r -WHERE SHALL i EDUCATE MY DAUGHTER ? Where she will have for the least expense the best development of her physical, ^mental aad spiritual nature. V. To find euch a place should be the earnest desire of everv reasonable parent To T^very such parent we suggest the propriety of inquiring into the merits of the? WILLIAMSTON FEMALE COLLEGE. This institution claims a few points of decided superiority over some of its more pretentious sisters. Those who have given them a fair trial unanimously approve and commend them to others. Ton will like them if you try them. The Fall Session, of twenty weeks, will open on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1895. Board and regular tuition for the Session, ?72.00 to SSO 00. For fuU information, write to REV. S. LANDER, President. July 17,1895-3m Williamston, S. C. A TALK ON BUSINESS. WE want to say a few words this week on our way of doing business. mA. great many know something about it already, but for the sake of those that don't know we make this explanation : Oar first and fundamental rule is to buy our Goods from the proper source, paying SPOT CASH for everything, thereby saving our customers -from seven to ten per cent. - We will take as much trouble tqjjhow our Goods if you are only locking fc-around as if you had come especially to buy from us. o^^^I^e take back all Goods not entirely satisfactory. We do not ask you to trade with us unles3 you are convinced that it is to your interest; to do so. We do everything in our power to make our customers feel that we ap Ipredate their trade. You re very truly, D. C. BROWN & BRO. IlEAD!.READ!.READ!! Mammoth Stock, Big Bargains, Fair Dealing! you want new lifts in your home during the trying Bummer months ? Buy a Piano from the C. A. Music House. Do yon want something for Church, Chapel or Sunday School ? G^t one of those High Grade Organs from the C. A. Reed Music House Do you need a Carriage, Plireton or Baggy, containing Siv'c. Comfort end Durability? You will find them at the? C. A. Reed Music House. Do you wish a Banjo, Guitar or Anteharp ? You will fi;;d the best seltc tjon at the? ft A. Reed Music House. Do you need a Sewing machine that will save you labor, expense and (rouble ? I Buy a New Home at the C. A. Reed Music House. TAKE A LOOK! You will find a Standard of Excellence iu each Department of? THE C. A. REED MUSIC HOUSE. Baking Powder! IS THE PUREST, N CHEAPEST, AND BEST! , Manufactured only by? OER & SLOAN, BE*?SSCSE ?1^ For sale by LIGON & LEDBETTEB, and all the leading Groctrs. FRUIT JARS. FRUIT JARS, One doz. in a box, convenient for carrying homo without breaking. JELLY GLASSES, Brennen Celebrated CANE MILLS, EVAPORATORS and FURNACES. Also, repair old Evaporators. ENGINE SMOKE STACKS made to order. GLASS and TIN WARE?nicely assorted, f.. B?t, Call and see us whether you want to buy or not. Will take pleas? ure in showing you around, and don't forget the? IRON KING AND ELMO STOVES. Also, the $8.00 and $10.00 Stoves. JOHN T. BURRISS .THE LADIES' STORE Cordially invite all to come and see the Grandest Display of Goods ever brought to this market, consisting of the greatest variety of SILKS, VELVETS, DRESS GOODS, Of every style und color, ranging from 5c. to $2.00 per yard. jgj HILLINERY of every description. HATS from 10c, up to $7.00. YANKEE NOTIONS and all the prettiest NOVELTIES that could be bought .from an experience of twenty-one years, backed by good judgment and