The Anderson intelligencer. (Anderson Court House, S.C.) 1860-1914, October 10, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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brocal News. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 10, 1900. , A Shocking Accident. j That was a shocking accident-one ; ot the worst ir*, the long list ol' gin vic- j tims-by which Mr. Hubert C. G ri III ii 1 lost Iiis lile at ('berry, on the Blue ! Bulgo l?.iiho.-ul, on the afternoon of the '?7 Mi ult. ''lily 1 he bal est mention has been 'made ol it in tho papers, mid this was incorrect in nearly every particu lar. Thc public will bo interested, we ?uv - uv. ??i an accurate and fuller ac count. Mr. Uri lliu. who was just past forty two years of agc ?il his death, ?ind whoso wile was Miss Sallie Daven poil, of (!loenville County, moved lo the vicinity of Cherry's Crossing, in Oconcc County, eight years ?go. For live years he lived on the large (.'berry ! faim, ?md during most of that time had been postmaster at Cherry. Ile was a : good fanner and good mali, true to every obligation, He was ?in active , member of Shiloh Church I Baptist) ; iiinl fur some lime served this Church and Pant's (Hove Chinch, in thisCoun ty, as Superintendent of the Sunday School. His body was interred ?it Shi loh, the Hov. I?. Weston Hiotr, ol'.Sen eca, conducting the service. Ile is sur vived by his wife and five children, the two oldest being daughters, near ly grown. Thc postofiicc authorities have been asked already to appoint Mrs. G rilli n postmaster ?it Cherry to succed her husband. About. 2 o'clock of the day he was killed. Mr. ti ri flin was having sonic of his cotton ginned at the plantation ginnery, and was loading the seed into his wagon as they fell from the saws to the lloor. Waiting for the seed to accumulate, he explained after he was hurt, he saw ?i small quantity of lint that the brush failed to catch from the saws, dandling ?iud whirled about by the suction. Stooping ?iud extending his right hand to remove ihis, in ii twinkling before his thirteen-year-old sou and a mau who were, walking in the gin could understand and raise an alarm, his forearm was stripped to the bone, his hand cut off just above the wrist and dropped into tho mote pile a nearly unrecognizable mass of pulp. Freed by +hc loss of his hand, Mr. Gritliu rose and walked to tho door, down tho steps and toward thc engine house, blood streaming from his arni, till he mot the fireman who, hearing the alarm, had stopped the angine and started to investigate. Seating him self on a w agon and extending piteous ly the torn and blecdiug stump, tho bones freed nt the wrist standing apart like a fork, Mr. G ri Iii ll calmly told how it happened and said there was no m ed to send for a doctor, for he was beyond help, and that the accident, sudden and awful as it was, had not found him unprepared for death. His arni was bandaged by tho bystanders and the How of blood slopped. It was two and a half hours before the doctors ar rived, but they found bim bleeding from a fearful internal hemorrhage, caused, no doubt, by a powerful effort to free himself from thc gin, and they could do nothing but ease his passage out of tho world. For two mortal \ hours and moro ho endured the most i terrible agony, and finally, as he was passing under complete control of the 1 powerful drug administered by bunnin j hands, ho murmured his last words I with tho query: "What, doctor?" and in thirty minutes was at perfect rest. ( Autun f ?mS, lt is in no way Our intention to Hatter, Mr. Editor, but wo must soy t that TUE INTELLIGENCER has ono or * two correspondents who aro iinprov- h iug iu the art of writing every week ?. Some never think of trying to write, and others from tho very futility of j their minds never try to. It is the j highest injunction of tho benign stat . ates that we develop to tho highest de < grce possible every organ and faculty that has been committed to our charge. 