The Anderson intelligencer. (Anderson Court House, S.C.) 1860-1914, September 03, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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JLocal News WEDNESDAY, SHIT. 3. iy?2. Corner Creek Dots. The much talked about primary elec tion lias come and is an event of the patt now; the tale has been told, and, of course, the successful candidates are rejoicing over their victories while the defeated ones aro consoling them ?elves over the fact that the majority must rule, lt is rather a surprise to a goodly number of people about there being no second race among our Coun ty otlicers and something very singular in the history of Anderson County pol itics. 'I'here was an unusual amount ol interest manifested fn the State Senatorial race between Messrs. Hood and Ashley. Mr. Hood's mn ny friends are indeed proud ?>t the handsome vote tendered him, and also ol'his high plane of campaigning through the light. We firmly believed he would win easily in the race, and consequently there is great satisfaction over the large ma jority given him last Tuesday*. Mr. Hood is a gentleman in every respect, and Anderson County should feel hon ored by sending him as her able repre sentativo to tiu- Senate. .Miss .1/ay l?obcrtsoii, after spending (wu weeks here with relatives, return ed to lier home in Abbeville last Sat urday. Miss May made a host of 11it.iiils here who will ever cherish her memory. Miss Lona Agnew, of Donalds, spent last week here, the guest of her cousin, Miss Nora Johnson. ii. P. Gassaway attended tho Trus tees meeting at Anderson Friday, be ing a trustee of the Honen Path Grad ed School. A large crowd were in attendance at the Union meeting at Honen Path Sun <dt\y. The meeting was an interesting ono and wo think a very profitable one. Farmers are now down to work in earnest after a long needed rest. The ch? ids have passed over and the sun ?'?Mies again bright and beautiful. We .? I a glorious rain, which did a great ?Jeal ot good to the late.cropa. The visitors have come and gone. Our young people seemed to have en joyed their summer vacation hugely, but now tlie summer has nearly ended and all must go to work and off to Behool. p. i i ?a J/aude, of Ii read mo nth, ?pent last Saturday night and Sunday Irere with her friend, Miss Cliva Gassa way. Kev. L. E. Campbell spent hist Sat urday night here with the family of li. F. Gassaway. With best wishes to all, wo are tho ?ame Tyro. Lowndesville News. Mrs. B. Bolin Allen, Ii. llerry Allen, Mr. and Mrs. O. Johnson, Mr. Ezekiel and Miss LeonaClinkscales, Miss Susie Miller attended the Baptist Association at J/cCormick last week. They report a most pleasant meeting and a large crowd in attendance. Miss JnliaRobinson, youngest daugh ter of Dr. Robinson, from Due West, is visiting her friend. Miss Emma Bow man. Rev. Hoyt, D. D., of Harmony Grove, Ga., delivered two very able sermons in the Methodist Church yes terday: In the afternoon he made an address in the Presbyterian Church to the children on "Home Missions." Miss Ethel Speer returned Saturday after spending some time in Elberton with the Misses F?rtBon. Miss Ruth Fretwell. of Anderson, has been visiting Miss Eloise Harper. Messrs.. J. H. Sherard and Sau ford Brown were in town a few days ago on business. * - James T. Baker left yesterday for his home in Washington, after spending his vacation with his parents. Mrs. T. J. Bowmnu spent last week with Miss Lucy Dear, at Deans. Misses Annie Bell and FannicMoore head have returned from Abbeville, after a visit to relatives. A protracted meeting begins Thurs day morning in the Presbyterian Church. The pastor, Rev. I. E.Wal lace, will be assisted by Rev. H. R\ Murchison, of