supported by fine taste* While in the market our buyer spared no pains to hunt up all the NOVELTIES at the LOWEST PRICES. We challenge prices and defy competition, and beg all. to come and be convinced. We wiU take pleasure in showing Goods, and if you are pleased w. Lmifa. Memphis, Now Orleans, Cincinnati, L-jti isville, Cdicatrn, or other point a in Arkna Texfls, Missouri, Kansas, CdonrJo, Oregon. Washington, California, cr any pointWest,IT WILL, /AY YOlTtowri-? to or SEE ME Excursion and Special Rales from time to time. Chcic? of rout*?. No trouble to answer qtie-tiona Ra'kj end i!'3p furnished irre. Address FREL1. I) BUdH.DK Pft'S A cent. Ii. it N K it , 361 Wall Street, Atlanta Gj. July 21, lS'.? I rim flonea Path High Schoo), Honea Path, S. C. SESSION' BEOINH SEPTEMBER 2, IS ?. lo? cality healthy. Tree from excitement or immorality of any 'kind. Unusual advantages forttudyaod improvement, Pupils prepared for College ?r for entrance upon the bus! m ss pursuits of lifo. Both mental um.! moral training of pu? pils diligently attended to, and host hill icnco es erted over tlicm. Kates of tuition ard board ex? ceedingly low. Further ir format ion cheerfully given i>y any one of the Teachers, or by T. .r. Ulatworthy, Secretary of Board of Dircctots J. (' H A It PER, Priucipal. MISS NAXN'IK II kBKKE&, MISS LU. V GAMBttELl, July 'Jt, 1S95?3m_Assis!anK PRESBYTERIAN COLLEGE ? OF ? SOUTH CAROLS?^, CLINTON, S. C. CENTRAL location, three railroad?, son fret above the sen. Incomparably wlJo!e:ome social and mcral it ll i< ric-, extrellent ??*mnio;laii<>ns, tbon ;i.!: m Htruction. Preparatory Depart my .t !:?!??: .t by the College iVculiy; litt? t'oiniuci i. 1 course; students from ciglit States, Total expenses lor session often months $110.00. WriteTot catalogue. REV. F. c. MURRAY, Pr 8td< nt. July 10. Is''") - s XI. L. BOKHAM. H. !!. WaTKIKS. bom & mm, Attorneys };t Law. ANDERSON, - ? ? S. C. ILL practice in the State a';d TTt Und States Conn. T w Am; 15, 1?') THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF ANDERSON. COURT OF COMMON IM.KAS Sylvester Bleckley. J. J. Fretwell, as Exe-euNirs, id Mrs..S Josephine Peonies, as Ks cut rix of e last Will and Testament of John K Pmpli s, deceased, Plaintiff, against Cornelius IL R I ly, Sylvester Blcckley Company, a < nr|ioratlon nii der and by the laws of South Carolin t, rjy vest r Hlecklcy and J. .1 Fretwell, parim r- in tra !?? Blcckley it Fretwell. and grlveMur Itleekl.v, J, J. Frelwel . F ut decide positively. Pare to go forward. Hear troubles patiently. i!>- brave in the struggle of life. Maintain your integrity as a sacred thing. Never teil business lies. Make no useless acquaintances. Never appear something more than you are. Tay your debts promptly. Shun strong liquor. Kin ploy your time we!!. Po not reckon upon chance. He polite to everybody. Never be discouraged. Then work hard and you will Le certain to succeed.?S\ let-led. u \ ?! .1 jtmeans so much more than if you imagine?serious and loata! diseases result from trifling ailments neglected. I Don't play wi ill Nature1 s p greatest gfift?health. If youarcfeclinu ; out of sort3, wnau ' ::iid generally ex? hausted, nervous have no aj?P< til : and can't v.i:rl . . begin at cue t ?. iiif? the most rcli.i- kl ble strengtlx nin ? medicine,win;!:;; . Brown's Iron Bit- i ters. A few hot ties cure? benefit * comes from the ^ very first dose?it \ ?won't stain your M teeth, and it' s \ pleasant la :..?e. J It Cores I Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver ? Neuralgia, Troubles, % Constipation, Dad Bleed I. Malaria, Nervous aiiment^ $ V,'o:2:en's complaints. ./ '. '?nl/ the genuine?it has cross i -.1 red e' . on the wrapper. All ethers nrc sut-> ?. -.. On receipt of two 2c. stamps we ? II send set of lea Beautiful World's?5 : air V'i^ws and Lou!:?free. ? : P.GV/N CHEMICAL CO. BALTIMORE, MO. 1 GLOWING- SPRING WATE WE have procured the Agency for An? derson County for the Glowing Spring Wo will sell at our S:or.> for I5c. a gal? lon. We will sell a'. Soda Fount, lee-C )ld, f.,r two c^nts ;t gl:!-;1*. If it is drank in sufficient quantities it will? R licve Indignation, Relieve f.iv.-r Disease, Relieve- Bladder Dise ise, Rodeve Kidney I>i?etKe. Relieve Chronic Rheumatism, tferotoforn it has l>" ;i impossible to pet it fresh. We exprc: many cares of th? nbove dise.vje? Irom its use, a'td will pub? lish rome certificates soon. OUR it SLOAN. Dr. W; E. A.Wyman, V. S., Graduate Veterinary fc'urgecn, GREENVILLE, F. C, rT*.REAT.S:dl Diso&MiM'Tth'j Korea Mule, .? Gnw, Dojr,>t?. P.-offsaionnl advica, if porsrblr*. K'V^ri by mai'?fees for tfame ?1 s0. rf< ." ??' u examined free of Lr.ECTiONS, Commercial Law and V,) Conveyancing given eelal r.:ton t On. Will practica in ?II the State Courts. ? rnl ;<:?? nlion gir"f*n to all business Office In Com t lion? p, formerly occu pi-i by Master Jv. 2,1895 27 0m DENTISTRY. '? \ ?HK cop.iftnprship heretofore existing i. bttwe ii Dr. Vnrfcreon and myself is ???? ? i solvi i. therefore I whm to inform the people that from and after this date I sirill continue t'.;-; practice of Dentistry alone. Th :>._' the people lor pa:-t pa tmnnjre, und ???..*??:? n continuance of I em mm* rwpect folly, i fj. SI til! KLA2CD, Dentist. ??!*? :' ein Ma=ontcTemple A I-'-* I'-irtie having business in my JtK (.flicf an hereby no.'ilkd that I will be in my < fibre on Tutsdnysai d Saturdays u:d Salfjsditya. My datiw require me to be in tin* e ii t-\ the r?f of the MmO. llfin J IC. Ii-'.:.::-i.l-\ ?b;>0 ollice is ad jtuuitig; wil hh%i uht:ckd !ifc c'.Uitn1, etc , *.. :'. SN HIGH'--V!.. Sup A. C. CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT? Fora prompt answer anil an Lonc-t opinion, write to M Ii X X & <'(>.. who hare bad nearly llfty year.i* experience intto potent business, ('oiamunir.a tionsstrictly conflacntlaL A llamlliook uf In? formation concerninc l'ntcutt? a:iU how to oii tain them sent tree. Also a catalogue of mechan? leal and scientific liookn sent irec. I'ateiits taken Uiroucb Munn k Co. receivo special notice in tbo Scientific Atnericnn. and thus are broucbt widely bei'orotho public with? out cn.-t to tim inventor. This si-loiuiid paper, issutr-.t weekly, elegantlyillustrated, ua.s t>y far tiio lamest cireulatiou vt any scientific work in tho world. Si'tnycar. Sample copies sent free. Buildlnc L'dition. monthly, tSJBDa year. Sinrlo eopies. cents. Every number contains beau? tiful plates, in color.-, and photographs of nrvr houses, with plans, enablinc builders ?o show tho lat'.'-.t dciiiffss and secure contracts. Address UUNN ii C'J? ^.'L'.V yOUK, ^?l BUOAIJWAY. ATLAHMC COAST LINE. Fiist Li:;e Between Cimrleston timbiaatid Uppor8 ?:;!; faro) Crtrolitei. ami condensed s'( I'.\>m:.m;:;i Wll.mi.\(!T?N, "?'. ? Ml c.! t. Noitb bens and Atlanta. ilEDl; LE. l?i-;r.vi:TMi::.'T, , m ij i ; ii, ia*r?. filjiX'G KA.ST. Nt?. .