Coffee, Tobacco. it through ' looking around'' on these articles come and let as sell it yon in qnslity and price every time. We bay these Goods in large J?em right and sell them the same way. Nor are we downed by any tog else in the Grocery line. Nice, Fresh Stock, and guaranteed u BEST QUALITY OP LIME, y one-eighth more brick than the ordinary Lime on the market, at old public for the excellent trade we hare enjoyed, and asking a contin Reapectfoily, osborne & anderson. f ieed.Oats. _ 5.00 Doll [Given Away on December 23rd, Every one buying $1.00 worth of Goods will receive a Ticket oh the Doll..... iber, You can get a.... No. 7 Ruth Cook Stove for $8.00? ?^ Perly for $10.00. Iron ling and Elmo still in the lead. i see them. ' es are not iiu eluded in the above.' f * JOHN T. B?RR1SS. lim S???BEBS"T.TK^enLTCQESS. " t Assortment of v. . 8 IN THE TIP-COfTBlXRT. by-buying-from? ]; A: REED MUSIC HOUSE. TRE public looks upon the adver _ Using of a Merchant a? a thermometer of his business, and yet, unlike good wine, an advertisement dees not im? prove with age. So, in order to be brief, honest and up-to-date, we beg to call your attention to our? HLESS P4ANOS ! et'ins of our,. iMALL MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. ? SSMMMWMlin tot I . THE INTELLIGENCER, Anderson, 8. C. Executor's Sale of Valuable Eeal Estate. BY virtue of the power contained in the Will of Barney Houston, de ceased, I will sell the Real and Personal Property of said deceased before theCjurt House door at Anderson, 8 C,on Wedntsday, the 18th dav of December next. The Real Estate consists of the Homtstead one and one-fourth miUs North of Anderson C. H., on the East of the Greenville road, containing 50 acres more or less, adjoin? ing lands of W. S. Sharpe, Henry Mc Gowau and others. Also, a Lot, with part of a building thereon, on the Wast Bide of Main Street, in the city of Anderson, adjoining Henry McGowan and others, opposite the old Market House, containing one-sixteenth of an acre, more or less. Terms of Sale?Personalty, consisting of Household Furniture, Ac, cash- The Homestead, one-third cash, balance twelve months credit with interest, and Town Lot, one-half cash, balunce on credit with interest, and mortgage to seenre the credit portion, with leave to anticipate payment. Purchaser to pay extra for papers. JOSEIIN N. BROWN, Executor. Nov 27, 1895_23_3 MARIETTA MARBLE WORKS. S. G. MOZLEY & CO., Fropr's., Manufacturers and Finishers of? GRANITE, ITALIAN, VERMONT, And GEORGIA MARBLE, MONUMENTS and GRAVESTONES Of i.very Description? Marietta, Ga. ??r* Designs and prices furnished on ap? plication. Apply to T R. LANGSTON, Agent, Nov 13, 1895?3m Anderson, S. C. Eeal Estate for Sale. ASPLENDID Tract of 211 acres near Denver, 8 C. A fine Traot of 331 acres near Cray ton ville. A good Tract of 100 acres near Holland's Store. A nice House and Lot on North Main 8treet, City of Anderson. A good House and Lot on West Market Street. Cne Lot on River Street cheap. A good two room house and Jut on East Boundary on easy terms. Real estate bought and sold on commis eion. QUATTLEBAUM & COCHRAN. Ander?on, 8 C NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to me are respect? fully Invited to call and see me at J. S. Fowler's btables, and pay their ac eounta for harness and repair work. I have done your work, indulged you pa ticntly, and now I need my money and must have it. I mean wbat I say If not settled by December 15th, the accounts will be placed in the bands of an officer. WM. MARTIN. Nov 20, 1895_21_3*_ Real Estate for Sale. ONE COTTAGE and Lot on West Mar? ket Street. One House and Lot on South Main Street?just out of tbe city. Thirteen acres on Greenville Street?in bulk or lotP. Tne above are offered at prices making them good investments for speculation. SIMPSON & HOOD. 8ept 11, 1895_11_ NOTICE. *WlLL be let to the lowest responsible bidder Also, on Leo. 21, at 11 a. m., the build ing of a bridge over Richland Creek, in Rock Mills township. Plans and specifications made known on day of letting. I W. P. SNELGROVE. _Supervisor A. C, S C. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. All persons having demands against the Estate of C. C. Simpson, deceased, are hereby notified to present them, prop? erly proven, to Jos. N. Brown, Attorney, within the time prescribed by law, and those indebted to make payment. FANNIE H. SIMPSON, Adm'x. Nov 20. 1895 21 3 GUNS! GUNS! GUNS! 500 GUNS AND RIFLES, From the finest Hammerless Breech Loader down to a Boy's Muzzle Loading Single Barrel. Some of these Guns were bought at? ONE-HALF OF MANUFACTURERS' COST, And we are offering some unheard-of prices. AMMUNITION Of every description at bottom prices. One Car Load Powdar, To be sold wholesale or retail. We are in shape to offer special inducements on every? thing in the sporting line. It will pay you to see us. Yours truly, SULLIVAN HARDWARE CO, Corn is a vigorous feeder and re sponds well to liberal fertiliza? tion. On corn lands the yield increases and the soil improves if properly treated with fer? tilizers containing not under 7% actual Potash. A trial of this plan costs but little and is sure to lead to profitable culture. Our pamphlets are not advertising circulars boom? ing special fertilizers, but an: practical works, contain? ing lair-.t researches on the subject of fertilization, and are really helpful to farmers. They are sent free for the asking. GERMAN KALI WORKS, i_i)3 Nassau St., New York. NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the Firm of the undersigned are respectfully asked to come forward at once and make payment by the first of December next, or you will have to settle with our Attor? ney. Respectfully, JACKSON ?fe M0S3. Oct 30, 1S95_18_8 THE Mutual Benefit Life Ins, Co,, Or Newark, N. J. Anderson, S C. Aug. 26,1895. Mr M. M. Mattlson,.Manager, Ander? son, S. C ?Dear Sir: I cheerfully accede to your request to say a word for the old .Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company. I will state that I carry $5,000, all tbe in? surance I carry, in your Company, having cancelled 35,000 on tbe assessment and tontine plans in order to place all in tbe Mutual Benefit. I am in everyway satis? fied with tbe manner in which tbe busi? ness of tbe Company is conducted, and regard it as one of the worthiest among tbe many Life Insurance Companies. I am favorably struck with your 30 per cent, loan plan for the reason that I get a dollar's worth of protection for 70 cents I believe the Mutual Benefit to be one of tbe strongest, safest, and, by its large divi? dends to policy-holders, tbe cheapest and therefore, one of tbe best Companies in the country for the insured. Yours Respectfully, j. k Vandiver, Cashier Farmers & Merchants Bank. Pelzer, S. C-, Aug. 16, 1895. Mr. M. M. Mattison, Minager, Ander? son, S C?Dear Sir: Replying to yours of the 1st inst. would say I have bad a policy in the Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company of Newark, N j., six years, and have been well pleased with tbe dividends declared, though I have not drawn them but allowed tbem to remain and purchase additional insurance. My confidence in the