The Anderson intelligencer. (Anderson Court House, S.C.) 1860-1914, August 27, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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WAR SI [Recollection: [A friend has kindly handed us the following address with a request that we republish. It is clipped from a paper, probably the Greenville News of several years sgo, but there is noth ing about the clipping to indicate the paper or year when delivered.?Ed. Intelligencer.] 'The following was au address de livered by Vannoy Cleveland, July 21at, at the reunion of the Davis Guards, Company F, of the Hampton Legion, at Grove station, this county. It is published by request of members of the company and will be found of interest : "Ladies and gentlemen and fellow soldiers of tho Hampton Legion: Thirty-one years ago on the last day I of June there assembled at this place j 127 brave hearts, led by Capt. Man ning Austin, to embark for Columbia to join the Hampton Legion at that ' place, and to give their services to battle for the cause of the Southern Confederacy. There are a few of that gallant band who hear me to day well remember that scene. It must have been truly touching and affecting? that parting from families, from moth ers, wives and sweethearts, aud with many that was a final separation. The bones of many of them lie buried on the distant battle fields of Virginia and Tennessee. What bitter anguish was in that parting, and what bold re solves animated their breasts, as they j??Mwercd with promptness the call to Uuty aud to arms. "We have met here on this'occasion to commemorate the anniversary of a great battle, fought thirty-one years ago, and also to have a hearty hand shake and social reuuion with the few survivors of Captain Austin's company and members of other companies of that gallant and renowned body of soldiers. 'Twas in that battle of Ma neBBas we first had the opportunity to burn gunpowder and fire our first shots for the cause that began at Fort Sum tar and ended at Appomattox. I would I were an orator that I might portray in fitting language why the Southern soldiery were animated to enter (his grand conflict and to re count the many deeds of bravery done by them for the cause they loved so well but then oome after me orators to speak to you who's shoe straps I am unworthy to pull on and whose oratory you will this day have an opportunity to bear and appreciate. I might take up all the time allotted far speaking in giving yon reminisoences and inci dents that happened during those four years we spent in 'days of toil and nights of waking1 on the hillsides and valleys of Virginia and Tennessee un til we laid down our arms and return ed home in peace, after wearing our selves out whipping the Yankees, as expressed by the immortal Toombs, of Georgia. But I will weary your pa tience only a abort while an I try to tell a few incidents that oome to memory and you will pardon me if I may seem egotistical in this detail. "A few years ago I was strolling through a small city of the dead at Washington Churoh, in the lower part of this county when my attention was drawn to a marble head stone on which was inscribed the name of Robert Farmer, died August, 1861. For more than a quarter of a century an inci dent connected with that name had entirely passed out of memory. It brought to mind one evening in the attio room of an old farm house near rthe Potomac soon after the battle of Maoas938, a scene which at the time impressed me with its Badness. It was at that time just after that great battle when disease was fast decimat ing our army, end our camps were one vast hospital. In that little room lay several of the sick of our regiment, and among them was Hob Farmer, a handsome youth of sixteen, breathing his last. There was 'lack of woman's nursir0, there was dearth of woman's tears' at the death bed of this soldier of the legion. There was a brother by him and I remember his agony and grief aa he watched the shortoing breath, the quick gasps and the ap proaching pallor of death. I sat by a window watching the sun go down for I could not bear to look upon the dy ing boy so far away from home, moth er and friends, and when that golden orb had sunk behind the western hills, the spirit of Bob Farmer had gone to join tho army of the great majority in the vast unknown. It was my sad duty to prepare him for burial and .place him in a rude coffin, as his ^brother wa9 heart broken and unfitted ' for the task. Lot me repeat to you a t pretty