The Anderson intelligencer. (Anderson Court House, S.C.) 1860-1914, April 26, 1899, Page 8, Image 8

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Local News. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 1899. At Hymen's Aitar. The marriage, of Miss Victorine Nar din, .of this city, and Mr. 0. M. Heard, of Middleton, Ga., which took place in . St. John's M. E. Church last evening at 9 o'clock, was witnessed by a large congregation of- friends and relatives. The ceremony was performed by the pastor, Rev. W. W. Daniel. The at tendants were Misses Gertrude Hoyt, of Greenville, maid of honor. Melisa Davis, Roberta Heard, Daisy Black well, of Elterton, Ga., Gertrade Jones, Ina Hill, Effie Osborne, Christine von-. Borstel!, of Anderson, and Messrs. L. M. Heard, H. L. Cleveland, G. L. H?radon, J. H.Blackwell, CM. Heard, John Heard, of Elberton, Ga., George Heard, of Middleton, Ga., F. "W. Nar din and W.H. Nardin, Jr., of Ander / son. Miss Ayers rendered a charming wedding inarch while the party entered the Church. At the conclusion of the ceremony a most enjoyable reception was tendered the happy couple at the home of'the bride's parents. . The bride is a daughter of Dr. W. H. Nar din and one of Anderson's most accom plished young ladies, "and in wining . her as his life companion Mr. Heard is exceedingly fortunate. We join their many friends in wishing them all the happiness attainable in this life. Death of a Yenerable Citizen. . We regret exceedingly to chronicle the death of our venerable friend, Mr. Jefferson McLees, which occurred at the home of his son-in-law, last Satur day afternoon. His illness was of short duration and was caused by the mea sles. He was in the 89th year of his age, and by his death Anderson County loses one of her oldest native citizens. Mr. McLees was the eldest son of the late Andrew McLees, and was born and reared in the Sadler's Creek section, ( where he lived until a few years ago, when he moved to Williamston to make his home with the family of his son-in law. Hewa? a most worthy, upright citizen, who exercised a strong and. Eure influence in bis wide circle of ciends, and ai Christian in whose life ; and character was daily manifest che exemplification of the beautiful doc llptrines of the religion he professed. He : descended from the grand old Scotch . Irish people that settled in this country llpmbre than a century ago, and had been . a devoted member of the Presbyterian ? ^ ; Church since his young manhood. His . wife preceded Mm tb the grave, aiid his remains were carried to Roberts ; Chuicli on Snnday and interred by her side. He leaves a wide circle of friends and relatives to cherish his memory. Killing at ^Piedmont. Last Friday afternoon J. R. Bridges, of Piedmont, was mortally wounded by M. R. Howard, and died onSatur . day. Howard is a tenant on, the farm of J. T. King, a mile west of Piedmont, in .this County. He was in the field ploughing, when his young wife came running to him, crying and seeking protection; 'She^told him that Bridges was at the', drunk, and got on the bed. where she'was-lying, using insult ing language., Howard returned to the house witf/i her, found Bridges stand ing vat tho door and ordered him to leave. Bridges refused to go, cursed Howard anilinbved towards him, when " he " picked^np' a club and struck him two or three times. Bridges received prompt attention from a physician but never regained consciousness, i Magis trate J. C. Mitchell held an inquest on Saturday, and Howard's version of the affray was-corroborated by several witnesses. It is said that Bridges had been drinking heavily recently and was drunk Friday afternoon. Howard made no effort to escape and was brought to this city and lodged in jail Saturday evening. It is generally felt that the homieiae was justifiable. The prisoner has enmloyedPrince & Tribble to rep re^ent-him, and in a few days they will make application for bail. ? v