The Anderson intelligencer. (Anderson Court House, S.C.) 1860-1914, December 05, 1900, Page 5, Image 7

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mm? ! Only Three More Weeks of Our dissolution Sale l l THEY MUST BE LIVELY WEEKS. We must crowd more business into them than we have ever before put into the same length of time. In looking through our Stook we find a great many things here and there that must be sold. SOME REMNANTS,1 AND ODDS AND ENDS, That must be literally SACRIFICED. Goods on which COST and former sell mg price will be lost sight of. The question is, not what did they Cost, or what are they worth, but x?hat will they bring in hard Spot Cash ! This will apply to some desirable things in all department1) of our Mam moth Establishment. 1 In gleaning through our DRESS GOODS STOCK You will doubtless find many things to interest you. Of recent years ibis Department has. grown to be unusually attractive, in Styles, Quality and Price, hut for the next three weeks unheard of values will be ofiered. Also, Great Vaines in Dress Linings, Dress Trimmings and Dress Findings Generally. Should one Department UNDERSELL another, or offer greater induce ments than another, that Department will probably be OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. It is overflowing with good things. Such pretty, stylish and elaborate HATS for so little money have never beeu shown here before. Also, a lovely line of Staple and HOLIDAY RIBBONS. SILKS, SATINS, VELVETS, &c, I At popular prices, in all the leading colors. IN OUR NOTION DEPARTMENT Will be found Novelties suitable for CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Beautiful Handkerchiefs, elegant Hosiery, lovely Neckwear, Stylish Belts, the correct Christmas Gloves, Popular Corsets, Zephyr, Cotton Wadding, and many arti cles for Fancy Work. READY-TO-WEAR GARMENTS. This has b?**n our Banner Season on Capes, Jackets, Skirts, Waists, &c. We bought heavily of them, and have sold them lively. Still we have a good assortment, and we will not carry ihem over. Consequently, remarkable values will be ofiered in everything Beady-to-Wear. * We have Stylish Capes at 50c, 81.00, 81.50, 92.00, 82.50, 93.50,95.00, .6.?0 and 97;50. ; Osr Jackets at 82.50,83.50,85.C0, $6.00 and 87.50 ?ach will cosspare I with others offered at much more. We have some excellent values in Skirts and Waiata. Also, Fur Capea and Collarettes. . A few Tailor-made Snits at lesa than they cost us. WE MUST GET RID OF THEM. /* .'. .. We will sell you-* ' - ' Trunks, Valises, Traveling Bags? Etc.. [Cheaper than you cm buy the same qvrality for elsewhere. Still some big bargains in GENTS' and BOYS' CLOTHING at COST. OUR SHOE DEPARTMENT iContaini ali that could be desired. Big selling of- . Carpets, Mattings, Art Squares, Bugs, &c., continues. Big Stock of Staple !D0MESTICS. loth Wholesale and Ketail payers should see us. .... Remember, that the terms of our Dissolution Sale is SPOT CASH. HOSE INDEBTED TO US Will please come forrard and settle during December. We must have ouraffairs in shape for a settlement on tho fir?t of January next. If you |W?H hold your Cotton borrow tho money andjpay'us. Wo cannot war. longer. Yours truly, 1 A l O rv Wholesale and Retail Dealers in General Merohandis Local News* W&DN?BPAY. DEO. 5, 1900. rax corro? KABJUCT. Cometed Weekly by Brown, Osbornes * Co. Rtrict Good Mlddlinit-O?. Good MiddUnawO*. Strict Middling-O?. Middling-9ft. Stained Cotton-8 to 0. Tho grip and had colds are claiming many victims j nat now. The demand for dwelling houses is on tho increase in tho city. The New Year will bring several business changes in Anderson. Mr. Johu T. Bogga, of Liberty, 8. C.. waa in tho city iust week and gave us a call. i. Wo have had any kind of weather you could ask for during tho past ten days. Mrs. Joe Pr?vost, of Charlotte, carno to Anderson last week to visit rela tives. Large crowds are m the city every day and tho merchants aro doing a good business. It is rumored that C. C. McWhirtcr will soon move to Anderdon.