Local News. WKDXKSDAY. ri:u isuu. l>on>er Dois. When wo awoke Satin day morning wc found old mother earth dressed out in bridal army and decked with "er mine tiunlcar for an Earl to wear." The feathery flakes kept falling until noon, covering every tiling ugly and unsightly with a mantle of whiteness, which reminded one ol' tho mantle of ..charity that covcreth n multitude ol sins." It was a lovely scone, especial ly when the sun shone ont, ami every finke scintillated like diamonds. The young people enjoyed the day snow hailing and rabbit hunting. To-day Monday) il is nearly nil melted, going away ns silently ns it came, nod leav ing tho noil almost dry, which is very unusual. Thu temperature lia- risen, so tho blizzard is over wc hope. tirip is still prevailing in oar midst. Mrs. Will. Mimd l?;i- Inen quite sick with it for tho last Icu ?lays, bul is thou"!!! I o hr iiu'irovin". Her dun"!: ter, Mis. Albert l-'urmcr, ol' Anderson, lins been staying with her and giving her good nursing. Mrs. ll. M. Ilrowne and babe have been suffering with grip for several ?lays. Mrs. J. Ii. (Jall ison has been quite ill from having several teeth extracted with tho usc of a local anesthesia. Dentists should bc careful how they ?se such a dangerous drug, especially on persons with any tendency to heart disease. Thc friends of Mr. and Mrs. lins Mc phail congratulate them on tho arrivai of a guest nt their home on the 21st, n boy, which event adds the crowning drop ot bliss to their cup ol happiness. Kev. F. M. Hoy n I delivered a very interesting lect ure ut Welcome Sunday afternoon. Tho inclemency of thc weather prevented a large attendance, but those, who did go were well repaid for turning out. Miss May Mo\Vborter has gone to Willianiston to be present ?;.f. tho mar riage of Miss Zessin Hush to Mr. March bank on thc 27th. Cutlets Walter McWhortcr and Will Garrison, of Clemson, celebrated Washington's birt Inlay by n visit hollie. Cadet Ed. Hughes came with I hem and was the guest of Mr. W. I>. Garrison's family. Ho made a very fa vom bin im pression on tho young ladies of Den ver. Tiiey aro wondering what kimi of ?in impression they made on him. Mr. Mac Darby and family have moved lo Hodges. Their neighbors hero regretted lo see them leave and commend them to the good graces of tho community to which they have gone. Wc hear tho farmers complaining of a scarcity of farm hands. Many ol them can get neither tenants nor hired hands sufficient to work tho land they intended to cultivate. Tho white labor bas migrated to tho cotton mills and t hero seems to bo not enough negroes to fill their places. This is considered a calamity, but if it curtails to any ex tent, the intended big cotton crop, per hnps it will provo "a blessing in dis guise." INCOGNITA. Friendship Dots. Mr. Loo Campbell, who liss boen very sick, we aro glin! to tay ts convalescent. Wo have a few cases of ;r U"*' *tU"tn? noxt door MI Ligoo .i LedhMter-upstairs. *?alt Af acion 1? ful ly gusratit'-ed to every customer. We offer this week hundreds of pa r ol BsnVplfr Shoes at pr lee* to pl?a*?>. Con quick while we have yoi?r mum ber. P?i 'cen the evening of the twenty-third ; inst. Mrs. (?ben was again the guest s w ere, stolen off the veranda of Mr. Whit Smith recently. Visitors ure numerous in these parts and news scarce. MAIDEN. Prospect News. Kann wick is tho order of thu day II rou od Prospect. <>n every side, thc tai nieis may bo seen at their work. Gardening, too, receives its share of attention these ?lays. Kev. I? OD ry C. Martin delivered an impressive sermon at Prospect Suuday morning. Mr. Oscar Browno visited his parents Sunday. Mr. Louis Holt and family, of Ander son, worshiped at Prospect Sunduy morning. Mr. Chas. Cobb and family, of An derson, spent Sunday at thc homo of Mr. 1). P. Tate. Mr. Harmon Moore, of Hroylcs, spent Saturday night in our community vis iting. Mr. John and .J. S. Neal, of Clemson College, visited friends here lust Sun ?lay. Miss Mamie Arnold, her lillie broth er, und Miss Minnie