The Anderson intelligencer. (Anderson Court House, S.C.) 1860-1914, March 08, 1899, Page 5, Image 5

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In order to make room for our . . . Which are daily coming in, we offer Special inducements in Winter Dress Goods, Shoes, Overcoats, Rubber Coats, &c. We have some great bargains in these lines, and solicit your inspection. We hope to do the largest business in Of all kindSj including Guano, Acid, Meal, Farm Supplies,&c That we have ever done before. We are prepared to supply your wants in all lines, and to our farmer friends will say we will be pleased to receive your orders, which we can fill in all departments, and will guarantee satisfaction. If we have not what you want, we will send out and get it for you. Our Mr. Osborne Miss Helen Cater and Mrs. Ida Crayton, our Milliner, are nov in the Northern markets looking up the best and latest things in their respective departments. It goes without saying that the thorough knowledge of the wants of our friends and customers possessed by the above named trio guarantees the selection of the most complete and well-bought line of Dress Goods, Notions, Millinery, &c, ever shown in this market. We have secured tke services of Mrs, J. M. Duke, of Pen dleton, to take charge cf our Dress-Making Department, than whom there is no better Dress-Maker, or of more artistic taste in Upper Carolina. Her superiority as an artist in her line is too well known tc require that we say more in her praise than that we guarantee all of her work to be up-to date and first-class in every respect. Her prices will be rea sonable, and we pay no commissions in this department. We shall put forth OU? best efforts during the coming season to give our friends ihe best and latest style Goods at reasonable prices and the nost courteous attention. There is no sentiment in this, theie is no friendship in chis, there is no kinship in this, but sold business ; and if you wish to get the best value for yoxr money come around and in spect our Goods. Exercise jour judgment and we fear no competition. Thanking you all for your past liberal patronage we cor dially invite you to make our Store your place of business. Yours truly Wholesale and Retail Dealers in ( x.erier? ] JVTerchamiise? vNDKR90>. !??. <.;. Local News WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8, 1809, THE COTTON MARKET. Corrected Weekly by Brown, Osborne A Co. Strict Good Mddling-Gi. Good Middling-0*. Strict: Middling-??. Middling-iii-. Stained Cotton-4 to ?. The grippe continues to catch new victims. Thc Anderson Knitting Mill is an assured fact. Miss Sue Whit hold is in Konen Path visiting relatives. Wc can \supply you with lien and mortgage ninnies. Mr. L. E. Xorryce is spending a few days in (J reen wood on business. The Anderson merchants are busy receiving and opening new good si Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Maxwell have re turned from their bridal trip to Florida. Mrs. .1. E. Crayton and children, of Seneca, are in the cit*' visiting rela tives. All sorts ot! country produce meet with ready sale iu rho city at fair prices. Miss Maude Payne, who has been visiting friends in Columbia, returned home last Saturday. A local weather prophet says the backbone of winter is broken and pre dicts an early spring. J. E. Breazeale, Esq., is in Columbia this week codifying thc Acts passed by thc recent Legislature. Mr. L. C. Harrison, of Rock Hill, S. C., spent a few days in the city last week visiting relatives. A "Breezy Time" in the Opera House next Friday evening will no doubt attract a large audience. Mr. J. E. Norment, the genial repre sentative of the 'N'?tes and Courier, .spent yesterday in. the city. The Southern Express Company has established a city ofiice in Pelzcr. Mr. A. G. Pinckney is the agent. Mr. A. C. Townsend has leased his plantation in the Corner and moved to the Fretwell place, near this city. Messrs. John Cochran, John Sadler and. Nine Maxwell attended a ball in Greenwood last Wednesday night. The time for paying city taxes ex pires next Wednesday, and there will be no further