The Anderson intelligencer. (Anderson Court House, S.C.) 1860-1914, June 22, 1898, Page 8, Image 9

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LOCAL NEWS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 1898. At Hymen's Altar. Down.on South Main Street, where the beautiful water oaks fling fern-like sprays on the summer air, a very pretty parlor wedding took place this morning at 9 30 o'clock at the home of onr yonng towns men, Mesara Frank and Lucina Murphy. The contracting parties were Miss Julia Irene Murphy, of rbis city, and Mr. Mc Duffie M. Cater, of Abbeville ; two youog people well known in Anderson and its vicinity. The bride, a beautiful young lady, was lovely in a gown of cadet nine, trimmed with applique, and the manly groom was, of conree, attired in the regulation suit re quired for such a high, festive ooca*ioo. The bride entered tho parlor leaoinc on the arm of her sister, Mi-s Lmme Mur pby, while the groom followed, accompa nied by his be?t man, Mr. CL Bt>n. Allen. The ceremony was most impressively per formed by Kev O. L. Martin, assisted by Rev. J. N. H. Sn m merell. The parlor, which was handsomely dec orated with faros, palms and ox ey fd daisies, was crowded with the friends of the bride and groom, all esger to offer < their congratulations on the happy event j - The happy couple were the recipients ot* i many useful and beautiful presents. Mr. and Mrs. Cater left on the morning train for Abbeville, Ail our beat wisher attend these yonng peoDle, and let ns hope as they pass do wn the busy highroads of life that no shadows may flicker across their pathway, that the wayside flowers may ever bloom for them bright!?, and prosperity and happiness attend them. The Greenville Commencements. The commencements of Forman Uni versity and the Greenville Female College were exceedingly pleasant occasions from the baccalaureate sermons on Suuday to the floal exercises Thursday night when Ave yonng ladies graduated from the Fe male College Thia institution has pass ed through its most successful session under President Riley, 206 students having been enrolled thia year. Tbe^an Bual concert under Prof. G. Ferrata'was a splendid exhibition of the higbest or der of music, and the anniversary of the Judson Literary Society was a most in teresting entertainment. Forman University graduated fourteen yoong men and one young lady, Misa McGee, of Greenville. The cloBiog axer ?1868 Wednesday night w?re presided over by President Montague, whose en ergy, tact, wisdom and ability are doing so much for Forman. Tn? Forman alumni bave raised $8,000 for the new al o m ni ball. They will easi ly secure $2,000 additional when Prof. Jndaon will give $5,000 and the work of building will begin immediately. Rev. H. R. Moseley waa re-elected President of the Association Forman seems to have entered upon a new era of prosperi ty and success. Annual Honor Roll. The following is the annual honor roll of the Anderson Graded School for Schol arship and Deportment: 2jd Grade, advanced-Arthur Davis, George Fant, Tom Hill, Charlie Nabe rs, Robert Todd, Oze VanWyck, Bessie Mar t?n, Janie Thornton. 3rd Grade-Sam Gilmer, Sam Tribble, Nardin Webb. SCHOLARSHIP AND DEPORTMENT. 3rd Grade, advanced-George biles, Mell Glenn, William von Hasseln, Ber tha Ducket?, Cora W?hlte. 4th Grade-Lydia Orr, Adele Provost, ?attie Divver, Saidee Strickland, Nina Sullivan. 4tt Grade, advanced-Stacey Rossel I. 9th Grade-May Macau ley. 3th Grade, advanced-Addie Brown. ?th Grade-Herbert Howell. 7th Grade-Cora Mauldin 7th Grade, advanced-Bessie Simpson. Death of Mr. Manly. Died, after a brief illness, near Belton, 8. O., Jane 7th, 1898. Mr. G. W. Manly He was born in Laurens County, Feb. ll, 1818, bat moved to Anderson Conney wheo nearly grown. After the death of his wife, about twelve yeira ago, he lived j in the family of Mr. O. E. Breazeale, where he found a real borne-both giving and receiving expressions or confidence { and affection without interruption ana without abatement to the close of bis life. In 18<7 be was baptized on confession of Christ and became a member of tbe Bap tist Church in Belton, and lived the life of a consistent, decided Christian to tbe .and. Tbongh one of the most modest and re tiring of men, the excellence of his char acter through bia long life secured the hearty esteem of all who knew him, as ; was testified by the very large attendance at bia funeral. Stricken soddenly