-Newberry Observer. Eggs are selling at 20 cents a dozen in the city, and the supply ia not equal tn th? demand. Mr. T. A. J. Green, of Greenville, was in town last Monday and gave us an appreciated call. Attention is directed to the fertilizer advertisement of D. C. Brown & Bro. in another conlumn. Everybody is making preparations ; for the Christmas holidays, which are just three weeks off. All the business houses were closed and things appeared like Sunday in this city on Thanksgiving Day. Bural delivery of mail matter is growing moro popular. An effort will be made to increase the service. Yon haye only a little moro than threo weeks in which to pay your taxes. There will bo no extension of timo. lu their new advertisement C. F. Jones & Co. announce the continuance of their cost salo until January 1st. Santa Claus is making headquarters at Julius ll. Weil & Co's, store, as you will see by reading their advertisement. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. C. Allen, of Grove, S. C., came over last week to spend a few dnyB with their Bon, Mr. B. E. Al len. The school at Bishop's Branch, near Pendleton, is without a teacher, and the patrons want to secure a good one. The extra term of Court for the hear ing of Equity cases will convene in this city next Monday, Judge Hudson pre siding. Bead Osborne & Osborne's adver tisement about stoves, tinware, crock ery, glassware and toys. They mean business. Mr. J. G. Burris*, of Calhoun Falls, has purchased a farra near Barnes, in Corner Township, where he wiU move in ? short time. Don't forget your preacher and print when settling np your debts. They need a little money about as bad as most any one. Bargain seekers should read the new advertisement of B. Hillman carefully, and then give him a call at Miss Lizzie Williams' old stand. W. F. Cox has let the con ti act xor the erection of two cottages on Orr street. Others who own lots should follow tho Judge's example. Eyery member is urged to attend the meeting of Chiquola Lodge, No. 82, Knights of Pythias, to-morrow (Thurs day) evening, at 7:80 o'clock! Mrs. Rufus Fa nt and Mrs. J. E. Bren dale are in Bock Hill this week at tending tho State Convention of the United Daughters Confederacy. Mr. Ernest Poorc, who has been working for the Seaboard Air Lino Ballway in Savannah for several months, returned to Anderson a few days ago. Mr. J. E.. N?r?av??, the gen isl repre sentative of the ift?FS and Courier, spent last night and this morning in Anderson, where ho is always a wel osme visitor. ? A number of our merchants have large and beantifni stocks of Christ mas goods. Watch the columns of TUE INTELLIGENCER and you will know where to get them. Quite a crowd visited the city last Monday- Salesday-despite the in clement weather. A lot of real estate was sold at public outcry and all or i t brought good prices. Attention is directed to tho new ad vertisement of Hall Bros., the clothing dealers. They invite you to call, in spect their goods and get their prices, and they will please you. Bead Brown, Osborne &. Co's, adver tisement in this issue "on the home stretch." It ia fall of facts worth knowing, and shonld be of interest to all buyers, both wholesale and retail. ;Mr. A. P. Williams, of Pendleton Township, butchered a Iii months old porker a few days ago that vrc?giic? 509 pounds net. This is certainly a linc one. ^nn any of our readers beat UT Mr. T. D; Pool, the gcntlcmnn who bought Mr. . Spalding's house and lot, arrived this week with his family and will locate permanent'.? in our midst. He comes from the eastern part of An derson County, near Pcizer, and isa man of high standing in that communi ty.