The Anderson intelligencer. (Anderson Court House, S.C.) 1860-1914, December 31, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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Local News. vVKMS KS (.I v V, DEC. .ll. liWi. Death of Capt. li. C. Martin. ono by ono tho old Veterans fall ash-op. A few moro years and not one, even among the youngest of those to shoulder arms in defense o? the fair Southland during tho struggle of 61-05, will bo left to recito to tho rising gen erations those unwritten incidents of the war which give so clear an insight into Southern character and .Southern chivalry. Capt. 13. C. Martin is dead. At bis homo in Williamston, about 5 o'clock Tuesday afternoon of last week, while quietly seated in a chair, death came to him and numbered him with tho groat army that is daily pass ing into the great beyond. Had ho been summoned a few days later, he would have finished his tod year in this lifo. Ho was born January 1st, 1830. Anderson County was always bis home and ho hart been a prominent, useful citizen. When the war clouds of 61*05 were gathering he was prompt in volunteering his services and aided in raising a company of 100 gallant men with J. W. Brandet as Captain. This was Company D, Eighteenth Reg iment, S. C. V., and the deceased was First J ieutenant. This company did gallant service and Lieutenant .Martin was promoted to tho Captaincy. The war being over, the devotion of tho deceased to bis County showed itself in tho reconstruction period in the firm stands always taken by him; and when in 187?J thu opportunity to redeem tho State under thu leadership of the gal lant Hampton presented itself, none gave evidence of more energy and promptness than B. C. Martin. Under tho old Constitution tho de ceased served several terms as member of tho County Board of Commissioners, serving acceptably and with honor. Of late years tho infirraatives of ago prevented Iiis taking a lending part in political affairs, but his interest never abated, mid to the last that anconi-' ?remising firmness which characterized im through life, was plainly noticea ble. Tho wife, formerly Miss Cornelia Rruazeale, and three children survive him. The children aro Thomas J. Martin, of Hickory. N. C., and Mrs. L. , lt. Tucker and Mrs. Victoria Good gion, of this County. Ho also leaves a twin brother, Mr. Thomas C. Martin, ?d' Greenville, and. two sisters, Mrs. A. ?. Martin and Air*. C. E. Seawright, of t'o* County. I'ho deceased was a devout member i-t the Baptist Church, and was for many years a deacon. He was respect ed and honored und his well-spent lifo isa bright heritage to his children. His illness immediately preceding his death was oulysnch as results from old age, and his sudden death was alto gether unexpected. Thu interment was at Williamston Wednesday after noon, the 24th interest. Enjoyable Occasions. During the last week, in honor of the beloved Christmas season. Time has once more turned backward and en dowed its older members with the de lights of childhood. Tuesday evening 23rd iust. the Pres byterian congregation, to a lurg? audi* diene?, displayed by its unusually bright, nnd happy children the pleas ures ot* a Suntu Claus season. Dr. T. G. Cry m es represented the ancient saint, und won laurels for himself asan impersonator and continued regards forth? venerable visitor of centuries. Tho ocension was planned and carried ont with the success unfailingly attend ing these entertainments of the Pres byterian congregation where its consci entious and talented young people in terest themselves, i On Friday (20th) p. m., at Mountain Springs Santa Claus descended among th? pin? trees upon 'ho little frame \ builaiug where between forty und sixty children usually congregate for educa tion during tho year. Lafayette La neon was chosen by the saint as High Chief Oracle, and a Mrs. Santa Claus, who was thu delight and merriment of the gathering, accompanied, nu well ns two minor ollicials, whose garb could univ be planned in regions far from stoical civilization. A tree of the for est represented the gifts of the Christ mas saint ; for thereon, in profuse, suc culent aud attractive abundance, gifts from nil quarters, and from all conceits of desire, hung and dazzled and attract ed during the candle-lighted glamour. K. A. Gentry is to be duly compliment ed on the ability carried through all designs toward a crownly effect of sat isfaction. Ho labored hard for this effect, and was efficiently assisted in the program work by tho .Misses Itho da King, Alma Wigington, Anna Wil son, .Mattie Tripp, .Minnie .Merritt. Lil lie Murphy, -Mourning -Moore, -Mada