BILL ARF ..ass A rp ttad His Hible* Head tixe Atlanta i Thc family is the most i'inportanl institution ubon the earth, fy is cia hope of tho ?world. It? influence ii creator than that of kings, euiperon or cabinets. ; Parents and childrec gathered around tho hearthstones ir ?eparate families make np oommuoi lie?, aud they ?i?k? Siaies and na tioos and choose their rulers. As thc families oro, so is tho ?government good or bad-men-unmarried men are merely individuals and feel nc great responsibility outside of atheii individual comfort and welfare. Bul parents are concerned for their chil dren. We livo for them and would die for them, consequently we waui good government that wijJL^proteot them. But it is not every family who fe: ls this deep concern. From my window I sen the homes of many neighbors and ean count on my logera those whose pre sen co is A safeguard to the community, and the rest are of bat little cons?quence. If they were to move away it would not add to'our peril. So it is in all communities. The few protect the many. So it .is church and State. Twenty members of our legislature eontrol its legisla tion. xeo members of an average church membership give the church its character. Sodom was destroyed be cause ten good men could not he found. If all men were good we would have no heed of courts or pris . ons. Bub for every aharon that is set on a hill there is a jail in the valley. I hear the preaoher calling and the bell tolling from the one, and imagine I hear the devil oslling 'rom the oth er, and he cries out as the sergeants did in the old muster language, "Oh, yesl Oh, yeal All who belong to Cap tain Satan's company ^parade here." And tho people are going and coming ill the time some to one call and more to the other. But as. the devil can't be heard afar off, he goes about call ing, and even invades the sanctuary and calls aloud while the preacher is pieaohing. "Man never ereots a house of prayer But what the devil builds a pulpit there, And 'twill bo found upon examina tion The devil has the largest congr?ga tion." His pulpit is always at the rear end where the young people love to sit, and you can tell how popular he is by the number who sit there. I was ruminating about this family institution and its great importance in the world because I have been reading about it in the Apocrypha, whioh is one of our family Bibles. I heard a preacher Bay once that a Bible with the Apoerypha in it should not stay in his/house. Well, it took 1,826 years to exclude it from the Protestant Bible, and most of fc is in the Roman Catholic Bible yet. What is called a Biored canon was not established until the sixteenth century, and for centur ies before that almost every great theo logian had his own catalogue of inspir ed books as ho believed them. For years only ten of Paul's epistles vere admitted. The ' Book of St. i James and the Revelation of St. John I were excluded. Sb were, Esther and ? Daniel an? jooaQ ia tne Old Teata ; meit. Luther tried to have Hebrews, I and James, and Jnde, and tho Revela tions of St. John excluded, but failed. But all differences of opinion seem to nave been harmonised at tie council j of Trent by all Christians and the J Apoeryphia was ?eft in, not as on in ? spired part, bot to bo read for religious ? instruction. In 1826 it was excluded ?**ath6 Protestant Bible, but it re cains in many of the old time family Bibles and is in on; of mine. I dara fe peruse it .uMttetimes, especially Tho Wisdom of Jesus, the Son of 8i?cb," which ia called Ecolcsiaoti ?Q8, whioh has fifty chapters and is as foll of maxims and morals and instruc tion for the family ?B are the Proverbs ? Solomon. Addison says that if Una book had been left in the cannon, ft it had the name of some great philosopher, it wsuld have .oomanded the admiration of man To my mind it is the condensa ?on of wisdom for family government. ?was pointed ?fed pungent as any? ??og that Solomon ever wrote. Thie I Jiu? was a botter to?n than Bolomou. lived andI vrrote 300 years at?n ??1MM, the last ot the prophets. ?n tts elna* of Ms ?aitauve c?noerninf ?oses aQfl |n|> progne ne flRyfl cj ?tom?n: "By Ms hedy he was toongi "?to subjection and didst otain hil Morand pollute his seed, and brought Jfctu upon his ohtfdi'en, and his king ^* WM divided." I never did have * Profound admiration fora a whe JV. ? "Rojoice, oh, young coan, in thc *?? of thy youthj aud be then alway? dished with her .e," and thor Jp? off and marries SOO wivei and MB it '. m LRTTPP -Bill Says He Likes to Apocrypha. 