The Anderson intelligencer. (Anderson Court House, S.C.) 1860-1914, March 09, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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BILL ARPi: A.rp Tells of the Old ] to Which H Atlanta Ci Experience is a good schoolmaster. I was ruminating about the schemes and tricks of the politicians who han ker after office and my memory went Vaek to the old know-nothing party Coring the 50's, and how -tliG politi cians pulled the wool over my eyes and inveigled ine in. I was young then and easily fooled. But I was dreadfully in earnest, for I really feared that foreigners were about to ' lake the country and that Roman Catholics would soon get in power through the Irish vote and the Span ish inquisition be revived and the devil be turned loose for 1,000 years. And so I joined and they made me an officer and gave me a long sword and I K guarded the door and my insignia was a white regalia with the motto: "Put none but Americans on guard to night." I tell you I felt proud and I felt responsible for the preservation of political and religious liberty, I would have fought panthers and wild cats and gorillas. In fact, I wanted to fight something, for the know nothing press and know-nothing ora tors and know-nothing preachers had got us aroused to desperation and I cGuld hardly keep my hands off an Irishman when I met him in the street. Every preacher in town joined and Brother Caldwell and Brother Stillwell were made chaplains, and tlaey prayed long and earnestly for our country and its hallowed institu tions. Oh! it was solemn and serious. But one night it was proposed to choose delegates to go to a conven tion to nominate a candidate, for Con gress and it leaked out that a man was to be nominated who had no mural -standing in the community, but he was rich and had used his money free fy and we began to smell a mice. About that time Alex. Stephens took the field against our order and I never heard such a speech in my life. He everlastingly lambasted our leaders for trying to fool the people and he made us Democrats feel as mean as a dog for ever having fallen into the trap. Before that I really thought I was doing '.God's service in helping good, patriots to save the country. One^ark night I told my wife a lie about having urgent business at my office and wouldn't be back until late, very late, and I went out six miles in the country to an old mill house on Silver oreek. Half a dozen officers went along with me and we instituted a branch lodge up in the garret of the old mill and got covered all over with cobwebs and flour, and next morning my wife got up first and looked at my clothes. She ruminated for a .minute and then remarked: "Had to go to mill last night I sec. I didn't know that the flour was out.'' For some time I had been a suspect with her about this office business at night: for every time a know-nothing meeting was called little three-cornered red papers were seen on the sidewalks about town, and it was norated around that the know-nothings were to meet that night. The next day our wives compared notes and found out that nearly all the men had business down town that night. Can't fool these wo men. They don't like secret societies nohew. A good, faithful wife doesn't like anything that gets in between her and her husband. She has no secrets from him and he ought not to have any from her. Not long after we were married I joined a secret society, and ; when she got to looking over my un- j der garments to see if the buttons J were all right, she discovered that the j buckles were gone and I couldn't ex plain it to her satisfaction. But she found out from some other woman, j and whenever I got a new pair of drawers she asked me if I didn't want ' the buckles cut off. Well, the know-nothing party died ' early in these parts, for the people | found out that it was a political scheme to get into office. Just so the politicians got inte the Fanners' Al liance and took ehargc of it and they I got up the Ocala platform and a big j ' subtreasury scheme whereby great i warehouses were to be built by the j government in every Congressional j district where the farmers could store j ' their cotton and corn and oats and | sorghum and potatoes and pumpkins, and draw money on them and hold ' : them in the warehouses until the price | ' went up. One of the leaders declared in a public speech at Macon that they : ' were going to hold the cotton until it 1 went to 10 cents, and he made the ' people believe it and they rolled him into Congress by a tidal wave. The 1 Alliance looked upon lawyers a.