Smith. May Wigington, Messrs. Edward Kiug, L. .Ii o o re and Laboon. Prof. Gentry is a Funnan University student, a clear thinker and an energet ic instructor among his appreciative natrons. His second term at this school but manifests tho reciprocated regard evidenced between himself and his pu pils. Many thanks are extended to him Dy those who received special invita tions. At Shiloh, at the residence of Mrs. and Mrs. G. W. Browning, the Misses Cora and Nell Browning, on the even ing of 27th inst., gave a delightful so ciable to their young friends, wherein 1 oilier ones were permit red to look on ?ud grow young. A house-full of young friends in music, singing, etc., convinced old Father Time that,though the year was drawing to a close, it bad not added a perceptible care to tho hap py brows assembled, while the feast ing season still proclaimed itself in ev idence among the guest? nf the even ing. All who know the MISMOS Brown ing know their ability to make a social entertainment decidedly worthy the name. We extend thanks. piedmont. Dee. 29 R R L. A Beautiful Wedding*. On Tuesday afternoon, December 23rd, as the sun was lowering in the western horizon, shedding its soft rays of light, and rendering everything yet more and more beautiful, tho hearts nnd lives of Mr. James Holcombe and Miss Tynie Cox were united in mar riage. Mendelssohns wedding march was very sweetly plavod by Mrs. A. R. Cox as the maids of honor. Misa Flora "Cox and Miss Lizzie Lollace, followed by the bride and groom, entered tho ?arlor. Tho ceremony was performed y Rev. G. E. Spruill. After congratulations wero extended all were incited t.<? tho dining room, where a sump?nous supper was served. Although sbe will he greatly missed. Mr. Holcomb- i? tn bo congratulated .on winning ?.> fair a britte^ We wish ?forth? happy coup!? o very happiness vthis life afluida. Blue Bird. ll-elUui, S. C.. Dee. 27. T-Wl? Without Cost. ?vo '-'v? * Jd. pound naek In whioh "Ciifio .'...r ia packed will make two good . . r- . IM regular toweling goods being o-d in ..snufacture of the sackr. ? I*,j. i . -r to send you a Jorty-eigui poood t-aea. Bransiord Mills, Owenbbor^, Ky. The f:urtune*RliO(Jy Wedding. Thia took place at .Mi?lwav Presby terian Church, Hopewell Township, Tuesday evening, December 23rd, at '? o'clock. 1 About l o'clock p. m. friends from farand near began to gather at the hospitable homo of Mr. and Mr?. A. Rhody, the occasion being to enjoy the last single hours with their channing daughter, Miss Ci er trude, who was fitton to be joined in lifo to another. I h fore the guests had near all gather id, the large table in the parlor was laden with beautiful and costly pres* nts, which reminded them of the high esteem in which they nre held and to cheer them on during their future life. Promptly at :5 p. m. the guests wen: ushered into the spacious diuiug room, where tho long table groaned under its weight of meats, salads, pickles and pies. After this course, dehcous cakes and desert were served. The room was beautifully decorated, which gave a very pleasing effect. The sky was clear and the winds blew sharply, and as the golden sun sank behind the western hills, the anxious friends and guests began to prepare for tho coming and most happy event, and soon all were assembled with the waiting and anxious congregation at tho church to behold the holy union of heart and hand, a scene which never grows old. After all were quietly seated first en tered Miss Ethel Willson, of Helton, who took her seat at the organ and rendered tho wedding bolls march. Next came tho little flower girl, down the left aisle, while Master Willie Ax mann, of Buffalo, N. Y., came down tho right. Then came tho attendants in tho following order: Mr. Arthur Khody with Miss Gertie Keys, who took their stand on the left; Mr. John Erskine with Miss Nora McConnell, who took their stand on the right; Mr. J.Kay with Miss Lovio McDcvid, of Helton, who took their stand by tho lirst couple; Mr. Jas. Dobbins, ot An derson, with Miss Ruby Hammond, who took their stand by tho second couple. Then came tho ushers, MesBrs. Frank Khody anti Allen Martin, who stood facing each other. Slowly down thu left aisle came the lovely bride in a gown ot white organdie with trimmings of Liberty satin applique anti chillon, currying in her hand a beautiful bou quetof ferns and white carnations. Miss Gretchen Khody, sister of the bride, gracefully acted as maid of honor. Then down the other aisle came thu groom, with Kerry Wilson, of Ander son, acting as best mau. During the ceremony, which was impressively performed by Kev. J. L. McLin, of Anderson, the bridal