1 [It becomes evident from every-day i lifo that the development of the mind j I is thc highest attainment in the reach s of lu?n. Knowledge is power. So. al iso, tho mind is the power of men. s . And this power is not spontaneous; ( ' even so great a niau as Solomon delib- ] ?erately set his whole being and forces 1 do liud out knowledge and thc ways of j wisdom. Indeed, (?od luis so ordered , nature that an unnecessary product will i not be maintained. A mind, an organ, that will not work will not bc charac terized. There aro many who may usc obstreperous ovations in displaying the splendor of their school taught in tellects, but to tho trained observer all such is as the tinkling of cymbals. (>1?. that many of us had the mean* of leaching the mental and moral instruc tion that we so greatly need, and that others would avail themselves of the obsolescent privileges thnt pass FO rapidly. But let not nil rest upon the mind. Tho hands, the voice, thc feet should all respond to duty. It was our delightful privilege to be one of thc recipients of a very deep and thoughtful sermon delivered by Kev. J. F, Singleton at Lebanon hist Sun dav. Mr. Singleton is truly .. deep thinker He lins that divino power of tbrUling and animating the soul?* of men with a nobler and purer aim. May his efforts ever flourish with those bright rewards which havo always characterized such in earnest worker. Kov. Mr. Waddell, of the Epworth Orphannge, made a very interesting talk concerning Epworth Orphanage last Sunday afternoon nt Sandy Springs. Bon AMATEUR. Teachers Wanted. Mn. EIHTOR: Pleaao permit us to an nounce thnt tho public schools of Wil liamston School District, No. 8, will open\ November 12th. A few good teachers aro ^wanted. For any infor mation, write to DxJ, Owen, Guyton, I>. J.-Spcarman, Pelser, or J. I). Poore, Pobtfr. P. J. OWEN, Clerk Board. iiolcmau News. Thc ?W at h angel visited tho home ot Mr. J. X. Ti ibbie last Saturday after noon and took out ol' that home a sweet little babe of only liv?- months. Thc family has tin- sympathv of the com munity. Mr. TL. O. Bradberrv, our clever mer chant, has remodeled lu's store room, which adds much to liiuuself and cus tomera. Mr. J. h. O. Maret! is erecting a neat little cottage on his farm, which adds much to his premises. Mrs. (?. W. Maretl has been snivel ing with a rising, bul i- belier ut this writing. Hur devi l ;ii:il moni esteemed cili /?II, Major '.. \V. Marett, who has been suliei in.-- I ? oin a fall ever since las) February, is much improved. Mi.--- ? .. :!:: Mahalle^ loft lasi Thurs day foi tin ( ?reenville. Female College. Mr. 1). J. Harton entered the Fair I'hiv Ililli School last Monda,. Misses hula and W allie Skelton, ol Alpine, were tho guests of the Misses .'oils last fourth Sunday. Mr. Conner I edwards, ol Shoal Creek, Ca., Mr. Keels Marett. Misses Alice and Johnnie Smith, of Fair Flay, wore I he-guests of the Misses Harton last fourth Sunday. Mrs. Fannie Mounce and two child ren, of Pendleton, visited the family of Mr. T. J. Dalrymple hist week. Mr. Hohei t Howie, of Iva, has been i'i?iihig in our community recently. Dr. J. Ii. Heller, who has been attend ing tho Medical College in Tennessee, returned home a few ?lays ago. Wo are always glad to welcome him back with his smiling lace. John is sure a hustler, and will make his mark where over he gra s. Mr. J. A. I'. Harton and son, Sumpter, went jo Anderson last Friday on busi ness. * Mr. John Sullivan, ono of Alpine's hustlers, has been reaping hay in this community for tho last week. From the way one of Alpine's young gents passes up the road, we think the wedding bells will soon ring. Watch out Miss -! Mr. J. W. Fskow was in om .ittle burg las! Saturday and Sunday. Ml*. (J. \V. Jolly visited home folks last Saturday and Sunday. Como back again, George, we are always glad to have you. Messrs. J. X. Bolcmau, Willie Crom er and Miss Maude Cromer, of Alpine, visited the family of Mr. J. A. 1*. Har ton last Sunday. Mr. John Sullivan ami Miss Flora Holeman visited the Misses Mahall'ey last Sunday. Viol.KT. Oct. lilli, HtOO. /linnie IU'WS. .iied leaves are falling, falling from the trees, the sighing winds arc calling farewell to summer breeze.'' This is what we felt