extension of the time. AV. P. B. Kimmi, an evangelist, will1 begin a series of meetings in a tent at Iva on the last Sunday of this month. The young ladies are now getting ready for Easter, and for the next few weeks the milliners will be quite busy. Perry Williams, the colored shoe maker on Church street, repairs um brellas and parasols, and does his work well. , Messrs. W. li. Hubbard, Wm. Laugh lin and Sheriff Green, who have been in the embraces of thc grippe, are out again. If your buggy or wagon needs repair ing, Paul Stephens will accomodntc you. See his advertisement in another column. We regret to learn that Mrs. J. C. Hamlin, who has been quite sick for several weeks, is not convalescing rapidly. A few cords of well seasoned pine] wood are wanted by the editors. De linquents can pay us tor their paper in that way. We iiave had a touch of spring weather the past week. The early gardener took advantage of it and planted a few seed. Capt. eThos. F. Hill, who has been spendinga few weeks ai Tifton, Ga;, returned home last week, very much improved in health. As soon as the weather will permit Street Superintendent Jackson will put a large force ot! hands to work on the streets of the city. A severe storm visited this section last Saturday night about 12 o'clock. A great many people were frightened, but no damage resulted. Mrs. Elizabeth Taylor, of Abbeville County, died at the home ol' her da ligh ter, Mrs. J. B. Anderson, in Piedmont on t he 24th ult., aged SI years. Mr. W. M. Hall, ol Lincoln. Ala., is in the County visiting relatives. Ile is the rides! sou ol: the. late Joah Hall, and moved west many years ago. Last Friday and Saturday (he mer cury climbed higher than il has ever done before this early in .March in this section, it having touched 7S degrees in the shade. This section was visited itv a heavy fall of snow last .Monday, melted as fastas it fell, lt was followed by a cold wave from the northwest, and yesterday morning t here was a severe freeze. Messrs. ll. II. Wilcox and Chas. Dodd, ol' Hartwell, (?a.. spent last Saturday and Sunday in tin-eily. Mr. Wilcox is an old Anderson hoy and his visits here are always a source ol' much pleasure lo friends. Congressmen La tinier and Norton and Senator Tillman, accompanied hy a number ol' Congressmen from distan! States, fpoii! last, night in Green ville, will gu to Columbia to-day, thence to ( 'harh'stoii and on lo ( 'nba. We are un, 1er o I ?I ?ga I ions f < > Mr. .1. .1. '.'ilk er for a late copy ol' I lu* San .luau (Corlo I? ico) .Xrirs, which was sent him by his sou, Ceo.'!', linker, who is in charge of ih<- commissary on I he trans port "l.'ouuiaiiia." which is engaged in bringing back to I ho I'idled States the bodies of (lu* soldiers who died ?ii Culla. ('amit W. XV. Humphreys, S Confederad- Veterans, will mci iiiorrow (Thursday) afternoon, o'clock in Clerk ol! Court Wit oilier. All Hie members are uri attend prompt!}-, as the nicetin he an importan! olio. There have been large sales o ron seed by farmers of the surroui country during the past row w Ju s run?' instances thc farmers been exchanging the seed for con eial fertilizers, and iii others they been taking the cash. Our young friend, I ?lair Cia who lias boon clerking in Abbe returned home a i'ew days agc will take charge ol' thc new drug to be opened on North Main street few days. His friends are more pleased to welcome him back hom The Confederate Veterans in r of Pendleton will have a mee! ii Farmers" Hall next Saturday a noon, 11th inst., at:] o'clock. Al Veterans in thal section are urg< attend the meeting and hear all a the approaching reunion afc Charlo At thc examination ol' teachers the public schools, held on thc February, twenty-one persons, as i tated by thc following numbers, i .successful: 1st: grade. Np. 88: 2nd gr class A. Nos. 57, 88, 80. 8;5. ty 411, pf) r,2, 80, 40. 