Local News. WEDNESDAY, JUNK ti, I'JUO. Williamston .Nous Noll's. Tho death ol I'rof. Walter W. Brown last Wednesday saddened our little town, lie had been ?ll tor some time, at his father's residence here, but his friends did not know that death was so m ar. Mr. Brown was taken worse at 1 o'clock Wednesday afternoon and y experts sent out by the different Companies manufacturing them, and tho contest waa a spirited and fair one on both sides.-Darlington Corresjtondence to Newe and Courier. It is the same story always. Nono of I thom can Stand in competition with tho Champion. Wo have a number of [Binders at work now and they are I giving complete satisfaction. Ir you need anything liko this wo have got t he best on the market. 1 MCCIXLY BROS. Sunday afternoon all vegetation was greatly benefited by a good rainlall, gently thc clouds obscured the sim, the remainder of the afternoon, so that the moisture sank into the earth and was not lost by evaporation. To-day (Mon day) we have had seve ral light show ers, and it lias been cloudy all day, with the promise of more rain. But we have bad enough just now to make the croi>s grow rapidly, and the grass also. That battle with '-en. (?reen," which, you have beard ot so often, will have to be waged vigorously for awhile now j if the fanners come oil' victorious. Wheat and oat harvest is near at hand; the yield promises to bc lair. Country people have; been envying i you city folks eating your Florida veg- | ? tables, but we do no more, as we have plenty at home, such as beans, Irish potatoes and cabbage-, and dewberries for dessert. When "friedchickens" get a little bigger, thc housekeepers will not be so upset when they see a candi date coming in unexpectedly to cline. The candidates do that sometimes to show how much they think of the Mrs. A. and tho little ones, that Hatters Mr. A., poor silly man, who can't see that thc candidat*' is only hungry. Mrs. A. can see through his little case, but when he kisses the children, and says they are "the prettiest he ever saw, ano: so much like their mother," Mrs. A. accepts the compliment ano* tixes him a nice dinner. When he leaves she says to her husband. Now, Jim, von must vote for that man; he certain ly is a utan of good judgment and has such pleasant manners." Poor sijly women, they think "pleasant manners ' is the best qualification for ellice, and, if they had tho right of suffrage, would not vote for a man with the wisdom of Solomon if he did not know haw to usc a little judicious flattery. Mrs. J. ii. Hutchison's friends were glad to see her able to bo out to ser vices at Welcome .Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Kothrock visited friends at Fair Flay last week. Miss Sallie Bowie, of Anderson, was the guest of Miss Mattie Eskew Sun day. Miss Sallie is a pleasant and energetic lady, who has many friends. Prof. Oscar Browne, of Prospect, at tended church at Welcome Sunday. Ho looked justa little disappointed be cause his best girl was not there. That genial gentleman, Mr. Euther Smith of your city, was one who lis tened to Rev. Mike McGeeTs good ser mon at Welcome Sunday. Several of the Denver people expect to go on Mr. Smith's Excursion to Charleston on the 12th. Mrs. James Wooten has been quite sick, but is fast recovering under the medical caro of that tine young physi ciau, Dr. Day, of Pendleton. Little Eula McMorter is also better at this writing. The Lebanon section has lost a good mnu and citizen in tho person of Mr. Sam. W. Smith, who dieu on the 20th May with Bright's disease. A large concourse of sorrowing friends atteu ded his burial next day at Lebanon, of which Church ho had long been a mern ber. He was about 00 years old and lind served as a brave soldier in the Confederate Army. He left a wife and eight children (all ov whom are grown and married) and several grand children to perpetuate his memory. Nearly all of his children reached bis bedside before