The Anderson intelligencer. (Anderson Court House, S.C.) 1860-1914, March 04, 1903, Page 8, Image 8

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Local News. WEDNESDAY, M AUCH 4, 11)03. A Most Enjoyable Occasion. Thc Dixie Chapter, U. D. C., are pa triots through and through, and cele brated the birthday of "Tho Father of his Country" in a beautiful manner on Tuesday, the 24th ult. The handsome home of Mrs. J. A. lirock was a lit sot ting for the artistic decorations, which consisted of shields and draped Hags with tho American Eagle perched <>n Stars and stripes, lu a nook in the wide hallway the young daughter of the gracious hostess dispensed deli cious red neeta!*, which contained the inevitable cherries. The punch bowl rested on a beautifully embroidered piece design bunches ot chet ties. The program was to have been en tirely a Washington ont?, hutu belated paper on "The J Sn 11 tc- < ? l the Wilder ness''waa road b.v Miss Edith Dargan, which was interesting and appropriate, inasmuch as it reminded that the Daughters ol the Confederacy were also Daughters ol America. Decidedly unique was the next feat uro on the program, which was an original love story by .Mis. Teresa Strickland. "Tho Ghost ol her Gn at Grandmother" was the name of tho story, and the scene was laid at Mount \ onion. Tho de scription of the house and grounds wi re Bo realistic that all felt when she fin ished reading thal they had been trans potted to tho historic hollie, and indeed lind a glimpse ot lifo in the ({evolu tionary days, ami a personal introduc tion to our hero. At the conclusion of this thrilling romaneo Mrs. Cora S. Lig?n sung "The. Star Spangled Bun ncr,'' iii which many joined in the in spiring chorus. Mrs. A. 1*. Johnstone'* gleanings wore pithy and timely. Her comparisons of Washington's administration and that of the present were not nattering to tile latter, all from a Southerner's point of view. The last on the program was a bright little song, "Cherry Ripe,'' by Mrs. Teresa Strickland, which was ex ceedingly appropriate to tho occasion. Tile souvenus given by the hostess were metal hatchets tied with red, white and bluo ribbon on cards bear ing tho date, and a special souvenir for tho President, Mrs. Fant, was a largo hatchet with miniature of George Washington on the handle und a bunch of cherries tied with red, white and blue ribbon. The dining room was brilliant and v:ts a perfect linnie to this lovely meet i..<. Salads, turkey croquetts, crack ?..o, tollte und sweets were served. A Guest. Piedmont News. Kev. J. E. McNanaway, of Green ville, Ulled the pulpit hero yesterday (Sunday). Preached a moet excellent tSVi mw ii . A. J.Dunnuhoo, of Mitchell's, Green ville County, visited the family of Magistrate Mitchell on Mnin street last week. J.E. Lebby, our hustling insurance enan, who has been in Charleston sev eral days on business, returned homo Saturday. Mrs. W. V. Wenck, of Belton, spent Sunday here with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Penny. Mrs. F. E. Alexander, of Anderson, is visiting the family of Dr. J. H. Don uald this week. H. Mid Prince, of th's place, having accepted a position with tho Anderson Cotton JLiills, will move his family to Anderson this week. Mr. Prince has been a resident of our town for ten ?rears or moro, and we regret to see him ear?. However, we wish for him great success in his new Held. Tom Diseka and Coney Cole, of Spartanburg, passed through here Sat urday night en route for Anderson, whore thoy will be with the Anderson Machine and Foundry Co. They will bo pleasantly mniernhnroil in Pied mont, having boon ideuti?ed with tho Wigington Iron Works hero, aud made ?many friends during their stay with us. Most excellent young men, both of ?them. Oar merchants report phenomenal .sales ot fi-4 tubular shoe laces for last low weeks. Tho demnnd for them is .so great that Wigingtou & Alexander Had a largo shipment by express last week. 1 ho ladioB are making belts of them. A crowd of "the boys" on Main street lind barrels of fun out of tho old ground hog joke hero lar.t week. No trouble at all to work the joke, and thoy number ed then* victims by tho score. "Say, Mister, over see aground hog? They've got some ovor nt Turner's market. Go over and aeo 'om !" (Thoy had made arrangements with ?ho market man to snow tho inquisitive visitor a tub of sausago!) A ground hog joke ture enough. Tho great game of "flinch" has hit oar town at last and will soon bo all tho rage. \ Pots from Denver. Wo nro having s?hi? pleasant weath er now, which farmers and housewives are making iue of in preparing for planting crops and gardens. The recent cold weather has perhaps been an advantage in retarding tho budding of fruit trees, lint we have had tinco good fruit years in succes sion, .and it is hardly probable we will . iiave ti? fourth. Thc trends of Mr. and Mrs. Black man will vegrct to hear that their daughter, Minnie, is very low, with no hope of hor TOCO very. They have the sympathy of many friends "in this sad .trial. .Some children in tho neighborhood lave chickenpox, which Rome exagger ate and call smallpox, but we aro free from that pest yet. Alonzo Ellis has returned home after a three-month stay with relatives near Rome, Ga. Miss Birdie Duckworth, of Lebanon, 'is expected homo this week. Shebas been away two mouths visiting friends in Birmingham and Atlanta. The DenvorGlee Club is preparing to have an^oatortainment in tho near fu vturo. .ASE. and Mrs. J. B. Douthit woro the guests of Mr. Keid Garrison's family vestcrdav. Mrs. V/. A. McWhorto. visited her daughter, Mrs. Sn'n Harris, of Helton, recently. . _ Wm. McLces, of Seneca, was the guests of Mr. Jolly's family Tuesday. News is scarce in this>.now, as everybody is too busy for gossip. Tho roads have boen too bad for much visiting but haw greatly im proved since the good w?. ther came. Thero is still a scarcity of farm la borers. Good hrndscouldget employ ment hero at good prices if they would como at once. Incognita. 3 tv T*rm4r will soon save the cost of ,set r Rlacksmilh Tools by doing bis ow oK-o' Sollivan Hardware Co. have wei. f.. -dod stock of such tools. DlteW -'? Shovela-Ail kinds and at lowest , ?V.H. Sullivan Hardware Co Lavett pattern?? of Shovels from which .you ctn take your c olee. MONEY O LO .VN-A few thousand ?lol ar* to lend ou Land for clients. Ap ?ly'io B. F. Martin, Attoruoy-at-Law. Thc Death of an Excellent .Man. Mr. Charles M. Mcphail, of this city, died quite UDOxpe< tedly to his friendson Monday afternoon at Gainesville, Ga., where ho hud been sick for several days with thc grip. Hi? illness result ed in neuralgia of the heart, which was developed on Sunday, and he passed away at <? o'clock on Monday, in the 48th year of his ugo. His wife is at a san i (ari mn in Chattanooga, where she has been under treatment *V>r several months, ami his only daughter, Mrs. Jos. il. Allon, was wi th her father only a few hours before his death. Mr. J/cPhail was a native of Ander son County, and was raised near Pen dleton. lie caine to this city when quite a young man, ni.*d was employed tot* several years with J C. C. Turner, whose daughter hu subsi quontly mar ried. Ile ha? been a traveling sales man for li fteen years, representing an undertaking establishment in Atlanta. He was a member of St. I'aul Metho dist Church, and was an exemplary Christian. Of a quiet and unassuming disposition, lie was most highly es teemed by those who knew him, and his death IN sincerely lamented by a hugo circle ol' friends and relatives. Greenville Mountaineer, Feb. 2.