The Anderson intelligencer. (Anderson Court House, S.C.) 1860-1914, January 03, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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/ rio MI./ J. I". Ol INK-, AI : / Ki-:?o> ASH (J, C. I.W.VI.IS. \ IMb>i:i;ii.,fi?r:.<. ?J: I: MS: OM: Y KAU, - - - - si .-.u six MONTHS. W Bl) NBS I) AY, .JAN. ii, WW. IS',)'.)... HMM) A liol her year with its joys ami sor rows, its hurrahs ?tie! heat laches, its merry chimes ami crushing Kni lls, Uri 11 iii ul successes ;m<l shat terell hopes, is lost forever in the warp ?uni wool ol' Tillie's old thrcutlharc rohe, li was oner leight like Joseph's- coal <'l many colors with si Ivel nod golden threads ol maux resolut ions. Those ..l suugui iiiiry faded \\ it li I lu* discard) .> Christ mus ledi y herries, others honed heneuih the heavy linud ol lionr.\ v i ler, of faded hein nth th*- ycilirul mys ol a sumiller >nn. They n?. |o|ig< i ?Iis I urh the liaiupiilit\ ol Iheevel 11 ? i \v - i ni; 3 ears, ?ind ai < i ? nu mis red only in the faded rohe ns n hnseh ss shadow in the fabric. hut those resolutions which shine mit most prominently and most I.? .mi il nih oie those behind which can be traced the sure silver lining ul I it-termination, Pluck und ICnergy. Here on this certain basis we lind that Anderson hus built resolution upon top of resolution, und willi hoi characteristic pluck, energy, und de termination has roached out und grasp ed t ho rewards, ?ind now liohl> them triumphantly in om- sternly hand while the ot her is reaching with confidence lo grasp more nod largei prizes. Anderson has ri? vei been justly eburged with being visiounry, lor she has never bent her energies lo the se curing ol' any eui? ipi i>e <>i institution (hut she did not .-? ? ure. She has pos sibly been too modes) iniiDt demand ing some lights heretofore liol enjo.i. ?I by ber. hut we lum- no tears timi she will liol nsserl herself ;i- soon ns the other more pressing duties will allow. Despite a few such hnudiYups, Ander son bus blossomed and borne u rich harvest during tim your just closed. Capital hus rushed into our holders und ?uiptied with confidence great horns of wealth into the spacious hip of munificieut investment. Since the old new year wc have seen the hirth ol' enterprises here in the city which means millions of dollars to the taxable property and the wealth producing; II ililli ty of the City und County. It means many thousands ?d'good citizens to lie added to our population, und the precedence over all other Cities of tlu st ute ns a domestic commercial center. lt means that old Anderson of IH'.is, t hen the best town in the State, tho largest wagon uinrkot in the State, has now surpassed herself beyond holler ing distance ami hus no idea of slow ing up even on thu home stretch. Among the most prominent enterpris es of the year may bementioucdtlieOrr Cotton Mills, on tho southern suburbs of the City, ii corporation capitalized at ?400.000, of which Col. .las. L. Orr, the mill wizard, is President. This mill will employ ??00 operatives, run ning (?00 looms and ^3,000 spindles. Its annual consumption will bc nboiit bales of cotton. The phenomenal success of that able financier ns presi dent of Piedmont Manufacturing Co. is the bunt indication of the bright fu ture of the Orr Mills. Then the Cox Manufacturing Co. and the Riverside Manufacturing Co. the. former a yarn mil1- the latter a yarn and knitting mill of $100,000 and $50,000 capital re spectively, empties into the City mer chants1 cotters tho wealth of 300 opera tives and will spin of the farmors' pro duct 2500 bales per annum. Invest ment has looked nt Anderson's natural advantages in open-eyed wonder and many smaller industries have been started during the year which bid to become powers in the industrial world. The Sloan Underwear Company has begun operation and is running to its full capacity. Though it is yet in its swaddling clothes; its monthly output is about seven hundred dozen gar ments. Then- is another enterprise which Bceiits determined to spread over the whole face (d' the curl h. und (hut is the irrepressible mid tenacious Anderson Mattress Factory, whose addition to their mammoth plant of nu overalls manufactory places them