piece of poetry that has often vxeminded me of this dying boy : ?1 tok 'er of the Legion, lay dying In the ArV'.lera, There was Jack of woman's nursing, there 1 / was lack of woman's tears, / But av^'^rfde miooU beside him as his life blood ebbed away, DRIES. s ci* a Soldier. . And bent with pitying glances to hear what he might say. The dying soldier faltered as he took that comrade's hand, \ And he said: I never more shall view my I own, my native land, Take a message and a token to some dis tant friends of mine, For I was born at Bingen, fair Bingen, on the Rhine. Tel! my brothers and companions, when they meet and crowd around To bear my mournful story in the pleas ant viueyard ground, Tba*. we fought the battle hrsvoly and when the day waa done, Full many a corpse lay ghostly pale be neath the setting suu, And tnld the dead and dying were some grown old in wars, The death wounds on their gallant breasts, the last of mauy scars; And some were young and suddenly be hold life's morn decline, And one had come from Bingen, fair Bingen, on the Rhine. Tell my mother that her other sons shall comfort her old age, For I was still a truant bird, that thought his home a cage, For my father was a soldier, and even as a child, My heart leapt forth to hear him tell of struggles tierce and wild, And when he died and left us to divide hia ?canty hoard, I let thern to take what e'er they would, but kept my father's sword; And with boyish love hung it, where the bright light used to shine Oa the cottage wall of Bingen, fair Bin gen, on the Rhine. Telt my sister not to weep for me, and sob with drooping bead, When the troops come marching home again, with glad and gallant tread, But to look upon them proudly, with a calm and steadfast eye, For her brother was a soldier, too, and not afraid to die; And if a comrade seek her love, I ask her in my name, To listen to him kindly, without regret or shame; And to hang the old sword In its place (my father's sword and mine), For the honor of old Binnen, dear Bin gen, on the Rhine. There is another, not a sistor, in the hap py days gone by, You'd have known her by the merriment that sparkled in her eye Too innocent for coqueti*; too fond for idle scorning, O, friend, I fear the lightest heart makes sometimes heaviest mourning; Tell her the last night of my life (for e'er the moon be risen, My body will be out of pain, my soul, be out of prison), I dreamed I stood with her and saw the yellow sunlight shine On the vioeclad bills of Bingin, fair Bin gen, on the Rhine. I paw the blue Rhine sweep along, I beard, or seemed to hear, The German songs we used to sing in chorus sweet and clear, And down the pleasant river, and up the slanting bill, The echoing ohorua sounded through the evening calm and still, And her glad blue eyes were on me, as we passed with friendly talk Down many a path beloved of jce, and well remembered walk, And her little hand lay lightly, confiding ly in mine, N But we'll meet no more at Bingen, fair Bingen, on the Rhine. His trembling voice grew faint and hoarse, his grasp was childish weak, His ay as put on a dying look, he sighed and ceased to speak, His comrade bent to lift him, but the spark of life bad fled, The soldier of the Legion, in a foreign land is dead, And the so't noon rose npslowly, and calmly she looked down On the red sands of the battle field, > .ih bloody oorses strewn, Yet calmly on the dreadful scene her pale light seemed to shine. As it shone on dhUant Blngln, fair Bin gen, on the Bhine. Another scene connected with that little room not quite so sad comes to memory. A member of my oompany whose frame had been reduced to a skeleton by the burning waste of typhoid fever lay on a cot looking more dead than alive. One day in feeble, pitying and pleading tones he begged for a bath. I rather feared to tackle the job, for it seemed this almost lifeless, limber body would go to pieces when I began to handle him. After lifting him into ? large tub of warm water I started to rub his paroh od and fever crusted skin when it be gan to slip, and I can assure you no black snake ever more completely cast his shed than did this wasted and fever stricken piece of mortality slip out of his skin from head to foot. The old lady of the house gave me a gourd of fat, and after giving him a good grease all over I wrapped him i in bis blanket and left him to his fate. This man survives and is to day a respected member of the Green ville police, and has mc- to thank for his life. "Once again when near