* sus- * yccts and not fit to hold office, nor fit ten to get fitten. and so one lawyer 1 sold his law book? and burned the bridge behind him and joined Gideon's band and swallowed the Ocala plat- ! form, subtreasury and all. and the 1 confiding people rolled him into Con gress. But he suffered a relapse in due time and bought more law books, i and now the last condition of that " man is worse than the first Another i ! lawyer swallowed the platform, bom s ' a and skin, and ran for Congress <>n i! 1( 5 LETTER. S^now Nothing* X3arty e Belonged. metitulion and got awfully beaten and bas never been elected since to any office by the people, and to my opinion never will be. It is just as old Abe Lincoln said: "You may fool all the people some of the time, and you may fool some of the people all the time, but you can't fool all the people all the time." Now, the common people, the farm ers and mechanics and toilers, are generally unsuspecting and credulous, and when a smart, shrewd politician talks sweet and nice to them they are inclined to believe him, but what law yer of any pretensions or respectabili ty ever believed in the Ooala platform or the subtreasury scheme or "some thing better?" Of emirse any states man who was fit to hold office knew that it was utterly impractible and would bankrupt the government to build warehouses and advance money on crops, but it was a hobby on which to ride into office, and fooling the peo ple was of no consequence. No, I wouldn't trust any man who would do it or has done it. Another way to fool the people is to form little secret rings in every coun ty and divide out the county offices and each ring man mustget his hench men to be at the court house on con vention day and help elect delegates who belong to the ring. The good, easy, unsuspecting people don't know anything about it and before they know it the whole country is commit ted to a man the people didn't want The men who control are smart and they are politically unscrupulous and all together they make a powerful combine, and it was the knowledge and memory of, these methods that provoked Colonel Candler's letter. He wrote just what we have all been feeling ever since General Evaos' de feat. He expressed my sentiments and I like it better and better at each reading. Now lay on, MacDuff?no body is hurt, except some "honi soit qui mal y pense," which means "it is the hit dog who yelps," or words to that effect. It is no insult to those who accepted office under Atkinson, for he doesn't own but one office. The others are public trusts in his keeping and he has no moral right to pay private political debts with them. It is his duty to select the best men for the plaees regardless of what they voted for. The offices belong to the people and it is a prostitvtion of power to fill them for personal ad vantage. But professional politicians all do it from the president down and this is political corruption. One day in my indignation I remarked in a crowd "We are a nation of political tricksters," and an office seeker close by whispered, "Call no names. Bill: call no names." But the people are really for honest methods and. they have a standard bearer on whose name and fame there is no blot. Let him write again if he wants to and let his banner have on it, "Beform in political methods and economy in administering the govern ment.*' Already there are rings forming to defeat him, rings by the men who control and they are desper ately in earnest for the scepter of their office is departing. The issue is plain. It is the politicians agaiust the people. We want cleaner methods both iu State and county and munici pal elections. Augusta and Marietta and Cartersville have recently de graded their townships by corruption at the polls and like smallpox the pes tilence is spreading. But we shall see what we shall see. The combat deepens. On, ye brave! The one-eyed plowboy has nothing to take back or qualify and the people will stand by him from Tybee to Pos sum Trot and from Possum Trot to Tugalo. Jiiu. Aur. ThoughtlcsKHeM. Kanner Simpson was an exceedingly mild-natured man. and would find ex cuses for the shortcomings of his neighbors, for the faults of his horses and, in fact, for every unpleasant thing that came in his way. He pur chased a cow and had great difficulty in keeping her in the pasture. "She's kind of a rovin' critter, but she means well." he said, after a walk :>f several miles in pursuit of her. One morning he was milking the :ow. when she began to kick violently, upset the stool, sent the pail flying, md all the milk was spilled. 