Kirksey, the ac complish d teacher in charge of thc Roberts school, were thc guests of Misses May Campbell and Maggie Ti ibbie Sunday Tin-death of Mis. Lulic McClellan is deeply regretted by hoi many friends and relatives in our community. A number of them attended the sad rites in which her remains were borne to their resting place in Salem Church yard. SILVIA. Big Creek Hems. Mr. Willie Spearman, of Piedmont, was the guest of his uncle, Mr. P.A. Spearman Sunday. . Mr. Luther Gumbrell, of Helton, was tho guest of his parents Sunday. Mrs. Alice Holiday mid children, of Greenville, spent last week with her parents hen-, .Mr. amt Mrs. Wm. Conk er. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith visited re latives nt Helton Sunday. Miss Gena Gumbrell is visiting friends in the Hinsby Creek section this week. Mr. Jim Clnrdy was visiting sonic of our fairest otiesSutiduy. We are glad to see Mr. J. A. Poon; out again, after being sick with fever some time. Miss Ht bel Welburn, our successf ti I teacher, has (dosed her school and re turned to her burnout Lebanon. Misses (lena and Leila HilldlUfili vis ited relatives at Po I/.er Sunda}'. Mr. and Mrs. Durham Visited Mrs. !?'. W. lice ves this week. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, of I'iekens, arc visiting their daughter, Mis. Smith, this week. Mr. li. A. Ilindinun was thc gue->t of his parents Sunday. Mr. V. A. Spearman, assisted by Mr. S. W. Loftis, is building a home for W. H. Goodgion. Thc fanners arc beginning to turn soil. N. 1). im . am - Honor Roil of Mountain Spring School. Advanced Department.-Ed. King 1)8 5-7, Li ll io Murphy UM j-7. May Wig ington 07 -i-7. Mourning Moore 00 5-7, Herman Smith Ol? 5-7, Claude Cal I ul iain 05 1-5, Gulliver Mooro 05 8-7. Primary Department.-Nettie Black 07, John S tegul! 07, Trula Holcomb 07, Ezekiel Stegall 00, Hampton Wiging ton 00, Nettie Perry 00, Jesse Brown 00, Otto Stegall 05, Weston Mooro 05, Essie Black 05, Cleveland Smith 05, Jannie Smith 05, Hovy Holcomb 05, Corrio Holcomb 05. Miss NKI.I.K WALTKKS, Teacher. Pendleton Items. Mr. M. M. Hunter left Monday for Baltimore. Ile will be absent for sev eral days. Mrs. Lucy Langston and Mrs. Anna L. Norriss, of Anderson, aro visiting Mrs. W. M. Gibson. ('apt. Wm. Simpson has been very sick for several days. TEM. TALE. Letter to Messrs. Anderson Cotton Mills, Anderson, S. C. GENTLEMEN: We pay for newspaper space to address you, and scorn a 2 cent postage stamp beca uso we fear a letter through tho usual channel would not receive tho attention we can con scientiously claim for nn offer that is unusual. Want to give you or any of your friends that intend painting this Spring some paint for nothing. To any ono scuding us dimensions of house, and number of coats of paint to bo pul on, v?o will nt onco writo advis ing how many gallons wc give "free of charge1" and alsoanciuoranduin of some pretty und pleasing combinations of colors. Several well-painted houses in your town for our salesmen to show the merchants will greatly help us in estab lishing an agency, and that is why wo arc making so liberal an offer. Mer cantile Agents rate us at thc top; been making L. & M. Paint for :10 years; have sold enough to make a chain of paint cans around tho world; you thin L. ?S: M. with linseed oil same ns white lead; costs less, covers ns well, and lasts longer thtin lead.- Better investi gate Truly yours, LONGMAN & MARTINEZ, Paint Makers, 207 Pearl St., New York City. If you want a good ShotCiun, Ulflo r>r Pi-lol, try Urock Bro?., as thoy have a largo assortment and their prices aro rigid. Jobbers prices on "Schlips," "Early Bird" and "lillie Jay" T I- .eco*. Lnw .?*t pi cot on Flour, Coffee, Com, Bacon, and heavy Groceries. Vaudiver Bros. If you want to make your wlfo ?mil?*, hoy "and give ber ft pair ot Broch 3roe. guaranteed Scissor* or Shears. W. IL Shearer Surveyor, You will lind mo st Dean & Hat iffe'n. Long dis ?ntico Phone ut my residence. This ls our greatest year. We are proud of our record, and aro striving by evory honest mean? to win you for a CUR t?