the past week during tho little gah;. The cool days made us feel that "Jack Frost" was cloue approach ing. There was an unusually large crowd at Little Uiver last Sunday. Cur pas tor preached an interesting sermon from Prov. 2(1:2:1. Mr. Moore is a great worker in his held, and wo hope ho will Hoon bring our church back to where she once was. Tho Sunday School is gradually increasing. Tho lessons aro made so interesting by tho pictorial illustrations. Our farmers keep talking about their short crops and yet they still keep gathering it, ami 1 think they will bo surprised to know how much they have made from their short crops when the harvest is ended. Some of them aro gathering up their corn preparing for n "good old time shucking." The health of the vicinity is good at this writing.- . Mrs. Sophroua Martin and children, of Watertown. Fla., who have been visiting in and around /arline for the past two months, returned home Mon uay. Mr. U. A. Hranyon and daughter, Miss Leslie, left Friday for Cainpo bella, S. C. The former goes to seo his sister and the latter to take charge ol* thc primary and music department in tho Graded School at that place. Mr. Hugh Howen attended thc Fair in Atlanta last week. Dr. and Mrs. Howen, of Helton, spent Friday with tho former's parents at Ll? is place. Mr. Jim Kay, of Annie, was in this :oiuiUUUity lust week. Miss Lessie Fisher, of Abbeville, who has been elected teacher of tho [.ittle Iii vcr school, came up on a short nsit last week. We congratulate tho latrons for securing the servico of such in amiable lady. Miss Fisher will rommencc her school about the 15th of Jctobor. Miss Zenobia Welch, ono of Ander lon's most accomplished young ladies, spent week before "nat in our section. Mr. J. D. Carwile and daughter, Miss Leila, of Honen Path, spent Sunday icre with friends. JACK. lola Clippings. Nothing new, Mr. Editor, since you n ani from me last, of importance. Miss Addie McClellan was the wel .ome visitor of her cousin, Miss licola li Holder. Miss Addie isoueof William son's bell's. The crops are nearly all gathered and told for lt? cents. Mr. W. A. Holder went to Liberton, ja., during tho week of tho Carnival. Ie reports a lino timo and said he met dent y of pretty girls. Misses Janie anti Lessie W dsou have ?eon contlned to their beds for several lays, but wo aro glad to say are better it this writing. Mr. S. A. Hutchison, ol Liberton, ila., has been visiting his son and laughter, Mrs. Carrie Holder and Mr. lames Hutchison. Come nguiu, Uncle Sam. von are always welcome. Mr. and Mrs. James Buchanan aro having fever. We wish them a speedy restoration to health. Some time ago Miss Florence Hice, accompanied by her two brothers, visi ted friends in lola. Mr. Editor, Hu re has been lots of trouble about our roads, and I diden't mean to offend no one at all, but we think it right for every one to help, so we humbly beg pardon. Mr. J. M. Horton has the finest pota to patch in, the country that we have seen. , . , Mrs. Dr. W. S. Hutchison's little baby, Edith, is just getting overa very severe burn. Mr. E. J. Buchanan is erecting a new dwell' ;g. , , . . Messrs. Claude and Cime Harns have been having chills, but arc better, now. . Mr. mid Mrs. Oscar Harris spent bun dav with their brother-in-law, Mr. Will McClellan. Mrs. Nellie Hunter has been spending awhile with her daughter, Mrs. J. h. Wilson. M. C. IloLUKR. Special Notice. < ?wing to the condition of my health I am compelled to retire from tho mer cantile business. So our firm will bo dissolved at an carty dato, and in order to facilitate matte, s I beg all indebt ed to usto settle their ?otes and ac counts at once. Please irivc this your immediate attention and not put us to the troiiblo and expense of sending our collector to you. Yours respectfully, Ii. C. WF.nn, for C. F. Jone; & Co. Arctic Punniuker*. There is at least one new thing under the sun which shines upon thc nea ol' circus tents, ami that is Capt. Wood ward's really famous ?nd only school of trained Alaska Sea Lions and Seals, which this season form one of the ex clusive and unique features