BT CLMNKSCALES & LANGSTON. ANDEESON, S. C, THUESDAY MOENING, OCTOBER 15, 1891 VOT.TTTVrrc XXVI.- -NO. 15. AT.COST! BEGINNING OCTOBER C, 1891, OTJR ENTIRE STOCK OF STATIONERY. J.N order to make room for the immense Stock of BOOTS and SHOES that we are opening up, we are compelled to clone oat our entire Stock of Books and Sta? tionery at the earliest possible date. Come at once and secure a real Bargain. JAS- P. GOSSETT & CO.* Boots and Shoes, Under Hotel Chiqnola, Anderson, S. C. NEW STOEE. New and Elegant Stock of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. EVERYTHING FRESH, FIRST CLASS, AND GUANA?TEEI). FLOUR, MEAL, MEAL, GRITS, SUGAR, COFFEE, LARD, HAMS, MEAT, MOLASSES, PIC5LE3, CANDY, CRACKERS, In short, EVERYTHING GOOD TO EAT. ??r~ Delivery Free to any part ol the City. This is a new departure for me, and I want my friends to give me a trial. My chief thoaght shall be to please my customers. Yours truly, W. W. WHITE, No. 16 North Main Street, just above C. A. Reed's Music House. HOW TO MAKE YOUR HEB! NEVER, try to wear a Shoe too small, or that is not the shape of the foot. Never let your Shoe get hard or dry. Don't let it ruu d^wn at the beel nr t-ide. A.Sfaoe repairtd in time will retain its shape aud comfort, and it is true economy. Never put wet Sboes by tbe fire to dry, but dry them gradually and carefully. Never dry a wet Shoe without first applying Biine oil aud grease. Don't allow a thick crust of tracking on your Shoes. Wash it off occasionally and apply a little cms Lor oil; you can polish it over in an hour or two. We now have a complete line of the Celebrated Hamilton & Brown Shoe Go's, goods in stock, and it is a duty you owe to yourself to give these goods a trial. Our Ladies' $2 50 Dongola and Go.?t Button Shoe?made on Opera, Half Ope :ra, and Common Sense lasts?we believe stands without a rival. Oar Gents' $2.50 Calf, Button, Ball's and Congress?made on London and iPrench toed lasts?will simply astonish you, to s^e how the Shoe could be gotten up Tor that money. We have the Largest and Most Complete Line of Shoes in the State, And considering the CLOSE PRICES at which we buy, and SMALL MARGIN tit which wc pell, we can safely say you will lose 15 to 25 per cent in buying else? where. Very respectfully, R. S. HILL, Manager, No. 10 S. Main Street. for Infants and Children. " Cast or I a Is so well adapted to children that I recommend it oa superior to any prescription known to me.1' H. A. Aacmta, M. D., 111 So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. Y. Castorla cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kills "Wcnna, gives aloep, and promotes dl j gestion, I "Without injurious medication. The Centa'cr CostPAxr, 77 Murray Street, N. Y. HAVE YOU D THIS ? MY COLLECTING HORSE \VlLL go on the war path October 1st, 1891, and, with several years experience and about six months rest, I think he can win the race. I have been runniog for -the seond prize, but now I must havo tue FIRST. If you don't want to lose your Btakes, call and see mc with your first Cotton. I have- no promise to make for ex teosions, or loDger time. When ?be race is up I want my money. You know when your poper is due. Lute Cotton a:;d other debts to pay is no excuse. Take fair warning-SAVE COST AND TROUBLE. WE HA VE A LARGE STOCK OF Carriages, Photons. Buggies, Carts, Wagons and Harness, That we will sell Cheap for Cash, And a few goo.l HORDES and MULES. You can buy anything in my line at a Bargaio, and get goods well worth i-e money. J. S. FOWLER. All communications intended for this Column should be addressed to C. WARPLAW, School Commissioner, An? derson, S. C. MEMORY GEMS. "Justice is a constant and perpetual will to render to every one that which is his own." "The great fact is that life is a service; the only question is, whom will you serve?" Mr. C. B. Burns will teach at Twiggs the coming session. Miss Lucia Beed is teaching at the Varences school, near High Shoals. The people of the TJniou District have erected a good school house, and are about ready for work to begin the first of November. We request the Trustees to notify the School Commissioner of the time fixed for openicg, giving the amount to be paid to teachers, &c. "Do not govern your pupils; help them to govern themselves," is probably the best advice or suggestion that could j be given to teachers. The attention of Trustees is called to the fact that they are not authorized to employ a teacher in the public schools who has not a certificate in force, either from the