In order to make room for our . . . GOODS ! rhich are daily coming in, wo offer Special inducements in farter Dress Goads, Shoes, Overcoats, Rubber Coats, &c. fe have some great bargains in these lines, and solicit your i8pection. We hope to do the largest business in Dry Goods, Notions, in Arv MU y ll kinds, including 9 Acid, Meal, arm Supplies,&c we have ever done before. We are prepared to supply [wants in all lines, and to our farmer friends will say [ill be pleased to receive your orders, which we caa ?ll I departments, and will guarantee satisfaction. If we [not what you want, we will send out and get it for you. Mr. Osborne, Miss Helen Cater and Mrs. Ida Crayton, ?iiiner, are now in the Northern markets looking np the md latest things in their respective departments. It I without saying that the thorough knowledge of the of our Mends and customers possessed by the above Itrio guarantees the selection of the most complete rell-bought line ef Dress Goods, Notions, Millinery, &c, shown in this market. h have secured the services of Mrs. J. M. Duke, of Fen i to take charge of our Dress-Making Department, than there io no better Dressmaker, or of more artistic |in Upper Carolina. Her superiority as an artist in her too well known to require that we Baymore in her than that we guarantee all of her work to be up-to nd first-class in every respect. Her pri?es will be rea [le, and we pay no commissions in this department. k shall put forth our best efforts during the coming a to give our friends the best and latest style Goods at table prices and the most courteous attention. There [?entraient -in this, there is no friendship in this, there kinship in this, but solid business ; and if you wish to ie best value for your money come around and in loor ?Goods. Exercise your judgment and we fear no cition. Wiking you all for your past liberal patronage we cor in vite you to make our Store your place of business. Tours truly, rown, Osborne 4 Co. Wholesale and Retail Sealers in ?nepal lNd[eroh.etri elise? ANDERSON. f? KJ. Local News, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1, 18!?9. n w----? >> THE COTTON HABEST. Corrected Weekly by Brown, Osborne A Co. Strict Good Mddling-UL Good Middling Strict MiildliiiK-?ii. Middling-*}*. Stained Cotton-4 to 5. Next Monday is Salesday. SIT advertisement of city bonds for side. Tho early gardeners are beginning to get restless. Mr. W. H. Hubbard is confined to his honie with tin* gripi>. lb* sure to sow ??nts ns soon us you can sturt your ploughs. The latest forms of hens ?ind mort gages eau be secured nt mis office. Col..I. \Y. Norris is seriously ill at his home, six miles south of the city. Mr. F. M. lintier hus gone to Macon, where lie will eiigugo in business. Puring the past, week this section has had a few days of Spring-like weather. Mrs. C. F. Jones is in Greenville visiting lier sister, Mrs. James A. Hoyt. Col. Jas. ll. Tillman, of the Edgo lield Har. is in the city on professional business. New goods are arriving at C. F. Jones ?V Co's, store. Read their new advertisement. A grand shoe und clothing: sale is now on nt the Alliance Store. Sec now advertisement. In their new advertisement ll. 0. Kvans & Co. quote some low prices. Rend it carefully. Col. L. W. Perrin, ono of Abbeville** popular lawyers, spent a few days in the city the past week. Mr. R. C. Brownlee, of Due West, was in the city last week visiting his brother. Mr. S. D. Brownlee. Messrs. E. X. Graydon and F. B. Crier, of the, Greenwood Bar, worein the city Inst, week attending Court. The school trustees of Fork Town ship will meet at Alpine on Saturday, 11th inst., to approve teachers' claims. Mr. Sol. Lesser, of Lesser Co., hus gone, to Philadelphia and New York to buy a big stock of spring and summer goods. The time for paying State and Coun ty taxes expired yesterday. Then? are very few delinquents in Anderson County. By mutual agreement the Banks of thc