among thc thousand and one attractions of the Consolidated (?reat Adam Forepaugh and Sells Brothers1 m?nageries, circus es and hippodromes, to pitch their can vases in Anderson on Monday. (Jct. 2?. When the exceedingly wild and timid nature of these strange Arctic amphi bia is considered, coupled with the fact that they arc provided with Kippers only to supply the place ol hands and feet, their performances are absolutely marvelous and trench ?lonely upon thc incredible. That such necessarily clumsy creatures on land have- been successfully taught, to drill, pitch, catch, play upon different musical in struments, .sing and imitate many oth er human acts and arts almost surpass es belief, but that they do so is attest ed by the piess of New York, in which city they continuously drew big and delighted crowds. LowndesCille Locals. Mr. L. .J. Moorhead, who is an opera tor ai ('hester, was herc ono day last week with his mother, Mrs. Annie K. Moorhead. Mr. Kdwin Mool head is now in Chester withins brother, hav ing some time ago accepted f position as salesman with the Jones dry goods Co. Mr. Lewis C. Hell will be found with the new merchant at Abbeville, Mr. C. W. I'ollikofT, where he will be glad to serve any of his Lowndcsvillo friends when at tho County seat. The hunting horn and the - baying of many dogs are heard nightly now, testifying that ""possum and taters"' still are drawing cards. The sports men generally are rejoicing over tho fact that the close season will soon be over, and they may make havoc among tho partridges, which arc very numer ous and in good condition. Clean up your gun in readiness for the first of November. Mrs. (?eorgo Haskiu and little girl have returned from Chicago, where they, in company with Mrs. Edwards, <?}' Abbeville, had beeu paying an ex tended visit to Mrs. Gregory. Mr. Henry H. Allen has gone back to tho Augusta Medical College on his second year't course. Mr. J. Lyndsay Fennell is nt tho same institution, having decided not to return to tho Charleston Medical College, which bc attended last year. Tho Epworth League held its first mooting for about three months nt Mr. J.T. Latimers residence on Monday evening, two weeks ago. The attend ance was good, and it is hoped, now that cool and pleasant weather has re turned, that we will have a stronger and more enthusiastic League than ever. MCDAV?? HOUTOX. - Jack Frost will find little cotton in thc fields of South Carolina. Farmers' Loan and Trust Co. The Farmers' Loan and Trust Co. will pay you iutorost on your deposit?. Children's deposits especially solicited. Omeo at Farmers and Merchants H .mk. - - ? - - JUST reel ved Car Liad Owensboro Wagon*. H. ?. JOHNSON <fc EO-N. 16 W. II. Shearer Surveyor, You will lind me at Dean <fc Ratliffa's. Sullivan Hardware Co. have their two large Store Room? packed with goods From cellar to top floor, as well as their warehouses, and you can get anything [rom them from a Plow Bolt to a- '^stearn Engine. A full line of Chattanooga Cane Mills ind Genuine Cook's Evaparotors and furnaces, and we wlil make prices that Krill be interesting. Brock Bros Fruit Jare; Fruit Jwrsi At Juo. T.. Sunrise. Who is to benefit? Who will lose?' If t's a Piano you're buying come here to moose, and we will convince you tbat ?rou, at least, have lest nothing. Tba J. A. Reed Music House. This is our greatest year.. We are iron H of our record, and s rs "trivlsg by ?very honest means to win vou for a ous .nmer. Give us a trial if you bave never lone so before. Vandiver Bros. Have bot water pipes run 'rom your dove to bath room. Try Osborne & Daborne. Iron King Stoves are sold in Anderson >nly by Osborne & Osborne. Jobbers prices on "Schopps," "Karly Hird" and "Blue Jay" Tobacco*. Lo-r >st prices on Flour, Coffee, Corn, Ruoon, md heavy Groceries. Vandiver Bros. Pot Plants and Cut Flowers for ?ale. Largo and small Palms a specialty. Mrs. I. F. Cliokscales, 242 North Main St. Tba position of Resident Mannaor of ho Et? U ITA nm Lier; ASSURANCE So 31 BT Y l'or Anderson and vioinlty is open Lo a man of character and ability.. A fa vorable contract, carrying