\r.Uub'tnon. Ar.?ir-.fviilo... Ar.Spartanbura ... Ar. IlciiuVrsnnviile Ar.A-livill.'. .. I.v ..l.v ..I.v ..l.v 11!'.:.! in a i!in !| IS riii *.i IW am 8 0 i cm i 10; in i '. i pin ?j io j in ?: > pin Ii 3? pm "?Dally. Nos. Waml i and Columbia. ii. M. Emersojt, Ass't. Gcn'l. PosscnRer Agent J. It. Kenikv, General Manager. _. U.EukhsOK, Tr??c Maais^or. lid Trains between Charleston S??THEBN RAILWAY CO. (EASTERN SYSTEM.) Comlcmcd Schedule in Effect July 2StIi, 1003. Trains r.:n by 75th Meridian Time. STATIONS Lv Charlcstci Colnml in. Prosperity. New! erry. .Clinton ....(Ex Suhl. 1 Lnurcns..,. (Ex Sun). " Ninety-Six. ? Greenwood. Rbd s. 'A libcvl lie.. ' H' [ton. ?Ami moa. 1 Daily ! No_.ll. ".SO a m ll.ioum 12.24 p in 12.37 p m 2 ;i? p m I 3.10 pju 1.37 p m i .57 p m ___j.1t pm ! - W p m 13.10 pm 13~?0 p in Sent c i Atlanta . j Cd? p ra .1 0.30 pm STATIONS. Dally No. 12. Lv. Greenville... " Piedmont. " WTlllamston. *' Anderson.. ? De I ton.... Donald's. Ar. Lv. Abbeville.ill.'OTam .[10.15 am . I?.-J7 am ?I ii.ogom , I ilio am .11.45 an 12.12 pm Hodges. Green wood. Ninety-Six Lnurens (Ex Sun-. Clinton (Ex Sun).. 12 28 pm 12.50 pm LOg pa HMO an 11.10 arc ?? New! erry . " Prosperity. Ar. Colaml la... " Charleston. 2.0} pre 2.22 pm 3.55 pre 8.00 pre lietween Coluuihl.-i anil ArIiovUIc. Daily. No. 15. I Daily. No. 13. STATIONS I Daily.iDa.ilv. iNo. 14.1 No 16. (j Oj) p in 7.2''am fjVl.'liarleNtoiiAr _.00pm_Jl_.I0am 5.10 a injtl.2.5am Lv C'olumblaAr 3.45pm; 1.30am 5.55 a m|12.10pr?"_Alston..." 3.f-0pm'l2.45am 1.10pm ?' ..Santuc." 1 5 )pm; 11.48am '..Union. " 1.05pm 11.33pm ' ..JonesviUe." I2.40pm|ll.l0pm ' . Pacolct..."ll2.93pmllL04pm Ar Spnrt'bVLv'lI.45am:t0.35pm S.liipmLv SDarfb'KAr 11.18am 10.30pm 5 3flpiii'Ar AghevlUe Lv] 7.10am, C.aopra 6.51 a m 7.20 a m 7.42 a m ".?l a in 8.20 a m 8.20 a in 10.00 am 1.30pm 1.53pm 2.07pm! 2.40pm Trains leave Spaitanburg, A. und C. division, northbound. 4.2Ca. in., 3.10 p. m.,0.1S p. m., (Ves tibuled Limited!; southbound, 1.01 a. m.,3.05p. m., 11.3" a. m., (Vcstlbuleu Limited). Trains leave GrccnvUlo, A. and C. Division, northbound, 3.29a.m.,2.14 p.m., and 5.27pm.,(Ves tibuled Limited); southbound, 1.52a. m., 4.40 p. m., 12.28 p. m., (Vcstlbulcd Limited). Trains leave Seneca, A. and C. Division, north? bound, 2.0: a. m. and 12.41 p. ra,; southbound, 3.03 a. m. and G.03 p. m. PULLMAN SERVICE. Trains 15 and 10 between Ashevillo and Co? lumbia make connection at Columbia with F. C. & P., trains 33 and 30, and carry through Pullman slcep'.ns cars between Ashevillo and Jacksonville. Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars on Trains 31 and 36,57 and 3S, on A. anil C. DIvlrtlon. W.A.TURK, i S.U. HARDWICK. Gen. Pas. Agt As't Gen. Pas. Asrt. Eas Sya. VT. H. GREEN, J. M. GULP. Gcn'l Superintendent TraOJc Mar. Washington. D. C. E. BERKELEY, Si:pt., Columbia, S. O. B' UE RIDGE RAILROAD, ii. c. Beattie, Receiver. Tr-.c Table in effect April 21,1805. Between Andc son and Walhalla, Dally. 1 IS p m Lv.Anderson.Ar 11 05 am 4 ?l p m.I'cnviT....10 20 a ra 4 11 p m.Au tun.10 05 a m i 47 p n:.Pendli ton.9 55 a m 4 57 p m.Ci crry'a Cros-icg.9 20 a m 5 07 p m.Allan's' Crossing...*...;T?...9 10 a in fi 05 p m.Seneca.~.... 8 40 a m 6 35 p in.Wcsl Union.8 10 a m 6 55 p m Ar.Walhalla.Lv 6 00 p m Close connection with Southern Railway No. 11 at Seneca and No. 12 at Anderson. J. R. ANDERSON, Supt. Peri Royal & Western Carolina R3?Yv'ay. J. B. CLEVELAND. Receiver. IN EFFECT JUNE 2.', ism. (Trainn run by 76th Morld?n tliao. BETWEEN AUG OTA AND ANDERSON. I.v Aujrc&l Lv McCormick I.v Pal noun Fall? L7 Lowndcsvllle Ar Ar.i'oif.on Lv .'inJcrso''. j 10 25am! 9 20 am Lv Lowndesviile.jn 30am!ll 02 am Lv Calhoun Fallla.'1159am! 12 20 pm Ar McCormick. 