1, 44, 88 ; 2nd grade, cia Nos. 0, 20, -"iii, 87, 47. TS. The last issue of the New \ Musical Courier gives ;i lengthy count of a grand operatic concert wi was recently given in that city by 1 noted teacher. Madame Moysenhc and her pupils. Among the pupils 1 participated in the concert was 3 Josie Peoples, of this city, who is e< plimented very highly. The indefatigable C. S. Minor lui hard struggle with nature last Mon* in his effort to sprout a spring nth tiscment. Every time he made a st thc young shoots fro/.e before he co get them on paper. But C. S. trium ed and the result appears in our ( minis this week, ltcnd it. t Will g your sides a shake and may save : money. Thc Atlanta Constitution .ot thc : inst, says: "Mrs. A. C. Latimer, w of Congressman A. C. Latimer, of ll ton, S. C., is visiting her charm: daughter, Miss Mamie Latimer, win attending Washington seminary. M Latimer is accompanied by two of 1 little daughters, Olive and Alice. M Latimer is a niece of the late Coven Joseph E. Brown." . The Court of Common Pleas adjoin ed last Saturday afternoon, and a hu number of cases had to be continu until the next term. The case of W Ellis against the Anderson Cotton M for 815,000 damages for the loss of 1 arm in the mill about eighteen mont ago, consumed about two days of t Court. The Jury staid out all of F day night, and, being unable to ag? were discharged Saturday morning ai a mistrial was entered. Grant Park in Atlantais soon to lia a magnificent museum for the preserv tiou of curiosities, Confederate relit, etc. A movement lias been started this direction by our energetic frien Dr. George Brown, Vice-president the Hoard of Park Commissioners, ai he is meeting with great success in li work. Ile is being backed in the moy ment by some of the cit}* and Sta authorities, and the object is to bur an institution to cost a good sum th; will be an ornament to the (Jato City. Mrs. Day, wife of Capt. Elias Da. died at her home in Easley last We? nesday evening, after a long and pail ful illness. Mrs. Day was truly a goo woman, and had lived a Christian f< man}- years. Having united with tl: Baptist Church when quite young sli adorned the life ol' her profession mit the end came. She leaves a disconsi late husband and seven children (neal ly all of whom are grown) with :i wid circle of friends to mourn her den tl She was about 50 years of age, and WJI a sister ol' rx-ShcrilV Molt, of th i County. Last Saturday in Atlanta a chal ti' was granted hy Secretary of State Coo to t h c i n co rpora tors o f t h e S ca b na rd : i n Gulf Ka i hoad to construct 447 miles o their line through the eastern portie: of Georgia. This line is to run fron Anderson to Carabella. Fin. The At lauta C<nixt?fii(ii'n,\u speaking ol'th charter says: "lt is the intention o the company to construct l he 447 mile of thc line through this State at tin earliest possible moment, ?iud to titi end Secretary of State Cook was in formed Saturday after the granting o tile charter thal the construction of i\ line in Elbert county would begin a once. The road is incorporated with ,. capital stock ol' ?l.onu.noO ano is t< have its principal office in this S ta te at Stillniore, Emanuel county. Prom inent among the incorpora I ors ol'tin company are George M. Hriiison, J..S Carling,'A. lilock.O.A.Smith, ('has Hurst, Howard Smith. U. A. Colo ant George Ketch uni." The Greenville Xeirs o!" the "?rd inst, says: "Charles !?. Pack, the Ander son furnit ure dealer; who was placed in jail here Tuesday <?> ?' warrain sworn ont against him hy his partner, \Y. 15. Freeman, charging forgery, has Ava i ved preliminary before .Magistrale Hodges and heo?i released mi a ?7511 justified hom! sigueil by hr. XV. S. Pack, of t Iiis eily, u lm is a hrolher to the accused" The amount of the bond was fixed hy .Magistrate Russell, ol' Anderson, by whom the warrant .which was countersigned hy Magistrale Hodges here, was issued. The I rial is lo he hud at I he next terni nf the An de rsi m Court, which opens on the I hird .Monda} in .linn-. The proseen I or was disappointed when he heard ol' the re lease, and thinks the amontil ol thc bond is ton small. Solicitor Anseldocs not I h i ii 1% I hat ?he homl is loo sundi, as the minimum punishment lixed hy lau for forgery is sc\ en years and such line a - thc judge sees lil lo impose. Thc maximum penally is one