It is . .. . .. To hear the numerous expressions of approval with which our Si-V > Has met with. What better advertisement should a House desire than the unanimous verdict of its patrons that the Stock is the daintiest the city affords. It serves to enthuse the management to exert, every effort to maintain such an enviable reputation. Notwithstanding the fact that we have moved already this season an enormous Stock, our lines are still complete. A day rarely passes, a train seldom arrives without bringing something new for us. We neither allow our Goods to get shelf-worn nor our Stock to look low or depleted,, for as fast as we sell we have new and seasona ble Goods to show. OUR RECENT arrivals are more attrac tive than ever, and especially our new SILKS. We can cer tainly please even the most fastidious in a SILK DRESS, or SILK WAIST. In BLACK DRESS GOODS we have the most desirable. - Th? season is now ripe for these Goods. Our ? Department of White Goods embraces all that is desirable. Our MLUMHY DEPARTMENT Is in charge of an. experienced BALTIMORE MILLINER, and we are turning out work that for style and workman ship will compare with the best in .the land. We have a large and well-selected Stock of Millinery, and the cheapest we ever saw. You cannot imagine what a pretty, dainty, airy Eat you can buy from us for $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00. We are having a big run on those pretty white picture Hats that are so much in demand. We would take especial pleas ure in showing you our Millinery. We are constantly on the lookout for Novelties, and are now showing the latest things in Belts, Belt Buckles, Ladies' Neckwear, Beauty Fins, Fans. Gloves, Handkerchiefs, &c, and the newest in the way of DRESS TRIMMINGS, GAR NATURES, &c. READY MADE GARMENTS the most popular line in the city, judging from the way we sell them. Can't keep in them-constantly ordering sjich as MUSLIN UNDERWEAR, FANCY PETTICOATS, LINEN SKIRTS, P. K? SKIRTS, DENIMS^ SKIRTS, SILK SKIRTS, BRILLIANTINE SKIRTS, WOOLEN SKIRTS, &c. SHIRT WAISTS, SILE WAISTS, SATIN WAISTS, &c. You will not find a better line of. HOSIERY than ours, and our Stock of SHOES for men, women and children is the largest and best assorted in upper Carolina. Our new Spring Oxfords are beauties. OUR DOMESTIC STOCK is immense, and our prices are right. We are better prepared to do a General Supply Business than any of our competitors, and make a specialty of looking after your hands and tenants. We will sell you Goods for Cash as cheap as anybody. COUNTRY MERCHANTS Will not shut their eyes to their interests, but will save money by visiting our Wholesale Department. MAIL 0RDJ1RS solicited. Write for samples. Soliciting the patronage of all and promising polite and prompt attention, we are Yours truly, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Greil eral ]VIex*olia,ri clise. Local News, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 1899. Next Monday is the first day of May and Salesday. Mrs. Ruskin Anderson, of Seneca, is ! in the city visiting friends. Mr. J. C. Keys, of Darlington, is vis iting relatives in Anderson. Note the prices quoted in J. H. Weil years. She was a mostcxcollontynung lady, and lind many friends and rela tives in the upper section ol' Anderson County. On account of meeting of the .South ern Baptist anil Auxilian- Conventions to be held ?it Louisville, Kv., May lilli to 18th; 1 KOW, the Southern h'ailway will sell tickets from all points at the rate or om; fare for the round trip. These tickets will be on sah; Muy 8th to 12th, inclusive, ?ind are good for lineen days from date (d' sale. Secretary of Agriculture Wilson, ol' President McKinley's Cabinet, will spend nexi Monday in Anderson on his way to Clemson College. ;nul has ac cepted ?in invitation ol' Ccngrossmni! Latinn.T to deliver ?in address in rlu ( 'olin House .il II o'clock. Tie- public generally is invited lo ?il(? lui .md hear' the address. .Mr. Wilson is a practical fanner from Iowa, an eloquent speaker; ?iud ;i treat i- in store for ,i!.' those who may be so fortunato m-ar him on i in's occasion. Mr. Fred Nardin, of Anderson, who has recently purchased the phone Exchange, is in town w force of hands putting the lines in working condition. Mr. Nardin elegant gentleman and rjioroughl derstands his business. He wi! the people of Hartwell a good 'i service.