Lrocal News. WEDNESDAY, SOY. '21, 1901. A Negro Comniits an Atrocious Crime and is Lynched. Last Saturday afternoon tho happy homo of Mr. Perry Craft, in Hock Mills Township, about eight miles west of this city, was tho scene of a most atrocious crime, for which there was not the slightest provocation. Mr. Craft lives on tho plantation of his father-in-law, Mr. Alex. Glenn, a highly esteemed citizen of that section, and not far from tho latter's home. About I o'clock a negro man came to Mr. Craft's home and found Mrs. Craft alone in the house. He asked her lor [ something to ont, and she replied that ' she had nothing prepared except some j cold potatoes. The negro said he would buy live cents worth of them, i Mrs. Craft went back to 1 he pantry and brought them lo him. As she handed them lo him she, noticed a pistol in his hand, and he exclaimed ' !> it you, I believe I \\ ill !.ill you.'' i iii-, <>i' ( course, frightened Mis. daft; who ran to the rear side of the room und while at tempting to open :i door, the negro lircd at her, tin; ball entering the near the spine. She tinV.U opened the door and ran some distance in the \ uni and tell tot he ground. The husband and father of the un fortunate woman were at work in a Held near by, and, heat ing the shot and her screams, ran at once to the house, They saw the negro llcciug from the house as they ran up. The father brought Mrs. Craft inside, ami the hits band, .securing his, pistol, started after \ the negro. Mr. (.'raft soon got in ; shooting distance and snapped his pis- ! toi, but it would not lire. The. negro 1 I turned and snapped Ins pistol two or; three times at Mr. Craft, hut it also would not lire. In tho meantime Mr. Lucius Glenn, an uncle of Mrs. Craft, who happened to bo in a distant field j with his rille, hearing the alarm and \ seeing tho negro, rau to the road and Und several times at him, apparently wf'hout effect, and the negro was soon * ' of sight. Ur. Pepper, who lives in that section, was at once summoned to the bedside of Mrs. Craft, and ho telephoned to this city for Dr. Gray, who immediately went to his assistance. They probed tho wound but could no t Und the bul- | let, and they informed the family that ! it was a very serious wound. The newsof tho terrible crime spread rapidly through the neighborhood, and I in a short while every citizen who could i leave his home went to Mr. Craft's. A j telephone message was sent to Sheriff Green, and in a few minutes Deputy; Sheriff Dillingham, with his blood- I hounds, was on his way there. The' announcement caused a sensation in j the city, and in a short while many of] our younger citizens started for the. ' scene to assist in capturing the brutal .' negro. Deputy Dillingham's dogs trail- ! ed the negro tor several miles and lost1 Iiis track at n branch running from a j swamp on Robert Chambleo's planta- I tion. Tho party thon scattered and went in every direction searching for the villain. Some of them went to Holland's and Cooley's Ferries, on the Savannah Iii ver, and at the latter place, the ferryman, who was aroused from his sloep, stated that a negro, whom ho described, had crossed the river that afternoon from Georgia. Mrs. Craft, who was able to talk, had giveu a description of the negro, and her description fitted the negro whom tho ferryman described. The negro carried a bundle of clothing, which he dropped as he left Mr. Craft's house, and had an old towel tied around his neck. Both tho ferrymau and Mrs. Craft spoke of this. About S o'clock Sheriff Green left the city and went to Mr. Croft's to take supervision of the search, and after midnight it was feared that the negro could not bo found. A. large party, however, continued tho search all night, and early Sunday morning oth ers joined them. As the morning pass ed away tho crowd increased in num bers, tho excitement increased and every number of the party wt.s deter mined to capture tho negro if