Intelligencer. Published every Wednesday. J. F.. CLINKSCALES, > EDITORS AND C. C. LANGSTON, S PROPRIETORS. TEEMS: OKIE YEAR, - - - - $150 SIX MONTHS. - - - 75 WEDNESDAY, AUG. 23. 1899. A dispatch says that money is needed in Honolulu. In one respect?t least Honolulu is thoroughly Americanized. The good people of Greenwood coun ty axe right in using every effort to arrest and convict the scoundrels who recently perpetrated the outrages upon a few negroes of that county. The whole State of South Carolina has to suffer on account of the acts of these '.whitecappcrs," who should he made to suffer for their conduct. In tlae Democratic primary election of last year the vote on the whiskey question in Anderson County was as follows: Prohibition, 1889; Dispensary, 1431; License, 536. If the Democratic party would leave the question to be settled in the primary election next year, and agree to abide by the decis ion of the people, the dispensary law would be wiped out of existence. Let the people pass judgment on the law, and the result will forever settle the question._ Statistician Wroth, of the Baltimore chamber of commerce, says: "The pros pects of thc growing crop of corn leaves scarcely, anything to be desired. The acreage is nearly the largest eyer grown by this country, aggregating 81,556,000 acres. The largest previous area was ^ in 1895, when the acreage was given at 82,000,000 acres and the production as 2,151,000,000 bushels. The largest crop ever grown here was in 1896, and was officially stated as 2,283,000,000 bushels. A crop of2,200,000,000bushel8 is indic?t ed by the report of the agricultural de partment." -:- m mi The August issue of the Southern ^ Field, edited by Mr. M. V. Richards, land and industrial agent of the South . ern railway, Washington, D. C., con tains a variety of valuable information about the cities, towns and farming neighborhoods in the territory of the Southern railway, with suggestions for men seeking homes or locations for industries. The Southern Railway is a great and progressive system, and is leaving nothing undone that will tend to the development of the agricultural and manufacturing interests of every section of the South where its system touches. The Southern Exposition in the city . of New York, which will be held from the 3l8t of October to the 25th of No vember, is an important enterprise for the benefit of the South, which will ad vertise our matchless resources in nat ural and productive wealth. The ex hibit from ?he South will show the wonderful progress made during the past quarter of a century in agriculture, in mining, in manufactures and kindred industries and in educational science. South Carolinais represented on the advisory "board of the Exposition by Gov. M. B. Mcsweeney, Mayor J. Adger Smyth, of Charleston, Congressman A. v C. Latimer, of this County and Mr. ^Jester G. Furman, of Greenville. Henry M. Neill, the New Orleans Cot? ton expert, has announced his estimate of this year's cotton crop at 12,000,000 bales, the largest ever made. His esti mates an to the crops of the past few years have been so near correct that the great cotton markets' of the world be lieve him, and the price is bound to go down. The Government crop report for August issued on the 10th inst., puts the condition of cotton at 84 points out of a possible 100. This is the lowest August average for ten years past. South Carolina is foot in the cotton class with a per centage of 78. We hope Mr. Neill is mistaken in his esti mate and will soon change his figures. Our only remedy is for the farmers to hold their cotton off the market for awhile. ^_ The South Carolina farmers are get . ting profit and praise by their sensible diversification of crops. The New Or leans Daily States says of them that they are "evidencing the possession of more good, hard sense than those of some other States we could uame. . They are turning their backs upon cot ton and the crop of tobacco this year is estimated at 20,000,000, worth from 4 to 26 cents a pound. Moreover, the cultivation of the wheat has been so successful that the acreage will likely be doubled next year." We sincerely hope that some