-Hartwell {Ga.) Sun. Clemson, Funnan, Wofford, Cl and Erskine Colleges will be r sen ted in the oratorical contest 1 held at Due West next Friday, speaking is to take place in the auditorium and a tremendous ero expected to he present. One o judges is to be Hon. James Wils member of President McKinley's net. Married, on Wednesday, Apr: 1899, at'the home of the bride, Pitts: Mass., Mr. Harry A. Orr, of this and Miss Florence 'Chap?n. Ar the wedding guests were Dr. S. M. father of the groom, J. A. Brock W. C. Whitner, of Anderson; Col. L. Orr and daughter, of Greein The bride and groom arrived in An son to-day. Mr. Jesse L. Fant died at his h near this city this morning at o'clock. He had been ill only a days with pneumonia, and the nouncement of his death was a g shock to his friends. Mr. Fant about 03 years of age, and leav< wife and five children to cherish memory. The remains will be inte: in the Baptist Churchyard to-moi morning. Miss Eliza Seaborn died at lier lu in Pendleton on Saturday, mora loth inst. She had been ah invalid nearly thirty years, suffering f asthma. She was a daughter of late George Seaborn and was abou years of age. Sin? was a membe: the Episcopal Church, a devoted Ch tian and was loved by a wide circl friends. Her remains were mterre< the Episcopal Churchyard ?it Fem ton, Rev. E. L. Porcher conducting funeral services. Several of our citizens having pressed a willingness to contribu? a fund for the purpose of paying railroad fare of several indigent C federate Veterans to Charleston d ing the approaching Reunion, young friend. Jas. L. Mattison, mad canvass of the city an?? succeeded getting a sufficient amount subscril to buy twenty rickets, which will distributed by ? committee selected the purpose. This is a commenda work, and we know will be apprec ted by the Veterans. Capt. "Billy" Smith, the most po] lar conductor in the employ of i Southern Railway, who has been spei ing a shorn furlough at Williams! recuperating his health, spent 1 Friday and Saturday in the city vis ing his daughters, Mrs. Ratliffe a Mrs. Dean, and was warmly welconi by his many friends. On Saturday Said oui' sanctum an appreciated C? [e is very enthusiastic na his praises the Wilhamston mineral springs, a says he was greatly benefited by t water during his stay there. The proposition to make everybo dress like Filipfmos and eat blackb< ries until we cultivate caunibalis tastes, is meeting writh objections frc all points. The idea of compel?! Americans to do what Filipinos do jv to pacify those savages and make thc feel at home is repulsive to the spi: of our institutions, and Messrs. De, & Ratliffe in their new ad. this wei issue a proclamation that must mc the hearty support of all liberty lovin good flour loving, good substanti dress loving citizens everywhere. Re? it and join their band. Friendship Lodge, Fraternal Uni< of America, was organized at Iva, C., last Friday by Deputies H. G. Joh: son and J. H. vonHasseln. The Lod? starts out under very favorable ausp ces. The following officers were elec ed to serve this year : Fraternal Ma ter, Prof. J.F.Harper: Justice,Pring Clink8cales ; Protector, Robt. S. Yea gin ; Truth. David M. Martin ; Mere J.Aug. Cook ; Guide, W. T. A. Sherar Sec. and Treas., J. F. McDonah Guard, J. A. McAlister; Sentinel, 1 B. Gray; Stewards, Drs. W. A. Clin I scales and S. L. Wharton. The Southern Railway has decid? to run ;t special train through to Cha leston on Tuesday, May Oth, for tl accommodation of those who desire 1 attend the Veterans' Reunion in tin city. This train will leave Andersc about 8.30 o'clock in the morning an arrive in Charleston about 4 o'clock ] m., thus giving the passengers an oi wortunity to secure their headquarter before night. This will be appreciate by the passengers all along the rai road, as there will be no changing c cars on the trip. The railroad fare i only $4.80 for the round trip. Survivors and the sons of membei of the Rutledge Mounted Ritiemei Tren holm's Squadron, 7th S. C. Cava! ry, Gary's Brigade, are invited t attend a reunion at the Queen City Gili Rooms, 237 King St., Charleston, S. C. at 7:30 p. m. on the 11th May. Th sons of comrades are especially re quested to be present, as it is desire* that an organization be effected, to the purpose of preserving the record and history of this command, and t promote greater intimacy between th sons of it's members. For further in formation call on Mr. C. A. Reed, whi has been fully advised on thc subject Last Wednesday afternoon a larg* and enthusiastic meeting of the citi zens of Anderson was held in the Cour House in the interest of the Blacl Diamond Railroad. Mayor Hood prc sided and opened thc meeting with J few appropriate remarks. Mr. J. L Tribbfe next spoke and introducet President Kirkby, of the Black Dia mond. (ion. Kirkby made a most in teresting speech, in 'which he statei that thc road was an assured fact, ant that the work would begin in a short time. He was followed by short speeches from !'