The Anderson intelligencer. (Anderson Court House, S.C.) 1860-1914, June 17, 1903, Page 8, Image 8

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ocal News. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17. 1U03. Lowndesville News. Mrs. A. J. Speer and little Francene Lave returned from Harmony Grove, Ga., where they have been visiting relatives. Miss Eula Fortson, of Elberton, re turned to her homo a few dava ago, nc companied by her cousin, Misa Ethe! Speer. Miss Annie Hell is visiting Miss Kosa Hill for v lew days. Mrs. lt. L. Smith spent yesterday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. LoRoy. Miss Jessie Clink8cales caine home u few dava ago from Elberton, where elie lind been visiting her Bisters. Prof. J. F. Harper mid family aro visiting relatives in Georgia, and will be away for sonic tinic. Misses Lizzie Nance, Ruth Dunn, Annie and Kate Liddell, and Mr?. E. C. Mechine and Mrs. John Lomax at tended commencement of. Due Went last week. Miss Jennie Mae Dunn is home from Due West Female College to spend fee* vacation. Misses Helen and Annie Harber at tended the < losing exercises of Wil liamaton Female College. Miss Mabel Tilden, of Florida, has been visiting Miss Eliza Kay. Miss Sarah Cunningham, of Monte rey, passed through nero yesterday on her way home from a visit to relatives at MorlAttsville. Misses Eliza Kay and Emma How man are home from Chicora College to expend vacation. Dr. J. L. Fennel, of Waterloo, spent a few days recently with his parents. Miss Eula Mae Kay ia in Atlanta vis iting her sister, Mrs. W. C. Tennant. Master Junior Harper had the mis fortune to fall last week and broke his Tight arm, but hua been getting along ?icely ever since. Miss Louise Harbor, one of the teach ers in Williamston Female College, has returned home. Mrs. A. V. Harne? and little Alpha have returned from a visit to relatives in Augusta. Cadets Bruce Mosely and Stuart Baskin have returned from Clemson College. Miss Daisy Bell went to Calhoun Balls yesterday to visit her brother, who is depot agent and operator. Mr. R. J. Hutchison spent yesterday with the family ot his father. Mis'. Macie Bell has returned from She h.-spital in Augusto, where she was.rated on for appendicitis. Her no** hienda are glad to see her back and looking BO well. Miss Mabel Reed, of Iva, spent n few days of last week in town with rela tives. Little Mian Irma Cooley entertained her little friends nt a party last Thurs day evening. Miss Irma made a charm ing little hostess and the little folks apent the time pleasantly. Delightful refreshments were served. Little Misses Iva Bowman und Geor ?ia Belle Buskin have been visiting ttle Mies Camile Smith. Mr. Mark Speer made a Hying trip to Anderson last week. Vedei. June 15. ?oil of Co. "K," Orr's Regiment of Rifles, S. C. V., Confederate States Army. The following ii the Roll of Company "IC," . f Orr's Regiment of Riti??, and contains the name of every mun who was a member of that Company from the beginning of the War until tho end The Roll waa furnished us by that gallant old Confederate aoldlor, J. M. Dunlap, who *vUH Regimental color bearer : OFFICER-. Cox, G. W., Captain. Cheshire, R. S., Captain. Bigby, James A., l?t Lieutenant. Blghy, George M.. 1st Lieutenunt. Norris, W. C ., 2nd Lieutenant. Lewis, James A., 2nd Lieutenant. Grear, 1). H., 2nu Lieutenant. Rollison, B. G., 2ad Lieutenant. Green, John T., lat Sergeant. Harper. M. J., 2ad Sergeant. Greer, L. N , Sergeant. Gaines, Perry, Sergeant. MoDavld. W. J., Sergeant. Mil WOP, T. F., Sergeant. Telford, Robert C., Sergeant. Wrijht, W. P., Sergeant. Waaoon. G. W., Corporal. Gambrell, Enoch, Corporal. - Cos, J, M., Corporal. Harper, G. M., Corporal. Harper, John R., Corporal. Robinson. James, Corporal. Stone, S. H., Corporal. PRIVATES, james A.Alexander, Daniel R. Arm strong, Robert L. Adams, James