Intelligencer. Published every Wednesday. J. F. CI.IKKSCAI.KS, J EHITOKS AND C. C. LANGSTON, S PKOHMKTOKS. TB li M S : ONE YEAH, m SIX MONTHS. - - - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27, 1900. Teddy lioosevelt will now lind some rough riding'ou the tnil of MnrkKin Icv's kite. "(Mtv. Roosevelt in seconding I lit; nominal ion of McKinley was especially Revere on thc trusts."-Kschanyr. And now Milieus Aurelius is sorry thal lie spoke. Now w hen thc 1 N inon at - un i t and nominate William Jennings I ?ryun and (.'arter Harrison, McKinley muy as well begin to pack up his doll rags to go bark to hi.s happy home. I'tc.-ciil indications in thc State campaign point toa renewal ol' the (dd (pics!ion ns to the identity (d' the gen tlemen w ho hit Mr. Patterson. There will probably be not (|iiitc so much secrecy and concealment in (his case a- there was with the l'on uer gent lema ti who was st ruck. The extreme modesty ol' Guv. I loose veli in lighting shy ol' the Vice Presi dential nomination ?sonly exceeded by the studied coquetry brought to bear upon the delegates by his pict uicsi-ttc and dramatic atlee tnt inn, which sur passed any ol Hess Hanna's ready com mand of language, .-acred or profane. Now WC see the need of a live I loa rd of Trade. When private citizens, without a recognized leader, have to resort to t he tedious and cumbersome right ot* hand-to-hand petition lo pro tect the interests ol' the city, the time is over-ripe tor a lull organization ol' the business men to guard their inter ests from invasion. Our young friend. .las. A. Hoyt, dr., has assumed editorial control ol' the Greenville Mountaineer, in order to allow his father, who is a candidate for Governor, to give his whole time to the pending campaign. Mr. Hoyt has been on the editorial stall'of the Co lumbia Matt tor sonic tune and is an accomplished writer. The clamor among the Republican delegates at the Philadelphia Conven tion for a war hero for Vice President resulted in the nomination of Gov. lioosevelt, of Nev York. And while Teddy arouses martial enthusiasm, the people still groan tinder the burden some War-tax Act and they refuse to be comforted. The country is sick and tired now of anything suggestive of war. The Republican platform ls nu en tirely characteristic and consistent document. The claims which they lay to all the prosperity given us by nu indulgent Providence are certainly no more extravagant than the claims their President lins made to all tho land in Europe, Asia, Africa mid other scatter ing seaport towns. Expansion of nm information, perversion, and deceitful myst i fient ion have undoubtedly fol lowed the ting mid territorial expan sion. -U? ? -mm It is with pleasure that Tnt: INTKI. l.lOKNCKlt notes the fact that some of Anderson County's best citizens aro being announced for the Legislature. Peing the banner County of the State in industrial development, and com merce, we should seo that our interests are fully rei? resented in the represen tative halls in Columbia. We want to see the very flower of the County's citizenship st nigglinir for the honor to represent this culm /rising and intelli gent constituency. Now is the time for those having the real interests of the County at heart to announce those men for the ellice who are liest capable of serving the people and safeguarding their various interests. Let the voters not lose sight of the real issues in this campaign before they commit their votes to any candidate. - - ?mt t ma lt' thcro has ever been any doubt about Mayor Hood's being a genuine hummer with horns that doubt was dissipated yesterday evening when he, speaking for the minority of Council on the vexed question of exclusive franchises demanded by tho Anderson Telephone Co., announced ns their purpose, in order to prevent a ratifica tion of the Ordinance, to retire from the meeting, thus leaving Council without a quorum. The coup was neatly] planned and brilliantly execu ted. It is a regrettable circumstance that such a method should have to be resorted to in order to protect the dearest rights and interests of tho peo ple, but Rince There was no other re course and