- Westminster VorrespoTtdcnt Keowee Courier. H8HBHB9W3ISI9BSSflMBBRSIflDfilfi& Dr. A. P. Montague, President of Forman University, spent last Sunday night in Anderson and delivered a most iatere8ti?g address in the First Bap tist Church on ?.Christian Education." Hon. J. E. Boggs, of Bickens, spent last Friday in tho city. Ho has beon commissioned Solicitor of the Eighth Circuit, bis being the first commission issued tu ii newly elected officer this year. The Grand Lodge, A. F. M., of South Carol i on, -will meet in tho Masonic Temple, Charleston, next Tuesday, llth inst. Messrs. J. L. Farmer and B. E. Ligon will represent tho two Lodges in this city. Tins is the last mouth ot tho nine teenth century. Ou the night of the 81st watch meetings will bo held all over the country and "watching the old year out1' will bc attended with un usual interest. Married, on Sunday.evening) Novem ber 25th, 1000, at tho homo of J. M. Herring, near Oakway, S. C., Mr, Claudio Smith, of Oconce, and Miss Hattie Eit?u, ci .Anderson, by J. ul Herring, Magistrate.' Married, on Wednesday afternoon November 28, 1000, at tho homo of tin bride's mother in Brushy Creek Town ship, by Kev. B. J. Williams, Mr. Jae A. Cobb, of Greenville, and Miss Dor Laboon, of Anderson County. Mr. Calhoun Allen, who met with very serious accident by falling froi: a roof in Spartanburg last Spring, is i the city visiting his brother, Mr. B. ? Allen. Ho is still suffering from hi accident and is carrying his right ari in a bandage. Owing to illness of a member of tli family the special Thanksgiving sei vice appointed to be held at the 'hom of Mr. G. Z. McClelland last Thunda night was postponed until next Thun day (to-morrow) night. Tho public invited to attend. Rev. M. H. Major, formerly of th Conni v but now a member of the Tex? LI. E. Conference, has just been tram ferred from Fort Worth to Ulanket.Te In ordering the address of his papi changed, ho writes us that he is wc pleased-with his new held of labor. A caso of. scarlet fever developed J Clemson College last Sunday, and a? consequence tho work of tho Collei has been suspended nud all the eade sent to their homes. A number of cns of the same disease aro at Newry, am town ?ix miles weet of the College. The mule and horse market will soi get interesting. Buyers aro beginnii to look around with some auxiet There are some g..od males in t County for salo. Tho price of mul under 10 yenrs of age, either Conn raised or acclimated, is $75 to $lf5, n cording to size and condition. Dr. B. B. Day, having discontinu the practice of medicine for tho prc eut, has associated himself with t firm of E. G. Evans & Co., at Peudl ton, and will have exclusive chnrge their prescription department. I many friends aie cordially invited call on him when in need of his si vices. The foBowing officers have be elected to serve Herman Lodge, I1 HG, A. F. M., the ensuing year: J. Barnes, W. M.; J. L. McGee, S. \ W. W. Adams, J. W.; J. W. Fergus* Sec.; I. B. York, Treas.; W^ G. Hodg S. D.;. S. A. McGill, J. D.; P. B. All and C. J. Milford, Stewards; E. Davis, Tylen. An enthnsiastic meeting of the Bot of Trade was held in the Court Ho? last Friday afternoon. After seve Speeches -were made by members re lutious were adopted urging tho th railroads entering the city to erect union passenger depot. The reso tione will be forwarded at once to \ railroad officials. Grace, tho 10?months-old dmigh of Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Brown, died their home in Centcrvillo Towns last Friday afternoon, after a brief ness with membraneous croup. 1 remains were interred at Salem Chu on Saturday, the funeral services be conducted by Bev. W. W. Leuth? assisted by Rev. Geo. T. Baker. .THE INTELLIGENCER, like many c er papers in tho State, in publish the list of officers elected at the rec meeting of tho stockholders of tho & W. C? R. B. in Charleston, omit thc name of Mr. J. A. Brock, cf t city, who was re-elected a membet the Board of Directors. Mr. Brock served as a Director for several ye Last Saturday night E. G. Rose arrested and came near being conn ted to jail under a charge of ha\ obtained $150 and a signature to ai under false pretenses. He pnid up money, destroyed tho note anet warrant was withdrawn.- On Sun morning Rose accompanied by his f ily left tho city for Alabama, and said, left a good many unpaid 1 behind him. Married, nt Piedmont, on Wed day, tho 28th inst., by Rev. Fa Gwynn of St. Mary's Church, Gr ville, Miss Annie McNcal, daughtc A. McNeal, to Mr. John Lyon, snpc tendent of weaving nt tho Orr J Anderson. Tho people aro old-i Piedmont folks, and will carry i them to their new home the best wi of a host of friends.