M. Adams, Arnold, J. J. Bagwell, W. A. Bagwell, Frederick Bagwell, G. W. Bag we?l? C. L. Blgby, W. L. Banister, Thompson Banister, J. H. Brook, S. M. Breaxeale, J. B. Breazeale, J. T. Breazeale, ?. A. Br an von, J. W. Bran von. W. A. Blgby, G. W. Bigby, R. H. Branyon, Wi F. Cox, Thomas Cox. J. H. Cox, W. BdCox, Aria Cox, J. B, Cox, A. N. Cul lens, George Cry m ci-. Berry Coker. R. M. Cummings, John Cummings. W. ?J. Cummings, U. A. Cobb, J. N. Carwlle, J. K. Clement. Robert Campbell, W. B. Davis. W. S. Davis, T. G. Davis, M. A. Davl?, G W. Davis, J. M. Dunlap, W. T. TDonlap, D. B Dunlap, G. M. Darby, J. R. Hawkins, John Hawkins, H. B. Dav enport, JeBse Davenport, George Darby, J, B. Driver, W, M. Fuites, P. Mack Ful' J?JVx J. H. Gslces, J. F. Gaines, W. A. Gambrell, E. S. Gambroll, John E. Gam brell.Wllliain Gambrell, W. T. Gambrell, H. R. Gambrell, J. H. Gambrell, S. V. Gam broil H. L.Grubbs, J. L. Grubba, J. A. Green, W. F. Geer, Robert A. Greer, J. F. Htndmau, R. F. Haynie, W. F. Hlatt, T. J. Higgin", Iaaao <\ Harper, M. Jt. Harper, Mi G. Harper, J. M. Harper, G. F. Harper, J. R. Hinton, Moses Hughes', J a. Hanks, John Hyde, D. Q. Johtuiou, W. S. Jones, Robert C. Kav, 3>. M. K?y, Robert M. Kny. R. W. Kay, John T. Kay, Rou ben M. Kav, W. P. Keaton, Reuben Keaton, B. F. Keaton, . T G. Kelley, L. H. Lewis, Robert Lnwin, W. E. Lee, Samuel Maw, John F. Maw, TS. W. Morrison, William Magaha. Joalah Magana, J. F. M. Masser, 8. M. Massey, Georgo Mitchell, J. W. F. Mitchell, James F. Mitchell, W. F. H. Mitcholl, ' J. M. Moore-, R. M. Moore, William Mo Murray. A. M. MoDavld, W.L. Nor wood, S.O. forwood, W. P. O'Shlelds, J. J. Poore, W. N. Posey, Iaaao P. Poole, James Patterson, J. L. Packley, J. H. Pepper, Richard Robinson, Jacob Robin son, J. M. Robin? . sr., J. M. Robinson, Jr., J. N. Rhodes, o. 8. Ragsdale, William Ragadalo, James Reece, Frost Snow, W. F. Show, J. T. Shaw, R. M. Stott, E. 2fc. Simpson, W. J. Sohn rupert, John G. Smith, Joel Smith,. J. W. Smith, A. N Shirley, L. M. Stone, E. Slaemore, John X. Telford, Samuel S. Telford, James H. Wood, W. P. Weat, Daniel J. West, O. 3* Wright, James C. Wright, William Williamson, L. O. Williams, J. T. Wal lace, Samuel Winiam a. - MO- - Was Wasting Away. Tho following letter from Robort R. Watta, of Salem, Mo , is Instructive : ?I 2zsve been troubled with kidney disease lor tba last five years. I lost flesh and never felt well and doctored with lead; lng pl ^talana and tried all remedies em cr g A* U? ii without relief. Finally I tried foley's Kidney Core and leas than two "b^Ues completely cttrsd ma and I am ?ow sound and weil."~Evans' Pharma cy* Now te tba time meet ?good Razor cheap ff-,ax Brook Hardware Co. Hie Citizens of Anderson Thanked. Headquarters Relief Association. Gainesville, Ga.? .june io, i??S. To our many sympathizing friends: Like Niobe ot old. Gainesville, Geor gia's Queen City, nita weeping for her children. Clouds of sorrow, Heenes of desolation, henrtH bunlened with grief, aro everywhere about us. As though sorrowful tor tho destruction they have wrought, thc elements eeem to weep with us. Scarcely a ray of sun shine has pierced the )eaden skies since that fateful Monday, Jun? 1, and our beautiful city is constantly drenched with "tears irom the skies." Out of the clouds of gloom and sadness with which we are surrounded, however, a voice has come, bidding usbeof good cheer. Gcorgia:a great neart has re sponded nobly to oar call for aid and from city and hamlet letters of sympa thy, bearing evidences of tho brother hood of mun, in th? shape ol' checks and drafts have como to feed the hun gry, relieve the suffering and bury the dead. To every ono WOT hascontribu ted of money, stores or provisions, sympathy or words of encouragement, Gainesville returns her heartfelt thanks and prays God's richest blessings upon the giver thereof. To citizens