li Between the stories of Conductor Tom Pope and Sandy McTougal, backed by Sandy McTougal's friends, one gets a pretty good idea of Sandy's remarkable adventure with a voice*or, as Sandy terms it, u-iththedev1l4nabox. Tom Pope is conductor and Mc Tougal is baggage master on tho Air line, which runs from the At lantic ocean td "the middle of next week." 1 "Most astonishing thing, that hunt of Sandy's for a voice," said thc conductor ?ho other night. '.What was that?" "Well, it was thisr Sandy was loiielv and miserable. Nobody talk ed to him or gave him a quarter for not smashing the baggage, so ho took to brown studies and naps be tween stations. Tho night of his voice business his car was jomful of luggage. The more trunks Sandy bas on board the crosser he gets. There was a camp meeting on a switch off track, and at the junction I picked up a lot of nobby passen gers who were leaving for other places of amusement, and th?re was 110 end of trunks. "McTougal got th:'r*gs into shape about ll o'clock, I reckon, and as there's a part of the run where it's a good hour between stations he rot ready for a snooze. He picked out thc softest trunk in the pile on which to pillow his head, tilted back his chair with his feet on the rounds, pulled his hat over his face and went to sleep. How's, that, Mac?" "Quite keerect," responds the baggage master. "Very well; then you tell it for awhile. I wasn't there, you know." "It didn't seem's if I'd been asleep more'n a minute," began Sandy, "when there was a lively jump of the car, an' I sort of come to life with a jerk. At the same time I liecrd, as if 'way off, a noise like some one a-t&km'. But I thought 'twas a brakeman outside an' was jes' a-dozin' off ag*in when right at my ear in a thin, sharp voice suthin'said,'O Lord!' "I ain't no fool, I ain't," Sandy asserts, throwing back his head de fiantly, "an' when that tin whisper comes into my ear I jes' openad my eyes, spectin' to see some of the boys around. But not a livin' thing was visible. So I said to myself, 'I snored; that's what's the matter/ An* off I goes a-noddin' an' dream in'. "Then ag*in I hears that voice. It says quite distinctly, 1 want to get out !' "Now, I wasn't a bit mistaken this time. I heerd it. But 'fore I could get my wits together there was a yell soundin' 'way off. "'That's my death call,' says I to myself, instantly callin' to mind 'fellows who had heerd like sounds an* were dead in less'n a week. Then I says to myself, 'Sandy, don't be a fool 1' an' jumps to my feet as wide awake as 1 am now. "It was a woman's squawk, an' I could hav* sworn, 'Then it sung out in tin trumpet style: "'Eelp,?elpl* "I hauled over the tool chest an' the water barrel an' the cupboard in the corner an' looked out on the platforms an' did everything a man could do under the circumstances to find out what was a-makin' of that fuss. I went to the sido door to -?ool myself an* was a-fannin* my face when, blame me, if I didn't hear a cornet start off with the Hogues' March' ^.n' a gruff voice foller it with: " 'In the midst of life we are in death.' "? yanked my head round an' didn't see mithin' jth?t wasn't there before. That threw me off my pins. Then a roor.ter crowed, an' a feller with a cold in his nose counted ten forward an' then backward, an an other cuss with a bullfrog voice or dered me: 'Wake npl 'The dev{1 wants you!' Yon needn't laugh, gentlemen, when I tell you I run, an' so'd you if you'd beenV thar. I was certain the devil had come for me, late, but sure, an' I didn't wait for him to ask for my ticket." Tom Pope at this point broke into a stentorian laugh. "If, gentlemen, you'd seen San^y come flying into the car where I was sitting, you would never stop laughing. You may not believe it, but his brown faco was as white as your shirt fronts, and his eves were as big as billiard balls. He dashed down the aisle and whispered in my ear: "'Tom, Tom, come with mel' "'What's the matter, Macr* I ' said, mat ails youf "Tom, the devil's in my car. ! He's been a-cuttin' np for an hour, ! AD.' I'm most crazy. If you're my : friend, como with mel' "He wasn't drnnh because he doesn't drink. It wasn't religious enthusiasm, because Sandy had no religion. I almost behaved ho jneant what he Baid and that he had been called for. I got up in a hur ry and followed him. 