, ' <;> > ? ' . ? ff * .. . . . . . . ? . ;;- . ? ... .? ; . . ..;..! ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^nT.TW rsn r.EH T. NftSTON ANDERSON. S. C.. WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 1901. VOLUME XXXVT-TiO 47 Truth About Grant. The following timely article is a communication recently published in the tlunto Constitution : Editor Conatitution : Not long ago yon "reproduced by permission from the New York World'* Sunday Maga sine" an artiole by Mrs. Jefferson Davis on "Tho Humanity of Gen. Grant." Mrs. Dsvis has certainly depended apon imagination snd hearsay in this eulogy on Grant. Speaking of the sword story of Appomattox, she says : "General Grant did not keep it as a trophy, 3ut respectfully returned it to tho hand which had made its fame SB deathless as that of Excalibur." In Grants Memoirs, volume 2, page 494, he says: "The much talked of sur rendering of Lee's nword snd my handing it back, this and mach more that has beon said about it ss the purest romance." It was pore ra diance about Grant receiving tho sword, and it follows that it was not "respectfully oi ru u." In his memoirs, Gen. Grant says that Geo. Lee told bim that in tho Confederate army the cavalrymen and artillerists owned their own horses. Gen. Grant was of opinion that the war was about ended; that most of the j Confederates were small farmers and would not bo able to make a crop without "the aid of the horses they were then riding." He said to Gen. Lee about the horses: "The United States did not want them, and I would, therefore, iostruct the officers I left behind to receive the parolos of his troops to let every man of the Con federate army who claimed to own a horse or male to take the animal to hia home." From this it will be seen that Gen. Grant, according to his own statement, was influenced by two facts in allowing the Confederates to retain their horso3, to wit: The horses were the private property of the sol diet i, and."thc United States did not want them." This means that the I horses would have been taken if they bcd belonged to the Confed rate States, or they would have been taken anyway if tho United States had want ed them. This horse story has been told so of ten that no doubt some persons be lieve that Gen. Grant sent Gen. Lee's soldiers home on horseback, but tn at is not the case. When the surrender oame Gen. Lee had only 7,892 inf an* j try with arms in their hands. Before the paroles were made ont stragglers enough came up to run tho number np to about 25,000. Of these about 5,000 were osvalry and artillery. Then at least 20,000 men had to walk home, and were not beneficiaries of ! Grant's magnanimity. The men who ' did ride home were allowed to keep their horses only until they got in n payment of a foe of fifty cents an extension of final limit will be per mitted to September 1st. 19iM DETROIT MICH., a d return, acco'int Nation al Educational aroclatlon Meeting July 7th lilh, 1901. Bate nf ono fits .ela fate for tho round trip, plus $I.CO mcinfo "Bblp fee f oin all point on KOBI hern Ball ay Tickets to ba aold July 6th, Ctn and 7tn. with final limit July letb, 1' Ol. By depositing ticket (in person) with Joint Agett at .. troit on or before July I2ih. and on paru cut of foe c." fifty cents at time of deposit I extension of final limit until September 1st, 1901 1 will be pe.mltUd ; KICHMOND, V i , and return, account Annual ! Convention National Travelers' Protective Aato elation of America, June 8rd-8tt, Iii il. Bate of one flr t clasa fare for tbe rou d tilo from all Koints on lines of Southern Ballway. Tickcta to e aold Juno 1st 2nd and Si J, with final limit eight days from date ot salo. Vor detailed Information as to tato , schedules, eto calton or address any agent of the Southern Ballway or connections W. II. TAYLOE. A O. P. A , Atlanta, Ga , ' <;> > ? ' . ? ff * .. . . . . . . ? . ;;- . ? ... .? ; . . ..;..! ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^nT.TW rsn r.EH T. NftSTON ANDERSON. S. C.. WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 1901. VOLUME XXXVT-TiO 47 After He Comes he lias a hard enough lime. Every thing that the expectant mother can do to help her child she should do. One ot. the greatest blessings ano can give him ia health, but to j do thia, she must have health her- i self. She should use every means ' to improve ber physical condition. She should, by ail means, supply herself with Mother's friend. lt will take her through tho crisis easily and quickly. It is a liniment which gives ctrcngtli and vigor to tho muscles. Com mon sense will show you that tho stronger the muscles are, which bear thu f >sw3"J strain, tho less J * ' pain there will be. t A woman living in Fort Wayne, g Ind., says: " Mother's Friend did j! wonders for me. Praise dod for c] your liniment." Read this from Hunel, Cal. "Mother's Friend is a blessing to all v/omen who undergo nature's 2 orded of childbirth." Get Mother's Friend at the drug store. $1 per bottle. THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., jj LAttente, Ga. Write for our fro Illustrated book, " Before llal>y ls Hom." 6m Peoples Bank of Anderson Moved into their Banking House, and are open for busi ness and respectfully solicits the patronage of the public. Interest paid on time deposits by agreement. _ - THE - BANK OF ANDERSON J. A. BROCK, President. JOS. N BR >WN, Vice Presiden t. B. F. MATJLDIN, f HBhler THE largest, strongest Bank in tbb County. Interest Paid on Deposits By special agreement. With unsurpassed facilities and resour ces we are at all times prepared tQ ac commodate our enatomor , Jan 10,1000 0 THE A^DEBBOW Mntaal Fire insurance Go. HAS written 1000 Polioies and bave a little over $550.000.00 insurance in foroe. The Policies are for small amounts, usually, aid the risks are well scattered. We are oarrying this insurance at less than one-half of what tho old lino companies wonld charge, j We make no extra charge for insurance against wind. They do. J. ll. Yandi ver, President. Directors-lt S. Hill, J J. Fret well, W G. Watson, J.J Major, J. P. Glenn, B. C. Martin, R. B. A. Robin son, John G. Ducworth. H. J. GINN, Agent, Starr, t . C. PARIAN rt a i BIT A rAiim Unequaled Covering ; Unequaled Spreading ! Durable ! Handsomest Paints On tho market ! Endorsed by the highest au thorities. FOR SALE BY F. B CRAYT0N & CO., DRUGGISTS, ANDERSSft, - . S. C. _April '7,1001 4Z_ :)ffl O MATTER now badly your Vehicle now looks, or how badly out of repair it may be, or how badly it is worn from usage, the time to repair it IS NOW. The place to repair it is OUR SHOPS. Repainting a specialty. PAUL . STEPHENS. 0 r^nnnp-n COCAIME* WHISK i r Ulm ^^y^ ; pt nftjNMea. a rear* m nyeUity. Book oit lloma Traktraant ea&l VUL Addrcaa H. M. WOOklSV, at. D<* Atlanta. Ca. DR. As = TODD, Townsend Building, nerta Mali 8tre- , AVBEB80V, 8. 0. OFFERS lmnr>T d trAatmrnt for Rap tor Pllea. Skin Diseases, and Gen ito-Uinarv Trouble*. Spacial treatment for facial blemishes of ladies and ohll dr#n. Jan 16,1001 99 Sr* Two hundred busheis of po atoes remove eighty pounds of ' 'actual ' ' Potash from the | |, soil. Unless this quantity is returned to the soi!, * the following crop will materially decrease. Wo have books telling about composition, tue and value of fertilizer for vari os crops. They ore sent free. , GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau St., New York. A. H. DAGNALL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, A ii il ev H on, S. C OFFICE-OVER THE P09T OFFICE. An All-around Satisfaction le assured to those who Patronize. OUR WORK la uniformly excellent, not merely occasionally