'onstituthn. were good, but his example was' bad, very bad. My doctrine baa always been that a mao has no more right to two wives than a woman has to two husbands. Let him stand by his mar riage vows. This is tho injunction of Jesus, the son of Sir?ch. As - sam ple of his wisdom let me quote: "A man that breaketh his wedlook, saying, 'Who sceth me; am I not com passed about with darkness,' he for getteth that ?he eyes cf the Lom are ?J ten thousand times brighter than the 8U?." "Blessed is he who hath a virtuous wife, for the number of his days shall be doubled." "A silent and loviog woman is a gift fron- the Lord." "A fool will peep in at the door of the hon RP, but he that is well nurtured will stand without." "Do not banquot upon borrowed "Commend not a man for bis out ward appearanoe, for many kings have sat down upon the ground, and one that was never thought of bath worn theorown. ' "A friend cannot bo known in pros perity, and an enemy cannot be hid in adversity." "Use not muoh the company of. a woman who is a singer lest r thon be osptured with lier voice." "Rejoice not over thine enemy, when he is dead." "Lend not to him who is higher than thyself, but if thou lesdest count it lost." . ! "Sit not down with the wife of an* other man in thine ?TU?B, for it will bring thee to destruction." ' My son, help thy father in his old age and thou shalt have joy in thine own children." "Have no fellowship with those who are mightier and richer than thyself, for how can the earthen k?ttle and the pot agree." "When a rioh man speaketh every man holdeth his tongue and extol it to the clouds, but if a poor mau speak, they say, 'What fellow is this?' " "Build not a house with another man's money, for it ?B like gathering stones for the tomb of thy burial." "A thief is better than a common liar." "Accustom not thy mouth tc swear ing nor to the naming of the Holy Ose." "Against him that is niggard of his meat his neighbors shall mur mur." "Keep a sure watch c-er a shame less daughter lest she make thee a laughing-stosk and a byword in the oity and a reproach among thy peo ple." Whether this book be inspired or not, it is full of devotion to God and gratitude for His goodness. The Old Testament Hebrews'. canon was made up and dosed before this Jesus lived, or perhaps Ecclesiastics would have been embraced in it. It is oerlainly entitled to as muoh consideration as Solomon's Song, for there is uni a vul gar or lascivious expression in it. This muoh about the Apoerypha will answer somo inquiries I have received, two of them were from preaotnrs. BILL ABP. tures Contagious Blood Poison. TRIAL TREATMENT FREE.-It is es pecially the deep-seated, obstinate oases that B. B. B. eurea.. It matters cot if the doctors or patient medioine? havo failed io cure, B. u. if. (Botanic Blood Balm) always promptly reaches the poison and roots ont and drains it from the system, heals every sore or pimple, stops hair from falling eut, and cures the disease so the symptoms can never return. B. B. B. cured K. P. B. Jones, At lanta, Ga., uf contagious blood poison; had copper colored eruptions all over the body, excruciating sobas and pains in bones and joints, falling of the hair, sore throat, wis troubles re sisted the. treatment of ?he most noted doctors, yet he was completely eurea by ten bottles of Botanic Blood Bale (B. B. B ) Robert Ward, Maxey, Ga., suffered from secondary and tertiary blood poison, fabe ana shoulders a mass of corruption and sores; began to eat Into the skull bones: eleven bottles o' B. B. B. completely cured him. If yon have eczema, cancer, scrofula, risings, boils, ulcers, then B. B. B. will make a perfect cure. Trial treatment free by writing Blood Balsa Co., 380 Mitchell street) Atlanta, ?a. Describo your trouble, and we " will inotud? free personal I medical advice. Ovara.?OOl cur?s by ; BVB. B. Hill-Orr Drus; Co., Wilhite j I & Wilhite and Evans Pharmacy. j j - There are more men than women in the world, but if half the women had tho men they wanted there would bo none of ? s left for the rest. You Know What Ton Are Taking Wheo you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonio because tho formula is plainly printed on ivcry bottle showing that *t?5?4? . Ires and Qaiuino io ?? Transporting Horses to the Philippines. San Francisco, Cal., March 20. Ever aiu?e the United States Govern ment ordered its first fleet of trans ports, the City of Peking, the Austra lia and the city of Sidney, with the cruiser Charleston as oonvoy, to the Philippines in May, 1898, there has been steady improvement in the trosport service, until now it presents to the civilised world one of the Soest systems iu existence. Besides the numerous commodious steamers, with llbiit and airy quarters for troops, Which have replaced tho small chartered vessels into whioh the first section of departing army was crowded, the Government. b?s BOW chartered between tea and fifteen steamers known as "animal ships," on whioh tho horses and mules which go to make up some of thc principal divisions of tho army aro