BY CHNKSCALES & LANGSTON. ANDEESON, S.^DNESDAY, MAY 18, ISO^ mti?T oimng i We had rather tell the truth about our Goods and sell you next year than to exaggerate and sell you to-day. Bye-and-bye you will learn how satisfactory it is to deal with us. It is the future we are building for. Men Suits! Lined and unlined Suits of a cloth that doesn't muss easily ; that if soiled cleans easily ; that if wet doesn't leave water marks. Thats Serge ! Our kind is blue, extremely light weight, single-breasted Suits $9.00, $1000, $11.00 $12.00. You will be asked at least $1.00 more for them at credit bouses. The newest styles in STRAW HATS AND NEGLIGEE SHIRTS Summer Underwear, too. ^Remember-SPOT CASH. No Goods charged, and your money back if you want it. . Evans a* Co THE: SPOT CASH CLOTHIERS. 9 War, War, War ! We are at war with HIGH PRICES AND CHEAP STUFF, JKJST> OXJ1R PRICES AID QUALITY WILL WI U WU 9W> SEE U*. & CO CUBA IVIUST BE FREE. If you want to enlist at once and at a good salary apply to - - - ID. O. BEOWF Sc BRO., And they will assist you. IF you don't want to enlist, but want to buy your Goods for th,- least money apply to D. C. Brown & Bro. Wo will sell - 200 Barrels Straight Flour at. $4 7.r> 2?0 Barrels Best Family Flour at. 4 20 .r>() Barrels Good Family Flour at. 4 00 70 Barrels Low Grade Flour at. :) 50 We handle HAY, CORN, OATS. BRAN, and all Heavy Groneries, nial are selling them below all competition. On SHOES and DRY GOODS we are headquarters. Come ami see us. D. C. BROWN & BRO, Next to Post OJiicu. PROGRESS OF TEE WM. The Latest Developments in the War Between United States and Spain? Bombardment of San Juan. PORTO BICO, May lo.-Admiral Sampson, after having pounded so vigorously against the old walls of the fortifications of San Juan, now walks the deck of his flagship a conqueror. There were indications last night that thc admiral had grown tired of waiting for the fleet which never came, and that he had decided upon the alternative movement of reducing Porto Rico. The ships, riding grandly upon the waters, kept maneuvering for position, and when sunrise could be discerned, a swift messenger went belching forth from one of the guns of the Iowa, and sent terror into the hearts of the inmates of the Morro whose history in Porto Rice is fully as repulsive as that of its namesake in Cuba. It was with grim face, full of deter mination, that Captain Robley J). Evans found himself commissioned to send shot and shell into the midst of the hated Spaniards. Xo sooner had thc Iowa's sizzling messenger reached its destination than the guns of the Indiana were trained upou the fortifi cations. From thc slowness with which thc first answer caine back it would appear as if thc garrison must have been asleep, and even when the shells from the American vessels must have aroused them to full wakefulness, their answer was feeble, and as thc walls began crumbling around them they abandoned their guns, and San Juan lay at thc mercy of Admiral Sampson. The work was so quickly done and with such little resistance that the officers of the fleet could scarcely believe that the end had come, but with no enemy in sight, w'th no re sponding shots, it was useless to con tinue the fight. This ending, how ever, was in strange contrast with tho impudence and insulting messages which the Spanish ofiicers have sent during the last day or two. They would not surrender, but showing their teeth in white rage, hissed tuc challenge. "Come and take us if you can." The people of San Juan who could get away have been seeking the interior for a week past. It was well known there that a conflict was at hand; that the bombardment of thc city was inevitable, whether the Spanish fleet came or not. Admiral Sampson did not wish to go any farther than the reduction of the fortifications. That accomplished, the end of Spanish power in Porto Rico has been brought about. It brings with it, however, the necessity of providing for the pub lic safety, for with the destruction of Spanish authority, demoralization reigns in Porto Rico. This will make necessary quick action on our part in order to prevent excesses which the lawless may commit. During the ten days which the fleet of Admiral Sampson has been at sea, it has been closely watched for every move. It was confidently expected on Sunday last that the Cape Verde j fleet would be met somewhere on the ; north coast of May ti. As a conse quence the Hoot kept in hattie form and pushed its way slowly so as to prevent au unexpected meeting and to bc ready for any emergency which might come. As Monday and Tuesday of this week passed away, it brought thc conviction that lite Spanish fleet must not be in these waters. Admiral j .Sampson, steaming clear away from j the shore ot' Porto Rico, passed thc island and went considerably out to ! sea. until he became thoroughly satis- ! lied that there could be no fleet, an j this side of the Atlantic. Then he made up his mind to take ? possession of Porto Rico, and his fleet was turned toward the bay of San Juan with the result already told. AG incident of the day was the cap ture of- the Spanish steamer Rita by the Yale. Thc Rita was disposed to be saucy, but it was no go, and she had to surrender. John Gary Evans? WASHINGTON, !