>. Tho deceased is a son of tim Into 1'etor Mcphail, and hus many friends in this ('??linly who will regret to hear ol' his death. Holland Happenings. News has been scarce for several weeks, had loads, high water and thu storm being tho general topic of con versation. We certainly have thc champion mail cari iel -Mr. Walter Pruitt, Starr No.2. Sometimes lie sw ims, sometimes wades, but always manages toc?me on timo. Oho day ho swam a small creek, but when ho got to Pig Gonerosteohe could not cross, HO he got another man to cross at another place and bring the mail on the west side of the creek. We have not missed a ni 1! We hear of other mail carriers who fail sometimes, but Mr. Pruitt knows no such word as fail. Wu aro thankful tor such a man on our route. Smallpox is prevalent at Starr. Tho school has been closed sometime, and we hear there are several new cases. The school at Shiloh celebrated Washington's birthday on Friday, 20ih inst. The speeches, songs and drills were well dono. Ruby Manning, hera and Frank McCann and Pierson Yon deserve special mention for their ex cellent speeches. The flag drill was much admired. Mr. Norris and Miss (J li o I; seules know how to get up a nice entertainment, thereby instilling pa triotism iu the hearts of tho young Americans. Hov. J. lt. Earle is very unwell, suf fering with a severe cold. J. R. Knrle, Jr., editor of the Oconeo Nows, Walhalla, and T. B. Earle, of Anderson, have been visiting their father. Jfrs. J. F. Shumate, of Anderson, has been visiting relatives in thia com munity. Kev. Georgo Paker tilled his appoint ment at Shiloh Saturday and Sunday and made avery favorable impression on the congregation. E. E. Feb. 28, 11)03. Towiiville News. We have been enjoying quite a num ber of sunshiny days in succession dur ing the past two weeks, but rain has come at last to break the monotony. Mrs. J. P. Felton and little son, Her bert, of Honea Path, visited her father, J. C. Speares, this week. E. C. Marett, ct Fair Play, visited in this section at a recent dat?. W. F. M. Fant has just completed a large barn to replnce the one lost by dre several months since. Mr. Medlock, of Kentucky, spent several days at this place during last week on professional lousiness. Miss Gertie Mnhaffey, one of the effi cient teachers of the Fair Play High School, visited home folks last week. Mrs. W. N. Woolbright visited her dater, Mrs. W.N. Bruce, near Oak way, recently. Kev. Mr. Haunter tilled his usual ap pointment at tho Presbyterian Church he fourth Sunday, while Rev. Mr. Prince preached an interesting sermon it the Methodist Church in the after ?oon. Quite a number of our young people mjoyed themselves at a singing the ourth Sunday evening at the residence >f J. D. Compton. Miss LcBBie Woolbright is visiting 1er grandfather, B. Hag well, near Seneca, this week. Miss Kate Sharp visited relatives in rV al halla recently. Miss Stella Campbell, who bas been [tiite sick for the past few days, is bet er. Mrs. Belle Grant, of Seneca, spent everal days in this vicinity during his week. Pansy. Corinne Dots. This section was visited by a severe ind and rain storm on the 2?th. , The farmers are preparing as fast as tie weather will permit fora new crop. Since Sam McAdams has ceased to take his appearance at Mr. H al Tey Mr. nox is seeing a great deal of trouble. Messrs. A. G. Thompson and R. IV. mitt were the guests of F. W. Bnme ;r, their father-in-law. Sunday last. All who attended the party nt Mr. [ugh Shaw's report a pleasant time. M?BS Gertrude Pruitt, of Mc Rae, Ga., visiting relatives and friends here. Mr. Kent Jackson, a prominent vont h [ Storeville, made a short af torneen ill at J. J. Findley's Feb. 22nd. Quito a large crowd of youngsters let at Mrs.Lizzie Long's Sunday after aon. Dr. S. A. Bowen and Mr. C. Ji. ray, the champion coquet players o? lis country, continues to play raia or line, hot or cold, just so tho balls on't freeze to the mallet. Tattle*. Letter to J. E. Barton. Anderson, S. C. DosrSlr: The ooat of labor in palming houa? in three time* th*? o>st of tho aint. Yon H^OUI to nave a I tule when ou