possible. Oil Sunday about noon a negro, who lives on the. Cooley plantation, about six miles west of Mr. Craft's home, ap proached a posse who were hunting the villain and told them that he was at his house. They returned with this negro to his home, and, surrounding the house, ordered tho criminal tu come out and surrender, which he did. Tin; party then brought him to the home of Mr. C'a ft, and hi* was at once identified by his victim. The negro was won mi ed iu the calf of his light leg, which showed that one of I lie.balls from the ville lircd by Mr. Lucius Glenn had struck him. After the negio had been identified he confessed that he was guilty of the deed, and said that the reason he shot Mrs. Craft was because she insulted him by saying that "you negroes are always around begging." l?y this time a crowd of nearly two hundred people, fifteen or tw.cnty of whom were negroes of that section, had congregated at tho homo ot Mr. Craft, and it was soon de cided that the criminal must be put to death. Ho was carried a mile or more and hanged on a limb of a tree near Gray's gin house. Somo of the negroes expressed a dosiro to burn the prisoner, but this was not permitted, and after ho was swung froir* tho limb a number of pistol balls punctnrcd bis body. Some of tho best citizens of tho County participated in tho lynching and not pno of them attempted to disguise him self. Everything passed off quietly and :n an orderly viauner. i'he news of tho lynching reached tli city about 6 o'clock p. m. and a nnittter of our citizens went out to the scene I o viow tho body, which had been left hanging to the tree, bat had /slipped the noose and fallen to the ground, where it lay until Monday morning, when Coroner Banister went out there and held an inquest. The verdict of the jury was to the effect that the negro came, to hi* death at the hands of parties unknown to them. A piece of paper was pinned to his coat bearing the following words: "This negro was hanged for shooting a white lady in tliis settlement without cause, November 34, 1001." Tho negro proved to be John Lad dison, nn ex-convict, who hnd been sent to the penitentiary from Newbcr ry County for three years. Ho had served the greater portion of his sen tence in the convict camp on the Coolcy plantation in this County. He was re leased from tho camp last spring and since then had worked on farms in that section and on the Georgia side of the Savannah Hiver. While a largo majority of the people of this County do not uphold lynch law, if is the general opinion that in tlii- ease the negro met: the' fate lu- de served. Mi>. Craft is a most excel h -it woman, about nineteen years of age, nnd vas mariied about six month* siuo. Since she was wounded there has been no change in her condition, but it is feared that when a change does come it will prove fatal. \ vVcihlit;/j iii Washington. The Washington correspondent >! lite Charleston Xttea i(nil Courier, in a special telegram under date of tho~lsl . gives the following account of the marriage of d r?plHidohtiig for the Holiday trade. Wo have in S Ouk nil kinds ot Hosiery, Coder w?-nr. ^f;uti?, Lrawerv:, Suspenders, Uven llr, etc., direct from tho mill-.. Just rewtved our new lines Clothing, Pants, Shotm and HatH. We can ship any ol ?bovegootlH at ouco or tako your Spring ord?rH Call and se? our new line Hats and Shoes for Immediate delivery. Buy from us dlrt-ct from tbe mills and factories, you save the middle man's or jobbers profits and drummers' commissions, and got tho newest and be t goods. WEBB oii, hm Air Rille, n Chost of Tools or a Pocket KillThese goods are carried by Sullivan Hardware Co. Kvory boy wants h Gun of some kind. Him (.porting natura craves t.m> delight which it Uun affords AnAirRillu will satisfy In in if I* is well iuhiIh aud has Hulllcient shooting stremjtb to m*ke it more than h more toy. Sullivan Hard ware Co. bave a lino of mese Rifles that tiro made to stand tho hard usage to wtileb l?o boys HMhfeut them without ' going to pUees." Thev uro beautifully finished mid am far above comparison wilt) tho ordinary "make shifts" on tho market. Call tor a ' Daisy" when you want tho best Ouh d? zsn Cnbimt Photos tor?l.?U cath only at ColIlus' uotd J .n. 1st. One Kinull Photo fur GO cents at Collins'. BRICK?inO.OUO large-t sizj Rrick for Hale. J. C. Sirlbling, 20?4 Peudletun, S. C. Most boys havH ambitions to become c.irpmitHr.