The Anderson intelligencer. (Anderson Court House, S.C.) 1860-1914, October 11, 1899, Page 5, Image 5

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ANDERSON MOST STYLISH, MOST STIR A BLE, MOST COMFORTABLE I L L L Y B R A C K T T CO'S. They come in a variety of Toes and Lasts. JANIES A. BANISTER & CO'S For Men have not only a national reputation but world wide. OUR LADIES' FINE SHOES MADE BY THE HAYES PARTRIDGE SHOE CO., Are the best on earth, for both style and service. Just the kind to make the foot look small and neat, and at the same time feel comfortable. Just the kind the women admire. THEY COME IN BOTH LACE AND BUTTON, BOOTS, And Dewey Toes and Manish Lasts. The popular fad in Women's Footwear. We are making a specialty of Both in Sunday Dress Shoes and every-day School Shoes. We can sell you Shoes of almost every description. A few Women's Shoes as low as 75c. per pair, and Men's as low as $1.00, but 95 per cent of the Shoes we sell are guaranteed by us. Come and look at our Shoes. Yours truly, Brown, Osborne Wholesale and Retail Dealers in C3-eneral Merchandise. ANDERDON, !.*. O. TM WKT>NKSI>AY. OCT. ii. ISM. THE COTTON MARKET. Corrected Weeklv by Rrown. Osborne A Co. Strict Good Mddling-7 5-1G. Good Middling-7 3-1G. Strict Middling-7 l-l?. Middling-i!l."5-10. Stained Cotton-5 to (?. Cotton seed are worth 20cents to-day Lesser fc Co. have a new advertise nient this week. Dr. A. J. Speer, of Lowndesville. spent yesterday in the city. The work of erecting the Orr Colton Mill is progressing rapidly. Tito new advertisement of Julius Ii. Weil & Co. will interest you. Attention is directed to thc new ad vertisement of C. K. Jones & Co. Mr. T. A. Ratlift'e spent a day or two in Spartanburg last week on business. Home very line sweet and Irish pota toes are befog marketed at good prices. Our genial friend. Hob Shirley, of Hoiiea Tath, spent yesterday in the city. Miss Essie Todd has gone to Columbia to resume her studies in the College for Women. County Treasurer Payne will be ready to write your tax receipt on and after next Monday. Ex-Go v. Bob. Taylor will deliver a lecture in Williamston about the loth of November. Farmers, sow plenty of wheat and oats. Cotton may be four cents per pound next year. * Mrs. J. C. Smith, of Greenville, is in the city visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. W. Qnattlebanm. So far this season Anderson's cotton receipts are about one-half of what they were this time last year. , The sportsmen report the crop of "possums an abundant one, and many are being brought to the city. Mrs. Annah Norris, accompanied by a daughter and two sons, of Piedmont, are in the city visiting relatives. Read Brown, Osborne & Co's, shoe advertisement in this issue, and call and examine their stock before buying. The County chain gang is doing some very substantial work on the red hills of the public loads in the Piercetown section. Rev. R. AV. Sanders has tendered his resignation as pastor of the Baptist Church at Honea Path, to take effect 1st January next. Mrs. Elizabeth Todd, who has been spending several months witli lier son, Mr. A. N. Todd, at Lenoir, N. C., re turned home last week. A small cove}- of young partridges landed in the Court House Square Inst Sunday, and a. dozen or more were caught by the negro boys. Miss Coie G. Clyde, who has been visiting Mrs. M. Kennedy in this city, has returned to Greenville, much to the regret of her many friends. The Stock Show, which was to have been held at Pelzer last Saturday, was postponed on account of the bad weat h er, until Saturday, ?1st inst. Our young friend, M. L. Bonham, jr.. of this city, who isa student of Furman University, has been elected editor in chief of the Furman Echo. Married, by J. P. Anderson, Magis trate, at his residence, October yth, 1890, Mr. John Jefferson and Miss Anna Bowen, all ol' Anderson County. The Knights of Honor meet to-mor row (Thursday) evening at the office of Magistrate <??liner at 7:30 o'clock. All the members arc urged to attend. Mrs. W. G. Smith, accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. W. W. Robinson, of Columbia, is in the city visiting her daughters. Mi s. I ?eaII and Mrs. Katliffe. An extra communication ol'Herman Lodge. No. ll'!, A. E. M.. will be held at Starr next Saturday evening at o'clock. All tiie members