Local News WEDNESDAY, AUG. 16, 1899. Denver Dots. Still the cry is "hot and drjv Not even a good shower has fallen here in tho past two weeks, while the prevail ing winds and intense heat has dried out every vestige of moisture which had fallen previously. Up to the 10th July our section had not suffered for rain, but since then the crops have been cut off at least a third. Many are saying that this year is a counterpart of the year 1845. But we need not experi ence the scarcity of corn which the people did in that day, for we have railroads now which can soon bring it from the overflowing granaries of the west and northwest to our corn cribs. But it will take money to do that, and ?money is going to be a scarce article withthe cotton crop cut short. Miss Lillie Boggs, who has be?n spending some time with her sister, Mrs. J. H. Bowden, left this week for her home at Brookston, Texas. The protracted meeting at Sandy Springs closed last Friday. The con gregations were large and attentive. Kev. A. B. Watson, the pastor, preached the word in its purity, -without fear or favor. The good seed sown by him will no doubt bring forth finit in time to come. The good done cannot Ije estimated by present results. That courteous gentleman, and "Sol . dier of the Cross," Kev. Mike McGee, postponed his meeting at Welcome so as not to conflict with the one at Sandy ' - Springs. Such courtesy from onede (? nomination to another is always highly appreciated. . Our good neighbor, Mr. John Jolly, and two of his sons have been quite sick with malarial fever, but we are glad to say they arc nearly convales cent. Mrs. Tom Webb has also been sick but we hear she is better. Miss Minnie Blackman does not seem to improve. Mrs. Emma Major, of Pickens, who -was visiting Mr. Marshall Blackmans family, was taken sick with malarial fever and is unable to return home. The Buchanan, Fanner and Elrod crowd have'returned from their moun tain trip, reporting a delightful time. - While we were sweating in heat here, they had to have fires to keep warm and slept at night under blankets. Just think of it. Miss Blanche Brown has gone with Mrs. G. M. Harper, Mr. and Mrs. Will Tolly and others on a trip to Table \ Kock, Caesar's Head and other places near Asheville, N. C. They are antici pating a lively time camping out Miss Mattie Eskew is visiting her brother, Mr. Lawrence Eskew, of Pen dleton. Miss Della Browne, of Fairdeal, and brother, Mr. Sam Browne, of Laurens, visited relatives in Denver last week. Miss Ella Garrison and brother, Mr. Ed Garrison, of Greenville County, have been visiting relatives near Den ver. The young people had a most delight ful picnic at Portman Shoals last Sat urday in honor of Miss Erwin, of Honea Path, who is visiting Miss Leila Buch anan'and other relatives in this com munity. We are due many thanks to Mr. H. v N. and Will Garrison for nice melons. Also to Mr. Wm. Elrod and good lady for nice fresh fish and a basket of most delicious grapes. We certainly have good neighbors and know how to ap preciate them. ; May heaven's richest blessing attend them. INCOGNITA. Toney Creek News. The drought still continues in this section, and the crops are suffering "badly. There havo been good rains all around in places. Tho crops are very poor in this section, and the cotton is .opening very fast in some places. The bolds are very small. There was preaching at Shady Grove Sunday by the pastor, Kev. Tate. He preached a very fine sermon to a large congregation, his text being "Let us -work together till the harvest." The people had prepared for the meeting to be protracted, but on account of the pastor's wife being sick, and he was un able to obtain help, it was not protrac ted. It is not known whetherit will be tater on or not. Mr. Sam Shirley and wife attended Church Sunday; also Mrs. B. A. Will son visited iln this section. Misses Lo vie McDavid and Ethel Willson are spending awhile with thc family of Mr. J. M. Acker. Miss AnnieHarperhasretnrned home after several weeks stay. Miss Annie Griffin has also returned home. Miss Callie Jones has been on a visit to friends in Laurens County. Capt. J. S. Acker has been confined to his bed for thc past two weeks. He is still unable to bc up. Miss Eva Poore, who has been so sick, is improving slowly, and is now able to sit up. Mr. J. F. Mattison is preparing to build a new piazza to his house. * Mr. Wister Sutherland has bought a new buggy. Look ont, girls, you will all get a ride. The community regrets very much that Mr. Guss Foster is going to move away. He will be greatly missed as a citizen. Mr. W. L. Sutherland and family have been to the mountains to visit his aged parents. Messrs. J. P. Acker and Gordon Ack er are at home on a visit. Mrs. J. M. Cox is in bad health. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Lawrence (nee Miss A. 0. Norris) a girl baby. Mother and babe both doing well. The weather is extremely hot now. It is a wonder there is not more sickness than there is. Well, Mr. Editor, it is too hot to go around and find the news, and then it is too hot to write it if there was much. So come down, if you can live on flied chicken, for that's all there is in this section to cat. 1 *ATT V . Lebanon Items. A most interesting and successful meeting has just closed at this place, being conducted by Rev. J. F. Single ton, our-pastor, and Rev. Mr. Burts, of Tennessee. Either of these noble and much loved men certainly know how to reach the hard and unregenerated hearts of men. Heaven grant that they may live long, and by the help of con secrated Christians bring many, many more souls to our dear Savior who died on tlie cross that we through Him might live. There are fifteen applicants for baptism, which will take place near the church, on next first Saturday Afternoon at half-past four o'clock. Let every body be on time. Quite a number of fair young ladies are visiting in and around Lebanon now. Miss Mittie Tribble, of Anderson, is visiting Miss Robbie Pearl Wakefield. Miss Carrie Martin, of Hopewell, was the guests of Misses Gussie and Carrie Welborn last week. Miss Carrie has a number of friends at Lebanon who are ? always delighted to have her in our midst. Mr. Joe Campbell and Miss Carrie Nicely, of Rock Hill, ure visiting Miss Effie Richardson. Miss Ella Grant, a ven" sweet girl of Mt. Carmel, visited Miss Ethel Wel born recently. Mr. H. C. Ilolland and family, of Greenville, spent last week with his sister, Mrs. M. J. Gently. Mr. Holland has many friends around here who arc delighted to sec him come back to visit his old home and settlement. Mr. Ernest Tucker and sister, Miss Minnie, and Misses Lula and Birdie Gentry, of the Neal's Creek section, visited the family of Mrs. M. J. Gentry, last week. Miss Eva Bun-ess, a charming girl of Salem, spent last week with her aunt, Mrs. Hunter McMurtrey, and attended the meeting at this place. Miss Cleo Mosely, of Hopewell, is spending awhile with her uncle, Mr. John Smith. Ha! ha! I hope "somebody" didn't have a veiy hard time finding his slip per that was misplaced while falling from the church door steps, but the steps are no longer broken; so come again. We have Miss Eraf? entry as the third teacher in school now, and some excel lent work is being done. There will be an entertainment at the close of the summer term, which is in about three weeks. Miss Ola Thompson, one of our fair est young girls, has fever. We wish her a speedy restoration to health. Mr. Nimrod Smith, one of our oldest citizens, is in very feeble health. Messrs. J. D. and R. L. Welborn, are kept busy sawing for thc public these times. A lawn party was given at the resi dence of Mr. T. M. Welborn last Fri day night, in honor of Miss Ella Grant, of Mt. Carmel, and Miss Fannie Rodg ers, of Anderson. The lawn was beau tifully lighted with Chinese lanterns, and ice cream, caramel and chocklatc cake were served for refreshments. It is nseless to say every one had a pleas ant time, and I hope many of us may meet at another "gay old lawn party." Your scribe is in a big hurry, as a mountain trip is the order of the day, so I bid you adieu. Soii'iiii IDEM. Belton Items. Mr. H. A. Griffin received a letter from his brother at Murphy, N. C., which conveyed to him the sad news of his mother's death, which occurred at her home at Murphy on the 10th inst. Mrs. Griffin's maiden name was Fran cis Acker, daughter of Holberfc Acker, Esq., and was reared in tho Calhoun section of this County, where the nows of her death will bring sorrow to a host of relatives and friends. Mrs. Griffin was 73 years old, and since very early in life was a consistent and devoted member of the Baptist Church. Her remains were laid to rest on the 11th inst.? in the cemetery of Ogreeta Church, N. C. An independent military company was organized here last night, with M. E. Geer PS captain, J. C. Acker 1st lieutenant and C. W. Rice 2nd lieu tenant. The body is composed of some of the best material in the community, and receives the hearty endorsement of the citizens of the place. Under the leadership of its very efficient officers there is hardly a doubt of its being a svyecess.^ Mr. M. 1>. Wright and wife, of Ilonea Tath, arc visiting at Mr. Geo. W. Grubbs. Mr. J. T. Rice, who has been away for several days on a business trip, re turned home yesterday. Mr. W. K. Stringer and sister, Miss Eva, are sojourning in the mountain resorts of North Carolina for a sea son. Miss Hattie Todd is visiting the fami ly of Hon. A. C. Latimer. Miss Marvice Quattlebaum, of Ridge Springs, has been employed as first as sistant m the High School here, which begins its next session Monday, Sept. 4. Miss Quattlebaum is eminently fitted for the position to which she has been chosen. She is a full graduate of Win throp College, and has had several years experience teaching in some of the best schools of the State. The prospects for a large school herc the coming session are very nattering in deed. XXXX. Meet at Old Stone Church Thc Executive Committee of the Old Stone Church desire to tyive a called mooting of tho Associai ion on Friday, August 18th inst., at thc Church, to discuss the fence question and finally determino what kind they will build. A full attendance is desired and thc public are cordially invited. B. F. SLOAN, Sec. and Treas. O. S. C. and C. A. Autuii Items. Everything is calm and serene and seems to be waiting in eager expec tancy lor a long and very much needed rain. Cotton seems to have reached its volcanic orb. and is being subject to incessant eruptions, which is sending forth volumes of snow-white lava from almost every mature protubcr 'ancc, which will appeal to a hostel' conscientious rescuers 'ere long. , Kev. Dr. Watson closed the protract ed meeting at Sandy Springs last Fri day night. Thc results of his meeting was that : He did not bring a legion into thc fold. He did not use a magic wand, He simplv made the Word stand ont bold, And brought down God to them. Fodder is getting ripe very fast. There will bc several bundles ready for gathering this week. Doubtless horses and mules will be glad of it. Messrs. Sylvester Elrod, K. A. Buch anan and sister, Miss Leila, together with others, returned from a pleasure trip over in thc mountains the other day. They report tine times. Bor. AMATKLM:. A Family Kennion. Mn. EniTOi: : It was our privilege to visit our old home in Abbeville County recently, and on our way, by invitation, we took in our old uncle, J. W. Canns, family reunion. It was a grand gath ering on the old gentleman's birthday. he being ?r> years old the 4th of August . The day was a day with kindred. Therew?re present children and grand children and great-grandchildren. In all they number 70, 50 of whom were present. The old man has been mar ried three times. The old gentleman has lived a consistent Christian life and has raised his children in the way thcy should go. One son is a minister of the Gospel, and has charge of three good ?working Churches in Georgia. Two others arc Deacons of Baptist Churches and the other sons are worthy, upright citizens. Thc 4th of August was a day that will long be remembered. It was a -grand sight to see all the family gathered around a 50-foot table, laden ed with all the good things. A photo grapher took a picture of the group. Well, we must go on our trip down through our pld home town, Abbeville, aplace that feels near tous. Wc did not sec as live a town as wc expected to see, but the people are as good as you will lind on this earth. Our stay among our kindred and friends was most pleasant. While there we also enjoyed thc meeting going on at Midway Church, conducted by the pastor, Kev. Mr. Mitchell, a good man, one that speaks with power aud is lov ed by all. On our wayback home we attended thc old soldiers' reunion at thc Carswell Institute, which was a delightful occasion. A FniKxn. Uncle Sam's Hot Baths Will eradicate from your system the lingering effects of gnp and other ail ments caused by the severe winter, and malaria, rheumatism, neuralgia, ca tarrh,- stomach, kidney, 'liver and ner vous disorders, paralysis, blood and skin diseases and chronic and func tional derangements. The mountain climate of Hot Springs is cool and de lightful in summer, 100 hotels open thc year round. For illustrated literature containing all information, address C. F. Coolov, Manager "Business Men's league, Hot Springs, Ark. For reduced excursion tickets and particulars of the trip, see local agent or address W. A. Turk,. General Pas senger Agent Southern Railway Wash ington, D. C. - An eminent physician says that persons should not drink tea or coffee until they are 18 years of age. You want a Mower that will cut grass, peavinea, sorghum, millet, Ac. The "Champion," sold by Sullivan Hard ware Co. is the machine. The "Champion" Mowers, sold by Sullivan Hardware Co., are not only the simplest, strongest and lightest draft Mowers made, but they are the only Mowers with laf? and valuable improve ments Twenty-five Dollars will buy a fairly good square practice Piano at the C. A. Reed Music House. They are intrinsi cally worth double that amount. Saw Mills and Peerless Engines on hand at Brock Bros. Hardware Store. Roofing, tin work, galvanized iron work and plumbing done on short notice by Osborne & Osborne. If you want a Mower that will run easy and g.ve the least trouble be sure and ?et the Deering Ba 1 Bearing for aale by Brock Bros. sole agents. Write for Catalogue. Few improvements of late on other Mowers, but the "Champion," sold by Sullivan Hardware Co. ia a great im provement and you will know it when you see it. . Builders' Hardware at the lowest pri ces at Brook Brothers Hardware Store. What improvements distinguish the "Champion Mowers" sold by Sullivan Hardware Co? One among'others is that the old troublesome Pitman on all other Mowers is abolished on tne "Cham pion." Anew and vastly letter device is substituted which enables the "Cham pion" to work amid stumps,rocks, ditches and ground where others fail or soon wear but. Sullivan Hardware Co. have connected with their Bicycle Repair Department a Machinest of many years experience, Mr Jas. T. Rowland, of Donalds, S. C. If yon want your Bicycle repaired by a Bicycle Machinest, who is thoroughly competent, don't fail to give him a trial. Have bot water pipes run from your sfove to bath room. Try Osborne