of Anderson, S. C., we hereby acknowledge the receipt ol' $115.23 through Chas. C. Langston. Gratefully yours, Z. T. Castleberry, Treas. Relief Fund. Normal School. The fifth session of tho Anderson County Normal will begin on Monday. Juno 22nd. Thu large attendance of teachers at the former sessions and the almost universal satisfaction the work has given indicate that the summer school has come to stay. This normal is no moro assembly ot teachers where the hours are spent in social conversa tion, but a school in which .the teachers eau spend ono month of the long vaca tion in agreeable and profitable inter course with their fellow teachers, ac quiring professional skill and a broad er and deeper knowledge of the sub jects contained in thc course. Teach ers who have a proper professional spirit should enroll themselves on the grst day und remain to the end of the session. The wide awake, progressive teachers will not miss this opportunity of showing their interest in improving themselves, thus demonstrating to the public their determination to give their employers the best service of which they are capable. The instructors and school ollicers are proud of the fact that the Auderson County Normal has achieved some reputation, and has each year been umong the largest schools held in thu State. The City and county are forging to the front in commercial and industrial develop ment and the necessities of the time demand improved educational facili ties. Whatever improves the teacher improves the school. Can a teacher sper.d four weeks in earnest study without much permanent benefit? Can a hundred or more intelligent persons associate with one another foi four weeka without receiving great and lasting profit therefrom? The course ot study which the school officials offer is ns follows: 1. Literature, Prof. T. C. Walton. 2. Pedagogy, Prof. T. C. Walton, ii. Algebra, Prof. P. L.Giier. 4. Arithmetic, Prof. P. L. Grier. G. Drawing, Miss Zula Brock, (j. Primary Work, Miss Lottie Cros by. 7. Latin, Prof. J. B. O1 Neall Hollo way. 8. Civics, Prof. J. Ii. O'Neall Hollo way. All who attend the school will be re quired to take not less than three and not more than five courses. The Behool is for work; and all who come aro ex pected to assist in making this normal more successful than uuy preceding one. R. E. Nicholson, Co. Supt. Ed. Brushy Creek News. We are having some very tine weath er now, and: the. crops are improving rapidly. Some of our farmers had their crops badly injured last week by hail. Children's Day was observed at Siloam Church yesterday (Sunday), and it waa a grand success. The fol lowing was the program: Recitation, "The First Children's Day"-J. T. Bridges. Recitation, "How to Spend a Penny" -Hester Rodgers. Chorus, "We Bring Our Gifts to Jesus"-Beulah Hutt", Alma Wilson, Lillie Edens, Maggie Oats. Florence Bridges and Pearl Jones. Recitation, "Religion"-Mary Garret. Recitation. "Send Them to Bed With a Kiss"-Pearl Phillips. Recitation "Crnsider the Lillies" Eula Edens. Recitation, "Benutiful ThingB" Pallie Woodson. Gift exercise by six little girls. Lucia Wilson, Ailleen Huff. Esiollo Richey, Fannie Lathem, iliaude ?/errit and Fay Woodson. Recitation, "Little Boy's Sermon" Bowman Wilson. Rhyme, "Mamma's Delight"-Edwin Bnyke. Then came the very impressive em blematic cross and crown exercise by eight young ladies, Misses Cleo and Carrie Richey, Lula ana Katie Rogers. Maude Epps, Lyda Watson, Pallie. Woodson and Janie Griffin. At the conclusion of the exercises the congregation was entertained by short addresses by Mr. John Byers and Col. McSwain, of Greenville. The congre gation was given a recesa and every ody indulged in a hearty dinner. During tho afternoon short addresses were delivered by Rev.H.H. Merritt and the pastor, Rev. D. I. Spearman. Tho day was most delightfully spent and