the issue WUB forced upon him, the means were amply justified by the end accomplished. The splen did fight made in the Council by Mayor Hood nnd Aldermen Smith and Sulli van for the people's interests should entitle them to the lasting gratitude of nn appreciative public. At a largely attended meeting of stockholders held in the German Artil lery Kaii Charleston, Thursday night, Jnne 21 st, the South Carolina Inter state and West Indian Exposition Company was duly organized accord ing to law. Considerably more than a majority of the stock subscribed was represented personally or by proxy. The meeting wai presided over by the Hon. Jos. \V. Barnwell, State Senator tor Charleston County, and tho pro ceedings wetft?host harmonious. Thc principal business of thc evening was the election of a Board of nine Direc tors. The following well known gen tlemen were unanimously chosen to direct the affairs of the Exposition: Capt. 1*. W. Wugeuer, Col. Wylie Joni's, .Mr. l i un is K. Carey, Mr. .1. C. Hcmpliill, H >n. John F. Kicken, .Mr. Win. II. W< Ich, Mr. J. L. David, Mr. Samuel Lapham and Col. C. S. Gads den. The Hoard was given thc usual powers to lill vacancies, adopt by-laws and regulations and elect the necessary oHicers for the various bureaus and departments. 'l in- Hoard of Dire-tors is regarded by all OB represent}, ve ?md include some of thc best and most progressive business men ol' the State. ima ? - - From every section of the county come reports of tin- scarcity of farm laborers. Thc negro is gradually drift ing away from the farm to the town, w here he is in small demand but where he (?in manage to eke out a week's living hy an occasional day's wages on the public works or upon some con struction work. Heretofore the negro in Anderson County has been progress ing because of his sobriety, his indus try mid his frugality. J f ? - has been content to remain nwa\ from the mad ding crowd's ignoble strife ?md to pursue the even timor of his way ulong the pence fu I course of his destiny. A few months ago we had icier to lins condition and lo commend the colored citizenship nf tin; County upon their enviable record; bul wo dis like very much the presenl trend of (lie n;*gr back to the l'anus, it will not be but a year or two at must, when a tide ol' immigrants will set in that will crowd thc negro, not only from the farm, but from the city's workshops, its public works,buildings, construction and from every walk of life. If the representative negroes of the County are wise they will heed this advice and preach to and teach the negro that his natural environments arc on the tann. The Telephone Fr. m ch I se Mit. KuiTOit: I have read the Ordi nance of the City Council granting to the Anderson Telephone Co. nu exclu sive franchise for the next ten years upon the terms and conditions therein mentioned. I have been informed that there is strong opposition to the Ordi nance on the part of the voters nnd taxpayers of the town, and further that three or four of the Aldermen of thc City Council are stockholders in the Anderson Telephone Co, to which the franchise is granted. If this bo true then as it respects these particu lar Aldermen they lire acting in this matter in two distinct capacities which nre antagonistic to each other-one as trustees for the town and the other as members of the Telephone Co., which is to be bone hied by tho grant of the franchise. In other words, by virtue of the powers vested in them by their election to the otlice they hold, they ?re granting to themselyes n franchise for their own benefit. lu the rending of tho Ordinance, ns published, it is Rtatcd "charges to bo no higher than present rates." lint in See. 5 of tho Ordinance it is stated that the charges on each city phone shall not exeecd $15.00 per year, nor on other phones $20.00 per year. This I think is its meaning. If so the com pany limy change rates which will not exceed the limits prescribed and yet those rates may exceed the rates at present charged. However this maj' bc, it is certain that tho rates which they arc allowed to charge can be made profitable, or the Company would not desire the Then the ques tion