city now close at 2 o'clock p. m. Bear tins in mind and govern yourself accordingly. Lesser & Co. announce a great re duction in prices in all departments, as will be seen by reading their new ad vertisement. Miss Helen Brcaxeale and Miss lue/. Campbell, two of Belton's most popu lar young ladies, visited friends in the city last week. If you" contemplate purchasing n stove yon should read carefully the new advertisement of J. T. Burriss in another column. Married, in this city, on Monday af ternoon, February 27, 18W>, by Kev. S. B. Harper, Mr. Charlie Lewis mid Miss Amelia Craft, both of Anderson Coun ty. Mr. L. E. Norrycc, who has been en gaged as a clerk in the Engrossing De partment during the session of thc Legislature, reached home last Satur day. Hon. B. F. Cray ton attended a meet ing of the Executive Committee of the South Carolina Agricultural and Me chanical Society in Columbia last week. Mr. Ben. Fant, win? has so long and faithfully served as chief clerk in the Anderson Postofiiee, retired this morn ing, and is succeeded by Mr. Cuy Rucker. Mr. W. R. Osborne, Mrs. Ida Clayton and Miss Helen Cater are now in thc Northern markets buying the Spring stock of goods for Messrs. Brown, Os borne & Co. Thc Austin Grocery Company at Pel/.er has been chartered by the Sec retary of State. I). L. Donald is pres ident, and John A. Austin secretary and treasurer. Mr. James E. Barton has purchased from Mr. Ab. Kay the lot at the corner of McDuttic and Calhoun streets, und will soon erect a commodious dwelling house thereon. Married, on Thursday, February Iff, 189?, at the home of Miss Essie Clink - scales, by Rev. N. G. Wright, Mr. M. N. Mitchell ami Miss Dicey L. Tucker, both of Anderson County. Dur young friend, C. M. McClure, of this County, left yesterday for Pough keepsie, N. Y., where he will spend the next few months attending the noted Business College of that city. Mrs. S. Bleekley went to Washing ton, D. C.. last week to attend the an nual meeting of thc Daughters of the American Revolution. She represents ! Catcecheo Chapter of this city. Thc Knights of Pythias hold their regular meeting to-morrow evening at H o'clock. There nie several candi dates for the second and third ranks, and all thc members arc urged to attend. At a meeting of the City Council last Friday night tin- time for paying the first installment of the city taxes was extended until the 15th inst., when the books will positively close. The second installment can be paid any time prior to 1st of next September. The city treasurer is in his office at the City Hall from '.I a. m. to ~t p. m. 1 A small out-house on Mr. .1. I?, Cun ningham's pince, in this city, was de stroyed by tin- last Friday morning, about daylight, lt contained about Hf ty bushels ol' coin, lt is nut known bow tbe tire originated. Kill War?', a negro truant on Hon. Josh. W. Ashley's plantation, in linnea Tath Township, hail his arm torn to pieces in a gin a tew ?lays ago. Thc arm was amputated, ami tlie negro is doing as well as possible. Sherill'tireen was forced to take his bcd a few days ago ou account ot a se vere attack ot'? he grippe. We join his many friends in wishing him a speedy recovery. Deputy Hose is discharging the Sheriffsduties in Court. No satisfactory reports have been made ns to thc result of the freeze on small grain. Some of the farmers be lieve that th?- ??ats are kilted in many places and that wheat has been con siderably thinned ?rn certain soils. The Clemson College Cutlets spent last Friday at Kock Hill visiting thc Winthrop Industrial College. Cadet Nevie Newell, of the Patrick Military Institute, accompanied thc Clemson boys, and reports a most enjoyable trip. Mr. C. C. Vaughn, of Moseley, S. C.. was in thc city Saturday, buying goods ami shaking hands with his friends. ll?* is a worthy representative of An derson County and lu- was a welcome visitor to our otliee.