overybody enjoyed tho interesting exercises, W. U. Roper aud daughter, N. P. Hicks, of Greenville, and John Noble, of Easley, spent Sunday iu our midst with friends. T. P. June 15. Letter to Dr. W. H. Nardin. Anderson, S. C. Dear Sir: You oan put 9103 in your pocket if you can put us in tho wrong. Devoe Lead ana Zlno ls all pslut. It takea fewer gallon? to paint a house than with mixed paints. It wean longer than lead and oil-mixed paint*, too. The State obemlats, of Maino,New Hamp shire, Vermont, Massachusetts, New York sud Pennsylvania have analyzed Hand say lt is pure. If you can prove that any of thora things aron'ts?, we've a hundred dollars walting for you. If these things are true, what paint will you use next time to .paint your house? What will you say to the people that ask. vou?-for doctors get asked queer questions. If you know of au honest young pain ter who Isn't getting the grip on life that bo ought to Eave, give nina this hint: Dsvoe lead and ?loo-that'll do lt, if he does bia work as well as the paint does its. !Yours truly, F. W^DEVOB & Co., N?w York, p. B.-W. L. Brissoy Bello our paint. It rajs lo tiet thu H?st. Oar roHidence. I2(? MeDuffis Strss?, wfifi painted with Luca? Paint It has been proven beyond a doubt that thia ia the inoft du rabio aud cheapest paint on the tnarkot, with covering capacity unim paired. Fresh lot just received* and for Hil lo hy W?hlte dc Wllblte. EYES EXAMINED, Kyo < , IHSHOH and Spectacles, guarn? te?d to lit, by Dr. II. D. KEKSE. No charges for examination ii' you don't need (Muss es. Prions reasonable. Office with Dr, A. C. Strickland, over Farmers and Mer chants lia-;!:. Attention Merchants. Wo have great inducements to offer you in Hosiery, Pants, Overalls, Drawers, Piece Cioods, etc. We will bo in our office for the next sixty day??. Buy from us you get the mill prices. Wo save you tho jobbers profits. Call on us and be convinced. We are selling the largest and closest buyers in the country. WEBB & CATER, Commission Merchants and Mill Agents A Gtrd. Tbere ia an impression among some that we are "celling out," which is a mis take. We are not thinking of closing out the business. Fresh goods received con stantly. However, the doors will be closed for a few weeks this summer for vacation. Wi lb i to & Wilhite. Fine portrait, photograph*, sohool fgroups, family groups, copying, enlarg ng, buttons, breast pins and charms. Good work, cloudy or sunshine. Prices from fin un. Qallerv at Greeley Institute. Goo. W. Hill, Artist. 2t FOR SALE-A lot of floe Bared Ply mouth Kock, White Plymouth Bock and Brown Leahorn Eggs for setting?. Apply to Oakland Poultrv Yards. W. H. Nar din, Jr. tf March 24 Sullivan Hardware Co. are prepared to. meet the requirements of their customers for Hoes, bavlng just received 800 dozen o' them. These Hoes are the best they can buy. The handlea are of selected, woll seasoned timber. The blades and shanks of hand-forged steel, perfectly set. Sullivan Hardware Co. have Poultry Netting in all heights. For a durable and low-priced garden or poultry fence nothing will equal this netting. Sullivan Hardware Co. have six esr loads of Barb Wiro aud Wiro Nails In j stook and on route. As ihese gooda are certain to advance in price, they advise ] you, if needing any of this material, to buy now. A big lot cf Georgia Hatchet Plow Stocks for 50c. See Brock Hardware Co. When you want Plows please bear in mind that none are equal lu quality and so perfectly shaped as those manufac tured bv Towers and Sullivan Manufac turing Co. and Bold by Sullivan Hard ware Co. MONEY TO LOAN-in sums of f 100 or more on real estate mortgac-. Apply to v^uaUlebaum & Cochran, Anderson, 8. O. CITY LOTS FOR SALE-Situated on and near North Main Street. Five min utes' walk Court House. Apply to J. F. Clinkacalee, Intelligencer office. < Chronic bronchial troublea and Bum mer coughs can be quiokly relieved and cured by Foley'a Honey and Tar.