I make recurs-can those Alder men, who nie also members of tho Telephone Co., make a cou tract with themselves from which they arc to de rive a profit? The agreement of the Company iv? expend ?jW.OOO in tho next twelve mouths in improving their sys tem and the other stipulations on their part cannot in the slightest degree a licet, this question. Mr. Cleveland, during his adminis tration, truly said that public office is a public trust, nnd there is no princi ple of law better established nnd more universally recognized thnn that a trustee in the performance of his trust duties shall not be allowed to make profit for himself. The particular Aldermen to whom I refer are friends of minc and art; honorable gentlemen. In concurring in the grant of this fran chise they did not have these legal principles in mind and there was noth ing sinister in their motives. But there are numerous instances in the law books where on a bill filed ngainst a trustee the Court of Equity has ordered the trustee to nccount for every dollar he hos made in'the discharge of his trust duties. The other Aldermen who are not members of the Telephone Co. can derive no profit from the grant of the franchise. But why would not n bill, such as I have indicated, be maintainable ngainst those. A\??mS?IU?? who are members of the Telephone Co. to compel them to nccount for the pro fits made under a franchise they have granted to themselves. These matters, it seems to me, deserve to be considered by tho Aldermen referred to before they nccept the franchise offered them by tho Ordinance of tho City Council. A. T. BUOYi.Es. Mr. Burrlss Declines. Mn. EDITOR: I notice my name men tioned for Alderman from 4th Ward, for which I npyrecinto thc honor, but 1 respectfully declino. J. T.-Bl'RRlSS. A Merman for First Ward Mu. EDITOR: Please allow me space in your valuable paper to suggest to tho voters of the First Ward the name of Mr. James E. Harton for Alderman. I ANTI- EH A N< III.SK. A Request. Mu. EDITOH: Il Alderman fox bas any doubts as to the repr?sentative nature of the petition presented tb Council protesting against the fran chise ordinance, will lie do the vot?is ol'the city the kindness to announce himself as a candidate for Mayor and make the light on that issue? SlCKKK. Writings of a Week in Willianistou. Mrs. Ilciijauiin Watson, of Chappels, is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. W. l.i ?lim. Miss ('arrie Cray, of And? ison, is staying awhile at the Sadler House, the guest of Miss Lula Sadler. Miss Minnie Kate Webb came over from Denver two weeks ago and is visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. V. Grier. The infant son ?if Mr. and Mrs. G. Iv. Willis was buried in the Williani stou Cemetery last Saturday. (Mu farmers are having quite a time saving their grain. Those who have not had theirs threshed are regretting the tact that their grain is still in the Heids, while those who threshed theirs can't i-es! for stirring theirs and keep ing up lires. If the farmers of Ander son County can only save their wheat, the recent jump in the wheat market will cut no icc with them. A big missionary meeting will take pince al the new Methodist Church to night. After devotional exercises, conducted hythe pastor, the. congre gation will be entertained by talks from Mrs. Bishop Wightman and Mrs. J. W. Humbert. These cultured Indies are at the head of the Woman's For eign Missionary Society.of the M. E. Church South. Williamston was de lighted with these holies several years ago, and a big crowd is sure to bc out to hear them this time. These ladies ar?! oltieers in charge ol' the State Meet ing which convenes in the Buncombe street Methodist Church at Greenville from June 2'Jth to July 1st. The annual meetingof the Greenville District Missionary Societies will be held at Piedmont, beginning Friday night following the State Meeting. The good people of Piedmont were very anxious for this meeting to be held in their town and will do all in their power to make it a success. _H. B. G. ANNOUNCEMENTS. " MJkT Candidate*.' announcements will bc pub lished until the Primary Election fir Fire Dol Urs-PATADLK IS ADV J