at the j ?lose of the day, June lat, he at once I fessed into unconsciousness, from which J t?sere was no recovery. He needed to ?peak no Iaat words: hi? message waa his ?very day life. C. M. Bennion of Students. EDITOR INTELLIGENCER: It has been contemplated for several years by the old students of Cantwell Institute to have a reunion this yeir. it being the 20ih year since that school elosed. I have been urged to take tbe matter in band by several of tbe old student*, being ene of tho oldest among them. So will ask yon to please give notice that we will meet at Anderson, June 27th, (Monday,) at lt o'c oek a. m., to formulate a pro gram and appoint some committees tbat will be needed. We want as many of tbe ?ld students to meet with ns as we oan get. So let each one feel aa if it hie indi vidual business to be there. Very truly yon rn, T T. WAKEFIELD. 8eptos, S. C., Jnne 15tb, 1898. Card ef Thanks. MR. EDITOR : Please allow us space in your columns to return our heart-felt thanks to our many kind neighbors and friends wbo so kindly ministered to our darling Eunice during her illness and deatb. May God richly reward each one of them. MR. AND MRS. L. C. KING. Crayton, 8. G Attention, Veterans. AH the mptnher? of ''amp L?dbpttf>r. N<?. 9S3, will meet nt Guyton on the first Satur 'R.v evening in Jnlv at 2 o'clock for the purpose of el ?*ct.i OR il*l*>uw*><* to iittend the Reunion at A-lama. G*., and IO traus ac otb**r important business By order t ouiuiander. A. M. GUYTON, Adjt. Notice. The County Democratic Executive Committee will meet at Anderson, S. C., on Monday, the 4th day of July next, at 12 o'clock m., for the purpose of arrang ing the County campaign, and transacting any other business that may come before it. J. E, BREA ZEA i. E, Cb. Co. Dem. Ex. Com., Anderson Co. Belton Items. This section was visited by several splendid rains last week, winding up with a very heavy one on Sunday after noon. In some places the land was con siderably washed, but otherwise there was no damage. The farmers seem to be in the best of spirits. They have an unusually favorable harvesting season and a fine opportunity for puttiDg their crops in such a condition as to be easily cultivated from now until they are laid by. Wheat through this section is reported as being unusually good. A fair crop of fall oats was made, but spring oats were almost a failure. Mr. J M. Reeves, formally of Laurens County, S. C., but now of Elberton, Ga., who is considered one o? the finest pen men in the South, is now teaching pen manship to a large and interesting class at the high school building. Arrangements preparatory to the enter taining of the Saluda Association are being made by the Baptist Church at this place. The meeting begins on Tues day the 2nd day of August, and contin ues through tbe 4tb. . We are looking forward to the entertaining of onr breth ren and friends with pleasant anticipa tions. All of our boya and girls who have been away to college have returned to their respective homes to spend the sum mer vacation. We note the following from the different colleges: Messrs. C. W. Rice, M. W. Grubbs, J. C. Green, and J. C. H oil id ay, Forman University; W. O. Latimer, Wofford College; O. J. Cope land, Nyack, N. Y; MUs Ora and Bessie Hmitb, Winthrop Normal College, and Mtss Mamie Latimer, Converse College. We.?re glad to welcome all these young people home again. They add very much to the life and pleasure of our town. Hon. A. C. Latimer and family have retuined to their home from Washington. Mr. Latimer was quite ill before he left Washington, but we are glad to report that be has improved rapidly since be came home, and is now able to be out. Lieut. Ed. R. Cox, of the Darlington Guards, spent a day orso with his parents last week. Mr. Cox is ordinarily a good looking man, but he presents a particu larly fine appearance in his splendid U. S. uniform. Mrs. and Dr W. C. Bowen visited tbe latter a parents at Little River last, Satur day jin d Sunday. Messrs. Clyde Green, Reuben Gambrell and W. B. West, attended Commence ment in Greenville last wo-*k. Mr. J. P Inabinit, of Orangeburg, vis ited Mr. W. C. Latimer last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lon McGee and Mr. and Bira. Robert Ligon, of Anderson, visited Mr. J. T. Rice's family 8unday. ? Major G. W. Cox, Commander Camp Andereon, Confederate Veteran*, wishes a meeting of the Camp ai 4 o'clock p. m., Saturday the 2od