA H II NO. 1. CHARLES LOVE, Chairman. H. Vf. 80HRODER. | 0. WILLIMAN. VVAIID MO? 2. J. LEGARE YATES. ? T. A. WHITNEY. M. BOLGER. WABD MO. 3?FIBST POLI,. J. D. MILLER. | THOS. P. O'NEILL. A. J. TIMMONS. WABD MO. 3?SECOND I'0__, JAMES GILLILAND. A jDHAS. T. TC. R0GER8. P. P. LOCKE. ' VWABD NO 4?Kl US T POU.. --. I T. AIMAI!. 8. WEBB. WABD NO. 4?SECOND POIX. J. L. PATTERSON. I A. J. BUREE, L. V. MARTIN. WABD NO. 6. P. C. GUERRY. I D. C. GIB80N. E. C. KEOKLEY. WABD MO. G. GEO. 8. HACKER. | M. T. BARTLETT. T. L. WEBB. WABD MO. 7. E. C. THAR-N. J J. H. SYMMES. T. A. CONDY. WABD MO 8. Vf. P. RUSSELL. I W. W. RILEY. T. E. TORLEY. KS-0 CHARLES LOVE, Novembor IS Chairman. CHARLESTON AND SAVANNAH RAIL ROAD COMPANY. OFFICE ENGINEER AND SUPERINTENDENT, I Charleston, November 13,1865. I ' ON TUESDAY. THE 14TH INBTANT. THIS ROAE . will be open botween Cl?arleaton and Ediato Rivet (29 miles). '.:,.' Possongor Train will leave 8fc Andrew's Depot for Edlsto River, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, al 9 A. M.; returning same days, will St An drew's Depot at 4 P. M. Until the Company's ferry Is ro-establlsbed, passen gers can cross the Ashloy Itlver at the Now Bridge Ferry For additional Information, apply at the Company' Office, S. C. R. R. buildings, John-street. U. 8. HAINES, Eng. and 8npt Novomber 13 6 mwf SCHEDULE SPARTANBVRG AND UNION RAILROAD. Uniontille, 8. 0., November 7. 1866. AFTER THIS DATE, THE TRA1N8 ON THIS ROAE will run on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays o each week, from Spartanburg Court House to Sholton, connecting by Stages with wlnnsboro' and Columbia 8. O. THOMAS B. JKTEh, President, November II ,_, stuthG SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD COMPANY, GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, 1 Of-Aii-E-To**, 8. C, Nov. 6th, 1865. J O" AND AFTER THURSDAY, 9TH IN8T., THE Passenger Train will run tho following Schedulo: ticavo Charleston.6A. M. . Arrive at Charleston.'.4.15 P. M. I-javo Hopkins' Turn-out.7 A. M. Arrive at Hopkins' Turn-out.3.30 P. M. ? . . H. T. PEAKE, November 7 . Armera) Suo?rinl?mlnnt. I NOTICE. LIME! LIME! LIME! EIGHT HUNDRED (800) BARRELS LIME, FOI salo by ERA Uli H A MALLONEE, llorlliee-'fl Wharf, near the Northeastern l.ailroad, November 13 6 Vtholcaalo and Retail. WM. MARSCHER & CO., MTIOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES, LIPRS, WINES, SEGARS, &C. -tSTO. 78 EAST -BAY, HAVE IN STORE. AND NOW LANDING PER STEAMERS AND SCHOONERS? 