buv a lower ptioed paint, bat you ertainly add t<? the cost of I?.bor when on pay for npreudlug moro gaMoOH. You dou'l pvon wive on tho paint. )evoe Liad and Zinc costaK littlemore han mixed paints, but lt takes fewer ?alione, and the cost ?M aotnaUy l?a?. ' Wears loiiffer too-longer than mixed lalnta, lonner than lead atm ol?. You don't Bavo t- cent. Mr. C. Loch, a painter lo Magnolia, dise., writes: After vean? of experiment?? with mixed mints, ? find that your paint covers more uirfaco to the gallon than any I have >vor used. For density and wearing mantles it cannot be excelled. Compared with lead aud oil : A bouse belonging to the late Presiden?. ?>f tho Croton River Bank, at Brewatera, N. Y.. costfcU.OOO) was painted with load nnd allin's* at a cost of $400. In'87-throo vear8-lt was repainted with Devoe at a cost of $350. In '07 tho houso waa still all right. Iteeults : load and oil- cost ?400, wear three year?; D3voe-cost $3.">0, wear ten yoars. Youl s truly, F. W. DEVOK ?fe Co., Now York. Asbury Items. YV. A. Holt ami little son, who have been quite sick, are able to be out again. Mr. Holt in having ?in addition built to his dwelling house, which im proves its appearance very much. The pastor of tho McClure Circuit preached a lino seimon to a largo and attentive congregation at Asbury Church last Sundav. G il mer Todd ami his charming young daughters were among the visitors who attended Church here last Sunday. Miss Norris, a highly esteemed young lady of Lavonia, Ga., is now teaching the Asbuty school, which is itt a nour ishing condition. Ilerpupilsare learn ing raptdlv. Sloan Whittaker has gone to Colum bia, where he has a position. He is a worthy young man, and we regret to sec him leave here. Hine Hird. Negro Industrial Conference. There will be an Industrial Confer ence nt tim Creely Institute on Satur day, March M, at 10 o'clock a. m. The object of tho meeting will hoof gen eral educational and industrial in terest. All persons who ar?: concerned or interested in such work are urged to ho present. Photographs of tho building and congregation will bo made without cost. Geo. W. Hil), I'rin. Letter to .Mr. J. L. Trlbble. Anderson, S. C. Dear slr : Catch words and phrases may look woll in advertisements, but they do youno goo'.]. Don't help your paint to wear. L. tV M. has moro lend and/.inc in it than any other paint?*, but its great Caluro is that you add much oil to it. Don't pay a paint-orien for linseed oil when you ea" buy L it M. semi-paste, aiid then add oil for which you have paid tho prop<'i- price. Ask Messrs. F. B. Craytou it Oo, for full color cards and combination booklets. Ki spentfully yours. LONGMAN A MARTINEZ, Prtint Makers. WANTED-Travelling men and ladle?. Salary ?s?.OO por month. AU expenses. Contract one year. 925.00 cash security required, ltnforeiicen. Address State Manager, lf> Warron St., Sumter S. C. 86-3 Pneumonia Follows a Cold but nover follows the use of Foley's Honey and Tar. It stops the cough, heals aod strengthens the lungs and af fords perfect security from an attack of fmeumouin. Refuse substitute?. Sold >y Evans Pharmacy. WAGONS-We have a large slock on baud that we want to dispose of at way down prices. Vandlver Drop. A Major. Fant Uros, ar? the largest Hide dealers In Anderson. Pay the top of the market for green and dry Hides. * 'orrect weights guaranteed and spot canh paid ai their office uexf dcor Iut?)Ugencer office. Dangera of Pneumonia. A cold ?t this time if neglected ls ?labio to oauao pneumonia which ls BO often fa tal, aud even when the patient has recov ered the lunga aro weakened, making them peculiarly susceptible to the devel opment or consumption. Foley'a Honey aud Tar will stop the cough,'heal and strengthen the lungs and prevent pneu monia. Sold by Evana Pharmacy. Horse Collons-Leather Collars of all kinda at prices to please. Cloth Collars, "Creo-Haw" and genuine "Langford." A large H took from which you caa select just what you want at Sullivan Hardware Co's. Faut Bros. buy old Rubber Boots and Shoes, Bicycle Tiree, Sorap Brats, Cop per, Zinc, Lead, Tin Foll, old dry Bones, Bottles. Beeswax, Seed Cotton, Furs, Hides, Scrap Iron and old machinery. Office Depot street, next Intelligencer office. A Severe Cold for Three Mouthe. The following letter from A. J. Nus baum, of Batesvllle, Ind., tells Ita own otorj : "I suffered for three months with a nevero cold. A druggist prepared me some medicine, and a pnyslolan prescrib ed for me, yet 1 did not improve. I then tried Foley's Heney and Tar, and eight doses cured me." Refuse substitutes. Sold by Evans Pharmacy. Sullivan Hardware Co. are prepared to meet the requirements of their customers for Hoes, having lust received 800 dozen I of them. These i loos are tbs best they ? can buy. The handles are of selected, I well seasoned timber. The blades and I shanks of hand-foiged steel, perfectly so... Sullivan Hardware Co. have six car loads of Barb Wire aud Wire Nails in stock and en route. As tbese goods are certain to advance in pricor they advise you, if needing any of this* maleita), to buy now. Raw or Baflamed Luooa Yield quickly to the wonderful curative and healing qualities of Foley's Heany and Tar. lt prevents pneumonia *?d consumption from a hard cold nettled on the lungs. Sold by Evana Pharmacy. , Farmers oom in g to tho cit/ with empty wagons for fertilizer,, can secure 25c. per 100 Iba. for all kind? of Iron,.Plows, Axles, Ties,, old Boilers, worn out ana worthless Machinery, Stoves, oto-, that are lying around out of usa. Bring y oar Iron to Fant Bros. Office on Depot? street, next to the Intelligence/ offloe. Foley's Kidney Cure makes Ike kid neys and bladder right.. Contal as notat ing injurious. So'd by Brans Pharmacy. Yon have no Idea how much old Iroa , there is around the average farsa until you collect it all up in your wagon and; bring to Fant Bros., next door to the In? telllKeuuer offtoo, and ge*25c. per litt) Iba. spot cash. Remember tins when coming to Anderdon for fertilizer and it will re pay you for your '.imo. Cough Settled on- Her Lung* "My daughter bad a terrible' cou ck which nettled on her lungs," aaya N. Jackson of Danville, DJ. "We trie* a great many remedien wimont relict, un til wo gavo lier Foley's Money and Tar which cored bor." Relues Mukatitutts> Sold by Evana Pharmacy. If you want a trace that won't? break try our perfective chalo. Brook Hardware Cn. A big lot of Oeorgia Ratchet Plow Stockt, lor 50c. Soe Brock Har&warol'o. Don't Int this opportunity pass aud fail to get. a Terracing Plow cheap. Brock Hardware Co* Foley's Honey ead Tar Cures coughn and colds. Cures bronchitis and asthma. Cures croup and whooping cough. Cures hoarseness and bronchial troubled. Cures pneumonia ano la grippe. Hold by F van s Pharmacy. Now is the tims lo get a goo* Razor cheap lroua Brook Hardware Cu Buy vour Blacksmith Tools from Rrook Hardware Cc. IA grippe coughs yield quickly to the wonderful curativo qualities of Foley'a Honey and Tar. There is nothing oise "jlist tv? good." Sold by Evaas Pharmacy. Just received two Carn ot Buggies, all prices-935.00 for a Top Buggy up. Vandiver Bros. ?te Major. A few inore Knot Choppers and Kelly Torfoct Axes at the old prlc?>. Brock Hardware Co. We noll the best and lightest draft Mowors on earth. Come and soo them. Vandlver Bros. A Mwjor. s Refined, up-to dato uooplo always want tho best. U A LL AO II ER BROS. are ac knowledged to be among tho bust PHO TOGRAPHERS In tho South. They do not waste their skill on cheap, fading trash. ... THE GLOBE STORE, j i_? vvvvvvvvvvvv " GlieapBr to all otter Stores tot for flu (M Only." - SPECIAL - In Little Things at Little Prices. 