of the farmers of An derson County will experiment next season with a crop of tobacco. We are told that ?onie of our land is adapted to the growth of tobacco, and that Une specimens have been grown herc. An exchange says: "Talk about your I moral waves, but an epidemic ol' com- J mon honesty between man and man is what the country most needs. This way of scowling like a thunder-storm at the more open sins, while man's bus iness obligations to his fellow man are disregarded is not even philosophy." There is not in all the books a more solid chunk of wisdom or decency than is contained iu this paragraph. A man who will not pay his obligations gets np in meetings and subscribes some large amount to the preacher, to mis sions, to the poor, to the propagation of religion, when the best thing he could do would be to get some religion for himself. True Christianity will not allow any man to be generous before he is just. No human creature can re commend himself to Heaven by large alms and a disregard for his own obli gations. A man who can afford to give in church has already settled hi? ac counts or is ready and willing to do it without any delay. Are ur right .'1 Does the Loni allow a mau to sacrifice his neighbor in subscribing to the heathen? There are a lot of old whited sepulchers up on the front seats going to the devil as fast as they can, be cause, while they are loud-mouthed in church, they are dishonest. They may pray loud and often, but in the last day they will learn that He never knew them. In a circular letter to the Mayors and Intendants of cities and towns in the State, Gov. Mcsweeney calls upon them for information relative to the enforcement of the liquor law. He calls their attention to the necessity of seeingthe dispensary law rigidly en forced, and wants to know if he can depend upon these officers to assist him in enforcing the law, and that the vio lators of the same are arrested by the police and brought before the proper tribun als for trial. The G o vernor asks the aid and views of these offi cers. What he wants to know is will city and town councils give the aid neces sary. As far as Anderson is concerned, the Governor may rest assured that he will have the hearty aid and co-opera tion of our city authorities. The dis pensary law has always been enforced here, and to-day there is not even a suspicion of a "blind tiger" in this city. Can a Man Hold Two Offices I Mn. EDITOR : D. H. Russell, editor of the Peoples Advocate, as the writer has been informed and believes, now holds two offices-that of Magistrate and that of Census Supervisor for thc Third Congressional District, (a) Can any one in this State legally hold two offices at one and the same time? (ft) What will be the result of the cases that may be tried before D. H. Russell and sent up to Court, since he qualified as census Supervisor ? CITIZEN'. [Sec. 3 of Art. II of the Constitution says : "Every qualified elector shall be eligible to any office to be voted for. unless disqualified by age, as prescribed in this Constitution. But no jwrson shall hold two offices of honor or profit at i//.c same time ; provided, that any person holding another office may at thc same time be an officer in the mili tia on a Notary Public." 11 seem s to us that this is very plain. The position of Magistrate is one office and that of Census Supervisor another, and com-. missions arc issued in both positions. We are no lawyer, and do not know w hat would be the legal efi'cct of any case sent up by Russell. The question could be answered by the Attorney General, and we suggest that "Citizen" refer it to him. We remember a year ago when Mr. J. M. Smith, who was a member of the County Board of Con trol, was elected an Alderman of this city, the question was raised, and he was told that he would have to give up one of the positions. Under the Constitution of 18GS, under a similar provision contained in the present Con stitution, ifc was decided that when one holding an office accepts another in compatible therewith, he thereby va cates the first.-St*ate vs. Butts, 9 S. C., 150'. Also, his salary for the first office will cease from the time he accepts the second.