Intelligencer. I'ublis/icd every Wednesday. J. F. Cmn'kscalks, i Editors and C. C. Lakgston, s Proprietors. ONE YEAH, ---- $1 .00 SIX MONTHS, - - - 75 WEDNESDAY, NOV. '11, 1901. There is no kick coining to the Democrats on recent election results; they will fill two seats in the United States Senate now filled by Republi cans. There is a measure now pending in the General Assembly of Georgia which, if enacted into a law, will abolish divorces in that State and put Georgia on the- same basis as South Carolina as to marriage separation. Friends of General ?In? Wheeler around Huntsville, Ala., have launch ed a political boom to elect him to the United States Senate in 1902 to suc ceed Senator I'otlus. His many old friends throughout the country would be more than pleased to see hin? in ihc Senate. m ? The people of Alabama have ratified the new State constitution by thirty five thousand majority. The princi pal change in the instrument is on the suffrage question. The new constitu tion practically eliminates the negro vote in that Stato by virtue of the educational qualification. - mm ? ?. Senator Hanna says that in all his life he has written but oue political speech, which he tore up because it waB "such rot." Evidently the only way.ho can stand his own speeches is to "peak then right off without caking time to read them. Probably, if ho destroyed all the rot he speaks, he would be dumb. m mi - The suggestion which came origi nally from Australia that thero should he a uniform postage of two cents for letters to all parts of the world has been approved by Italy, Switzerland, Egypt, and some South American States, while Germany has disapprov ed. France, - England, Russia and Austria have united in tha suggestion that the whole question should be re ferred to the next postal world's con gress, to be held at Rome in li>02. The eleventh census will oost the United States fourteen million dol lars, and every census that is taken causes muoh trouble in that tho bu reau has to be re-organized each time. The consequence is that the results are not always satisfactory, and it raises the question as to whether or not it would be better for the govern ment to organize a permanent census bureau. It strikes us that such a de partment would be a distinct advance over present methods, and that much more satisfactory results in ooosus tp.king oould be aohieved through the medium of this permanent bureau. Tho Attorney General will repre sent the State in tho matter of the de cision of Judge Gary, rendered in Cherokee, knooking out tho jury laws of the State. It is cxpeoted that the appeal from Judge Gary's decision will bo heard by the Supremo Court on or about December 4. The Stato will make an effort to sustain the con stitutionality of the jury laws. An early announcement of the decision is expected, as things are at present in a very uncertain condition, and if the opinion of Judge Gary is to he sus tained it will be necessary for tho legislature to euro the defects at tho approaching term. t m ?-^? The Republicans havo trotted out a new scheme to quiet the demand for tariff revision in their ranks, and in cidentally to put a few more salaries in the hands of their friends. It is for the creation of a tariif commission to consider the matter and report at some old time in the future. Mean while Congress would have an excuse to do nothing. The experience of the country with expensive Federal com missions during the last few years ought to cause every man to blush when proposing a new one. But this one is understood to be entirely pleas ing to Mr. Roosevelt, as he thiuks it will help him escape criticism by en abling him for a time to straddle the question of tariff revision. The spread and wide dispersion of the English language docs not make it a universal li .iguugc although, if the commercial and military prowess and progress of the English-speaking coun tries