Company is best shown by my having taken out during this year two additional policies, each fully as large as the original policy. Yours truly, Ellison A. Smyth. Since tbe above letters were written both parties have applied for additional insur? ance. It will pay you to see me before insur? ing your life. M. M. MATTISON, Manager for S. C, Anderson, S C. NEW MEAT MARKET WE desire to inform tbe public that we have just opened a first-class Meat Market on Brick Range, in charge of a most clever butcher, who will always be delighted to serve you at any time. We will keep on band Beef, Fork, Mut? ton, Kid and a fine lot of Sausage all tbe time, and will bandle nothing but tbe best. We want your trade. Give us a call. We guarantee to give satisfaction to every patron. R. B. FINDLEY & CO. Oct 16,1895 16 TREASURER'S NOTICE. THE Treasurer of Anderson County will open the Tax Baoks for the col? led ion of State, County and Poll Taxes for the fiscal year 1894 and 1895 at his office in Anderson from October 15th to Decem? ber 31st. 1895. except fonr days in Novem? ber. I will collect taxes at Pelzer one day, at Piedmont one day, at Honea ?ath one day, nt Cook's Station one day. The dates 1 will give later. All parties owning property in more than one Township will make it known when they are paying their taxes. All male persons between the ages of 21 and 50 years are liable to Poll Tax. Tbe tax is as follows : State Ti x. 4i millB School Tax. 2 mills Ordinary County.2 mills Past Indebtedness. 1 mill Public Roadd. i mill To'.al Tax. 10 mills J M. PAYNE. Treas. A. C. DENTISTRY. THE copartnership heretofore existing between Dr. Anderson and myself is dow dissolved, therefore I wish to inform tbe people that from and after this date I will continue the practice of Dentistry alone. Thanking the people for past pa? tronage, and soliciting a continuance of the same, I am most respectfully, A. C. STRICKLAND, Dentist. jf&~ P. S.?Office in Masonic Temple. NOTICE OF inttoduction of a Bill to form a new County from portions of Andereon, Pickens and Oconee Counties: We will ask the Legislature at its next session to lay off a new County, to be known as Calhoun County, with Calhoun 88 its Couiity Seat, and with the following boundaries: Beginning at a point one mile west of Seneca City, anr'l running thence to the old Pickens Bridge on Keo wee River, thence to Six Mile Church, thence to mouth of Golden Creek, thence to Sharon Church, theDce to Sandy Springs Camp Ground, tbence to Sitton's Mills, thtnee a straight line to beginning corner. E. A. BINES, If. D. AARON BOGGS, D. B. SLOAN, j. W. COCIIRAN. fept 11.1895_ 11_ NOTICE IS hereby gi^en tha'application will be made at the next sitting of tbe Legis? lature for a Charter for a Railroad to run from Lsurens, S C-, by way of Tumbling Shoals, Princeton,? Pelzer, in ?nderst n County, Piedmont, in Greenville County, and elsewhere. J. H. TRAYNHAM, ALBERT DiAL, J. H. SULLIVAN, V C. FEATHER8TONE. WM. D MH.LIVAN, J. B, HUMBERT, W. A. MoK ELVER Y, W. P. NK3BIT, O. I). N FSB ITT, Jas. L OUR, E. A. SMYTH. 8eptlS, 1895 )2 _ ATLANTIC COAST LINE. Fast Line Between Charleston and Col umbiaand UpperS uth Carolina, Noitb Carolina, and Atbons and Atlanta. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. Pa ss eng kr Department, Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 7,1895. going west. going east. *Xo. 52. No. 53. 