transported. So oaref ul hats ino shipping of these animals been that with but one ex ception all the vessels from either San Francisco or Seattle havo arrived in the tropios or in the Arctio regions with their dumb passengers in good condition. The superiority of the American system, as indicated by ibis statement, is more fully shown by the fcot that Great Britain, in the transportation of animals to South Africa, a shorter distance than'the ships of the United States have been foroed to sail, has lost on an average from 25 to 50 per cent of the number shipped. Each of the Amerioan ''animal ships" is Stied between dooks 4 by 10 foot stalls, eaoh equipped with a movable meiallio manger, whioh stretches across the front of tho stall with a bar below to keep the horses in pikioo. The flooring is covered with stout olests so as to give the horses a foothold whenever the veosel lurches. For each "horse .ihip" that sails, the Government allows a quartermas ter captain, who is a representative of the army; a veterinarian with three skilled assistants, and from twenty to thirty-five attendants, who are mostly oavalry or artillery men, besides the oaptain and crew of the vessel. All horses and. mules transported from San Francisco are at the Presi dio with maline, a diagnostic agent for glanders. The animals are hitch ed in stalls and kept from excitement, and their temperature is taken every two hours for eight hours, after whioh they reoeive injections of the prepar ed solution, and then their tempera ture is again taken at the same inter vals, if the temperature rise above the normal 100 degrees it is a suspi cious oase, and the horse isolated. In a day or two, if the ger AB be in evi dence, the disease will take an acute form, and the animal be condemned as dangerous for both man and stock. Tho animals whioh stand the test are branded on the necks and hoofs with numbers, and with "U. S." on the shoulder. A description relative to the age, color, height and general markings of the animal, by what officer bought, the buying price and where purchased, is handed over to the quar termaster and by these means is easily kept track of. Any horse that ap fears to be in the least indisposed is rejected by tho vetrinarian and another ia put in to fill the place, so as to make up the number ordered. The loading of the horses ou the transports is done in the gentlest man ner; any animal that will not go up or down the gangplank freely ia led aside, and, after several -nore attempts, at intervals, generally boards willingly. Gentleness is the best and quickest way of ?oading the vessel. From the diary of Doctor W. L. Williamson, a veterinarian who has beoo in chnrge of nine Of the animal 3hips, kept on board tho sailing ves sel Tacoma, the first horse transport tb leave San Francisco, one may obatin an interesting account of how thc animals are. looked after during thejr transit. The care of several hundred animals is not essy, and to attend to them properly is a matter of science. The daily record shows a constant watch for signs of sickness. To all that appear to be suffering medicino is administered, and the entries read like those of a hospital for human beings. The horses and mules are watohed like hospital. patients for symptoms. Coughs, colds, attacks of fever, bruises canoed by the rolling of the ship follow in rapid succession and are successfully treated, as are alight at taoks ef pneumonia. ?* f ' Hones show their seasickness by a ?cry high fever, ranging up to 110 degrees, and if an animal be found ?a a stupor ft is evident thst the sea has affected it. The horses arc shifted from sts!Uo stall eaoh day, so that tho desirable places ba the vessel, the suffering and the pleasures, may be as uniform as possible. Mules seem more content with their surroundings, but during the entire voyage horses never tie down. A few sit on their haunoher, dog fashion, and plaoe their heads on the mongers, and by these means mansge to get a littlo rest. . To many the voyage is agree able, and thoy take on flesh, while others fall away astonishingly. Tun steak shippr? co Manila is gen lulu, and when the animals are landed at tue latter piaoe they are so stiff that they lie and roll Mid stretch in the sand, and moan at every move of their limbs. The second day, however, the majority are again in good condi tion, and romp and play in corral aa though they had bsd freedom for weeks. On reaching the Philippines the animals soon bcoome acol mated, and when the get, out in the country take to the grass and native feed, whole rice, quite readily. Doctor Williamson tells an interest ing narrative of his trip on the sailing vessel Tacoma. It took twelve days for the vessel to reach Honolulu, and from there to,Manila seveuty-thmn days. The ship passed