1 lOfm 2 10 pa Ar Augusta. 5 05pm 5 05 pm Ar Atiantr.| 4 09pm| BETWEEN AUGUSTA, GA, BURG. 8. C. AND BPAETAN Norr-" Dally. Lv Augusts.I 9 40 am Lv McCormick.?. 4 23 pra Lv Greenwood.?.-12 10 pm Lv Lament. 115 pm Ar Glenn Springs . 4 05 pm Ar Spartanburg.?.| 3 00 pm Lv Spartanburg.'.?III 45 am Lv Lauretta. 115 pra i.v Greenwood. 2 30 pc Lv McCormick.| 3 30 pn\ Ar Augusta.I 5 05 pm Close connection made at Calhoun Fails wuh Seaboard Air Line going north and south. Through Palace Sleeping Cars on trains Nos.3 a::d 4 between Augusta and Savannah, Ga. Cio-c connections at Augusta for all Florida points. For any olhor Information wrltt. or call on v.\ j. CP.AIG, Gen. Pass. Agt, R. L. TODD, Trav. Pass. Agt. Augceta, ( a. J. P.. FANT, Agent. vJ >iJ ?\Rl) AIR-LINE BCHID?LB. k> I. EFP? T DEC. 2.J, RHM. Tlie Atlanta S) nil,'' Solid Vestibuled Train No Extra i arc Charge J. NORTHBOUND. SOUTHBOUND |No 402.1 Eastern Time. I Daily. Fxei pt Atlanta. S I5ptu 10 45pm 1153pm 1 29am 12 57pm 1 24pm 2 2 ?) m 6 05pm i\...Atlanta... ar' 3 0 pmi 7 45p 8 13pui |v...Athena....arl 137pm| 5 0-ip No. 403.lNi.41 Dally. Dally ? 7 45p?i u 06pm .ElbcrtOD.lv i 27pin|ar.Calboun F. lv 10 uOpm|ar..AbbeviIle.lv 10 25pmjar Greenwo'd lv 11 l2pmlar ?.Clinton ...lv 12 40am 1 55am 1 37pm I 3 32pm 11 47t-m| 3 07pra 11 17e.ni I 2 34pm 10 2.5am, 145pm 5 00pm 7 23pm ar...Chester ...lv 10 5lam_10 50pm 8 J5pru ar...Monroe... lv| 987amI 920tm 6 30a ui II 50am I I i ni 3 12pm 5 51) "i 6 51 pm 11 35j ni 12 i-.m ;t 45ani 6 53am 1 2?am ar...BaleJgh...Irl 5 33ami 3.r.(pm 2 :iam ar..llendeis'n.lvl 4Kiam| 152pm 4 i Jam ar...Weldnn ...ivI 2 48am 11 Stain 6 0 am jar Petersburg ivjl2 65pm I 950am 6 40am ar Richmond iv! 12 23pm I 9 Oiaoi llvDara ar Wash'gton lv] 8 40pm _ 4.30am 12 0 i-,i ar Baltimore lv 7 31pm 2 50am 2 2upin ar Pbil'delp'alvl 4 41pm 12 03pm 4 53pmlar New York lv! 829pm| 9 00pm BETWEEN ATLANTA AND (HARLE-TON ! Dailv ?0 41?, 7 15, milv.Vtlanta.City iinic...arl 6 45pm 'i 2Tatn|ar...LawreEcevillp...eaat ttme...ari 6 .'6pm 'j 46an ar.rt?...Auburn.ar| 6l'6pm 1.am i r. Winder. 11 45am ;? r. Elberton. Ileardmnnt a In un Falls..ar ... Abbevill ?pm 5 5S>lra 4 t'liml 3 30| mi "l.ro'v Hill. ?Clinton... pm iv.Clinton... ?rl 2 "la.! lv, 1 30prf ? r 1 45igJ 4 pn 'ar.Columbia.ar 11 I5i>i_ 5 50 pnijar.?iimtcr.ar.io oo)uj 8 40 pm ii.I barest on.lv' 7 15^3 Truins No?, ?; 2 and 4C3 a e solid vM>itt.wa| trains with Pullman Buffet ?Irrpine cars betw?#? Atlanta oi d \\':.-Iiii vu u, through clcrix r betw?|f Monroe at d PorOmoii'h, Va , and Pullman Ru|(2 parlor cars hi t? in Washington aid N?w YoM fbopine cars Imin n ( harlotte ar.d WilminafM Trains Nos.38 and 41 run pnlld If-lwien Alhud ar.d Norfolk .carryinp Pullmt>n slrepcr atiacbr making direct connection nt Weiden ?Ith Aim lie ' i?asl Line for WaFhington ar.d New York all point- north ;-nd ea;-: : at Norfolk with httU. < r^ for Washington, Bay Line for Baltimore fl Dominion for N< w York. Trains 34 ami 44 iftJ trains betwpin Atlanta and Colnabia,' through toadies for Charlesion. Tlckftsn at Union denote rat company's ticket office. Eiiiib.tll House. JoHNlf.Wixr \&,General Manager. E StJ r.p., Atlanta, G a. T. j. Abi?kso?, G. pj t,N?WXuisun>lT. P-ua. Agt.. Ati h Qx J