The Anderson intelligencer. (Anderson Court House, S.C.) 1860-1914, July 04, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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I Intelligencer, j I'ublishcd every Wednesday. J. F. Cl.INKSCAI.K8, I ElUTOKS AND C. C. LANGSTON, S PKOHULTOKS. TE UM S.'. ONE YEAH, - - - - tl 50 SIX MONTHS. - - - 75 WEDNESDAY, JULY i, 1900. No'ont.' fears. Hit'sting of n common ilii t-duubci. Candidate Patterson may ?i-, v.t il go in his liolr. There nu- som? people win. youl?! i< eeive credit loi' really more intellect than tin y have it they would studious ly avoid shooting ?til' theil lips. Would-be Uo\ ? i nor Patterson's i riends would do him a real servi re lo muzzle him till the campaign i- wi ii over. Tin- plan ol' wyr against ii ns ad vocated hy thc llliiK'i- Democracy in their plat torin mils foi free tindo on all articles monopolized hy combina tions of capital, mu? tm- a law t hat w ill previ nt ? viv species ni discrimina tion hy r.i il roads in favor of trust in terest.-. They ?'.lise thc powerful cam paign sjognn of "Equal rights lo all and speeial privileges to none,*1 ami it' thc National Convention declares thus boldly against thc people's enemy. Democracy will sally forth a thrice armed conquering hero became of hs i jual iel just. - mm m mm - lt is only necessary to nail tin- l?e publiean platform tobe convinced of the hase hypocrisy of that debused chi reprobate in declaring as its principles what it has failed throughout the past four years to enact into law. lt has been in full control, for thin period, of every branch of the national govern ment, and has had during that time ample opportunity to place upon the statute hooks just such mensures as they declare they favor. The question naturally arises in the inquiring mind, if they were so unanimously and har moniously in favor of throttling the trust, why in the thunder haven't they done it? At a special meeting of the Hoard of Directors of the South Carolina Inter state and Wost Indian Exposition Company, held at their office in Char leston Inst Thursday, Capt. F. W. Wagener was unanimously elected President. This selection was expect ed and is universally approved. Capt. Wngener is widely known, not only in the South, but North and West, and his election to the Presidency is a very wise move. He is one of the most suc cessful and enterprising business men of the South, and his interests in Char leston and in South Carolina generally, insure to stockholders that he will conduct the affairs of the Exposition with prudence and bring the great fair to such a grand point of excellence as to merit the "well done1' of the na tion. The frequent miscarriage of justice in capital cases in this State rnovee the Columbia JState to urge the wisdom of imposing upon the Coroner in such cascB the duties of public prosecutor. Under the present arrangement there is no provision for the collection of evidence necessary to a successful prosecution of th? case, such duties necessarily devolving upon outraged citizens or parties directly at interest. Thus it will be seen that, except in isolated cases, "everybody's business is nobody's business," and the futility of the popular demand so often made upon "officers of tie law" is demon strated upon thc presentation of the State's case in every criminal prosecu tion. It might not be wise to clothe Coroners with detective authority in its generally accepted sense, but the seores of unavenged murders in the State from year to year demand that the State exercise a more watchful vigilance over the lives of her citizens, and that the life of i?o citizen shall be jeopardized at the instance of the State unless she is prepared to present stronger evidence than is too often made the basis of a hopeless prosecu tion. There is need of wholesale re form along thin line, and the INTELLI GENCER gladly j oin a the Slate in urging action by the Legislature. The inclination of the Democratic leaders to allow the delegates to tba National Convention to select the can didate xor Vice President in the con vention proper adds greatly to the respectability of tho Democratic or ganization. The