are urged to attend. (?rock Uros, have a nev; advertise ment this week that will interest tho farmers. Be sure and look itupandgo to sec r hem when in need o?' goods in their line. Married, on Sunday, October 1, lS9u, at the r?sidence, of tho odiciating min ister, Kev. M. Rogers. Mr. G. W. Creamer and MissS. C. Owen, bot li ol' Anderson County. The merchants ?in' dressing show windows in beautiful style, and ?ire showing np their lall ?ind winter goods to the best advantage. Some of thc win dows ?ire beautiful. No new cases ol' smallpox have ap peared in the infected sections ?d' the County. ;IIK1 those eon ii ned in tile pest house- have about recovered and will soon be discharged. The J><ilh/ M<iil made ?ts bow lo tlie reading publie las! Friday. It is own ed and published by tho Advocate Pub lishing Company, and is edited by the editors (d' t he J tlcvcatc. Evangelist Leitch closed a very suc cessful two-weeks' meeting al Pied mont lasl week. Mon- than fifty per sons joined the various Churches ol' I he town during ? he meeting. T. J. Mnuldin, Esq., after a severe attack ol' fever, and who has been re cuperating a! his (Uti home in i'ickeiis. has returned to Anderson, and is ready lo soi \e Iiis clients at any lime. Louis l?agcor & Co.. patent attor neys, Washington, I?, c.. report that on last Tuesday I'r. Wm. G. McGee,of this city, obtained a valuable patent tor improvements ia umbrellas. In the city el.-ction yesterday on the proposition to exempt mnnui'aciming enterprises from eily taxes loi' live years, only sixty-one votes were east, and resulted as fol lows: No. l-l; Ves, IS. Mrs. J. T; Lindley died ai iii" Coun ty Home last Sat urda y evening ot lieut disease, aged st> years. She and her husband have been inmates ol' the Home several years, and the hitter sur vives her. If you are alllieted with a cough, cold, hoarseness or any disease ol' ila lungs or throat, the l?ill-< ?rr I ?rug Co. will cure you with their remedy, Tar .Mini. Watch for their new advertise ment next week. Carley, McCullough & Martin is the name ol'a new law linn in Anderson. All three of the members are of Green ville, ?ind tiie ollicc here will be in charge ol'Mr. IL E. Martin, to whom we extend a cordial welcome to the "Electric City." j J. L. raviner, nf Anderson, S. ; Griffin, nf Helton, and \V. A Powell. Factory Hill, each unlocked the mot Lox at 13. <>. Evans Sc Co.'s last Sal day. They were each presented w 80.00 as a present. Postmaster Cochran and assista arc kept busy now weighing the m The government is requiring all ni j matter weighed for thirty days, in der to get a basis on winch tb ren railroad contracts. Rev. and .Mrs. John K.Edwards, w their little daughter, who have bc spending thc past two or three mom in Anderson and other places, left li weelc tor their home in .Mexico to snme their duties in the mission; cause. Mrs. Ii. il. Edwards, who lins been a private hospital in Atlanta, Ga., ii der treatment for several weeks, 1 turned home a few days Miro. Ii many friends are delighted to km that her stay there has been greal beneficial to her health. The Central correspondent fd I Greenville Xetvs, nuder date ol' the 7 inst., says: "Mr. li. McKinney, ot' A derson,was bitten by mad dog y. tcrday and came np to have Dr. i'< ger's mad stone applied. Theapplic tion relieved his mind.'.' Tlie merchants of Greenville a offering prizes fur the best wheat ero raised in that county. It is not, knov whether any premiums will bc oller' in this county or not, but one. thing certain, every farmer will feel that is a winner if he makes a fair crop. The Sandy Springs public school w open on Monday. 30th inst. Next Sa nrday, 14th inst., the patrons of tl school will meet there to take son steps towards completing the scho house and get a stove for ir. All wi are interested are urged to attend tl meeting. As cx-Gov. Hob Taylor, of Tennesse will visit South Carolina next mont wc suggest that he be invited to con to Anderson and deliver ono of h famous lectures in behalf of the Coi federate monument fund. Tl Daughters and Sons should make tl eliott. Wlrtt snyyou ? Married, at the home of Mr. W. ^\ McCurrv, on Thursday, Dei. ."