Local News. WKDNESDAY, A PR ll, -.*?, ? A Merehaul Disappear*. Mr. J. W. Hov..nd. mcichant ?ii I han. S. C., ot' thc linn ol Howard & Pruitt, skipped Sunday, lilli inst., leaving Mr. H. \Y. Pruitt holding the bag tor about .*t.?? work. lt was soon discovered that they were tramp?and latest from l?irmingham, Ala. Through characteristic goodness of heart, Mr. Pruitt gave them shelter and food and ollerod them an opportu nity of earning a livelihood. Ono, being well-filled, sneaked away and was never heard of again; the other, J. W. Howard, remained till teli days ago, to Mi. i'm it t's sorrow. Howard was about 30, ot good ad dress and well educated, and Mr. Pruitt found him a valuable mau in keeping Iiis books, drawing notes and mortgages and looking after his busi ness in his absence, and in a short time he took thc young man into Ilia conti- j dence and treated him as one of his family, even providing celebrations for his birth days. He was given a home in tho family and allowed a respectable salary jier month. Hu was respected, honored and loved, and in September last, the opportunity presenting, Mr. Pruitt decided to give him a better chance to advance himself. Tho stock ol'goods of Mr. J. NV. Mattison, mer chant nt Dean, was for sale. Howard wanted Mr. Pruitt to buy the stock ol goods and let him run the business. Pruitt consented, and the stock was bought last September and Howard given full charge, Mr. Pruitt paying for the Mock, and advancing from limo to timo cash to add to the stock. Mat ters went smoothly till January last (so Mr. Pruitt thought), und upon re quest of Howard, Pruitt endorsed notes for tho firm to the amount of about SHOO. Shortly afterwards, how ever, Pruitt discovered through his friends that Howard was dissipated, drinking heavily and spending money with a lavish hand, while his deposits in bank to credit of firm were almost nothing. He remonstrated, and asked to be shown the books with amount of stock, but wa s put oil' from time to time until the end came by Howard skipping. The cost of stock aud cash advances and endorsements by Mr. Pruitt for the firm amounted to about $1,480, and since Howard's departure bills against the firm have como in to the p mount of $683.1)3. This shows a total investment by Mr. Pruitt of about $2,115. When stock was taken after Howard's de parture and tho books hunted up, mat ters stood na follows: Stock, $1*075; cash in bank, $35; books destroyed, but about $100 of accounts due tho firm were entered on n little blottcr.flThis aggregated about $1,200, which was all Howard accounted for out of tho amount advanced by Mr. Pruitt. Prom Augusta Howard wrote to Mr. Pruitt stating that he left because of Pruitt's lack of confidence nnd certain rumors, and that ho was going to Cuba, and he enclosed $20 in tho letter. Tho letter is neither dntcd nor signed. This $20 reduced tho shortage of Howard to about $000, which Mr. Pruitt will bo forced to pay. This8tatemontis made by Mr. Pruitt, and ho goes further.-and says that he treated Howard as his brother, did not question his honor, advanced money and he endorsed for him whenever ho requested it, and now finds himself not less than $000 loser, with possibly nioro bills against the firm to come in. Big Spring Items. Some time lins elapsed, Mr. Editor, since any news from this place has ap peared in the columns of your paper, and being desirous thatour progressive neighborhood should have occasional mention therein, we take tho liberty of chronicling the following. The schcol at this place closed Fri day, 20th inst., under sufficient control of Miss Lula Blackwell, of Duo West. The scholars made her a present of a nice silver cup, which was highly ap ?reciated. Miss Lula made many riendswhilo with us, who regretted to see her leave. We are glad to note that Mr. J. H. .Robinson nnd Mrs. M. A. Armstrong are about well, after a severe attack of lagrippe. . ; n Messrs. Homer Banister and Gary Pruitt spent Saturday night with Dr. King and family, of Anderson, and at tended tho marriage of Mr. Baldwin und Miss Watson on Sunday. Mi8sOnio Murdock, a winsome lady of An treville, was the guest of Misses Lee and Mary Belle Burton recently. Miss Ethel Shirley, of Little Kiver, returned homo last week, after a stay with her sister, Mrs. J. N. Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Mitchell, of Globe, visited the family of Mr. J. A. Banister Sunday. Mr. J. D. Armstrong, of Honea Path, spent Sunday with home folks. MessrB. Lewis Kelly and Ralph Drake, of Flat Kock, and Messrs. Earl Murdock end Robert Bowen, of Antre ville, were in our midst Sunday. Miss Emmie Simmons is visiting rel atives scar Donald? thia week. Mrs. M. J. Cowan and son worship ped at First Creek Sunday. Mr. Enfrene Walker and Mis? Mary Belle Borton went to Donalds last Sun day afternoon. FARMER BOT. /-Pierson Club No. 1. The Anderson D?mocratie Club, No. 1. is hereby called to meet in the Court House on Friday afternoon, 27th inst., at 5:30 o'clock, for the purpose of reor ganising the Club, electing delegates to the County Convention and a mem ber of the County Executive Committee. , All the members are urged to attend. D?mocratie voters who desire to join j tliiG Club should hand their names to ' the Secretarv. F, TV WILHITE, President. C. C. LAKOSTON, Secretary. ?i ?lill! Ill ili''. Mi. \. K. \ a nd iver, w hom m' i <.. ported lust werk ns 1 M. i 11v< ry il!. died Wednesday morning ni fi o'clock, hav III.!.' bei II Kick less tli.in MIK? week. I!? was taken very r?j?i?l?*nly un Thursday willi apoplexy and was con scious only nt intervals, until death carno lo cull his awful su ll cri nj;. Mr. Vandiver was in his 'lind year, was boru and roared near (Iiis plate, and has n great many friends und near rel atives in this section who aro much grieved on account ot' his death. Tho sorrowing wile and little.'jills have our tenderest sympathies. There will he no regular eonimence uienl exercises ?it tin- close of the IJel ton High School this year. Tlx?school, including all who have attended the school during thc session, will spend Friday, lim 18th ol' May, in a picnic at some convenient and suitable place chosen for tho pm nose, ?md at nielli ol' tho same day Dr. Henry S. 11 art/.hog, ('resident of Clemson College, will speak in the school hall. Dr. llart/lmg is a splendid speaker, and doubtless will attract alaric audience. Miss Kenn Hire was at hume from Piedmont .Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Mary A. West, who has I "en visiting ber son for some time, \ ut away Monday morning. Mr. and Mis. A. E. Cox, ol' linnea Path, si?eni Monday with their daugh ter, Mrs. T. K. Stokes. Mrs. J. I.. Vass expects going Oil a visit to her daughter at Mt. Carmel Tuesday. Sin; will be absent for sev eral days. Messrs. Acker and Cheshire have al most completed a planing mill outtit, ami will be ready very soon to ?lo ^cu eral wood work.* XXXX. - ? mm . ?? News Cleanings of a Week in liOirudes ville. Mr. .1. Matt. Cooley and Mr. Claicnce Cooley, ol' Willinmston, were in and around here for tin* past week with rel at i vi's. The friends of Mr. Hobt. C. Smith will be /ibid to know that after being con ii ned to his bed for about a week with pneumonia, he is now rapidly re covering and hopes to be out soon'. Mrs. Lizzie Lockhart luis been ill for soiim time with grip at Mr. W. L. How man's. Miss Nolle Moseley and brother. Mr. IL II. Moseley, wore tho representa tives of Lowndesville nt tue State Intor-Collcgiato Oratorical Contest, which was held at Greenwood. Mr. Moseley has returned on account of his work as postmaster, but Miss Nelle Moseley will visit friends there for several dava before coining home. Mrs. 1?. Bolin Allen spent part of the oust week in Anderson as the guest of lier sisters, Misses Ida and Lois Wat