in the forc iront of any similar industry ol' the South. The pluenix-like pluck ol' this concern is only a fair sample of that article ns exhibited by the genuine Andersonian upon his native heath. The springing up of new industiies de manding cheap power hus forced the Anderson Water, hight und Power Co. t.) provide new machinery to supply increased power, so that inexhaustible power eau now he had nt a minimum c isl. The coining your, then, holds in store for us a perfect wealth of industrial development. After the proposed en ltTgemcnt of the Anderson Cotton Mills by $100.000, the busy whirr of about 00,000 spindles, the provisioning and clothing of about 7,000 operatives and the annual consumption of 30,000 hales of cotton in Anderson City alone, a City whose annual cotton receipts are 35,000 bales, Anderson will contin ue to hum and bethe pride of a glorious wealth of back-country forever. Cal culating the usual difference between tuu .ion tum nun ive: t, ililli nukunu, UUU to mill competition, the number of bales consumed by Anderson mills saves the Anderson County farmer nearly a quar ter of a million dollars, hence we have the most cordial relations between town and count ry, each mutually intent upon building up tho other. As a cotton market Anderson is the logical feeder of the great mills of the County, and the coming year wills? o it firmly established afr the best and highest market in the State. The com bined consumption of the County mills ?,ing estimated at 115,000 bales o? cot j he S.Upph v. -. :: >.I!M ;. I I I VI a ? : . III; ililli mi :; nriipts above lin pusj ;. i 'ar's < \jn I ii m i- i ijiial lp lill' height pills lin- livi i l< lin lil ol ilUllpl lilioil w liirli -iioiilil li :m o lo ile extent of lin- ?nen asi il capital. Wc must close tin century in a uni.?lili- manncr, und wi- i an ito so no mon- liltingly (Ililli hy putting out shoulder to IIK- wheel and Hulking of lin- your IMO ;i record breaker ns well in IMMI,ling hri.fl? um! mortui a- m liinl,liri- domestic trude, lal now ami old enterprises aft with fidelity lo tin producers ami give to li. II vi iv ; 111 \ nuhige ami preference; thi- ; will lu- reciprocated ami wu will In I up ?I City ami country herc thai w In-imlfpfmlfnt.ol all outside i II ll m -cs. Do this ami \\<- will hf 0 rhl hy tho railroads who an- now doing I neil'hf si to strangle us in t hf in li I cst ol I hoi i loss In vol cd pots. WV w ill t hf II loni II lin- lesson ol hui mom und colicoli of nc t ion ami hy a wold, a formal domain!, wo shall SM* facilities springing up Uko mushrooms, hut. un like thal fungus growth, they .-hull wax into a might y nee hononlh whose spreading shade cut Ho -hall Ind on a ihoiisund lull-. A nih'ison is on tim dot m I still MUM ; Ililli will lind hoi- in a swooping gallop. A whippingpost in tho Court House Square of e ve ry County would make ii vast improvement in South Carolina. lt would heal the chniii-gung usn punishment for certain crimes. -mm*. . - The linnie of (len..I. I.. .Stoppe!hein, editor ul' I'?ttl mon I linttlli'ilil, Spurtun Inirg, und < ol. II. M. Ayer, editor ol' the Florence Times, have.been .suggest ed hy some of their friends us candi da I cs for I.icutcnnnt-I?overnor in tho next [Hilliary election. Ihtth?ire popu Inr.journalists, and their many friends '.'.oulil lu- delighted to -ec either ol' 1 hem cloded to I he lillico. he shadowing hy detectives ol' jurors in n murder ti ?ul isa Hiing; iin henrd ol'in thc South. Heir n man's oath is do fined siitVtfifiil reslruiiil lo t h row around the enforcement ol' the law. His honor, coupled with the fear ol the pi'rscrihcd penulties for neeept - ing hrihi's, makes him ns stern und in con uptihle a judge as the C/ur of all tho Ifussias. This is t hc Southern I vpn ol manhood, hut in Now York, tho so called center eivili/al ion and progress, euch juror in tho famous Mid I i n eux murder ? ?iso is hi ing shadowed hy a detective to thc point of robbing him of any private intercourse with even his own immediate family. Kveii after a jury has been selected in tho great metropolis, which often requires a week, the jurors can not be trusted to walk the streets alone for fear ol' violation ul* their oaths, lt is true that juries herc