'I hadn't more than got inside the baggage car when from among tho trunks something sung ouV abut that door and pull down your vest!' . "Sandy wanted to fight then," continued Tom. "He danced around that car like a prizefighter in the f^g until tho voice cried out quite loud^JDainnationl' ' ?rlgln and Evolution of This Popular hi English Puppet Show. The drama of ?T?nch and Judy"' h is supposed to have originated in d< Ltaty about 1G00. It soon spread md became very popular in En?;- m] Land, especially in the reign of h Queen Anne, 1702-14.. The abuso k of performing in churches had led to the practice of performing plays fi in inn yards, on scaffolds upon a tl green adjoining a town or village, r? sometimes in public halls of bor oughs and cities and sometimes in ? tho dwellings of the nobility. This v, drama, as originally performed, was (, very lengthy as compared with tho present and had never any pro,- ?, gramme or bill of fare, but largely t worked in passing events. . About 1813, however, a play was cast, of which the following is an r outline of the plot: Mr. ? a gentleman of very courtly pres ence and tnarrics a lady of the 1 name of Mrs. Judy. This is tho* A. distinguishing title of maiden la-* \ dies not ennobled, a title which Mrs. Judy retains in wedlock also. Tho 8 issue of the marriage is a beauti- j. ful child, a little girl, whom Mr. , Punch kills in a fit of frenzy, but as the deed is accomplished Mrs. Judy enters, but leaves thc sceno to return with a bludgeon, with which 6hc belabors her lord and master. Tho tables are soon turned, how ever, and the dead infant and tho dying mother arc shot out through thc window into the street. Tho house being entered, Punch escapes on horseback to Spain. The play ends in a satire, idleness being rep resented by a black dog, disease by a doctor, death by a skeleton and thc devil first by a beautiful woman, then ir. propria persona, dragging Punch to the infernal regions. But the attempt fails, and Punch tri umphs over doctor, death and tho devil. The drama was entitled "Punch and Judy," which appellation the puppet performanco still retains. In 1710 there was no dog in tho play, but a pig, so well trained that it danced a minuet with Mr. Punch. An Extravagant Compliment. A young woman from tho north had a class of dusky pupils whom she instructed in reading and writ ing three times a week. They ^dmircd her, and one even ing a member of the class undertook to inform her of the sentiments of her pupils." "Oh, Miss Jennie," he said ear nestly, "as we seo you sitting here reading to us dere's just one fing we all finks ob-a fair white rose bud in de middle ob a bowl ob 'lasses 1"-Youth's Companion. Cause of the Trouble. Caesar, against tho command of the senate, crossed the Rubicon and entered Borne, a Gallic captive at his heels. "It was a nervy thing in you to do this, Jule," murmured Brutus. "Oh, yes," retorted Ca?sar, with an airy wave of the hand toward his prisoner. "You see, I have my Saul with mo every time." 'And from that moment Brutus never ceased to meditate on tho idea of March.-St. Louis Post-Dis patch. . .. ; ^ ,. .. - m - - The demand for pene and pencils continues large, in spite of the fact that the typewriting machine has come into universal use. Statistics show that one gold pen, teu steel pena and fifteen lead pencils are made a year for every family of five persone. - Anoient paintings 4000 years old show plows, burrows and laud rollers in use in Egypt. - The "skeeter" bas alengthy bill, the hornet has a sting, the old mule has no bill at all, but au awful back ward flying. - Io inot>t oasei it isn't what tho youngman earns that makes him rich; it's what the old man saved. B H No Soap, Borax, Soda or Ammonia is needed with H E GOLD DUST I With little water and less effort you can clean fl anything about the. house better, easier and cheaper than with Soap or any other cleanser. :H Once try it, you'll always buy it. Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, ^Chteaso. Now York. Boston. StLouis.-Maker? of OVAL FAIRY SOAR B - A oold is a good deal liko a street ir. A maa eau always catch it when ? doesn't waot it. - Any man who loudly asserts that e oan take a drink or let it alone ad am allows it to get lonesome. - The new office boy knows moro bout running a business at the end of is first week than his boss will ever now. - When an American heiress ro sses to wed a nobleman it may bo bat she considers herself a little too ich for his blood. - Old Noah waa a groat ball player Ie pitched tho ark without and rithin and later in the game he put be dove out on a fly. - Cbronio fault tinders would soon ire of this old world if there were oo hing to kick about. D- When a girl giggles at every fool cinark a man makes she either has >rett teeth or an empty head. - Lord Rosebery feels that Mr. balfour's shoes would produoe a rather lobby effect on the feet of hie lord hip. - When a short young man gets iwcot on a tall girl he immediately >uy8 a high silk hat. A vegetable iiquld for governing or equalizing tho flow of women's menses which occur about once in every lunar month. . . BRADFIELD S Female Regulator in the essential quality ot powerful herbs. Effective, reliable and harmless in natur?, simplicity and solace. It is a concentrated essenes beat adapted for women's delicate organism, and put in such form that it is not only palatable., but can be properly assimilated and taken into the system. Stoppages, suppression, painful obstruc tion. Irregularity, of the menses and sickly flows are corrected and cured by the regular administration of this superior emmena, gogue. Menstruation, or periodic flows, necessi tate a breaking down of celia lining the mucous membrane and a reconatruction after every sickness, which is accompanied with marked cogestion and loss of blood. Such changes are vary apt to produce chronic catarrh. Leucorrhca or Whites is the reanlt of these irritating discharges. Regulator cures tho BO troubles and restores to perfect health the patient who suffered the debilitating losses. Buy of druggists. 01.00 per bottle. Our illustrated book, "Perfect Healtb for Women," free. THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA, QA. Home Insurance ! For Home People ! WANTED-A repr?sentative in each Township to sell Home Lifo Insurance in the Abb jvUlo, Anderson and Oconee Di vision of the Carolina Mutual Benefit So ciety. Apply to W. O. KLUGH, Div. Agent, Anderson, or write Carolina Mntnal Bonefit Society, Laurens, S. C. Oct 22. 1902_18_3_ PAIR NOTICE. COLLECTING time is at hand, and I take ibis method of notifying oil parties owing me that I must make all collections in full, and un less you arrange sime soon I will send a collector to see you. J. 8. FOWLER. Sept 24, 1902_14_ MILBURN WAGONS. I have just received a Car Load of the Celebrated, High Grade MIL BURN WAGONS. If you need a Wagon call and eec them. They are built right, and will please you. _J. 8. FOWLER. NOTICE. I hereby notify all parties who owe the firm of Bleokley ?fe Fretwell, by note or otherwise, and all parties who are owing me for Mules. Buggies, dec, that ali amount due muBt be paid up promptly by November 1st next, as I must have the money. JOB. J. FRETWELL. Sept 17, 3902_17_ FOR 8Jt!uE ! WE offer for Bair *he Calhoun Falls 8pring and Plantation adjoining. The whole property contains eight hundred and fifty acres, more or lea*. Will st?U as a whole, or the Spring and fifty acres ad joining. For terms npnl v to QUATTLEBAUM & COCHRAN, Attornevs at Law, Anderson, S. C. Sept 24, 10?2_14_ Notice to Creditors. ALL personB having demands against tbe Estate of O. K. P. Fant, deceas ed, are hereby notified to present them, properly proven, to the undersigned, within the time prescribed by law, and those indebted to make oavment. H. B. FANT, Executor. Pot. 15. 