7 The farmer got up, and contemplat ing the ruin, said gravely to a witness >f the disaster: 'Well, now. that'.- the worst fault : his cow has." Then, after a moment's meditation, celiug that perhap.? he had been un icccSsarily severe, he added. "That s. if you call il a fault: maybe it's uily thoughtlessness \W are anxious tu do a little good in bis world and can think of no plcasanter < better way In do iL than by recom nending One Minnie Cougb Core as a reventive of pneumonia, consumption nd other serious lung troubles tin t >w n?slected colds. 15 vans i'harmaey. A Nursery of the Sea. Beaufort, N. 0., Feb. 3.?The most important discovery in coast fishing so far has been made by the fishermen off-shore here, and there is reason to believe that there will be far-reaching results obtained in the future through improved methods of deep-sea seining. In the two winter months of January and February all of our littoral species of fish disappear almost entirely from the waters off our coast, and fishermen are compelled to fold up their seines and wait until spring for the reappearance of their favorite game. A very few daring and adventurous spirits go far out to sea with 'Ong lines, and succeed in catching a few each day to supply the markets ; but, as a rule, the catches have been comparatively small and insignificant. Scientists have concluded that the fishes go to some unknown region or depths of the ocean to breed during these two cold months, and upon their return in the spring they are accom panied by innumerable hosts of young fry. The discovery off-shore here is nothing less than that of a winter nursery of our littoral species of fish. Frem six to eight fathoms below the surface of the water the fish have been found to be literally swarming in countless numbers, and hooke and seines let down to that depth invaria bly bring up rich hauls. No amount of coaxing and temptation can induce the fish to leave their warm winter habi tat far below the surface, and the fish ermen have to adopt new methods of catching them. The discovery is important in modi fying our prevailing methods of catch ing marketable food fish and in cheap ening the supply in winter and in furnishing the needy workers with employment at an off season when poverty and'hardship often press most severely upon them. Naturalists have believed for some time that most of our sea-food fishes migrated to war mer climates in winter, as our birds do, and returned in the spring; but now it 6eema that they merely swim off-shore some distance and drop down into deep corrugations, and remain happy and contented until spring re turns. The fish are found off Beaufort and Morehead City in deep holes or corru gations. In the summer time they come inshore further, and swarm around the oyster beds and the bays and inlets. A great variety of food fish is found in this winter nursery, such as the red drum, gray trout or weakfish, spotted sea trout, bluefish. cronkers and many others. Last win- j ter the fishermen, with deep-sea lines; managed to make big hauls over these j winter pasture fields. They let down \ lines from five to ten fathsms and \ brought up big game. But this was soon considered too slow work, and special deep-sea nets were manufac tured for the purpose. These nets were heavily weighted, and when sunk to the proper depth they brought up enormous hauls of fish. This winter the fishing has been better than ever. Improvements have been made upon the nets, and the : fishermen have been scoring wonder- ^ fnl successes. In the first five days ; of February 153,000 pounds of trout1 and 125.000 cronk'ers were caught in this manner abouti 1-2 miles off shore from Fort Macon. near the sea buoy, where the depth averages six fathoms, j The fishing has been so good in places that the men have made as high as $70 each in one