disgraceful scenes enacted at the Republican Convention in the pell-mell struggle of the small fry politicians and heelers to capture the nomination from the besieged bosses indicates in eloquent terms the utter disregard of the Republican party for the potential voice of the, peopie. YV hon it hears with unheeding ear the people's cry on the eve of the people's opportunity, what may be ex pected from them firmly entrenched in the sway of unlimited authority! Democracy lins risen to her opportunity gracefully and with becoming dignity. Whoever may be the nominee nt the hands of the convention will receive his authority not from a handful of domineering kingmakers but from tho heartBand sober judgments of the as sembled representatives of thc people, who know no coercion, no boss rule and no star-chamber arrogauce. Ob servant voters who are doubtful as to the usefulness of Democracy to the people will learn a valuable lesson in politics by a careful comparison of the methods of tho two conventions. The war in China has forced the ad ministration to show its hand in the game of international favortism and foreign alliances. It has been evident for ninny years that a struggle was pending between Russia and England for oriental prestige. Tho swiftly changing scenes of the past few months but emphasize this feeling of rivalry .-uni jealousy so (hat no observant mimi eau fail to seo through ?ill of England'? troubles with hov colonies the line artful hand of Russian diplomacy. No racial sentiment can convince Ameri cans that thc entire spirit between thc two nations is other than a desire to control eastern politics and commerce, nor can an gio-mun ines convince us that we are either directly or remotely related to this question in any phase. Russia has been to tho United State? ati old time friend, diplomatically and commercially. Vet, th?'administration, follow ing tin- purport ol' its secret alli ance with I s real llritain, seeking to protect the rights ol the latter in China while she is engaged in two unholy wars, risks the friendship ol' her Rus sian friends by openly resisting theil i ights toquell the riots, a lent tin- othei powers were themselves unable to ac complish, 'l here is no room loi doubl as to the position held in this greal international gntb-gaiue liv the o Hi? ciotis meddlers of the wm hi which thc Cn ?ted States has I lie honor to ho under imperialism's n il Hag; ami the voters must rise in their righteous wrath and hurl from power the blind rulers who would sacrifice for a doubtful acquisi tion not only the cherished friendsJiip ola wealthy nation hut t he li ves and blood ni their nobles! sous. 'Diele is one place that the people . an appeal to in case it becomes neces sary'to check this exclusive franchise craze, and that is to the Legislature. lt i- asking too much ol a City Council 'o he responsible for the welfare, of the city where so much is at stake as there is wherever an exclusive franchise for any period is demanded. We say this for the reason that there is absolutely no compensation attached to the ellice of Alderman, and no citizen should be placed in a position that will subject his actions to thu criticizing scrutiny of suspicious and captious men. It is ii responsibility which the people them selves should hear, and to that end a new law should be enacted, and that speedily, that will refer all franchise Ordinances back to the voters of a municipality for final ratification. Tho principle may seem somew hat socialis tic, but it has also tho warrant of wide Democratic endorsement through nu merous State platforms, and for this ?pecilic purpose, without committing mirselveBto tile principle as a univer sal reform, it has our warmest com mendation. The candidates for the Legislature will have t lien one more 88ue to face, and herc in Anderson sity their position must bc declared .incquivocally, as the people demand lome relief from the present dangerous sower lodged in the hands of a few nen to give, away valuable franchises, ivhether plain or exclusive. We say hat it must bo without equivocation, iud we say further that silence iu egnrd to this issue implies