' ^^^^^ z^^/^^ * ' BY CLINKSCALES & LANGSTON. ANDERSON. S. C.. WEDNESDAY. JULY 3. 1901. VOTJTMR Y*YVTi___i?n ? This is the Spot Gash -Clothing Store You have heard so much about. The Store where Credit is unknown. The Store where Reliable Clothing is sold at a small marsrin of profit, sm&?rr by far than any Credit Clothier can afford. i j * \ * - J ??e^?@>? 3fc??*0c: We have told you this before, and we mean every word of it. If we weren't doing this very thing, instead of a large and prosperous Clothing Store you would find here simply an empty place. The trade wouldn't come to us and pay Cash if they could get the same Goods at the same prices on a credit. People don't come here to trade because they like us. They have found out that it pays them to trade here. And it'll pay you, too. More customers are coming every month, and our busi ness is by far the largest we have ever known. Our Fall Clothing is here, ready for your inspection. Here are some of the values we offer : $5.00 ls the low price we place on a big line of Men's and Young Men's Suits. Blue and Black Cheviots, also Cassimers in Checks and Plaids. Every one of them excellent value, and we doubt if a Credit Store can match them for a dollar more. $7.50 Is the small price we place on an excellent line of Men's Suits in Blue and Black Worsteds, Blue and Black All Wool Cheviots. Also, Cassimers in Stripes, Checks and Plaids. These Suits are not usually sold at $7.50, but here you save at least a dollar to a dollar and a half on them. At $10.00, $12.50, $15.00, $16.50, $18.00 and $20.00 you will find an assortment that would do credit to a much larger city. These Suits have to be seen to be appreciated. But you can take our word for it that there's a saving for you at -each price. - ANDERSON, S. C. The Spot Casi Clothiers STATE NEWS. - Kershaw'a gold mines are said to be paying handsomely now. - Work has been started on the big naval station in Charleston. - There are two eases of smallpox at Gantt, in Greenville County. ( - A number of negroes in Colum bia have asked to bo admitted to the democratic patty. - The Woodside cotton mill with a oapital stock of $200,000 has been ohartered in Greenville. - Arrange your plans early to at tend the 34th Annual State Fair at Co lumbia Oot. 28th to 31st. - The newly eleoted State officers announce that t..ere are no vacancies in their gift for applicants. - It is said Ahat D. H. Magill, member of the Legislature from Greenwood, will be a candidate for Speaker. -- In Aiken county six of R. D. Lamar's cow J were killed by light ning's striking the tree uuuer which they were. - Hub Evans was fined $5 by a magistrate in Greenville for his re cent assault on Editor Blackman, of the Greenville News. - Joe Grealish, aged 13, was crush ed to death by a heavy rock that he and other boys of Greenville were roll ing down an embankment. - Probate Judge Gentry of Spar tanburg was re-elected by a majority of only ll out of 6,881 over his op ponent in the second primary. - Col. K. M. Wallace, of Sumter, left about $-10,000 in legacies to his relatives, and the balance of his prop erty, about $60,000, to his sisters and nephew. - Prof. E. M. Von Fingerlin, who has been in the State thirty years, will leave Greenville for a professor ship in the State Normal College of Ttl: iUiOBWIMIl - F. H. Brandt, of Walhalla, though a good swimmer, was drowned while seining in Chauga river. He was 32 years old, and leaves a wife and two children. - Stephen Turbe ville a young white man from Homer, Marion Coun ty, waB run over by a train and killed at Dillion. He had been drinking and fell asleep on the track. - Mr. C. A. Wood, of Marion, who was elected president of the South Carolina College at Columbia without any solicitation on his part, has de clined to acoept the position. - G. L. Walker, lately oaadidate for Comptroller General, will be a can didate for clerk of the House of Rep resentatives. The present clerk is T. C. Hamer, who has served aeveral terms. - Two little negroes, the ohildren of Coleman Jeter, who lives near San tuc, were burned to death Sunday night. Coleman and his wife were away and the house burned up with the ohildren inside. - Littlo Graco Moseley the five year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Moseley of Laurens was terri bly burned last week. She was play ing near a burning trash heap when her olothing oaught fire. -? The State Senate will consist of 25 old members and 15 new ones. Of the old ones nine were re-elected. The Senate seems to be a fair, co ose: . vative body. In the House there are 48 old