- lilbrrtou {Hu.) Star Miss Kate Cornish has been appoint ed hy tin- Ti m rod Memorial Associa tion to solicit subscribers for copies of the new edition of Timrod's Poems. This is a valuable book and will no doubt meet with ready sale throughout the State. Hon. F. ll. Hodges, one of the oldest and most influential citizens of Hart well, tia., died at his home in that town last Friday, after an illness of several months. He has many obi friends in this section who will regret to hear ?d' his death. The Hoheit E. Lee Chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy will meet next Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock, at the residence of Mrs. W. ll. Frierson. A matter of importance is to be brought before this meeting, and all members are urged to attend. We have received m opy ol' Iteesley's Guide to St. Michael's Church in Charleston. The book contains a num ber of illustrations and much interest ing and historical matter. It is well worth the price, 00 cents, postage pre paid. If you want a copy address Chas. N. Beesley, :!? George street. Charleston, S. c. Our young friend and former towns man, Mr. J. Augustus Sullivan, is now in New York, where he has accepted a position as a reporter for fbi' New York Daily A'CMV?, the leading afternoon paper of that city. Mr. Sullivan isa bright, energetic young man. and we predict for him a successful career in New York journalism. Mrs. .J. A. Hrock spent last week in Washington, attending the Eighth Continental Congress of the Nat ional Society of the Daughters of the Amer ican Revolution. The Daughters were the recipients ot' many social distinc tions, a brilliant reception tendered them by President and Mrs. McKinley being one of tlte most notable events of the week. Mr. W. A. Hendricks has resigned his position with the C. A. Reed Music House, and left last Friday for Indiana polis, Indiana, where he will got mar ried to a popular young holy of that city. He will engage in business in that city. Mr. Hendricks is an excel lent .young man, lind made many friends in Anderson, who regret t?? SIM him leave herc. The arrangement for a magistrate at Piedmont for next year is as follows: Greenville and Anderson Counties will divide the expense of maintaining this oflicer, als?? the constable. Th?- salary of each will be $100.00. ,1. C. Mitchell of Piedmont, who has tilled the posi tion so acceptably for the past year, was recommended by both tin- Ander son and ti reen ville delegation to tin Legislature tor the place.- I.'h'ttniom Sa II . Au IH-months-old child ?d' a negri woman was burned to death at Pelzet last Saturday. The woman lived in J small house in Superintendent Guy'i yard at Pelzer. She went away, leav ing the child locked in. Nobody knowi bow the tire started. The Hist seen ol it the flameswerebreakingthrough th? J roof. When tin* door was broken ii j the child was found dead, its bod; partly consumed. Mr. A. X. Hays died at bis home ii Clinton. S. C., on Tuesday, -1st ult. after a short illness with pneumonia A wife and three children survive him The deceased was tin* s?-eond son o tin* late Welton Hays, of this County For several years lu* had been mer chandisingat Greenwood, ami recent ly moved to Clinton, where he hm opened a store, lb- has many friend in Andersen County who will regret ti hear of bis death. Mr. Lee G. Holleman has been eleel ed book-keeper, (a lucrative ami re sponsihle position,) ?d' the new bank a Anderson, which will bc ready fo business before long. He is u son II Mr. J. W. Holleman, of Walhalla, an hus been employed in ?me of th?' lead ing mercantile establishments in An derson for several years. His man friends in Walhalla and throughoii th?' County will bc glad to learn ?d' hi promotion.-Ovomv SVIVH. The Southern Passenger Associ?t io has just issued a circular authorizin rates to the Confederate Veterans* IN union at Charleston on th?- dates Ma 10-1*5. The rate named is I cent a mil in each direction. Tickets will b?