ggj?KSCALES & LANGSTON. ANDERSON, S. C., WEDNESDAY, MARCH I. !?!?!>. \(U^M?XXX1V---NO. M We I Are Told THAT our competitors consider themselves lucky when tiipy lose no more than from live to lil'teeu per cent, of their i otal sales eaeh year by bad debts. Of course some body must stand this loss. It's not the intention that it shall rest on the credit merchant. The old-fashioned credit system of charging much more than the Goods are worth provides very nicely for even 15 per cent, losses. The men who pay their bills and buy of credit houses -rand all these losses, by simply paying much more than wc ask tor the same Good*, and merely to secure credit-a few weeks credit. lt isn't a (puestiou of honesty with us. We credit no one. We keep no books. We give you more value for 7*ic. cash than our competitors would for 81.00 ou credit. If you are displeased with any purchase you make here, let us kuow and we will give you-YOUR MONEY BACK IF YrOU WANT IT. ?lose $1.00 Jeans Pants we are selling1 for 75c. The number we put on sale was luckily larte, else you late emilers wouldn't have the selection to choose from. These Pants are worth 81.00 at any credit house. SHIRTS. Twenty-five dozen NEGLIGEE SHIRTS, with two Collars and one pair separate Cufls to match. Credit .Stores make a leader of these GoodB at 50c. EVANS' PRIDE IS ONLY 40c. Tell your triends that WE SELL IT FOR LESS." . 0. Evans & Co, THE SPOT CASE CLOTHIERS. RE YOU HUNTING BARGAINS? E bave bought the entire Stock of J. P. SULLIVAN ?k CO. and will continue ?saut tbe same Stand. Ravine bought this Stock at a considerable discount, ""in position to give you BARGAINS in GROCERIES, |reean 9eli you Shoes, Mats, Dry Goods? Notions* Etc., I below orlglual cost. When you are ia Towu we want you io make head ra with us and feel just like you are at home, and we will treat you the best ow bow, talk about these things, and have a lively time on the Corner, eknnw that weean save you money, and all we ask la that you givo UB a s. We will carry a completo line of General Merchandise. e will bave a lot of New Goods in a few days of all kinds. MOORE, ACKER 8t CO. ?My friends and old customers are invited to call on me. I will be glad to bern in any way I can. Don't forget where I am-at J. P. Sullivan ?fe Clo's. OD the Corner. OSCAR MOORE. ?MINT. The Cough and Cold that irritates and torments is relieved with T ARM INT. 25c. and 50c. tsons lache Powders. Relieve Headache and Neuralgia. 10c. and 25c. fat ~ [um Powder, An elegant Toilet Powder. Prevents and relieves chapping and chafing. Sold in bulk, any quanti ty. 60c. per pound. For Rheumatism and Neuralgic Pains rub with our .... Nerve and Bone Liniment. It is the BEST. 25c and 50c. Johnson s Worm And Liver Syrup. Removes Worms, is pala table, safe and sure. 25c. Landreth's Seeds. Just received. Fresh and new. ILL-ORR DRUG GO. CONSTABLE KILLS A WOMAN. Mrs. Stuart of Columbia Shot in thc Ureas! hy State Constable Crawford* Coi. t*.MI ii.^ S.e.. LVh. S?.-Mrs. John Stuart is lying at tin* point ol'death, shot hy State Constables; John Stuart ia shot itt the month and NV. ll. Craw ford, ehief State Constable, is shot in the arni, all about tho dispensary law. Crawford and the State Constables went to St uart's home to make a search. Protests followed. Mrs. Stuart asked leave to semi for her husband, who clerks at Miinnuugh's. When Stuart esme he and Crawford got into a dispute about the righi to search. Stuart said the house could not he searched. Crawford said it would he as he had a warrant. Crawford says he reasoned with Stuart and told him he must he a fool. Stuart says "You're a damned fool." Crawford struck Stuart in the face and later pulled a pistol and struck Stuart twice in the faire with it. Mrs. Stuart cann' out ami begged that there he no trouble. Constables Dorn ami Coleman bemired Crawford ti? leave. Then, the Constables say, Stuart opened the door and tired at Crawford. Crawford says he then banged away, tiring three times. The second hall, a ll. hit Mrs. Stuart just below thc nipple. The Constables say Stuart tired twice while they were retiring and that Crawford returned the tire. Crawford ?lid