of July, in the wai ing room of Southern R. R. depot. Delegates to the reunion in Atlanta will be elected and other business of importance will be attended to The Commander wishes a .full meeting XXXX. Echoes from Prospect. Well, Mr. Editor, I guess you have about forgotten ''Old Uncle Vade,ie," as he bas been silent in the press for a long while, but not quite so in the cotton field. After many weeks of hot, dry weather we were fortunate enough to get a shower of rain, which was heartily welcomed by all. The crops are looking fine, considering the amount of rain sines they have been planted. The farmers are plowing their corn for tba last time, and cotton is almost ready to bloom. June peaches are getting ri pp. Come out, Mr. Editor, aud help us eat them, (WU,) Last tbird Sunday was regular preach ing day at Prospect,, and as usual, there was a large crowd. Brother Hawkins preached a very interesting sermon, and the congregation was very attentive. Mr. Oscar Sanders, who has been clerk ing for Wilhite & Wilhite, is at borne very ill with fever. We all hope Oscar will soon be able to return. Mr. Lee Sanders has also been qnite low with fever. We are all glad to learn he ia better now. Miss Clalr? Browne has returned home from Winthrop College. Several youngster* went fishing on the river last Monday evening. They didn't catch any fish I think they fished more on dry land than in the river. They re port a nice time. That's all right. But we do solemnly ask them, if they can't catch any fieb, will they please bold in their "gas" coming back and don't wake up everybody on the road. Ask some of the Prospect boys whose carriage is the center of attraction. Wheat threshing ls now about over, and from reports everybody made a good crop. Spring oats are almost a failure on ac count of tbe dry weather. Mr. Reed MoCrary, one of Pendleton's dashing sports, waa down on this side a few Sundays ago. What's the attraction? Watch him, boys. Mr. Arthur Erwin, one of Denver's warm P por ts, was brushing around on tbis side of the creek a few Sundays ego. Gi Vf bim room. boys. . - Well, as it is getting time ' Old Uncle Yaddie" was killing grass, I will ?lose, with best wishes to the INTELLIGENCER and its readers. OLD UNCLE TADDIE. Vncklens Aruica Salve. The best salve in theworld for Cutt Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corn?, and all Skin Erup tions and positively cures Piles, or uo pay required lt is guaranteed to gi ve perfect datisfaeMon, or money refund ed. Prise 25 cents per box. For sale by Hill-Orr Drug Co Corner Dote. Well. Mr. Editor, is I haven't seen any dots from this place lc a long Mme, I seat myself and take my pen in my hand and will try to give you the news Messrs. J. L. and A. B. Sherard, two graduates of the South Carolina College, have returned home. Both of them came ont with flying colors. Messrs. G. Howe Ligon and "W. Hamp ton Sherard- took in commencement at Due West last week. There is a certain dashing sport near here who, if you say "Who?" where he can hear you, will immediately say, "Whatyou want?" M ?ss Georgia Cunningham, from Lown desville, is visiting Mrs. V. C. Sherard and family, much to the delight of ber many friends here, who are always glad to see her. The following young people have re turned from Erskine College, at Due West: Misses Annie Beaty and Florence Clinkscales, (graduates,) Miss Mary Clinkscales and brother. It. P. Clink scales, Jr., and A. B. Wharton. There are others who have returned, but I can't remember them all. Miss Julia Stewart, from Doravale, Ga., is visiting relatives in this commu nity. Mr. Jep Wilson, of Anderson, was cir culating among his friends here last Sun day. Give him a big ring boys. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Wiles, of Honea Path, vUited Mr. Wiles' mother last week. Miss Mary Wiles, who has been attend ing the Greenville Female Collage, re turned home last wef-k Dr. W. E.Link visited the family of Kev. R. C. Ligon last week. What makes Isham look so sad now, boys? SQ rne hea'tb of our community is very good at present. All the green crops down in the Corner are simply fine Mr. W. T. A. Sherard took in Com mencement at Davidson College last week. Ask him to tell you bow to make an ri break a circle. Miss Sallie Sherard, who has bepn vis iting relatives and friends in Caudle CreAk, N. C., returned home last week. Miss Lois Davis, who bas been teaching school here, has