renewals, will be given to right man. W. J. HOPDEY, Manager, Rock Hill, 8. C. 45-13 Sullivan Hardware Co. keep in close touch with tho Mann factores?, buying direct from them, they knock out the middle mau's profit ?nd give it to their customers. Twenty-five Dollar? will Imy n fairly unod square practico Plano at theil. A. Reed Muslo House. They aro intrinsi cally worth double that amount. Spot cash purchases made in oar losd lom enables Sullivan Hardwaro Co. to al wsi ? take caro of their customer in prlcos. If you WM buy an Oliver Chilled Plow and a Diso Harrow from Sullivan Hard waro Co. you cannot regret it when the harvest comes again. Rooting, tin work, galvanized iron work and plumbing done on short notioe by Osborne & Osborne. A clean Shave, an easy Shavo ls wha\ a man wants when he shavos at all. Ihla you oin havo by buying your Ru tor from Sullivan Hardware Co. A big lot just received at right pi ieee. Sullivan Hardware Co can supply yon with everything necessary to repair your Wagon or Bug ty. A big line of Spokes, Huhs, Rims, Steel and Iron Tire in stock. We offer this week hundreds of pairs of Sam plo Shoes at pi icos to please. Como quick while we bavo your number. Pri ?es on those Shoes too cheap to quote. Vandlvor Bros. Blue and White Frnlt Boilers. At Jno. T. Burris*. The Oliver is king tmong Plows and next in succession comes the Imperial sold by Sullivan Hnrdwaro Co. This Plow is superior to any other make on tho market onUlde the Oliver. If you don't believe the farmers have founa out tho plaoe to buy Hardware, watch the store of Sullivan Hardware Co. No dull days, but * rnsh from morning until night. Iron King Stoves are considered the I beat. Buy one. Osborne & Osborne ! Sole Agents. You never had a better Opportunity io buy Men's, Boys' and Children's Clothing before. $30-000 of Clothing and Gents' Furnishings that we want to close within the next sixty days. The Firm of C. F. Jones & Co. will dissolve December 1st, and we want to make Clothing hustle between nowland then. We want the money for them, and as now is the time that money is floating around we give you the chance to sup* ply yourselves cheap. We mean to sell this lot of Clothing, and you might as well take advantage of the sale. Not only have we a big Stock of Clothing to sell but lots of Dry Goods, Shoes and Millinery that must be reduced. We want to do a big exchange business-supply'y ou with Goods of every class and kind for the hot cash. We make' these offers right in the flush of the season before your needs are supplied. We will remind you again that as for Shoes for men, women and children we are in position to supply you grandly with the very best wearing Shoes. Next week we will give you a big list of items and prices. In the meantime make out your list of need and come on with your cash-we are bound to trade. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. The most important fact we want to impress on your minti is, that we are'obliged to collect before we can wind up our business. We cannot carry a Note or Account for any one. Mr. Webb's physician: has bid him to get out of business. It is no choice of his-hence you eee the necessity for a speedy settlement. To our Friends and Customers and those who- are- afteir the best Goode only (always at the lowest masket price;) WE are now ready with the largest, ir.oat varied and completo- Stock of Seasonable Good? thai? we hava ever shown. We have mader. Specialty of Dress Goods and Dress Trimmings, And feel confident in saying they have- no equal. In on?.- Dress Goods De partment your wants-can be supplied. We have a full line of Dress Patterns from 83.50 to $16.00 jyer pattexn. Fancy Drees-Gooda from 50c. to- $3. 