good. What care and skill can do to give satisfaction ts done Fine work on gooda of every description is done here. The Fin!oh, either lilgh glosB or domestic, on Sh . o, Collars and Cuff* is t specially meritori OUH. ANDERSON STEAM LAUNDRY CO. 20? East Boundary St. R. A. MAYFIELD, Supt. and Treas. PHONE NO. 20. tea, i.oavo orders at D. C. Brown & , Bro'*. Store._ Womanly Beauty ! Sparkling Eyes and Briant Faces ! Are tho Fruits of Bowna N.rTC > WT nT TIT DA in GERAT FBESCH Ul IV Vii ll NERVE TONIO AND VT TAUZEB ur. Nervous Eab utl>on, Hysteria, Dizziness, U-adacbe, Backache and Female We.k n*i io common attending the Monthly Periods. /IT'D TO I'--ina through the trying chanca \Ji_iliO fron. Girlhood to Vfowanbo C III find In it I wonderful reliof and bont-lt. It Qui. eta and btrengthono tb* Nerves. Cleaasea the Blood. Clean tbs Brain and Tones OD the whole Hyste.]. M KE-i A WOMAN LOOK YOONG and FEEL YOUNO. Price OOo. 13 Boxes S3. Bent by mall to any addres .. So d by EVAN I'llA|tMACY, Sole A gentr, REAL ESTATE AGENCY! THE undersigned have formed a Rea* E-tuto Agenoy under the name of Tribble & Edwards, for the purpose of negotlailng salea or purchases of Real Estate, both in the City and County, and alBO attendlug to the renting and rolleot* lng of rents of suoh property Severa} desirable Houses end Lota for sale now. M. P. TRI BB I.E. H, EPV/ARDS, ! Jan 23,1001 il I BUSINESS, Shorthand, Typewriting and Academic departments Lite rary Soolety, Leoture Courses, Boarding Hall. Positions secured for every grad uate for this year wishing a position. SVSOSwEY TO LO N f ON REAL ESTATE. Long tims If security is Rood. Fine Farm Lands for Little Money, ti trou g Farma in Piokena for half ho price of Anderaon lands. Call and see our list of them ; will aid huyera to got what they want, and lend them half of purchano monoy. B. F. MARTIN, Attorney at Law, M senlo Temple, _Anderson, 8. O. THE STATE OF S J TH CAROLINA, Cocui* OF ANDERSON COURT Ol' < OMMO.N P__A8. 8. F. Cromer, Plaintiff, s gal "t Mrs Ts I ulah E. Kay, Defendant.-Summons for Relief-Com plaint Served. To the Defendant Mrs. Tal ulah B Kay : \ rou are hereby summoned and required to OE - V ewer the Complaint tn this action, of which a copy ls filed In the offieo of the Clerk of be Court for *aid County this day. and to serve a copy of your answer to said Complaint on the subscribers at their omeo, Anderson. 8. C , within twenty days after the aervlee hereor, exclusive of tho day of such service ; and If you fall to answer the romp'ai nt within the time aforesaid, the Plaintiff in this action will apply to tho Court for the relier demanded tn the Complaint. Anderson, S. C., April Stb, A D 901 SHfcPPARD A CRI^E BONHAM A W\.K1NS, Plaintiff's Attorneys. Filed April 8lh. 19)!. [Baal, j JUUM C. WATKINS, C. C. r. To tho above Defend nt. Mrs Telulah B Kay : You will take notice that the omplsint in this acilou was this day filed tn thc office of the Clerk of the Conrt for said County SHEPPARD A ORICR, BONHAM A WATKINS. Plaintiff's Attorneys. 8th April, Itel 43 6 NOTICE. THE Supervisor gives notice that from this dato ne can be found in the office each Monday and Saturday, and will be ont in the cour .ry on all other daya as business requires. J. N. VANDIVBR, - Co. Supervisor A C. Notice of Filial Settlement. THE undersigned, Administrator of th Estait, of Mrs. _. T. Miller, deceased, bereby gives notice that he will on the 10'h day of May, 1001, apply to the Judge of Pro hate for Anderaou County, t . G., for a Final Settlement of aald Es ta to, and a discharge from bia office aa Administrator. C. A. REED, AdoVr. Anrll 17 !90l ii yTV V R * ^ T " TT*""-* - AOVlCfi SB,TO PATE T ABILITY KDKE . Not-a In "invenUvo Ago" pKBlBi -Dr^"Ilcwtoobi_^r_<_^ . QsafWai aaasaanata. MoSsetm'nsAeatta ?anna. ' Leeters strkily co_V_n Addroaa. _ ,