closed ber school. Miss Lois is one of the best teachers we have ever bad, and if she doesn't teach again next year it will not be the patrons' fault. Mr. S. B. Sherard, who has been attend ing Davidson College, has returned home to spend bis vacation. Ask Hampton and George what they contemplate doing next year. WHISTLING JANE. Resolutions of Respect MT. BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH, June ll, 1898. Whereas, it bath pleased the Lord to re move fr m us by death, which occurred May 31st, Rev. Baxter Hays, who for a period of forty-five years bas been a faith ful minister of the gospel. He labored among us as only a servant of God could d<-, giving bis own life in service for oth ers, preaching tbe gospel to all classes, he sought to help all and to offend none. Truly be sought the people and not their pasm?n-?; and whereas, we feel that in his death the ministry bas lost an earnest, faithful lab rer, the church a safe guide ? nd the world a shining light. In this IM t. 8 thel) church bis name will be car ried into the next generation; our chil dren will hear of bis thirty years service and h during his earnest appeals to sinners, many resolved to turn to the Lord Eternity alone will reveal the val ue of his work. Indeed one more great man han fallen. Therefore, be it Resolved, That we bow in reverence and submission to the will of God who doeth all things well, and pray that His blessings may be granted unto us. May the way of grace and salvation so often marked out by our departed brother be followed bv us In the future. May tbe blessings of God rest especially upon our church lor whom our brother so often prnyf d. Resolved further, That these resolu tions wit h preamble be published in the Baptist Courier and that our county pa pera ba requested to publish the aa m e. We further resolve to send bis family a copy r jd to place a copy on our church record. D one in regular Conference June ll, 1898. D. A. SWINDLER, Mod. R. E. PARKSB, C. C. Centerrille Items. Messrs. Reid MoCrary and his brother, Henry, and, R A Buchanan, visited frMida in our burg the second Sunday. The fruit crop in our settlement is very good, bot it is very small on account of tbe dry weather. Mies Mary Gric? bas returned to her home at Pendleton, after a long stay with her .'riend, Mrs. J. H. Bowden. Prof. Welk, from Septns, S. C., can vassed our burg last week with some interesting war books, BO I heard. Mr. W. J. Erwin is remodeling his mill. Hf will soon be ready for us. and as he is a fine miller, I would advise you to try bim. Mr. Ha-mon Thompson and his be witching sisters, Misses Nannie and Beu lah, visited friends in our burg Saturday night and **unday. Come up and feast with us, Mr. Editor. BONNIE BELLE. Improvements may never cease. Cres c-i't meyers are always up to the highest rung of the ladder. The 8ullivan Hardware Co. caters to thon* who want the best bicycles for the lt-HBt money and know a good thing when tbev Bee it. F r valley tin, tin work, gutter, roofing, cornice work, etc., go to Osborne & Clink scalHH. Don't forget where to go for Harrow? .nd Hoes. Sullivan Hardware Co. sell tbe la'eat and bast at price? to Hake tom petition weep. The C. A. Reed Hosie Heise Are offering some special bargains in Pianos and Organs at thia time. It will certainly pay: any, who wiah to purchase an instrument, even in the remote future to see and investigate their magnificent stock. Sullivan Hard ware Co. give an absolute guarantee on the Hero and Crescent Bicy cles-no foolishness-all fair and square. Ir. in a revelation to see Sullivan Hard ware C .'-. line of Harrows and tremendous stock of hoes. Take your cboici-J Either the Counts, (a home-made article.) tbe Josh Berry 14 tl ger or other 14 finger Grain cradles at Su'ii van Hardware Co's Tn?re is an ep'demic of dysentery and dUrrtooi prev*l?"t now, and if you are af flicted you should try Evans Mixture, ?hieb oan be purchased at the Evans Pharmacy for 25 cents a bottle. It is high ly recommended by every person who has used it Protection to purchasers and homet treatment of all ls Sullivan Hardware Co's motto. Have you Reen the new Klondike Har ro? sold exclusively in Anderson by Sui li van Hardware Co? Sullivan Hardware Co. can open your eves on; Harrows-ihey sell the Terrell, the K'imm Klondike. Frix and ptbora. Poor Piurrbing canees sickness-to get the r>e<t plumbing dune, go to Osborne <fc Ciinkscalea. Sullivan