State Board or the County Board of this County. If "every man is worth ju3t so much as the things are worth about which be busies himself," the teacher who busies himself or herself about education is worth a great deal. No community should be without a good teacher. It is getting to be the rule now in edu? cational papers to refer to teachers as in the feminine gender. Even in the re? cent examination the word "teacher" was almost universally parsed as a com? mon noun, feminine gender, &c. This is hardly fair to the men who are teachers. The history of S.!, 'Morituri ?Je salutamus." To d:iy I meet my fellow man with open gaze, knowing that I have conquered the black lion of the desert; and my sense of freedom and hsppine? no man can paint. JuitN Flavel Milks, (Felix Old no y.) Itaeklcn's Arnica Salve The bebe .salvo in the world fur Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fe? ver Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil? blains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, aud positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give per? fect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 2? cents per box. For eale by Hill Bros. A RABUN COUNTY FROLIC* From Dave 17? Sloan's Fogy Days and Now. In olden times, dancing was by odds the favorite amusement with the young people, and in my youthful days leu gaged in all kinds of terpsicliorean lelic ities, paiticipated iu the fashionable co tillions, waltzes and polkas, at the balls, weddings and parties, with the elite of that day ; have been to the pincy wonds holies, shin dig3 and stag dances, but in Raybun county, Ga., where once lived our Chief Justice Bleckley and the sil? ver-tongued H. V. M. Miller, I attend a frolic that, for intensity of enjoyment, cast a glamour over all the balance of my experience. I had recently returned from Califor? nia, and ray father was a contractor on the old Blue Ridge Railroad, in South Carolina, and had taken a contract in Eabun county, Ga., known as the YVhit miro fill, and said by Col. Walter Gwinn chief engineer, to be the deepest railroad fill then known, measuring 10S feet from the culvert top of lhe grade, and a de? scription of which was given by our Judge George Hillyer, in au Athens pa? per, in bis youthful reportorial work, and where I first made his acquaint? ance. In this contract I was to be a partner as well as a manager and had made a horse-back trip into Rabun. I was riding through the rich valley, at the very head waters ot the Tennessee river, with a resident young man named Major Gib? son. Lato in the afternoon (dusk had already commenced to throw its eable mantle over the beautiful valley), as we passed a store we were informed of a log rolling and quilting close by, and de? cided to attend, but as we had partici? pated in the labor of rolling logs, and did not like to intrude without some equivalent ou our part as a contribution, so bought a jug of mountain dew and had it sent over to the frolic ; we were wel? comed and our preseut was well re? ceived by the boys. We were introduced as the men from Californy and we all took a familiar smile from the afore-meDtioned jug. The quilts having been finished and removed, the frolic had already com? menced. Our host, Jack Bradley, was the fiddler; his tune was au old time fa? mous one, and widely know as "Rye Straw," and Jack's performance was en? tirely confined to the bottom part of the tune, but after a bit (like the Arkansaw Traveler) I ventured to ask him if he never went up stars on that tune? He answered that he didn't because he didn't know where the steps was, and handing me the instrument asked me if I could play the fiddle ? I acswered that some? times I sawed a.iittle and put the upper story on "Rye Straw" the best I could. It proved a ten-strike, as I discovered that I had become a very popular person. I ahowed Bradley the stairsteps and soon had him educated so he could go through the upper story of the tune. Suddenly I felt a slap on my shoul? der and turning, discovered my assault? er to be a splendid specimen of fresh mountain girlhood, a beauty with rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes. She said, "Californy, less you aud me take a turn." " 'Nougb said," says I, as quick as a cat could wink his eye, and calling on Bradley to give us the best he had in tbe shop, he promised to empty out the gourd for us and added: "Go it, Californy, if you keep up with that gal there aint uothiDgin this valley too good for you." Now the floor of