-t It is sometimes well to gral ify iheir Mstos Hutllolenily to turn iheir minds and give thum higb.Hr aspirations t>v giving them a setolTools, with whicn tohiaruitio hardships of the carpenter's t' ut*. There h no whv t.i salisty a boy o won as hy giving film what he wauls, ? > mako peacu wiin nun by giyiug him oho of Sullivan Hd-?. C'o'h Cuuais of Tool.-, Th??o Tools aro put up lu aei? j ust to anil (tin boys. bach set of Tools in il lient i_.hoat. . Wtiun you need Sorten Doors and Win dows, at- o Screen Wire uud Fly Fans, uill aud see Kr?ck Bros. Alao buy tho (lom whou you want thu beat Ice cream Freezer, at Brock Bros*. We offer thiH week hundreds of pairs oi Sample Muoi^ a*, price* lo please. Come (pjick while we nave your number. Pri ces on : Iihmo Shot s too cneap to quote. Vandlvor Bros. Siart your bunhand Into the Xew Year witn aouit-ihing that will keep him ev en tempered ami peacHnOlo, by giving him one of Sullivan Hardware Oo'?. perfectly tempered, pleasure giving Razors fora Christina* Present. ONEHOtlSE WAOONS-I am over 8nu ked on due Hurae Wagons, and If you uttal one I c ?n save you money. J. S. Fowler. NOTICE?I gave a ! parties fair notice wtio owed me to make pavment by the tlrat of November, (here are quite a number yet who have not paid so you need not ho surprised at any time to nave one of my four collectors call on you, aud which will a?hl c >Ht for overv trip. J S. FOWLER. * Your mother, daughter, sister or lady friend would appreciates pair of Sullivan Hdw. Go's, Svlthors for Christmas. Bro-ik itr w. 'jhvm two good Sfmnnd Hand f-oat binary Engin*?* also two flrat einns Second Hand Threabers formate at a very low price. HARNESS?If yon need * set of good home-made Harnes? oali on J. S. Fowler "We have, two > ew Geiser Thrashers and two secondhand Peerless four and six horse power onutnea hi irood condltiou. Also some r.ew Peerlens Engines and we can name emiin vary low urloes on same. Brock Bros., Anderson, S. C. Health will, give what wealth cannot buy -happlnww?. Cycling being a pleas ant, coin'orbtbla exaroiee Is the greatest known health nromoer. and just as pop oUr as our whot?K Columbia, Rambler, Cleveland, ami thn Hartford are the g?ear?-t tavoritea among discriminating wheel juilceH. W. H. wh? nrer, Surveyor, You will tind me ni Dhhii .V Km Iffn's. Long dis tance 1'hnlia st my reMitlenoe. Thla U our icraaiaat year. We are proud our i?-ur(|. mi i nro striving by m.?r.\ li >iif-i mi fans to win you for a ens t "mot. GIVm u a trial i'' you have never done mo befora. Vandlvor Broa. Ifyon ar? In tho unrk?t for a Mower, Reaper and Binder, call ??. Brock B-o*. aud ho vibe Oenrintr, Hin most durable, Ugh' f?tdratl and n?nt adjuated maubine on t.u> market. Tw?nty. tlv?? Dollar? will buy a falr'.y uood -quara practl-e Piano at the Cy A. Reed Music Hons-. They are intrinal cally v? ->rth doubl?? thai amount. Pot Plants and Cut Flower* for *ale. Largo and small Palms a-specialty. Mrs. J. F. Cliokfcalns, 242 North Main St. Jot tiers prices on MSchRpps," "Early Bird" and "Blue Jay" Tobacco*. Low esi prinea on * lour, Coffee, Corn, Baoon, aud heavy Groceries. Vandlver Bros. Money to loan at 7 per cent on farm land*-*. "No o oiitnissions. Long time. Apply to Quat'lehanm it Coobran. Attor eeya'at Ltw, Anderaon, S. C. 15?13 WIikii von want llr-t tdaa?, up-to-date PHOTOS mil i?? (?ALLAGHER BR03., ai their usw studio next door to L?gon A Led bet ter?upstairs, satisfaction Is ful ly guaranteed to overy customer. Piles! Piles! Pile:. Dr. William*' Iodtan Pile Ointment Is prepared to cure Piles and DOES IT in short order. Easy to apply, every box guaranteed, 50c. and 91.00. All druggists or by mall. Williams M'Ptf Co.. Cleveland. Ohio. For aale by EVANS PHARMACY. FOR SADE- Good Barn, 27x80 feet. Bin and two stalls on each side, eight feet driveway' thtougb. Apply at this office. 