should escape for a few decades any defeat or serious backset, theirs will finally become as nearly as pos sible a universal language. To-day it comes near being the chief of the world's tongues. The power of great aggressive race to impose its language upon others is very great. The Romans in a thousand years, in coarse of which they subjected and dominated all the important countries of the then known world, imposed their language upon all those nations, so thqi or Latin became, to all intents and purposes, a universal lan. guage. In the present day, Eoglish has couio the nearest to universality of use. Tho conquered or tributary peoples ull find it necessary to learn the language of tho conqueror or of the sovereign power. Centennial of S. C. College. Kditor Intelligencer: Permit me through your paper to address the alumni of the South Carolina college residing in Anderson county: I have recently had two or three li t - ters from I'rof. It. Means Davis touch ing the centennial celebration of the founding of tho college tobe held in Charleston on the 19 th December, pYo.v, and hogging mo to arouse among the alumni some interest on the aub ioet. It is important to know for some reasons who will attend. 1 beg, there for*;, to suggest that the resident alum ni meet at the olHec of Mr. J". M. H?cker, Jr., on Monday, the '-'ml dny of December next, at 12 o'clock nr., or that any who cannot be present at this meeting yet contemplate attending the celebration in Charleston will semi me tvue-foiirlti cash, and balance on easy in? stallmontH, secured by property; ami piirebaaer 10 pay for papers. Sal? com ini'Di'ion at - o'clock p. m. Parties wIhIi itig to h??o the property will be shown the promises by tho undesigned any dav. lint*-', "o tli** right, t; reject anv and all bldf. J. B. KING. Nov 27, 1001 23 1 THE STATE OF SCUTH CAROLINA, County of Anderson. IS court of phobatl. Joseph N. Ilrown, as Executor of tho last Will of John W Daniels, deceased. Petitioner, against Mra. Julia D. Daoiels, 1' A. Daniels, .Tames M. Daniels, Aiuanda L. bnelgrovo, Martha .1. tirant Kate Wilson, ?ife of W. II. Wilson, John W. Miields. I'Jmma O. Williamson, < ; h y Daniels, P-enjainin A. Daniels, Samuel A. Daniels, John W. Daniels, Kuba Daniels. Fa"iil? J. Smith, John W. bnelgrove, Faunio L. Webb. Nelllo J . Daniels and Minnie J. Hinfltuan, I'efendants.? Summons for Relief?Petition not .Served. To the Defendants above named : j You are hereby summoned.and required to an swer the Petition in this action, which is filed in the olnco of the Court of Probate at Anderson C. H , S. C.. and to sorve a copy of your answer to the said Petition cm the subscriber at hls.ouice, Anderson C, H , 8. C, within twenty days nflor the service hereof, exclusive of tbu day of such service; and if you fall to answer the Petition within the tic , aforesaid, ho Petitioner In this action will apply to the Court for the roUef de manded in tne Petition. I!. Thit the object of tbt> Pptttloa Is io prove the Will of John W. Daniels, deceased, In due form of law. Ill No personal claim is made against you. Da! t J November 27, A. D 1901. JOSEPH N. BROWN, Attorney for Petitioner. To the Defendants James M. Daniels. Kato Wil son, wife of W. li. Wilson, John W. Shields. Heojaiulu A. Dnule's, Samuel A Daniels, John W. Daniels, Fatinle L. Webh anl Minnie J. lliuduiau, residing beyond the limits of this Mate : TAKE NOTICE That the Petition in this ac tion, together with the Summons, of which tho foregoing Is a copy, was filed in tho otilce of the .Indue oi Probate ai andevfton C. H , lu the Coun ty of Ander: oo, ou tho 27ih day of November, is. 01 November 23,19J1. JOSEPH N. BROWN, Nov 27, 1931?23- C Attorney for Petitioner. FLORIDA ORANGES. They are cheaper this year than they have been in ten years?from 25c. a dozen up. My Store is stocked brim full of good things to eat? RAISINS, > CURRANTS; CITRON, COCOiNUTS, bananas, northern apples, malaga grapes, cranberrie3, CELERY, mince meat. It is. tempting to visit our Store. Come and see us and our Stock whether you want to buy or not. Youis for Cash, C. FRANK BOLT. h ? b OB p S3 tau So 00 "3 qo q ! w ? OB H* s H n O ft NOTICE. t a i,t, peranna are warned not to hunt or otherwise trvapftn* on our-landa in Con tw.vitlo To*uahlp, Anderaon County. Prrvina dlrtrtgnrdlng thin no*Mce will be lUMM-outcd t?? th?