>. C.. May 14 - Ex- , Governor John Gary Evans has! "pulled uff a commission in the 1 army. With thc aid of Senator Till- . man the Ex-Governor has bc on ap-j pointed au assistant adjutant general, with the rani; of captain. UN ap pointment was sent to the Senate lasl , Thur-lay. hut there was a mistake in i the printing ol'his name, hence his! South Carolina friends did not recog ! nize him in his new military title, j Ile arrived herc to-day and was in j consultation with Senator Tiliinan. The Ex-Governor comes from a mi li 1 tary family and he will remain here \ he receives his commission. ; ,\ ? u'fi ii ml ( 'un ru r. Hen. Joe Wheeler ?ill he in Com- . tumid. I TAMPA, KI.A., May General Joseph E. Wheeler, i he old I lonlcde rate cavalry leader recently commis sioned major general ol' volunteers, will command i he I ?i*c!? i' Catarrh thal cannot be cured by Halls i 'atarrh run'. i IV?, thc nuderiignrd haye known F. J". Cheney < for thc ?!>? Iii years, and believe him |iorl'ectly iioiiiiralilt-?ii ?11 budines* tinnsaciions and finan * chilly able io carry outauy obligations uiadc by i I heil' linn WEST A Tm?AX, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. ? WAI.; iv... KiNNAN .V MAKVIS, Wholesale Drug gists, 'rule d'!. ( ?. < Ha't's Catarrh Cnn' is taken internally, acting directly upon i In' blood and min ons surfaces of I thc svstem. Testimon?ala sent free. Price Tit. lier booie fold by all druggists. STATE NEWS. - X. (:?. Gonzales, Editor of The State, has gone to Cuba. - Thc small pox is spreading over Hunter county-mostly among the jolorcd. - The State Dental Association neets at Harris' Lithia Springs .luly .2th, 13th and 14th. - South Carolina now has 45 coun ies and it will take il weeks for the ?andidates to visit each. - Fire destroyed $15,000 worth of msiness property in Winnsboro, S. C., ?lay 7. Insurance ?7,000. - Much damage was done in Flor mce, S. C., May 6, by a severe storm. So lives lost, but several persons hurt. - Luther Henderson, son of T. II. Henderson, who lives in Butler Town ;hip, Greenville County, was accident illy shot and killed last Sunday morn - The Democratic County Couven ,ion of Saluda endorsed Col. R. B. rVatson for Governor and the Marl bro Convention endorsed Governor illerbe. - The Columbia Evening llecord s conducting a coupon contes'*. It ?fl'ers a sixty dollar silk flag to the volunteer company receiving the argest number of votes. - The barn, stable, two horses, ihrec mules, a carriage, buggy, wagon, md a lot of corn and fodder of S. L. \IcBell; in Grecnvil.e County, were lestroyed by Are Sunday morning. STo insurance. The fire was of incen diary origin. - On account of ill health Mr. Thomas Addison has been forced to retire from the management of the Columbia Register. He has been suc ;eedcd by Mr. W. McB. Sloan. We Nish both outgoing and incoming nanagers abundant success. - Dr. Sydney Bivings. of Spartan )urg. was found guilty of murder and .ecommended to mercy for killing Tom Trimmier. He committed suicide by severing an artery in his leg with a jase knife. Ile was clearly an insane nan from drink and opium. - S veral of the graduates of Clem son College have obtained places as ?leetrieians in the navy. The position is an important one, but there is not much future to it. However, the Doys were anxious to get a chance somewhere, and they have taken this. - John T. Stewart shot his cousin, IV. Oscar Stewart, on Eastatoe, in Picketts county, Thursday. 5th in stant, inflicting a dangerous wound in right side. It is doubtful whether Oscar Stewart will live. John T. Stewart has been arrested and lodged in Pickens jail. - Last week Messrs. J. C. Wallace and W. W. Dixon, attorneys for Mary Aun Wallace, entered suit against Union county for one thousand dollars damage, for injuries inflicted upon their client about two years ago by a mob of '"blaek caps," who took the woman out and severely whipped her. Siv nf thc "cappers' were con victed to IS months each, but upon appeal a new trial was granted and later thc cases were nul prosscd. - On last Friday afternoon our town was visited by a terrific wind storm, which was very destructivo to property in and around town. Thc Methodist church steeple was blown off and completely demolished. The Baptist church as. also, the several colored churches, wore more or less damaged. The Opera House was unroofed at the west end, and the scenery and piano were injured by the rain. A ('Ood many tenant houses, trees and fencing were blown down in every direction. - Marion Star. A bolt 3t polite and emphatic inauner to any finn or firms who, hy arrogance or conceit, imagine to inaugurate despotic ruling in this community, that we are American boru, County raised, Demo cratic io our way of thinking, and that we will never submit to others mau agintt our ow n business. IV?? shall continue our Special Sule Days ou Tuesday, As well as any other days wc may see ti: to select.Jwithout askiug for the cornent of any of our competitors. . Look out for our new ad. next werk.. Very respectfully. LESSER & CO., UNDER MASONIC TEMPLE.