members and 76 new ones. - Prof. Albert Barnes, who has been assistant professor if mathemati cal engineering a( Clemson college, has been elected head of the mechani cal department of the Mississippi agri cultural college and bas accepted. - Archie Gooding, town marshal of Hampton, was Bhot by his cousin Perry Hearse and hilled last Thurs day. Two brothers on each side, con tinuing a family fend got into a row over the eleotion. Hearse was wound ed. - There was a cutting affray at Coward's, Florenoe County, last week in which several prominent young men werainvoiced. The participants, John and Nash Parrott and Daniel and Franois McAllister, sustained se rious injuries. - The governor has been in formed by the citizens of a certain town in the Pee Dee beotion of the State that the magistrate had performed a mar riage ceremony for & white man and a colored girl. Suoh a marriage is a orirae and if the oharges are true, the magistrate will be removed and the proper legal steps taken. - F. C. West, of Spartanburg, who was due to ran a third race for the House of Representatives from that county, generously withdrow in favor of his opponent, who had lacked just three votes of landing on the second. He said that was near enough to show the will of the people, and he knew that they were tired of politics. - An old negro named Dave Wade of Rook Hill went orazy several days ago. A few years ago he was released from the penitentiary after having ser ved ten years of a twenty years sen tence, for a crime of which ho was innocent. A negro dying near the scene of the crime confessed his guilt and Dave was released-with shattered constitution and mind af fected. - A special course has been added to the curriculum of the textile de partment of Clemson College". This course has been arranged to meet the demands of mature young men, who already have a good general education. It consista of as many hours of theoret ical and practical training in the mill prooesses aa the regular course, but ad ditional time ia devoted to the sub jects of dyeing, bleaching, etc. GENERAL NEWS, - Bishop A. Coke Smith will make Charlotte, N. C., his home. - Demoerats'of Colorado deoline to fuse with populists sod name a'straight tiokel. - Fifty persons were burned to death in the State of Washington by the forest fires. -; The Democrats of Delaware have nominated a full ticket and hope for vickory thi i year. - San Francisco had a slight earth quake last Thursday morning. No damage was done. - The Republican State convention of Alabama has put a full ticket for State officers in nomination. - The vaults of the Bank of Franco were robbed the other day of $44,000 in gold presumably by an employe. - Morgan's firm in New York is , credited with holding securities amounting to six and a half billion dollars. - The navy department has sent two warships to Panama to protect American interests from revolutionists at that point. - Montgomery, Ala., claims tobe the most American oity. All its in habitants except two per cent, were born in this country. - The fire in the oil wells at Beau mont, Texas, has been extinguished after losses variously estimated from $75,000 to $250,0M. - The soverigu grand lodge of Odd Fellows, by a vote of 146 to 36, re pealed the law admitting to member ship men of mixed Indian and white blood. - The Presbyterian ministers of Atlanta have entered a crusade against the Sunday papers. They say that they are trash and a hindrance to re ligion. - The United States government has appealed to the powers for protec tion of the Jews from cruelty in Rus sia, and protest against their being driven away. - Gottlieb Neigenfind of Pierce, Neb., shot and killed his.former wife, Mrs. Anna Petegs, on Thursday night, then killed her father and seriously wounded her mother. - The Jews are still leaving Rus sia, in accordance with a government decree. In the meantime, England and other powers are taking steps to intervene in behalf of the JOWB. - John M. King, a former member of the board of aldermen of Richmond, Va., has been found ?milty of accept ing a bribe and sent?n sed to 12 months imprisonment and a fine of $100. - As a living incubator, John Fit son, a farmer of Eminence, Ky., holds the record. During a prolonged fit of sickness his wife placed 48 eggs in bed With him, and in due time 44 chickens emerged. - Speaker Henderson, ina publish ed statement, declines the nomination for re-election to congress from Iowa, because his views on the treatment of trusts and reducing ' tu> tariff are not in aocord with the >vtrines of thc Republican party. - Dr. John