1002_17_4 Aotice ot Final Sett lernen. THE undersigned, Administrators of the Estate of Elisha Snipes, deo'd, here by give notice that they will on Saturday, November 8th, 1902, apply to the Judge of Probate of Anderson County, S. C., for a Final Settlement of said Estate, anda discharge from their office as Ad ministrators. LOU. J. 8NIPE3, Adm'x. J. W. MASSEY, Adm'r. Pot 8, 1902_10_5_ Notice of Final Settlement. THE undersigned, Executor of the Estate of Susan Poors Cheshire, deceased, lierebv gives noUoe thal he will ou Tues day, December 2nd, 1902, apply to the Judge of Probate for Anderson County for a Final Settlement of said Estate, and a discharge from his office os Executor. J. M. COX4, Executor. Oct 29, 1902 19 5 CURSE - OF - DRINK CIT RED BY MITE RIBBON REMEDY. s'o taste. No odor. Can bo given In glase of iter. tea or coff?? without patient's knowledge. White Ribbon Remedy will cure or destroy the trued appetite for alcoholic stimulants, whetb the patient ls a confirmed inebr?ate, a "tinier," dal drinker or drunkard. loo poul ble for any e to hare an app?tit* for alcoholic ll.mors after lng White Ul hoon Remedy. Indorsed hy Members of W?.C. T. U . Mrs. Moore, press superintendent of Woman's irlattan Temperance Union, Ventura, Callfor a, writes: 4,1 hare teated White Ribbon Remedy i very obstinate drunkards, and the eurea have cu many, lu many cases the Remedy was glv I secretly. I cheerfully recommend aud Indorse hlte KiblMHi Remedy. Members of our Union e delighted to find an economical treatment to d us in our temperance work." Dru wists or by mall, $1. Trial package free by riling Mrs. A M. Townsend, ifor years Secreta r of u Woman's Christian Temperance Union.) 18 Tremont 8i , llostou, Mass. Sold in Anderson T ORB, GUA Y A CO. Sept ll, 1002 18 ly County Treasurer's Notice. Tho County Treasurer's hooka will be opened >r tho collection of State and fount y and School axes for the fiscal year, 1S02, at the Treasurer's mee from October 16 to December ?1st, Inclusive, hem the following lories will bs collected: State Taxes. 5 Mills Ordinary County. :t " Constitutional School.3 '* Public Roads..". 1 " 1' Indebtedness... 1 " Total. 13 .. K ? eclsl school I et y for Hunter School District lo. 2 , :t II Ills. Also Gantt School District No. JW. mills College District No. 'JO, towu of William ton.'2 tullis Ali able bodied male citizens bet wren the ages >f 31 and CO shall be liable to pay a Doll Tux of $1, xcept old soldiers, who aro exempt from Doll Tax t 60 years of age. All nelsons owning property lo more than one ownshlp will please make il known when paying heir Taxes, so thi-.t any additional cost and pen illy may be avoided. soction 2. That all Stat? and County Tax??, and di Taxes collected wheu State and ?. ou nt y Taxes tro collected shall 1)0 due and payable on or belore bc thirty-first day of December of each and every rear, anti If such Taxes ana Assessments are nut laid ou or before said time, a penalty of one por entum thereon shall bo added by tho County Auditor on the Couuty duplieste ami collected by ibe County Treasurer ; and if tho said Taxes and Assessments and penall lea aro not paid on or bo fore the first day of February next thereafter, aa iddlllonal penally of one ner centum thereon mall be added by tho Couuty Auditor on the bounty dupl?calo ana collected by tho County Treasurer, and if tho said Taxes, Assessments and ['ensilles are not paid on or before tho first of March next, an additional penally of five per ion ium thereon shall bo rdded by tho County Audi tor uu tho County duplicate and collected by tl.n County Treasurer ; and it the said Taxes, Assess* menta and Penalties aro not psld on or before the fifteenth day of March next thereafter, the said l'ou nt y Treasurer shall issue his tax execution for the said Taxes and Assessments and Donalt leo against the property of the deiaultlng taxpayer according to law. All peraons botweeu the ages of 18 and SO years who are able to work ruads or cause them to he worked, except preachers who havo charge of con gregations and pei sons who served in tbo war be tween the States, are liable to do road duty, and in lieu ol work may pay a Tax of ono dollar, to bc collected at tho same time the other Taxea ar? collected. I will giro notice lalor of thedlfforeul places I will visit. _J. M. PAY SE, Co. Treas. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY or ANDERSON. COURT Ol' COMMON PLEAS. Janie Clarke and Jennie I* Ruff, Dial n ti ila, agalna E. L. Clarke. R. N Clarke, B. M. Clarke, France Mobley, Mattie Pegues, ?. R. Clarke, Emmi Clarke, Annie Clarke. Willio Clarke, Martin Clarke, Paul Clark-, Pearaon Claike. Eugooh Clarke, John B. Clarke, Frank Clarke, Bevit Duning, Barn. L. Clarke, Fannie Clarke, Thom as Clarke, Kachel Clarke, Terrill Clarke, Cl lt Clarke, Elias Clarke, Robert Clark, Sarah Clarke Lena i lark?, Ramah Clarke, Emma Clarke ant! Alice Clarke, Defendant?.-Summons for Relief Complaint not Served, To the Defendants above named: A rOU aro hereby summoned omi required toan H. awer the Complaiut in thia action, which 1 flied in the office of tho Clerk of the Court o Con mon Pleas, at Anderson C. H., H. C., and V servo a copy of Tour answer to tho said Complain on the subscriber at his omeo, Anderson C. H H. C., within twenty days after the ser vico hereol exclusivo of the day of auch serrice ; and if yoi fall to answer the Complaint wi.bin the tim aforesaid, the Plaintiffs in thia action will appl to the Court for tho relief demanded In tho Com plaint. Dated October loth. A. D., 19)2. JOS. N. BROWN, Plaintiffs Attorney. [Saut. ] JOH* C. WATKINS, C. o. F. A. a. s. To the Defendania above named : Take notice that th-? Sutr-tons, of which th above la a copy, and the Complaint herein, wa filed in the office of the Clerk of said, Court ai An deraon C H., S. C., October in th, 1002, and the ob Ject of the action ia to partition a, Lot of Land 1 tho City of flu?iTB??, contalnloa ono-fourth of a: acre, among tho heirs of John B. Clarke and Mai tha Clarke, deceased. No personal claim ls mad against you. JOS. N. BROWN, Plaintiffs' Attorney. To the Defendants Willie Clark-, Martha Clark) Paul Clarke, Eugenia Clarke, Fannie Clark? Thomas Clarke, Rachel Clarke, Terrell Claike Cliff Clarke, Ellas Clarke, Robert Clarke, Sara Clarke and Lena Clarke, and to Ramah Clark? Em? a Claike and Alice Clarke, their rospectlv mothers with whom they rerldr. - Take notice that unless you apply to tho Com within twenty daya after the service hereof upo; you for the appointment of a Guardian ad Liter to defend this action, the Plaintiffs will apply t the Court to have such appointment made for yoi to appear and defend such action in your bobah JOSEPH N. BROWN, Dlalntlfla' Attorney. Oct. 10,10)2_18_jj_ THE STATE OF SC UT H CAROLINA, County of Anderson. IN COURT OF PROBATE. Caroline S. Smith, Adeline Bagwell, Louisa Lollh Anna S'mison, Sallie Gamhrcll, Lou Bagwei; James F. Bagwell, Carrie (iunnels, R. P. Big well, Sallie Bell Bolt, Naunio Kites, James < ?un nels? B. P. Gunnels. Jr.. Lou Armstrong, Calli Jones and Addio Frodcll, Plaintiffs, against Ma linda Morrison, Mary Scott, Helen Ambrose, ll T. Gunnels, Mary Jane Burrlss, Sallie Kobern Robert 8. Gunnels. Johu (iunnels and W. P. Bag well, as Administrator of the Kilato of France White, Defendants.-Summons for Relief-Com plaint not Served. To the Defendants, Malinda Morrison, Mary Scot! Helen Ambrose, K. T. Gunnels, Mary Jane Bur rlis, Sallie Roberts, Robert S. Ounnels, Jobi Gunnels and W. P. Bagwell, as Administrator o the Estato of Frances White, deceased : YOU aro hereby summoned and required to an swer the Complaint in this action, a copy of whicl is herewith served upon you, and to servo a cop] of your answer to tho said CompUInt on the sub scriber at his otlice, Anderson C, H , 8 C., wlthli twenty days after the service hereof, oxcluslvi of tho day of such service; and If you fail t< an?-. ? r the Complalct within the tiuio aforesaid tho Plaintiffs in this action will apply to tb< Court for the relief dei,ian Jed lu the t omplalnt. Dated Oct. 22, A. D 1002. E. G. MCADAMS, Plaintiffs' Attorney. [SK4X.J Jno. Ki. WATKINS, C C. V. To Ibo Defendant* M ul I nd a Morrison. Mary Jam Burrlss, Sallie Robert?, Kobertb Gunnels, Joht Gunnels and R. T. Gunnels . Tske notlco that tho Complaint in Ibis action together with the Summous, of which the forego lng ls a copy, was filed In the office of the Cleric o the Court at Anderson, lu tho County of And? .