18?if. Are You Prepared for mon ?\ MB ?SB K If Not, Come to Our Store for Your Winter Necessities. FROM now until the Holidays our Stock of Winter Goods must be reduced at a rapid rate, and in order to do tins we have given our special attention to the pricing in the following lines : CAPES, JACKETS, FURS, REEFERS. This line is entire^new?no old stock, but fresh Goods, bought this season. UN DER WEAK and BLANKETS. Both of which we have an exceptional g<. a nsi'/rtment for your s3lection. Do you need? Flannels, Cotton Flannels, Outing.**, Etc. ? If so, you make no mistake in seeing us before purchasing elsewhere, S1?OES. A big line. Just the kind you need for Winter Shoes. see us for your winter wants. Remember, also, that our? DRY GOODS. TRIMMINGS, MILLINERY, ETC.. Are always thoroughly up-to-date in every way. Come one, come all, and see the Big Bargains we offer. MOORE, ACKER & CO., Wholesale and Retail. P. S.?All who owe us anything will please call and settle at once. rTflMQs'nBGfl^ MSCHINES. A SPECIAL, THREE MONTHS SALE OF the very highest grade?, latpsr. and most artistic designs in cases. Quali ty of tone unequalled, and twenty-five per cent cheaper in price than you will find elsewhere This applies to Piauos, Organs and Sewing Machines for the next ninety days. Get prices from any dealer, and compare Instruments I mean to save yon same money. New Goods. No worked over or second hand stock. A nice lot of beautiful Pianos just in. Rfl. L. WILLIS, Next door Peoples Bank. LESSER & CO. Our New Fall Stock is now Complete. _Fall Goods now Beady. OUlfPall line of Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats, Notions, Clothing and Gents Furnishings is now spread before you for your inspection, and by far excels anything yet seen in the City of Anderson, wljen compared with the prices and Goods of others. . We begin to-moricw to show one of the best selected Stocks of Merchandise ever brought to this city. Our Good* uud Prices stand by themselves?alone?an invincible combination of High Qualities and and Low Prices. Comfortable shoppiug here and best attention given to all. Carefully read this advertisement and come see our Store. Note our prices Look at our Goods. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. EXTRA NOTION VALUES Toilet Soap, three cakes in box, good quality, box. 5o Bedspreads, splendid 11-4 Marseilles patterns, good value at?1.00, only.. 75c Ladies' Ribbed Undervo?t, fleeco lined, value 20o, only... 10c Tablo Oil Cloth, best quality, perfeot goods, 1J yards wide . 15e Ladies' Swiss Ribbed Union Suits, extra heavy, worth 50c, ouly. 35o 11-4 White and Grey Blankets, actual value $1.01), only per pair. 58c Clark's best Spool Cotton, special price only three Spools for.. 5o Children's Knit Caps, value 25c, only. 15o Ladies' Shawl Fascinators, all colors, only....'... 24o Ladies' fleeoe-lired Cashmere Gloves, value.25o, only. ..; 15o Full line Men's and Bo\f?' Caps from.. 10a to 25o Ladies' Seamless Black Wool Hose, value 25c, only. . 15o New Line Embroidery, all widths, from.5o to 15o NEW FALL DRY GOODS. 2000 yards Outing Flannel, in checks and stripes, actual value 5c, only... 3Jo 2500 yards Pretty Fall PeroaleB, yard wide, worth lOo, only... 6}e Beautiful 72-inch Turkey Red Table Damask, lovely pattern, worth 35... 20o 2000 yards Tokio Flannelette, beautiful design, well worth 10c, only. 7$o 1800 yards Centaur Outing Flannels, worth quite lOo, but are offered at.. (>?o White Curtain Swiss, full yard wide, worth 15c, only . 