- o sah- from points within a huudrc miles of Charleston May !t. IO, it an vi. good lo return until May 1*5. I!< yon?! a hundred mil?-<, which ulled Anderson. tlu*> will only bi sold May S, !l uml ll?, hill goo.I lo I t l Ul ll until May 31. Messrs. Brown, (i>hoi-iii' ? Co. have scoured the services nf Miss Helen Cuter, who hus long In en identified with the trude of ?his ? itv. We con gratulate them on (his good business stroke. Miss Helen's superiority ns a saleslady i> well known, and now that she will have full charge of the dress goods department of this timi, her greater success is assured. Sin- is now in thc Northern markets buying the Spring stock, ami'hopes io greet her '.nany customers and friends on her re turn. The Directors of thc People's Hank met a few days ago and elected the following officers : President, .1. .1. Fretwell; Vice-President, I-'.C. I frown; Cashier, K.M. Harriss; Assistant Cash ier. John N. Hie? kiev; Hook-keeper. Lee ll. HolleuuiU. The Hank has opened and is doing business at Hie office of J. J. Fret well. The contract for the erection ot a three-story build ing, :tOx'.HI feet, will he let ina tew days and the work w ill be pushed as rapidly as possible. Tin- building will he lo cated ?>n Fast Henson street, near Hi?' southeast corner ol' the l'?1111*1 House Sipiare. Anderson County has lost one of its best and most valued citizens in Hie deaf h of Capt. James W. I'01 ?rc, which oc?-ll rr?'?I at his home in Helton a few ?lays ago. !!?. was ?un-?d' nature's im ! blcmeii. true to his principles and un selfish in his conduct ; circumspect and trustworthy in every relation of life, while his deeds of kindness are ever lasting memorials of a generous nat un-. II?* was a most useful citizen ami m one ever doubled the reality of his r? Itgion. He w as a valiant soldier of Hu Confederacy, and his record in pone? ? has been marked by industry, upright ness and faithfulness in all its obliga lions, a precious heritage t?> his family j and au example worthy of emulutioi in every community.-fi reen eil le Motin Uti neer. The Westminster correspondent ?? I the f leaner JXcirs says : "The weddin1 of Miss Myrtie Hiott to Mr. John Ter ! rell of Lockhart, S. C., occurred las I Wednesday nt high noon at the hom of the bride's father. Kev. D. W. Hiott nt Townville. They (tame immediate); to Westminster to the home of th j groom's father. Mr. M. A. Terrell. Ol Thursday Mrs. W. L. Knglnud gav j them un elegant dinner und Frida, morning they left for Lockhart, timi future home. Miss Hiott made mau; friends ?luring her residence here an possesses all those graces ot mind an heart which constitutes the real lady Mr. Terrell is well known in this hi boyhood home. Many friends <-xl?-n congratulations and wish for thci much,joy, happiness and prosperity."' Cashmeres and light-weight cloth) says Harper* liazar, will bi* in styl this Spring, and als?? during the Sum mer. Some of the newest of thee materials are charming in texture un color, (?ray, which hus been so fast ionable all Winter, will be in fnv< again, there being many di Here 1 shades to choose from. Whit??, to??, ? to be quite the rage. There ure a retuly a number of charming whit gow ns being made up in both cushnie) and cloth. One, very attractive, iuaile with ?'oat und skirt trimmed wit applique ?>f cut-work. Thc coat isl be worn ?iver a white chiffon wais Om* of the newest ideas is to have thee cl?>th suits in white or wry light grn; with the chiffon waists to bc worn ni deruen th. Cf ?.ourse this is only tl revival ?if an ??ld fashion, but tlx* elle* is so charming it is wort whileh re vii ing it. lu lut ion th?- March number ?d' Ila ??er s Magazine is especially rich, lirai ?1er Matthews contributes 11 charade istic short story. "Hil the Steps of tl City Hall," illustrated by W. T. SIIMM b?r. limier the titi?- '.Without fl Courts,'* Sarah Barnwell Kl liol contri utes a vivid picture of a critical pim of Southern life md unlike that whit she portray?'