day. Men all along shore out of employment are flocking to the nlaec to take part in the fishing. A man provided witji a deep-sea line and hooks, who is willing t<? endure the hardships, can make a good living in this way. But it is no easy work to operate a line six to eight fathoms in length, with several pounds of lead and a five-pound fish on the other ?nd. Some of the lin^ fishermen come in at night with a boatload of fish, but their hands are so cut and mutilated that they arc unfit for wort the next day. Thick buckskin gloves on the hands are necessary fcr the proper protection j of the skin. A new sort of seine has been used hero this winter for the first time. It is designed just for this deep water fishing. It cleses up in the shape of a long, narrow eel pot with a heavy weight at the lower end. It dangles over the side of the fishing smack by several ropes, which are manipulated either by the men or a tackle. When the lead reaches the bottom the seine in allowed to rest there for some time, while tlir men spread it open. This is doce Icy meant: of ropes. Four row boats learc the smack, and each one pulls a rope attached to a- corner of . the seine? Thus it is spread *ut on the bottom of the sea directly under the flocks of sea lirh. Then it is gradually hauled up. A deep pocket iu the bottom <>f the seine i> i|uickly illeu with so many fish thai they threaten to break through the meshes ?y their very weight, hi each haul .lie fishermen bring up at least 500 lOiiuds of Ii ?Ii. The numbers of the fish seem inex lausl.ible. When one hiding place is iretty well cleaned out the lishcrinen unit around foi* another i he bottom !' ihe sea off ihe coast here is tiridu afing. forming deep hollows or hoirs in which the sea fish hide. They are never found on the ridges of the bot tom, but always in the hollows. Con sequently the fishermen carry sound ing leads with them when in search of a new hiding place or winter nursery. When the water is sis to eight fathoms deep they drop the net and leave it there for a short time before hauling it up. If they strike it rich, they haul it up and let it down until their boat is loaded. The fact being established that the fish merely sink to a good depth off our coast in winter instead of migrat ing to some tropical sea, the question of discovering the hiding place of other species become interesting. It is thought that the same sort of fish ing may be applied to the, codfish off the Newfoundland banks and to the red snappers eff the Florida coast. If the winter habitat of these fishes is not too deep, they may be caught right through the cold weather with properly constructed seines. It is be lieved now that countless millions of shad, salmon, herring, striped bass, and other anadromous fish are hidden away in the fields of the ocean a short distance off our coast, and that only a small per cent of them enter our riv ers to spawn in a given season. In faot, if one-hundredth of all that are in the ocean should make a simultane ous movement in this direction, they would completely ehoke up every river in the country. Hence it is quite im portant that their winter hiding place should be discovered. In the nets off Beaufort an occasional striped bass, bluefish, salmon, herring, and shad have been caught, demonstrating that they are around somewhere in the deep corrugations of the ocean's bot tom. The man, who discovers their winter hiding place will open up a new industry of tremendous importance to the country.?St. Louis Globe-Demo ocrat._ Imitatori of the Immortal g. W. A pocketknife was returned to the hardwarcman with the blade broken off short, says Hardware. "How did you break the blade?" asked the hard wareman. "I broke it while cutting a little soft pine 3tick," said the man, who, like our beloved Washington, never told lies about hatchets, knives, or other articles of hardware. "Very well," said the hardwareman, "I will give you another, and return your broken knife to the manufacturer." Soon after this, a small, well-dressed boy came in and threw down a 25-cent knife, which also had a blade that had come to grief, and the boy said, "Knife's no good." *"What is the trouble?"1 asked the hardwareman. ''I broke it whittling on a little pine stick," said the boy, who was a regu lar attendant ?t a Sunday school. "You shall have another, my