opposition ;o the measure, nnd the people will so nterpret it, so that those candidates .vilo have net studied the question as t bears upon the city's interests are lotitted that a full, open and voluntary ix pre RBI on from them on the subject .viii be awaited with discriminating n tere st by the people whose rights mve been jeopardized and whose anns ire now bared in maintaining the jus ice of their vain appeals. County Executive Committee. Pursuant to a call of the chairman, ?. ?. Breazeale, Esq., the County Democratic Executive Committee met it the Court House on Monday, July he 2nd, for the purpose of adopting ules and regulations for the coming campaign. The calling of the roll de veloped the presence ot' a quorum, [tanking in importance was the ques ion of assessments of candidates for campaign purposes, which was dis posed of without opposition by a reso ution fixing tho assessments ns lol owB: Coroner, $4.00; other four yenr ifficcrs, $8.00; two yenr officers, $4.00. Phis assessment, however, does not in clude tho cost of the printing of .ickets, which, under Rule 4. of the low rules, provides thnt all tickets mall bo furnished by the Executive Jommittee, the cost of which shall be M.00 to each candidate, payable nt tho mme time as his regular assessment. In order to avoid tho confusion here tofore incident to refunding to defent HI candidates their pro-rata share of my balance in the hands of tho com mittee after pnying all campaign ex senses, the Committee, after making a .-.arelul estimate based upon former ex perience, decided to reduce the assess ment to the ligures decided upon. The committee on Campaign Mect ngs, composed of Sanfl McCrnry, Jno. P. Green, W. C. Meredeth J. I?. Glenn, IV. A. Dickson and J. A. Hall, reported n favor of holding twelve campaign meetings at the following places and >n the untes named: Double Springs, August 7. Hollands, August 8. Cooka, August 9. Martin Grove, August 14. H on ea Path, August 15. Williamston, August 10. I'clzer, ? p. m., August 10. Mt. Airy, August 17. Piedmont, 0 p. m.. August 17. Guyton, August 21. Sandy Springs, August 23. Anderson, August 25. Candidates will bear in mind that ac cording to Rule 8, their pledges must be duly iiied on or before Aug. 7. A resolution was adopted giving to candidates position on tho tickets in tho order in which their announce ments were made in the County papers. The following committee on arrange ments for the State campaign meeting and on reception of the candidates for State officers was appointed: J. E. Rrcazenle, chairman, J. K. Hood, T. ll. Karie, Geo. E. Prince, T. H. Harriss find J. W. Campbell. Tho following were appointed to pro vide boxes and tickets to the managers of election: J. E. Breazeale, T. B. Earle and J. K. Hood. ^ The managers ?rc earnestly requested iu cali on any rme nf the above committee scd get the boxes and tickets a few days be fore the election. The County Chairman was author ized to appoint tho managers of elec tion upon the recommendation of the Executive Committeemen of their re spective clubs. W. H. S Ii F. A KKK, Secretary. Ry resolution of the County Demo crat ic Executive Committee nt its meet ing held on Monday, July tho 2nd, the members of tho Executive Committee from each Democratic Club aro re quested to suggest to tho County chair man the names of managers of election for their respective boxes, such recom mendations to be made on or before Aug. 1st. W. H. SIIKAKKK, Secretary. flic Clinksc?ies Reunion. Ala meeting ol the Committee sip pointed at the last Kennion <?t thc Clinkscalcs Family the following reso lutions were adopted : 1. That the Reunion of tin- ( link scales Family be held on Wednesday, the 22nd of August. 1000, at Iva, S. C., on C. & W. C. Railway, lifteen miles .South of Anderson. 