son. The closing exercises of Miss .lanie Young's school at Latimer. several miles below here, which were an nounced for Friday evening, were post poned until Monday evening, and sev eral had arranged to form a party here and attend but were prevented from going by tho threatening and unsettled state of tho weather. Lnst week there were many vague rumors afloat regarding a case of what was supposed to be smallpox at Lati mer, seven miles below hero, but the latest, advices reveal tho fact that tear had greatly magnified the real danger. A negro from Anderson was seized with a pretty severo caso of chicken pox and the negroes near him wero frightened into imagining that it was smallpox. Plenty of others ready to spread the report, with subdry addi tions of their own, woro easily found and hence tho wild rumors that reached here. Some excitement was created on the streets here Thursday about noon by the report that Mr. T. T. Cunningham was dead. Inquiry was made and it was found that while sitting in a chair ut Mr. VY. G. Huckabee's ho had fallen over and become unconscious. He wns carried to his homo as Boon ns he could be moved safely and it was feared that on nccount of his extreme ago his life was endangered, so his grandson, Mr. Thomas C.? Liddell, of Abbeville, was telegraphed thc particulars. He came Friday afternoon and is still here. It was tound that Mr. Cunningham had succumbed to an acute attack of indi gestion and too much work in this warm spring weather. He is still weak but declares that ho lias not been sick, and it is hoped that, he will bo out again soon, the same cheery old gentle man whom we have known so long. MCDAVID HORTON. Denver I tenis. Again have the windows of Heaven been onened and tho rain poured out like a flood upon the earth. Farm work has been greatly retarded thereby. Hut the green leaves aro growing, tho grass springing up, the flowers bloom ing, and the wheat and oats lengthen ing their green spires into the promise ci ar. abundant harvest. So trusting in Him who holds the clouds in the hollow of His hand, we confidently look for that "seed time and harvest, which he has promised. There still seems to bo fruit enough on tike trees, notwithstanding we have had so many heavy frosts in this month -April. Mr. Crayton Kay, of tho Lebanon section, was married April 15th to Miss Annie Merritt, of Brushy Creek. rJ hoy were given a reception next dav at the home of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wyatt Kay. Mr. J. D. McElroy hos been quite sick with grippe, but is a litt le better nt this time. This is all the serious case we know of in this neighborhood, So we hope the scourge of la grippo is over I for this season. Mr. A. E. Brown is suffering greatly with rheumatism, but keeps at his post of duty. j Miss Nena Welborn, of Lebanon, is ! spending a few days with Miss Blanche Browne. j Miss Mattie Kskew is visiting friends nt Corinne. Miss Ammio Norris, of Orangeburg, spent a few days last week with her friend, Miss Birdie Ducworth, of Leb anon. Miss Lucia Brown closes her school this week at Oak Grove. Sho gave en tire satisfaction to patrons and pupils as a teacher, and they regret to see her leave. Cadet Will Garrison, of Clemson, spent Easter at home with his parents. INCOGNITA. The County Convention. The Democratic Clubs of the County will be entitled to delegates in the County Cc. i* entie? ?? fuliuwa. Andersor No 1, 8; Andorson No. 2, 5; Anderson Ao. 8, 4; Anderson No 4, 0; Belton No. l, 8; Belton No. 3.4; Bish op's Branoh, 8; Bowling Green, 3; Broadawuy, 8; BruBby Creek. 5: Cedar Grove, 2; Centreville, 1; Clinkscales" Mill, 0; Corner No, li 2; Corner No. 2. 5: Craytonville, 8; Five Forks, 4; Flat Rock, 4; Fork No. 1, 8; Fork No. 8, 2f Hall, 8; Honea Path, 6; Hopewell, 8; Hunter's Spring, 4; Mt. Tabor, 2; Pel ser, 28; Pendleton, 8: Pierce town, 4; Piedmont, 7; Rock Mills, 4; Saluda, 2; Sandy Springs, 8; Slabtown. 