We've been thinking of tho Ladies and their Easter Clothes ! Are not necessarily rich, but they are always wide awake. They keep their eyes open, and get their Clothes at a Store where large buying makes low prices. Where Styles are fresh and new. Goods tempting and durable. A look at oar line of Dress Goods Will show you what is coirect in style, excellent in quality, and moderate in price. We have a great variety of Novelties. Have just opened up a most attractive line of 36-inch Goods at 25c. per yard. Better values than our 50c. line cannot be found. Exquisite High Class Novelties at 75c", $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 and $2.50 per yard. Black Dress Goods. Our Black Goods have attracted attention and drawn trade far and near. Our reputation for Black Dress Goods haB long since gone far beyond Anderson-yea, even outside of South Carolina. BLACK, whilst always staple, is ex tremely popular just now. We have all the novelties in Black that you may desire, and a larger and better selected line of Plain and Staple Black than has been your pleasure to see before. Our Plain Black Henriettas and Cashmeres at 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.25 are exceptional. Others may offer you the same prices, BUY WATCH THE QUALITY. Our Plain Black.Cierges at 50c, 75c and $1.00 are remark able for quality. Our Plain Black Mohairs, Brilliantines and Sicilians at 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.40 are worth more to-day at Wholesale than we asking for them at retail. In addition to all that is fashionable in Woolen Bress Goods we have all that ie desirable in Light, airy goods. Also . Silks and Satins, And the newest popular fad s in Trimmings and Notions. Gloves, Belts and dainty Neckwear, all new and stylish. Our Spring Millinery Has been very much admired. Our Pattern Hats are real works of art-artistic, dainty, stylish, practical, reasonable in price. A . Ready^to-'Wear Garments Are more in demand than ever. Our Waists and Skirts are abreast of the times. Elegantly made Percale and Lawn Waists from 50c to $2.25. Serge, Mohair, Crepon and Silk Skirts-newest styles and popular prices; TV^ash?tole Skirts ! Duck Skirts, P. K. Skirts, Denim Skirts, Linen Skirts, &c., from 35c. up. A fresh supply of the "Lucille" Petticoats or Underskirts. Our Spring Oxfords are the correct Oxfords. Oin Easter Parasols are beauties. If you want to be classed with the BEST DRESSED come and see mir Goods. Yours truly, . 1 Local News. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 4. 1U0O. THE COTTON MARKET. Corrected Weekly by Brown, Osborne A. Co Strict Good Middling-Of. Good Middling-iii. Strict Middling-Ui. Middling-9. Stained Cotton-ovo to beth room. Try Osborne & Osborne. Buy u pair nf legRlngsand keep vour IMJJH from gelling ooh! the?*e col ' winter days when you are traveling Yon will lind a ??ooriplete line nt Brock Broihnrs. Al>. implement* the land.can he put in go Jd order in due time. If \ou vant tbe finest Texa" Seed Oats cheap, not them at Vandlvor Bren. Jim a not ont of reach a? Sullivan Hard ware Co. Hoorlut', tin work, galvanized Iron work and plumbing ih.no on Hhort notice by 0*bornoA Osborne. Hoy Sullivan Hard war? (Jo.'a special Ailina Plow Hame?. Smoothing now and desirable. Kyour Piano or Orgnn needa tuning or repairs. If will nay von lo nen Mr J. C. Templeton, of Th? C. A. Roed M unie Unna?, who will guarantee perfect satis faction tn all. A Hors? Coila? for 75c. thnt never galls atol lists for v^ar? is anlrt liku hot cakes by Sullivan Hardware Co. I mn KIJ??? StovcVr! ?trt ?oin in Anderson only by Osborne & Osborne. A bill-bearing np to-dnte Diso Harrow *v>r Pule at money Sullivan Hardware c. .. Iron Kim; Stoves are considered tho be?t Buy one. Ostttrun di Osborno Sole Agonfa. Onn?* and Pistola of all kinda and prices at Brook Brothers Twenty-live Dollar* will buya fairly coed ?quare practice Plano at "the t \ A. Kn?d Mmdo HniiH?. They are intrinsi cally worth double that amount. Tho demand for good Harrows Increado every year and Sullivan Hardware Co. now'offer the latest and the best. Tho Universal Guano Distributor, sold by Sullivan Hardwaro Ce., niables one mau tn do thu work ? eli that two ordi n ir I ly do badly. ballard's Oboittdc and Guthrie's Finest Patent Flour lor ?1.50 por barrel at Van diver Bros. Free city dullvery. 'Phone TA Sullivan Hardware Co. sell a Horse Collar for 7."?c. that lasta for 3ears and never galla. The very ihiug for warm weather. AJsID - FURNISHINGS IS ow Kondy at Wc have made a special effort to give the trade better Goods, later Styles and more perfect Clothing than ever be fore. To say something about thc price-w?ll, it's unneces sary. Every Clothing buyer in Upper South Carolina ac knowledges that we are "Thc Leaders of Low Price." PRINCETON SACK SUIT. Designed for men who with to divas well, without appearing ultra fash ionable. Made in all tho new Cloths. RUTGER'S SACK SUIT Is^au extreme fashionable Suit and will be in vogue among men who wish to dress extremely fashionable Designed in Cricketing Flannels and Vicuna?. BEVERLY SACK SUIT Is a garment of much distinction, and ia especially adapted to tall, slen der ami well-built men. Made principally from Blue and Black Wtcorsd ?Serges, Cheviots and undressed Worsteds. BOYS' and CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. Mothers will be inti rested in this Department, lor we have an assortment f?cond to none in this vicinity. We have all thc latest Novelties in Plain Fancy und Washable ?Suits lor all occasions. BURNISHING GOODS. The largest and moat complete usiortment in the city. Hall Bros. <$ .Co., Successors to Hall & Milford. Shoes. THIS St ACE BELONGS TO COBB & CRAYTON, The Shoe People! Who r "ight their Shoes in solid car lots before the ad vance foi ue year 1900, We arc selling this Slipper you soe at COST. Do you need a pair ? Tell your friends whe never you see them that we can save them money on Shoes. Many thanks for your past patronage. MASONIC TEMPLE. -THE ANDERSON Mutual Fire Insurance Co. WROTE its ?rst Policy Sept. 23, 18%, and has made only two assessments since it commenced business. This is a great deal cheaper than you ean get ?re insurance elsewhere. Any ol' our Policy holders wi!) tell you that. Other people have saved money by placing their fire insurance in this Company, and it is contently believed you can. .7. ll. Vandivcr, President. .1. J. Fretwcll, ll. Hill. J. J. Major, ?so, ii. Ducworth, W. (J. Watson, l? B. A. Kobins?u. J. P. ti lena, A. P. Hub bard, Directors. .1. J. BECK, Agent. JA HANDLE Buist's Garden Seeds, Buist's Seed Corn and Bradford Melon Seed, Heinz's Kraut, Pickles, Vincgar,3Baked Beans and Condi ments. Ritter's Best Preserves and Soups, Tetley's Teas, Parkes' Roasted Coffees, Best X.&X Tomatoes, three Cans for 25c, And all other articles usually found in an UP-TO-DATE GROCERY STORE