-9 S. C.; 259.-EDITOR.] Reunion af Orr's Regiment. The survivors of Orr's Regiment held their annual reunion at Sandy Springs last Wednesday. The attendance on thc occasion was very large, and the exercises were exceedingly interesting to every one* present. Since the last reunion Mrs. Mary J. Orr, the "mother of the Regiment,"'and Col. Miller, its last commander, have passed away. Capt. A. M. Guyton presided over the meeting. An election of officers took place, and Gen. R. R. Hemphill, of Ab beville, was elected President to suc ceed the late Col. Miller. All the oth er officers were re-elected. Gen. Hemphill read an interesting tribute to the memory of the late Col. Miller. He was followed by Rev. J. T. Mc Biyde, D. I)., who delivered a memo rial address on Mrs. Orr. lu the after noon Col. J. L. Orr deli vereda very in structive and interesting address. It was decided to abandon Sandy Springs as a permanent place of meeting, and to meet alternately in Oconcc, Ander son and Abbeville Counties. The next meeting will be held in Oconec. The following resolutions were unanimously adopted by the Survivors1 Association: COLON KL KEOUGH MCDUKKIK M11.1.KI!. Whereas, George McDuffie Miller, President of this Association and the last distinguished colonel of Orr's Kiries, departed this life at his home near Ninety Six onJJuly 12th, 1899, after a long life of usefulness and devotion to duty. Resolved, That this Association has hoard of thc death of their comrade with profound sorrow. Resolved, That his whole life showed him to bo a true patriot, a model soldier and a Christian gentleman. Resolved, That in his death the sur vivors of Orr's Iii Iles have lost a sympa th ?zing friend and comrade and the State a noble son and citizen. Resolved, That our heartfelt sympa thies be extended to the bereaved widow and children and a copy of these resolu tions be sent to them. Resolved, That a page of our Minute Rook be inscribed to his memory. Resolved, That these resolutions be published in the newspapers of the coun ties from which the Regiment was formed. .fOllS OKAY. 'Resolved, That this Association has heard with sincere regret of the recent death of John Gray, a survivor of Co. B. Resolved, That we will always hold in grateful remembrance the gallant services he rendered his adopted home in time of trouble. Resolved, That a copy of these resolu tions be sent to his brother, Matthew Gray, b? Washington street, Glasgow, Scotland, and to his family in this coun try. Resolved, That a page in our Minute Book be inscribed to his memory. ions ts. c. KUI .SK. Resolved, That this Association! has heard with genuine sorrow ?if the death of John G. C. Kruse, which occurred in Hamburg, Germany, May ll th, J 800. Resolved, Thathis unrewarded services I? > h is adopted country in the Confederate army will not be forgotten. Resolved, That a copy of these resolu tions be sent to his family in Germany, and that a page in our Minute Book be inscribed to his memory. MARY .1. ORil. As survivors we have lost one of our best friends, and we would offer the following: Resolved, First, That as survivors of Orr's Regiment, we have learned with unfeigned sorrow of the death of her whom we proudly, lovingly, called the "mother of Orr's Regiment" Resolved, Second, That we desire in this public manner to place ourselves on record as sustaining in the death of Mrs. Orr an irreparable loss. Resolved, Third, That remembering with delight her untiring devotion to all whose names were on our roll, coupled with her strenuous efforts to honor and encourage us with her presence at these reunions, we pledge ourselves to make greater efforts to attend. Resolved, Fourth, That we extend to the family of Mrs. Orr our truest sympa thies in their irreparable loss. Resolved, Fifth, That these resolutions be published in our State and county papers. * TJ1K DEPARTED OLD HKJtOES. Whereas, since our last reunion several of our comrades have passed over the river and are resting under the shade of the trees. Therefore be it Resolved, First, That we sadly miss their presence and we tender to their families our deepest sympathies in their loss. Resolved, Second, /That