NC?. Don't ask ni to credit you. FOR AuniroR. I hereby announce myself is caLuidate for Auditor, subject to the decision of the Democratic Primary. W. A. II U OG ENS. I heicby announce myself as a candidate for re eltctlon io thc office of County Auditor, subject ?io the ruleaofthe Democratic- party. Reip3Ctfully, G. N. C. IiOLEMAN. FOR CLERK OF COURT. I respectfully present my name to thc rolers of AnderioD County as a canctda'e for Clerk of Court Rt the coming ejection, subject to tb? action of the Democratic primary. L. P. SMITH. I heieby announce mt self a candidate for i e el? ri ion to the office of Cork of Court, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. JKO. C. WATKINS. I lierebr annouuee myself a candidate for Clerk of Court for Anderson County, subject io the action of the people In the approaching Demo cratic primary election. M. P. TRI BB Li;. I hereby announce rx y soif a candidate for Clerk of Court, subject to the action of tho Democratic primary eleclon. R, P. CLINK SC A LOB. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Clerk of Court of Anderson County, subject to the action of tho Democratic primary election. JOHN N. SUTHERLAND. FOR TREASURER. I respectfully announce myst if a candidate for ro-electioii as County Treasurer, suljcct to the netion of tho Democratic primary. JAS. M. PAYNE. FOR HOUSE REPRESENTATIVES. I hereby announce ruy ?elf a candidate for re t lotion to tho Houso of Representatives from ALtlerson County, subject to tho acion of the I'einocratic primary. J. L. JACK ON. I respectfully announce myself a candidato for re-election to the House of Repr?sentatives, and will abldv the resulta of the Democratic primary election. JOSHUA W. ASHLEY. Ibero'), announce myself a candidato for re election to the Housn of Representatives, subject to the a lion cf tho Democratic primary election. It. B. A. ROBINSON. I announce myself a candidate for the House nf Representatives, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary. E. M. BUCKER, Jr. I hereby announce myself a candida'o for re election to Houio of Repreaentatlr a, subject to ihe result of the Democratic Primary. OEO. E. PRINCE. We hereby announce the name of Dr. R. F. D1WEB as a candidate to represent Anderson County in the L?gislature, subject t> the action of the Democratic primary. _0 UK VoTtna OP PKLZKS. COUNTY SUPERVISOR. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for it election to the office of County Supervisor sub ject to the result of the Demccratio primary election. J. N I hereby announce myself aa a candidate for County Supervisor of Audersoo County, subject to the rules of the Demon alic party at the nea:; primay election. J. J. VAUGHN. FOR SOLICITOR. I am a candidate for Circu?? Soliciter ot the Eighth Judicial Circuit ol couth Carolina, snbject to the Democratic primary. .T A; MOONEY, Julias E. Bona, of Plckens, is annonnced as a candidate tor Solicitor or the Eighth Circuit, subject to the Democratic Primary. FOR CORONER. I announce myself a candidate for the office of j Coroner, subject to the Democratic n ri marr. W. Y. MILLER, Ilaving been solicited by a great many friends I place my name before the vot?rs for toe .Voe of Coroner, and ?Ut abide by the rules of the Democratic party. J. J. DODD. FOR CONGRESS. Mieieby annouccs that I will be In the race for Congress io tho coming primary in August from the 1 hird District, and will abide the result of said primary election. A. C. LATI M ER. C. T. WYCHE is here'-y nominated aa a candi date for Congress from tha Third Congressional District, and pUdged to abide the result of the Democratic primary election FOR SHERIFF. I respectfully annonc?e myself a cindhLte for re-election to the office of Sheriff, aubjeet to the reiulf of tho D?mocratie primary election. NELSON R. GREEN. loin Kerns. Oh, Mr. Editor, rain, rain and grass. ; Graft* h* all the go now, and hoeing1 will be all the go win n lt clears oil'. Misses Pearl and Bessie Wilson and Mrs. Emilia Harris have been having ( hills. We trust to see them up in j their usual health soon. In honor ol' Mr. Wesley Welhorn and his lovely sister, Miss Bonn, there was a