Matthews, pastor of the MoKendree Church, of Nashville, Tenn., has just finished the first vaca tion he has taken since he entered the ministry, 57 years ago. He grieves be cause no one joined the church in the five weeks of hu1 absence. - The Boxer uprising in China is assuming serious proportions, and it may prove as disastrous as the upris ing of two years ago. There have been anti-foreign riots. The Boxers have made an ineffectual attempt to oapture the oity of Cheng Tu Fu. - A circle one hundred miles in diameter, with Guthrie, O. T., as its center, would, according to a Western railroad contractor, mark the most active railroad building section in the world. Within that area more than 1,000 miles of road are now being built. - Lieutenant Peary has returned from the polar regions. Peary said he did not reaoh the North pole, but that he made important scientific dis coveries. All are well and ghd to get back to civilization. He believes his expedition the most successful yet. - Reliable reports from all sections of the State indioate that Florida's orange crop this fall will be ?ess than 800,000 boxes, some estimates put ting it as low as 500,000 boxes. Fruit has been dropping badly on account of the dry weather, and only groves that were irrigated show a good crop. ''-Miss Rose Cleveland, the sister of ex-President Cleveland, is a suc cessful farmer. She now owns about one-half of a 700-aore island near Islesboro, Me., having within a few days acquired au additional tract of land. Miss Cleveland has about 800 chickens, a large herd of cows and a big vegetable garden on her island, where she raises prize pumpkins, fat chiclee* s and makes prime dairy but ter, one handles her affairs herself, it is said, bnt employs a large foroe of men. There is but one other cottage on the island. - According to the prediction of Grain Inspector Arrl.miith, based on personal investigation, the wheat orop of Washington, Idaho and Oregon will be at least 5,000,000 bushels short of the expectations entertained earlier in the season. He says the grain is shrunken in thc drier districts and that smut has injured the crop al most everywhere. It is estimated that the Washington orop will be 27, 000,000 to 28,000,000 bushels, as com pared with 32,000,000 bushels last {ear. There is a similar shrinkage in daho and Eastern Oregon. Oar Hurricane Creek Correspondent Dilates on Varions Subjects. Noticing the editor's call to his scat tered correspondents-whotn no doubt ho knew were now wrestling with the mighty torces of mother earth and her ( Eiroduce-a Piedmont contributor , once ye "Portman scribe"] rises to | the rally of Hurricane Creek section and proclaims we are uot all dead-we Bleeping. Editors are peculiar geniuses, though this is not au essay on tho mau with the quill. Unco we may enter the hair- - braiucd sanctum and fear lest our irre veraut toes may, within tho hallowed grouud, touch upon some effusion which is ono of a thousand occupying all space from floor, to ceiling. Wo ; fear to speak lest tile vibration of our voice sends rickets into the cerebellum of the body corporate of literature, or I that ouo word more on or off the sub ject may bo tho last straw. We retire from the place silently ns though from suffocating and cramming of brains the miniature Pauthcou nerve become a mausoleum, our freezing breaths aspir ating the while: How fearfully and wonderfully made thou art, oh, man ! Again, we enter, when from the de spoiled appearance of the sanctum, suggestions materialize bei'ore us a hobgoblin from Plutonian shores who had surfeited his ghoulish maw on ceremented cellular tissue. The editor occupied in calling un the shades of his invisible contributors, and the compositor within his outer san ct um transferring to type the proclamation to a mystic circle : "Where are our correspondeuts? Friends, awake!" Correspondents are glad to be re membered, oven collectively. Som* - i thing within them swells up At the challenge of extinction and exclairus : "hero am I!" Perhaps the corps of quill wielders were effacing from the earth the writ ten history of negligence or time's de facement. Ye dilatory correspondent was in Pelzer t.bsorbing the stock show. No use in discussing what outer boundaries of Pelzer have done nnd are still doing. Pelzer iteelf is the cen ter of accomplishment. One point con spicuous upou the arena of this city's activity is where she throws the gaunt let. This challenge, admirable from north to south in this State, is the chief innovation known as "kindness to old soldiers." Pelzer sets an example to larger