500 Fine Wood Tooth Picks for only. 3o Cedar Lead Pencil with rubber for only. lc A wood box full of Hair Pina for only. 3c Horn Plantation Comb, coarse teeth, for only. ?c A dozen of best Safety Pins for only. 4c A big thick Pencil Tablet for only. 4c A large bottlo of Vaseline for only. 4c An 8-inch scalloped Tir Piu Plate for only... 2ic White Ball Thread, two balls for only./. lc A dozen good Collar Buttons for on ly. 4c A good size white frame Mirror for on ly. 10c A dozen nice quality of Pearl Buttons for only. 3c Men's all Silk Shield Bows for only.,. 10c An extra heavy Curry Comb for only. 16c A good Aluminum Thimble for only. lc Ladies' Stylish Belts for only. 10c A good Tooth Brush for only. 5c Men's Heavy Grey Socks for only. 5c rm-- "ra-c?^?.._j_XT:-_I~4- TI_-: JLiltj in V ci j oat wu tty mgut JL/iawxiig. The lucky number in the last. Saturday night drawing was 17,138. The person holding the corresponding Coupon will please present same at our office and secure 82 00 in Cash. THE GLOBE ST0IUS. IT IS WITH MUCH PLEASURE That I announce that Mr. W. FRANK DANIEL has taken an interest with me in my Shoe Business in Anderson, and on and after this date the Firm will be known as DAVIS & DANIEL. Up-to-Date Shoes. We thank our customers for their liberal patronage during our first year in business, and promise to con tinue to give good Goods and fair treatment to ail who ? place their business of Foot-Fitting with us. THOS. R. DAVIS. DAVIS & DANIEL. We have about Twenty Excellent SECOND-HAND ORGANS, In perfect condition, better goods than many of the Cheap new ones, at 825.00 up. New one?, such aa MASON & HAMLIN, ESTEY, CROWN and FARRAND. AU the very highest quality, at prices wo bave never been able to give. Come and see our Stock; we may have just what you have been hunting. THE C. A. REED MUSIC HOUSE. THE PEOPLES FURNITURE CO. BED ROOM 8UITE8, PARLOR FURNITURE, DINING ROOM FURNITURE, WHITE ENAMELED IRON BEDS, HAT RACKS, WINDOW SHADE8, Etc. MATTRESSES, very cheap in price. : STOVES-como and eec them. ??a-. Everything in the Furniture line. TiiB PEOPLES FURNITURE CO. We are Well Prepared To famish the trade in substantial, heavy m 4) % A lins of Overalls of very superior quality fdr 50c. a gay. ;] ment, made strong and of heavy material. Then we have the Union-made Sweet, Orr & Co's. 1^ that has a reputation throughout the United States for its honest make, full sr_oa and durability. The Overall demand is so much greater than formerly that we are paying very special attention, to it. WE emphasize our line of MEN'S and WOMEN'S Heavy Working Shoes, j We sell a Man's Brogan, high cut, that has given satis faction over our counters for years at $1.00 a pair. We can say the same of those we sell for ?1.25 ard $1.60, S Our Men's line of Satin Calf Bals, from $1.00 to $1.50 have proven to be worthy of any man's attention. We have a large, strong line of Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes that we can look you straight in the eye and recommend. Our Dry Goods Department Is blooming with EARLY SPRING GOODS. Latest Dress Goods, in blacks and colors. Silks of every variety. Em broideries, Laces and Hosiery. Our Stock has never been, from one end to the other, as complete and as clean as to-day. Therefore, 'tis with oonfi. dence we ask you to call and see us. As stated in all our previous advertisements in 1903 we are pushing for a large increase in business, and notwith standing all the drawbacks we scored a big increase in Jan uary. We will give you the worth of your dollar. C. F. JONES CO. Head-to-Foot Outfitters for Men, Women and Children. LESSER & CO. Great February and Mid-Winter Clearance Sale. With the opening of our doors this morning was inaugurated the greatest February Trade event ever chronioled in this oity. Our entire force has been working for the past ten day? getting things in shape for this great event. Further talk is unnecessary. Read every item in this ad. Many Staple arti cles are quoted here at 4 > ti 50 per cent under