cou ple stood under an arch of ivory, from which was suspended two huge hearts pierced with Cupid's arrow, which symbolized that the two were mude one. Tho wedding march was played throughout the ceremony, which made it more impressive. This was in every respect a lovely marriage. The bride is one of our .sweetest girls and fe regret very much to give her up. ' 'be groom is a popu lar young mun o' \nderson, midis to bu congratulated u his success in win ning tlie heart and hand of such a charming young lady. The popular young couple have best wishes and congratulations of all over life's rugged sea. F. V. K. Information for Pensioners. The following named parties in the various townships have been elected ns the representatives of tho old soldiers, viz : J. J. Gilraer, Anderson. John T. Green, Kelton. 1*. G. Acker, Krondaway. J. R. Tripp. Brushy Creek. Robert Stevenson,"Corner. J. H. McConnell, Centorville. J . C. Gantt, Fork. D. R. Melton. Gurvin. J. M. Dunlap. Honen Kath. J. O. McAdams, Hall. Wm. Bolt, Hopewell. Y. Martin, Martin. A. J. Sitten, Pendleton. K. F. Shirley. Rock Mills. K. 1*. Clinkscales, Savannah. S. H. Stone, V?rennos. W. C. Meredith, Williamston. Now tho soldiers and widows who are on tho pension roll will not have to make application in writing, but must report to tho representatives in the townships in which they live on or be fore the 17th of January, 100.1, and tho representatives will report to ?ho pen sion commissioners by tho 29tn of Jnnnary next. The representatives will also report all who have died, re moved from the State orCounty within tho Inst year; also report any whose income exceeds seventy-live dollars, or property tm Meie nt to make that amount -in hiB own or his wife's name-from labor, rent and other sources. In accordance with the law all sol diers and sailors applying for pensions, whose names are not already on the roll, should call on the pension com missioner, J. J. Gilmer, at the audi tor's ofllc? on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th Saturday in January, 1003. where proper I blanks will be furnished by tho com missioner. In east) you fail to report to tho representative in your township and are left off the roll no one will be to blame but yourself. Any soldier or widow desiring to re move to another county in South Caro lina will make application to J. J. Gil mer, pension commissioner for Ander son County, nnd get a transfer. John T. Green, Chairman County Pension Board. J. J. Gilmer. Sec. December 27, 1002. Clubbing Offer. Until further notice we will furnish to our subscribers who have paid up to date and who will pay one year in advance/a combination oft?, ?spapers as follows: 1. The Intelligencer and tho semi weekly News and Courier one year for $2.00. 2. Tho Intelligencer, the semi-week ly News and Courier aud the Home and Farm (semi-monthly) cue year for 3. '1 ho Intelligencer and the semi weekly Columbia State one year for $2.75. 4. The Intelligencer and the Home and Farm ono year for $1.75. 5. The Intelligencer, the semi-week ly Atlanta Journal and any one of the following papers one year for $2.25, viz: Southern Cultivator, The Western Poultry News, American Swineherd, The Gentlewoman, Tri-State Farmer, and Gardner, the Homo and Farm, Tho American Agriculturist, The Com mercial Poultry, Tho Conkoy Home Journal, Tho Stockman, Farm and Fireside, .Missouri Valley Farmer. \ Now is the time to pay up your ar rearages and get moro rending matter next year for less money than ever known before, every ono of the news papers being first class in their respec tive fields. _ Boy's Life Saved from Membranous Croup. C. W. Lynch, a prominent citizen of Winchester, Ind.. writes, "My little boy had a severe attack of membranous croup, and only got relief after taking Foley's Honey and Tar. Ile got relief after one doso and I feel that lt saved the life of my boy." Refuse substitutes. Evans Phar macy. Well buckets and valves for the Spor tanburg Patent Well Fixtures can always be found at tho Brock Hardware Co. - Thc "Circuit Kider." which IIUH been published in Kock Hill forsoinc linic p;t>t under the editorial manage ment of Kev. h\ A. Wilkes, has sus pended because it lacked the approval of the South Carolina conference. "Fewer Gallons ; Weat., Longer." The aeeret ?H out and Anderdon eau go on living just aa the riddle had never boon tyiked. No it ean't either. Anderson is not going to bo what lt wai before. I in houses aro going to bo brighter ; Ita people a little moro prosperous-thoy are going to bavo uotuo of their money left to buy other things with. Tho answer to the riddle ia this : You oan