. Iv. Mcdill v. Sr.. G h. Prince, .!. E. Breazeale ?nd R. S Lig?n. Col. M. P. Tribble, a former citizen ol: this County, now of Anderson Coun ty, is in the city, where lie met a cor dial greeting from bis host of friends and old army comrades,- he being him self a gallant Confederate Veteran; Col. Tri bble has been visiting his aged father, Mr. John Tribble, ami other friends m Hunter Township. He is looking well, and though his locks are somewhat frosted, time seems to have dealt gently with him. Col. Tribble was duly appreciated by the people of his adopted County, they having sev eral times shown ' their 'confidence in liim by electing him to important offi cial position, Ho also served one term as Postmaster ar Anderson;-Laurens ?Herald. There will bc a game of base, ball on the Clemson College campus on Satur day, Mav (?th, at 3.30 o'clock p. m.. be tween Erskine and Clemson Colleges. The game will be a very exciting one, as Erskine has a better team this year than ever before. One game between these teams was played in Ibis city on thc 8th inst., and proved to be a very closely contested one. Erskine delea! - ed the Kurman I'ni versify leam last Thursday by ;t sem e- ol'll to T. All who attend t?ie game ai Clemson will wit ness a very interesting game, as both teams are ming i?i the State, cham pionship. Tile --admission to thisgame " ill be : ladies, free : geht lernen. -.*". cents: children, ?? cents. On account "? being n > In?loyroil grounds; the tickets '.?tance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by .heir action, but by giving tone to the stomach ?nd bowels greatly Invigorate the system. Regular size 25c. per bor. Sold by Hil'-Orr Drng Co. Notice. MR. EDITOR: I am in receipt of .quite a number of letters from farmers and stock-raisers thoughout this County who are exceedingly anxious to inspect my 0 I. C. Boar-Ben. Tillman-but say they cannot spare the time to come 15 or 20 miles for that purpose ; so kindly allow mo sps.ce in vonr columns to announce that on first Monday in May (Salesday) 1 shall put Ben on exhibition at Fret well's Stables., He will be there simply to give you a chance to judge of his ex cellent qualities, and wilt not be mustered into service before 2(>th May, 1399 Ben is only six months and two weeks old, and weighs 201 pounds. J. MONTAGUE "POWER, Fair Deal. S.C. FOR RENT-A 0 room Cottage, divided for two families. Apply to Capt. M. Kennedy. 44-1 Hair Braids made to order from either out hair or combings. Mrs. Stevick, Cor. McDuffie and Benson Sts. 44-2 STRAYED OR STOLEN-From my stables April 2lst ODO small, mouse colored mare Mule,!) or ?0 years old, black legs and head. Any information will be reward ed. T. T. Simpson, Ira, S. C. 44-1 Artistic Wall Papers, from the celebra ted bouse ol' Alfred Peats. Miss Cornish be-s the ladies to call Kt 70 South Main St. and inspect her large books of sam ples. 44-1 To kill two blades of grass where one was killed before is a problem just now. Sullivan Hardware Co's. Harrows can solve it for you quick. Why do Fumbler Bicycles continue year after year to be the most popular Wheel made? Because the very best material is used economically and intel ligently to the best possible advantage. 