Pendleton Items. _' . Mi's. L. J. Langston, of Anderson, and Mrs. Carrie Howard, of Piedmont, have been on a visit to their sister, Mrs. W; M. Gibson. The latter has a son who is a student at' Clemson Col lege, and these ladies spent a day up i^there. Rev. B. P. Reid attended the recent meeting of the Christian Endeavor at 1 Union, S.C. At a meeting of Camp Tally Simp son, No. l,006t U. C. V., last Saturday, Miss Sila Stabling was elected Spon sor, and Miss Mamie Davant Maid of . Honor at the Reunion in Charleston. TELL TALE. Suddens Arnica Stlre. The best s*lve in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, ' Feyer Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, . Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions and positively cures Piles, or no . pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refund ed. Prise 25 cents per box. For sale by Hill-Orr Drug Co Tomato Plants at D. S.-Maxwell's. - It pays to invest?gate. Salli van Hard ware Co. invite investigation of the com parative merita of their Harrows, Hoes, and other implement? too numerous to mention. . We bought our Hoes before the big ad vance, consequently we can save you money if von will see us before buying. 43-2 Brock Bros. The Improved Brooks Cotton Planter has never been excelled by any other. You buy them at Brock Bros. -2 FOB RENT-TWO nice Cottages. Ap ply to J. 8. Fowler. * 42 FOR RENT-One two-story House on Whitner Street. Apply to D. C, Brown <fc Bro. 42-3 Iron King Stoves are sold in Anderson only by Osborne & Osborne. Jno. T. Burriss will give your bursted pipes pr plumbing of any kind prompt attention. S t. Iron King Stoves are considered the beat. Bay one. Osborne & Clinkscales, Sole Agents. Roofing, tin work, galvanized iron work and plumbing done on short notice by Osborne & Osborne. The C. A. Reed Music House has re cently received a full car load of Pianos, and are offering high grade instruments at lower prices than ever heard of in this country. Have hot water pipes run from your stove to >ath room. Try Osborne & Osborn.,. The C. A. Reed Music House has taken the State Agency for the celebrated Co lumbia Graphophone, and is selling them at manufacturer's prices. It will interest every one to call at the Music House and see this wonderful invention. To Cure A Cold In One Day Take .Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. ? We have an experienced repair-man at the head of our Bicycle Department, and we are prepared to do any kind of repair I work at low prices. Brock Bros. I The biggest and best Stock we have ever shown. Anderson can't produce the equal of this sacrifice. It is past the remembrance of each and every one of you. It is marvelous, it is mammoth, and it is only meant to last one week, beginning THURSDAY, April 27th, and ending Thursday, May 4th. Come, and you will not be disappointed. _=_ ? THIS WEEK'S PRICES. 100 pieces Silk Veiling, big assortment colors, this week a yard. 2c R. &. G. Corsets for this week only. 38c Ladies' Fine Ribbed Summer Undervest this week only. 4c 100? Thimbles, formerly sold at 5c, this week. lc Ladies' Hemstiched Handkerchiefs, worth 5c, this week. lc Ladies' White P. K. Puff Ties, the latest fad 25c, this week. 8c Fancy Metal Belt Buckles, value 25c, this week. 13c 26-inch Ladies' Umbrellas, natural stick, worth 65c, this week. 35c One hundred'dozen good, large size Towels this week each.. 3?c Coats' Spool Cotton this week three Spools for. 10c . Cuticelli Sewing Silk this week a Spool for.?. 6c Felt Window Shades this week only. 7c j To first twenty customers Thursday morning NEW SHOES. Once you buy Shoes here we are sure of your Shoe trade hereafter. Highest Quality, Lowest Prices are magnets that draw. Our Shoes are made expressly for ua by the Harrisburg Shoe Co. Sadies' Kid Lined Slippers, Genuine Dongola, all solid, worth 81.50, this week. 98c Ladies' Patent Leather Sandals, value $1.00, this week. 75c 150 pairs Ladies'Oxfords this week. 48c Extrae 100 pieces Brocaded Wash Goods, beautiful dark patterns, worth 10c, . this week only. 4$c India Mull, value 5c, this week. 2*c French Ginghams, all the new patterns-others get 30c per yard-for this week only. 13c NOTIONS. Belding Bros. 10-yard Spool Twist, per dozen. 