ss n n n n tt&ndits I Who si ss Scourged OL* V Of M C<> AA ?? EXICAN banditti history blazes with two na mos, ilu; names of two cruel, daring unddangcri ms I ca di rs. T1 ?esc names are Juan Ilhulo/.a and ?'ullina. The en roora of tin pe na n wore tic and terrific, Holli sooner or later came lo bo hale.! \>\ iheir followers, and both died nun-h as they had lived. Tile name of Ja ;? 111? ?loza is closely interwoven with the history of the Kio Grande front iee. Little lias been writ ton about thi- brilliant and merciless leader of tia banditti ol' the north country, hui Iris narnu is a household ?Word throughout all the ni?tes. ' ,F??r years the a llioritics of Texas nnd Mexico had pursued this leader. At. last he was arrested on the Ameri can side of the line. F.niotcrlo de la Garza, then n young man, but later a man high ia the conn ILLEDOZA FELL AT THU LAWYERS FEET. sols of the Mexican government, was called to defend Illedoza. Do la Garza Iliad been in Texas adjusting a ship ping dispute and while there agreed to defend the bhudlt. Hut there waa no ?hope for acquittal, and on the night .before the trial was to take place some one bribed the guards-many nay Do la Garza-and Illedoza escaped. Eruotorio do la Garza, the able young Spanish lawyer, completed his other task and received $10,000 In American ?gold. It wns a long distance to bis home in Monterey, and $10,000 In ?old iwos an unsafe burden. There were no railroads, and the only routes to tho 'Mexican city were through the rough country, which swarmed with banditti. For several days De la Garza puzzled his brain to find a means of conveying ?the gold to Monterey. Ile nt last de cided to risk the dangerB of the jour ney, but upon the afternoon of the day .before be was to start be saw a man in Mexican garb several times before his window and then disappear. At night the face of the Mexican ap peared at thc window. An Instant later the door flew open, aud Illedoza, dis guised, flashed into the room and locked the door behind him. "Senor," he said, "do not tell me what worries you. I know that you have In this house $10,000 In American gold, a handsome prize for thc best of the banditti. 1 believe you are foolish enough to undertake the trip to Monte rey. You will die If you do. Every member of the Rio Grande robbers from Point Isabel to Fl Paso knows you have the money, and every road to Monterey is guarded. "The gold ls not yours. Senor de la Garza. You hold lt In trust. If you are robbed and your Ufo is spared, you would be disgraced at the end of the journey. You saved ray Ufo by turning me free. 1 owe you a debt of gratitude. I will take the gold to Monterey. At ll o'clock tonight I shall be here. Re sure you deliver tho money to nobody else." At tho appointed hour the young law yer heard a faint scratching at the rear door. Before lie could reach it In stepped a man in rags anti tatters. Ills face appeared bloated nnd haggard. Tho peaked Spanish bat was missing. He did not wear his deerskin clothing or tho Haring red sash that brands the banditti. "There is no limo to waste. Trust mo to repay the debt of gratitude I owe you or you will surely never see Monterey again.'' When certain tia? man was Illedoza, De la Garza banded over the gold. Juan held it a moment, then laid lt down. "liofore I go I must impose upon you several conditions. You saved my life, senor, and when 1 deliver this gold and give you the receipt we are even. You write the receipt you want signed la Monterey, ajid nt the end of ten days I will return It to you signed or I shall die by the way." - If a iiiiiti i - -. ? t-15- tl w ? he is usually di-apt-o?m? d people. - Lawyer? have tm excu iDg hungry, as the of providions in them. - No ni ttl i**in a position other men MM fl after he has fingers a fe* tinns. - Dou't on will discover row is an expert avniuuier. h ni tn ?elf .o other ?M for ge ll :i ve lots to teach burnt his sorrow in that sor HEARD HIM PREACH. Tho Clergyman, Hie Visitor and Their Previous Meetings. '? hard featured man, dressed in anew suit of very cheap black, called at thc house but if you will let mc go I shall bo by the time we get back. Don't forget thc old man with thc fish on his hack. Fot nearly thirty year.- he has been traveling around thc world, and is still traveling, bringing health and comfort wherever he goes. To thc consumptive he brings thc strength and flesh he so much needs. To all weak and sickly children he c;ivcs rich and strengthening food. To thin and pale persons he gives new firm flesh and rich red blood. Children who first saw the old man with the fish arc now grown up and have children of their own. He starids for Scott's Emul sion of pure 'cod liver oil-a delightful food and a natural tonic for children, for old folks and for all who need flesh and strength. -rx?c?T=T?