Anderson. The meeting will continue for several days and the public is cordially invited to intend the services. Wilton E. Lee, a successful farmer of Anderson County, visited thc,family of Ii. Burry Allen last week. Vedie. Sept.l.' u? m mm - .Burgess Brldj.e Dots. Bruce, oldest m??? ?l" L W. llallis, id seriously ill, and is visited daily by Di. H uris. tim road to Anderson is to be further improved and shortened by making a new road three-fourths of a mile through \V,Q. Hammonds farm,north of his house. A road is also being built from ti.e Harris spring to cross'Little Heaver dam creek one milo above, here. Our farmers now have a job pick it v; cotton, and the crop is rather short here. The crop of peas is very good. "W. M. Smith bau a melon patch and iby making a few pleasure trips to Bel ton and Anderson, during his leisure, has sold forty-six dollars worth. Who has more strings to his bow than a far mer ? The patrons of Union Grove School will enlarge their house and employ .two teachers part of the time. Four ex-Confeds sent to the Legisla ture! Life in tho old men yet. Ro mark^.ble that two of them are Super linten.'ents of Sunday schools, ana all <cf ti.- ni lin good standing in the Churchs . > jPlease ?t me through your columns express i../ uiucere thanks for all the kindness et io wu me recently, and to eityhd the lund of sympathy to all who were lett. ?ud .u H IV to them, .Buck is life. E. Z. Brown. gept. 1. t Moffattsvile Matters. Dr. Momeut, of Brooklyn, N. V., viii preach at Generostce A. R. 1'. Church Wednesday night ami Thursday night of this week. NV. II. 0. YanWyck, ot Anderson, visited ?it Mrs. V. e. sherard'slast Mock. JU' and R. II. Sherard spent several days at Hartwell, (ia. Weare sony to state that Mrs. W. C. Sherard is quite sick with fever. Mis. Martha Campbell is also on the sick list. Miss Kate Stevenson has returned to Yaldosta, Ga., after spending a month with her parents. Mrs. Tani Sherard and her daughter, Miss Lilla, visited at W. C. Sherard's last week. Miss Nelle Sherard, Kev. J. Y. Mack and T. .!. Luskin attended the pro tracted meeting at Hell's Chapel last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs,. T. M. Yandiver and Mi.-s Annie llrown spent .Sunday at NV. NY. Brown's. W. Ii. Sherard, who has been spend ing several weeks ut Harris Springs, is expected home t!n> week. Mr*. Ham m ic Keiil moves this week ? to Ander.son to enter hei children at t he < i laded School. Hey. Herron is eondi'.ei ng ?i meeting at I'ophir Springs Baptist Clune)). Messrs. .lohn Clinkscales und Ked Nantes, ol Abbeville Comity, spent Sunday at NV. C. Sherard's. Kev. I. K. Wallace occupied the pul pit at drove Church Inst Sunday after noon. Nemo. Alice .News. Picking cotton is the order of the. day. Kev. NY. li. Hawkins, pastor of Rocky Uiver Church, preached one hour and twenty-one minutes on the subject of generation last Sunday. The ordinance of baptism will be ad ministered at Rocky River Church next fourth Sunday. Misses Annie 15. Dalrymple, of Townville. and Rosa Kline, of Ander son, are visiting Miss Ella McAdams. C. H. Taylor has purchased agin and will jjiu for the public. Mrs. Cai ric Royd, of Rowersville, Ca., has been visiting friends here. Miss Daisy Reil, of Lowndesville, is visiting her uucle, W. J'. Reil. Miss Leila Mitchell 'ins been visiting friends at Due West. Miss Beulah McAdams, of Ray, is spending a week here with friends. L. ii. ?nd K. D. Gable aro making some very line 6yrup for their custo mers. Aug. .10. Farmer. Toney Creek Nows. Crops are good in this section just now. Cotton is opening fast and we fanners will soou have all we can do to pick it out. Very little sickness here this sum mer. The election was quiet here on the 2Uth ult. Fred Cox spent a few days in Ander son last week. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Vaughn, of Belton, spent n few days here recently with kinsfolks. Clift* Acker has got the finest corn we have seen anywhere. We were glad to see that Hon. Wyatt Aiken made such a fine run for Con gress. Several boys in this section were in the Army with him and they know he is a broad-minded, patriotic and Christian citizen, and will he iv credit to this District. Rest wishes to the Intelligencer. Sept. 1. Big Bill. . - A fut man always has more trou ble? than he has sympathizers. - When a tuan goes at things head first he often gets there with both feet. - A wyman's instinct makes her as turo that burglars have tried to get in she house as if they had left their cards., - Speaking of actions the most painful thing under the hammer is your thumbnail. - When a woman is troubled with indigestion she imagines it is a case of broken heart. - By rounding out the years youth get?> flat. - In India 26,000,000 aores of land have been reclaimed and rendered highly fertile by means of irrigation. - A ncirro woman named Julia Smith ?vas ki 1 lcd by a stroke of light iii g Lu a held ucar her home at Hy m a ? t F lore c o C ou n t y. - Tiie first of the new South Caro lin! rico crop WAS received in Charles lo'n Saturday morning. There were Ri'i barrel? and the receipt is earlier than list year, which was received on September 10. The shipment wa? purchased at private sale by Melcher; ?.V: Company, and came from the plan tation of Mr. Bissel ou thc Pon l'on river. Thc rice is classed as good. - Mr. J. T. Turrar, of Columbia, lost a fine horse recently which died from hydrophobia. The horse and a cat were bitten by his Irish setter. The cat also died. - A fire at Leesville Wednesday night destroyed the town hall and the mercantile establishment of Jacob Austin and a barber shop. COAL FCR SALE-Phone to J. J. Dob bins' stable or coal yard. FOR SALE-SOO acres of well improv ed Land, one mlle waa. of Hartwell, Ga. For further particulars call on or writo A. P. M CHULLAN, Hartwell, Ga. 2t MONEY TO LOAN-A few thousand dollars to lend on Land for clients. Ap ply to B. F. Martin, Attorney-at-Law. Churns! Churns! Churns! A lot of all sizes.ofthe celebrated Cylinder Churns Just rocjive.h Brock Hardware Co. WANTED-lOfl pounds ch(?l?e, yellow BUTTER. Must bu frosh and neatly packed in,pou mi moulds. Prefer deliv ery first aud middle of week*. It-Sept. Dean ii Rttllire. LUMBER and 8J11NG? ES for sale by Elias Earle, Tertia, Oconee County, S. C. Improvement S un tl? ern Bluing Cars. The Southern Railway lu making an especial feature of dinirg car service on many of its through trains, and in order to make dining cars more attractive than over, aro now equipping all of these cars with electric faoH and lights. A number of the dining cars in through lines be tween Atlanta and New York have been equipped with electric fans and lights, and these Improvements will continue until all of the dining cara on the South ern system will have these advantages. There are verv few roads in the world that have electric lights and electric fans in their dining carn aud this improve ment will be much to the already excel lent dining car service of the Southern Railway. \V. Ii. TAYLOE, Aunt. lien. Pass. Agt. Foley's Honoy and Tar is peculiarly adapted for chronic throat troubles and will positively cure bronchitis, hoarse ness and ali bronchial (Uneases. Refuse substitutes, l-l vans Pharmacy. Relined, up-to date people al ways want the best. GALLAGHER BROS. are ac knowledged to be among tho best PHO TOGRAPHERS in the South. They do not waste their skill ou cheap, fading