his death. The family have the sympathy of many friends in their bereavement. INCOGNITA. Town Creek Items. Wheat is good, and crops are all O. K. Mr. Ollie Cromer aud wife visited the former's father last Sabbath. Mr. L. O. Bowen, of Elberton, Ga., is spending awhile with her mother, Mrs. Larla King. Mr. and Mrs. G. F. McConnell were Ibo guests of Mr. John Mccrhend's family last Sunday. Mr. J. L. Kay and wife visited their daughter, Mrs. Nora McClellan, last Sunday. There was a musical at Mr. G. Z. Mc Clellan's, Saturday evening, and it was well attended. Alegars Calmer Kay and John McClellan gave some nice violin music, accompanied bv Mr. K. B. Moorhead at the organ. There was some first class vocal music rendered, led by Mis. Hattie Cromer. Misses Nellie and Blanch McClellan sang two very beautiful sacred pieces. Miss Nelle is a model soprano singer for a girl of her age, while Miss Blanch sings alto very well, indeed. Miss Connie Cromer spent last Thursday afternoon with Miss Julia McClellan. It is being whispered that Mr. Moor head, Jr., is going to Spartanburg in June. We wonder if he will return alone, or with some fair one? Go it, boy, there is nothing better. Wo shall conclude by asking the can didates to come out on the prohibition platform, to preach it on the stand and practice it in their hearts. Best wishes to the INTELLIGENCER and its readers. A. H. Blue and White Fruit Boilers. At Jno. T. Barris-. We offer this week hundreds of paira of Sample Shoes at prloea to please. Come quick while wo have your number. Pri ces on these Shoes too cheap to quote. Vandlvor Bro?. Thia is our greatest year." We are proud of our record, and are striving by every honest means to win you for a eas terner. Give us a trial tf you bave never done so before. Vandlver Bros. Brock Bror. can sell you a good "Gem" I :o Cream Freezer cheap-any size. Something, new In Lawn Mowers guaranteed to give satisfaction-at Brock Bros. If you want to keep the fllea out of ?rour dining-room go to Brock Broa, and et them supply you in Wire Gauze Doors, Windows and Fly Fans. Twenty five Dollars will bays fairly ntov/d pquare practice Plano at tho C. A. Reed M usia House. They are intrinsi cally worth donble that amount. HKRL SWBBPS.-The genuine "Thick Center" Terrell-set and sharpened.ready for use. The patent Victor-the Sweep that never nooda re-aettlng. Sullivan Hdw. Co. want to aell you jour Heel Sweeps. Iron King Stoves are sold In Anderson only by Osborne & Osborn?. Iron King Stoves are considered the best. Bay one. Osborne ?fe Osborne Sole Agents. The position of Resident Manager of tho EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SO CIETY for Anderson and vicinity ia open to a man of character and ability. A fla? vorable contract, carry ingrenewale, wfll bs erivon tb rt?h* ??.?* -Jj Hcii~^T. Manage?, Rock HUI, P. C. ' * 48-IS It hmm ai way s been the aim of Sullivan Hdw. Co. to cdTer to the farmers of An derson Coun t/ the very beat of every kind of Agrkicdturel Implement that the market afford*. Thia firm has made a very oloae study of the Mower problem ? has eagerly studied every practical im provement: has cloaaiy observed the work in the fle!d, and ba* accurately counted the cost of the repairs necessary to keep in perfect running order all of the different type* ol Mowers now man ufactured. Aa a result of their careful investigations they now offer and un hesitatingly recommend the McCormick -the machine that has stood the test oi years, and to-day stands ford as the world's acknowledged standard. For simplicity of construction, perfect work manship, cate of running and longevity i the McCormick atands withou an equal. GETTING READY FOR JUNE ! Must have Big Business for the first Summer Month ? WE expect to put on Sale after Sale in different Departments at greatly reduced prices. We want to interest and attract large quantities of Cash buyers. We can't call attention to every one of