-Piedmont cot pondent Greenville Ncics. The Anderson Fertilizer Comj has ojr'ndvertiscment in another u?uT?, to vwiicli Wo u?iucL tho alien of our farmers. Tho Company poses to start its acid chambers few days and will bo ready to turn tho best of fertilizers early in Jann It will manufacturo acid, acid p phate and high- grades of ammoni fertilizers. Thia is a home -:ntcrp with a capital of $100,000, and townsman, Mr. -Fred. G. Brown President find general manager deserves and should have the pat age of all nair fnroM-r i. Wrs. J. H. Kellar died at her home in Millville last Saturday night. Sho had been an invalid for severn! months, being afflicted with that ever fatal disease, consumption, and her death waa expected by her loved ones. Mrs. ?ellar was 41 years of age and was highly esteemed by her friends nnd ac quaintances, who deeply sympatlmo with th? bereaved husband and ?uur little children left to cherish her memo* ry. Th? remains were interred at Sil ver Brook Cemetery Sunday afternoon. The dead body of Samuel Knight was found m a ditch on the side of the pub lic road, near Bethany Church, in Mar tin Township, yesterday morning. The Coroner was not i tied and went down and held an inquest. The verdict of the jury was that Mr. Knight came to his death thiough exposure and intoxi cation. The deceased visited thc city Monday and was on his way home. An empty Hash was found by hie sido and one half full of whiskey was in his pocket. Tin? o or four children survive him, his wife having died a few months ago. Mosts. J. A. Williams and Jas. | Smith, with their families, live two miles south of the city on the old Li goo place. Lnst Thursday, while handling ' a parlor rillt?, M?'. Williams accidental ly shot Mrs. Smith ni the right shoul der, inflicting ? slight wound. Shortly afterwards xMr. Smith nicked up the rille, which was accidentally discharg ed, the ball striking Mr. Williams' little boy in his right*arm, making a flesh wound. Physicians BOOH dressed the wounds, and the two tuen so deeply regretted the accidents that they bioko tiio gun, which belonged to the wound ed boy, to pieces. Mr. J. A. Brock met with a painful but not serious accident last Monday evening about 7 o'clock in front of tho Bank of Anderson. He was getting in to his buggy to drive homo when his horse beenmo frightened and started off suddenly. MrrBrock was standing betweeu the wheels and was knocked down. Ho got up, went back into the Bank and in a short timo both the Doctors Nardin were at his side. His collar bone was broken and his face and portions of his body painfully bruised. He was carried nome and will probably bo confined to his room for several weeks. Wo join his many friends in wishing him a speedy recov ery. His horse went homo after com pletely wrecking the buggy. James Minor, a well known colored citizen of this County, died athis homo in Willinmstoii on Monday, 26th ult. Ho had about reached his four-scoro years, and was a worth}', upright ne gro. Ever since he became entitled to the elective franchise he had voted tho Democratic ticket and always urged his negro friends to do tho same. Ho took an active part in tho "red shirt campaign'' of 187?, and in his speeches ho told his raco that tho white men of thia country were their best friends. His remains were buried nt Williamston, and tho funeral wns at tended by many of his white neighbors and friends. It has been suggested that his white friends mark his gravo with a suitable stone, and wo think the suggestion a good one. Mrs. Mary B. Pickrell died nt the home of her daughter, Mrs. Kato Norris, at Broyles, in Fork Township, last Friday afternoon, at the ripe ol .! age of 04 years. She was ill only a short time. Mrs. Pickrell was the widow of the late Jonathan Pickrell, who preceded her to the grave about Ave years ago. She was a native