1000 sucks Coarse and Fine LIVERPOOL SALT 160 sacks St. Domingo, Rio and Java Coffee 200 libls. Crushed A, C, Yellow and Brown Sugar 100 piu'kivRes Green and Black Toas, In chews, half and quarter chests .00 boxes English Dairy aud Gonhou Chceie I 200 boxes Fire Crackers 200 bags Shot I 60 boxes Collins'Axes 200 packages Mackerel, in bbls.. half bbls.. ml kits ir>0 bbls. Extra and Super Flour jardines, Raisbis, Citron, CurruiU Mace, Spice, Teppern? AND, ! A well eeleetcd stock of HARDWARE, Crockery, Do mestic and Imported Liquors, Segara and Tob?ceo, with many other articles too uumorous to mention. November B . ; ? thsnwv LATEST ARR?V__L, PER STEAMSHIP AND SAIL? 200 BarrelH FLOUR 25 barrels Crushed Sugar 100 barrels Brown Sugar UK) barrels Mackerel !?O one-half liarreln Mackerel \ 50 one-quarter barrels Mackerel 100 kit- Mackerol ' 25 tierces. Hams 25 hogsheads Molasses 100 boxes Adamantine Candlca 25 bags Coffee 300 dozen Mustard 25 bagB Pepper 25 bags AllHpico 100 boxes Soap 100 boxes Starch 50 dozen Brooms 50 dozen Buckets 26 barrels Linseed Oil (boiled) i 200 dozeii Mason's Blacking 250,000 Scgars (favorite brands) 600 Reams Note, Letter, and Foolscap Paper 50 dozen Collins' Axes . 25 boxen Extra C Tobacco 10 boxes Scarfulatti Smoking Tobacco 100 Cooking Stoves (desirublo styles) 300 boxes Tin (all grades) 2000 feet Lead Pipo (assorted sizes) 100 colls Manilla Rope. " For sale by ARCHIBALD GETTY & CO., Nos. 126 and 128 MEETING-STREET, November 10 And Nob. 63 and 55 Hasel-etreet. W.H. KIDD &C0!, Commission and Produce Merchants, UNTo. 112 East Bay. ? | LIQUORS AT NEW YORK PRICES. . ^ _? . ....... RECEIVED ON CONSIGNMENT i 4 CASKS BRANDY, at $l.OH H) barrels Bourbon Whisky, at $2.80 10 barrels Rye Whisky, at $2.70 50 barrels XXX Whisky, lit -.2.20, The abovo lot of LIQUORS wo ore authorized to dispone of at New York i>ricon. W. II. KIDD & CO., November 1 _ No. 112 EAST BAY. bagging,Tropea sugar, FLOUR. BALES HEAVY GUNNY'BAGGING, 60 coils Manilla Rope, ? inch, .-' I 15 barrel*? CniBhfd Sugar, 66 bus-e Is Uice Flour. For sale low by BRUNS k REE, November 11 _ No. 84 East Bay. LIVERPO?^^ PAA SACKS LIVERPOOL SALT tJ\J\J 20 hhds. Shoulders 30 boxes Choice Shoulders 10 hhds. Choice Bright Sides. Now landing from bark .Justina, and for salo by JAMES W. BROWN & CO., November 10 Nos. 136 and 138 Meeting street - 10 25 PILOT BREAD. BARRELS MASON'S EXTRA PILOT BREAD. Now landing per barb Justina, and for sale by JAMES W. BROWN k CO.. November 10 Nos. 136 and 138 Meeting street. BROOMS, BUCKETS, &o. 1 AA DOZEN BROOMS 1UU 100 dozon Buckota I 10 cases Tacks 100 boxes Soap Nests Tube, Ac, Ac. Now landing per bark Justina, and for sale bv JAMES W. BROWN k CO., November 10 Nos. 136 and 138 Meeting street. POTATOES, ONIONS. BEETS, CARROTS ETC. ff f\f\ BBLS. POT ATO E8, ONIONS, BEETS, ANI OVJKJ CARROTS in store. landing, and for sale lov by BERNARD O'NEILL, Novomber 13 3 No. 189 Eaat Bay. HAMS, SIDES, SHOULDERS. ST tT. HHD8. CHOIOE SIDE8 AND SHOULDERS f J\J 50 casks choice Sugar-cured Hams In store and to arrive. For aale by BERNARD O'NEILL. November 13 3 No. 189 East Bay. MUSCOVADO MOLASSES AND . SUGAR. . ' fjpr TIERCES CHOICE MUSCOVADO MOLASSES 4 eJ 50 bbls. choice Muscovado Molasses 150 bbls. Sugars, various grates With a largo