the house, like many others of that section, was made of puncheons, split out from the forest trees and laid on chestnut or wild looust sleepers, and consequently quite springy. Chairs in Rabun county then were not as plentiful as they now are in Atlanta, and it was not an unpop? ular custom for two of the young peo? ple to ait on the same chair together and in a dance, frequently a couple would oc? cupy the lloor, especially iu a break down. I bad been challenged by the belle of the valley to single combat and I knew I was in for it, but had fully determined to be on hand when she got through. I led Miss Mary D. a few turns up and down the hall, stopped in the center where we made or.r bows, forwarded and back, swuug corners and circled all, crossed over and back, then the fun com? menced. I made a pass and ^he croquet ted, I cornered aud she chassed, I shuf? fled and she sidewized, I pigeon-winged and she wire-toed, I double shuttled and she gave the toe whiz, I gave a jim crow lick aud she kill krankled, I struck a break down and she hit the hurricane, I went into a jig and she jiggareed, and for ever lead I'd make she would call me aud go one better; now and then we'd change sides and cross back into another breakdown, and it was go it Miss Mary, hurry Californy, and Jack Bradley seemed to have got the inspiration on "Rye Straw." Major Gibson beat the fiddle strings with straws, one fellow beat a triangle, several were patting and every gal was keeping time 0:1 the floor with her feet, and tho heads all around the room wore bobbing up and down with the spring of the elastic lloor. Now and then noinechap would sing out, "go it frolic, ye; dsdy'a rich and no poor kin." "hurry Miss Mary, come down to it Cati forny," aud we were both doing our very level best. Miss Mary was a pic? ture?In say she looked a thing of life would be but a feeble and emaciated ex? pression. I can still see her after the lapse of time in the miJ.u of one cf those dead setto's her lithe and willowy form swaying from aide to nde !n the- quiver of action, athletic and graceful in her every motion, head and shoulders a little inclined to the front, the folds of iur blue checked home spun frock grasped In her hands <.;i either side, a tittle raised 1 > clear ber shapely ankles, her skirls artistically spread out and in, toaper j feet harmony of motion, and her dainty I feet would -trike that puncheon floor 1 with,the quick beat of a knitting ma ? chine, and she skimmed the floor -.;s j a full rigged brig, as .-he cu'.s tho great ! deep, rocking from side to side before ' a spanking breer.e (talk about your Oer of this advanced day and of the enjoy ; ment of your young folks, all tame to ! that). Aud I was right abou'. there, i too, head and shoulders thrown back to the break-down, a little to the front in pigeon wing, arms Hying to help the feet keep time with the music, the weath? er was getting equatorial, the perspira? tion streaming, and we were just getting down properly to our knitting in what is called the cyclone movement, when the music suddenly ceased. Jack Brad? ley had sawed his treble string clean in two and it was a draw between me and the belle of Tennessee Valley. We re? tired to a chair amid the plaudits of the crowd, were pretty well blowed and a little fatigued, but I found a delightful repose for my arms, and my partner rest? ed one of hers on her lap and the other round my shoulder. Miss Mary felt a little warm but not all agreeably so; our temperatures ranged about the same de? gree farenheit. The caloric gradually cooled down to its normal state and we spent several very agreeable moments to? gether watching the other couples as they would take a turn. We danced nil night till broad daylight and went home with the girls in the morning, and as we passed the store treated the girls to torter shell side combs and sacrament wine. The Miss Mary D., of the valley is still there, but now a silver-haired mat? ron and a faithful mother of a crowd of excellent children. My locks too have changed to frosty hue, though now and then I still saw on my old fiddle and and never strike old "Ryo Straw" but I think of Miss Mary and the Rabun coun? ty frolic, and when I compare the good old usages of those old days with the present fashionable arm clutch, it is im? possible for me to restrain a feeling of contempt. AH Sorts of Paragraphs. ? Seme genius has discovered that tho ordinary watch gives 116,144,000 ticks a year. ? A very few people in this life know tho advantage of