* full extent of tbe law. M ARY J/ CHAM BLEE, MATTIE BOLV, LULA CS A MB LEE, . MALL?E 9HIRKRY. A L BERTH A. CHAM BLEE. N.V20, 1901 2i S? WE have on Laud the beet selection of comfort-bringem for cold and tired feet that we have ever carried. Our long experience of ten yenri Shoe buying has enabled us to select only the host values Lorn the largest manu facturers' Hues. We bought this season iu such quantities that we eau offer to our customer* better goods for less money than we have ever before been able to do. You will, therefore, not consider that our Shoes are CHEAP Shoes because they are low-priced. The little school fellow will find hia Shoes he buys of us the greatest, delight of Winter, excepting hia Christmas guns, as Jack Frost will have no terrors for him ; and his parents will find their Winter's worries overcome, as our School Shoes protect the purse as well as the feet. There are a few old shelf-worn Shoes Ju stock that we want to ?oll nt a large discount. They are pretty fair Shoes, but not as good as new?hence the big mark-down in price. They are yours for the cash only while they last. They can't last long at the price^ j REMEMBER WE SELL PLAMTA a I "ON urriL?o OF EVERY KIND. DEAN & RATLIFFE. The Store where your friends Trade. CLOSING OUT. CLOSING OUT. GOING TO QUIT ^1&ML IT IS I AT To see Seasonable Goods going at such ridiculous prices lei* THE RED STAR HOUSE I But the fact is, we are CLOSINGS OTTT! All our Stocks of? CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS, CELTS' FURNISHINGS, CAPES, CLOAKS, ETC. This is positive, and if you want to SAVE MONET on every thing you need COME TO SEE US AT ONCE, as we will not be here much longer. Think these prices over : Men's Suits $1.98 up. Overcoats $2.50 up. Ladies' Capes 35c. up. Boys' $2.50 Suits $1.50. EVERYTHING MUST GO. LEVY * CO., West side Public Square, Anderson, S. 0. Are you getting your Share of the Good Things at - - The Magnet ? The reason we ask you this question is, that we have heard so many ex pressions like this : "Oh, why didn't I come to The Magnet before buying ?" Onr anxiety for you to see our Goods and get our prices before making your purchases is not. founded op brag, bluster or reckless claims ; it is simply our unbounded confidence in oar ability to SAVE YO? MONEY. We advertise what we have and have what we advertise. Beginning Monday, Nov. 11th, wo will have a whole week of Bargains for you. Special Prices like these throughout the entire week : Good Green Coffee all the week 12 lbs. for $1.00. 27-inch wide Cotton Checks 3*o yard by the bolt, 3?o to out. The 7<}c quality Drilling priced all the week at 5$o a yard. Best A. C. A. Tiokiog priced all the week at 12}o a yard. All Standard Prints, fancy designs and patterns, one week only 4$o yard. Very best Knitting Cotton, all numbers, at 23o pound. Real Linen Window Shades, on spring rollers, with complete set of ilx tures, specially priced next week 20o. Curtain. Poles, complete, 20o eaoh. Shoe Nails, r.oe-quarter pound packages, two for 5c. 10c Bottle Vasaline, bargain week price 5c. Ready Mixed Paints, 35o and 40o at the drug stores, our price 10c Can. High Grade Paiot Brushes 8c, lOo.and 12c. We have the largest and best assortment of Dolls, Toy o, Chiidtmas Goods, &c, of any house in the city, and none sold for more than 25c. Tell the children that we ere in correspondence with Santa Claus, and have his word for it that he will spend hi-* entire time