-Evans Pharmacy. Ten Years IQ Bed. R. A. Gray. J. P., Oakville, Ind., writes: "For ten years I was confined to my bed with disease of my kidneys. It was so severe that I could not move part of the time. I consulted the very nest ; medical skill available, but could get no | I relief until Foley's Kidney Cure waa re commended to me. It has been a God j ?end to me."-Evana' Pharmacy. I Horse Collara-Leather Collars of all kinda at prices tn please. Cloth Collars. "Gee-Haw" and genuine "Langford.'' A large stook from which you can select just what you want at Sullivan Hardware I Co's. Don't let this opportunity pass and fail to get a Terracing Plow cheap. Brock Hardware Co. On tte dist indication of kidney trou ble, sto,> it by taking Foley's Kidney Cure.-JES vans' Pharmacy. Warning. If you have kidney or bladder trouble and do not use Foley's Kidney Care, you will have only yourself to blame for re sulta, as it positively cares all forms of kid no j' and bladder diseases.-Evans' Pharmacy. Pot Plants and Cut Flowers for sale. Large and amall Palms a specialty. Mrs. J. F, Clinkacalee, 242 North Main St. Refined, up-to dato people always want the beat. GALLAGHER BROS. are ac knowledged to be among the best PHO TOGRAPHERS in tho Mouth. They do not waste their skill on cheap, fading trash. Daring the Bummer kidney irregulari ties are often oanaed by excessive drink ing or being overheated. Attend to the kidneys at once by using Foley's Kidney Cure.-Evana' Pharmacy. A few moro Knol Choppers and Kelly Perfeot Axes at the old price. Brock Hardware Co. MONEY TO LOAN-A few thousand dollars to lend en Land for clients. Ap- 1 ply to B. F. Martin, Attorney-at-Law. ! Dltoblng Shovols-All kinds and at lowest prices. Sullivan Hardware Co. have ten patterns of Shovels from which you can take your choleo. No good health unless the kidneys are sound. Foley's Kidney Cure makes the kidneys right.-Evans' Pharmacy. Any farmer will soon save the coat of a sst of Blacksmith Toola by doing bia own work. Sullivan Hardware Co. have a well selected stock of such tools. Buy vour Blacksmith Tools from Brock Hardware Co. Before you Sell your ch lek ans and eggs come and get my prices. I pay cash, and al r; ay a the highest prioa tnt market affords. J. C. Templeton, Next door to Llgon & Lodbattor, Pat rick's old stand. Notice of Election. AS required by law tbs County will appoint Trustee* for the different sohool districts of this County on the first Tues day ia July. In order that the people may nominate men for appointment, the present Boards of Trasteos are requested to hold an elec tion in their respective districts on Sat urday, the 27th inst. from ono to six p. no. Tho Trustees will please report tho re sult of ?raid oloctiona to the undersigned on OT by July lat. Where no action Ia taken by the real danta of a district, appointments will be made by the County Board. without further notioe. By order County Board. R. E. NICHOLSON, June 8, 1&03. County Supt. IJ\ TT F n T A nf n mn rt j| l?L liLUbtM,,1/h The Cheapest Goods in Anderson I WHY? Because we are selling out our entire Stock at AC TU AL NEW YORK COST. Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Men's Pants, Boys' Suits, Men's Hats, Umbrellas, Crockery, Glass ware, Tinware and Imported Blue Enameled Ware, all at ACTUAL NEW YORK COST. This opportunity cannot remain with you always. We are doing business at a heavy loss each day, but we are de termined to sell out the Stock and continue this business as an exclusive WHOLESALE DRY GOODS HOUSE Just as soon as we can possibly close out our Betail Stock at Cost. There are hundreds of items in this Store which can be purchased at half their regular prices, and we call especial attention to the attractiveness of our House furnishing De partment. You