boy." During the week there were three additional knives returned, all of which had been broken while cutting little pine stioks,' and each of the pur chasers was given a new knife. But one day a ragged little fellow came in to the store and said, "I broke that knife you sold me. and I want to buy another. It was a good knife, butdad tried to get a cork out of a bottle with the small blade, and I broke the large blade trying [to split a big hickory stick." The hardwareman threw his arms around the little boy's neck, and in a voice choked with emotion, said, "Take a dozen knives, my dear little fellow, a bicycle, a fishing-rod, a sled, and anything else that you would like to have. Vou are the first one to re turn a pocketknife to me that did not say it was broken by being used to whittle a little pine stick." Cbildrnn and adults tortured by burns, scaldf, injuri*?, eetemaor Hkin diseases, may aecure instant relief by using ire Witt's Witch Ilaael Silve. It is tbe great Pilo remedy. Evan* Pharmacy. RAGS, RA( I am again buying Rags?Save your I If you need a good - STEEL RANG AT bottom price*, either for Cash or or my line. L will swap you a New Stove give you the market price for your Catt fcitove before cotton-planting time. Tinware, ("rockery, i)\ a. s;pe< Thanking you all for past favors, a Respectfully, GARDEN If you want to have a good Garden plant good Seeds. WE ARE SELLING D. M. Kvcrvlx*lv knows Bui?t't Seedling Irwdi Potato**., Yr plying: (fciuu* for planting. St n> f?efi E lour, Co Sugar, YT< 'To] >acco, )r anytiimc ki the Groocrv lino. Ol'h Yours f y business. An Honest I?oy. A large class of scholars were stand ing to spell. A hard word was missed by the scholar at the head of the class, until the last scholar, a little fellow, spelled the word and went "up to the head," passing about 17 boys and girls, all older than himself. The teacher then turned around and wrote the word on the blackboard, so that all might see it and remember how to spell it. No sooner had she written the word out, than the little boy at the head exclaimed : "Oh, I didn't say it so Miss W? ; I said e instead of i," and he walked to the foot of the class again, quicker than he went to the head. That was an honest boy, but he will never be a congressman. Making Big Mistakes. Preachers who get sour and scold when things do not go to suit them, make a big mistake. People who leave their politeness at home when they travel on railway trains, make a big mistake. Young people who put off becoming Christiaus because they think they have fifty years to do it in, make a big mistake. Men who are afraid to give their wives a word of praise, for fear it will spoil them, make a big mistake. Parents who want their children to keep out of the church until they are old enough to understand all the doc trines aud decide for themselves,, make a big mistake. Farmers who feed their pigs and cattle good corn, and pay no attention to what kind of books and papers their children are reading, make a big mistake. Young men who think they know it all, and that father and mother don't know anything, make a big mis take. Fathers who whip their boys for doing on the sly what they themselves arc doing openly, make a big mistake. People who expect to get to heaven just because they have shaken hands with preachers and had their names enrolled on the church book, make a big mistake. ? Belle?T had an awful scare the other day while out for a walk with Will. Betsy?How? Belle?Why, we met the minister, and Will asked him to join us. ^_ Cured ef Blood Poison After Firty-Two Bocters Failed. Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, (it.? Gentlemen : In 1872 a small pimple broke out on my leg. It began eating and in four mouths I was treated by a physician of Talladega County. Ala., where I lived eighteen years. He re lcived it for a short while. In six weeks it broke out again in both legs, als* on my shoulder. Two small bones were taken out. k continued until 18Tb'. In this time I had twelve difforent physicians. They told me the only remedy was amputation; that it could never be cured. For six months 1 eould not walk a step. I went to Mineral Well*, Texas, spent $100.00; came home; went to Hot Springs. Ark., staid nine months?all failed to eure me. In 1887 I came back to Birmingham. Ala. 1 was ad vised to write