in the South are kept together af ter the dosing of a ease until a decis ion is reached, butwe have yet to learn of a Southern jury shadowed from the beginning to tho end of ii. ease like ir responsible children. Sny what you please, the Southern type of honor und manhood is the most enduring, the most constant, and tho most pronounc ed, independent nnd fearless of any race, in any age orclime. Other peoples proclaim their.weakness by degrading admissions, tho stout-hearted South erner maintains his honor by keeping it unsullied from all appearances ot' craven doubts. The North might well protit by tho South's example in purify ing tile jury box. The Republic would taro better if the North would also purify her ballot. Men who can not be trusted witli their oaths, should not bo armed with a ballot. 'lawnville Items. At this writing weare having some very cold weather, and some of our farmers fear that the small grain crop will be damaged. Christmas passed oft' very quietly in this section. There were a great many social gatherings and the young people spent the holidavs most delightfully. Prof. H.H. McCarley and Mr. .1. Wal ter Dickson came hume from College to spend the holidays. Mr. liebelt Howie and .Miss Nettie Howie, of Starr, Miss Mary Stevenson, of Denver. Miss Macy McCarley, Mr. Walter Bruce und sister, of Seneca, vis ited friends und relatives here last week. Kev. .1. W. Speak, who taught school here some yours ago, preached in the Presbyterian Church lust .Sunday. His sermon was both eloquent ?ind inter esting. Had colds nif very prevalent in '.his section. A great many tenants, both white and black, uro changing residences. Mr. K. W. Holcombe visited in Geor gia hist week. Mr. K. P. Karie und family, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Huh ? und Miss Kv? Itabb were the guests of Mr. .1. P. hedhcttcr hist Sunday. Mr., ?lohn Burns, who moved from this section to Texas some years ugo, is now visiting relatives here. Texas is treating bim well. Dr. S. C. Bruce ?ind wife have re turned home after a month's visit to Highlands and other places. Miss Stella Barron, who lives near Seneca, came home with Mrs. Bruce to spend awhile here. She is a channing young lady. A happy und prosperous new year to the ever old reliable nnd its many readers. SCHOOL Boy. - A woman who has lived in the. Transvaal says that there are no "old maids" in South Africa, and that the supply of wives is never equal to the demand. A school teacher seldom re mains a teacher for moro than,, one term, for thc nibridration ot the young Hoer planters hf so great fora woman gifted enough/to read and spell, and thrifty enoug* to earn money with her brain, that Jomo well-to-do bachelor soon persun/cs her to marry him. I tf',\ ... i?! ? I . .:.. j /,....;! lui!! i - i.OU i ;:,!,. I : ? ' i ? 11 i : ; ! ! lil::' . ; ? : < i ! ? ll .lili.:: Hilt ! ?. '. : J ijiViint itji - ??i I>I. ?il a II? I lilil?-. ' !iii ! .'. nf oil ha- ah endy lu i ii Mild. I lu- lural lodge ol M.i-..II- gaye a haiH|tli'l J ii? -ila\ al lin (vax House, ,t? which about twenty members were present. I Anions wiio gaye (limiers (lining Hie holidays were: Mr. ami M r.s. ll. I'.olin Allen ami Mr. ami Mis. I'. I.. Haine-. .Mr. ami Mrs. .1. I'. Lat i mer ami Miss Nelle Moseley gave teas. I)r. A. ll. Matthews ami his mother arrived here from Klberton last Thurs day. Mr. li. NV. Colyer has moved his fam ily here from Mount Carmel, and now occupies the house in Wost lind j list vacated by Mr. li reen Lott is, who has moved to Mr. Tom Haskiu's house,jus) out .-lile ld' iou ll. Miss lila, iii?- Int!?- daughter ot' Mi. Koliu A Ih n. ha- lu i n with friends ni A inh i -on MIH I- Tuesday. Hr. H. A. lb my, a talented physician, ulm formerly [nacliced la re, hut now ol A inh i .-?in, was in (own Thursday evening. Mr. .1. H. Horton h it lor Williaiusloii Tuesday to spend I he holidays with his parents. Miss Aluino Watson, ol' Anderson, is visiting Miss Mela Allen. 'I he many friends ol' Miss MI Icu Moorehead will regret to learn that her condition, which for seme time has not been favorable, is now (Monday) very critical. MI DAVID IIOKTON. -?.tien. Kit/.hugh I.ce say , he "fa vors permitting the Cubans to hobin constitutional Convention when the census is completed on the ground that the Cubans will be as competent for independent government then as they will he in ten years from now, but he would not withdraw American troops while the experiment is being tried.