paint a building with fewer gallons of i >evoe Load and Zinc Paint than with mixed paints, and it will wear several tl moa aa long aa a buddie? painted with load and oil mixed by hand. There's prool abundant of itali over tho doted State?. Thora will won be proof abundant of it in Anderson. What will people do with tho re?t of their money? Don't bo imposed upon by taking sub stitutes odored for Foley a Honey and Tar. Evans Pharmacy. The satisfaction of shaving with a good Razor will be greatly enjoyed by your husband or brother. If you are puzzled to know what to gat them for Christmas, noleet a Razor and Strop from Sullivan Hardware Co. and be assured that they will be pleased with euob a gift. W. H. Shearer, Surveyor, Yon will And me at Dean ?Sc Ratllffe's. Long dis tance Pbone at my residence. Always Go od. When people who use other brands of Flour are kicking about their Flour, users of "Clifton" are enjoying the same contentment aa of yore. Nothinu but sound wheat ia used in making "Clif ton," hence it lu always good. Ask your grocer for it. For sale by John C. Os borne and J. M. Patrick. Christmas Is Coming. And everybody wanta the best the market Hil'-irdH for tho holiday festivities. "Clifton" Flour makes the lightest and whitest bread, cake and pastry. J. M. Patrick and John C. osborne keep lt. CONVEYANCING. The undersigned respectfully asks the patronage of tboao who want correct work at a inodot-t cost. Dowls drawn, mortgages drawn, contracts drawn, bouda for titles drawn, HbstractH of titles fur nished. Also correct Information aa to real estate mortgage indebtedness. Con tractu nf all tho 'Old Line" Life Insur ance Companies explained aud made plain, onice at present at the Intelligen cer ollloo. L. E. Norryce. A Card. A great portion of tho original stock of W?hlte & Wilblw. having boen disposed of ard in a messum replenished with new goods, everything is now odored at re duced price?. A t?w articles suitable for Christmas presenta on hand-10 aud 15 cents each. W?hlte <fc Wllbite. COAL FOR SA LE-Phone to J. J. Dob blns' atable or coal yard. When you want a good Shotgun or Rltle do not fail to call on Sullivan Hardware Co. a ul Inspect their line. A Tool Chest full of all kinds of small tools. Just such as would be wanted by your Hmall hoy can be found in the stock of Sullivan Hardware Co. Ammunition of all kinda of the very beat grades ls sold by Sulllvau Hardware Co. Sullivan Hardware Co. have a large stock of Nursery and Orate Fenders. The children are much Rafer and there is loss dauger from the fire rolling on the door by using oue ot them. Everybody wants a Pooket Knife. Sullivan Hardware Co. hive a large aa Mortment of carefully selected Pocket Knives Also a full line of HciBSOra for the girls aud ladlea. Sullivan Hardware Co. bave some ele gant seta of Carvers beautiful in design and of best quality. One of these seta would be greatly appreciated by any lady as a Christmas prosont. * If you waut to buy a Hiffrow orTurn rlow at u sacrifice seo tue Brock Hard ware Co, Churns-If you want a Churn that will bring the butter of half the time, see H rock Hardware Oo. and get one of their v y Under Churns. A kidney or bladder trouble can always lie cured bv using Foley's Kidney Cure in time. Evans Pharmacy. Axes-If you want an Ax that will .tand any timber try our Knot Chopper. Brock Hardware Co. Coughs, Colds and Constipation, Few people realize whan taking cough medicines other than Foley's Honey and Tar, that they contain opiates which are constipating besides being unsafe, par ticularly for children. Foley's Honey and Tar contains no opiates, ia safe and sure and will not const?pate. Evans Pharmacy. A Timely Toplo. At this season of coughs and oo'oi lt ia well to know that Foley's Honoy and Tar is the greatest throat and lung reme dy. It cures qutokly and prevents seri ous raul's from a cold. Evans Phar macy. Report from the Reform Sohool. J. G. Gluck, Superintendent, Prunty town, W. Va., writes: "After trying all other advertised cough medicines we have decided to use Foley's Honey and Tar exclusively lu the West Virginia Re form ?School. I lind it the most effective and absolutely harmless." Evaoa Phar macy. Foley's Honey and Tar positively cures all ibroat and lung diseases. Refuse sn hst it 11 tes. Evans Pharmacy. Ho tl ned, up-to data people alway:, want the best. GALL AGHER BROS. aro ac knowledged f beauiong the best PHO TOGRAPHERS In theSouth. They do not wn-iic their skill ou cheap, fading trash. Wo sell tho bt st and lightest draft Mower? on earth, (lome aud see them. Vaudiver Broa. A Mai or. Merchants, Do You Handle Shoes? We are Bolling