keeping troubles to themselves. ? It is said that one-eighth of tho wine produced in California last year came from a single vineyard. ? Umbrellas are now made of paper in France. They are made waterproof by gelatincd bichromate of potassium. ? When a Frenchman marries, under tho law ho becomes responsible for the support of his wife's father and mother. ? The crops are on the move, and it is a grand sight. During August tho re? ceipts in Chicago amounted to 7,000,000 bushels of wheat, against 1,905,000 bush? els in IS90. ? An egg, the shape of a small clay jug, with mouth and handle all complete, has been received at the office of tho At? lant i Constitution. ? The national committee of tho World's Pair have arrived in Now York. They report that every country in Eu? rope, with the exception of Italy, will bo represented. ? Verv popular, very small, very good. De Witt's Little Early Risers, the pill for constipation, billiousness, sick headache. For sale by Wilhite & Wilhite. f ? Caterpillars.from ten to twelve inch? es long are said not to bo uncommon in "n Australia, while species which vary in length from six to eight inches are stated to hf* numerous. ? If food sours on tho stomach, Jig?W tion is defective. De Witt's Little Early Risers will remedy this. The famous little pills, that never gripe and never disappoint. For sale by Wilhite & Wil? hite. t ? A curious story from Oregon relates that a young child in Eugeno City is growing fastor on ono side than on the other without any apparent cause. ? At Aden, in Arabia, rain has fallen only twice in twenty-nine years. Besides tho excessive drought, the place is known as one of tho hottest in the world. ? Purifies the blood, increases tbe circulation, expels poisonous humors and builds up the system. What more do you want a medicine to perform ? DeWitt's Sarsaparilla is reliable. For eale by Wil? hite and Wilhite. f ? "We return thanks," writes a Goor gia editor, "for a box of paper collars; but as wo have no shirt to wear with them, we exc now offering them cheap for cash. Call early and avoid tho rush." ? A beautiful skin, bright eyes, sweet breath, good appetite, vigorous body, pure blood and good health result from the use of De Witt's Sarsaparilla. It is sold by Wilhite and Wilhite. f ? Tho question of drunkenness and its cure is cue of absorbing interest that seems to concern tho press of tho North aud West. It is one that applies itself to good morals and sound government ev? erywhere. ? Constipation, blood poison, fever! Doctors' bills and funeral expenses cost about two hundred dollars; DeWitt's Little Early Risers cost a quarter. Take your choice. For sale by Wilhite & Wil? hite. t ? < me of the queerest names for a street is that borne by a public thoroughfare in the annexed district of New York called Featherbed lane. It is supposed to have been so christened because it is full of rocks. The name occurs iu tho city di? rectory. ? It is quite the fashion now to take Do Wilt's Little Early Risers for liver, stomach and bowel disorders. They are small pills, bul mighty good ones. Wil? hite and Wilhite sells them. f ? The Richmond Tavern, one of tho oldest landmarks in Augusta, is to bo torn down. The date of its erection is not within the memory of tho oldest inhabi? tant. Many interesting incidents aro as? sociated with the old hostlery that was very popular in its (lay. ? Catarrh, neuralgia, rheumatism and most diseases originate from impure blood. Cleanse it, improve it, purify it with Do Witt:s Sarsaparilla and health is restored, strength regained. Sold by Wilhite & Wilhite. t ? S. V. White, who failed in Wall Street the other day, came near being s successful in his attempt to corner corn. A Chicago paper states that if lie had had iuf?cicnt money to purchase 500.000 bushels more, he would h&ve had tho whole \ iaiblo .supply of corn in the coun? try, and could have dictated his own price for it. He hold 7,000,000 bushels, for winch he paid $1,200,000. The com? paratively small sum of $200,000 moro mid have made him master of the sit? uation, and enabled him to add several million dollars to his fortune. For tho w mt of that amount tho price drooped, and hi- forluuc was swept away. The Ladies Delighted. The plca.-ant effect and the perfec safety with which ladies may use the li? quid fruit laxative, Syrup of Figs, under all conditions, make it their favorite remedy. It is pleasing to the eye and to the taste, gentle, yet effectual in acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels.