The Anderson intelligencer. (Anderson Court House, S.C.) 1860-1914, October 10, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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Intelligencer, Published every Wednesday. J. F. CLINKSCAI.ES, I EDITONS AND C. C. LANGSTON, s PROPRIETORS. TE HMS : ONE YEAH, - - - - $1 CO SIX MONTHS. ? - - 75_ WEDNESDAY, OCT. 10, 11)00 At thc State Republican Convention in Columbia last week, thc white Re publicans were relegated to the rear and Kio negroes took hold ol' the reins. Look nj) j our registration certificate and have it ready for use in tit?- coining general election. It is the duty of ?.very Democrat to vote, whelhor there is any opposition totli< candidates of the party or not. Tiie Philadelphia innes, which was a strong supporter <>i McKinley four years ago, Ine' rome out tor I tryal , saying in the course ol' a scathing edi torial thal tin* evils present lour years ago have returned sevenfold. Atlanta's famous .Mayor, James (J. Woodward, who has created so much notoriety hy getting on his benders, will go out of ellice on January 1st and will be succeeded by Maj. Livingston Minis, who was elected to that ellice last Friday. - i a o r;r Apparently husbands eenie high in Philadelphia. It has been decided by a jury in that town that a husband's, affections aro north $',>.-,,ooo to his wife, that sum having been awarded to the woman plaintiff in a damage suit for alienation. Charles 15. St never, of St. Louis, is the latest millionaire to distribute his fortune during his lifetime. He has a horror of family quarrels over wills und has divided his money chiefly among his children. Mr. Stuever is a sensible man. ^ _ The Georgia State election took place last Wednesday, and tho Demo crats were successful by about 80,000 majority.?The Populists had a full State ticket in thc Held, but their vote was only about one-half of what it was two year? ago. -mj . ?!- - Every soldier who returns from the Philippines, that is cveiy live one, has the same story to tell about the pros pects of the war, and it is ono which contrasts strikingly with the oft-re peated oilicial statement that the light ing is about over. lt looks like Cen. Joe Wheeler was right when he said tho best way to get ridof Aguinaldoaml his followers would be to mount our soldiers on Texas ponies or broncos and scour every island in the Philippines. It seems that tho grand old warrior's idea will have to be carried into effect. Not only will UO per cent, of tho men who were gold Democrats four years ago vote for Bryan this year, but at least 10 per cent, of tho Republicans who voted for McKinley in '00 will do the same. These are the predictions of conservative men. If they are realized, Col. Bryan is bound to be our next President. Elliott Dan forth, a leading Democrat of New York, soyB he was never in a campaign where was so much interest and where tho Democrats hau issues that so appealed to tho people. Thia condition of affairs in the Empire State will cause a draft on Mark Han na's corruption fund that ho will not have much left for investment in doubtful States West. That was a sad and deplorablo catas trophe which happened near Orange burg last week, caused by a reckless and drunken negro driving into thu back of Mr. J.'.H. W. Hydrick's buggy and throwing him and his wife out, and which caused tho death of Mr. Hydrick. Thc result would havo been a lynching, but tho negro was promptly taken to the Penitentiary for safe keep ing._ A great many of thc Republican speakers and newspapers sro making n great deal of bluster over tho pros perity that they claim is now pervading this country. But it doesn't pervade. lt will be difficult to persuade opera tives where cotton mills ore shut down or the 150,000 coal miners who aro out of work, and the many other brauches of tho unemployed that this country is enjoying unusual prosperity. Tho trusts and the few, for the bcnclitof whom the many aro ground down, aro seeing prosperity no doubt, but tho masses of the people do not see it. Favorable news has reached Wash ington from the European chancellories indicating that a complete agreement as to China is within sight and that, tco, on the basis of thc proposition laid down by Secretary Hay in his note of July 0, nnd the subsequent notes treating of that subject. Tho accord of Russia with tho United States is more complete than was anticipated at first, and the reports show that all of the European .it i on s probably are placing themselves in position to take advantage of the opening made by tho United States and soon will bo ready to begin negotiations for a settlement with the Chinese government. Tho State Fair will be hold in Co lumbia this year from October 2i)th to November 2nd, inclusive. These an nual gatherings give the people ot che different sections of tho State an occa sion for coming together nnd renew ing and making acquaintances. Tho social feature of thc Fair is therefore one of its best features. The encour agement and help to agriculture is also worth a great deal. The Piedmont country should preparo to show some of its products and thus advertise the advantages of this providence-favored / section. And it is hoped that this sec tion will also have, as usual, the finest aggregation of visitors of the en tiro State. Wild Hog Items. Kev. J. A. Hurgess preached an ex cellent sermon to a largo congregation at Zion last Sunday evening. Several of our young people attended preaching at Welcome last Sunday. There will he an all day singing at Mt. Tabor next fourth Sunday. Mr. W. Pritchard has been quite nick with a cold. There is some talk of a graded school being established herc. One of our young men received a kick from a gul sot many Sunday's ago. ii<" said ?ie would not take tf.r> tor it. JACK FHOST. Mt. Zion Items. Mrs. I'lora I >. Pickett, from Seneca, is visiting friends and relatives near hen1. Mrs. M. M. McF.lroy is very sick with | billions lever. Thc Harton base ball team will play a mulch game with thc Wild Hog leam . next Saturday afternoon. Mr. Dave Richey has gone tu (Georgia un .! liligi !!?'^^ j !.';. Tlu* farmers arc preparing io mw a groat ?leal ol'grain in thin section. Mr. Jacob M. Smith is running Mr. I'. Uro wir s ginnery at Rivoli. 'i'la; muscadine crop Is good in this section. .Hov. J. A. I litiges s will preach at I Zion wai Sundiiv morning at ll ? o'clock. W. Jenkins, an old and respectable negro, died hist Monday near here. Miss Neva Bel lol te, ol' (j reen ville, is visiting Mrs. 1*1 ll ? TI Milam and fami ly. Mr. DeWitt George spent last Sat urday ami Sunday near Midway. I >K S?? | o. Denver News. Tho patrons ami trustees of (Jak Grove, McElroy, Sandy Springs and Denver KCIIOOIH have resolved to com bine them into one and have a High School located at a central point from tho four. They intend erecting nt an early dato a suitable building, and will want for another year experienced and capable teachers The school will have, it is thought, at least one hundred pupils and will pay a good salary. Cadets Walter McWhorter and \\ ill Garrison came homo from Clemson Friday to stay until Monday. Cadet Hughes, a friend of Mr. Harrison's, carno with them. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Browne, of Fair deal, visited relatives in Denver Sat urday. ?<_.!..<. / <1_... \ f: "._ u. _ _A. \ HU< I v uiH Iur .unjin "un lin- ?UC?lr of Mr. J. W. Major's family Saturday and Sunday. Miss Mattie Kskcw spent last week with relatives in Pendleton. She re turned Sunday, accompanied by Mr. Walter Kskow. Miss Hattie McWhorter is at home again nfter a visit of several weeks in Belton. Kev. G. II. Waddell, Supt. of thc Epworth Orphanage, Columbia, wnB at Sandy Springs Sunday afternoon. His talk m tho interest of that institution was intensely interesting, and moved tho congregation to a liberal contribu tion towards its support. Nc one can give to a bettor causo than the support of these orphan children. Hov. Mike McGoo administered tho ordinance of baptism by immersion Sunday morning to tho candidates for membership in Welcome Church, after which ho preached au excellent sermon to nn attentive audience. The cloudy weather and rains of the past week have retarded tho opening and picking of cotton to some extent. Hut the crop is short and a few weeks of good weather will seo it all out. 1? armers are very wisely preparing to sow largely of small grain. The darkies are happy, ns 'possum and potatoes are now on tho bill of fare. Many who are not dark do not disdain to partake cf theso dainties. INC?GNITA. Belton Items. Mrs. J. L. V?s . and her son, Leland, are at home again, after a two months stay in Virginia. Miss Mattie Brown and Mrs. A. C. Latimer have returned from Wilming ton. N. C. MisBOB Mellie Geer and Reno Rice hnvo returned from Kesley. Tho youngo3t daughter of Mr. Char lie Kay is quite ill of diphtheria. JACQUELIN*:. Notice to Creditors and Debtors. NOTICE is hereby given to all the creditors of Estate of J. L. Maul din, deceased, to render an account of their demands, duly attested, to the un dersigned within the tltue allowed by law to render the same ; and if any cred itor or creditors negleot to render said ac counts within tho time aforesaid the same wilt not be allowed. All persona indebt ed to said estate will make settlement of same. MRS. ROSA S. MAULDIN, Executrix. Oct 10, 1900 10 3 Notice to Creditors. ALL persons having demands or olalms against the Estate of A. M. Rogers, deceased, are hereby no ti tied to present them, properly prov en, to the undersigned within the time prescribed by law, and those indebted are notified to make payment. ELLA I. ROQER3, Adm's, Oct 10, 1000_ld 3 GOODS FOR AT I WE arc opening and marking DRY GOOP\ S TRUNKS, SPIC! EXTRACTS, xMUSICAL INST One Car of CROCKERY reporter before furnishing advertisement. Look out for ad. in next week's pa KING E M L. OARLI8LE. CUT J? Ol Chilled Tun Hill Side PL Cut Disc Ha For thirty days only at - Editor Dour, who was accidental ly shot in the armory in Georgetown by one of the riflemen of tiiat city, is said to be in a critical state. Angosta Comercial Mm, AUGUSTA, C?A. BUSINESS, Shorthand, Typewriting and Academia departments Lite rary Society, Lecture Course?, Bearding Hall. Positions secured for every gral uate for this yesrwiHhing a position. Notice 18 heroby given that at tho next meot lng ot tho Boatd of County Commis sioners in November, they will elect a Btoward ol tho Poor i louse, and a Ferry man lor tho lorry over tiouv.c? liivor for tho year 1001. ?U applicants must tile their applications with tho Clerk of the Hoard ol* County Comtniftsiouers in tho Supervisor's oilier-, on or belora Salesday io November. By order of Board of County Cominis (donen* J. P. CLOUDY, .1. N. YAN DIVER, Clerk. Co. Supervisor A. C. Executors' Sale. WE, tho undersigned Esr ecu tors, will sell to the highest bidder on Fri day, October ~i?, PUJO, ut tlio old homc stuad of Mr.?. .lauo 8. Thompson, lu Sa vannah Tow uah Ip, ono Chickerloo Piano du good condition), und tho Ilousohold (foodsaud other personal effects of tho said Mrs. .la o S. Thompson. H. E. THOMPSON, T. li. EARLE, Executors. < ?ct 10. lli0(? io_ :; Trustee's Sale of Real Estate. 1>Y Deed of Trust froth J. A. Gantt, J J r., I will soil at Anderson. 8. C., on Salesday in November next, if not per sonally sold at private sale, a > that Tract of Land in Fork Township, Anderson County, 8. C.. containing 240acres, moro or loss, adjoining lands of Estate of Dr. W. L. Broylea, Estate of 1). L. Stevenson and others Terms of Gale-One-third ca?b, balance one year's credit, secured by mortgage, with Interest from day of "salo at 8 per cont per annum. Purchaser to pay extra for papers and Btamps. JOSEPH N. BROWN, Trustee. Oct 10, 1900_ 10__4_ Assignee's Sale Real Estate. BY Deed of Assignment from J. A. Gantt, Sr., we will sell at Anderson C. II , S. C., on Salesday in November next, if not previously sold ?it private sale, all that Tract of Land in Fork Township, containing 84 acres, more or less, adjoining the homestead of said J. A. Gantt, T. IL Whitfield and others. Also, all that Tract, containing65 acres, adjoining lands or homestead of said J. A. Gantt, E. W. Holcombe and others. Terms of Sale-One third cash, balance one year's credit, secured by mortgage, with interest from day of sale at 8 per cent per annum. Purchaser to pay for Btamps and papers. J08EPII N. DROWN, Assignee. B. FRANK M AULDEN, Agent for the Creditors. Oct 10. 1000_16_4_ Trustee's Sale. BY viture of the authority vested in me by the heirs-at law of ?Vm. J; Drown, deceased, by Deed of TruBt duly Executed and recorded in the Clerk's office at An derson,8.C, in Dook TTr pago 538,1 will sell to the highest bidder before fcbe Court House door at Anderson, S. C., on Sales day, November next, (Monday Nov. 5tb, 1000.) at the usual hour of public sales, the following property to wit: All that certain Tract ci Land situate in the County of Anderson, containing two hundred and sixty-two acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Mrs. Mary J. Chamble, Mrs. Mary Davis and others. Terms of Sale-One-third cash, balance on a credit of twelve months, with inter est from day cf sale at the rate of 8 per cent per annum, secured by note and mortgage of the premises, with leave to anticipate payment. Purchaser to pay extra for all papers and stamps. J. L. TRIBBLE, as Trustree. Oct io. it loo_io_4 Executors' Sale. The State of South Carolina, County of Anderson. BY virtue of the power vested in us by the last Will and Testament of Lu cinda A. Williams, deceased, we will sell to the highest bidder at the late residence of the said Lucinda A. Williams, deceas ed, on Saturday, November 3, 1900, at ll o'clock P. m., all that Tract, piece or par cel of Land, situated in the County and' State aforesaid, consisting of one hun dred and forty acres, being a part of the Real Estate owned by the said Luoinda A. Williams, deceased, at the time of ber death, and bounded by the landa bf Ezekiel Harris, the Estate of Robert Branyon, et al. Said Tract of one hundred and forty acres will be Jivlded into two Tracts and the plats will be on exhibition the day of sale. Terms of Sale-Cash. Purchaser or purchasers to pay extra for papers and stamps. L. E. CAMPBELL, J. N. CARWILE, Oct 10, 1900-16-3_Executors. Notice of Final Settlement. THE undersigned, Administratrix of Est ut o of A. M. Rogers doo'd, hereby gives notice that she will on tho 10th day November, 1000, apply to the Judge of Probate for Anderson County for a Final Seiiisment of said instate, and a discharge from her office as Administra trix. ELLA I. ROGERS, Adm'x. Pot 10, 1900 16 5 EVERYBODY, ~ PRICES TO SUIT. rOTIONS, ss, RUMENTS, ?fee. 1 nt depot. Will have to unload this per. Yours very truly, IR08., BARGAIN STORE, Two Doors from Post Office. L. H. CARLISLE. i Plows, 3 ws and rrows, 3LE BROS., Anderson, 8. C. Tobe Sold at aBigSacrlflce $5,000.00 Men's and Children's To be Sold away Below Value. WE lind our purchases have been to heavy that we are too crowded for room to properly display c ich line. Hence we are compelled to move at once some line, and have decided to close out our CLOTHING Stock? This is a chance } nu seldom hava of buying Clothing at the commencement of the 8ias>n at priers which generally prevail after you have been supplied. Note the Prices- see the Goods : $2 50 Suits.closing price 81 83 3 65 Suits.closing price 2 63 3.87 Suits.closing price 2 87 3.85 Suits.