and varie.l assortmouf of Groceries. Fo: sale by BERNARD O'NEILL, . November 13_3_No. 189 Eaet Bay. PIKE'S MAGNOLIA WHISKY. IZ(\ BARRELS ABOVE CELEBRATED BRAND. I t)\ f consignment, and for sale low, with otlicx brands, by BERNARD O'NEILL, November 13_3 No. 180 Bast Bay. "WHISKY ! WHISKYJ DIRECT FROM BOND? Meohan's" IRISH WHISKY Jkjnaice. Bum "Oarrasquedo" Sherry "Holland" Gin "Crescent" M ml n ira "Otard" and "Cog_j_a" BramJio BOURBON WHISKY, finest in market J. D. It A VAN AH, No. B'A East Bavjr. October 13 lmo HLIQUoSsri-JQU?RSr" INCLUDING A MOST EXTENSIVE SUPPLY Ol everything In the LIQUOR BUSINESS. soon as : 200 bbla. WITISKY, somo old, some splondid, ant Bomo very cheap 10 quarter oa_k- BRANDY 100 packages WINES, CHERRY BRANDY, ST CROIX RUM, PORT WINE, ?to., ?fas. 3000 caaes WHISKY, BRANDY, GIN, ?to., ?kc Call at our largo ?teles Rooms, No. 145 MEETING .STREET. GBO. XV. CLARK St CO. October 13 SALT, FLOUR, ETC. IfTAA 8ACK8 LIVERPOOL SALT LD\J\J 60 SACKS turk'b island salt 100 BBLS. BEEF 100 BBLS. AND HALF BBLS. PORK 200 BBLS. EXTRA FLOUR S?O BBL8. SUPERFINE FLOUR , 200 0HEK8E-DIFFERENT KINDS. For Bale cheap for cash by OEO. \V. CLARK St CO., Octobor 13 !Vo. 14r> M?*eHnR-*tre_t. GIN COCKTAILS, f N OASES, no. I GIN COCKTAILS Morning Call Schnapps Old Tom Gin Bourbon Cocktail Eyo Openor Royal Windsor Bitters KuinmeL J. D. KAVANAOH, October 13 lmo No. M* Kait Day. CHEESE! CHEESE? l-fl-Ti SMYLL ENGLISH DAIRY CHEESE. AC AX X" f \ J nicelvcd per steamer, find for sale low by JOHN KINO k CO., Noveml>er 11 wfin't N?>. 88 Hasel atrnrt. SCABFALLETTI TOBACCO. 2 OASES SCARFALLETTT TOBACCO. FOR SALE low, to cluno conslgnm? nt. by CAMERON. HAHKLKV k CO.. November l."? wf? No. 150 Meeting Htrent. SALT! SALT! 1 HAH BACKS SALT, NOW LANDING 1ROM JLV/\J\j ship Ueuei-al Windhnm, from Liverpool. For salo Iry JOHN KINO k CO., November IS .1 _ No. ?8 Hasel-stroet. LIVERPOOL SALT AFLOAT. A Ci A f\ 8ACK? LIVERPOOL SALT NOW LAND. HhV/l.""/ lug from ship "Gonornl Wlndhaia," and for male by ROBERT MURE A CO.. Noveinbor H No. CC? Church-street. COAL AFLOAT. C)AA TONS BEST QUALITY RED ASH COAL. EGG ??\)\J size, now lauding from the Schooner J. A. Griffin, from Philadelphia, and for sale bv H. F. DAK ER ?V CO.. November 14 A No. 20 Cumberland-street. Rice, Twine, Salt. BARRELS RICE 100 sacks Liverpool Salt 11 bales Bagging Twino 400 Gunny Bags. For sai? oy BRUNS .V. BEE, November 10 No84 East Bov. Hams, Beef, Vinegar. C HHDS. SUPERIOR BAMS O :i hhds. good H-uns 20 bbls. extra Sugar Cured Hum* 25 bbls. Mess Beef 25 l>b!s. beat Cider Vinegar For Half by J. S. SCHIRMER. November 7 No. 18 North Commercial Wharf. Mackerel?Liquors. -I /Ary ? ACKAQE8 NOS. 1, 2 AND '.I MACKEREL. lvU barrels, half barr?la and kits 10 bbls. superior Old Family Rye Whlskv (18C0) 10 bblx. Old Bourbon XXX Whisky (1810) 40 cases Old Bourbon Whisky 40 cuses Old Cocktail 40 cases Old Brandy, Heune?svaud Piuet, Cast ilion & Co. 25 case? Old Rye Wills!?y 25 casos (Swan] Gin. Just received por brl? Iza, from Boston, and schooner Mszyck. and for sale low by A. J. SALINAS, November 4 Nos. 23 and 25 Vendue Runfie. .30 Bacon, Lard, Raisins. 