?, 18!? Mr. .John li. Pruitt and Miss Essie 1 E. Smith, daughter of Mr. Clayre Smith, of Pfizer, Kev. X. G. Wright o ficiating. Immediately after the cen mony a bountiful feast was served 1 the'happy couple and guests. ! Mr. A. J. Smith has loaned Depu't Sherill'J. A. Dillingham a tine pair ( I bloodhounds for the County's usc. M i Smith is so confident of the value c these animals in chasing criminals th; t he is willing to make the expcrimei for thc County on his own responsibi itv. Thc results will be watched wit interest. Farmers are hauling their cotton her from as far as thirty miles, and the say it pays them well to make the lon haul, for in addition to getting a niue better price for their cotton, they lin supplies and dry goods cheaper her than elsewhere, so that the high prie paid for cotton also means a great den to our merchants. Prof. Marshall Moore, of the Ander son Graded Schools, has presented th Chicora Literary Society, of thc Cen tral School, a beautiful gavel, mad from a limb of a tree taken from tb battlefield of Lookout Mountain. Tin Society highly appreciates thc present which will be used at its meetings b} thc presiding officer. Isaac Green, living near Williamston suffered the loss of everything he pos sessed. practically, by fire a few night; ago. The family were oil' at a neigh hors house attending a prayer meeting and upon their return found their honu enveloped in flames. The cause is sup posed to have been, a defective stove fine. There was no insurance on th( property. Mr. J. A. McCrary, of this Count}-, who recently went to Washington, 1), C., to secure work in the Navy Depart ment, has been successful, having a few days ago received an absolute ap pointment as assistant draughtsman in the. DepartmentofConstruction and Re pair, and is assigned to thc Navy Yard in that city. We join his friends here in extending congratulations. Hon. E. M. Racker was in Elberton lasr Saturday, looking as young and lithe as many a man of forty. Vet he represented Elbert County fn tin; Leg islature ."?:! years ago, and wears tlie distinction ol' being the only legislator Georgia ever had of refusing to accept his per diem. He was sick a part of-thc legislative term and refused to receive pay for the time he lost from his duties. - Elberton ((??.) Tribune. Bishop Capers will pay his annual visit to Grace (Episcopal) Church next Friday. 13th inst., and will conduct services and administer t he rite (d' bap tism at 4:30 o'clock p. m. He will also preach at s p. m. and administer the rite of confirmation. All the friends (d' the congregation are cordially in vited to attend the services. The Bishop has many warm friends in An derson, win? are always delighted to greet him. Mrs. 15.L. Horton died at the home of Mr. Baylis Maxwell, in this city, last Sunday morning, from an overdose of morphine, which she took to get relief from a severe attack of neuralgia. Thc deceased was a native of Connecticut, and came to Anderson about six mont hs ago. She was ahout '.:0 years of age, a member ol'; he Episcopal ( hut ch, and un accomplished tenchd' of music. Her remains were shipped to Connecticut last Monday. Mr. \Y. Iv. Lewis h;is left for Toronto, Canada, tn finish his course in the Ontario Veterinary College. Upon graduation in this College he expects to take an additional finishing course in tin- Veterinary College ;it Ames. IOWM. which will place him in a position ti? practice hi.-, profession equipped with all the advantage to he obtained in this country, so far as the studies pursued in the two Colleges are con cerned. .Mr. Lewis expects to spend several days eu route to Canada a! Baltimore. Washington, New York. Philadelphia and Niagara. Miss Theresa C. Brown died at her home in this city last Thursday after noon. She had been in feeble health for several months, bul was not eon lined to her bed uni ii ;i few ?lays before her death.The deceased was rSyeUrs of ago. Mud WMs M daughter id' the late Daniel Brown. She was born, reared and had always resided in Anderson. She was educated at the old Johnston Pe?nale University, and possud consid erable literary talent. Sile was a stu dent all her life, and was always sur rounded w ith the latest books and pa pers, which kept her well-posted in the events, sciences and progressive fea tures of the day. Throughout her life she was a dvoted member of the Bap tist Church. Two brothers, Dr. B. P. Brown, of Williamston, and Mr. Sam uel Brown, (d' this city, and a half-sis