the picket lines at Suffolk, Va., my head and shoulder unfortunately came in con tact with a Yankeejbullet. I was car ried from the field and transported by rail to Petersburg to the hospital. During the night's ride on the^ars a little doctor would enue by every few minutes and administn a pill of opium and in a abort whihl became under the influence and like a drunk man did not know when I went to bed in the hospital. What ecstacy, what de licious delirium this drug brings. In my dreams everything wai lovely in the extreme. Beautiful scenery, beau tiful flowers and fruits and beautiful, females passed before my opium clouded vision. Suddenly I was aroused from this revery, my eyes opened, and there before my startled vision was a most lovely creature gaz ing on me, with her soft tender fingers lightly touching my bandaged head, and in tones of deep tenderness she said, 'poor fellow, he is shot in the head.' I can never forget that tender, loving angel?for she is an angel now ?for her devotion. She was at my bedside constantly until I was able to leave the hospital and before our last separation there were words of love and devotion spoken. She was after wards killed by the bursting of a shell while eating her dinner during the bombardment of Petersburg. "One more incident and I am done. While General Longstroet was driv ing the enemy from Loudon to Knox ville, Tenu., he forced battle on the retreating forces at Campbell Station and there for awhile the lines swayed back and forth in deadly conflict. 'Twas at this time Richard Cabun, as fearless and as bold a soldier of our company as ever carried a musket, was shot down and left between the lines. 'Twas then a man of God named Thomas, a private soldier of company C approached Colonel Gary and asked he be allowed to go and pray with the dying man. Colonel Gary at first refused, but so importu nate was this brave soldier that Gary allowed him to go. Forward to the side of Cabun advanced Thomas while the bullets were plowing up the earth and whistling around him and on bended knee and uplifted hands he implored the God of battles. Sudden ly then, there was a lull in the storm of battle and both sides gazed on the affecting scene and ceased firing. When Thomas returned our regiment advanced with a yeil and drove the enemy into their entrenchments at Knoxville. A short time after, at the request of Colonel Gary, I wrote the order commissioning Private Thomas as chaplain of the regiment. "Now, fellow soldiers, in conclu sion let me say we can never regret the part we took in this struggle for Southern independence, and we should ever continue to hold these re unions to let our children know and remember their fathers were soldiers and answered promptly the oall to arms. Though our cause was lost, still when an impartial history of the struggle is written .the deeds of the Southern soldier, the boy in gray will fill a bright page in the annals of fame. We brother soldiers will soon meet no more at pleasant reunions, but will go to join those who now rest in 'fame's eternal camping ground* on) the bat tlefields of Virginia and Tennessee where wo shall remain until the grand and final reveille shall be announced by Gabriel's tramp, ? ? our aruiea shall pass in review before the great Jehovah. Continue your reunions, keep up your old organizations ?.a long aB I yon oan and never forget your old sol diers. The poet says: "For wealth the merchant plows the main, The farmer plows the manor, But glory is the soldier's prise, The soldier's wealth la honor. Then pity tho poor soldier, Nor treat him as a stranger, For he is his country's stay In day and hour of danger." "I hope none that hear my voice to day may have to go to battlo, but there are war clouds now no longer than a man's hand which may soon envelope the whole hea/ens. fbe lieve the boys I see before me will as willingly respond to the call of duty as clid the men of '61. Peace bright, beautiful, smiling peace? reigns over our country, and progress and prosperity, hor handmaids, stalk abroad in this fair Piedmont oountry. I have been privileged to visit many sections of the United States, and I am forced to believe this land of ours is more blessed than many others. We have a good all-round country. Here, a man, by pursuing a system of intelligent agriculture, with a small amount of energy is rewarded with a fair harvest from the fields. Here is ' an atmosphere as pure as Heaven gives. Here is delightful, cool and puto water gushing from your hill sides. Here, your mountain streams give power to manufacture the fleecy staple. 