2. That thc following Committee of Arrangements he appointed: Reuben I?. Clinkscnles, L. S. Clinekseales, J. A. Cook, J. W. Wharton, Ezekiel Clink scales, Lamar Cliuksealcs and .Jas. F. Cliiikscales, whose duty shall be to sehet and prepare the grounds, prc pare thc harhaeued meats tor one thousand people, and make all neces sary arrangements for cooking and serving thc same, and have charge ol' all thc detailsof the Kennion. ::. That all lineal and collateral de scendants ami connections of the Clink scales family are invited to be present, and those in Abbeville and Anderson Counties nie requested to bring well lilled baskets lora Picnic dinner. I. The expenses of t he Barbecue will he collected the day of meeting. ?. That Lewis C. Cliiikscales and .Mrs. Liulie Merriman Coleman are re <|ticstcd to prepare and rend sketches of the Cliiikscales family, and short addresses will be made by members ol' tin- family. 'i. That" persons interested will please extend invitations to relatives beyond this State to be present. JAS. L. OKI:. Chairman Committee. Cr<>. E. Pttixi i:, Secretary pro tem. i tf' Anderson and Abbeville papers jilease copy. Belton Items. Mr. Claude L. Smith left last week for Chester, where he will spend the summer. Mr. Smith is n worthy young man and the community will regret his absence very much. Miss Adelaide 11 ca Ul, of Washington, I). C., is visiting Miss Mamie La ti mer. Miss Hoald is a charming young lady, and is quite an addition to the social realm. Mrs. Frank Sawyer and son, of Char lotto, are visiting Mis. Stella Geer. Invitations are out to quite an elab orate dance, which is to bo given on Thursday at Kelly's Hall. Tho music will be splendid, the decorations rare and beautiful, and a gay time is in store for those who willnttend. Mr. and Mrs. Ceo. Brown and chil dren, who have been visiting Mrs. A. C. Latimer and Mrs. Byrd, returned home last Thursday. Miss Dot Sanders, of Chester, and her brother, Mr. William Sanders, are visiting Mrs. J. F. Cox. Mr. Sanders has secured a position here and will bo in Belton tho remainder of the summer. Work on our mill is progressing rapidly, and 'ere long our hitherto quiet little village will echo with whistles and other evidences of thrift. JACQUELINE. ANNOUNCEMENTS. 0?T~ Candidates' announcements will be pub lished until the Primary Election f .r Five Dol lars- PAYADLB IK ADVANCE. Don't ask in to credit you. FOR AUDITOR. I hereby announce myself ta c&midnte for Auditor, subject to the decision o? tb? Democratic Primary. W. A. HUDGENS. I heieby announce myself as a candidate far re election to the omeo of County Auditor, subject |to the rales of the Democratic party. Respectfully, fi. N. C. BO LEMAN. FOR CLERK OF COURT. I respectfully present my name to the Totora of Anderson County aa a candidate for Clerk of I Court at the coming election, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. L. P. SMITH. I heieby announce m j self a candidate for ie-eliction to tho office of Clerk of Court, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. JNO. C. WATKINS. 1 hoi ob v announce myself a candidate for Clerk of Court for Anderson County, subject to the action of the people In the approaching Demo cratic primary election. M. P. TRIBBLE. I hereby announce xs y self a candidate for Clerk of Court, subject to the action of the Democratic primary election. R? P. CLINK SC ALES. I hereby announce myself a candidatt for Clerk of Courtof Anderson County, subject to the action of the Democratic primary election. JOHN N. SUTHERLAND. FOR TREASURER. I respectfully announce myself a candidate for re-election as County Treasurer, suiject to the action of the Democratic primary. JAS. M. PAY NB. FOR HOUSE REPRESENTATIVES. I hereby announce myself s> candidate for re election to the House of Representatlvea from Anderson County, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. J. L. JACKSON. I respectfully announce myself a candidate for re-election to the House of Representatives, and will abld? the results of the Democratlo primary election. JOSHUA W. ASHLEY, lhere")! announci myself a candidate for re elecUon to the House of Representatives, subject to the action of the Democratic primary election. It. B. A. ROBINSON. I announce myself a candidate for the House of Representatives, subject to the action of the Demccr.tfc Primary. E. M. BUCKER, Jr. I hereby announce myself a candtda'o for re election to House of Representatives, subject to the result of the Democratic Primary. GEO. E. PRINCE. We hereby announce the name of Dr. R. F. Dl WER as a candidate lo represent Anderson County In tho Legislature, subject ti the action of the Democratic primary. _ lltg VOTEES OF PKLZEft. COUNTY SUPERVISOR. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re election to the office of County Supervisor sub ject to the result of the Democratic primary election. J. N VANDIVER. I hereby anno ti nco myself ss a candidate for County Sur Ar?of ?.?:dsr?OU CeiiStJ. Subject 1 to the'rules'of the Democratic party at the next primary election. J J. VAUGHN. FOR SOLICITOR. 1 am a candidate for Circuit Soliciter of the Eighth Judicial Circuit ol t out h Carolina, subject to the Democratic primary. J. A. MOONEY. Jullul E. Hoggs, of Pickcns, ls announced aa a candidate for Solicitor of the Eighth Circuit, subject to the Democratic Primary. FOR CORONER. I announce myself a candidate for the office of Coroner, subjec. to the Democratic primary. W. Y. MILLER. Having been solicited by . great many friends I Disco my natur fcefer* the voters for the ntm cf COiOuor, ana wiii abide bj rules of the Democratic party. J. J. DODD. I rr specially announce myself A candidate- for Coroner, subject to th* action of the Democratic primary c'cctlon. B, F. WILSON. FOR CONGRESS. I heieby annouccs that I will be in the race for Congress In tho coming primary In August from the 1 hird District, and will abide the result of said primary election. A. C. LATIMER. C. T. WYCHE ls here'-y nominated as a candi date for Congress from the Third Congressional District, n nd pit tl ged to abldo tho result of the Democratic primary election FOR SHERIFF. I I respectfully annoucco myself a cind(d?te for re-clectlon to the office of Sheriff, subject to the remit of tue Democratic primary election. NELSON B. GREEN. i To The Patriotic Boys and Girls of Ander son County. Xojtloubt every child in our County has heard of thc Confederate Monu ment. The women and men of our City and County have contributed to help in this work, and now we ask the boys and girls to help, too. We want a small donation, a dime, a nickel, or even a penny, from every young person in our County. Then when this Me morial to our noble "men who wore the gray'' is completed you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you had a share in thus honoring the mem ory of our Confederate dead. Give your contribution, with your natue, to Air. .Jas. It. Ynndivor, at Farmers1 and Merchants' Hank, or to Miss Lenora Hubbard the President of the Memorial Association. I, A NI) FOI* SALE* WK oiler for salo Ilveser ts of Lind in the City of Andersen, being part of tho Tract on which Mr*. Mary I O'Donufdl resides, bounded by Hampton street, East Boundary htreet, Kennedy street, and other Lands of said M rn. Mary O' Donne!!. It is divided Into halt acre lota, and has a thirty-f'jot street, running through it. 1 T not sold at privato salo will bo sold Salonday in October. l'MH). See plat at ellice of Bonham & Watkins and applv to tho undersigned for toroa?. BONHAM ?tc WATKINS, 1?UA'ITLEBA.UM & COCHRAN, Attorney?. July 1, 1900 2 :Jm LAND FOR SALE. WE oller-ior sale that Tract of Land iu Savannah Toivnsbip, known s9 tho Hewin Land, on Genercstee Creek, waters of Savannah River, bounded by said Creek, Public Road and Laads of T. D. Stevenson, Earl Harris, Nathaniel Harris and others. If not Bold at private sale will be sold at public outcry on Salesday lu October, 1?0O. A*k at our office for terms and plat. BONHAM & WATKINS, Attorney?. July 4, litOO 2 3m HUBBARD'S CORNER 18 STILL SELLING OFF REGARDLESS OF COST ! BETTER come and get some plumo. Going out of 'melness, and the peo ple are buying ovorv day. SODA FO?tfT MUST GO. June 20, 1900 52 4 Fruit Jar?; Fruit Jart! At Joo. T. ?urribi?. Opening of Books of Subscription. State of South Carolina, County ot Anderson. PURSUANT to a Commission issued to tue undersigned Corporators by M. R. C'joper, Secretary of 8i*>te, on tho .jZiu day ot Juue, iyou, notice la hereby given that Rooke of Subscription to the Crtpitbl tit ck or the Anderson Fertilizer Com pun v. will tn. opened at Store of Brown, Oaborue S? Co , ia tho City of An derson , State and Couotv