retail prices in any Store on this oontinent. Stocks in all departments must be greatly reduced as soon as possible to make room for immense Spring purchases soon to arrive. A won derful Bargain opportunity. Great Mid-Winter Clearance Sale of Notions. One lot Warner's and Kalmazoo Corsets reduoed to.25, 35 and 48o 100 dozen Felt Window Shades on rollers, redut d to only.. 7i? 50 dozen pure Linen Window Shades, worth 35o, reduced to only. 18o 25 dozen Curtain Poles, value 30c, reduoed to only. 21o 24 pairs extra heavy Cotton Blankets, value $1.00, reduced io only. ooo 100 dozen Ladies extra heavy Black Hose, value 10o, reduced to only... 7o 10Q boxes Paper and Envelopes reduoed for this sale to only. 4o 40 dozen Children's Ribbed Undervests reduoed to.10, 12}, 15, 20, 2So 10 dozen Miases Union Suits, worth 25o, reduoed to qnly. ..'. 18c 10 dozen Ladies Fleece-lined Undervests, value 20o, reduced to. 10o 15 dozen Ladies Fleece-lined Knit Pants, value 25s, for this sale. 18c 5 dozen Ladies Wool Fascinators, in all shades, for this sale only...... 24A Great Mid-winter Clearance Sale of Dry Goods. 350 yards Fanoy Outing?, chocks and stripes, February Salo price only.. 3fr 800 yards beautiful Flannelettes, new styles and patterns, sale pri?e, J. . 7fc 500 yards Eclipse Flannelettes, 36 inches wide, valne 15u. reduced to I.. lHo 300 yards Black Cupo ne ila Fanoy Ooods, 36 inches, val. 25o, sale prioe.. 18c Great Mid-winter Clearance Sale of Ladies' Skirts, Capes, && 200 Ladies Jackets and Skirts marked down to less than actual GOBt of material. One lot Ladies Elegant Tailor Jackets, $4 and $5 valses? reduced to .. .$1 98 One lot Ladies Plush Capes, valne $1.25, reduced to only. 75o One lot Children's Keefer?, regular prioe 75o to $1, reduoed to only. 50o One lot Ladies Elegant Tailor-made Skirts, val. $1.25 and $1.50, only... 08o One lot Ladies Elegant Tailor-made Skirts, $2 valuos, reduced to only.. 1 25 One lot Ladies Elegant $3 and $4 Tailor-made Skirts, reduoed to only... 1 98 Great Mid-winter Clearance Sale of Gents' Furnishings. 10 dozen Boys Fleeee-lined Shirts and Drawers, worth 25o, will go at.... 19o 25 dozen Gents Canton Flannel Drawers, worth 35c, will go at only..... 25o 15 dozen Gents Heavy Fleece-lined Drawers, valne 50o, reduced to only 30o 25 dozen Gents Heavy Undershirts, value 25o to 35o, reduced to only ... 18c Mid-winter Shoe Sale. Shee vaines that are eye-openers. Grer\t attractions are offered here in Men's, Women's and Children s Shoes, on aeeount of Stock being too large aad seaton half over. We have cut pri?es still deeper on all Winter Shoes. 100 pairs Ladies' Glove Grain Shoes, in lace or button, worth $1, reduoed to oaly T5e. 125 pairs Ladies Dongol? Button Shoes, value 91. reduced fd this aal'- to oaly 75c. 75 pairs Ladies Kangaroo Calf Shoes, valne $1.50, re duced ter this cale to only $1. 200 pairs Ladies Dongola Lace Shoes, heel or .pring heel, Value $1.60, reduoed to only 98e. 259 paira Ladies Dongola Lace Shoe?, every pair guaranteed, value $2, reduced to only $1.39. 150 pairs La dies fine Viei Bad Lace Shoes, $3 vaines, redueed to only $1.93. 100 pairr Boya Brogan Shoes, value 75c, reduced for this sale to only 39c. 175 pairs Men'e Brogan Shoes, regular $1 values, reduoed for thia sale to only 65o. lw paira Men's solid leather Dress Shoes, value $1.50, reduced to only 98c. 12p paira Men'a Satine Calf Shoes, value $1.75: reduoed for thiB ealo to only $1.2a. 306 paira Men'e genuino Vioi Kid Shoes, all solid; worth $3, reduced to $1.98. New arrivals of Remnants and^Short Lengths of Early Spring Goods. Greatest Sale of Remnants of Early SpringgGoods in the Commercial History of the State. FEE?, FREE-Hand-painted Chinnifrce. A house-wife's delight, a nicely arranged table. Buy your]Goods of us ana get a set of hand-pointed China tree. Yours truly, UNDER MASONIC TEMPLE. LESSER & CO., LEADING STORE OF ANDERSON?