'Tis such a country as this I which produces a sturdy race of yeo manry who teaoh to their offspring self-reliance and independence. From just such a section spring brainy men and noblo women. I am done. I thank you for your attention and hope none of you are disappointed because I have not spoken of the political situation of the day in this State. * * *." Henry L. Shattuck of Shellsburg, Iowa, was cured of a stomach trouble with which he had been afflicted for years by four boxes of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. He had previously tried many othar remedies and a number of physicians without relief. For sale by Orr-Gray & Co. A WAR INCIDENT. An Anderson Man'h Experience at the Evacuation of Richmond. Laurens Advertiser. Mr. Editor: It has not been so long that the war and its incidents fail to have a personal relish, and with your permission, I beg to trespass on your space and the patience of your readers with an occasional moving incident. The following will illustrate the stuff that a soldier should be made of: In 1864-65 and until the surrender, Gary's cavalry brigade held the left of General Lee's army on the north of the James immediately in front of Richmond. On the night previous to the surrender of Richmond, the infan try was withdrawn and in the morning the brigade of cavalry slowly withdrew from the lines with orders not to fire on the enemy if they pressed. There are three roads leading from the lower part of the oity, for several miles almost parallel with the river?the river road along the bank, then next tho Darby town, and farther north the Charles City road, all leading from the city and diverging at five or six miles below. Tho brigade withdrew at dawn, leaving picket? of ten men on each road with instructions to with draw slowly on the approach of the enemy. Lieut. Farmer, of Co. D, Hampton Legion, with one detach ment, was placed on the river road. The brigade moved ieisurely to the city followed by the enemy's cavalry. A Federal officer and private galloped upon Farmer and of course surrender ed. Presently Farmer ascertained that the enemy had passed north of him on the other roads and were in possession of the city. Thus he was situated with a navigable river a mile wide cutting him off from Lee's army, the enemy, ten thousand strong, three miles above him and a thousand chances to one against his escape. The city was on fire, the Confederate vessels were blowing up in the river, the magazines encircling the city were making an earthquake of the long lines extending to Petersburg, his own brigade, the last to leave the Confederate capitol, had assisted in burning the bridges behind them, but Farmer got out of the difficulty and did not surrender. Dismounting his men and prisoners, he plaoed them on the bank of the great stream. A contract was made with the Yankee officer that he Bhould be kindly looked after if he was suc cessfully brought to General Lee's lines; Farmer and his meq were to re ceive like treatment if they fell into the power of the Federals. In the course of the day a small boat manned by two or three small boys, floated along the stream. A few pistol shots brought them to, and in a few min utes, by their seamanship, Farmer, his men and prisoners were landed on the south side of the James, and by mid night of that day he had joined his flsg at Amelia, C. B., more than twenty mi'es from Richmond, with his men, turning over his Federsl captain and private with the stipulation for their kind treatment. Ninety-nine men in a hundred would have surren dered under the circumstances. The writer does not know if the subject of this adventure is still living iu An derson County, and writes the story as one of many ooming under his eye, illustrations of the heroic stuff that made up, the young Confederate sol dier. [The Farmer alluded to above is Mr. N. O. Farmer, of Fork Township, and printed jrithout his knowledge.? Ed. Intelligencer.] * ? Sweet are the uses of adversity? and Cuba knows itfc because most of her troubles are sugar, a, ' ?8 MADE ta ?\ BY TflE.USB OP DR.PIEKCr$ GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY "I suffered for nix years with con stipation and indigestion, during which time X employed several phy sician d, hut they could.not reach my case, writes Mr. G. Popple well, of Eureka Springs, Carroll Co., Ark. ?I felt that there was HO .help for me, could not retain food on my stomach ; had vertigo and would'faU helpless to the floor. Two years ago I com menced taking Dr. Piercc'a Golcen Medical Discovery and little ' Pelleta,' and improved from the start After taking twelve bottles of the 'Discov ery ' Z was able to do light work, and have been improving ever since. Z am now in good health for one of my age?60 years. 