aforesaid, on Thursday, July 5tb, 1900, at 10 o'clock o. m. Tue said proposed Corporation will have a Capital Stock of $100,000, di vided into 2,000 shares of the par value of ?50.00 each, with its principle place of business at or near Anderson, K C. and will be empowered to engage in the bust ness of the manufacture and sa!e of com mercial fertilizers and acid phosphates and to lease or rent any realty it may ac quire. J. J. Fretwell, B Frank Mauldin, \V. G. Watson, J. M.Sullivan, J. II. Masters, M. A. Dean, .John F.4kew, 1). A. Ledbetter, P. Ii. Allen, W. F. Cox, Fred G. Drown, Corporators. Notice of Final Settlement. S'ato of South Carolina, Countv of Anderson. To Charles D. Sloan, whoso whereabouts are unknown, if living, o- if dead to his personal representatives or distrib utees, and to J. B E. Sloan, Susan Hal), P. H. E. Sloan. Henrietta Sea brook, Mays Lyles, Hattie Sloan and Murrah D. Sloan, distributees of the Estato of tho into Benjamin F. .Sloan, deceased, intestate : Whereas, B. Frank Sloan, Administra tor of the Estate of tte said Benjaman F. Sloan, deceased, has applied to me to make Final Settlement and distribution of said Estate on the day hereinafter camed, and it having been made to ap pear to my satisfaction that the said Ad mloistrator has been unable to ascertain the whereabouts of the said Charles D. Sloan, who bas never been domiciled in this State, ono ol said distributees, or whether he is li vine or dead ; the said Charles D. Sloan, if living, or if dead bia personal representatives or distributees are hereby oited to be and appear before the Probate Court ia sad for the said County of Anderson, and State of South Carolina, on Monda?, the first day of Oc tober next, at ll o'clock a. m , to show oause why the said Administrator of the said Estate anould not decree to distribute the same as if the said Charles D Sloan had died before the Bald Benj. F. Sloan, deceased, intestate ; and the other above named distributees are hereby notified to appear before the Bald Court on tho day and at the time hereinbefore mentioned to intervene for their said Estate. R. Y. H. NANCE, Judge of Probate. June 29, 1900 2 2-0 Tl MARSHALL STORE ! Leaders of Low Prices. Extraordinary Sale of Special Values in all Depart ments for the next Ten Days. ' A F?w Items among many are Quoted. WE have purchased a line of Drumme? Samples from one of the largest Wholesale Notion Hot ees. We bought at a large discount. The Trading Public get the benefit. Gents' Negligee Shirts, worth $1.00 to $1 25 elsewhere-your choice daring this sale 77c. 75c. Negligee Shirts 52c. 50c. and 60c. Negligee Shirts 37c. 35c and 40c. Negligee Shirlo 23c. $4.00 Trowsers $3.08. $3.00 Pants $2.13. $1.50 Pants 98c. $1.00 Pants 77c. 75c Pants 53c. FINE HOSIERY ! Gents' Half Hose, 50c. goods. 33c. Ladies' 50c. Hose 33c. 35c. Hose 23c. 25c. Ladies' Hose 17c. 15c Hose Ile. 12Jc. Hose 9c 10c. Hose 7c HAIR BRUSHES.-50c Brushes 43c 25c. Brashes 17c 15c Brush es Ile. FANS.-Now, just listen : $1.00 Fans for 53o. 75c. Fans 37c 25c, Fans for 16c. 15c. Fans Ile. 10c Fans 6c. UMBRELLAS.-$2.25 quality for $1.63. $2.00 quality for $1.37. $1.25 quality for 81c. $1.00 quality 67c. 75c quality for 57c 50c quality 33o. Also included in this purchase bargains in Gents' and Ladies' fine Sum. mer Undervests, Handkerchiefs, Towels, Napkins, Corbets, Fa*cinators, Sus pender?, Memorandum Books, etc. See both our large Show Windows. Come early as supply in ?.ach line is limited. You will find in this sale some big money-savers. All seasonable goods you need now, and at prices none can touch. Remember, we are still selling CROCKERY WARE, TINWARE and GLASSWARE cheaper than any house in the State. Yours for trade, W. F. MARSHALL & CO. Successors to C. S. Minor and the 10c. Store. REAPERS, ENGINES, TUKJjiSUJKiKtSs IF YOU EXPECT TO BUY A Reaper, Mower or Binder It will pay you to see us, as we sell the best Binder on the market-the origi nal and well-known Deering Reapers, Mowers and Binders. If yo? -ant the beet ENGINE, THRESHER ?r SEPARATOR on lb? market come and see us. / We have the Genuine Josh Berry and the Home-made Grain Cradles, Fitted with Clipper BUdes, the