all the firing from the Constables' side. The house is within a stone's throw of the Governor's mansion. Crawford has a wound on the arm. The Shel itt'and Chief of Police Daley arrested Cooley, who was along, and the three Constables are now at Magis trate Smith's court room under arrest. In response to a telephone message Governor Ellcrbc has directed the local militia company out to protect the men and ordered that they be taken to the Penitentiary. A crowd is outside crying "take 'em out," "lynch 'em," and the like. There is much feeling in the city and much hurrahing. The Sherill"has addressed th?' crowd, saying that he will protect the prison ers'as he is sworn to do. Mrs. Stuart is expected to die tit any minute. Crawford has been iu two previous killing affairs as Constable, it seems, including a Negro in Greenville. He says he has proof that liquor had been sold in Stuart's house tor some finie past and had all th?' necessary papers. Crawford admits hitting Stuart on the face before Stuart went into the house and returned with a pistol which he tired. Mrs. Stuart fell over on the door step of her home. Stuart opened the ?loor before lirinj;. The physicians will allow noone at thc Stuart House. Coi.L'MUiA, S. C., Feb. 20. 1 a. m. Mrs. Stuart is not dead and has been taken to the hospital. A big mob is yet in front of the magistrate's office calling for the Constables to be brought out. As the Richland Volunteers are on the grounds no further ?rouble is ex pected. The Governor's Guards have just come up to reinforce the Volun teers. Coi.I'M nt A, S. C., Feb. 20.-Mrs. .lohn Stuart, the woman shot lust night hy Dispensary Constable (.'lawford, who was attempting to search her house for whisky, died this afternoon at 5::i0 o'clock from the effects of the wound. The woman's husband, who was shot at the same time, will recover. The four Constables, v were kept prisoners in a magistrate .. ollice until 5 o'clock this morning, guarded by two militia eonipnnii.-s, were at that hour escorted hy the troops and a force of policemen and sheriff's posse to the State Penitentiary for safe keeping. Good Advice. The Washington lJont, which seems to understand conditions of the South better than any other newspaper pub lished north of the Potomac, says: "The South does not and never will pretend that it ?fters the negro politi cal domination, otticial control or substantial ascendancy of any kind. The South is frank enough to proclaim faith that the negro represents an in ferior race and shall not he permitted to rule. But the colored people will be wise to consider that the white South erners are their renl friends and sym pathizers. The time has come for the negro to choose between the 'lender' who promises much and does nothing for Ids welfare and the Southern white who promises nothing and does much." No truer statement of the position of the white men of the South has been made ; no better counsel has been otter ed to the negroes in this section. The "leaders" of the negro have gotten him into most of his troubles and are responsible for mistakes- whieh have cost him very dearly. We are glad to believe that , a ma jority of the negroes in the South have learned wisdom by experience and cheerfully accept the position which by laws and instincts beyond tho control of man they now hold and under exist ing conditions must continue to' oc cupy. WAR IN THE PHIUPPINKS. Dewey Cubit's for thc Oregon. \V \sillN i<> day rail ?lou1 tin* war ?I? partium) us fol lows : MANILA, Feb. '.M.-Siandia arrived last night. <>n nights nf-?Isl and'."Jd and yesterday morning insurgent t roops gained access to outskirts of the eity behind our lines. Many in hilling and about I,UOO entrenched themselves. Completely routed yesterday with loss of killed and wounded of about firth and .J0f? prisoners. to ino in number lode into the Si j un le ami stopped in front nf Kiley's hotel. They were all on horseback and all were armed. The men were all. or nearly all from the vi cinity of I'ho-iiix, in this county, and a number ol'the best citizens nf that sec tion were in the party. None nf the crowd wore masks, and there was un attempt