1 owe it all to Doctor Pierce** medicines." Mormondom's Growth. It seems certain that in numbers, wealth, influence and aggressiveness the Mormon Church is far greater to day than ever before in its history. Utah it has, of co?t?e, almost solidly; and, having gained Statehood by de liberate, persistent lying, it feels tole rably secure and is resolved to do as it pleases without referenoe to American sentiment or law. That over 1,500 men are living to-day with polyga mous wives is openly confessed ; and that a considerable number of polyga mous relations have been entered into since Statehood and since the mani festo of the Mormon President in 1890 pretending to do away with polygamy is very oertaic, although legal proof is, naturally, not easy to obtain. Al ready Mormonism, besides dominating Utah, holds, or claims to hold, the balance of power in Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico. It is at least certain that, by colonies qlJ other means, they are continually extending their influence in these neighboring States ; and the politicians of that section, anxious for votes in close elections, will be very sure not to antagonize so powerful a force. Educational and missionary operations shoul l, of course, be push ed in that region. The preaching of the 3ospel and the teaching of Chris tian schools are already doing uauob, and can easily be made to do more, for the saving of the situation. Letting in the light is the best way to drive ont the darkness.?Zion's Herald. Cares Eozsma, Itching Kumars, Pimples and Carbuncles?Costs Nothing to Try. B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) is now recognized as a certain and sure eure tor eczema, itching skin, humors, scab.o, scales, watery blisters, pimples, aching bones or joints, boils, carbun cles, pricking pain in the skin, old, eating sores, ulcers, etc. Botanic Blood Balm taken internally, cures the worst and most deep-seated oases by enriching, purifying and vitalizing the blood, thereby giving a healthy blood supply to the skin. Botanic Blood Balm is the only cure, to stay cured, for these awful, annoying skin troubles. Heals every sore ?nd gives the rich glow of health to the skin. Builds up the broken down body and makes the blood red and nourishing. Especially advised for chronic, old oases that doctors, patent medicines and hot springs fail to cure. Drug-' gists, $1. To prove B. B. B. cures, sample sent free and prepaid by writ ing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. De scribe trouble and free medioal advice sent in sealed letter. Sold in An derson by Orr-Gray Drug Co., Wil hite & Wilhite, and Evans Pharmacy. This alffnatara is on every box of too garnis* Laxative Brocso-Quioiiie feho rsmedy that tmtwm e cold te. MM ?ajr ? The safest thing for a man to do who is afraid of getting married is to fall in love with several women. Stops the Cough aid Works elf the Cold. Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets cure a oold in one day. No cure. No Pay. Price 25 cents.' FUR MAN UNIVER8ITY, SBESXTSS^S, 3. C., Will begin the next session on Wednee- ] nesday, September 17tb, 1902. Location convenient and healthful. Coursas of atudy elective or leadiog to B. A. and M. A. degrees. Full corps of instruc tors and ample mess accommod?t <mi tor oteaneiilna* board. Fordetatht apply to the President,. A *P. MONTAGUE. LL.D., SOUTH CAROLINA MllTARY ACADEMY. TWO Vacanolea in too Ntat? B?n?ficia ru Nr-hnl upohlIj? ?m ?? ?5 S~?rdr-T? Oil ?:'"??B* petttive examinations for this, Andere m Countv. Blank forma ot application should be applied for at nm?e to Col. C. 8. Gadsden, Chairman Rot-rd of Visitors. Tli?se applications, fullv uiadnout. mu?t he In the bande of the Chairman ??n the Slst July In order tr> reeeiv? att*?n>ion. C. S. GAD"?!)KN. Chairman E^ard Visitor*. WOFFORD COLLEGE. Npartenburg, r*. C. H. N. 8NYDBR. M. A., President Full < ollege Courses. Favorable surroundings. The best influet ces. Necessary expenses from 8160 to 8175 lor the year. For Catalogue or other information, apply to J. A. GAMEWELL,S*cr^tary. Wolfen) College fitting School Npartanburg. 