43-2 Brock Bros. Hoes aro indispensable on the farm. Every farmer wants low prices and the best to be had, Sull.van Hardware Co. buy in car lots and have the Hoes and the prices. Vears of test by the farmers of Ander son County prove the Roman Harrows sold by Sullivan Hardware Co. to be un excelled in cotton and corn. Save your grain when the time comes with Counts'home-tnade. baud-set Grain Cradle.?, sold exclusively by Sullivan Hardware Co. The "Klondike," au all-steel, new de sign of Harrow-thoroughly tested in this section-has many poiuts of advan tage. They are sold exclusively by Sul livan Hardware Co. To make the crop with the least ex pense is business, and if you mean busi ness it ia simply business to buy your Harrows, Hoes, Ac, ol' Sullivan Hard ware Co. When you wani a new Bicycle Saddle, an Inner Tube, a Floor Pump, Cement, or anything iu the line of Bicycle Sun dries, please bear in mind that Sullivau Hardware Co. can save you money on such items. Sullivan Hardware Co. have ibo largest and most complete stock of Bicycle Sun dries and Bicycle Fittings carried by any bouse in the Statb Thia department of their business receives very close and careful attention, and anything wanted in this lino can always be found in stock at a price that is right. Cut Flowers, Pot Plants and Palms for sale. MKS. J. F. CM N ESCALES, 242 Main St. Free! Talk Tree ! Hardware Talk Free ! To the Ladies. We will present to the lady wearing thu most appropriate Costume at the Skating Car ni*.-al at night on May .">, ISM, at Skating Kink, a nice pair of Ladies Skate?. ' ?et our ??rices on Skates. Bicycles; and, in /act. everything on Wheels, and all kinds of Hardware before buyitig else where- Your? for business, . ; - _' Brock Uro--. Fifty dozen Shirts manufactured by Joseph Fowler, and made to retail for $1.00 and $1.25. We bought the entire lot, and after due consideration, and to just make people talk about us, we have marked the entire fifty dozen at They cost, usually, 87 l-2c and $1.00 each. Now, if you ever intend to wear a Shirt this is your opportunity to buy one for less than cost to manufacture. No fake, but facts and a look will convince any one. Remember And would like to say right here that we bought four hun dred Suits at a Spot Cash slaughter sale that we will throw on our counters Wednesday morning, 19th April, at prices that defy any and all competition. We propose to sell you Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Furnishings for less money than Anderson County traders ever bought, or can hope to buy again. Don't turn your money loose without first seeing us. No trouble to show Goods, and we cordially invite an inspection of our Stock. Our Goods must be sold, and to move them quick have inaugurated this Cwt Sale. Our loss your gain. ML d MILFORD. Clothiers and FurnisMers. When You... Spend your money for a pair of Oxford Ties why not spend it where you can get the worth of it. Line of ?I 73 OXFORD TIES ARE REAUTIES. Call and let us show you all the latest Shapes, Styles and Colors, and then when you see your friends you can safely tell them that. ""We Sell 'em for Less." Yours for Reliable Shoes, COBB & OEAYTON, The Shoe Store People in Masonic Temple, Yates Shoe Co's. Old Stand. To the Unshod, Bare-oacked, and Hungry Population : HEAR us for our cause, for our cause is your cause. It is unseemly for a great and powerful nation to shake from its feet its sandals, to divest itself of its clothing and to scrape the bottom of the dour barrel ia its efforts to eke out a living on blackberries and melons. We are no Filipinos. What, then, shall ye wear and wherewithal shall your appetites be clothed ? Verily, if ye would walk in pride, like the strutting peacock, ye must FEEL , like strutting. No man putteth on ? paper-bottom Shoe, clotheth himself in shoddy raiment and eateth black Flour eoeth out to parade himself as a "good leeler.'' But he that wears our all-leathor ?1.00 Shoos, buys our Standard Dry Goods and eats only Bean's Patent Flour, is a hummer with chin-whiskers, and his name shall be Rockefeller, Mathuselah or ''something better." We'll SAVE YOU MONEY and a peck bf trouble. DEAN & RATLKFFE, THE BARGAIN PRINCES. ^g&- Parties owing us for FERTILIZERS will please call in and give Notes for same at once. MOLASSES, MOLASSES. IF you need a Barrelpf Molasses you can't alford to buy until you have seen us. Y\'e have just received a big lot-all gr?des-and know we can please you in both quality and price. Also, new lot of Shoes, Dry Goods and Notions That wo will sell cheap, and we have a lew Shoes and other Goods that we are still selling at ;">uc. and 75c. on the dollar Here are only a few prices : Muscovado Molasses. 334c. per gallon. Uood Molasses. 12*c. per gallon. (iood Coffee. ll lbs. for SLOG. li>c. Tobacco in lu lb. (baddies for. ode. Jeans Pants. 40c; Shirts. Inc. FLOUR, CORN, MEAT, LARD, Etc., AT BOTTOM PRICES. Yours for nosiness, MOORE, AOKER & CO., MAST ?IDE PUBLIC SQUARE-CORNER STORE. FREE CITY DELIVERY.