year and a line. The defence say thal the forger} is only'techiiical and are confident thal Hie} can secure an acquittal. A". II. ' Hean has lieen einploved lo defend .Mr. I'ack." Fled meutert. Scientists ?uni elect ricinus cannot agree upon the number ol' electric volt, thal: are necessary to cause a Cessation ol' life in i ?ic immun body. Sonn.'claim that an excessive shock is more likeh to cause incineration rather than in stantaneous death : but if tiny would t urn their attention to prolonging and increasing th,: pleasures ul' life the pub lic would hail the result: with more sat isfaction. For instance, the electricity generated in a wave of laughter is. after all, the most pleasant shock, and to see a large assembly moved by a current of uncontrollable mirth while witnessing the performance of Fit/, and Webster's ne AV musical farce com edy, "A Breezy Time." places beyond dispute the fact that large volts of laughter.are better than volts of elec tricity any day. "A Breezy Time" will be seen af the Opern House Friday evening. Seats on sale to-morrow at Wilhire's drug store. An Appeal from the Daughters of the Confederacy for Aid. Friends and oountryiiien, lend me your ears, or rather your eyes. Our State, through her metropolis, has in vited the Confederate Veterans to meet: with us in May. Now. it behooves us. as loyal Sout h Carolinians, tn prove our traditional hospitality. The shaine id' insufficient accommodation for our visitors would not fall upon Charles ton alone, but upon the State of South Carolina. In 'lil we led the van, it was the clarion tones of our fathers, upon most of whom ?i deep silence has fallen now which called our sister States to unite with us in resenting tyranny and wrong to tight, if fight we must, for the independence Avhich our Revoln tionary sires had so hardly won. Many of you remember thc day the troops went off, some of you then were bright-eyed girls, and proudly, though through a mist of tears, you waved farewells to brothers and sweethearts who, side by side, marched hopefully away. You remember, too, that some of those brave boys never came home again, and those who did were boys no longer, but earnest, saddened men. Bravely they took up thc hard burden of life and year by year the ranks have grown thinner, thc heads whiter, the furrows deeper, until now, instead of the hopeful young men of ?(>i, there is a band of noble old men to whom Ave, the women of a hiter generation, OAVC a double meed of reverence and love. Regardless of thc heavy burden of un accustomed poverty, and the bitter defeat of a cause they felt to be right and just, they sheltered our childhood's years and smoothed for us the path of life. XOAV to these men unto whose lives so much shadow has fallen, a bright spot is their annual reunion-Avhen they meet Avith old Avar time comrades, tell again the dear old Avar time tales, clasp hands and look into eyes that, until the glad reunion on the other side of thc daile river, they may never meet again. Let us make for these old sol diers one more happy time ; it Avili surely be the last for ninny. Anderson County did not fail in ; let her not fail UOAV, The South Carolina Reunion must be thc best the Veterans haA-e ever knoAvn. Tlie Robert E. Lee Chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy Avish to help the Veterans send a large contri bution to Charleston, to be used in the entertainment of South Carolina's visi tors, and in order to ?lo so they have j determined to serve dinner on Friday, March 17th. Now, ladies, it is a physi cal impossibility to see every one of you to ask for a contribution to this dinner. But through the columns of our newspapers I make a personal ap peal to every woman in Anderson, town and County, to help us. Mrs. ,J. O. Wilhite is chairman of the commit tee on meats. Mrs. B. F. Wilson is chairman of thc committee on salads; Mrs. J. E. Breazeale has charge of the coffee, Mrs. F. ti. Brown is chairman of the committee on cakes, Mrs. Ray mond Beaty ol' deserts. Notify these ladies ol' ?my contribution you may Avish to make to their departments. Or Mrs. Wm. Laughlin or Mrs. J. R. Vaiuliver will make a note ol' any con tribution you may oller them. They will also receive the names of those who AV ?sh to contribute rice, bread, pickles, etc. The ladies who promise edibles are asked to send them in as early in the morning as possible, as Ave w ish to he ready to Serve dinner at 1*2 o'clock. We will notify you later what hall Ave shall occupy. Now. gentlemen, do your part, every one of you. on Fri day. March 17th. laking your dinner with the I >n lighters ofthc ( 'on 1 ederney. Millions Given Away. lt in certainly i:r:iiil> ii!g to the public lo lc:io>v nf o?."