of Massachusetts, and in her childhood her parents moved to South Carolina and settled in Spartanburg County. Later they came to Anderson County, and here the deceased hna resided for more than seventy-five years. Her remains wero interred at Smith Chapel (Methodist Church), of which she bad been a most exemplary member ever since she came into tho County. Three daughters and one son, tho latter liv ing in Texa6, survive her. Special Notice. All parties owing tho firm of Carlisle Bros. must settle their accounts by Christmas, as there will bo a chango in the business on January 1st, 1001. All accounts not paid by that time will bo placed in the hands of an ollicer for c&lei ion. We hopo this will bo suflicient warn ing to all that owe us, so as to save you extra cost. Respectfully, CAKLISLK BKOS. WANTED - Salesmen to sell Lubricat ing Olli, Greases, Belting and Spooialtie? to Tnresbermen, on oinmisBiou. Good goods and liberal proposition. Address, (giving r?f?rence? TUE HOWARD OIL A OREASE CO , Cleveland, Oblo. A eleni) Shave, an easy Bbavo is what a man want? when ho shaves at all. 'ibis vou csu hive by buying your Raz-jr from SuPivan Hardware co. A big lot |ust receivrd ht right pt let??. Sullivan Ilaidwaro Co can supply yon with everything necessary to repair your Wagon or ?uguy. A big lino of Hookes, Hubs, Rims, Steoi and Iron Tire in stock. We ofrer thia wonk hundreds of pa'rs of Kn ni plo Shoes at prices to please. Como quick while we hnvo your number. Pri ces on these Shoes too cheap to quote. Vandlvor Bros. If you want to make your wife smile, b-iy and give her a pair ot Brock Bros. guaranteed Scissors or Shears. W. II. Shearer Surveyor, You will And me st Dean & Katii?Vs. If yon want a good Razir (ry one ot Brock Bron, that is guaranteed, and it will make jou umilo when you goto shave. Buy your Loaded Sh&ils,Shot, Powder and Caps and Dynamite and Fuco at Brock Broa., and yea will always iind the prices right. If you want a good Shot Gun, Rlllo or PMol, try Brock Bros., as they haye a largo assortment and their prices are rig'?'. Sullivan Hardware Co. have their two larg?) Store Rooms packed with goods from cellar to top floor, as well aa their warehouses, and you can anything from thom from a Plow Bolt to a Steam Engine. The Oliver is king among Plows andi next in auccpaslon comos tho Importa sold by Sullivan Hardware Co. This i Plow la superior to any otbor make on the market outvido the Oliver. 5 WE try to advertise what wc ha\ to sell. We tiy to tell you facts and truths. Don't pretend to deceive by offer ing Goods at Cost, fe you we) i know wc can't do business that way. We offer you GOOD, HONES! GOODS, NEW GOODS,, STYLISH GOODS ! And defy any concern in South Carolina to match quality with our prices. No old stock, no riff-raff to offer you. "You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all the people all the time." A true saying, Now; we don't offer you Goods at Cost, but do offer them to you for less money than same Goods can be bought for ia Anderson. Come look, and if price and Goods suit you buy, if not we appreciate your looking. Yours for Busine? , HALL BROS East Side on the Square' AT OUR ENTIRE STO?rC OF AND COST ! Come early, before the sizes are broken. "** ' No Goods charged. & CRAYTON J. M. RICHARDSON, M. I). KEMPER D. SKNN. For Pure, Fresh Drugs GO TO TUB CHIQUOLA DRUG COMPANY ! Try our CHILL TONIC. Our Turnip Seed ure fresh from the growers aud are guaranteed to be good Tho place to get Fruit Jurs cheap. We are sole agents for the Heath & Milligan Faints, which are consider ed by all Painters, afar a trial, ns the best on the market. PRICES TO SU KT THE TIMES. SST PRESCRIPTIONS carefully compounded. gBHOf SOME BARGAINS ! F# I HAVE A FEW "PIANOS. |B?9nf|in|[HHP Ol the very highest grade and latest styles, ! [ TO GO AT COST FOR A FEW DAYS. Tbie ?8 an opportunity of a iiie-tinie. I also have ?ho latest improvod ball-bearlng> NEW HOSIE SEWIN? MA t HINES for &?tr. Vibrator Standard Machino only $23.00. ?B?ANS CHEAP. M ^ WIMlMp South Mainstreet. Anderson. S. O