10 CASKS PRIME SHOULDERS M kegs Lard 100 boxes Laver Raisins. For sale by J. 8. SCHIRMER. No. 18 North Commercial Wharf. November 0 C c Sugar and Whisky. 1UR.\ 3UGAR. IN BBLS. Iloarbon Whisky, in bbls. For ?ale by T. TUPPEH & SONS, November 8 6 ' Brown's Wharf. Butter, Segars. 1 S~\ FIRKINS PROIE EUTTER JlVJ 10 M So'i^rs . 10 der. Canned Peaches 10 doy. romand Meato For sale low, to closo oonajgomeat, by . , T. SAVAGE HEYWARD & SONS. October .10 * No. 12:1 East Ray. Blankets. "\?TE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE ASSORT ?T MENT OF RLANK.LTS. which we offer for sido at reasonable figures. T. SAVAGE HEYWARD k SONS. October .10 No. 12.1 East Bay. Hardware. STORE TRUCES STORE LOOKS RIM LOCKS KNOB LOCKS PADLOCKS AUGURS SAWS BUCK SAWS PLANES TROWELS WHITEWASH BEU8HE8 BRACES AMES' LONG-HANDLE SHOVELS AMES' SHORT-HANDLE 8HOVELS For sale by T. SAVAGE HEYWARD k SONS, October 30_No. 123 East Bay. Liverpool Salt Afloat. "I /~\f\r\ 8A0K8 COARSE LIVERPOOL SALT, IV 1UUU seamless sacks, landing from the shir Amolla, and for sate from the wharf, by THADDEUS STREET. ' November 7 No. 74 East Bay. Rice! Flour! err\ bags best java rice D \J 60 bbls. SUPERFINE FLOUR. 60 bbls. Fine Flour. For sale by J. 8- 80HIRMER, November 7 No. 18 North Commercial Wharf. Bice ! Bice ! Bice ! HOPKINS, MCPHER80N k CO.. NO. UKS MEETING STREET, keep constantly on hand a supply o: FRESH BEAT WHOLE, MIDDLING, and SMALL CARO LINA RICK. lmo October 31 E. Bar Iron. ODND. 8QUARE AND FLAT. For salo by J. M. EASON, No. 0 Exchange-street, ' November 3 * Rear of old PostofBco. Stoves! Stoves! Qiiri STOVES, SUITABLE FOR OFFICES OI fjxjyj ROOMS. For sale at Manufacturer's Prices by HOPKINS, MoPHERSON k Co., October 31 No. 16S Meeting-street. Paper! Paper! Paper! Twine! Twine ! Twine ! Bags! Bags! Bags! H?LLING8WORTH & WITNEY'S PATENT MA CHINE-MADE PAPER BAGS, for Grocers' anc Millers'uso: White, Manilla and Straw Wrapping Pa pora; Jute, Flax, Bailing and Paper Twine?; Note, Let tor and C?p Writing Pajier; Envelopes of every dosorip tion. II. ?I. JAME? Si BRO?, Wholeanle Paper Warnhomc, No. 4 HAYNE-STREET, CHARLESTON, 8. 0. November 9 ?3 AMBROTYPE^AMBBOTYPES ! REOPENING OF THE STIR ANBROTVPE GAUM, Corner of King and Market streets. Ambrotypes at 50 cents each. IN FINE OASES PROPORTIONABLY LOW. November* _ _lmo Heidsieck & Go's. Champagne, THE PUREST, BEST AND CHEAPEST IN THI market. CaII and purchase of GEO. W. CLARK Si CO., October 13 No. 1-15 Rlcetlng-strcet. SPECTACLESir SPECTACLES!" GLASSES TO SUIT ALL AOE8, FITTED IN GOLD, SUrer and Steel fr?unoa, by ALLAN ?V H1DDONH. Bente.mii r*H No.:???? Kl. ireet. SOUTHERN . ADVERTISING AGENCY. ADVERTISEMENTS RECEIVED ON THE MOS1 reasonable terms for the LEADING NEWSPAPER! In thr South. Specimen copie? oan be seen by applying U> HORACE P. BUG-?. P. O. Box 341. Ho. 108 Market-atreet. Advar-tiaara wUl do weU to oeR. SeptaabwU FOR L.rVKKI??