these, but can promise you that if you will come to see us we can show you many things that will be of great interest, The prices will be low-the values will be good. We always try to do more than we advertise. We are working on the plan of Small Profits and Large Sales. During the Summer months we can afford to work for little. Our last week Silk Sale was a decided succors. Such Silks as we sold for 15c. a yard and ?Oc. a yard were bound to make successful selling. We mention this to show that we are making the pi ices right. Interesting News of Waists. Have you seen the stock of Waists ? You could scarcely resist the great anray of charming styles unless your wants were filled for some time to come. Beautiful White Em broidered Waists, made in latest styles, fit perfect, great range of styles in Colored Waists. We have given them their marching orders, and put a "go-quick" price to them. TRIMMED MILLINERY-Prices Drop. Trimmed Hats have about served their purpose, so they have received marching orders in the shape of reduced prices. The Lady Hat-buyers will benefit by the opportunity. We are putting stirring prices on all Millinery. We don't wonder but that it will make a stir, but if it does that's our affair. If we choose to put low prices we give the Ladies the benefit of it. No one has a right to say a word. Women's Oxford Ties. This Department has done wonders this year so. far, yet we have them to spare, and would like the opportunity of fitting np mother, daughter and little baby. We are selling some grand wearing Oxfords for $1.00, $1.25, $1.50. It is not saying too much when we advise you not to pasa this Der partment. SUMMER UNDERWEAR FOR WOMEN. Most complete assortment of Lisle and Gauze Vests. Nice assortment of Muslin Under wear, consisting of Gowns, Skirts, Chemises, Drawers, Corset Covers. These garments range in price from 25c, 50c, 75c to $1.00. We don't like to talk prices much, but we assert with all boldness that we expect to sell you Wash Goods pf every variety during the month of June at very low prices. Nearly everything will be ? otic?ably cheap. Not only Wash Goods but we will give you a Wool Dress Pattern, colored, lower than you ever bought t* em before in point of profit. Not only in Colored Goods but we have put the moving price on Black Goods of every kind, Black Goods for Skirts have been cut deep. Laces and Embroideries. You will find this stock well up. Our lot of Remnants in 4 1-2 yard strips are still very attractive. White Counterpanes, Table Linens, Beady-made Sheets, Domestics, and even Uttle Notions have been care fully looked after ; in point of price. CLOTHING AND MEN'S GOODS. We want a chance at every man or boy who wants to even look at a Suit, for we promise you the best Suit of Clothes for as little money, if not less msney, than you will find in this country. Strong language, but we will back it np by tremendous facts and low prices. Choice lot STRAW HATS for men and boys for 25o. just received. Stock of nobby Dress Hats for young men. colors as well as black. Large Hats that we are selling for men for $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 are excellent values. We have MEN'S SHOES world without end-Low Cuts for Summer, besides regular Dress Shoes and Men's Work ing Shoes. We are Head to-Foot Outfitters for Men, Women and Children, and we will supply them with little money this Summer. Yours truly, CF. JONES WHOLESALE "DEAN'S PATENT FLOUR ECLIPSES ALL OTHERS!" THIS is the message flashed through the great telescope which we got from Lack Observatory to observe the great eclipse. We kaew ?hat, however, several years ago. We originated that brand and advertised it zo long ago for the fresh inhabitants of a foreign planet to presume now to claim the hon or of it This we can prove by the thousands of pleased customers we have made on that brand and held them over all competition throughout the eight years we've been