you, which I did. You wrote me that 1>. I>. B. would cure me, ami I could get the medicine from Nabors & Morrow, Druggist, of our ?ity. 1 had finished my fifth bottle my leg? began to heal, and in less than two months 1 was sound and well. That has boon nearly two years ago, and no sign of its roturu yet. 1 have spent in cash,over $400.00, and 1>. B. B. done the work that all the rest failed to do. You have my permis sion to publish this. I have traveled so inueh trying to get well that my cure is well known. Fifty-two doo tors have treated me in the lait 17 years. All they did was to take what money I had. and done me no good. I am now a well mau. Prof. C. H. Hanger, Shady l>alc, G a. If or xiie by l>TMflflin Friee >U)U per large bottle._ 3rS, RAGS ! them up and bring them and [ides ! E OR STOVE i time for a good Note don't, fail to **t for your nld'one or tor Cattle, and le. Now is the time to get you a good lass, Lamp Omuls, &c, DIALTY. nd soliciting :i continuance of same? JOHN T. BUR RISS SEEDS, FERRY & GO'S. SEED I I her arc the best. Ilmv and White Onion Seta, Mulfc >re von buy your? >ffee5 classes, : IMUOK- AUE KIOHT. OmORHE & BOLT, j^egetablePreparafonforAs sin?lating tfeeTood andRegula ling th? Stomachs andJBowels of iNtAxis k C HI LI?REX PromofesTJigestion,ClKcrful ness andRest.Conta?as neither Opnim,Morphine nor?fineral. Kot Narcotic. j?cipBarmdiirSAMunJzrcHER Purw?Jaa Smtd JhcScmut * AdblUSmb Anisc 5e*d * \ Obtenait Soda, ? ( Sugar a perfect "Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms.ConvulsionsJeverish ness and Loss of SlJEER Tae Simile Signature of new york. Atb mortfhs bid JJBoscs-JJCums EXACT COPY' OF WHAEPEB, For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought GEORGIA CRACKER TOBACCO. We have it 10 wholesale and retail. Also, Suliivan's "T. C. D." and ' Our Own,'' Big Wiustoo; Ba?vey'a Nat. Le*f, Oannon BaII?in fact, we have twenty-six wimtifts ef Tobago;) to rev?l f?om. Also, fifteen varieties of Smoking Tobacco. B?tu* get our pidces and esamine our goody. fancy groceries. Old Time Seed Tick t?8ee 8 Iba. for $1.00. Kingan's Pure Lard in Tnhe and Tin?t, always reriabk. The finest Can Goods in our city. Try us. Armour's "Star" Hams and Kingan's Breakfast Baioa. garden seed. Potato Seedlings, Buist's Early Rose. Peerless, Goodrioh, B?auty of He bron, Burbanks. Onion Set?. Peas and Beans in bulk. NAVASSA CUANO. Reliable, High Grade Fertii?ec. Fresh lot SOUR KRAUT Phone 89. H. B. FANT & SON^ NOW IS THE TIME ! Cheaper than you ever bought them before. . . OUR Stock of Fall and Winter Shoes is entirely too large, and we dta't propose to carry them over until next Fall, consequently we have? MARKED THEM DOWN To prices that will move them. We don't advertise selling out at coat, tut our goods and prices speak for themselves. So call wlaw ia seed of fttaes, and be convinced of what we say. w^u Remember, we will Mot be undersold by any Firm in Town. Yours for Shoos, ? mi The \ ates St Under Masonic Temple, Anderson, S. C THIS IS NO FAKE 2 That Jewelry Palace _ Of ? WILL. R. HUBBARD'S, NSXT TO F. and M. BANK. Ha3 the Largest, Prettiest and Finest lot of . . . XMAS ?an WEDDING PRESENTS TIN TIIK CITY. Competition don't rnt any ice with me when it comeu to price*. I dua't buy goods to keep. I want the people to have them. Gold and .Silver Watches, Sterl ing and Plated Silverware, ?Jewelrv. Cluck*, Lamps, Chefin. Spectacle*, Novelties of all kiud*. R^er.?' Tripple* Plate Table Knives per Set. A world hwiter. _WILL. R HUBBflRD. BIG BARGAINS FOR JANUARY, 1898. clothing. A Itijc xft<l CoMplHn line. Snowhiue n ptenw 'nil. li?'-r part, t'riws to *uit tfa* t <ni?M. Listen : Men'n SSuim from $1.75 ?p. r>jrs' Sur:? from flfcv: 9-oi<b?? Ai4 W?K)1 Jrnm l'an tu DRESS GOODS. I bave h hi^c linoof NVw and Stylish Uoodsof ail kind*, on nliuli F b?ve k-n??k*i Uu' Ik>IUui! iml of print * CLOAKS AND CAPKS. A lino that will tieklo t;ui, rspccindv prict*. ? UNDERWEAR. l^.i!o/ " l:mlervc8^ froui lo . up. Nina's I'lwlervesks from Ti^c. np. SHOES, MATS AND CAPS. Jir-C friJiii a"ii so? l'.-r yn lis^?". iirr-ui bix ^o. 7 Klovo ?5 oo. GROCERIES. ,A In'--*?' :rrt?Ji t u in.*,!/!-: low oo?< ^'..l -ti! you Li? -iiuv vmy. t?rc;. nt'nor. I a:a . ? Urn (' .>;< ! hik? <* Wan Sk?1 marks* .' ) srtet . T-.0 i hot bVovt ; :' - :. >' '. Yo.?ci ?V? i?;:.-}:?*?*?: . Rm A. Beifom, S. (L