will be surprised to know how much you can buy now for little money. We ask the ladies to spend a few minutes in this Store on an inspection tour. Respectfully, TEE GLOBE STORE. DO YOU WAMT OFFICE OF JOSEPH J. FRET WELL, N DEALER I?T BEAL ESTATE, ANDERSON, a C.; Jorie 1st, 1903. I We are entering the Real Estate Business for the Purchase and Salo of Real. Estate in the City and County of Anderson, and also in adjoining Counties. If you have anything ip the Real Estate line that you wish to sell or exchange, or if you want to buy desirable City or Country property, improved or unimproved, it will be to your interest to call and see us. We now number on our list some of the most desirable landed properly to be found in the Piedmont section of the State." Write- us your wants, and we will endeavor to reply promptly to all in quiries. Correspondence solicited from ail who want information in reference to our country. Large Tracts Mill be divided to suit purchasers when possible. We can furnish money on your purchases, where you are not prepared to pay all cash. Send in your names at once, if you wish to buy or sell, aa this is the time to get in shape before the Fall months, and make your arrangements for next JOSEPH J. FRETWJS&L.,, juealer in Beal Estate, Anderson, S. C. CRACK GOES THE WHIP , \ IN COMfci THE ORDERS v?^^Xy i '?blpiaWf?ai?ilto, .JUK^}, SELLS'THE VERY. BEST CRADES OF JT^ Itf^feJfi^ 4 ) r FERTILIZERS / AFvi r . Jft>S>!aysatotffert3l^^ ii I CHEMICAL COJWPANV?? ' PRODUCTS. ( CHARLESTON. SC C _>^ _ 1 1 "rhc Largest - I . f A?anuf actu rcr of M ^j^gggff Fertilisers on Earth" r I ^^TS?BN^^^^ Manufacturing f iants \ ?^y&gg'l \( ? f\^i^^ Wholesale ptrrchascrs [ '^^^KS^tJ- , \ Largest importers V ^^^^^^^X^j^J^^fe^ Concentrado j:. I 1 We are rounding np the gest Millinery Business in our History. i The popularity of our IFroiri &LO? TJps Have been truly wonderful. i Our desire is to double our Jun? aud July business. The Department is busy getting in readiness to supply large quantities of popular priced Hats from $1.00 to $5.00. Indications are that Ail White and All Black Hats will be all the rage from now on to the dose of the season. If you need anything in the Millinery lino come to see us? Largest ana widest known Millinery department in the up-country. * Prices Exceedingly Economical. Glad to see you all during the Summer business. Wholesale and Retail. A Great m f iireatest Removal Saie Ever Known in this Lesser & Company Will Move to Larger Quarters. WE have grown so faut that we were compelled to look out for larger Store Rooms. We will occupy two large floors from September 1st. We have secured th'J very beat location in this city, where we will t?ove Third door from the Sank of ?ndere n, South. Side of the Public Square. Our Departments are all filled with up-to-date Goods; and Stock still un broken. We cannot afford to let these Goods la^ to be moved to new quar ters. No, we will make a great move of all our Goods by selling them at NEW YORK COST PRICES SOME STILL LESS. We will ofler you every day new bargains. We will not care what the Goods cost us. S?oa a cut will be given on prices that we will startle the whole Community, and there will be no questions asked where to go and buy them. Go to LESSER & CO'S. GSEAT REMOVAL SALE. We have enough Goods left to supply Ute whole County, Come, follow the crowd, and look for yourself. We will make it interesting for you, and astonish yon by sellmgi^ur enure Stock of BRI? GOODS, SHOES, CLOTHING and MILLINERY, At such Cut Prices that you can supply your wants for i* little money. Como one, coma all, and take advantage of this ??er.t Eemovai Sale, as Stock must be reduced by September let Yours ?roly, LESSER & CO.. ; T : OP liOW PRICES. .UNDER MASONIC T?MP1JK. After September 1st three doors from iBank of Anderson* next to Sullivan Hardware Co.