6; Starr, 8; Toney Creek, 2; Townville No. 1,2; Townvilie No. 2, 1; West Savannah, 2; Willi am ston, (J. J. E. BREAZEALK, Cluan. Co. Er. Com. Heath yesleiday ;it't<*i* noon nt 0.30 uYlucl:. I,u>i Thin-day evening she wits Kt richon with paraly sis, ami remained in ?i helpless, semi conscious condition until death came to hoi- relief. .Mis. .Met?ratll was hum in County Wexford, Ireland, in March, 1838, ?nd at the agc ol IO came to Charleston, S. C., when?, three years later, sin- was married to Capt. Mc Grath, and they immediately movVd to Pendleton. They lived in Pendleton until 1801, when they moved to this etty. Sin-was tho motlier of six chil dren, four of whom survive her. Mrs. Mci j ruth had long been ?de voted and exemplary member ol' the Catholic Church, and possessed many noble virtues ol both heart and mind. She was ever ready to lend a helping hand to the poor and ntllicted, and was highly esteemed by a wide circle of friends and acquaintances, who deeply sympathize with the bereaved family in their sorrow. The. funeral services will lie conducted by Kev. Father Hughes at St. Joseph's Cal hobo ('burch this afternoon at 0:80 o'clock, after which the remains will he laid to rest in the churchyard. Septus Siftings. Mu. Knrroit: The rain is descending and we know of no better way to cm ploy ourselves than in writing up the happenings in our little town. Four weeks ?go the fanners were blue, two weeks ago they were blue, and now they are the bluest things on legs. They are farther behind now with their work than ever before in tho remembrance of this writer. Very lit tle planting has been done, and soinc are. not done put lin - in gr ano. Mr. T. T. Wakefield is, away from home nearly all tin.'time iiow looking after thu business of the Jato Wm. Watkins. There is some one who very fre quently luings liquor into this settle ment in the night time and goes around from house to house letting people sample their "moonshine," and if the sampleis liked they eau furnish you with a pint, quart, or even a gallon for Hie cash. We think a few secret con stables or spies would do a great deal of good toward slopping tuc sale of contraband liquor, lt seems that the force of tin* dispensary law is very slack in some sections. Many are looking forward to tho coming total eclipse of the sun on the 28th of May with ? great deal of inter est. 11 is hoped that we will have clear weather then that we may seo a sight that very few of the younger people ever saw. "HOmulo power' is playing a promi nent part in Sept us these days. Sticks, rocks, lists, feet, pitchforks, steam cn giues aud best of all "leg bail" are the implements of war that he is using. From the effects of old man "atoy" Homo have sore heads, some sore feet, and some as Sut Loviugood said, have got "Delicious Tremondjus." Hon. J.H. Douthit is at home now from Columbia. Mr. J. C. Watkins, C. C. C. P. of An derson, attended the burial of his coucia. Mr. Win. Watkins, week before last. Well, PU declare! that great senti mentalist, "Hob Amateur," has been visiting in the Scptus community, and while he was here he saw some very tine wheat ^'along the roads," and "doubtless they (the Septa si tea) have their best on the roads," nnd "it is good to have something nice even if you do have to put it on the big road. ' We wonder why in tho world "Bob" didn't play on his "harp of a thousand strings" that we people of SeptuB might know that the "wild hog" of Auton was in our midst? It is strange that seeing the fine wheat along the rood bo did not "lift un his ?VP.? end look afar off" and behold tho beautiful fields of "waving green in the dis tance," but we must remember that he is near sighted. Now, "Bob," please don't try any moro to make believe that tho people around Septus are sim ply trying to make a big show, like some of their near neighbors, and de pend ou some one else for