?! in lu-r noted story, ".' Incident." "The Kcutcd Hons?'," 1 ( ictavcThanet, ?sunextremely inter*'' ing psychological story ??fan altogeth original style. A md lier short st??ry th deserves attention is "The Way of t Cross,"* by Stephen Bonsai. "The Sp: o' Life,"" by William McLennan and N. Mcilwraith is concluded in tl number, and will shortly be issued "nook form. "Their Silver We?bli JoiiHiey," by W. D. Howells, is ?'o tinned, and it is appropriately iib strafed by W. T. Smedley. Beats the Klondike. Mr. A C Thomas, of Marysville, Te ha? found a more valuadle discovery tb OHM yet bpen mauH in the Klondike, i y>aru he -uttered untold at;<>ny from cr ?nm pt ion. arnon) pun Ind bv hemurrhai?* am! wan absolutely cured by Dr. Kin Ne* Dincoverv for Consumption. (*ou( ? i ni ('olia. He declares that gold ia little value in comparison with this m ve!ous cur*-; would have it, even il it c a hundred dollars a bottle Antin: Brunel ili? and all throat and lung ade ion? are positively cured hy hr. Kin New Discovery tor Confcumption. Ti bottles free at HHI-Orr Drug Co. Regu si7.e.FX) cts. and $1.00 Uuaranteed to ci or price refunded. Strayed ! From my barn, at Threo-Mile-Bran One Rod Muly C?>w. When last seen 1 on rope Imiter. Will appreciate any formatiou. J. J. F u KT w 1:1.1 FUR SA Liv 'WO bushels of Peas, 75c, ?. <>. b. K. H. HORTON, Low ml ville, S. C. Wanted. Plans ami Specifications for Bi Building, 'VOs'.Nj feet, thrte stories hi Plans must bo submitted on or by Ma 4. I8!i?>. Reserva right to reject any 1 all oilers. Jos. J. KliKI W T.I.I.. F. - 'z Commute? ,l?l?f received a cur o' Florence \VHI?< J. S. Kowi.Kl Every Viking or C manet) t Bicycle s by Sullivan Hardware *'o inakt s bl cling more popular. Every owner such a wheel is au < nthtlHiastic bicycl WEATHER FORECAST For February and March Indicates Cold. Snow, And Rain. Now be wisc, save a doctor's bill and prepare for the weath er. Buy a You eau use it next Fall. The price now will be about one half. To be straight we must close out all Winter Suits. The only way to do this successfully is to MAKE THE PRICE ABOUT ONE-HALF. "That's what we will do." Specials on Overcoats. Big lot of Top Coats, Covert Cloth, worth $6.00, now to be sold for $3.75. All others left on hand at same propor tional reduction. Winter Shoes must be sold. Price no object. The above are facts-no advertising talk. HALL k MILFORD. Salesmen :1 Merchant Tailor : C. B. HALL, PHILIP LOSSE. A. G. MEANS. IMPORTANT NOTICE EVERYTHING IN OUR . . . WINTER WEIGHT SHOES Come and look through and see if you can't find the size you want. Every pair guaranteei. Remember " WE SELL THEM FOR LESS. Your* for Reliable Shoes, COBB & CBLYTON, The Shoe Store People in Masonic Temple. I?r" Can't give you Trading Stamps with the above Gouda. OWL BRAND GUANO. IF you want the BEST GUANO on the market, and at a very reason able price, buy OWL BIRMIN"ID. These Goods need no words ol' commendation from ud. More of them have been sold in Anderson than any other one brand of Guano. Wc also handle POWERS, GIBBS ?V CO'S, celebrated Fertilizers, and will make it to your interest to eee us before you buy. Very truly, O. C. BROWN & BRO. I*. S.-One Thousand Barrels of FLOUR, bought before the advance, which we are going to sell cheap. D. C. B. A: B. A FIRST-CLASS COOK Can't do first-class work with second-class materials. But you eau hold , the girl accountable if you buy your : : : : GROCERIES FROM US ? Wc have the right kinds of everything and at the right prices. Where qualities are equal no dealer can sell for less than we do. We guarantee lo give honest quantity at thc very LOWEST PRICKS. Come and see us. We have mimerons articless in stock that will help voil get np a square meal for a little money. Our Stork of Confections, Tobacco, Cigars, Etc., Arc always complete. Yours to please, Free Cit> Delivery. GK F. BIGBY.