with us while he is in Anderson. Come early. Yours always truly, ext to Pos*: ')fl?co. JOHN A. AUSTIN ANI> THE MAGNET, High Pri?e Breakers and Law Price Makers. Let Him Strut 1 HIS DAYS ARE NUMBERED. He is big, but none too big to fill th? roomy, white enam el oven of a Buck's Stove. Do You Owe Me ? if so come in at once and settle, as I must make collec tions at once, and save expense of coming to see yon. Respectfully, JOHN T BURR18S. $12.50 and $15.00 Ladies' Tailored Suits $7.50 for $12.60 and $1,5.00 Tailor-made Suits seems utter ly absurd, yet it is not. The?:e is a logical reason for this amazing little price. The season is getting late and the Qoods must go. Yon can take yonr pick, beginning Monday morning. All /Wool materials?Venetians, Cheviots and. Homespuns in Black, Blue, Brown and Oxford. Made in this season's newest styles. Eton effects and blouse and reefer styles. Jackets lined with Taffeta or Silk Romain. Skirts are lined with best Percaline in flare and flounce stylen. Plo in Tailored and Taffeta trimmed. This Is absolutely one of the most astounding Suit oners ever advertised. Ladies' Jackets, And Children's Reefers The special mark-down applies also to Jackets and Reef ers. In our centre show windows are values in Children's Reefers never heard of hi this city. Seventy-five cents buys a garment worth one dollar and fifty cents. These are not trashy goods, but in every respect new in style and substan tial in workmanship. FURS A grand variety is here of everything that is good, stylish and durable. Our prices are considerably lower than , else* where, and our stock is much larger than elsewhere. We ask you simply to inspect our line before purchasings Respectfully, Ju Aerents for the American Lady Corset. Agents for Butterick Patterns, Ask for Coupons for% FREE PREMIUMS. Are Your TO HIGH PRICS TIME STORES ? IF NOT SEE W. F. Marshall & Go's. Stock. ALL CASH STOKE. Oar Line of Outings for Children and Ladies Are beautiful at 5c, 7c? 8c, 10c Cotton FJannels-^we buy in solid case? direct from the factory, at 6c, 7c, 8c, iOc?beet values in town for the money. Jeans?fine line cheap. . Ladies and Children ? Jackets. Stylish,Cheap and Up-to-Date. Calico, Percales, Ticking, Bleaching, Brown Homespun, Red and White Flnnuels at Rock Bottom Prices. Our tales this Fall in this line has been much larger than last year, Why? We have a better Stock at Popular Prices. A Dandy Work Shoo in Women's ? and Men's at $1.00. Better ones at SI.25, 81.50, 82.00, 82.50. Best 83.50 Man's Shoe in the city. Also a splendid line of School Shoes for the littlf; bellows. Full line of HOSIERY. BLANKETS?If you need them these cool nigh ta we have them.. TRUNKS at factory prices. Headquarters for TINWARE, GLASSWARE, CROCKERY. Come and see how far ? dollar will go with us. Yours truly, r 36 Granite Bow. N. B.?What Clothing we have we are -selling. out at actually 50c. on he dollar. We will not ktep Clothing after-'his season. ,W? F. M. & Co. ; W?W;-FtHM T. A. ARCHER and JNO J. NORRIE have bought L, H. SEEL'S Stock of Goods and will continue the business at Mr. SeeiVeld stand. The Senior nicmher of the Firm having ?'erved his apprenticeship^ at the Tinneta' Trade years ago, and .who has beeu doing business in our city for years, is known throughout tno County for his pams-taking and good, honest work, and needs no introduction. Give us a call. We can SAVE YOU MONEY, for we are selling o*T our old stock to make room for New Goods Have a big ?tock of STOVE&, jurt a* good as new, that must go. AIbVMN WARE, AGATE WARE,. WOODEN WARE, BROOMS, CUTLERY, and Household Furnishing Good?. We also have in connection with our Store a Shop equipped with the best. Tools and Machines that can be had, and we are in a'position to do all lands of repair work in vour line. ROOFING, PJL.UMBING and ELECTRIC Wl?UNG. zoura lor v^Mness, Phone No. 261. ARCHER & MORRIS, Ne. 6 Chjquola Block "