and older cities in her patriotic kindness; and when the dusty Confederate vet erans on the last tired camping ground are thanking the good angels of past recollections for the cup of cold w uer, they won't forget Pelzer and her creamy hot coffee. There is also a suggestion that when Williamston, the academic neighbor, is in the near future erecting a monu ment to Co. D, Gist Rifles, Pelzer will say : "I am in the contribution. I love the old soldier. Inscribe my name on tho tablet of donation. Here is remembrance to the old soldier.1' The wives with the sedate veterans enjoyed all privileges gratis; and that ls one way in which Pelzer substanti ates her claim to popularity and is likely to set the march for prosperity to Piedmont and Anderson and Belton. Women have long memories for good and bad, and have a peculiar way of tickling their husbands' ears with re collections. Tho stock show was a thing of beau - ty. Let anybody ask anybody who was there. Everything from bird to beaBt that had excellence of its own was on parade or exhibition. We were interested in the spirited horses and riders, and especially was ye scribe transported to the third heaven in the vagaries of the festive mule: whose heels thereof might be shod with bur nished gold as translucently they shimmered in the upper air where the warm sun laughed in their mirrors at its own reflection. Of the happy own ers of the agile animals the writer learned no name; but each proud pro prietor of its kind will know bis own quadruped by the above description. We would like to say a word of Piedmont-at least of our little town in connection with Pelzer. It cannot en viously be said that Piedmont was not in it. Piedmont was, and all the glory of her whirling mills and clean life and exclusive population was with her as she paid her addresses to Pelzer. Piedmont's surrounding country is jubilant in the success of crops better than the country has seen for years. We believe the country people have little time for other labor than bring ing within shelter the varions connu? daties exchangeable for yellow gold. I One neighbor, however. Mr. Richard Jones, bas found time for the labor of love and called to the interest of his heart and home an estimable lady whom he denominates wife. This is simply to announce Mr. Jones' timely wisdom, and forewarn all the young ladies accustomed to await the appear ance of Mr. Jones' buggy at Shiloh Church. The gentleman has been captured, relieving henceforth the ob ligation of kind-hearted yonng persons who sought to check the gentleman's seemingly willful career of widowered bachelorhood. So mote it be! With this happy effect to a Piedmont country lotter we leave the field now to further contributors who are prized by reader and editor as weekly correspondents to The Intelligencer. H. R. L. Piedmont, Sept. 20. ?. Most Shocking Tragedy in a Church. One of the most shocking pnuics that has been reported in this country oc curred in Shiloh Baptist Church, nt Birmingham, Ala., where the negro Baptist convention ia iu session, last Friday. The big church was packed. Booker Washington had just finished speaking. A negro lawyer from Balti more got into a row with a choir leader and the people near them called "fight," which the audience mistook for "fire." A minister got on the ros trum and called "quiet," waving his arms, which the crowd took for a fur ther warning and they wont wild. The church is about 15 feet from the ground, the approaches being high rick guards, which proved a veritable death trap. The people were pushed over, mashed up against the brick walls, ground in the earth and mashed to a pulp in many cases, while the mass behind struggled and fought for exit. Tho trouble wns increased by people on the outside trying to break in through the jam. The police had to remove the mass from the doors. It was so jammed that it could not loosen itself any more th?? it had been composed of so many logs. One hundred and ten people were killed and many injured. COAL FORSALE-Phone t> J. J. Dob bins' stable or o ?pl yard. iii M "Always Somethiix New!" Is an expression that we could apply to our Store the whole year, as every new and good idea that comes out usually finds a place here. Especially is it a fitting expression at thia season for we. Have Something New OUR entire Stock of Fall am! Winter Goods is now ready for you to examine. You are especially asked to visit our Store at an early date to see lite grand collection of High Class Merchandise that we have gathered from toe leading American markets for the purchasers of Anderson, Anderson