-son In the State ofSouti Carolina, on tba '-'Ind Jay o October, 1902. E. ti. McADAMS. Plaintiffs' Attorney. To the Defendants Miry Scott, Helen Ambroso and John Gunnels, their respective mothers and fathers with whoo, they reside : Tako notice that unless you apply to tho Courl within twenty da7s after the service hereof upon you for the appointment of a Guardian ad Ll ten: to defend this action, the Plaintiffs will apply lt the Court to have such appointment mada for yoi to apte\r and defend such action in your behalf E. G. MCADAMS, Plaintiffs' Attorney. Oct 22,1002_ _10_0 Notice Final Settlement. THE undersigned, Administrator ol the Estate of N. C. Shearer, deceas ed, hereby gives notice that he will on Wedoesday, November 2Mb. 1902, applj to the Judge of Probate for Anderson County for a Final Settlement of said Estate, and a discharge from his office BO Administrator. W. II. SHEARER. Adm'r. Pot 22, 1902_J?_5 NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to thu Excelsior Oil and Fertilizer Company must settle account* on or by November 1st. Thc affaira of the old Company must be set tled by that date, and it is hoped that every debtor will beeni tbi? notice at once. \V. F. COX, President. Oot8, 1902 16 ?:^r. \ ? Is Yellow Poison In your blood? Physicians call it malarial germ. It can bc aeon chang ing red blood yellow under a micro* scope. It works day and night. First, it turua your complexion yellow. Chills, tching sensations creep deira your i ack bone. You feel weak and worthless. Roberts' Chill Tonic Enters the blood, drives out the yellow poison and stops the troublo at once. It not only prevents but completely cures chills, fevers, night sweats and malaria. The manufactur?is know all about this yellow poison, and have perfected Roberts' Tonic to drive it uut, nourish your system, restore appe tite, purify the blood. It ha3 cured thousands of cases of chills, fevers and uiularia. It will cure you or your money back. This h fair. Try it. Price, 25c. ORR, GRAY & CO. EVANS PHARM AC ST. DENDY DRUG CO. Foley's Honey and Tfii* for children,safe, sure. No opiates* Of AriDEKSOFv, 6. C. We respectfully solicit a share of your business. SS?~ From this date until further notice we will dose our doors at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Will thank our customers and friends to attend lo their business before that hour. Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys and bladder right. SPECIAL NOTICE! Parties owing me either by Note or Account will call in and settle same without sending to see youor^writing you again, as I must have same settled at once. I can't do business on as long time as you are taking ; so avail yourself and come in at once and save expense. Respectfully, JOHN T. BUKRISS. KIDNEY DISEASES are the most fatal of all dis eases. till CV'O KIDNEY CURE ll a HU LL I d Buarantsad Remad? or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the best fer Kidney and Bladder troubles* PRICE 50c and $1.00. SOLD BY EVANS' PHARMACY. Foley's Honey and Tar cures colds, prevents pneumonia. s. c. BRUCE, DENTIST. OVER D. C. Brown ?fe Bro'8. Store, on South Main Street. I bav '?5 years experience in my pro fession, and will be pleased to work for any who want Plates made. Filllngdone, and I make a specialty of Extracting Teeth without pain and with no alter pain. Jan 23,1001 31 BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE v "\ ?VflEHSHBHRHB ^^jfifl Tf^E8IQNaK8J '"Vf"4 COPYRIGHTS A CI Anrone ?.cndln* a skat cb and description raj* ouloklr aieortnln our opinion froo whether afc taraX"? Probably: Pf^UI^ CoWRfe iton* strictly confldontiaL Euoabookoa Paum? Patent* taken tB-nib Munn A Co. notlTf tptciol notic*. withon. charge. In tho > Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly, l*T**^*! Orinen OfflceT?s F SU Waahlnarton. D.C. .