singing given at Mr. E. J. Buchan nan's which was much enjoyed by the young folks. Mr. .1.0. Holder had :J00 bushels ol' wheat threshed this year by Mr. J. A. Welhorn. We heard one of the young men say that he thought he would have to turn out some of his cotton, and he was told that was not making a living for some young lady. We are sorry that Messrs. J. A. Wel horn and .1. II. Hutchison have quit threshing. Some one has to do it, why not them.' The corn on the creek bottoms is entirely given up by those that have them planted. Mrs. Maude E. Wilson made a short visit to her parents last week. Beulah Holder is just getting overa bad kick by a mule some time ago. There will be. a singing at Mrs. Oscar Harris' Saturday night before the first Sunday in .Inly. Everybody is cordi ally invited to come and bring all their books and do some line singing. Mr. and Mrs. Harris know how to make young people enjoy themselves. Mrs. J.H. Hutchison, who has been very sick, is able to rideout on the farm. Wc suppose; that a great many of the young folks were very much disap pointed by not getting to go to the singing at the Chapel Sunday. Mr. ?lohn C. Holder has the typhoid fever. We wish him a speedy re covery. RETTIE. WILL let to tho lowest responsible bidder on Saturday, July 7ih next, at !. o'clock a. m., the repairing or rebuilding of a Itridge over Town Creek, east of P ndleton, and on road leading from Pendleton by M. ?'. Dickson's, in Pendleton Towushfp. Reserving right to accept-or reject aoy or all bide. Successful bidder to enter into to bond in double amount of bid for faithful performance nf work. J. N. VANDIVER, Co. Sup'r. NOTICE. Notice to Teachers. AN examination for Teachers' Certifi cates will be held at the Andcnnm Graded School July Gtb and 7tb. The examination will begin promptly at 9 a. m., and all applicants are requested to be hereon time This examination will be for white tenebprs only. _R. E. NICHOLSON, Co. Sup't. NOTICE. WILL let to the lowest responsible bidder at Pelzer, P. C., on Tues day, .'Hst day of July, 1?00, at ll o'clock a. m , the cleaning and repainting of the Steel Bridge at Pelzer over Saluda River, in Greenville and Anderson Counties. Reserving the right to accept or reject any or all bids. Successful bidder will bo required to enter into bond tn double the amount of bid for the faithful pei? formanee of the work. J. E. SPEEGLE, Co. Sup. Greenville Cc. J. N. VAN DIVER, Co. Sup. Anderson Co. PARKER RYR None Purer. None Better. Ask for it at all Dispensaries. HUB??ARD'S CORNER 13 STILL SELLING OFF REGARDLESS OF COST ! BETTER coice and get some plums. Going out of business, and tue peo ple are bnyinjr everv dav. SODA FOUNT MUST GO. Juno 20, IttOO_?>2_4 NOTICE. THE undersigned warns the public not to biro or harbor one John Alewine, a white man with his wife and son, who are under contract to work for me throughout the year 1?00. Persons dis regarding this notice will be prosecuted. J. W. SHAW, Corinne, 8. C. June 20, 1000_52_2_ Fruit Jars, To put up your Fruit in. Preserving Powder, To keep Fruit from spoiling. Fruit Jar Rubbers, To put on your old Jars. Tartaric Aoid9 To make Cherry and Blackberry Acid. Sticky My JPap er. To catch the flies while working with your fruit - ALL AT - HILL-ORR DRUG CO. MARSHALL STORE, Successors to ?. S. Minor & Co., READY FOR BUSINESS ! Through Stock-taking-Some Odds and Ends this week for a mere Song ! LOOK AT THES! s Ten dozen Men's, Boje' and Misses' Straw Hats for 03. One lot of Sample Shoes to go at 60c. on the dollar this week. Any Shoe in tail ?ot worth ?2.uu elsewhere-we seil at Vl.zO. 160 Shoes at 90c> arid all down the line. These prices only apply io the Sample Shoes bought of Minor & Co. Come and get a big bargain. One lot of Prints, regular price 5c. and 6c, oar prico this week 4c. 20? F?gn vori Dimities, ic fen te twesty yard lengths, io go at I2tc. About 200 yards, ten to twelve pieces, 12ic. Organdies-our price this week 8c 40-inch White Lawn this week 5c We are busy arranging for this week somo special low figures on Towels, Hosiery, Suspenders and Net k wear. Drives in Crockery ware, Glassware and Tinware. For Low Prices and