& BOWNS. Chemists. 40?-4-15 Paarl Stroet. 3 New York. BOo. and SLOG j al! druitifiai*. FATE OF THE FLIES. What Becomes of All That Aro Pro duced Each 8eason? An exchange quotes a distin guished entomologist as Baying that a eingle female fly will lay. 120 e 'g.? during her lifo of from ten ta ii teen days und that of these ninety; or a hundred will produce other flies. During a summer twelve or thirteen generations of these fliea will bo produced, so that millions in cue season may bo tho descendante of a single fly. '.Millions'' is a feeble word to ex press thc number that would be produced under tiii.s est?mate. Put ting thc ?iret generation at 100 and allowing that half ?d' them are fe males. Lin,? second generation would j number 5,000, with 2,500 females. The third generation would number ; ??50,000, thc fourth 1,250,000 and | the Jiftli (?2,500,000. Continuing thc calculation on thc same system to the twelfth generation, we should get a grand total ot' 4,882,812,500, 000,000,000, or, expressed in words, four quintillions, eight hundred and eighty-two quadrillions, eight hun dred and twelve trillion.-;, live hun dred billions, a number quite incon ceivable. Estimating Hie popula tion of tho earth at a billion and a half, Llii.s would give 3,255,208, 333 1-3 Hies to every man, woman und child on earth, all tho descend ants of one Hy in a single Hummer. it is true in this calcul?t ion we have taken the higher number of flies to begin with-100 instead of 00-but in return wc have left off thc thirteenth generation (as un lucky), whick would have given us a total fifty times greater, KO thc cal culation may bc taken as a fair one. lt must he that the estimate of flies or of generations is too ?ibernL A great many of thc eggs must per ish, and the number ol' Hies that arc hatched must be overestimated. ?We could not cope with thc flics at the rate of increase herc given. Thc question is pertinent. What becomes of all tho flies ?-Louisville Couricr-J ournal. Intoxicated Insects. A dahlia garden where thc flow ers arc cut at about noon is a regu lar pothouse for bees and wasps and even thc big bungling bumblebees do not refuse to imbibe. From thc cut stem of thc plant on sunny days about noon a juice exudes that seems to bc a whole sideboard of intoxi cants for the insects, and for two or three hours afterward tl 3 won't go home till morning state iii very ap parent. The industrious, steady go ing bees, misled into tasting it, will iirst stagger, then drop to the ground and with hoad down at tempt to drag themselves home, only to finally roll over and give up to it. Pretty soon they recover and arc ready to try it again if the temptation remains. If not, they take up the burden of work and probably have some excuse to offer for time lost and no returns. Bees and wasps and bumblebees aro not whito ribboncrs if opportunity of fers.-Detroit Free Press. A Hot Bath .to Bring Sleep.? A hot bath will bring sleep. Sup pose a person be so tired cut by overwork of any kind as to feel nervous, Irritable and worn, to be absolutely certain that bed means only tossing for hours in an unhap py wakefulness (we all know this condition of tho body and mind), turn on the hot water in the bath room and Boak in the hot bath until the drowsy feeling comes, which will be within three minutes; turn on cold water until it becomes tepid; then rub yourself with a coarse Turkish towel until the body is per fectly dry and then go to bed. You will sleep the sleep of the just and rise in tho morning wondering how you could have felt so bad the night before. Thc bath has saved man}' a ono from a sleepless night if not from a scvere headache the next morning. Why lt Wac a Necessity. A minister of a rural parish in Scotland observed one of his flock shooting a hare on thc Sabbath. SVhcn catechising day came round, ho questioned him as follows: "John, do you know what a work of necessity is?" <;I do." *?id John. "Well, do you think shooting a bare on a Sunday a work of ncces -uv?" "It is that," caicl John. "How do you make that out?" "Weel, yo seo, meen ister, it raicht bo a wa' on Monday," was John's canny reply. A Forcible Way of Putting lt. A nautical term comes with a L'ind of shock in art criticism, but Lhere was a certain pertinency in thc remark of a good mayor of f.lloucoster, Muss., who said, speak ing of tho picture of n predecessor m his office, that it was a pretty good likeness, but with a man of his style of features a profile view would never bc as effective ns though it wore taken a little more "head on." - Must bache'ov's idea of misery is being alone witi H antsy baby, - When a man i* in love ho doesn't know axle grease from butter. - But fer ih?