ter, Mrs. C. Wardlaw, ol' Arkansas, survive her. Her remains were interred in tin; Silver Brook Cemetery friday' afternoon, Kev. u. L. Martin conduct ing thc funeral services. On account ot* thc exhibition of tl "Creal Wallace Shows" af August Ga.. Thursday, Oct. liifcii, the Charle; ton and Western Carolina Railway wi sell round trip tickets from Anderso at 82.00, and correspondingly low rate from intermediate stations. Ticke! sold for train leaving Anderson at 7.1. a. m., ?Jct. 10, good to return hy speeii train leaving Augusta at * p. m., sam date. This will enable the people t visit Augusta, see this great circus an return to their homes same day. Ther will be ample accommodations for al Make up your party at once. Mr. Charley H. White nod; with a fa tal accident at Oilmcr, Texas, on Sep. tomber 25, which caused his death foil / days later. He was riding a muh which accidentallystumbled^ thro win Mr. White to the ground and fall ?ugo him. causing internal injuries. Mi White is a brother of Mr. .J. W. Whin of Hopewell Township, and was bol and raised in this County, moving t Texas about nineteen years ago. H was HS years of age, and leaves a wit' and six children. The deceased ha many old friends and acquaintances ii this section who will regret to hearof hi sad death. Thc Piedmont correspondent of tin Greenville Tinges says: "The nev bridge at Brushy Creek is nearing com pletion and is a fine piece ot work, ii which our new Supervisor, J. X. Yandi vcr, has demonstrated that he is tin right man for the place. The nev bridge cresses the creek nearly a thin of a mile above the old location, ant has a much easier approach and doe: away with thc long hill at tho oh bridge. Ex-Supervisor Sadgrove hat been over to give advice at times. Hi will be missed in Anderson County roat matters, in which he has been so prom incut, but leaves road matters in goo( hands." The Pendleton correspondent of Hu Xcics and Courier, under date of the 8tl inst., says: "Mr. P. J. Pelzer had tin misfortune to lose his magnificent ban at his summer home, about three mile: from here, last night by lire. The ban contained eighteen mules and horses eight fine .Jersey milk cows, about tw< hundred bushels of grain, an engiinc thresher, lot of wagons and farm im plemeufs. Roughly;'estimated, the los; is about $6,00G\ This is the second lin of this kind Mr. Pelzer has sustained in the last eight years. It is suppos?e that the cause of the tire was "sponta neous combustion. The barn and con tents were partially insured.?' A committee, representing the Chap ter of Daughters of the Confederacy and the Camp of Sons of Veterans, has arranged to have an old-fashionec "Cake-Walk" in the Court House to morrow (Thursday) evening, for thc benefit of the Confederate Monument fund. A small admission fcc will bc charged. A rich programme is being arranged for the occasion, and those who attend may expect an enjoyable evening. A number of ladies and gen tlemen will participate in the walk, and prizes will bc awarded to the best walkers, costumes, etc. The colonial, the lackey, the negro and other char acters will bc represented. Do notfail to go and see the walk, and thus help a patriotic cause. Col. Thos. W. Holloway, the gen [al and energtic Secretary of thc State Fair, in a private letter to us. says: "The outlook for a successful Fair is promising: and while such is the case I beg you to impress upon your readers that Anderson County was for several years the banner County in exhibits and the attendance of Visitors. For the past severaLyears such has not been the case. Your County is regard ed as one of if not the most progressive Counties iu the State, but her interest in the State Fair seems to have waned, and why? I hope your farmers will wake up, write to me for a premium list and entry blanks and again enter into competition with other Counties in the State." The State Fair will be held this year from November Cth to 10th, aud we would be more than pleased to see Anderson Comity well represented at it by both exhib?s and visitors. As Col. Holloway' says, An derson is the most progressive County in the State, and we should take ad vantage of the opportunity ottered to display our line stock, products, etc., at the State Fair. Such exhibits were beneficial to our County in years past and will be so again/ Write to the Secretary at Fumaria, S. C., at once and secure a premium list. ? Last Wednesday afternoon a most fiendish outrage was attempted by Tom Jenkins, a negro brute, on a most ex cellent young lady near thc northeast ern suburbs of the city. The young lady lives about a mile front the city limits. She was on her way from the Central Graded Schoo], and passed a field iu which Jenkins was ploughing. The scoundrel came towards her, made an indecent proposal to her and an in decent, exposure of his person. The lady screamed, ran from the brute and soon reached home, frightened almost to death and completely prostrated. Ibu- father, who was in the city, was notified, and the matter was reported to thc proper officers. In the meantime a number of thc friends of the family ' heard of the attempted outrage and be gan searching for the negro. <>n Thursday lie was found at his home, was identified, and was given thc choice of swinging at the end of a rope or submitting to a certain surgical op eration. He chose the latter, and it was scientifically performed byan ex pert. The brute was then warned to leave this section as soon as he was able to walk. About a j carago the ne gro attempted a similar outrage iii this County and was given a severe whip ping, which seems to have done no good. He was given what he deserved last Thursday, and no doubt will be a lesson that he will not soon forget. To ('uri? La (irlpi)n in Two Day*. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggist* refund the money it'if tails o? cure. 15. \V. Grove's signatur"? on 0 - fry Unix. -'<?.. 1 ['.'>n King Stoves aro sohl in Anderson only hy Osborne .t Osborne. Tvv.iiiy. ii vt? PoiUrs wilt boya fairly i*nod square practice Piano at the C. A. RHHI Music HOIJSM. They'ar? intrinsi cally worth double that amount. [?ron and Steel aro iva* up. bot Sullivan Hardware Co. i-< keeping prices down on Hi? great Oliver i'hil'ed flows. If.von want the finest l'axas Seed Oats oin ;ij>. ??et them Valid iver Bros. The Household and Kitchen Furniture of M rs. Lnui* Sharpu will he sold nt pub lic outcry in 'Vont of.the ('-uirt House 1 cst viol-day, immediately afiei tuc pub lic sales, A paper once contained ?his ?id: "Pull dog lor sale; will eat anything, verv fond ol'children." Tbis shown that an ad. may un too far. Sullivan Hard ware Co. co not spoil things by claiming too much. Go 'o them and hit them show what they can do i <r von with their Iron, S eel and Bras?. Cm Flowers. Pot Plants ami Palms for -alu Mas. J F. CLINKSCALES, 242 Main St. Roo?nt?, tin work, galvanized iron work and pirmbing done on abort notice by Osborne it Usborne. Topleasethe hardest customer is our pride ami purpose if he is worth pleasing. Any man who can't be pleased with Sul livan Hardware Co.'s Belting aud prices is simply beyond hope. Every tVi?n and Boy that Buys Clothing knows We are known all over South Carolina and Georgia as the people that gives the biggest value in We can beat either State on $5.00 Suits. Our $7.50 Suits are the pride of our Store, in any style you may wish-Round Cut, Square Cut and Double Breast Suits, in all the latest Stripes and Plaids. $10:00 Suits. They are dressy in the extreme, every style new and latest designs, in Plaids Stripes and Checks. These $10.00 Suits are equal to any $20.00 on the market. Prices always the lowest-everybody knows that. Clothiers and Furnishiers. D. F.-Don't forget our line of SCHOOL SUITS-guaran teed to stand^any boy in South Carolina ani Georgia. Price $2,50 to $3.50. H. & M. News for that go and the WE have just received the largest shipment and the best assortment of Children's, Misses and Little Gents' Ever brought into Anderson. See us on all kinds of Shoes3 and when you see your friends don't forget to tell them that we are the only exclusive Shoe people in Anderson. Yours for Reliable Shoes, COBB & CEAYTON, The Shoe People. THE WOMAN, THE MAN and the THE PILL. She was a good woman. E^e loved her. She was his wile. The pie was good. His wife made it. He ate it. But the pie disagreed willi him, and he disagreed with his wile. Now he takes a pill alter pie and is happy. The pill he takes is EV??MS'. MORAL: Avoid Dyspepsia by using EVANS' LIVER ?ND KIDNEY PILLS. EVA^S PHARMACY. ROOMS for RJEJSTT. GOOD LOCATION. APPLY TO THOMSON CYCLE WORKS, NEXT TO NEW BANK, i K