prescribing it as a balm for all the woes weak stomachs are a prey to. We wish only to put the*eating public on notice that there is then but one genuine and original DE IN'S PATENT FLOUR, und that.is sold by us. AU other imitations are spurious, no matter where they come from. It is nevertheless a noteworthy fact that DEAN'S PATENT does totally eclipse all other flours-a fact admitted by all, but first proven by its great merits wherever tried side by side with others. The mets in the case are that we are ust eclipsing all competition, if We ever had any. That's another big eclipse. Just watch the FLOUR, MEAT, CORN and TOBA OOO I To eay nothing of the SHOIEIS, HATS and ZP-A-iTTS That we load at our front door, and judge. for yourself what we sro doing these dull days. No, no, we're not asleep-it's th? other fellow. Time's up now, must go to work. Bo long ! DEAN & RATL8FFE? ATTENTION! WE HAVE ADDED TO OUR Xii NE OF BUSINESS A SELECT STOCK OF liiGH GB A. DE SEWING ?MACHINES. Tba "DOMESTIC" la our loader. Wall? we are on this Une will say that we wlU seil tho best .quality of Needles at 20o. per doa. Oil 5c per bottle. Ocr Grocery Department Is Complote and none emn Undersell Us. Free Delivery. Pbohe No. 1ST. Yours to save money, MOBEI8&OO.t . BottthUsln ?tfaa*?j??teytes Blscir, AsdSci?a^ 5.0. A WORD TO THE WISE! . A freight train mattoe more nolaa than the last ex pre-is, and for this reason we ?Anat ?Mi rzztz ~ cztrs "i?i>*r uobe, oui in a %ery modes* way we would Ilka to say: Wohavatoo n?a?y Goods Ter this i^sc?o? ^ jTro?, ^o^^oS?g to make some vary IntereaUng prices or*-. Dry Goode, Shoes, Hats ?nd ?rosorios. Our Shoo Stock alono comprises over seven thousand dollars worth of Coeds, and while we aro soiling a lot of Shoes ?re would like to greatly increase our oates for th? next sixty days, sad for that reason we will make a Special Discount Salo on ?very pair of Shoes in our House. Ono lot of bsdlea* Bongo!? Button Shoes, former price fl.00, now 75o, One lot Ladies' Vid Kid Shoes, aU stylos, Lace and Button, former price $1.65, Will ?ell them to you now for 81.85. We only mention these* two lots be causo they are bor most popular lines. We have hundreds of similar loto tojgo the same way. Bemember, wr? carry Men's, Woman?? and Children's Shoes of every kind, from the cheapest to the best hand-sewed goods mad?, and thia Dlacount Salo applies to every Shoe in our House. D. C. BR0WN& 810. IP YOU EXPECT TO BUY A Reaper, fVlower or Binder It will pay you to see r.fi, aa wo sell the best Binder on the market-?ho origi nal and well-known Deering Reapers, Howers and Binders. If you wau* the best ENGINE, THRESHER or SEPARATOR on the market o orno and s?? us. Wc have tbe- - Genuino Josh Berry and the Home-made Grain Cradles* Fitted with Clipper Blades, tho best that money c??ts buy. Will sell you as cheap as they eau bo bought. We can sell you any size of the Smith & Harper Hoe, i Made of steel, and wo eau sell you theso first-class Hoes as ohcap as you can buy tho ordinary Hoo. Every one will give satisfaction. A large lot of the old and well-known TERRELL HEEL. SWEEPS made of best Spring Steel, and they have just the proper sot. BROCK BB?S. M? 1 1 i. u M. I i : . , ??? -L-l ' 1 , i >, ? i i Wo are Agents for THE 6REIX IMSECT For Bed Bugs? Roaches, AnUi Fleas and ??l >n?scts. DIBJECfttONSr-Aj^y *fi^ Doa'* bo deeeiired. There is ?o Killer eana? te Btti*M:^r}I*>F ??Mtii-a ??o. ? boule. w;e*Mp by expr?s or freight tit your, eat mm m. BAR?MNS EXTKAPRO?N?TO JB-SBH3H^^ T ?M closing ont a Ano Una of OR?AN?. T?ifdfljBif* i^S^?lBW"*" X LOWER tbqw over. ?f you ar* ihtnkJjg^H^N an Organ now ts yorsr opportunity. Remembet, 1 bavo nothingbut "oVew Iriatru M6?My PIANO trade has been unusually'good'this "year. I om prepared to gtvo lowest prices. What I cao f?o for compsUt?ra WM 'est ^-.-h >??. "?lrno elven to good cost?me?. Bonlh Malo S?reet, eewmd (loor Ail^^^tor^^ud^nar. Write for pri?es. -x\? as^^ti,