>m?r. Give UH a trial If yon have never done HO before. Vandivor Bros. Twer.ly-?ve Dollars will buya fairly tiond ?quar? practice Plano at the1'. A. Rood M oslo HOII?O. They aro intrinsl cally worth double that amount. Who is to benelR? Who will lose? If II'H H P?HIIO you're buying nome here to choose, and * wo will eon vinco you that you, at least, have lost, nothing. The C. A. Beed Music Uouse. D. H. VANDIVEIt. E. F. VANDlVEEl Vandiver Bros. GENERAL MERCHANTS JOBBERS OF GROCERIES. NOT BRAGGING, but giving you cold facts when we say that we can sell you that bili o?' Flour, Molasses, Oom, Tobacco, Coffee and Hay, If ycu give us a reasonable chance. DRY GOODS, SHOES and HATS% At mighty interesting pricr-s. Big line of extra choice Sample Shoes and Oxfords soon lo arrive Be sure t ? see ?hem. Yours for Trade, VANDIVER BROS. rf-S-V- I feil!h Sfelteg COPvrtlCHT A Well ir'urDished Home Is not necessarily an expensively furnished ene, as at TOLLY'S lianu Eome, even sumptuous, FURNITURE is procurable without great 'uitlay. iSot that we deal in knocked-togetlier, made-to sell sort, but because we pre content with a reasonable profit on really giod articles of Furnito-e. Our best witness is the Goods them selves. Yours truly, G. P. TOLLY & SON, Thc Old Reliable Furniture Dealer?!, Depot St., Anderson, S. C. SOME OF THE LATEST ARRIVALS. SPRING PERCALES, PERCALE REMNANTS, PIQUES, LAWNS, DIMITIES, NAINSOOKS, LACES, EMBROIDERIES, Etc. Wo call special attention to these Percale Remnants ac 6c* per yard regular price 10c. Also, 10 Lo 20 yard lengths in P. K.'s. al 15c. per yard regular pri?e 25c. These Glotis are just what you want, and we are prepared to supply you both in quality and price*. If you want Bargaius, and at the samo time First-Class Goods, you should drop in and examine our Stock. You will find prices on our -A_T COST S-iLIj-E On Capes, Jackets, Blankets, Etc., The lowest you have ever seen. If you neeel anything in thia line yoe1 can't afford to miss this opportunity. A BIG STOCK OF SHOES Of all kind?, except the inferior article. Just received a new Stock of FLOUR, MOLASSES and TOBACCO. Get our prices before purchasiug. F. S.-We ask again if you owe us anything please call and settle, as we cannot carry over any accounts. .*->*>'<* V-?. . ... "Ntr/^asJ?if*? ***** ^% $ I CHRISTMAS PIANOS. 1 I . BARGAINS THAT .COUNT. W ! OVERLO?DED~P^ Organs a^e?*?imall Gooda ! E' Our misfortuoe your opportunity ! If you have been g'S H promising your folks a Piano now is your chance. Now SS ft you get choico-later remnant*. Come at once ! Pay a (,u ? little down to secura what you want-balance wk:n you V ra get tho good*, or oa terrai to suit y m. ?W |L BEST "SEWING MACH??E STOCK] IN THE STATE. Sf X%? C. A. REED . J? MUSIC HOUSE, J. M. RICHARDSON, M. D. KEMPER D. SENN. FRESH SEED I FRESH SEED I A variety of FRESH FIELD AND ?A?.DEN SEED For sale at the Chiquola Biug Co. This is our first year in the Seed business, and we can giV? pu g??U) ix cou ??eu. , Your patronage solioited. Chiquola Drug Co., PRESCRIPTION PHARMACISTS. The Man who does not Read the Signs of the Times must stay Behind. The Tremendous Stock of HARDWARE, AGRICULTURAL IINNIS, AND MILL SUPPLIES, Carried by UH and the great votasse' of uusintos dono, must convince every one of cur ability to eerve you better and cheaper tb* A anyone. Steel Plows. The same high-quality kind that vre have always handled. Properly eet I perfectly tempered aud highly fiuished. Plow Stocks, Heel Bolts, Clevicis, Backs, Trace Chains, Hames, &c. Poultry Wire. No bother with blown down fencea or palinga lo3t with a fence made of this Wire, a Car Load of which we have just received. All Seasonable Goods at most reasonable Prices. SULLIVAN HARDWARE CO. kooLiiiaiiuijuMrAiNi Clean Sweep Sale. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14th. we begin a C!