Hirdware Co. keep up with all bicycle repairs, sundries. &c, buying bt quantity prices. Tney retail at wholesale ti ? u'res. Fort RENT-The offices recently occu pied i>v B'm hum ife "vatkitis, in the IN TELLIGENCER building. Apply at this Ollie... <; pat driveou handled II ?es a> Sullivan H ur" wara Co A n - r loan going at ligures t. > > Htuu ?nb the hiiyer , . Toe reliable Wni'o Mountain Ice Cream freez-rs lor *a!e by Osborne ct Cliukecalea. Mo experiment-a success1. That G?ilas ! Everything that sounds cheap in ?Nfc advertisement does not always appear so to the customer, we have placed on In the front part of our Store a line of Colored Figured Or gandies that are very low in price. French Organdies, quite a variety of Pasterns, (in many just about enough for a dress,) all to go at 18o. per yard. This is a big slash into prices. No mistake-you never got such Goods at this price before. We are placing new lots on our 5c, 8c anil 10c piles every day. We are figuring close these days. Quite a lot of Odds and Ends that many customers are taking .advantage of. Drop in to see us. New lot Domestics, Linens and full line Skirt Goods just received. You've never bought Domestics so cheap. Ribbons are still right to the front-can scarcely keep in the staple widths and colors. That "Cut Price" let can't fail to interest you. Summer Millinery is still in demand. Just received a new lot of Ladies' Pure White Trimmed Sailors. Summer Millinery goes right down in price now; not long to sell it now, but you will have a good long while to wear it. Would like to fix up a pretty White Mid-Summer Hat for you. Our Trimmers will be with us throughout the Summer season. Our Stock of Dry Goods, as well as Notions and other lines, has been kept fresh, and will continue so throughout the Summer by constant replenishing. We are closing out some lots of Spring Clothing very cheap. Good line of Alpaca and Light Weight Clothing for Sum mer wear. Gents' Furnishings, Straw Hats, &c. Nothing will interest a merchant more at this season of the year than to have a Cash customer come around for Sum mer Goods. We think we can interest Cash Customers just at this time. Yours very truly, C. F. JONES 5 CO., ANOTHER BIG CUT IN PRICES THIS WEEK... LESSERS. One lot of Fine Wash Gooda that were 10c-our price this week only 5c. a yard, One lot Black Satine, guaranteed fast aniline black, our price this week only 9c. Yarrf-wide Sea Tsland, our price this week only 4c. Silver Star Cheviots, the best Goods of the kind in the market, for this week only 61 c. One lot of our best Cottonades, in Stripes and Checks, colors warranted, our price this week li?e. IN OUR LOTION DEPARTMENT. One lot Featherbone Corsets, our regular 50c. line, our price this week only 35c. One lot of our best Corsets, regular one dollar line, for this week 79c. Ladies' Unbleached Undervest, for this week, 4c. A handsome Bleached Undtrvest for Ladies, extra length, ai only 7c. A full line of Fast Black Children.'* Hose, regular mad?, nice good?, 10c. a pair. Big bargains in Leather Belts thia week. Gents Furnishing Department. Collars, Cuff-*, Ties, Socks, Suppeode?, Gauze Underwear, Laundered and Unlaundered Shirts, in colored and white, Handkerchiefs and Straw Hats. We are showing a complete line, and at prices unheard of before Shoe Department We have just received a new lot of Ladies' Oxford's and Sandals. These Goods ar? ss bolt as a glove, aud will give solid comfort to the wearer. We will offer them this week at 98c. One lot of Ladies' Tan Slippers, 5 to 7, will go for this week at only 69c. One lot old Ladies' Kid Bals. Will close this lot out this week at only 59c. One lot Ladies' Genuine Dongola Shoes, every pair guaranteed, to closo for this Wtek at 89c. Gentlemen's fine, all leather Shoe?, in Lace or Congress. Will close for J this week ai $1.23. Millinery Department-Millinery at one-half its real value. We have a large assortment of Ladies' and Children's Hats that we will close out at a sac ince. Don't buy before you see our line, as you can save money. Our 82.00 Trimmed Hats now f??r $1.00, and our 81.00 Trimmed Hats at 50i', our 75c. Sailors now go ut 49c You are cordially invited to call and inspect our mauy bargains offered during this week's Big Cut Rate Sale, as we will give you big value for your money, uiul will tavc you Iroin 15 to 2-5 per cent on any articles purchased in our ??tore. You?s very respectfully, LESSER & CO., UNDER MASONIC TEMPLE, Next door to Ligon & Letibetter. We come to you Singing a Song, With Victory perched on our Banners. OUR five years' experience with the DEERING IDEAL BALL BEARING MOWERS ha3 convinced us, as well as hundreds of the beet farmers in Andersou County, that they are most appropriately named-that they are ideal in light draft, in strength, in durability and in ability to ile perfect work. Perlect as were the Deering Machines last year, we know that they are still better improved and strengthened for the harvest of 1898. Re member that they are the only Mowers on the market that can start from a stop, in any crop, without backing. Every Deering Mower sold is an adver tisement for us, and is the means of us selling another. Can our competitors say that ? Remember, one thorn of experience is worth a whole wilderness of warning. For Engines, Engine Fittings, Saw Mills, And for any kind of MACHINERY and SUPPLIES, remember we are Headquarters for Low Prices. Yours truly, BROOK BROS. The Hall Self-Feeding Cotton Gin! iiMBKACES all the improvements known to modern Gins, and is the feat est, lightest running Gin on the market. They are giving entire satisfaction allover the cotton-growing country, and numbers of Ginners in Anderson County will testify as to its merits. PENDLETON, S. C., December 17th, 18S7. MESSRS. MCCULLY BROS., Anderson, S. C. DEAR SIRS :-Y?>urs of 16th duly received. It gives me pleasure to tes tify to the merits of 60-Saw Hall Gin outfit purchased of you in October. I find it very light running, fast, uuusually good as to roil, whn-h rarely if ever breaks. It elf ans the seed just as you may desire and the sample is good, an? I have heard very favorable comments from cotton buyers. I think it wifi prove a durable machine, and I ara more than pleased with it iu every way. Yours truly, 0. A. BOWEN. If you contemplate putting in an outfit this season come to see us or ?toop us a card and we will call on you. McCULLY BROS. T. F. HILL 8. M. ORR, M D. W. H. NARDIN, M. ?. J. P DUCKETT, M. D. Hill-Orr Drug Co WE hope the people understand that our taking these Doctors into the business doesn't mean that they are all to live off the Firm. The Mauagera and Clerks, of course, are dependent upon the success and profits of the institu tion, as they have no other visible means of support. These Doctors, however, get their living physicing folks, and their principal bases of supplies are those who imagine they are sick. Our purpose is this: The go xl old days are past. Com petition aud new methods have done away entirely with the large profit feiture in all lines of business. It is the volume, properly managed mid directed, that leads to suc cess in aoy line; and we hop.^ by a community of capital and influence to so iuorease the volume of our business as to compensate for the decrease in net profits. We shalbjcarry EVERYTHING in the line, Whole sale and Retail, and arrange so that you ean get what you want from us any time-day or night. We confidently atk our share of the patronage. HILL-ORR DRUG CO. MUSIC, MUSIC, MUSIC ! PIANOS, ORGANS, And Small Musical Instruments, of Every Variety, at THE C. A. REED MUSIC HOUSE. ALLOW us to call your attention to th? viral ?nil important fact that MUMO te th? moBt refining of all ednoatnrs, and wo. ovular, ??ff irrt to allow oar ehildreo to grow up in ignorance of th?? elevating and refininor vfluenoe; hence the great, mnfkv t??.n<v? nf prncurinc an Instrument of annie kind We have at present some GRuaT BARGA.IN8 in Pi-mos and Organs which *e would be ?Ud to show voa. Though it in h*rdiv uec?*<arv to maki Mis stat-raent. we allow no one to soper ?ede ns regarding Qiality. P ice or T*r a?, and every representation that we have ?Mr made regaiding our goo-is have pri>v?n (?rrect. The roa-iy unsolicited testioMt?nts we receive corroborate tnis tant. W-i can certain! v m ?fee it to the interest of prospec tive purchasers to call and ex?' our Stock, or write us for catalogues a id prices. Respectful iv, _C. A. REED. THE MAINE QUESTION [s where can be had the Best QI \f flt C?t for the Least Money ? DIU I WkELO Th*? Battle has been fought and Victory d?*cl?re<l i? favor of . . . 1OBMSCF Nothing Cl????p about the Crescent* but tho Price. And remember thar, yon eau buy the CRESCENTS just as cheap from us as anywhere iu the world. GUARANTEE ABSOLUTE. SULLIVAN HARDWARE CO. W. W. SULLIVAN, Manager Bicycle Department. ? : ( ;