8. <C. Elegant new building. Careful at bdution to individual student. Board and tuition for year, 8110. All in formation given by A. M. DuPRE, Hoad Master. LAND VOn SALE. I OFFER mv Six Mile Farm, contalmoR 1163 mcr*+. Will sell in Tracta from 100 acres op, to auit purchaser. I will alao f?U 50 acres in the. City of An derson, 400 acres In Fork Township, 168 acres in Rock Mills Township, 136 acres in Centrevllle Township. I have seven other valuable Tracts I Will sell?In all about 3,000 acres. Terms will be mads to suit the purchaser, and at a low rate of Interest, with reasonable cash payment. I mean to sell during the month oC August. J. 8. FOWLER. * AugmtO, 1902 7 4 III? Blood Poison Is the name sometimes given to what is generally known as the BAD Dig, BASE. It is not confined to dens 0? vice or the lower classes. The purest f and best people are soraetua?. infected with this awful malady through handling the clotbia/ drinking from the same vessda using the same toilet articles, or otherwise coming in eymtfcct with persona who have contracted it. ' rr W?BI It begins tismally -with a little blister or sore, then awdliug in. th* groins a red eruption breaks out on t?s year. a?o z contracted a bad ca* the body, sores and ulcers appear of Blood Poison. I was undo* traato^ in the mouth, the throat becomes of a phy aiolanuattl I found that as cepS ulcerated, the hair, eye brow* and ,fVsf ?leSL^SSi^S&iS^i lashes fall out; the blood J&fi^^^ more contaminated, copper cc?o???d ih?, disease disappeared. I took si* bet splotches and pustular eruptions and tie* and today ?n soundaad wslL seres api>ead?upon different parts of Wall, Morrlstowu, Tat*, the body, and the poison even destroys the bones. S. S. S. is a Specific for this loathsome disease, and cures it even in the worst forms. It is a perfect antidote for the powerful virus that pollutes the blood and penetrates to all parts of the system Unless you get this poison out of your blood it vrili ruin you,- and bring disgrace and disease upon your children, to; it can be transmitted f~om parent to child. S. S. S. contains no mercury or potash, but is guaranteed a strictly vegetable compound. Write for our free home treatment book and learn all about Contagions Blood Pciscn. If you -want medical advice give us a history ot your case and our physicians will furnish all the information you wish without any charge whatever. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. I f SOUTHERN RAILWAY THE GREAT HIGHWAY OF TRADE JwW? TRAVEL. "?' lag the P?ssa??||smi 1 Commercial Centers end Health end Pleasure Resort? of the South with the # ^ NORTH, EAST and WEST High-Claas Vostlbolo Trains, Through Slaepln^Cevo baiWBOO How YovSS sad New Orleans, vin Atlanta. Cincinnati and Florida Points wia Atlant? ?od visv Aalaowallo. Now York and ET?orida, oithor wla Lyaehburtf, Danvill* . and Javnanah, or via Ficbmond, and Savannah. fftasjoi'lop Dlnln^Car Sorwleo on all TaffesSla TTraine. ataccollons ??orwiee sad Law Rates Co Charlostosa ac cotant Sooth Carolina Intor*Stato and West Indian Sasposition. Winter Toarlst YickCats to all Stosorto now on aalo at reduced araCee. .... . ? P?p ?"etatteS information. UlfMlur*. tlmtm tabl?t, ratem, ?Sa., early Sa dtarat? ttekauc^nt. or ?Mmi T * *. 8S. W. ?|i *AeTLOE.f ~ General PSsseersr wfswt. JStat. Can. Pas*. Wmm?wtgtmm, D. C jstl a. w. *tomt, , jr. g. man, In Ps-atearar wtawat, Aistwet Peas.dkjeae, C&mHoMfB, a. C ?feafe, Sa. psbbuasv to, was. ? Can You Use a Good Tort cd Second-Hand ORGAN! I If you can oome see no. We are '> giving Bargains in that Une tftfjy wj^l surprise even you. - THE G. A. SEED MUSIC HOUSE. 7- ' H^i. ve ia? ?*4 Two Car & Fine Tennessee Va?iev Red PERFECTLY SOUND. You run no risk iu feeding this to your * i: Will also make the very finest meal.' Come quick 1 *fore it is all gone. O. o. ANDERSON. ' ' ' : 1 I '' - j _____ . a A. 0. STRICKLAND, DEKTBST. OFFICE?Front Booms ever Fare ers and Merchants Bank. The opposite out Illustrates Con tinuous Gum "eetb. The Idesi Plato?more cle aly than the natu, rai tooth. No bad taste or breath from PlaHs of this kind* < Fi $y*# y... A man thinks it is when the matter of life insurance suggests itself?but droumslsn oss of late have shown hew life hangs by a thread when war, flood, hurricane and fine suddenly overtakes you, and the only way ro be sure that your family is protected m case of calamity overtaking you is to in sur? in a eolid Company like? The Mutual Benefit Life Ins. Go. Drop in and see us about it MATTISON, STAT? AGENT? Peoples* Bank Building, ( 8. O.