their names and these resolutions be recorded in out Minute Book. . Resolved, Third, That a copy of these resolutions be furnished to eaoh family and published in the Abbeville, Ander son, Oconee and Pickens papers. Co. B-Joe B. Watson. Co. D-J. O. Moore. Co. E-Jeptha Head. Co. F-J. M. Dickson. Co. (i-Lieut. Joe Charles, B. Bowen, . E. Uldrick, A. S. Koon. Co. K-Jim H. Wood, R. H. Branyon. Co. L- R, H. Dove, E. W. Webb, J. L. Fant, S. E. Moore. TUE NEXT REUNION. Committee on arrangements for next reunion : W. A. Barron, Allen Terrell, J. T. Reid, R. Y. H. Lowry. Lowndes vi Ile Locals. A meeting was opened at the Baptist church Sunday by Rev. T. A. Reid, in the absence of the pastor, Rev. J. A. Brown, of Due West, who was unfortu nately detained by the illness of Mrs. Brown. Rev. Mr. Singleton, of Pen dleton, who is expected to arrive this (Monday) afternoon, will conduct the services, which will be protracted sew eral days. Miss Luna Agnew, a popular young lady of Donalds, is visiting Miss Meta Allen. Miss Annie L. Lidded is visiting friends at Moffcttsvillc. Mr. R. L. Stevenson is putting up the walls of thc oil mill in a hustling and business-like manner, and his brick mill is still busily at work. Mr. W. A. Speer, who has been put ting in the Munger Cotton Gin system for the Oil Co., has finished the work, and leaves behind him a complete and almost perfect system which will im prove cotton samples Very much. As soon as the engine and boilers arrive, and can be set up the plant will be ready for work. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Speer, of Ander- , son, are visiting the father of the for mer. Dr. A. J. Speer. M0. 7. I CANT SEE AS WELL AS i SHOULD, IK a complaint you hear, not only from older people, but from young an well. Age is no criterion for the wearing of glasse*. Many are born with greater defects than come with age. Yoong peo ple inherit and cultivate defect? by strain and abuse. Young, old or middle aged, if you are not getting the service from your eyes that you think you should, don't delay if they bother you in any way, have them examined and properly corrected at once. The longer they are deprived of the aid they need, the weaker they become. I know what I am talking about. That friend (?; who tells you to put off wearing glasses just as long KS possible doesn't. Lost sight is seldom regained, but faulty vision can be cor rected by the proper gln<-es. The part of wisdom will be to take no risk, but have your eye1* examined and tentai HO you may be sure about them. Respectfully, A. C. STRICKLAND. TEETH ?ND TOE NAIL ! - OR - Who Shall and who Shan't! Did you ever ?te a grain of corn thrown to a dozen chickens and see the rough and tumble scramble that took place? and then did you notice one just a little more nimble than the rset awallowed that grain of corn ? In the picture be fore you that nimble fellow is the indom itable C. S. Minor. Did you ever see a lively-looking pig with an ear of corn held tightly between the teeth, plunging rapidly down the lane, and all the common herd tumbling alter, ?quealing for that ear of corn? In the picture before you C. S. Minor is that leading pig. Notice he doesn't stop to eat nor look back at competition, but pushes right on. Did you ever witness a horse race tmd see the one well-rounded, muscular ani mal, with a little more spirit than his fellows, crosses the tape full ten paceB in the lead, while the others cross in a flock, possibly neck for neck, and should er for shoulder. In the picture before you C. S, Minor is that leading horse, and the Ten Cent 8tore is the winner. With merchants the 'ilat day of Au guBt is the last day of the business year. The last spurt is on, and C. S. Minor and the Great and Good Ten Cent Store is first to sniff the goal. For the next few days let pandemonium reign, and dis gruntled competition give vent to groans and regrets; bot the inexorable C. S. Minor and the Ten Cent Store shall puah right on rejoicing with such prices as these : Men's Straw Hats 10c. Women's Straw Hats 10c. Girls' Tam O'shanter Hats 8c. Men's Crash Hats 15c. Mein's Velvet Hate 29c. 10-yard pieces Eaby or