their "bread and lasses," but come again, and; if you are invited politely, accept tho in vitation to dine with some ot our citi zens and seo if they don't set before yon some nice home-raised rations, and perhaps you will get to peep at some of our girls. We had forgot that An tun was a manufacturing town, so we will bid our sophistic friend bye, bye. No offence intended. It is rumored that there will bo one or two weddings in this community before very long. llev. W. B. Hawkins prenched a very interesting und instructive sermon at Lebanon last Sunday to a large and appreciative audience. The health of our people is a great deal better at present than it was when you last heard from us. Mr. Remus Henderson, travailing salesman for C. S. Minor & Co., was in town a few days ago. People are beginning to talk about tho elections that aro to take place this year. Wo folks around Septus always make it a rule to vote for the first can didate who visits the community, pro vided he is the right man for the place. Spring in all her glory has burst upon us. This is truly the most beautiful season of all thc year. Nature is robing tho trees with beautiful coats of green and has given to each bird a new'song. It is hoped, thoa the cold weather is at an end and that the fruit crop is now safe. Wo have never seen a hotter pros ?ect for a good grain crop. If nothing appens to it there will be enough wheat made in tho community to feed the people. Mr. J. D. Mooro has had lumber sawed preparatory to building himself a commodious dwelling ' this summer. Before you hear from us again, Mr. Editor, "We, Us and Co." will have deda;ed war against the hosts of Gen. Green and bo battling with all our might. W. C. BARNETT. April 28, 1000. Club No. 4. Anderson Democratic Club, No. 4, will meet in the County Supervisor's office next Saturday afternoon at 5 o'clock. All members aro requested to attend promptly. J. J. GILMRR, See. Hast, SWEEPSThe genuine "Thick Center" Terrell-set and saar paned, read y for use. Thc pa?ss? Vioior-ibo ?weep that never needs re-setting. Sullivan Hdw. Co. ?rant to soil you your Heel 8 weeps. It bas always been the sim of Sullivan Hdw. Co. to offer to the farmers of An derson County tho very best of every kind of Agricultural Implement that the market affords. This firm bsa made a vary otaEd study of tho Mower problem ; hs? eagerly studied every practical im provement; bas closely observed the .work In the field, and baa accurately counted the cost of the repairs necessary to keep in perfect running order all of the different types ot Mowers now man ufactured. As a result of their careful Investigations they now offer and an ; beaiUUlbgly r?oommend the McCormick -the machine that has stood the test of years, and. io-day stands forth sa the worin'11 ?ek?iov/Iedgc-d sUu??rd. For simplicity of oonstructlon, perfect work mannUlp, ease o? ru nains and longevity the McCormick stands without an equa<. C. F. JONES & CO. Are still in the Lead for the Newest and most "Up-to-the-Minute" line of Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Gent's Fur nishinss. Etc., in Anderson. Anything, in any style, of any material, in Men's, Boys' and Children's Clothing can be found on our counters. All fresh, new Stock, best quality, latest styles and lowest prices. Just opened up another lot of Men's and Boys' Straw Hats. Have the Boys' Hats from 25c. to 50c. Men's from 25c. to $1.50. Also, have Gentlemen's Felt Hats in pearl, white, tan and brown. Very appropriate head-wear for the Spring season. Fullrange8ize8in Negligee Shirts ; ; " C7 always on hand. Variety of styles in Spring and Summer NECKWEAR at your own prices. HAVE YOU VISITED OUR READY-MADE SHIRT WAIST COUNTERS ? You will doubtless find some splendid values in Percale, Ginghams, both white and colored P. K's., Etc., beautifully trimmed in insertion and tucks, from 75c. to $2.00. You will do