at concealment. Hon. .1. M. Caines appeared to be in command and ; did most nf the talking. Inquiry was made if .Inc Tolbert wasat the hotel. On being tobi that Tolbert had left the j city several days ago. the crowd, with j possibly one or two oxeoptions. seemed glad of it. They said they did not waul 1 any blond shed, and wen* glad Tolbert was out of i he way. The object of tile visit to C reen wood j the men composing the party stated, was to make u demonstration showing the attitude of the people of the I'llo - nix section toward (hose of the Toi bert s win?were to blame for the recent polit ical troubles in this county. Two of these Toi berts, it was known, had been in this eily, and the citizens stated that the object of their visit, was to protest against the presence of these menin the county, and if they weie still there, to insist on their imm?diate de parture. On finding that the men they were looking for were not in the city, the citizens spent about two hours around town before starting for their homes, liefere leaving they mad?: urgent re quests of Mr. T. K. Kiley and otlu-rcit izens not tn allow any ?d' th?- Tolberts now under proscription to again take up their resilience in the city for any length ?d' tim?-. Tin- people in t In- lower portion ol' th?' enmity, it was repre sented, had suffered for many years at tin* hands of th?- Tolberts, ami they have resolved that they will not sutler from this cause any longer They do not believe that pence and good order can be maintained with the Tolberts in the county al present, and they ?lo not propose to run any risk-. They said that if the Tolberts had shown any sign ol' rogr?U for their past conduct ami th?' ronseipicuces ?if it, ami had made any pletlgcs as t?? g?l ?*?>n duct in th?- tuturi', their return might, have boen tolerated, but that until the Tolberts slmwcd some ?l?-sir?- to have th?' friendship ami good will of the peo ple of th? county they wouhl mit li?' allowed to live in this county again. Th?; ?'itizenssaid t hey thought tin*soon er this was known the bet ter it wouhl he for all parties concerned, and that the object of their visit here was to make that fact known in the most-un mistakable maimer. The crowil, during the two hours" stay in th?* ?'?ty, was generally quiet and orderly. Some ol' the men had bren drinking, and one or two were disposed to be quarrelsome arni uiuke asses of'*, but the gri'iit majority wein sober men, amt so ber men w?*ie certainly in ?rhtirge of thu crowil ami directed its movements. The leaders were using every ?'Mort to keep ?l??wis any disord?*iiy ??r unseem ly conduct. Thc crowd started out of town in the direction ofl'luenix about ll ??*clo?'k. A stop was made at the home of Mr. W.H. Napier, in the outskirts of the ?.itv. Mr. Napier isa brother-in-law of .las. \V. Tolbert. Tolbert has beim then- for two w?-?'ks, but l?*Ft, it is saith sevi'ial ?lays ago. Mr. Napier was tobi not to allow Tolb?-rt to return. Mr. Napier stated y?'ster?lay that the crowd, during th?' s!??p at his house, was quiet and orderly : that no threats were ma?te and that nn abusiv?- language was used. Tho Stute correspondent talk lie is ahlc tu leave his room. : - (Enlargements of (?raahy Cotton Factory in Columbia, S. C. costing $500,0110, were commenced Feb. JI. j - The city council of Samtor has compelled all the children attending the public schorls to he vaccinated. ! (?roenville girls take tn the sol diers. There have been several mar riages recently, the soldiers being thc j grooms. - Tims. I'incknev. .lr., :i prominent young lawyer of Charleston, was shot three times last Saturday night while on his way hume. Three person- have died iti Huck Hill within twelve months from drink itlg "Wood Alcohol." That gets in the work quicker than single \. I'al motto brand. - From September I, ?S'.IS, to Feb I mary '_'."