>OL._A 1 liltl i isi? l^bark -ARAH PAYSON, Ovnrge Dakln, M-nter. -&KI__t>410 tons, wiU mtvt with dispatch. l''?>r'Fn?i,?ht' ^- ^t?** apply to BAYKHKL ?t 00. ' November II c, FOR MVr.ltl'OOl,?TIIK Al FIRST V?ase. Clipper Ship TAMERLANE, ?F-vlWOU ?rj_$J?iiin.'?ier. w*** *aRW*e tnumadlato dispatch. " *m Liberal advuiii-ot. made on consignment*, l'or Freight engngeiiieiitM, applv t<> H WILLIS A CHISOLK. XO SAIL EARLY THI.s WEEK. FOR NEW YORK?MERCHANTS' * Regular Line. The stmiueh and olrgant puck ?et Schooner MYRoVEK. HOOBKH, Master, a will sail a? above. Want? JOO bales cotton to Apply totho Ap.-iit, WILLIAM 110ACH, C'>r. Bast Bay und Adg-tr's South Wharf. Nowmbr? 15 2 FOR NEW YORK?STAR LINE.? ^The _rst-?.laiw packet Hchr. ALBERT MASON. >Capt. llnowN, will leave for the -bave* jort on ?Saturday, lsth itist., For Freight or Passage, apply 1?> D. .1. STl.ROES, November IC No. 10 Vendit*? Rang.-. FOR PHILADELPHIA_TIIK -ist sailing Packet Brig O. F. OEEKY, Captain ?CoNKr.ts. having a large portion of her cargo 'engaged, will have dispatch. For 1'ri-ight, ap ply to II. F. BAKER k CO., November 0 No. 20 Cr_mberlaiiil-xtre?.-r. FOR BALTIMORE?THF: FAST rtaillng Pa.liet Schooner SUSANNAII. For iFrelgnt engagement-, apply to ? WILLIS fc C'HISOLM. N?m?mbor l.'l 1 North Atlauti** Wharf. .FOR FRKI-UUT OR ?HARTER_ The fast-sailing S.hf.oner CHARLOTTE. Capt. iTiio.-. Chai*i.:v. in good order mid well found in every respect. Capacity ;M.?W> bushel?, or f.<H> Apply on board, fet Aivotnmod.ilion Wharf, or FEHOCSON k HOLMES. N.-ivomb?:' 13 2 FOR FREIOIIT OR CHARTER, 'FOR BALTIMORE.?The A 1 Bo >_ JUSTINA. >Hugg, Master, vUl have dispatch for th?* ?? above port. For Freight diuagniocnt.?, npplv JAMES Vf. BROWN A* CO., November 14 Nos. 130 and 138 Meeting-street. VESSELS WANTED TO LOAD AT J-x*- Ofiorgctotvu for Northern ports; also at EflpYanhancy Ferry (Pee Dee) ami Lcnud's Ferry l*-? ?s"(Sant'*i-'t for this r??rt. Apply to SHACKELFORD & PHASER. November 14 3* Accommodation Wharf. SCHOONER FOR SALE.?THE SCII. WILLIAM AND JOHN, about 50 tons; has been put iu thorough order, with new eallH and rig. Ring, ond well found in overv respect. In now ready for service. Can be seen at Vundcrhorst's Wharf. Apply t<> 11. T. WALKER, November 15_ _ ?- Vandorbont's Wharf. GEORGETOWN AM) CHARLESTON. New AccoiiiocUition lane. Lrnvine Areommorlnt ton "tVlinif. C liarlos ton, livery SATl'RDAY mid TUESDAY MORNING, at Eight o'clock, and CWorge totvii ?Tory MONDAY and F1UDAY PIORW1-?, at Srvin ??*< !<>< U. THE SUPERIOR FAST-OOLYO C3-E2ST- IE?00K:_E_:R,_ CAPT. J. F. LONG, WILL MAKE HER FIRST TRIP ON SATURDAY KOKNINO NEXT, tho 18th inst.. and run regu larly as above. She has superior accommodations for Passenger.