*' PROSPECTOS FOR 1900 ! The Nineteenth Century has closed, :iii?! while we have not lived through thc whole of il, we aie thankful that it has been our privilege to live through part of it. As we look hack over our career wc have some things to regret and many things to be proud of. We regret that we havu't grown rich, but we aro thankful that we have made an honest living. The time luis come when wo are com pelled to make a change in our busi ness. We have been running a Whole sale ami Retail business. As always the case, oue increases and thc other decreases. We find that we are com pelled to give up one or the other. We have decided to run a WHOLESALE BUSINESS EXCLUSIVELY. Npw, from January 1st we will sell "?only WHOLE SALE. We desire to thank our friends who have patronized us in the retail busi ness, and say that we have certainly appreciated your trade. Now, we say to everybody, come to seo us and you will bc certainly welcome, whether you are a customer or not. We never liked you for your trade-we are not built that way. A Wo ni) TO MERCHANTS. We claim that by being in the Wholesale business we can give you Goods as cheap as anybody. We ask a liberal share of your patronage, all things being equal. Wo are hore, and can settle any differences on the spot. Handle Goods direct from the Manu facturers. Now we wish everybody a happy and prosperous New Year. Respectfully, LIGON & LEDBETTER. JUST RECEIVED, TWO CAR LOADS OF FINE . . , - TENNESSEE MULES - AND - HORSES. J. S. FOWLER .1 ?II ?. lilOO -H 2 Notice to Creditors. ALL pernote* bavins demands against thu tvaxw< nf Andrew Hunter, deceas ed art? hereby nolltlod to present them, properly proven, to the undersigned, within ihn lime prescribed by law, and thr.?? . ..{?firtcd io milkt* ittvuif ill. J. I J, PA RM EB, Ono of the Ex?cutera, .lan it, ltKMl '2S 3 NOTICE To Administrators, Executors, Guardians, And Trustees. ALL Administrators, TCxecu.tom.Guar diaus HIHI Trust ern ?*rn hereby noti fied to make their Annual Returns to thia > theo during ihn months ot' January and Februarv, a* rt quired by law. H. Y. H. NANCE, Judge of Probate. Jau !t, l'.KK) 28 5 Tim Fanners L : an 1 Tr ust Go. ! : \ VS ?XTK4CK.ST OX DE POST I TS. iW Nu . ? j -i; !.>? small to i<. ? iv . ? arel'ul ?lill ia,tirlecus attention. W ( 'hihlreu'n . i p -its ? .-{..? ci??ly invited .1, li. VAXDIVER, Gabbier. THE ANDERSON - Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HAS been in operation three years and three months, and bas manie two assessments. Those ot' our Policy-holders who have been with us'three years have carried their im-u rance for less than hull' ot' what they would have paid any ol' the old line companies. j. J. BECK, Agent. K Kv A NM, .lr lt. H. DAV, M. D. IE"V-A.ILTS ?SE JDJ^IZT, PENDLETON. S. C. IDIRATGrS and IVCZEIDIOIZCsTES, Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Fancy Soaps, Sponges, Combs, Hair and Tooth Brushes, Rubber Goods and Druggist Notions, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dyes, Buists' Garden Seeds. One moment of your time, please : WE propose doing a heavy business this year on the smallest possible expense. Every shrewd buyer knows what that means for him. We are carrying a splendid line Dry Gooda and Shoes, With special attention to HEAVY GROCERIES and FARM JUPPLIES. We believe we carry the best line of FLOUR, COFFEE, TOBACCO sud MOLASSES to ho found any where-the kind that will please you and satisfy Your bunds. Be MHO to .see us on that Spring hill. YOULS for more business, VANOIVER BROS. P. S.