?, lS'.i'.i. thc police of Spartan burg maile ak Lawn Cotton Mills, Kork Shoal-, S. C.. ,,, C. |> Nesbitt A Son wa- recorded a lew day- IL'" at Greenville the price, paid being $10, 000, The do. utuont was liberally plastered with war revenue >i:>.:::\-, *ln wort h being used. - Kailroad building in South Caro lina is to have the biggest revival known in recent years, judged hy thu number <-! new charters granted by the General Assembly just closed. According to these charters the:--are eleven new railroads projected, having in round numbers an aggregate letigtl of ."ititi miles. .The recent free/" killed thou-ar.d < of bird- nf all kinds throughout tuc Slate. An Orangcbergian say- ? .? found lifty-two dov i's under an upturn ed tree frozen to death. He also a : < J a covey ul partridges had been found in his neighborhood frozen slit' Lt i- -aid that some one count -d eighty hirds dead on the South Carolina and Georgia railroad between Oraogeburg and .lami-oii, .1 distance of seven aries. Saluda river has 1: id itself liable to the displeasure of the State author ities getting into the liquor business. On Saturday a keg floated down to Piedmont and when fished out it was found to be about half full of whiskey diluted with muddy water. Magistrate Mitchell took charge of this original package of navigating whiskey. The keg had probably been washed out from some hiding place up the river. fi rmi rilli- Mountinia! r. Adjt. Gen. Floyd int-'uds to start shortly upon the work of reorganizing the State militia and for that purpose he and his assistant, Col. .lohn D. Frost, will visit all the companies in the State to ascertain which of them shall be re tained and to lind out the status of affairs in regard to the arms and uni forms of the companies. There ure now 70 companies, or alleged compa nies, on the rolls, but many ol' these are known to ho in a thoroughly dis organized state and not to be relied upon in ease of need. ST4TK OK OHIO, CI IV OK TOLKKO, j I.o AH Coi:Kl \, I I-'KANK.I. CHUNKY makes ?alli timi ho is tim Miniar partner nf I ho il rm of V. .1, CUKSKV A <"<>, doun; business in thc i'tty ot' T::!?-d?;, Cornily ad Stain afotesahl ami that sahl linn will jiay th* MIHI of <>Ni; llliNI'KKI) HOLLAHS for eat li and Mvory raxo of CATAKUII that ?-annot ho cured by tli lSSii. ;SI:AL; A. W. (JI.KASON. Salary Public. Hali's Catarrh ('uro ia Liken internally and sota directly on the Mondam! mucous surfaces of thu system Send for tostimonials, free. Address, K. .1. CHENEY A CO.,Tpledo O. Kidd by Drue?iM*. 7?C. Hall's Kare Dy Pills aro tho best. Cheap Printing-. Law Briefs at 00 cents u Page-Good Work, Good Paper, Prompt Delivery. Si imites cheaper than at any other house. Catalogues in tho best style. If you have printing todo, it will bu tu your interest, to write to the Press aral llanner, Abbeville, S. C. tt'. 1). S. V ANDI VER.K. I'. VANDIVEK. We want to figure with ycu on FLOUR, COFFEE, MOLASSES, TOB *CCO, and all linds of GROCERIES and STAPLE DRY GOODS and SHOES. Don't fail to see us on GUANO, ACID, GERMAN KAIN IT, NURI ATE OF POTASH, or anything in the Fertilizer line. We can save you money on high grade goods. If you want to settle what you owe Brownlee iV Ynndivers you will have to do ss quick, as we expect to placo the Ac counts in the hands of an Attorney for collection Mardi ist hy suit, if necessary. Yours truly, VANDIVER BROS. M. L CARLISLE. L. II. CAKLT9LK. NEW FANCY AND FAMILY GROCERY STORE. on North Main Street, two doors from Post Office. HAVING opened the above we beg to solicit the public patronage for everything in the line of Fancy and Family Groceries, Fine Tobacco, Fine Candies, Fine Cigars. We propose to keep on hand a complete line of Fresh Groceries at all time?, so by dealing with us you get Fredi Goods at very low prices. Free delivery to any part of City. Yours to please, CARLISLE BROS. $30.00 BICYCLE FOR 25 CENTS. IF you don't believe it come and see us and we will tell you all about it. This is the way to d ? it : Buy a Coupon from our Agents, (Messrs. Leroy Sadler or Frank Pearson,) and send it to us with 82.50, and get a Book which contains ten of these Coupons, which you must sell for 25c. each Lo your friends, and when they have bought Books, as you have done, you get a $30.00 Guaranteed High Grade 1809 Bicycle. If you do not un derstand drop in and we will be pleased to explain our plan, and also sh<>w you the greatest line of^ Wheels in the city. THOMSON CYCLE WORKS.