best that money can buy. Will sell yon ai eheap as tiny can be bought. We can sell you any size of the Smith & Harper Hoc, Made of steel, and we can sell you these first-class Hoes ss cheap as yod cai buy the ordinary Hoe. Every one will give satisfaction. A largo lot of the old and well-known TERRELL HEBL SWEEPS made of best Spring Steel, and they have just the proper set. BROCK BBOS. Department Store A Big July Sale Starts Mon day Morning. THE JUNE SALE ended with au enthusiasm truly contagious, and showed conclusively that the Anderson public respond graciously to the rich values that we offer. Julius H. Weil & Co's. Special Sales ave always attractive and receive the attention of our scrutinous public. This Store will be the scene of a most active distribution of desirable merchandise during the entire July month, with prices in many instances still lower than tho3e of the June month. WE WILL CONTINUE OUR SALE With unabated vigor, full of intensely interesting, exceptionally attractive values-the sort that at other Stores are an unknown element. We purpose to make this July Sale the greatest of them all, and have prepared accord? ingly. Come in and see if you have, or has any one, ever* seen ouch values for first-class merchandise anywhere. June has been a busy month with us. The bargains we have offered have made it co. The July month can be looked at in its every business day as a Bargain Day. A great many big lots of Goods must be, cleaned up entirely, and the prices have been marked accordingly. We have just received another big lot of Mason Fruit Jars. . OUR CARPET and MATTING STOCK is still in good shape, Although ire have done the heaviest Carpet business this Spring since we have added this department. Free, Free! A Housewife's delight-a nicely arranged Table. Say your Goods of us and get a set of Hand-painted China Free. THE above cuts are representations of a few pieces of handsomely decorated, hand-painted China, now on exhibition ai our Store, which we in tend giving away FREE to our customers. We guarantee that oar prices on Goods will remain the same. ThiB special offer is made for the purpose of increasing our trade and. showing the people that we truly appreciate their patronage. This Ware is rapidly taking the place of White Granite or Iron Stone China. It bas that soft, white, velvety finish ; is of the finest quality, and without doubt the best in the world. The shapes are the very latest patterns and have been designed to meet the taste of the most fastidious. It is only by our guaranteeing to use aiarge quantity of this Ware that we have been able to get it at a price that puts it within the reach of all. Our assortment consist< cf Cups and Saucers, Pie Plates, Breakfast Plates, Dinner Plates, Platters, Covered Dishes, Cream Pitchers, Sugar Bowls, Ton Pota And "V^T"1 *?ilDg els3 which gOS? to ?- up S. fis? Set of rVWKo? We earnestly invite you to call and inspect it, when we will cheerfully give you full information. The following is a list of pice s from which to select : One Soup Bowl free with cash purchases of....... v...$4 00 One Pie Plate free with cash purchases of..3 00 One Breakfast Plate free with cash. purchases of. 3 00 One Dinner Plate free with cash pu rebases of ......>?.... 4.00 One handle Tea and Saucer free with cash purchases of. A .. 5 00 One Sauce Dish free with cash purchases of.......... ?.1 00 One Cream Pitcher free with cash purchases of...............7 00 One Sugar Bowl free with cash purchases of... .16 00 Cue 9-iucii Fmiier free witch cash purchases of.. . . f. 6 00 One 6 inch Vegetable Dish free with cash purchases of.. 4 00 One 7 inch Vegetable Dish free with nash parchases of...6 00 One 8 inch Vegetable Dish free with cash purchases of....... 7 00 One 7-inch Oblong Vegetable Di-h free with cash purchases of........ 7 00 One Cake Plate free wtth cash purchases of.?'..?. 8 00 One 7-pint Pitcher free with cash purchases of..r.,.14 00 One 8 inch Covered Dish free with cash purchases of..24 00 One Tea Pot free with ca^h purchsfcea of..,. 19 00 ?a^ Ask for Coupons. 3f Very respectfully, ? ? ? LESSER & CO., ANDERSON, S. Vii UNDER MASONIC TEMPLE