agenta for J. K. Orr's celebrated Advertised Red 8eal Shoes, Boston and Atlanta. This Line oom* Erises evervtblng from the cheapest rogan to the fi Nest hand made goods. Our men's King Bee to retail at 93.50 and j Ladies' Queen Bees to retail at $2 50 are the most elegant aqd best advertised Shoes on the market. Every pair war ranted We aak merchants in need of Shoes to call at our office and inspect this Line. WEBB A CATER, Commission Merchants and lilli Agents. Choroid Churns! Churns! A lot of all sizes of the celebrated Cylinder Churns Just received. Brock Hardware Go. MONEY TO LOAN-A few thousand dollara to lend on Land for clients. Ap ! ply to B. F. Marti?, Attoruey-at-Law. Now ia the time to get a good Pocket Knife at your own prloe from Brook Hardware Co. A Thousand Dollar's Worth of Good. A. H. Thornes, a well known coal operator of Buffalo, G., writes, "I have bean afflicted with kidney and bladder trouble tor years, passing gravel or ?tones with excruciating pain. I got no relief from medicines uutll I began tak ing Foley'a Kidney Cure, then the result waa surprising. A few doses started the brick dust like fine atones and now 1 have no pain across my kidneys and I feel like a new roan. It has done me a 91,000 worth of good. Jost received two Cars of Buggies, all prices-135.00 for a Top Buggy up. Vandlver Bros. A .Major. " GIiBaDer fa all otber Stores tnt for tbe Casli Only." Grandest Bargains Now* Previous to stock-taking, which will occur January 10th, we will dispose of the greatest quantity of Goods that wo : can to reduce our Stock as far as possible. We Offer Cut Prices 1 Less than this Cheapest of all Stores has ever done. There are thousands of very desirable Heavy Writer Goods here to be closed out at the earliest moment. Come now and make your gain what will be our gain. MOST POPULAR FARMER'S WIFE CONTEST. The contest to win the Elegant 112 Piece English Dinner Set will be decided to-night (Wednesday), and of course we are unable to publish in this edition the name of the winner. The returns up to Saturday last are as follows : Mrs. L. A. Dean, Dean, 1697 votes, first. Mrs. Gussie McCarle?, Iva, 1695 votes, second. Mrs. J. D. Compton, Townville, 935 votes, third. Mrs. Mallie Wilson, Belton, 7G3 votes, fourth. "EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT DRAWING " In the "Every Saturday Night Drawing" to win $2.00 in Cash. The lucky number was 14609. The person holding the ticket with the corresponding number will please present same and secure the money. THE GLOBE STORE. WE are pleased to announce to the publio that our trade for the Fall of 1902 bas been unprecedented, and we thank you for your valued patronage. We have a few choioe lots of ?Seasonable Goods To olean up. So be quiok and take advantage of our Gleaning Up Prices. LOT 40-Boya' Overcoats, worth $3.50, salo price $1.50 each. LOT 41-Men's Overcoats, worth $5.00, sale prioe $2.00 to $3.00 eaoh. LOT 42-Men's Mackintoshes, worth $1.50, sale prioe 95o. each. LOT 43-Men's Odd Dress Goats, worth twice what we ask for them, sale prioe 75c, $1.00 and $1.25.. LOT 44-Boys Suits from 75o to $1.75. Boys' Knee Pants from 19o to 50o. This lot is made up -from remnants of pieoe goods from* manufactory and is worth double what we ask for them. We aim to make from now until Christmas a hurry-up Clearing from all of our Departments, and after a careful look through our Stock we are certain you will find a great many Seasonable Goods which you can use. SJPECIA.JL,. * Twemy pounds Sugar One Dollar. Ten pounds Arbnokles' Coffee One Dollar. Ingersoll's Guaranteed Watoh One Dollar. Tho Sorosis Skirt One Dollar. Yours truly, D. C. BRO WN S BRO. WO USE LARD? fiBioRUtft IN QUALITY AND puwaar Address SOUTHERN CPTTjON Qgi, {X>, SAVANNAHJ GA.. THE CAROLINAS AND*GEORGIA m A Prosperous And Happy NEW YEAR! To all Our Patrons. We take this opportunity to express our appreciation for the great business the Trading Public has given us this year. We have never put any more though and work on any one year before. The result has been very gratifying Encouraged by the eifort of 1902 w are laying our plans for 33 1-3 jncreas all around for 1902. We have already made plans foi forward movement, and we expect t put new life and energy in every d< partment of this Big Establishment. Quick turn-over of Merchandise i small margin of profit, increased volun of business. Just a little profit a around on big sales aggregates a ni( I profit to us. Again thanking our Mends and askii their help for the great increase i 1903, we are, Very appreciatively, C F. JONES CO Head-to-Foot Outfitters for Men, Women and Children.