trash. Are you uncertain or doubtful as to tho best Grain Cradle to buy? Ask your neighbor who ha? one of the old Seven? Pinger Count's Cradles if he would ex change lt /or ono ol any other style ? lu all probability lie would tell you that ho wouid not, and in doing so lie displays his wisdom. Experience has demonstra ted that they aro tnt? beal grain-savers manufactured. They are sold by sulli van Udw, Cv. Used for Pneumonia. Dr. J. C. Lishep, ol Agnew, Mich., "sys, "I have used Foley's 'Honey and Tar in three very severe cases of pneu monia with good results in every case." Refuse substitutes. Evans Pharmacy. A New Jersey Editor's Testimonial. M. T. Lynch. Editor of the Phillipa burg N. J. Daily P^st, write?: "I have used many kinds o? medicines tor coughs and colds in my family but never any thing so good as Foley's Honey and Tar. I cannot say too muon in praise of it." Evans Pharmacy. Like all other McCormick Machines, McCormick Hay Raken are built on hon or. It ls by far the strongest and most perfectly constructed Rake on the mar ket. You should certainly not buy a Rake until you have examined the Mc Cormick, for lt is the Rake of all Rakes and the acknowledged monarch of the grass held. Sullivan Hardware Co. will be pleased to demonstrate to you the points ol'superiority of the McCormick Hay Rake. Many farmers are careful in the selec tion of a Mower, but careless in selecting a Rake. There is as much difference be tween a good and a s.?rry Huleo as there is betweeu good and gorry Mowers. You can suffer as much aunoyauce by slight lng Lil? one aa tue other. The McCor mick Hay Rake sold by Sullivan Hdw, Co. is so much better than any other? that IO; superiority is apparout at the ll rsi glance of any one who has any knowl edge of mechanical construction. Kind ly cnn :uire them and be convinced of the truth of this assertion. Cured Hemorrhages of the Lungs. "Several years since my lungs were et badly affectod tb at I had many hemorr hage*," writes A. M. Ake of Wood, Ind, "I took treatment with several physi cians without any nenefit. I theo start ed to take Foley's Honey and Tar aud my lungs are now as sound as a bullet I recommend it in advanced stsges o luug trouble." Evans Pharmacy. Foley's Klduey Cure makes the dis eased kidneys sound so they will elimi nate the poisons from the blood. Evaui Pharmacy. Do Yon Own a Nice nar? ? If so, don't fail to breed her to Nelsoi R. Green's lino colt, DIAMOND DBE, Reg No. 35,785, now making the aeason for i limited number of mares at R. B. Find ley's Stables, McGee's old stand, Ander son, 8. C. Th? beat bred Horse '.a th South. ti A TWO-HORSE FARM to lease o rent. Reasonable terms. Address W. J Wyly, Westminster, S. O., R. F. D. No. 2 Feet Swollen to Immense Size. "I had kidney trouble so bad," says J J. Cox of Valley View, Ky., "that I conk l\.\t xx'ry vlf rr* tr 15f?*^ ..?.QM?? ?Q I ?y. menso size and ? was confined to my bei and physicians were unable to give m any relief. My doctor finally preacrlboi Foley's Kidney Cure which made a wei man of me." Evans Pharmacy. Avoid sorious reBults of kldnev o bladder disorder by taking Foiey 'a Kid ney Cure. Evans Pharmacy. . Perfection Attained. ' . ' Clifton" fancy patent Flour ls a pei feet Flour. It ls impossible to put mor quality and purity in Flour than ou VClifton" Brand contains. "Clifton" i a soft white fancy patent aud ls mad from select wheat: every groin of whlc was grown on Kentucky soil, the be? wheat In the wide world. Only th choicest berries are selected. These ai thoroughly cleaned, and then by a spec* lal process of gradual reduction are ooo verted into Flour. You cannot get I better Flour. Brausford Mills, Owensboro, Ky. WAGONS-We have a large