County and others. Every season finds our Stock just a little better tbau last. This season is no exception. The real ideas of all fashions and fancies are shown in this collection, embracing a wide variety of styles in every department. Why shouldn't a merchant get the best ? There is nothing too good or too new for the people of our Town or County, and realizing this fact we bought Goods that are moat stylish, most popular, best of quality. Also, special attention was given to the prices, s ? that all can buy the Goods that Dame Fashiou has smiled upon. DRESS FABRICS. We hardly thiuk that you have seen a prettier line of Novelty Dress Goods and Dress Patterns in this City than we are showing in Basket Cloth, Homespun, Hoppaoking, Novelty Camel's Hair, Etamines, Broadcloth, Venetians, And many others. DRESS PATTERNS. Ranging in price from 87.50 to 820.00. We would like to describe each Pattern separately ; it would give you an idea what they are, but to see them is better than any description we could give. BLACK DRESS GOODS. Just as popular, possibly a bit more so. This Stock was never more complete-Wool Melrose, Camel's Hair, Granite Cloth, Broadcloth, Mohair, Brilliantine, Serge, etc. A pretty assortment of WAIST PATTERNS. A full liue of Cloths for SEPARATE SKIRTS. DRESS TRIMMINGS. Here are all the real things that make the dres9 the prettiest It is no idle boast when we say our Trimmings are in the lead. May ba we are harder to please in selecting ocr Trimmings than others ; but it makes no difference how fine or how cheap the Goods, they won't look well unless you use the right Trimmings. We have the kind suitable for all grades, including Flo rentine Galloon, Venetian Galloon, Venice Medallions, 111 Over Lioas, Gold and Black Lace, Turtle Platt Lace, Ring Venice, To3ia Net, Venetian Sa loon, Venetian Madillion, Appliques, etc. NOVELTIES. You will find something you will fancy from this assortment of Belts, Purses, Bags, Brooches, Buckles, Sish Pins, Cellars, Collar Points, Combs of all kinds, and other new Novelties. NOTIONS, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Hosiery, Corsets, etc. Laces, Embroideries and Insertings-a stock that's worth your while to see, with many new patterns from which to select. IN HEAVY GOODS-Outings, Vicugna Cloths, Flannelettes, Eider down, Cotton Flannels, Wool Flannels, Blankets, etc. Remnants, Percales aud Flannelettes. Ginghams, Madras, Percales, Shirt Cloths. Underwear for ladies, men, misses, children and infants. House Furnishings in Tabla Linen, Doilies, Napkins, Lace and Tapestry Curtains, Rugs, Art Squares, etc. The grandest showing of Capes, Jackets, Furs, Raglans, Coats, Reefev3, etc., ever presented to the people of Anderson is to be seen here. The correct style, the newest cloths, the best material, the best workmanship, all combined make this showing complete. From the cheapest to the best. MILLINERY. One of the best attractions of this Store is our Millinery Department, and it is especially attractive this season A larger variety of Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats, Ready-to-Wear Hats io all the popular colors. The White Felts are decidedly pretty and popular as well. Watch for our Opening ad., for the display of swell Pattern Hats will be ?he best we have ever attempt ed. If it's a pleasure to look at pretty things you can't opend a moie pleas ant day than looking through this department. OllftFO-We sell the kind that ghe entire satisfaction, or make wBlUllw g??d every pair that does rot give good service. Our ?ino new Fall and Winter Shoes for men, women and children are beauties. We give you a guarantee that's good. It would be easy for us to go on and on telling about the different things we have selected, but to see them and have our competent Sales-people ex plain or help you with your selections would be better than all tho printer's ink, for there are many new ideas that originate each week that cannot be thought of on advertising day ; so we agaiu insist on you visiting our Store ss soon as possible. You don't have to buy; it's a pleasure to sh JW our Soods. Also, we gladly send samples when requested, and are ever ready to serve you at all times. Thanking you for having helped to make our Store mo of the leading Fashion Centres of Audersou with your patronage, and loping that we may receive our share of same for this season, and assuring rou that it will be our aim to please and give you the best of everything, we ire- Yours truly, Moore, Acker&Co. 8?U Agents for the Royal Worcester Corsets McCall's Bazar Patterns, ind B.