7 00 am Lv.Charlestou.Ar 838am Lv.l.anei.Ar 9 48 am Lv.Suinter.Ar 11 05 am Ar.Columbia.Lv 12 17 pm Ar.Prosperity.Lv 12 30pm Ar.Ncwherry.Lv 1 25 pui Ar.Clinton. Lt 2 M ]im Ar.t;reenwood.Lv 8 00 pm Ar.Abbeville.Lv 5 10pm Ar-.Athens,da.Lv 7 45 pm Ar.Atlanta, (la.Lv n 0.1 pin I Ar.Winnsboro.Lv 821 pin I Ar.Charlotte.Lv 3 SO pm 4 21 pm 2 40 pra 6 26 pm 6 30pm Ar.Anderson.Lv Ar.Greenville.Lv Ar..Spartanburjr.Lv Ar.Hendersonvlile.Lv Ar.Ashville.Lv ?Dally. Nos. 52 and 53 Solid Trains between Charleston and Columbia, S. C, Rtid carry through coach be? tween Charleston and Atlanta. H. M. Emerson, A.-s't. Gon'l. Pas*en?r Affflt J. R. vIkwcev, G?newlManItfW, T W,EMBBion. Traffic Manager? ?2a IF YO?GoA?e WESr AND want LOW RATES to St.. Memphis, New Orleans, Cinclnnal isville, Chicago, or other poin ts in 1 sas, Texas, Missouri,, Col Oregon. Washington. California,4 point West, IT WILL PAY YOU to or SEE ME. Excursion and Rates from time to time. Chcice of 1 No trouble to answer questions, and map furnished free. Address Fi D. BUSH,DU?. Pass Agent, L.&N. 3Gi Wall Street, Atlanta, Ga. July 24, 18D5 4 M. L. BONHAM. H. H. Wati BONHAM & WATKIN: Attorneys at Law. ANDERSON. ? ? ? S. C. WILL practice in the 8tate and Unit States Court. Office?Opposite Post Office Aug 15, 1894_7_3m FRANK M. MURPHY, Attorney at Law, ANDERSON.8. C. COLLECTIONS, Commercial Law and! Conveyancing given special atten? tion. Will practice in all the .State Courts. Careful attention given to all business Office in Court House, formerly occu? pied by Master. Jan 2,1895 27 6m SOUTHERN RAILWAY CO. Condensed Schedule In Effect XOYEMRF.B 3, 1805. Trains run by 75th Meridian Time. STATIONS. Dully No. 11 Lv Charleston. " Columbia. " Prosperity ArNcwberry . 7.20 a m 11.10 a m 12.21 pm 12.3a p m Ar Clinton.(Ex Sun). " Laurenn.(Ex 8un) 2; 89 p m 3.10 p m Nluety-sfix , Greenwood, Hodges. 1.26 p m 1.4.Vpm . 2.26 p m t Abbeville.I 3.00 p nr* Helton. I 3.15 pm Greenville. I 4.35pm Atlanta.I U.30 p m 8TATIONS. Dally No. 12. Lv Greenville " Piedmont. Williamston 10.30 a m 11.(il am 11.22 a m " Anderson.111.on n m .I 11.40 am .112.08 pm Lv Abbeville..*. 111.40 a m " Bellon. Ar Donnald's " Hodges. ?' Greenwood, " Ninety-Six . 12.25 p m 1.05 p m 1.25 p in " Laurens.(Ex Sun) " Clinton.(Ex Sun) . 10. in it m 11.10 n m " Newberry... " Prosperity Ar.Columbia... " Charleston 2.18 p m 2.:? pm 3.50 p m 80' pm Daily No. 13 7.20 a m STATIONS. Daily No. 11 Lv.Charleston.?Ar ?.00 p m 11.25 a m 12.10 p m 1.10 p m 1.30 p m 1.53 p m 2.07 p m 2.40 p m 3.10 p m 5.45pm ".Columbia... ".Alston. ".8antuc. ".Union. *?.Jonesville... u.Pacolet.... Ar..Spartanburg.. Lv.Spartanburg., Ar.Ashville..., 3.40 p m 2.55 p m MS p m 1.05 p m 12.40 p m 12.23 p m 11.45 a m 11.18 a m 7.10 a m Trains leave Spaitanburg, A. and C. division northbound 6:18 a. m.. 10:43 p. m., 3:22 p. m., 6:18 p m.,Vestibuled Limited); southbound, 12:50 a. m , 3 05 p. m., 5:25 a. m., 11:37 a..m., (Veetibuled Limited). Trains leave Greenville, A and C. Division, northbound, 5:06a. m? 2:16 p. m., 9.51 p. m., and 5:30 p. m? (Vcstibuled Limited); southbound, 1:50 a. m., 4:52 p. m,, 6:21 ft. m., 12:28 p. m? (Yes- t tibule Limited). Pullman Service. Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars on Trains 35 and 83,31 and 32, 37 and 38, on A. and C. Division. W. A. TURK, 8. H. HARD WICK, Gen. Pass. Agt. As't Gen. Pas. Agt, East. Sys. W. H. GREEN, J. M. CULP. Gen. Superintendent, Traffic Mgr. Washington, D. C. P. L WELLES, Supt., Columbia. 8. CL B LUE RIDGE RAILROAD, H. C. Bkattik, Receiver. Time Table In effect April 21, 1895. Between Anderson and Walhalla,' Daily. 4 15 p m Lv.....Anderson......Ar 11 OJam 4 81 p m_.Denver.............10 20 a m 4 41 pm.....Autun.....................10 05 a m 4 47 p m.Pendleton.9 55 a m 4 57 p m.Cherry's Crossing.....9 20 a m 5 07 p m.....Adams' Crossing.