50 per yard. Also,, our 25c. line is the best to be found. A big variety of Golf Suitings Rainy Day Skirt Goods, Plaids, etc Don't fail to carefully inspect our Dress Goods ancVTrimraitags-if yo? aj?e interested in either. Our Millinery Department Is now lilied; with thc prettiest Millinery that you have seen in. thia eily. Our Pattern Hate are beauties, and have received the applause from everybody that has visited luis Department. ? full line of the prettiest Keady-t.o-Wear Hats, ete. OUR DRESS MAKING DEPARTMENT,. Undo? the management of Miss Ida Fowleiv, is now ready. Ladies-interested in Salish Dress Goods and correct styles caa see Misa Fowler vi our Store at any timo. SHOES. AVe can fit you in Shoes a* well as styles and price. MOORE, AOKER & CO, Wholesale and lie tail. P. S.-Plenty of Groceries and Texas Red Rust Proof Oats. B. HILLMAN, RECENTLY of Abbeville, who has opened the Store at NO. 18, BENSON STREET, desires the public to know his success in purchasing his Fall and Winier Stock of Men's, Boys' and Children's Clothing,4 Shoes, Hats and Underwear, At prices that will enable him to UNDERSELL any corapeiion. A trial will convince everybody of the money uv ia ame io s*ve you. .? A Speoialty of Big Values in Three-Piece Suits for Boys from three to seven years of age, at prices to out to the bone. NECKWEAR, tho latest styles. B&~ Finest Goods at lowest prices. 3. HILLMAN. 18 Benson Street, Miss Lizzie Williams' Old Stand. Grand Fall Announcement ! $25,000 worth of Staple Dry Goods* Shoes? Hats, Clothing tmd Gents' rarnishiago now under our roof. THE greatest and largest Stock we ever carried. Our House now packed irony oellar to dome. Our Buyer when in the Northern, market was very fort?nate ID securing some very rare Bargains for spot cash, ami we are now ia a position to save you mosey-from 25 to 33i pen oent on. any article you- may wish, to pur chase. Don't buy before looking: through, our line, as we can do you soma good. Below we quote a few-arteles-in our various departments : New USTotiorts New Ladies* Hemstitched Handkerchiefs only..2}e New Ladies' Fine Embroidered Handkerchief* only.4o New white C?unterpanes-only...... _.75c New Bleach ad Cotton Twill* only... 5c New Chenille Table Covers, large ?as^ only-.69c New Ladies* Patent Leather and Velvet Belts only.; 24c New'Ladies* Ribbed Undervesfc only -.24c New Ladies' Fascinators- only. - .. 24o New linen Huck Towels on Iv. 10c New Pearl Buttons per dozen.21 c New Children's Knit. Wool Caps and Sac ks only. *.24c New line Embroidery only.-. 5c New X>i*y Goods. New line Outings, beautiful designs,, from.?.5c to 10c New line Flannelettes only... ..... J...8c New line Percales* yar.t wide* only..7io New line Table Damask, red and white, only. 24c Few line Cheviots, fast colors, only.. '..7c New line Unbleached Cotton Flannel from ... .5o to 10c New line White Check Muslin only.. . . So New iine Mercerized Satin?, all colors, only. 18c New line Wool Dress Goods from.10c to 7Jc New Capes, Waists and Jackets. New lino. Ladies* Melton Capes enly.......... 48c New lice Ladies* Beaver Capes only... s... 98c New lino Ladies' Extra Fine Cloth Capes only. $1 48 New line Ladies' Plush Capes from.. . $1.00 tc 7 00 New UEHS Ladies' Black Jackets only.?.........? .. v*.1 75 New line Ladies' Oxford Jackets only.?.r.2 50 New line Ladies' Tan Jackets ojly.. 2 08. New line Ladies' Flannelette Waists only................. 48c New line Ladies' Flannel Waiats only.. 75o New line Ladies' Wool Flannel Waists only.. 98(> NEW SHOES-New Nae Dougoia Shoes only 98c. Ne* line Ladies' Kid Shoes only $1.48. New line Lidies'' Fine Hand-made Shoes only 92.00. New line Children's Shoes only 50c. New line Mon's Shoes from 81.00 to $3.50. NEW CLOTHING and GENTS' FURNISHINGS.-Naw line Gents' Undershirts only 25o. New line Gents* Fleece-lined Undershirts onlv 48c. New line Gents* Work Shirts only 24c. New line Boys'Knee Pants only 24o. New line Gents' Heavy Suspenders only 15c New line. Boya' Clothing from 98c to 13 00. New line Youths' Suits from $2.25 to $7.00. * Kew line Men's Clothing frcra 52 50 to $15JOO. FREE, FREE!-Hand painted China free; a housewife's delight ; a nicely arranged table. j?ny your Gools of us and get a set of hand-painted China Free. Ask for Coupons. Yours truly, LESSER & CO., ANDERSON, 8. C., UNDER MASONI0 TEMPLE, P, S.--Special bargains in Millinery for this week, Don't fail tV luofc N through our Millinery Department. [BJ^^^BBBM?BHIBBB?? iiiiiOiit Billilli nftfl