12c Jar of good Vaseline only... 3c Box Talcum Powder this week. 5c Paper Needles. lc Paper Pins. lc Paper Hair Pins. lc Hooks and Eyes, per paper. 2c Box Writing Paper and Envelopes only. Sc Best Kid Hair Curlers. 4c Best Black lok, per bottle. 3c Ladies' Beauty Pins this week. 2c Ladies' Blacks Silk Mitts, best quality, worth 40c, this week. 22c Ladies' Initial Fan Chains, worth 50c, this week. 19c Ladies Bobiuet Ties, value S1.00, this week. 48c THIS WEEK'S PRICES. Children'ii Knee Pants, worth 25c, this week. 10c 1000 dozen genuine Pearl Button?, worth 5c dozen, this week only. lc 100 dozen Gentlemen's Silk Neck Ties, Four-in-Hands ann Tecks, worth 25c, this week only. . 10c Ladies' Leather Belts, this week only. 3c Children's Lawn Caps, all colors, this week. 7c Ladies' White Lawn Aprons, extia fine quality, worth 25c, this week only 10c Buttermilk Soap, 3 cakes in a box, this week per box only. 3c 300 Ladies' Fine Silk Bows, worth 25c, this week. 5c Gentlemen's Wash Ties and Bows this Week only. lc 500 Ladies' Fiue Shirt Waists, value $1.00, this week. 19c 200 Ladies' Crash Skirt*, worth'75c, this week.26c we will give an Organdie Dress Pattern, ten .iee orce &r<> m pkhmtre tf??? >r dinar y Wash. GroocLs ^ White Heavy Stripe P. K., worth 30c, this week. 19c 54-inch Fine Quality White Organdies, worth and sold by us at 50c per yard, this week. 33c 36-inch Plain White Lawn, Sheer quality, this week. 35c Good quality Checked Nainsook, this week-. 3*c a. New Silk Waist Patterns, no two alike, new, our 81 00 line, this week.... 4Sc Beautiful Flowered Japanese Silk, 72 iuclus wide, value SI.25, this week 72c Line beautiful Taffetas, latest Shades, this week only.. 74c Beautiful China Silk, pretty, neat desigus, worth $1.50, this week. 99c Extra fine Calais Silk, Roman Stripes, value $2.00, this week.1.39 Take note of this great event. Mark the time well. One week only, beginning THURSDAY MORNING, 8 A. M. THIS WEEK'S PRICES. Mattress Ticking this week. '.. 5c Feather Ticking this week. 9?c 4-4 Sea Islana Sheeting this week. 3tc 4-4 Bleached Sheeting this week. 5c 10-4 Brown Sheeting this week... 12c 9- ounce Blue Denims this week. 10c 10- 4 Sheets, ready for use, this week.. 48c Pillow Cases, hemmed, this week. 9c 500 pairs Ladies' $1.25 Kid Gloves for this week only. 69c 100 Fine Corsets this week, each. 15c R. ?fe G. Summer Corsets this week.48c R. & G. $1.00 Corsets for this week only....-69c yards, for.29c. NEW SHOES. Ladies' Tan Vest Top Shoes, value $2.00, this week. 1.39 Ladies' Spring Heel Lace, value $2 00, this week. 1.48 ? Ladies'Chromo Kid Button, value $2.50, this week. 1.75 Children's Tan Cloth Top th?3 week. 1.48 Men's Tan Camel Calf this week. 1.45 Men's Vici Kid, all Toes, this week. 1.99 Men's Bicycle Shoes, Kangaroo Calf, this week. 2,39 Boys' Tan Shoes, 'Talue $1.75, this week. 1.23 Values ! Colored Organdies, extra fine quality, beautiful designs, worth 35c, this week. 19c 1200 yards Yard-wide Percale, worth 10c, this week only. 7c Fine quality new Dimities, all the new designs, worth 20c, this week.... 10c JJ?"" Don't fail to look at our Wash Goods. Gents' Furnishings. Gentlemen's Percale Shirts, with two separate Collars, this week.48c UNDERWEAR. New styles in Fancy Egyptian Figures and Stripes, Plain, -Balbriggau and Colored Effects, Shirts or Drawers, worth 50c, this week.25c BOYS' KNEE PANT SUITS. We never have had such an immense Stock of Boys' Clothing as now. New Suits from.75c to $5.00 TJIsriDEPL JS&AJBOlSTXa TEMPLE. j^, Positively no Goods charged to any one-our terms are strictly Cash. _ . g?hn??? nm.imp.i??.iiiitiiiimiii^ Wirti""" ~ ' mm