-?, and will take Fr?'ight at reasonable rates. Cabin Passage.$4 00 | Colored PanHcug?*rs.. *f3 00 For Freight or Pasta?;?-, apply on board to Captain I.ONO, or to SHACKELFORD k FRASER, Agents, Accommodation Wharf. FRASER A SHACKELFORD, Agents, Oeorgc'.own, 8. 0. tnr Tho Darlington New Era will copy four times, and send bill to this office. 4 November 15 FOR NEW YORK. THE REGULAR UNITED STATES MAIL LINE OF FIRST-CLASS STEA.ISHIPS: GRANADA, I QUAKER CITY, ALHA-HJRA | ANDALUSIA, THE STARLiaHT, CAPTAIN PEDRICK. YX/TLL LEAVE BROWN k CO.'8 WHARF ON WED YV NESDAY. November 15, at 3 o'clock P. M., pre cisely. For Freight or Passage, having HAND80ME ACCOM MODATIONS, apply to RAVENEL A: CO., Agents. F South corner of East Bay and Vanderhorst's Wharf. November 13 New York and Charlestoii PEOPLE'S STEAMSHIP COMPANY. IH*R> iiiff each Port every AltornateThursday. STEAMSHIP EMILY B. SOUDER, Capt. R. Vf. Lookwood. STEAMSHIP MONEKA, Oaft. C. P. MAitimns. ITMIEHE STEAMSHIPS, OFFERINO EVERY 1NDUCE JL MENT TO SHIPPERS AND THE TRAVELING) PUBLIC, having superior accommodations fer Passen gers, vrith tables supplied by every luxury tho New York and Charleston markets can afford; and fur safety, speed and comfort arc unrivalled on tho coast. THE NEW STEAMSHIP EMILY B? SOUDER, CAPTAIN R. W. LOOKW00D. WILL LEAVE ACCOMMODATION WHARF ON Thursday, Nov _ber 16, at ? o'clock, pre cisely. Liberal advances made on consignments to Now York. For Freight or Passage apply at the office of tho Agents, WILLIS k 0HIS?LM, November 11 North Atlantic Wharf. TAKE A HOMES PAPER. NO HOME CIRCLE IS COMPLETE WITHOUT A PAPER. NOW 18 THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE TO THETRI-WKEKLY NEWS, which has been greatly Increased in size, and ia filled With interesting matter, ombraclng a variety of topics. Tho malls having been resumed throughout tho con trai portion of tho StA o, and bolng carried daily, North, South, East and West- wo have a largo acopo from which to gather tho VERY LATEST INTELLIGENCE from ?Jl parts of Uie world. Particular attention being paid to gathering and plac ing before our roadors tho very latest nowa that can bo securod, and to selecting such paragraphs as will meet tho approval of tho Southern public, we invite tho at tention of the reading peoplo to our paper, as a dlaaorat nator of, as truthful as it is possible to bo, uaelul Intel* ligonce, and a record of passing events. Our terms are ONE DOLLAR per month for tho paper. Advertieemena of a transient character Innortod for one dollar per squaro, eight lines or less, cloao type, oonatl tuting a square, for the first publication, and aoventy. five cents for each continuance. Orders respectfully ooUt?ted. Address, J. E. BBITTON. Editor and Proprietor ?'Nowa/' October SI WU-mbot*?,' H. C.