* donkey's big. ears ho couldn't appr?cia.** his own music - Children put i rown peopl-i to shame when it comes ti telling the truth. - People who always sav n\ at they think usually think % 'ot of disagreea ble things. The Earth's Motion. That the earth's motion has an appreciable effect upon artillery fire, deflecting thc projectile from a straight course, may be news to many and as such would probably faeem a novel notion. It has, and the exact nature and cxtcntof tho ef fect are important points of study with artillery experts. An English army expert told of the resulta of many interesting experiments along this linc in a paper read before the Royal Artillery institution. 1'iring from north to south, there is a di- j vergence of projectiles to thc loft, ! duo to thc earth's rotation, and fir ing il no north the divergence is to thc right. The extent of the "pull" varies at diff?rent points of the earth's surface and with projectiles fired at different speeds and eleva tions. Tn England a deflection of five inches is found to occur with the projectile of a twelve pounder in a -1,U00 yard range. Imitation Not Flattery. Once upon a time Ibero was a fashionable woman who Lad her portrait painted by a clever and conscientious artist, who lacked worldly wisdom, but who made a re markably correct likeness of her. "Horrid!" exclaimed thc woman when she saw tho completed picture. "Just, sec those wrinkles, and then you have made it look a dozen years olde.: than I am." Moral.-Imitation may be sin cere, but it is not always flattery. New York Herald. Just When. "I could have told you that was a mistake/' exclaimed thc honest man with thoughtless exultation. "When could you have told me?' demanded tin.' other. Now, the ?honest man didn't ex pect to bo driven into a corner like this. Still he was an honest man, and so after a momentary struggle with his conscience he replied hon estly : "I could have told you just about the time you found it out yourself." -Chicago Post. Pin Money. Among the presents formerly of fered as New Year's gifts were pins, which were first made in the carly part of thc sixteenth century. How ever trilling such gifts might now appear, it was then highly valued, as previous to the invention of pins clumsy wooden skewers were in use for fastening garments. In this manner arose the term "pin money" in marriage settlements, the bride stipulating for or the groom volun tarily conceding a certain annual al lowance with which to purchase what was then deemed a luxury. In time tho term came to be ap plied in the more extended sense to signify any sum over which the wife shall have absolute* control, inde pendent of her husband. Though no longer used in legal instruments, the term is still retained colloquial ly as denoting a stipulated sum for thc wife's private use. Restraining the Beard by Law. In the reign of "good Queen Bess" an attempt was made by some of the heads of Lincoln's Inn to restrain the growth of tho legal beard. It was resolved that "no fellow of that house should wear a beard of above a fortnight's growth," which no fel low, was likely to do if he consulted his own comfort. Although, as we read in the "Percy Anecdotes," transgressions of this resolution were punished with fine, loss of commons and final expulsion, such waa the vigorous resistance to the tyrannical order that in the follow ing year all previous orders respect ing beards were repealed.-English Magazine. Continues to make READ TM ALMOST / Gentlemen s-In September, 1803, I In a month after tho disenso started bed. lt continued to Brow worso until BO much so that I could not uso tho foot touohod my hips. I waa os helph Tho muscles of my arms and legs, were many times over. Was treated by six d, but nouo o? them could do mo a c;so to seo me. He told mo to try youi of the medicino and I hegr.n to tau o it I began to got better. I used flvo and a That was two years ago, and my health 1 no symptoms of rheumatism. I regs remedy for rheumatism '.n the market recommended lt to ott- .?vs since and lt h Will say f urthor, tnnt I bogan to wn KIIBUHAOIDE," with the aid of crutch to take lt, I could walk as good as any bo _V All Druggists, or sent expr?s Bobbitt Chemical Co., FOR SALE BY EV The best Re?d Organ in the world Will move to Express office Deco: A NICE LITTLE TRUST. - lt Was All In the Family and Rather j Rough on the Drummer. "Owing to a railroad smashup I got left in a little Nebraska town one night/' said the drummer, ac- | cordi.ig to the Detroit Free Press. "It was a wretched town and a still worse hotel. My room was small, and the bcd was as hard as a board. I got up feeling mad, and after a i miserable breakfast I was ready to 1 boil over. Thc boiling caine when ? the landlord presented me wi*Lh a j bill for $4. "Ts this correct?' I asked as I looked at the ligures. " 'Entirely so,' he replied. " 'Then you are a blamed old highway robber!' "The landlord had three sons, and when the}' began to mix in 1 turned on them and gave 'em come redhot talk. When ? stopped for breath, tho old man, who turned out to be a justice of the peace, sat down in a chair and calmly announced: "'Hear ye! Hear ye! I now de clare this court duly opened. James, have you any business?' " T have/ replied his eldent son, who announced to me that he was a constable and that I was under ar rest. He then made a charge against me, one of the other brothers tcsti iicd as to my language, and his honor fined me $10. As thc third brother hadn't taken any part, I turned to him and sarcastically asked : "'Where do vou come in?' "'Me?' he replied. 'Oh, Pm the town marshal, and as you are evi dently a desperate character I shall lock you up l'or a couple of days and then run you out of town/ "It was a nico little family trust, you sec,"' smiled the drummer, "and I couldn't beat it. I was locked up for forty-eight hours, but I had to pay thc hotel bill and the line, and when I was set at liberty and got my mouth open to say something else* thc jailer laid a hand on my arm and whispered: "'Don't do it. I (ira the old man's son-in-law, and if you kick against my jail he'll make your next stop twenty days/ " Bird's Nest of S':ccl. In the museum of natural history at Soleure, Switzerland, there perhaps thc most extraordinary bird's nest in existence. It is made entirely of steel. In Soleure arc many clockmak i ers' shops, and in the yards of these shops broken clock springs are often, thrown. A clockmaker one day saw : in a tree in his yard a peculiar kind of nest and upon f urther investiga tion discovered that a pair cf wag tails had utilized the unused bits of steel lying about and built a home entirely of clock springs. In size it measured more than four inchc3 across, and it was ap parently as comfortable for its in mates as if the usual materials had been employed. After thc brood had been reared the deserted nest was taken to the museum, where it is now exhibited, a striking illustra tion of the skill and ingenuity of birds in turning their surroundings to advantage. Quick Courtship. A young servant girl asked leave to attend a friend's funeral. Her mistress put herself to some incon venience to allow her to go. On her return, much to the lady^s surprise, she gave a month's notice, and when asked the reason for so doing replied : "Well, ma'am, to tell the real truth, the corpse's husband said I was the life and soul of the whole party, and I'm engsged to be mar ried to him." Miraculous Cures 3 LETTERt i MIRACLE. Dildos, 8. C., AugYl?th, 1002. took rheumatism in a very bad form. I had to give up roy work and KO to t roy arms and bands woro badly drawn, m. My legs were drawn back until my 389 as a baby for nearly twelve months, i hard and shriveled up. I suffered death ifferent physicians in McColl, Dillon and ny Rood, until Dr. J. F. ewing, of Dillon, ? BnKtTMACiDE." He got me one bott!?? md before the first bottle was used up I half bottles and was completely cured, bas been excellent ever since. I lavo had rd " RHEUM ACIDO" na by far tho best -" I cannot say too much for lt. I havo as cured them. Ik in about six days after I began to take ea; in about three months ofter I began dy, and wont back to work again, ery truly, JAMES WILKES. ts prepaid on receipt of $i.oo. - Baltimore, fid. PAKS PHARMACY.. KO BETTER PIANOS Made in tho world, and no lower prices Ab* lubdy the highest grade tba: can be found, aud the hurprise is how can euch hieb grade Pmnoa bo Lad BO reaaoriabie ? Well, it'* this way : Piano* are bt-ing sold ot too great a profit. I save you from 25 to 40 per cent in the cost. I am my own book-keeper, salesman abd rot lector .- the whole ''Show." "en! No worked-over, second-hand reposststd sfndc. I do not cell that kind. If you are alright your credit it good with mo I i? the < CO. 104 N. Pryor SUf? Atlanta, ?eorgU FOR GALE ! WE ofter for sale the Calhoun Falls . Spring and Plantation adjoining. The whole property contains elgbi hundred and fifty acres, mord or lea?? Will sell as a whole, or the Bprlng end fifty acres ad joining. F?r terms apply to Q?JTTLEBAUM * 30CHKAK. ^tornsys at Law, Anderson, S. C. , 8ep*a*Liao5r 14 WOT ICE. I hereby nntlfr alt partlaa who owe M firm of Dleokley A Frttwell, by note or otherwise, sad ail parties who ere owing me for Males, Bngftle*, Ac, that BU amount due must be paid up promp-'J by November ist next, as I mu?t naT? tba money. _T JO*. J. FRETWEliU Sept 17,1002 17 . the most healing Mtv? In fha wort* E, 6. MCADAMS. ATTOHNEY AT I, A. Wi AHBBB80V, Si 0. m ?ff? Ottos In Judge of Probate's oin