*?n Bweep Sale. Price* will be made on all Fall and Winter Goods that will insure a clean sweep It's our Policy to carry nothing from one season to another that a price will sell. Over $10,000 00 Seasonable Goods Going. Grasp this opportunity. To make r? oin for our extraordinary large Spring and Summer Stock we have included a lot of Seasonable Spring Good*, and will cloie them out at much lower prices than cur Usual record-breaking figures. This Sale lasts one month, and we expect to clean out everything, pre paratory to the arrival of our immense Spring Stock now on the way. Remember, this Clean ?weep Sale will not continue-indefinitely. The St' ck is being reduced daily, therefore it is all important that you attend this Sale immediately and buy liberally. Opening Sale of White Goods. India Linens, the best values in all grades it has ever been our pleasure to show.at C, 7, 8,10,12 and 15c. Check Nainsook, excellent qualities.at 5, 7, 8 and 10c. Dimities, Tiny Checks and Stripes.at 6, 8 and 10c Piques, beautiful quality. .at 9 and 15c' Ben Spreads, special value, regalar $1.25 quality.for 98c Towels, bleached linen, with border, very special..each 9c 20th Century Percale, best quality, 36-inches.at 10c' Our Great Clean Up Sale of Notions and Dry Goods. Embroidery, extra wide, worth 10c..deaning hp price 5c. Ladies' Patent Leather Belts.cleaning up price 9c. Ladies' all-wool Fuscinators, worth 25c.cleaning up price 17c. Ladies' Fleece Lined Undervc.it.clean sweep price 22c. Handsome Satin Covered Comforts... 4.clean sweep sale 95c. Ladies' Pompadour Combs...clean sweep saie 10c. Linen Window Shades, beautifully decorated, worth 50c.sale price 33c. Talcum Powder, wo?th lOe.clean'mg up price 4c. Full line Children's Capa just received, all styles.to go at 24c. 50-inch Turkey Red Table Damask.at the remarkable price of 15c. Best grade yard-wide Sea Island, worth 7c.clean up price 4ic. Window Curtain Scrim3.clean sweep sale 4|c. Barlow Mills Bleaching, worth 7c.,olean.up sale 5c. Solid Color Cashmeres, all wool, 40 iuches wide.clean sweep salo 24c. 7-4 Venetian Wool Dress Goods, 40 inches wide, worth 25c..... .c. s. s. 17c. Clean Sweep bile of Ladies' Skirts and Capes. Ladies' Black Brocaded Bruiiautine Skirts,.. .this sale 95c. Ladies' Flowered Brocaded Skirts.this sale $1.15. $2 00 Ladies' Wool Plaid Skirts7.this eaie 81 25. .2.00 Ladies' Fine Plush Capea.this sale $1.25. Great Sale of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Shoes, One Table Full Ladies* Fine Shoes, all small sizes, worth $1.50 to $2.00 . . .this sale 75c. Ladies' Genuine Dongola Shoes, button or lace, heel or spring heel, worth $1.50.this sale 98c. Harrisburg Warranted Ladies' Fine Shoes, bntton or lace, worth $2 00, this sale 8 i 48. Gentlemen's Oak Kip Ties, regular price $125, otead sweep eale 98c. Gentlemen a Calf Shoes, all 6olidt value $1 60, clean sweep sale $1.19. Hundreds of other Shoes equally as cheap. Groat Clean Up Sale of Clothing and Gents' Furnishings. Gentlemen's Heavy Undershirts, clean sweep sale 17c. Gentlemen's Per cale Laundered Shirts, cleau sweep sale 48c. Boys' Knee 8uits, regular prica 31.00, clean sweep sale 73c. Gentlemen's Fine Wool Pants, regular price ?1.50, cl^au eweep sale 98c. Gentlemen's Grey Golf Hats 48c. FREE, FREiSl-Hard Painted China free. ? housewife's de^ght a nicely arranged table.- Buy your goods of us and get a Set of hand-painted China free. Ask for Coupons. LESSER & CO., ATfDER^OW, 8. C., UNDER MASONIC TEMPLE. King Bros. Bargain Counters AR? THE ATTRACTION NOW. WE have piled on these Coui t ?s * aUi? S >h ?'....can't bo gotten every d i> So much is given to these Counter* itally, i ou will find Tinware, Glassware, , Crockery, China, Hardware, Agate Ware, And Goods that are needful in every home. Give them one look. It won't coat you anything to see. Yours for Money Saving, ?CINC BROS.. BARGAIN STORE. Glenn Springs Mineral Water - FOR SALE AT EVAWS' PHARMACY. THE GLENN RpfelNOS WAflfiR n?? berni known for over a hui?4??i5 years, and r<*os? uenea* to me, and o?n confldenttv recommend lt to Bny suffering from 11 k ?troubles. _" R, E. Ali!*??