well to vioit us when in Town. , Yours truly, c. F. JONES s co.;;?TrE Head-to-Foot Outfitters for Men, Women and Children. PC -MERCHANTS are specially invited to call and see the splendid values we have in Domestics. Shoes, # 5? Clothing, Etc Are always glad to give Mail Orders our attention. C^?LIBLE EBOS. ABE NOW READY TO SUPPLY YOU WITH ' GEAIN OEADLES. The Cutmia' Cradle ia given up to be the heat on the market. We also handle the 14-Finger Josh TBerry Cradle. Heel Sweeps of ali kinds, Plow?, Flow Stocks, Singletrees, Side Karroos, Hames, Traces, Backhands, Cotton Hoes of all sizes. ^ If you want a good Razor or Pocket Knife try one made by the Electric ?Ju ti cry Co., every one of them sold under a strict guarantee. We also carry a full line of GROCERIES. CARLISLE BROS., Anderson, S C. WE WANT TO BUILD! And so do you. Build right by getting the best material. I-jIC3-02Sr cSc LJHJDBEJTTEJR SELL THE Best Cement. Ljime, c3s:o., On the market. Have sold several of the Cotton Mills their supply of Lime. This, of course, means the beat and lowest price. Still Selling Groceries Wholesale, And don't break packages for anybody. This means we sell cheap. Come and see us. MOON & LETOETTE?, WHOLESALE GKC UUK?. mmw* The largest stock of TOBACCO io the up-country All first-class brands on hand. Harrows, Harrows The Lever Smoothing Harrow? The well-known Thomas Cutaway Harrow, Clark's Torrent Harrow? The Three Section Flexible Harrow* Come and pick your choice. In our line of Leather Collara, Bark Collars, Shuck Collars and Bridles you can find what you want Especially wc invite your attention to ont . "Cotton Collar"-the only sure cure for a sore-ihoulder horaa. We now have a foll line of Gu^TiStscd DiU?i??g Shovel*, Farm Bells-all sizes, . Plow Steel, PlowStocks, Trace Chains, Singletrees, etc, etc., That were bought some time ago, and can sell for tpuch lem than market price. . #4 | iT^%t^'' ..' Come and flee us and we will save your money. BROCE: BR?S. P. a-We also nave a full line of POULTRY WIRE, uny height desired, and our prie?3 are right. . B. B. READ THIS! "Good for your Health," which is likely ?o be impaired when Spring draws nearer. SARSAPARILLA WE RECOMMEND. WiS have all kinds, but Allan's with Yellow" Dock is the best, most palatable and efficient. Begin taking it now and avoid having those Spring troubles. It's all we say of it. We can't afford to misrepresent anything to you, as we are here to stay. CHIQUOLA DRUG CO., Agents Heath & Milligan Faints-all high grade, -ANDEasON, S. C. BARGAINS IN HATS --AT - 33. C. Brown &? Bro's, WE have jost puieL^u the catiro Sleek of Joe. Trowbridge & Co.. consisting^chiefly of Hate-the latest and newest designs in popular priced Goods. This Stock cost us 65c. on the dollar. We will.dose ont these Hats Fifteen per cent, under Mew Vc-rk Ces!. Every Hat new, not three meath* out of the factory. We have several hundred dollars worth of those Hats. Come and look at oas beforo they are f.U gone. We have also io this Stock quite a line of FANCY NECKWEAR COLLARS, CUFFS and SHIRTS. Everything to go Fifteen per cent under New York Coat. ," A look will owl you nothing, and may save you a few dollars. Yours very truly, D. C. BROWN & BRO. AMERICAN' ? SSLVEf? I --WE HAVE - t MC"*?, \ COOL, Etsy'to Wear. \ /Ho proMoio oa Hip* or Bads. Ko und er? tra pa. Uah Comfort. I N?v??W. Large, small, medium in sises, and at any price almost including the celebrated American Silver Trues, ?oma in and look at our line. E HAVE ADDED TO OUR LINE OF BUSINESS A SELECT STOCK OF ? , HIGH GRADE . SEWING MACHINES. Tba "DOMESTIC" le our leader. Wblle we are on thia Una ?in **y thet ^ *^??i sell the best quality nf Needles st SOc p*r u?*, vii oe, per bottle. On* Orocery ?enartmosit ia Completo and none can Undersell Fa? Free Delivery. Thone No. W7. Toura to eave oacney, m?>wLJxx& ?a? co., South Main Street, ?J roylos Slock, Andarson, S. O.