-; concern iii HJe :a.tul who are mr. n'rniil to rte gene "Us to the neeVJv ami siitl-riug. Tac proprietors . Dr. King's NV* I recovery !'?r ? 'o.;Mi ii)ption, Coligna und (.'olds, have given aw ny over ten mil Hun iriai bottles of thin un at u.ooicine: ?inri have ititi satisfaction of knowing it Im* absolute!v cured t.o?msands of hope cases As>th'M?, Bronchitis, Hoarse ness und ad di?essfcs ot lite Throat, Chest ami s unns ure surely cured by ii., (.'all ou Hill-urr Cmg Ci. ami eel a trial bootle tree Ke^ukr size 50.:; a?>t! ?"1 Every bottle ?ruaranieetl; or price rotunded. Juc T. I Ju rr ii?? w-iH nive your burbled pipes in-plumbing (d aily Kind prompt attention. st? \\'H art* he.(-l.|icir!ers for plumbiug supplies, iind als.) hiive with us ii lirst chiss plum Oer. falls promptly alt "nd od. lin ?ck Uros. Ii is high lime you were solecting your Wheel for ls1.'.'. 1 f you make a WISH ?ter (rtsio?i you will rid? a Karn bier, Hartford, or Crawford. I'ri ces ch ?a j ?cr than ever before. Brock Uro:-. Buy y-or Farm Bells at Brock Bros. ate! you will never regret it; K;:i* Sale-t'ne soi ni I'.liicK'smitii Tool*. Chsap as cotton H rock Uro.-. The Syracuse Turu Plow runs twonty [ er cent, lighter than any other. This is ?i broad assertion, Inn when yon irv ono am! lind this is not true wo don't roi] ni ni you lo keepit. Brock Bros. U!. Every Viking or Crorcont Bicycle ?old by Sullivan Hardware Co m ?ko? bicy cling moro popular. Every owner of such a AV hool is au enthusiastic bicyclist. For February and March indicates Now be wise, save a doctor's bill and prepare for the weath er. Buy a m Yon can use it next Pall. The price now will be about one half. To be straight we must close out all Winter Suits. The only way to do this successfully is to j "That's what we will do." Specials on Overcoats. Big lot of Top Coats, Covert Cloth, worth $6.00, now to be sold for $3.75. All others left on hand at same propor tional reduction. Winter Shoes must be sold. Price no object. The above are facts-no advertising talk. Salesmen : C. B. HALL, A. G. MEANS. Merchant Tailor : PHILIP IJOSSE. PORTANT NOTICE EVERYTHING IN OUR . . . WINTER WEIGHT SHOES Come and look through and see if you can't find the size you want. Every pair guarantee i. Remember " WE SELL THEM FOR LESS." Yours for Reliable Shoes, COBB & CEAYTON, The Shoe Store People in Masonic Temple. B&* Can't give you Trading Stamps with the above Goods. OWL BRAND GUANO. IF you want the BEST GUANO on the market, and at a very reason able price, buy OWL BP^A-lsTD. These Goods need no words ol' commendation ironi us. More of them have been, .sold iii Anderson than any other one brand of Guano. We also handle POWERS, GIBBS & CO'S, celebrated Fertilizers, and will make it to your interest to see us bet?re you buy. Very truly, D. C. BROWN & BRO. P. S.-One Thousand Barrels ol' FLOUR, bought before the advance, which wc are going to sell cheap. D. C. B. & B. A FIRST-CLASS COO K Can't do first-class work with second-class materials. But you eau hold the girl accountable ii' you buy your : : : : GROCERIES FROM US ! We have the right kinds of everything ami at thc right prices. Where Qualities are equal no dealer can sell for less than we do. We guarantee to give honest quantity at the very LOWEST PRICES. Come and see us. Wc have numerous articles in stock that will help you get up a square meal for a little money. Our Stock ol' Confections, Tobacco, Cigars, Etc., Are always complete. Yours to please, Free Clly Mirery. Gr.. F. BIGKBY.