9o Window Curtain Scrim, double width, 40 inohes wide, at only., 4$o Unbleached Cotton Flannel, extra heavy quality, at only. 56 Eiderdown Flannels for Infants' Cloaks, beautiful designs, only.15a Extra heavy Unbleached Drills, worth 7o, only. 5o NEW FALL DRESS GOODS, Full line Cotton Plaid Dress Goods, double width, at only... 9c Wuce8tershire Worsted Plaid, yard wide, value 25o, at only. 15o Victoria Biocades, 36 inohes wide, all wool, beautiful designs, at only... l8o 40-inch Canterbury Suitings,- figured effects, worth 35o, at only.. 24o All-wool Tricot Flannels, excellent for school dresses, only.. 24c Black Brocaded Brilliautino, all wool, 40 inohes wide, at only_. 19c READY-TO-WEAR DEPARTMENT, Ladies' Plush Capes, full sweep, extra loDg, trimmed in fur, only........ 98o Ladies' Clot h Capes, made of heavy Melton and nicoly trimmed, only.... 98o 50 Kersey Jackets, latest styles, in all shades, at only..n. 2.98 Full lino Children's Reefers, in all colors, styles and sizes, from...98o to 2.50 Ladies' Wool Flannel Waists, latest stylos, in all colors, at only. 956 Ladies' Extra Fine Tricot Flannel Waists, beautifully trimmed, only_ 1.25 NH.W FALL SHOES. The splendid opportunity presented to purehaso high grade Shoos at the prices we ask for them is one to be grasped. We are each day iu receipt of shipments of our now Fall stock of Footwear, and as soon as opened it is Slaced on display. We havo many new styles of Shoes for Ladies, Men, lisses, Boys-an Infants all at our well-known popular prices. Ladies' Dongola Shoes, button or lace, heel or spring heel, at only .. :.... 98o Ladies' genuine Dongola Shoes, all sizes, button or Taoe, value $2.00.... .$1.39 Ladies' Fleeco Lined Glove and Oil Grain Shoes, all solid, at only...... 98o Ladies' Kangaroo Cah' Shoes, button or lace, worth 1.50, at only. 1.25 Ladies' Pebble and Glove Grain Shoes, button or laco, all solid, only.... 98o Boys'Calf Skin Shoes, sizes 3 to 5J, well made, at only........... OSa Hundreds of other good Shoes equally as cheap. NEW IBOYS? CLOTHING & GENTS? FURNISHINGS. A matchless stock and a beautiful assortment, eonpled with honest prices, for equal valr.c are tho chief characteristics of our grand display. NEW FALL MILLINERY. Our Millinery department is equal to the best in tho city, tasteful and well selected. By giving us a call you will convince yourself of tho fact. Many new things in this department. See our Fine Dross Hats. FREE !?Handfiomo Now Premiums just received. Hand Painted China free. A housewife's delight?a nicely arranged table. Buy your Goods.of ns and get a Set of Hand Painted China FREE. Ask for Coupons. LESSER & CO., ANDERSON, S. C, UNDER MASONIC TEMPWP. Try the Weight of your Dollar! The next four weeks we expect to turn loose Goods by the Thousands. We still have on hand a large Stock of choice, desirable Goods. Dress Goods, Flannels, Blankets, Ladies', Misses' and Children's Wraps Special attention to Wraps. A little money buys you A Nice Goat Margins of profit rot considered. It is simply a question of exchanging them for the money. Thousands of? For every day, medium and'Sunday wear. A better lot it has never buen our fortune to offer to the trade. Special moving prices put on Dre^s Goods. AND Will receive special attention. We are going to make this a big exchange business m Clothing, and everything else in our big Stock must be es? changed for the money. Wonderful line of-? Men's Underwear On the. list. . < The early months of the year business never wes nheri our sales never larger, Oi'X exceptionally fine business makes it easy for us to turn our Stock looa? for the next month. This will be interesting to the great maBs of buyers. DONT WAIT. Corne as soon as yott read this notice. We feel fine over our exceptionally fine business, there fore we r,an afford to let things go at small margins of profit from now until the holidays. Mark ye, this is a great advantage. Take care of it. Yours truly , Head-to-root Outfitters for Menu Women and Children.