-'.9 10 a m 6 05 p m............Seneca. 8 40a m 6 85 p m.-.West Union-.....-.8 10 a m 6 55 p m Ar.Walhalla.?Lv 6 00 p m Close connection with Southern Railway No. 11 at Seneca and No. 12 at Anderson. J. R. ANDERSON, Bupt. Port Royal & Western Carolina Railway. J. B. CLEVELAND, Receiver. IN EFFECT JUNE 22, 1895. (Trains ran by 75th Merldan time. BETWEEN AUGU8TA AND ANDERSON. Eastern Time. No. 5 Sunday, only Lv Augusta. Lv McCormick. Lv Calboun Falls.. Lv Lowndesville*.. Ar Anderson........ 9 40 am 8 40 pm 4 52 pm 5 20 pm 6 25 pm Lv Andersor-. 110 25am Lv Lowndesville.Ill 80am Lv Calhonn Faille. 11 59am NO. 6 1 No. 20 Ar McCormick. Ar Augusta-.. Ar Atlanta.. 110pm 5 05pm 4 09pm 9 20 am 1102 am 1220 pm 210 pa 6 05 pm BETWEEN AUG?8TA, GA. AND SPARTAN BUBO, 8. C. Eastern Time. No. 1 Dally. Lv Augusta.-.-.?.[ 9 40 am Lv McCormick-.?.......>.. 4 23 pm Lv Greenwood?.1210 pm Lv Lauicns........? .! 115 pm Ar Glenn Springs.-.-.| 4 05 pm rtanburg._.. Ar Spartan! 3 00 pm Lv Spartanburg.11 45 am Lv Laurens. 115 pm Lv Greenwood.-.?. 2 80 pn Lv McCormick-..-. 3 30 pa Ar Augusta.-.| 5 05 pm Close connection mado at Calboun Falls with Seaboard Air Line going north and south. Through Palaco Sleeping Cars on trains Nos.S and 4 between Augusta and Savannah, Ga. Close connections at Augusta for all Florida points. For any other Information write or call on W. J. CRAIG, Gen. Pass. Agt, R. L. Todd, lav, Pass. Agt. Augasta, Ga. J. B. FANT, Agent. SEABOARD AIR-LINE SCHEDULE. IN EFFECT DEC. 23, 1894. 1 The Atlanta Special," Solid Vestibuled Train No Extra Fare Charged. NORTHBOUND. SOUTHBOUND No. 402. Daily. Eastern Time, Except Atlanta. 6 05pm 8 13pm 9 06pm 4 27pm 10 00pm 10 25pra 1112pm lv...Atlanta... ar lv...Athens ar.Calhouc ar.. ar Greenwo'd lv ar...Clinton No. 403. Daily. N9.41 Dally. j 8 0 pmi 137pm 12 40am I 87pm I II 47am I 1117am I 10 25am, 7 45p? 5 04pm 1 55am SS2pm 3 07pm 2 84pm 145pm 5 00pm 6 30am 7 23pm a 45pm iar...Chester ...!> ar...Monroe... lv 10 51am 9 37am 10 50pm 9 20am 11 50am 1 42pm 3 12pm 5 51pm 6 50pm 11 35pm 12 48am 3 45am 6 53am 1 26am 2 33ara 4 05am 6 0i 'am 6 40am 11 00am 12 05pm 2 20pm 4 53pm ar..Henders' ar...Weldon ar Petersburg lv ar Richmond lv ar Wash'gton lv ar Baltimore lv ar Phil'delp'alv ar New York lv 5 13am 4 10am 2 48am 12 55pm 12 23pm 8 40pm 7 31pm 4 41pm 8 29pm 3 50pm 1 52pm 11 54am 9 50am 9 05am 4 30am 2 50am 12 03pm 9 00pm BETWEEN ATLANTA AND CHARLESTON No. 34. Daily no 46. 7 15am lv.Atlanta.City 9 27am ar...Lawrenceville...east tpme_ar 9 46am 10 00am xtr.Winder-.-.ari 11 45am 12 02pni ar. Heardmont ... ?.ar 12 l:m 6 05pm 5 53pm 4 01pm 3 40pm 3 80pm 3 07pm 2 42pm 2 13pm 1 30pm 1 45|m 4 iSpmiar.Columbia.arlll 15pm 5 50 pm 00am 8 40piu|ar.-Charleston.-It' 7 13?m Trains Kos. 402 and 403 a e solid vestlbuled trains with Pullman Buffet plcrpinp cars between Atlanta and Washington, through sleeper between Monroe and Portsmou'h, Va , and Pullman Buffet parlor cars between Washington and New York sleeping cars between Charlotte and Wilmington. Trains Nos. 38 and 41 run solid between Atlanta and Norfolk .carrying Pullman sleeper attached, making direct connection at Weldon with Atlan? tic (.'oast Line for Washington and New Yort, and all points north and east; at Norfolk with steam? ers for Washington, Bay Line for Baltimore, Old Dominion for New York. Trains 34 and 44, solid trains between Atlanta and Columbia, with through coaches for Charleston. Tickets formale at Union depotr r at company's ticket office, No. 6 Kim hall House. Jon? H.Wine tu,General Manager. E.SrJojEqf A.