slock o: hand that we want to dispose of at way down prices. Vandiver Bro?. A Major. We sell the best and lightest drat Mowers on earth. Come aud see then Vaudlver Bros. A Mohr. ATTENTION, MERCHANTS. For the benefit of our customers tw of our laigeat mills have shipped uso consignment a largo quantity of J^nni Outings, Checks. Hlckorv Stripes, Che vlots, ??to. Tho Mills paid the freight! and we can st-11 them to you at the faetr rv prices. See us ou Hosiery, Hat-H, Shoe* Pants, Overalls, Drawers, eto. Remera bor wo are Mill Agents, and can ?ave yo all tho intermed?ate profits and drum mera' commissions. We ask every mei chant i'i need nf any of above ll OHS t allow us to submitk samples and pricrei Thanking you for oast favors, WEBB it CATER, Commission Merchants and Mill Agent! A good Mower and Rake will soo save enough grain to pay cost of a&?n< The best machines to buy aro thoso mot simple lu construction and those that wi roquiro tho fewest repairs. If you wi ask tho owner of a McCormick wbie machino to buy he will tell you.that h! Investment In a McCormick could ne have been more wisely made.' Act o his experience and accept hi? endorse ment and buy a McCormick from Sull van Hdw. Co. PHOTOGRAPHS-Look here, I ai prepared to do you good, honest work at very low price. I mean work that wi not fade. At Collins old stand, Nor! aide of Square. E. M. Snipes. If jour Bicycle needs truelng up i you noed a set of new Tires gives us call. Brock Hardware Co, You will lind a big stock of Viet? ! Sweep Wing?, all sizes, at Brock Han ware Co. Doctors Could not|Help Her. "X bad kidney trouble for years writes Mrs. Kay mond Connor of Shel to Wash , "and tho doctors could not he me. I tried Foley's Kidney Care, ai the very first dose save me relief and am now cured. I cannot say too mu for Foley'a Kidney Core." Kt ano Ph? macy. STORE. The New Store, Granite Row, ANDERSON, S. C., '4 " Ciioapr lin all otter Stores Mt for 1 Cas? My." We offer Great Bargains in all of our Departments. A very nice quality Outing Flannels, dark colors, worth 5c. 3c New Patterns of Dark Percales, worth 8c.per yard 5c New pattern of Choice Shirting Checke, worth 5c.per yard 3c Ladies' Fine Dongola Shoes, worth 81.50 to 82.50a pair; if you can find your size on centre table. 98c Men's Linen Collars, Lion Brand, guaranteed newest styles, sold every where at 15c..our price 10c Ladies' Felt Walking Hats, in the ^ery latest styles, sold everywhere at 75c aud 81.00.our price 25c. and 50c "Wi B.'* Erect Form Corset*, sold elsewhere at 81.25.our price 81.00 "W. B." Long and Short Waist, sold elsewhere at 81.00.our price 75c R. & G. Long and Short Wai?t, sold elsewhere at 81.00.our price 50c Children's Black Ribbed Hose, sold elsewhere at 8c.our price 5c This Store is FULL of JL. ^fM-kJLJaJLO* Come and lat us show yon where you can SAVE many pennies on small purchases. CINCO CIGARS, LITTLE PO?TO RICO CIGARS, IMPORT CIGARS,' LITTLE HAVANNAS. The above Cigars are the best for the money on the market. Cine o's are Domestic, 6c, Little Porto Rico's are Imported, 5? Imports or Domestic, three for 10o. Little Havanna'?, three-for 5c.-can send by mail. EVANS PHARMACY, ANDERSON, S. C. Starvation Prices Here ! ! -We have a Big Stock of SHOES, PANTS, HATS AND DRY GOODS ? THE PRICE will sell them.. The Good's will do their own talking. We can't afford to spend much time br advertising,space on them at .these prices, so just quote them. It takes Spot Cash to move them at these prices, so don't ask us to charge them or eXchaugo them after you buy them. We can't afford any expense at all-in disposing of them al the figures quoted below : SHOES1 A good Brogan, Split Leather Shoe,, (size 6 and 7,) 85c. Other sizes ?1.00. A First Class, AU Leather, Whole Stock Brogan, (size 6 to 7,) $1.00. Other sizes $1.15. A Smooth Calf or Cordovan Shoe, (6 and 7,) 85c. Other sizes $1.00. . *- 'v *'* PANTS I Light-weightJeaos Pjufctt (.sizes~30x30 to 32x32,) 45c. Boys' sizes 26x25 to 29x20,) 45c. . Other sizes in Men's 65o. A beautiful Moleskin Pants, reg ular price $1.25, to go at 75o. Only ? few left, and those aro desirable sizes. . HATS I This praewpalily now, but will be sold at a sacrifice. We?promis a Bargain in every sale'. i;.h. . O RY GOODS! Thes? are desirable le iders and will be sold at most attractive prices Our Summer Goods gout any cost, and it will pay you to come direct to our counters before goiOgols'iWherc. Tf you like to piok first choice now is your opportunity. DEAN & RATLIFFE. use? WE have prepared for Hard Times by buying the LARGEST 8tock of FURNITURE Ever in Anderson, and have bought at Hard Times Prices. There wilf he no Hard Times for yon when * on buy from us, for we have the prices lower /than you have, ever heard of thom be* * fore, and yon can now buy two dol lara worth of Furniture for one. .. Come to se? ns and we will convince yon of the fact that you can SAVE money by buying any price of Furni ture from us. LARGEST STOCK? LOWEST PRICES. BEST GOODS. C F. TOLLY & SON, Depot Street. UNDERTAKING and EMBALMING. Our Buyer, who is now in the Eastern markets looking after Mid-Summer Wearables, has been very fortunate in securing some of tho greatest values that have ever been put before the people of Anderson and vicinity. Below we give you an idea of the many interesting things we are showing : One lot Dimities and Lawns, regular 8c values, we Bell for. 3c Three thousand yards of Remnant Lawns, regular price in piece 10c to 25c, now. 50 One thousand yards oi Lappett'd Swiss, 15c quality, to go at.. gg One thousand yards Lonsdale Cambric, remnants, from 1 to 15 yards... 7?e 500 yards Wamsetta and New York Mills Bleaching, in remnants..7}Q One lot Long Cloth, remnants.?. 5o One lot English Long Cloth, very line quality, 12 yards piece... .81.C. dach' Teu pieces Batiste, per yard.,... 4Jo Fifteen pieces Orgaudie, elegant quality, per yard. 6o One piece hemstitched Table Damask, 60 inches wide, per yard.75? One piece hemstitched Table Damask, 72 inches wide, fine quality...... 85c One piece hemstitched Table Damask, 72 inches wide, beet quality.81.25 A beautiful line of Ru fited Curtains, per pair, from.81.00 to $1.75 25 dozen Ladies' Drop Stitch Hose, assorted styles, reduced from 25c to.19o 1000 yards Cannon Cloth.6fo Five gros3 Armour's Fine Art Toilet R??ap, (three cakes to box,) to in troduce this Soap we make the price. - .18c a box, 65c dozes All Summer Goods Tiini. ncr? ????ierly o?lu ai 15c cut to. 10c 20c cut to.12ic 50c cut to.'.. 35c F I I ? ?J Head-to-Foot Outfitters, For Men, Women and Children. Two Buyers are in the Northern markets buying great Bar gains. Buying the beat and choicest Goods. We have hot the time to quote you prices, as we are too busy marking up New Goods. If you are looking for good, and reliable Goods ORE A.?, LESSEE'S is the place you are hunting for. We shall quote you prices in our next advertisement that viii astonish the natives. We have jur/t .received a big lot of Premium Goods, and they are beautiful styles. Come around and look through our Stock, and if you do not <?et suited you need not buy. Our Shoe Department ls now complete. Let us fix the children up in Shoes for the little folks, also in other goods Our Millinery Buyer has just returned ITO New York and our Stock is now complete* Be sure and come in and inspect our Stock before buying elsewhere. $ LESSER & CO., UNDKR MA80?IO TEMPLE. LEA.DBRS ;OF LOW PRICKS ?