- We can accommodate a few gilt-edge, prompt-paying time customers. I wish to Thank All my friends for their liberal patronage for past year and wish you all a happy New Year. Respectfully, JOHN T. BURRISS. Southern SHORTHAND 1 BUSINESS University. | PUPILS RECEIVED AT ANY TIME. HAflTinTAV? obtained read ly after .taking a ou rae of BOOK KEEPING jrU?A & XOIM ? and 8HORTH VNO in this old and reliable Institution. Over S OOO Graduates. Send for Urge catalogue. Grand Winter opening Jan. i to 15. ATLANTA, OA. A C. BRISCOE, Pres. L. W. ARNOLD, V-P/ei Kind Remembrances, Thanks and Regrets. We thank you, friends, for the most liberal patronage which you have so kindly given us. Really, we believe w emerited it. And now we plunge head long into the New Year-aye, a New Century, if you please with full determination to leave no stone unturned to make our Store the continued resort of Bargain hunters. Look out for some of the greatest values you ever saw. January shall be remember ed by our friends with pleas ure, and by our competitors with regret. Mark what we say. Yours^always <,tuly, C. S. MINOR and the 10c. STORE. Stockholders' Meeting. A MEETING of Stockholders of the Anderson Cotton Mills will be held in tho Andemon County Court House on TUESDAY, JANUARY 30th, 1900, at 12 o'clock noon, for tho purpose of con sidering an increase of Capital Stock of the Company from $500,000 to fGOO.OOO. Hy order of the Board of Directors. - J. A. BROCK, President. Anderson, tf. C., Doe. 20, 1809.-27-4 CAN BE SEEN" At a glance that the work done at THE ANDERSON STEAM LAUNDRY is of a superior order. There ls not a speck or spot to mar the beauty or perfection of finish. Starched and unstarched goods arealike carefully treated, and reach our patrons in a highly satisfactory condition. May we send for your work? Our friends and customers in tbecoun try can alwavu leave their Laundry at D. C. Brown & BroV. Store, which ls onr central office-next door above the Post Office. ANDERSON STEAM LAUNDRY CO 202 East Boundary St. It. A. MAYFIELD, Built, sud Treas. PHONE NO. 20_ D. S. VANDIVBR. E P. VANOIVKR. J. J. MAJOR. V?KDIVER BROS. & MAJOR. DEALERS IN Fine Buggies, Phaotons, Surreys, Wagons, Harness Lap Robes and Whips, WE want your trade, and proraioo both to take care of you and to appreciate the trade. Drop round and see our pretty, slick line of work. If we can't sell jon we will appreciate he opportunity and still be friends. Yours for Buggies, VAN DIVER BROS. A MAJOR. Notice. A LL DATRona Qi'e hereby ?.! XJi. they mast not do work in the county without first contracting with the Supervisor, County Commissioners, 01 with the one of the sub-Township com missioners, and no claim hereafter will be approved by the Board of County Commissioners until lt lsO. K.,.bv the person authorizing work'to be done. And claim must be filed la every instance on or before Sslesdsy in each month, with the Clerk of the Board to insure action at any meeting. Hereafter no cheeks will be Issued on day of board meeting. J. N. VANDIVER, Co. 8 n per visor. JOHN C. GANTT, JGoN T. ASHLEY, Board Cd. Oom. J. F. CL.Mt DY, Clerk Board. Persons interested 1 the purchase of a LadiesIReady-made Suit, A Lacles Jacket or Cape, A- Cliid's G-arment, Have now the oppcunity of Exact few York Cost ! At this Store. No g at er price-no lesser price. This means much to the purchar. Our New York cost on this line is far less than that oiny other house handling this line. Often we sell Gds regularly at prices less than others pay for them. WHY ? i Because we are laders in our line. Because we buyi larger quantities. Because we undiitand our business. We feel safe in sing that we have sold more Cloaks and Suits the past scon than all the other houses here put together. i Come and select Fine Garment at a cheap price for yourself or the child Resnectiuilv, Julius !. Weil & Co. FOR THIS WEEKEOM 50c. to $1.00 off Blankets, Gapes, Jackets. SPECIAL LOW ICEvON . . . Dry Goos and Shoes. They must go. ant ?u can't afford to miss these BAR GAINS. ItaOORE, ACKER & CO., SIDE PUBLIC SQUARE-CORNER STORE. _. ON Will ion tributed to toy the Butcher? the B? i\ the Poulterer, the Grocer, and others? WE are one of the "otflL" our contributions being Cloves, Bpers, Mustard, Cmnamfelace, Nutmeg, Allspicjge, and other Condiments, i Anise, Sel, Caraway and Coriander Seeds, Flavorif?xtracts, Essenceld Fruit Juices, Chocolaiowdered, ready for making Cakes. Oar ground Spices guarantee to ba 100 per cent pure, and tnat, too, at the san|rice aa ordinary kinda. The same comment Hies to our Essences and Extracts for Flavoring, of ^hieblhav? every variety, either bottled or in bulk. 1 FRESH IT HUYLER'S. EVANS* IHARMACY.