through the same typhoon in which all the horses of the steamer Siam met their death, and anchored safely in Manila without losing a horse. "For fifty-two hours, during the rn go of the typhoon," Doctor Williamson Haid, "we were kept busy, without a moment's rest, keeping tho horses lashed to their stalls to prevent a stampede, repairing broken beams and quieting excited animals. It was terrifying to see how the peer things tossed about, but through the gallant work of she troopers of the Fourth Cavalry, who fought more nobly thanthey ever did in battle, we landed our cargo safe in Manila. General Otis had figured . upon an im portant engagement upon the arrival of the Siam's horses, but owing to the aooident of their loss tho Tacoma's animals were taken instead, they being loaded on the railroad and taken to San Ferhande, and in less than twenty four hours after being landed they wero in aotual servios and in-fine con dition.-Correspondence St. Louie Re public._ Caught a Dreadful Cold. Manon Kooke, manager for T. M. Thompson, a large importer of fine millinery at 1558 Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago, says: "During the J ate severe weather I caught a dreadful cold whioh kept me awake at night and made me unfit to attend my work dur ing tne day. One of my milliners was taking Chamberlain's Cough Rem? edy for a oevero cold at that time, whioh seemed to relieve her BO quick ly that 1 bought some for myself. It acted liko magio and I began to im prove at once. I am now entirely well and feel very pleased to acknowledge its merits." For sale by Hill-Orr Drug Co. If troubled by a week digestion, loss of appetite, or constipation, try a few doses of Chamberlain'? Stomach and Liver Tablets. Every box warranted. For sale by Hill-Orr Drug Co. - A mao can always manage to attract attention by either rising whiskers or having them shaved off. To Care A Cold In One Day Take Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W Grove's sig nature is on each box. 25c. - The man who walks wires may be skillful, but he isn't in it with the politioan who pulls them._ Won't marry Drunkards. ? Philadelphia you?g women aro about to organizo for a war on thc 8a lobos. They will not adopt the Kan sas methods, for they have no desire to aohieve notoriety. They are going to put tho cootal aorews on the young men to force thom to be good. Two Sundays heooe, ata great meet ing to be held io Industrial hall, a temperance league of young women is to be formed. Tho members will sol emnly pledge themselves not only to abstain from strong drink themselves; but also to have uo social relations with any man who uses intoxicating liquor, or even who frequents places Tfhcro ii is soid. They are also to op pose all other social evils. But parti cularly they promise not to marry sa loon young mon. Thc moveo>ent, though it is led by Rev. Dr. Ii. M. Wharton, a Baptist clergyman, is undenominational. Its originator was long associated with Dwight L. Moody in evangelistic work and adopts his methods. Thc church going young women of Philadelphia are warmly supporting his new tem perance league, and it is likely to se ? ?re a large membership at tho out set. The Best Blood Partner. Thc bioud is constantly being puri fied by the lunga, liver and kidneys. Keep these organs in a healthy condi tion anu the bowela regular and you will have no need of a blood purifier. For thia purpose there ia nothing equal to Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, one doae of them will do you more good than a dollar bottle of the best blood purifier. Prioe 25o. Sam plea free at Hill-Orr Drug Co.'s drug a tore. _ - It's funny how the moat delioate little woman oan run up a big bill without getting out of breath. The beat little liver pilla made are DeWitt's Little Early Risers. They never gripe. Evana' Phtrmaoy. - Often the nation, aa the indivi dual, never loses anything by tending strictly to its own business. Habitual constipation is tho door through which many of tho serious ills of the body are admitted. The occasional use of Prickly Ash Bitters will remove and cure this distressing oendition. Evans Pharmacy. D. 8. VANDIVER. -E. P. VAROIVKif. J. J. MAJOR. VAHDIVER BROS. & MAJOR We have a limited supply only of Swift's and Royston's Guano Left. If you want these fine gooda aee us quick. The allokeat, nobbiest and LOWEST PRICED line of BUGGIES To be found anywhere. Special prioea on WAGONS to reduce stock at once. Yours for Trade, VAN DIVER BROS. & MAJOR. E. O. EVANS, JR., * CO., PENDLETON, 6. C. FULL LINE OF Buist'e Garden Seeds, Paints, Oil, Varnishes, Gasoline, Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, Fancy and Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Toilet 8oape, Sponges, etc. A supply of P?rima, Manalin and Lacupia