Shoe String Ribbon, any color, for 5c. Imperial Per fumed Salts, delightful, exhilerating, re lieves headache and nervousness from smelling, price 5c. A few more Palmet to Fans, present weather necessity, five for 5c-you pick them. Good Chewing Tobacco-the .iudge-24c. lb., 3c. plug. Cold Cream and Honey Toilet Soap now 5c. Cake. Turkish Bath Soap two for 5c. Good Whisk Brooms at 3c. Lamp Burn ers 4z, each, extra large Burners 5c. Gen uine Silk Umbrellas, the $1.00 article, heavy cloth, good handles, now 44c. Stone China Bowls and Pitchers. Misses Tan Hose, all sizes, ribbed at 5c. pair. Good Pins lc. a paper. Heavy Domestic Checked Homespun 27 yards for $1.0?. A good quality Wool Cassimer Pants, cloth dark or light, home stretch, 24c. yard. Heavy Cotton Kersey at 9c. yard. Brabant's Best Needles, Sharps or Blunts, at 5c. Paper, or six for 25c. 12 lbs: good Soda for 25c. Buggy Whips 53, :'e compelled to charge more after present stocks are exhausted. Buy ne w what you are likely to need later on and save money. Wool Ingrain Carpet, regular price 50c, now 35c All Wool Ingrain Carpet, regular price 60c, now 48c. Extra Super Ingrain Carpet, regular price 75c, now 53c. Tapestry Br?ssel Carpet, regular price 50c, now 38c. Ten Wire Tapestry Carpet, regular price 65c, now 48c. A Axminster Moquette, regular price 1.25, now 90c. ^ Wool Art Squares 2*x3 yards, regular pries 4.00, now 2.98. Wool Art Squares 3x3 yards, regular price 5.00, now 3.69. Wool Art Squares 3x4 yards, regular price 6.00, now 4.75. Fine Smyrna Art Squares 2x3 yards, regular price 15.00, now 11.7-7. Jute Rugs, 24x50, regular price 85c, now 65c. Jute Rugs 30x60, regular price 1.00, now 85c. Jute Rugs 36x72, regular price 1.25, now 98c. Fine Smyrna Rugs 30x60, regular price 3.00, now 2.15. Fine Smyrna Rugs 36x72, regular price 4.50. now 3.38. Fine Smyrna Rugs 4x7 feet, regular pri?e 6.50, now 4.98. Yard-wide Hemp Carpet, regular price " 3c, now 10c. The remainder of our Stock of Mattings we are now offering ?.". New York Cost. Our Fall Clothing has arrived. Among the many styles are without doubt the nobbiest designs ever shown in this section. The prices are right. Our buyers are off for the Eastern markets. Their instructions are to scour the markets to secure the best values for this vicinity. "You are not here to please us, but we are here to please you." Yours trulv, JULIIIIS H. WEIL & CO. ^JVe are on Yonr Trail ! NOT like the fellow at the ball who was called au Indian by his fair parcner be cause he was always on hpr trail, but because we know what you want and have bought to fit your wants. We know that you want good, honest, all leather SHOES, and Shoes that will feel good on your feet, and that will make your purse proud of the investment. You want New Stock-not old, shelf-worn, rotten-stitched stuff that will fall to pieces when it meets a pair of our bran new, double-stitched, all leather Shoes that w? have just gotten in. You want your STAPLE DRY GOODS to be as good as your money. You want your FJLOUft to be as good as DEAN'S PATENT, but you can t ge: this want unless you buy the only genuine and original Dean's Patent sold only oy us. And, by the'way, Dean's Patent is better now than it h is ever been before. Of course it is, because it RISES, and ir* you ?rill just ea', a barr9l of it for breakfast, you will never use any other. Remember the date-always. DEAN & RATLIFFE, Bargain Princes, Lightning Husi.rr?. And Knockers-out of-High-Priesa. To say nothing of Eye-Openers-tc-che Trad?. STOVES, TINWARE, CROCKERY. ALARQE LINE, carefully selected to suit the public. We sell the Irou King, Elmo and Garland Stoves and Banges, and the Times and Good Times, .flatt. Cottage and Michigan Cook Stoves, ranging in price from $7.00 to $35.00. All are guaranteed to Rive perfect satisfaction, if not money will be refunded. Be sure you make us a call before buying a Cook Stove. We are bound to sell you and are sure to please you. We will take your old Stove in part payment for a new one. Our TINWARE is the best on the market. We carry a well-selected Stock of CHINA, such as Dinner Sets, Tea S*:* and Chamber Sets We also carry a full line of PORCELAIN