-t. .closing price 2.85 4.25 Suits ... closing price 3.48 5.00 Suits. closing price 4.0s, 7.00Suil8.closing price "5.23 7.50 Suits.closing price 5.48 7.75 Suits.closing price 5.98 10.00 Snits.closing price 8.23 12 50 and 15.00 Suits.closing price 9.99 Also, other small lota not quoted but at same scale of cut prices as those quoted. Children's Clothing worth $1.00 for 75c and on up. < Wc also have special low prices on Dry Goods, Shoes and all other lines. See our ad. in this week's Advocate. Big line of Samples of Underwear, Hosiery, Shirts, Pants, Suspenders and other Goods to close out at low prices. Don't fail to get our figures on Tinware, Glassware, Crockery and all kinds of small ware in Notions and Fancy Gooda. We are acknowledged Headquarters for Low Prices. Yours for Trade, W. F. MARSHALL & CO. Successors to C. S. Minor and the 10c Store. Our Wholesale Department is now lull, and we invite all Morchanta to give U8 a chance to supply their wants. ""iE, UHUtSHBIl?) 1 I HAVE A FEW PIANOS. Ot tho very highest grade und latest styles, TO GO AT COST FOR A FEW DATS. This is an opportunity of a life-time. I alf o lmvo tho In? ?st improved ball-bearing KKW ROHE ?KWING MA i KINES for $?0. Vibratcr Standard Machine only $28.00. ORGANS CHEAP. HI? I*. WILLIS, S.tuth Mainstreet, Anderson, S. C. ! olU?u ABOUT OUR FREE PREMIUMS. THE plan we have adopted ot" presenting to our Patrons oeeful and ornamental Premiums free ol' charge in return for their purchases of $10.00 and over is meeting with UNIVERSAL APPRECIATION. The principle involved ?u our meihod is solely t'? increase our already extensive bueioesa. We share the profit of our business with our Patrons nnd hold the price? alway? lower than those of our competitors for like qualities. THE KIND OF PRESENTS WE GIVE-PREE. Beautiful Wall Lamp. Free with $20.00 trading. Free with $20.00 trading. Fine Draught Screen. Free with $20.00 trading. Handsome Wicker Basket. Free with $10.00 trading. Glass Water Set. Free with $20.00 trading. French Jardinere. Free with $10.00 tradiug. Brass and Onyx Table. .* i?j OK - lr* Free T with ?|JS& $60.00 trading. Decorated Banquet Lamp. i Free with $20.00 trading. Double Wick Oil Stove. Free with $20.00 trading. Bed Room- Clothes Tree. Free with $10.00 trading. China Toilet Set. Gentleman's Fine Watch. Free with $20.00 trading. Free with $40.00 trading. Hundreds of other Presents too uurnlftroufr to mention. COME ?ND SEE. We are Ready Are You ? WE will prove to you that we have the best reason in the world to say that we not oaly have the LARGEST, BE3T and most COMPLETE line of Men's and Boys' Clothing, But that wo offer it at prices much lower than any Store dare name for equal j value. You are going to pay us a visit-of course you are. No one, without 1 disregard to his pocket-book would fail. Wo want you to see the mighty values we are offering in Men's and Boys' Suits. SHOES. Yes, we have the largest and most complete line of 3bo?s ia the city, and at prices that are selling them. Won't you give us a trill on Shoes ? GROCERIES. We have a tremendo* s Stock of Groceries, and if you haven't found out that we are cheaper than any other house, just give us a tiul. Yours, The King Among Flows. The Genuine Oliver Chilled Flow STILL leads the Farming World fur the reason that no other does the work as wall. Keep abreast of the march of progress by using the OLIVER. A complete line of the various sises of the&e Plow?, as well a? all the latest im proved Agricultural Implements. Machinery. Pulleys. Machine Supplies, ^ Pipe Pittinfirs,S Belting, Heavy and Shelf Hardware, Now in stock, bought at-close Spot Cash Prices, which enables us to savo you mono} on your purchases of anything in the Hardware line. SULLIVAN HARDWARE CO.