on hand. Physicians Prescriptions carefully compounded. ??tf A Well furnished Home Is not necessarily au expensively furnished one, as at TOLLY'S hand some, even sumptuous, FURNITURE is procurable without great outlay. Not that wo deal in kuocked-together, mnde-to-sell sort, but because we are content with a reasonable profit on really good articles of Furniture. Oar best witness ia the Goods them selves. Yours truly, G. F. TOLLY & SON, The Old Reliable Fur * ?turo Dealers, Depot St,, Anderson, 8. C. FXIED. G. BROWN, Pre?. A Trees. FRANK A. Bunnniuon, Supt. R. E. Bunnies, Sec. OFFICE OF ANDERSON FERTILIZER CO., CAPITAL STOCK 6IOO.OOO.OO, Manufacturers of Acifl PfeospMe and BU Graflo Fert?lizers. Shipping Point t West Anderson, S. C. ANDERSON, S. C., Jan. 18,1901. Aa we promised you in our last advertisement that we would be running in January we now wish to inform our friends that we are now turning out the following brands of Goods, all of which have been registered at Clemron Col? lego according to law : Ava. Amo. Fot. * Anderson Special Fertilizer.. 8 t t y Anderson High Grade fertilizer. b 2} 1 Anderson Cotton Fertilizer... Si S 3 Anderson Molnblo Guano,. 8 2 1 Anderson XXXX Bone Potash.10 - 4 Anderson XX Bono Potash.10 - 2 Anderson Phosphate ?Uh Potash.10 -? 1 Anderson Soper Phosphate..18 - - Anderson High Orada Dissolved Bon?..18 - - Anderson Dissolved Bone.12 - - Anderson Kainit (Imported).- - 12 We aro also Importers of Nitrate of Soda and Muriate of Potash which we keep in stock. We are Disking a special run on onr "Soper Phosphate" 16 per cant avail able Phos. Add. We make this from Florida and Tennessee Rook combined, which ls the highest gmdo r?ck on the market. We siso call yonr attention to our ' Special Fertilizer/' 8-3-3, and auk you to at least try some of lt. It costs you more money, hot yen get better results and less freight to haul. You will now fln<| na ?csU?ifd is esr ssw oSSoeover .trowell Bros. Store, next door to X,f gon A I.adbetter. Call ond get our prices and we will trv to please you. Youre truly. ANDRR80N FERTILIZER CO. INDIGESTION Constipation, Bloating after eating, Heart burn, Nervous Weakness, impurities in the Blood end every disorder in the Kidneys or Liver ls set right by ASH BITTERS THE SYSTEM RECULATOR It brightens ihe eye, steadies the nerves, sweetens the breath, brings color to the cheek, creates appetite, makes the "body strong and the brain active. SOLD AT DRUG STORES. PRICE, S 1.00. EVANS PHARMACY, Special Agents. FARMERS, FARMERS! Prepare for the coming Plowing Season by filling your Blacksmith Shop with good Tools, such as. Anvils, Hammers, Clovers, Vises, Forges, Bellowses, Etc , Of which we carry a full line, and can sell them at prices that every one can afford to buy. We can supply you in the best GALVANIZED BARBED WIRE, Six-inch or four-inch, at the market price. Also, Galvanizad Poultry Wire, any height, from 30-inch to 6 feet, all at a low price. Come and see ns before you buy. BROCK BROS, Anderson, S. CT. Now is the Timft to Buy Y??u a . WE can give them to you at any price, and any kind that you want. We have a good No. 7 8tova with 27 piece? of ware for $7.75. We have a big lot of IRON KING and ELMO STOVES which you know are thebeBt Stovea on the market. Now we just want to speak to you one word about our HEATING STOVES, Especially ab >ut our Air Tight Heater, which you know is the greatest heater on earth. If you would see one of them in use or try one of them, you would not have anything else. And just look at the price-they cost almost noth ing-only 81.75 up to $6.00. We want to call your alton? iou to our big Stock of Tinware, Glassware and Crockery. Now we have j ii ft got too much of this and it rmut be sold, eo we ius want you to come and look and let us price you through. We have pome of the prettiest pieces of Odd tabina you ever saw. Would make nice Wedding, Birthday and Christmas Presents. Now we are just opening up tho biggest line of TOYS vou ever Baw We want you to come round and bring the children and let them see a grand sight in Toys. And remember that all of these Goods muBt be sold at some price be tween now and the 25th day of December. Come now while you can get a good selection of everything. Toura truly, - OSBORNE & OSBORNE. S S ht ?Sa g JOOt? 0 tri M W . ? OATS, OATS, AND RICE FLOUR. WE ARE HEADQUARTERS for all KINDS of GRAIN. Three Thousand Buahels of TEXAS RED RUST PROOF OATS. One Car of that famous HENRY OAT (or Winter Graztag Oat.) The only Oat that will positively stand any kind of weather. Have just received Two Cars of fine FEED O VTS at lowest prices. Have just received Three Cars of RICE FLOUR for fattening you? hogs, and it cornea much cheaper than any other feed and is much better. Yours respectfully, Q? flh t^lgpftft>i A PP*V