Big Bargains this week come to-* Yours for trade, W. F. MARSHALL & CO. Successors to C. S. Minor and the 10c. Store. Julius H. Weil k Co. DEPARTMENT STORE. last Week of the Great Juxe Challenge Sale ! REMEMBER, That wc are more anxious anti more careful than you are that our prices should be the lowest. Our system of selling just as low as we poEsibly eau is backed up by a careful watch on the selling of com petitors. We keep pjsted for YOU, so you cannot possibly pay more than the very lowest price if you do your pu rebating hero, uo matter if others do grow desperate. Remember the last week Great Wash Dress Goods Sale. Remember the last week Great Wash and Summer Silk Sale. Remember the last week Great Parasol and Umbrella Sale. Remember the last week Great Wash and Silk Waist Sale. Remember the last week Great Ready-to-Wear Suit and Skirt Sale. Remember the last week Great Ladies' and Children's Hosiery Sale. Remember the last week Great Summer Millinery Sale. Remember the last week Great Carpet and Matting Sale. Remember the last week Great Men'B and Boys' Clothing Sale. Remember the last week Great Men's Furnishing Goods Sale. Remember the la9t week Great Ladies', Men's and Children's Shoe Sale. Don't Forget that the Great Challenge Out Prices apply ? to each article in this Big Store. The Popular House Furnishing Goods Department, The Big Trunk and Bag Department, Lace and Tapestry Curtains, Embroideries and Laces, :'* Muslin Underwear, Aprons and Infants'1 Goods, Wall Pape?and Made to Order Awnings, THE PRICES ARE ALL CUT INTO FOR THIS WEEK. LESSER andCOMP ANY. Free, Free 1 A Housewife's delight-a nicely arranged Table? Buy your Goods of us and get a set of Hand-painted China Free. THE above cuts are representations of a few pieces of handsomely decorated, hand-painted China, now on exhibition at our Store, which we in tend giving away FREE to our eus'.ornera. - We guarantee that oar pr ce-j on .'Goods will remain the same. This special offer is made for the purpose of increasing our trade and showing the people that we truly appreciate their patronage. This Ware is rapidly taking the place of White Granite or Iron Stone China, it has that soft, \yhi te, velvety fi o iah ; is of the finest quality, and without doubt the best in the world. The shapes are the very latest patterns and have been designed to meet the taste of the most fastidious. It is only by our guaranteeing to use a large quantity of this Ware that we have been able to get it at a price that puts it within tba reach of all. Our assortment consist* of.? ups and Saucers, Pie Elates, Breakfast Plates, Dinner Plates, Plat ten. Covered Dishes, Cream Pitchers, Sugar Bowls, Tea Pots, and everything elsa which gee* to :n*ke up a fine set of, Dishes. We earnestly invite you to call and inspect it, when we will cheerfully give you full information. The following is a list of piec s from vb.ich to select <. One Soup B ?wi free with cash purchases of.. . ...94 00 One Pie Pluto free with ca/ih purchases of..........3 00 Ono Breakfast Plate free with cash purchas?* of...... T\?-- i>i-.?- wr-'-ft_t. Jt-t \J~Z _ .^L_ ^ . r?inv mWH IV *ti? VDSU J> I? I V--ll?a?J v.4. . ....... One handle Tea and Saucer freie with cash purchases of....?.. 5 00 One Sauce Dish free with cash purchases of....ol 00 One Cream Pitcher free with cash, purchases of. 7 00 One Sugar Ben?! free with ?ssh pu;Cn?5f? in. .J ....... .16 00 One 9-inch Platter free witch cash parchases of.. 6 00 One 6 inch Vegetable Dish free with cash purchase? o?.............. 4 00 One 7-inch Vegetable Dish free with cash purchases of.. 6 00 One 8-inch Vegetable Dish free with cadi purcha.$03 of.............. 7 00 One 7-inch Oblong Vegetable Di-h free with cash purchases of.. 7 00 One C?.ko Plate free with cash purchases of........ ...............' 8 00 One 7-piut Pitcher tree with caph purchases of.......'. 14 00 One 8 inch Covered Dish free with cash purchases of...24 00 One Tea Pot free with ca?h purchases of.19 .00 gQU Aek for Coupons. Very respectfully, LESSER & CO., . 8 00 ........... 4 00 AND EURON, S C., UNDEK WAEON?C -aSMfLE ?^^^|ig^SgS^S^S|S^S^^|^^BJ^S0^^B^BSJS^gS^Sjgj?SQ???